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Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 08:46 PM

@Tetsumiro- Aw hope it gets better. My throats swollen.

I've heard overseas classes can be very busy but very rewarding.
Sounds like interesting majors/minor. I'm going for a much easier major of Elementary Education.
I was the same way with French. Now I don't remember any of it. lol

I hate doing that too. They always say don't write anything really negative. "Make a negative a positive." "I care too much. I stay late to get my work done."
Good luck finishing.

No problem. I understand. Should have seen me yesterday. Kept falling asleep while talking to others.

Twigg is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 08:47 PM

Tetsumiro - No rush, darlin'~ C:
I was thinking about giving away some freebies, myself, but I find I'm just too lazy. xD

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 08:54 PM

@Tetsu: It's just that I ordered my gaia avis from you last time you had an event thread and I never got them.; 3;
Well, you can find info about them in my contest too, anyhow~ :'3

It would be very much appreciated~ <33

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Immortaleyes is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 08:56 PM

Tetsu: that's alright. I forgot as well. No worries. I've written your info down so I can come bug you later once you're done with all the other art.

Hadsvich! Hey there! How have you been doing?

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Tetsumiro is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 08:58 PM

@Lilith: Thanks. Aww swollen throats suck. My sinuses are just.. stuffy and heavy feeling. Kind of sore.

Yes, this school has reputation of many of their graduates moving on to very good jobs overseas. So I'm looking forward to it. I'll probably be spending 5+ years there to get my majors and minor done with (and that's only the BA stage, if I want to get masters in anything, it's longer than that, joy ahah)

I'll be in Japan, so I have a feeling it will help a LOT with my language skills. I'm excited and scared, because I've never been out of the country before, let alone... by myself. I DO know some Japanese girls and guys though, but most of them live in and around Osaka, and I'll be in Tokyo, so it's not as helpful ahah! Oh well. They'll still be fun to visit when I'm on vacations, or if they come to Tokyo to shop.

Thank you. The only thing I'm glad about this statement is that they ask us to explain anything about our past grades (why they were so bad for instance for me in High School) so I'll get to explain that it wasn't just because I was a bad student, but that I was sick almost the entire four years. (I got mono and relapsed due to stress multiple times, I was at home more than school sometimes) So I'm thankful for that opportunity, since they don't look at my college grades quite so heavily yet (though they are MUCH better. I got a 3.7 GPA this past year. I only had to withdraw from one class and it shows that, but it was better than a 0.0 dragging my GPA down. So I get to explain that as well.

@Twigg: I haven't done freebies in forever. I thought about making people pay... but I don't know how often I'll REALLY be on after this. So I felt bad taking a bunch of peoples' gold when It very well might just sit here forever ahah XD

@Hadsvich: o_______o Oh dear lord, I didn't realize I never finished them! That must have been... what... uh... V-day? Guh, I'm so sorry >_< I'm pretty sure that's about when I disappeared from the face of the planet due to school or something... u_u; I don't even remember anymore. The school year was just a bug mush up of stress and family drama. I'll be sure to do them this time D: ! <33

@Immortal: Cool :3 it shouldn't be too much longer. I'm going to bug my GF when she comes back to see if she's got any meds that might make me feel better, or if she feels like walking with me to the store after work so I can get something. Then I'll be able to draw when my eyes aren't so blurry anymore >_<

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Immortaleyes is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:03 PM

Tetsu: Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope you get the stuff you need soon.

Twigg is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:05 PM

Tetsu - Haha, I'm hardly on, either. :P I usually just get on for events. But I've been trying to get on more regularly. xD

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Tetsumiro is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:06 PM

@Immortal: Thanks :3 I should feel better later. Unfortunately this means most of the drawings won't be done before the event is all done with, but I have this bookmarked and I can PM everyone their chibis so they don't have to worry.

@Twigg: I almost didn't get on for this event, I nearly forgot about it. I usually get on for events, or to rp, but life is busy and yeah. This is the slowest I've had lately, and that's because I'm not at home.

The Tokio Hotel worshipper...
Freiheitsflugel is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:09 PM

ohh...pretty arts!!! I likey very much!

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:10 PM

@Tetsumiro- Your welcome. I would much rather have a sore throat then a sinuse infection. I hate being all stuffy and unable to breath.

Well that is really good. The time kind of stinks but it is not too bad. My sister is going into pharmacy and it will take her 7 years.

lol, I bet your language skills will help. You can do it. You'll be too busy to be homesick. You'll have to go see them on your breaks. I think Osaka would be so cool to visit. For that matter, I think any of Japan would be awsome.

Your welcome. Now that is nice, being able to explain why you failed a class. I would love to do that on my accounting class. Anywho, that really stinks about school but I've know people that were like that. And some of them did a lot better then me and I missed like five days a year.
That's a good GPA. After two years I have a 3.1 GPA. hey you can always retake the class you dropped and everyone will tell you that dropping is so much better then failing. I mean that is just showing that your too lazy to go drop.

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Immortaleyes is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:11 PM

Tetsu: Awesome. I normally forget about stuff on here..which is sad. i still have a WIP of a friends piece of art that I need to finish. XD. I really should finish it and get it to her.

Iseril is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:11 PM

Hello nice artwork. I wish I could do so well anymore. Arthritis has taken away my pleasure of drawing. How is everyone doing in the event?


Kent is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:12 PM

May I have a chibi of my current avatar? :3

Twigg is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:12 PM

Tetsu: I didn't even know about this event until like, two days ago. Dx
I've given up on trying to get all the stars needed. I think I'm just going to get the belt thing and be done. ): I'll just buy any commons I want later, when I have gold to spare.

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Immortaleyes is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:23 PM

Hi iseril, kent and twigg!

Twigg is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:25 PM

Hi, Immortal! How're you today?

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Immortaleyes is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:26 PM

I'm good twigg. Just listening to music, trying to finish getting enough stars and posting on gaia a bit.
:P Multitastking can be difficult at times though.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by Immortaleyes View Post
Hadsvich! Hey there! How have you been doing?
I've been well~ :'3
How have you been?

Originally Posted by Tetsumiro View Post
@Hadsvich: o_______o Oh dear lord, I didn't realize I never finished them! That must have been... what... uh... V-day? Guh, I'm so sorry >_< I'm pretty sure that's about when I disappeared from the face of the planet due to school or something... u_u; I don't even remember anymore. The school year was just a bug mush up of stress and family drama. I'll be sure to do them this time D: ! <33
lol It's okay, seems like lots of people were busy at the time, so I understand~ :'3
& Thanks~ <3

Twigg is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:28 PM

Immortal - Lol, oh, I know it. Hah. I'm listening to music, pixeling, and trying to post on like two different avatar sites, hahaha. Cx

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Tetsumiro is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:29 PM

@Freiheitsflugel: Thank you! <3

@Lilith: Luckily, I can breath at the moment, but when I woke up it was horrible -__-.

Yeah, it's a while, but I'm looking forward to it. I've always wanted to go to Japan, and the idea of being 'stuck' there for five or more years is very pleasant. I told my mother though that she has to come visit me when I turn 21 xD

7 years is a long time D: I think that was what turned me away from doctoral kinds of jobs... but here I wam doing the same kind of time for two different jobs ahah xD I decided I wanted something I could fall back on if my art career sucks. Business is always a good choice.

Yes, I'm hoping they will. It also helps that people usually learn things better and faster when immersed in the subject. I will have to learn how to listen and speak it when it comes to ordering and buying food and other things (I know how to do this, but sometimes they talk so fast! I also know how to ask them to speak slower however hehe!)

I really want to visit Kyoto someday. It looks SO pretty there and I want to see the miko at the shrines! XD

Yes, I'm going to bey VERY happy to explain my poor HighSchool GPA. Hopefully they will understand. I haven't been sick like that since my Junior year. Once i was healthy, I even made honor roll. It was nice. :'D

I have a feeling my GPA might look like a 3.1 after two years XD Hehe. It's difficult to keep grades up sometimes. My lowest was my Japanese one quarter (2.o 0_0; I about died.) and it was because i spent a lot of time at the hospital while my great grandmother *she was like a mother to me* was dying. She passed away the day before finals. My Japanese teacher didn't understand why family meant so much to me -__- and even though I did good on EVERYTHING else, she took my (excused--I emailed her from the hospital numerous times) absences into account and failed me. After talking to her, she gave me a C, because I -was- late with one part of my bigger homework projects. So I was content either way. I just wanted to pass @__@; I'd have a higher GPA if it hadn't been for that class xD but man, I'm still happy.

Yeah, my main thing when I dropped is that it put me on academic probation again becase I was under 12 credits then. I'm not too worried. I know that I will keep my grades up and it only lasts two semesters. But that's far better than failing. :'D It was a math class, I just wasn't catching on fast enough (it was a learn on your own lab) and I needed it in an actual class, but it was too far into the year to actually switch easily, so I just let it go.

@Iseril: D: I'm so sorry. I have carpal tunnel, I can only draw for so long before it's too painful. But thank you <3

@Kent: Sure thing! :3

@Immortal: I know how that is. Ihave things on gaia (that I haven't forgotten) that are taking me forever. I keep apologizing to them. They're full body full colour things. One is half done the other is in the sketch stage still. Frustrating.

@Twigg: Yeah, I'm just after the sash at this point. I know i can't get anything else before it's over ahaha. I kind of looked at the commons, but I know i can get them later *even if they are more* and the other items from the exchange should I really want them (I mostly want the belt and the little.. harp thing for the name escapes me XD)

@Hadsvich: It did seem like that, didn't it? Well You'll probably get lots of stuff from me in the contest for sure. :'D And of course stuff here.

Goodnesss, it seems like i have a monster post each time I post now XD


Kent is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:30 PM

Hello, Immortal~ :D Did you enjoy the event? :3

Twigg is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:31 PM

Tetsu - Haha, the sash was the first thing I got. It's so pretty~ And yeah, I hate the pressure of trying to buy all the commons I want before the prices go up. x_x So it's really not that big of a loss to pay a little more later. :P But I want the little harp thing as well. But I doubt I'll have time to get it. I need like.. 22 more stars to get it. And at the moment, I'm only posting here, hah.

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Immortaleyes is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:33 PM

Hadsvich: I've been good! ^__^ I just recently got addicted to a new avatar site. Its only been going for about two months now, but it is amazing! I can't wait to see what games they will come up with for it.

Twigg: me too. Once I finish getting enough stars for my last item, the star crest, I am going to leave here and go to a different avatar site. I've been busy with knitting a sock for the past two days, so I've been away from the computer a lot.

Tetsu: haha. I have the same problem. I was coloring a friends art on here..and its about half done. In my defense though, I do a lot of freebie art for people on that keeps me really busy. Coloring is something I don't normally do. I also have a commissioned WIP that I need to finish as well. That however is over half done. I just have to finish shading things on it and I am done.

Kent: oh yes. I am enjoying the event a lot! Most of the clues were really easy to solve. So that was a good thing.

Twigg is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:34 PM

Immortal - Lol, a sock? I wish I knew how to knit. :P And if you don't mind my asking, what other avi sites are you on? :'D


Kent is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 09:38 PM

@Immortal - Yeah, the clues were pretty easy~
And I like how there are many ways to gather stars~ :3
I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get three sets, but I did. 8D


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