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Old 06-23-2011, 09:51 PM

Riley looked at him and nodded saying "Well the food is good either way" He took another bite and then placed his elbow on the table, looking at him. He smiled and said. "This can be our place..." He suggested. He moved over and took a sip. He laughed a bit and said. "It was a suggestion..."

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Old 06-24-2011, 08:12 AM

Rainer listened to the other male and found himself smiling. "Our place," he thought. He liked the idea a lot. "It could work." He looked at the oter male and smiled again as he said,"I really do like that idea. Our place, alright on this day the Honky Tonk has become our place." He snickered a little at the next part as he said,"Should we think of a song for ourselves as well?" He had said that as a half kind of joke, but it would be rather interesting. Rainer felt himself smiling as he thought of the other things that he could share with the other male that was in the city.

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Old 06-24-2011, 08:48 AM

Riley smiled when he said yes, though what he said next confused him a bit. It was the way he said it. 'Should we think of a song for ourselves as well?' He wasn't sure if he was making fun of him and just joking. Riley was always a bit sensative. He didn't want to get upset because he misunderstood, so he just said. "No, you can't just think up of a song, it has to happen naturally. Like maybe one day lets say we have a touching heart felt talk, and we hear a song in the background, that is the song that will remind us of that day. You can't just pick a song, it has to have some meaning. Like this place...its the place where we had our first date..." He blushed a bit.

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Old 06-24-2011, 09:04 AM

Rainer listened to the other male as he discussed what having a "special song" meant. He was right, he was absolutely 100% correct. Love was something that just happened. It was wild, uncontrollable, and unpredictable as well. Love isn't something that could be calculated or charted or even rationalized. Love was spontaneous. Why had Rainer never seen it before? He knew why, it was because he had never been close to any people what so ever. He had always seen relationships with people as a hindrance that caused pain and confusion, and rarely caused love and happiness to stem from them. So he had no use for it, but after meeting Riley that all changed. It was like he was blind and now he could see. Riley truly was his special one and only. He smiled when he heard the other call their outing a date He guessed that it was though. They were together, they both loved each other, and they were out somewhere. That would constitute a date, and Rainer didn't want to share it with anyone else. "I am glad that you accepted me," said Rainer. "You saw me when no one else could. Thank you." There had been something bothering him though and he decided to bring it up. "Riley, earlier today, when we were at your mother's, was everything alright? Is she alright? I mean...erm. we haven't known each other for a while, but if there is something wrong and either my mother or I could help, don't hesitate to ask," said Rainer as he looked at Riley with a rather serious look.

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Old 06-24-2011, 05:15 PM

Riley smiled at what Rainer said. He was glad he could make Rainer happy. It made he himself happy. Though the smile fade when he brought up his mom. "I'm not sure myself...It has to do something with that phone call but...I don't know..." He looked down at his foods, the hands on his lap clentching the fabric of his pants. "THe only other time I've seen her like that was when..." He stopped. He didn't want to talk about that. He didn't wantt talk about his father. The last time his mother had that look, it was when she caught Father cheating on her. He was eight years old then, and evenhe knew then it was a good thing his moter divorced father because he was always yelling anyway. He wasn't physically abusive, but he did abuse them with insults.

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Old 06-24-2011, 11:53 PM

Rainer looked at the other male immediately regretting that he had asked that question. He knew that they were going out, at least he considered it going out, but he had no idea about anything to do with the other's parents. He assumed, since most of his friends from back home's parents, were divorced that Riley's parent's were divorced. As he thought about that he felt worse about himself for assuming that. It could be that the other guy was simple at work. Rainer looked at Riley and said,"Look I am sorry for bringing it up. It wasn't my place to ask about something like that. I am sorry." Rainer wasn't really familiar with interactions with other people, especially on such an emotional level. He looked away wondering how the other male would react.

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Old 06-25-2011, 02:57 AM

Riley shook his head. "Oh no! Don't apologize!" He leaned foward to kiss Rainer the said. "Its okay. You can ask me anything you like. " He smiled and then leaned back.He finished up his food.All of it. He let out a sigh when he finished and then looked at Rainer. He wished he could make him happy. He was afraid that he wasn't enough for him.

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Old 06-25-2011, 05:53 AM

Rainer looked at the other male and gasped a little bit when he felt the other kiss him. "That was rather bold,"thought Rainer as he smiled into the kiss a little. "Thanks," said Rainer. "I am just...well this is my first relationship, and I don't know what to say or not say. I am glad that you are acceptable of me." Rainer saw the look in the other's eyes and wondered what the other was so down about. Since he was an observer of people he could read people better than anyone else, and he could most certainly tell that something was going on with Riley. Was the other thinking that he wasn't good enough for him? Rainer looked at Riley as he said,"How about we take this back to my house, and we finish from that kiss." He didn't know if the other male would agree to it, but he figured that he might as well ask.

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Old 06-25-2011, 06:21 AM

Riley looked up at the other male and nodded. "Okay..." He said, blushing a bit. He ran a hand through his oun hair, his ivory eyes looking at him. He stood up, picking up his trash. He never did just leave his trash and stuff on the tabel for the workers to clean up, he cleaned up his own mess. He actually got a free drink at one place because of that. Riley figured, hey, they work hard enough trying to feed him and the community, why no give them a break? So Riley took his trash, as well as Rainer's and threw it away. Rily soon found himself back with Rainer. He was actually ready to get back to Rainer's place.

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Old 06-26-2011, 07:18 AM

Rainer was a little surprised that the other male agreed to going back to his house. Did the other really know what he was getting himself into? Regardless, he would treat Riley right, and make him feel good all at the same time. He watched as the other took his own trash and his as well, and dumped it out. He smiled as he saw the retreating form. He was indeed something special. Courteous nice, and above all very handsome. Rainer smiled as he he thought,"I am glad that I can call Riley my own." He was barely aware that the other was sitting in front of him, and he had to blink a few times to make the thoughts retreat back into his subconsciousness. The check was brought over by the waitress, and he took it immediately read over and then placed down a 10 dollar bill and a 20 dollar bill. "She can keep the change," said Rainer. "She earned it. Now come on. Let's get home." He had said the last part eagerly. Getting out of the booth he held out his hand for the other waiting for Riley to take it.

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Old 06-27-2011, 02:12 AM

Riley smiled befor taking hand and said. "Agreed..." He then moved out of the booth as well. Rainer was so sweet. He ,ay not act like it sometimes but he was caring and giving. Very attractive and a great kisser. He was so happy. He couldn't believe that he got him to open up to him, though he was always so quiet and alone at school, he didn't understand it.

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Old 06-29-2011, 07:41 AM

When Rainer felt Riley's hand in his own his own heart leaped into his throat. Closing his eyes he steadied his breathing assuming that he was probably blushing as well he turned his face towards the door as he began walking towards it. "Come on," said Rainer as he chuckled a little bit. "Let's get into the car so we can go back to my place." Walking out of the restaurant he let go of the other's hand and opened both of the doors. Settling himself in the driver's side he thought if he would be able to contain himself enough to get themselves home. He wanted to get with Riley right away, but he also knew that if this was going to happen, he didn't want it to happen in a parking lot for all to see.

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Old 06-29-2011, 08:20 AM

Riley smiled obliviously when Rainer blushed. Riley intertwined his figures with his for a moment till they got to the car. He moved to the passenger side. he got it, closing the door before putting on his seatbelt. He was nervous, but excited.He wasn't sure what to think or what to expect. All his life Riley was as innocent as could be and oblivious to most dangers in the world. Normally Rainer was the kind of boy he would avoid. They also only met not too long ago, but he liked him alot and only wanted to make him happy. He didn't want Rainer to get bored with him and then leave him. No...that would be horrible.

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Old 07-01-2011, 03:26 AM

Rainer smiled a little bit as he put the car into drive and began driving towards his own house. He glanced over at Riley as he saw the other male look a bit scared. He nibbled on his lower lip a little bit as he was beginning to have second thoughts about being with the other male for the night. Maybe they should wait a little longer, since the two of them had only just met, and it took even less time for them to even become an item. The more that he was thinking about it, the more and more that it was sounding like a better idea. He would ask Riley though when he returned to his house though.

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Old 07-02-2011, 12:41 AM

Riley started to day dream a bit before they drove up to the other male's house and stopped. He blinked his eyes abit. "Oh! We're here." He got out before moving over to the diver's side, waiting for Rainer. He smiled, really happy. While he was daydreaming...he found out that he really wanted to do this for him. It would make them both happy and strengthen heir releationship. Though part of him worried they were moving too fast.

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Old 07-02-2011, 04:22 AM

((we might have to go to E-mails, or something off site, unless you want to skip the scene))

Coming up the driveway he parked the car and then heard Riley exclaim that they had arrived at his house. He jumped a little bit as he heard the other's voice since it had been rather quite thus far in the car. Unbuckling his seat belt he got out of the car, and stretched a little bit as he walked to the door, and unlocked it. He saw that his mother had gone back out to work again. He knew that his mother worked very hard, but he hardly ever saw her anymore. He grimaced a little bit because this always brought thoughts back of his father, and how he had abandoned them a few years ago. She was working so much because of him. Shaking his head he went walking into his house. There was nothing that was going to ruin this night. Nothing.

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Old 07-03-2011, 04:30 PM

Riley waked into the house, feeling his stomach tighten up. So this was it. He sighed and smiled a bit, thinking to himself. 'Okay Riley...its like Rainer alot and he likes you...besides if he didn't want to do this he wouldn't have offered. Though I'm so nervous. I want to make Rainer happy. I don't want him to get bore with me,' He looked up at Rainer. Some people might say they were going too fast, but Riley, who normally likes slow, wanted to give everything to him.

(It doesn't matter to me. If you want to do the scene we can go to e-mails, ifnot then we can skip like you said)

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Old 07-04-2011, 05:25 AM

((Honestly, I can do either or, I usually go off of what my partner wants to do)).

Rainer caught the look in the other male's eyes as he came over and wrapped an arm around the other's shoulder pulling the other close to him. He was glad that his mother was gone for the night because he didn't know how loud the two of them would get. He knew that it was getting repetitive but he needed Riley to look him directly in the eye and tell him what he wanted. "Riley," said Rainer as he looked into the other's green colored eyes. "Tell me what you want."

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Old 07-06-2011, 07:44 PM

(Hm....I'm in the mood for e-mail ;] )

Riley felt his arm and smiled, leaning closer to him, looking up into his eyes. He placed a hand on his cheek and said. "I want you...thats all I will ever need..." He ran his fingers through Rainer's hair, prssing his forehead aganst his. "I will do anything to make you happy." He still had his eyes glued on his, not wanting to look away.

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Old 07-09-2011, 05:56 PM

((Alright that works for me. Also sorry for the late reply))

Rainer smiled again when he heard Riley say what he had wanted to hear. He really didn't care at this point in time if he was going too fast or not. What he wanted right now was Riley. What he wanted was Riley crying out under him in pure bliss. Looking at the other male he backed away from the other male as he said,"Well if that is what you want then don't worry tonight. Tonight I will take care of you." Taking the other's hand in his own he began walking towards the stairs that led to his room as he wondered what it would be like to embrace someone else.

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Old 07-10-2011, 02:14 AM

Riley smiled and nodded. "I'm glad to hear that..." He squeezed his hand, moving closer to him as they walked. He wondered what the other male was thinking. Did he think they were moving too fast? was he happy with him? He wasn't sure. Though what ever the case, he would do anything to make him happy.

(sorry for te short posts. I have a block)

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Old 07-10-2011, 09:27 PM

((That's fine. Also if you want to send your E-mail to me in a private message, or we can use Chatango or some other messenger if you want to. I prefer E-mail though so we're not rushed, and we don't have to do the scene in one sitting))

Taking the other's hand in his own he began making his way the stairs and towards his room. He felt his heart beating in his ears and he swallowed as he tried to get rid of his nervousness. He wondered if the other male was as nervous as him. He wanted to treat Riley to a good time, and he hoped that he would be able to "deliver" that night. Walking down the hallway to his room he opened the door and stepped into it. Letting go of the other's hand he went and began stripping his shirt off. Walking back over to the other male he tipped Riley's chin up and caught the other in a kiss as he put his hand under the other's shirt letting his hand roam a bit over the expanse of the other's chest.

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Old 07-10-2011, 09:40 PM

Riley turned to him once they were in his room. Seeing him removed his shirt madehis cheeks turn a little pink. It reminded him that this was really happening. He took in a deep breath, bu it was cut off short with Rainer's kiss. He responded by leaning more into the kiss, tilting hishis head. He placed his hnds on Rainer's chest hesitantly. Feeling Rainer's bare sking was amazing. He could feel hisheart beating. It seemed to calm him down. That is untill he felt a warm hand on his chest. He tensed a bit. Though after a moment he let himself calm down.

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Old 07-11-2011, 05:08 AM

Rainer continued to roam his hands over the other's form but moved away from the other when he felt Riley stiffen a little bit. He then decided that if the other said anything about wanting to stop then he would. Bringing his hands up and over the material of the shirt he began to remove it from the other male as he turned him so that Riley was facing towards the bed. Raising his own hands, which were entangled with the shirt he removed the shirt completely letting it fall to the ground without a sound. Pushing slightly he pushed the other towards the bed and made him sit down on the bed. Sitting down next to him he brought the other into a kiss as he began to undo the others belt.

((I think in my next post I am going to do a lead in, and then missing scene it. From there we are going to take it to E-mails, and when we are done I am going to edit that post with the aftermath of the scene.))

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Old 07-11-2011, 07:33 PM

Rilay felt a little exposed when his shirt was removed, but the feeling of Rainer's hands on his bare skin made him calm. Hesat on the bed with hi, pushing more into the kiss, a hand on his cheek. Though he pulled away slightly when he felt his belt being tug at. He seem hesitant for a moment. He lcked his lips, looking over at Rainer's bare torso and then leaned back into the kiss. A hand rested on rainer's leg as the other caressed his cheek gently as he kissed him.

(okay, sounds like a plan)


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