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Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 12:15 AM

"So now your mental capacities are less than ours, or theirs," Hiei said right back with an arrogant smirk. "Since the same thing happened to us and we adjusted better than you have."

He kid of had a point, Osanna had to admit, but she sure as hell wasn't going to say that.

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Old 04-28-2011, 12:26 AM

"Asshole," Naomi said. He was really getting on her nerves, but she couldn't even ice him because he could tear her to shreds if he wanted to.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 12:33 AM

Hiei got to the foot of the stairs and vanished. Yusuke groaned. "I hate these stairs," the detective grumbled as he started climbing. "Old hag needs an elevator."

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Old 04-28-2011, 12:36 AM

Naomi looked up the impressive flight of stairs and sighed before she started climbing. There was really no other choice.

Kurama started on the stairs as well, falling into step beside Osanna.

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Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 02:30 AM

Yusuke stayed in the lead, while Ed stayed even with Naomi. Osanna glanced over at Kurama and offered him a hesitant smile.

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Old 04-28-2011, 02:48 AM

The stairway was longer than it looked, and Naomi instantly disliked it. It was definitely not something she was used to, or anything she ever wanted to do again.

Kurama gave Osanna a small smile.

"You don't have to worry," he said. "It's safe enough here."

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Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 03:46 AM

"Almost at the top," Yusuke said. He actually stopped when he got to the top, grumbling. "Dammit, grandma! I told you to get an elevator!"

Osanna nodded, though she jumped when she got to the top and heard someone yelling back at Yusuke, "Suck it up, dimwit!"

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Old 04-28-2011, 03:50 AM

Naomi jumped, too.

"Who was that?" she asked, though fairly softly. Somehow, she wasn't sure she wanted to catch the other person's attention.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 05:14 AM

"That's Genkai," Yusuke said. "We've got guests with us!" he yelled back.

"You have guests? I wasn't aware you were capable of acceptable social interaction, dimwit," Genkai called back, though she was heading towards them anyway. She paused when she saw them all, immediately able to tell they were not from this plane. "Who are these?"

"Long story. Those two are Naomi and Osanna, and those are Ed and Al. They're staying with us for a bit." Yusuke shrugged.

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Old 04-28-2011, 01:05 PM

Naomi blinked. It was official, this world was completely and utterly backwards. There was just no possible way for a human to be a higher-end Level Four. It just wasn't possible.

"Brother, doesn't she remind you of Teacher?" Al whispered to Ed. "And look, she's shorter than you are."

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 06:32 PM

Ed grimaced but nodded. "Yeah, she does. She has that same kind of feeling around her," he muttered back.

Genkai looked at them all for a moment before she sighed. "You'd better come inside." She turned and walked back into the temple, and Yusuke followed her.

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Old 04-28-2011, 06:37 PM

After a moment, Naomi followed as well. Hell, nothing had attacked them yet, maybe their luck would hold.

Al glanced at Ed, and then followed as well.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-28-2011, 07:04 PM

Ed was kind of surprised to find it very normal on the inside, and he glanced around.

"So, tell me what happened," Genkai ordered.

"No clue." Yusuke grinned sheepishly and sat down. "Kurama probably has a better idea than I do."

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Old 04-28-2011, 08:42 PM

Kurama shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I have no better idea than Yusuke does," he said.

Al looked around, curious, but something told him not to try to poke around any.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 12:36 AM

"Huh. So what are you doing here?" Genkai's eyebrows raised.

"We have a quick mission to run, and I'm pretty sure they don't want to come with." Yusuke jerked his head at the others.

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Old 04-29-2011, 02:01 AM

"They would all be safer here," Kurama clarified.

Naomi was gradually calming down and relaxing slightly, and was now looking around in interest.

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Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 02:42 AM

Genkai sighed. "Fine, they can stay. But I'm not babysitting them." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Awesome. Well, we gotta get going. See ya later, old hag." Yusuke grinned and dodged out the door before she could try to hit him or anything.

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Old 04-29-2011, 02:52 AM

Naomi watched them leave again.

"Oh great, they're leaving us here," she muttered to herself.

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Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 03:03 AM

Osanna blinked at her, and watched Genkai leave them alone. She got up, unconcerned that she was in men's sleep pants and a large t-shirt, and went out to the garden to go coo over plants.

Ed sighed. "Well, it could be worse," he muttered.

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Old 04-29-2011, 03:16 AM

Naomi got up as well and followed Osanna. She didn't want to wander about the place on her own, there was no telling what she might stumble across. She felt a bit self-conscious in her lounge shorts and tank top, but she tried to ignore it.

"I guess so," Al agreed, looking around.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 03:17 AM

Osanna smiled a little at Naomi and linked their arms, just wandering through the garden quietly. The sun was nice, warm but not hot, and there were lots of plants around.

Ed sighed and decided to go outside too. He just sat on the steps though.

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Old 04-29-2011, 03:28 AM

Naomi just tagged along. It was a little warm for her tastes, and she really had no interest in the plants, but tagging along was better than leaving Osanna alone and being alone herself.

Al followed his brother and sat down next to him.

"I'm sure we'll get back home at some point," he said.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 03:37 AM

Osanna smiled at her and went over to one plant, examining it before breaking off a leaf. She held it out to Naomi, signing to her as she did, Here. It helps with anxiety.

"I hope so," Ed said quietly. "This is very weird."

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Old 04-29-2011, 03:43 AM

Naomi blinked.

"Osa, sweetie, they all look the same," she said. "I don't know how you can do that."

"No kidding," Al agreed.

Snark and Sarcasm Expert
Woofie267 is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 03:46 AM

Osanna just smiled at her. I have a knack, she said, her grin teasing now.

Ed sighed and slumped over, putting his chin on his hands.


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