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momochan is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 01:41 AM

((You have to click teh picture to see it!)

Pandora Night
Pandora Night is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 01:43 AM

[[I've tried!!! DX]]

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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momochan is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 01:45 AM

(You mean you clicked the picture picture? When I clicked the last link, I saw the "zerochan blah blah" thing, then I clicked it and the picture appeared.)


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 01:52 AM

The woman peeked out at the group from behind a tree, her floppy ears twitching slightly. She was not a hunter though she did have powers of her own so thought she could be of help. She had been spending time on recently and did want the place to survive. She frowned, uncertain if she should approach for a moment. The smell of the fish, however, intrigued her. She was hungry.... though a vegetarian so the grilled fruit held her attention more. She crept a little closer, ending up just behind Divvy though she didn't announce her presence yet she would step into the open if noticed and perhaps try to give explanation.

((i figure divvy's rabbit can notice her if divvy wouldn't Xd. ))

Pandora Night
Pandora Night is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 02:20 AM

[[I tried...
it might not be working cause I'm on my iPod...]]

Divvy blinked a couple times, hearing something behind her. She turned her head slightly before turning around to face the person behind her, still hovering. "Hello there," she said with a smile.


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 02:38 AM

"Hi" Mari said quietly as she stepped out. She leaned back against the tree as she watched the group, her floppy rabbit ears twitching a little bit again. She wasn't sure what to say at first. Still as Dizzy smiled at her at least she knew it would be alright. She didn't seem suspicious of her at least, and that would help. Mari meant no harm but that didn't always mean anything if people thought you were. Sometimes it was less innocent before proven guilty and more guilty before proven innocent. She tilted her head towards the side in thought.

Divvy was very... Pink she noted absently. She imagined she could be said to be very blue but it still surprised her. Pink hair, Pink eyes, Pink clothes. It was very unusual in her experience. Not likely a native she concluded silently. She felt magical but the fact she had a rabbit proved that anyway. She wasn't sure of the species really... She didn't quite recognize it... demonic perhaps? Oh well, if she was that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It meant she would know what it was like to not be as expected so would be less likely to turn on Mari and her powers that were often considered 'unsavory. She was as good a person to speak to first as any.

"My name is Mari, and I'd like to help"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 02:47 AM

((So sorry that I haven't been around most of the day. I'll try to get caught up so I can post))

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 03:03 AM

((Hi~! I'm back~! :D Sorry I wasn't able to come back earlier, I was at my cousin's. Hopefully I'll be able to stay online for a while.))

Ziva and Tae enjoyed the dish Eli had cooked. Though it was simple, it was yummy. They sat in silence, observing the inter-workings of the group as the people interacted. They both focused on getting the food in their stomachs rather than chatting, though, considering that they didn't know when the eggs would cause mischief like the ice dragon again.

"Thanks for doing the cooking." Ziva said to Eli once she'd finished. "It's yummy. Where'd you learn to cook like this?"

Taemin mentally cursed himself. He'd been watching the cat-girl more than he should. He'd been careful enough as to not be noticed, something he'd learned back home with Ziva. She was just... adorable. And he couldn't shake the feeling, either.


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 03:18 AM

"Thank you! and at home. My parents were always working so I ended up cooking for my younger siblings alot." She responded to Ziva as she glanced over. She smiled warmly at the other woman. It always felt nice to be complemented. She didn't notice Tae looking at her. Normally she was more observant and might have but she was too distracted by everyone and everything. She then glanced over to the new comer... a bunny.. not a cat girl? She wasn't sure... She shrugged it off however and turned back to the two siblings.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 03:23 AM

"Ah, I see. I'm not good at cooking, so I kinda mooched off Tae's family for a while when my... uh..." Ziva bit her lip. She hadn't brought that up in years... so why did she feel so comfortable bringing it up now? Eli seemed trustworthy enough, sure, but...

"Ziva had family issues." Tae cut in, hooking an arm around his friend before she could say much more, "So she stayed with me for a while."


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 03:27 AM

"I see, well now you'll just have to mooch off me! though i can try to teach you a thing or too if you want?" eli responded after watching them silently a moment. She then gave them both a warm smile though inwardly she felt worry and curiosity rise. What kind of family issues? What had happened? Still, she could understand that... She lived for her family once, but everything had just gone wrong ultimately. She refused to think of that, however, at least right now. So instead she simply smiled warmly and focused on the sib- no friends.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 03:40 AM

Now Ziva was laughing, the happening in the past seemingly forgotten. "I'd like that. It'd be fun!"

"So long as she doesn't make the food explode." Tae was struggling to retain a snicker.

Ziva whirled. "Hey! That was only once and it was SUPPOSED to pop!"

Tae grinned at Eli. "She needs all the help she can get when it comes to food. Part of the reason she has me."


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 03:48 AM

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she can help me with the next meal to start" Eli assured after she'd stopped giggling. They were kinda cute and really did act like siblings. She was also just happy that the woman seemed to be feeling better. She was still a little worried but she figured if Ziva desired to tell her, he would. She returned Tae's grin with a warm smile then and put the other thoughts out of her head. She said simply, shivering briefly. She thought she'd felt something cold again. She glanced at the temperture egg in her basket but it didn't seem to be was probably just a breeze then.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 03:57 AM

"Great~!" Ziva flashed a peace-sign. This is good. Friends are good. I think I can consider her a friend- no, I know I can.

"Brave of you." Taemin said. Ziva laughed herself, and playfully shoved Tae. They were like family, even if they weren't related by blood. She loved Tae like a brother, though she wouldn't be surprised if it spiraled into something more eventually, given the situations they've been in.

"Thanks, Eli." Ziva said.

AlexandriaBrandt is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:01 AM

Mercutio yawned as he woke up, seeing a newcomer he blinked and slid out of the tree next to Cleo. 'What's going on? Who's the new girl?' He asked through the mind link that he had made earlier.


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:03 AM

"You really are cute together" She couldn't help but murmur with a soft laugh. She shook her head at the two playing and then tilted her head to the side. Again she could feel a slight chill that passed quickly. Last time that had been a warning... was she simply becoming more sensitive to the eggs? She reached out and touched her temperature egg in her basket but nothing happened. She felt fine. It definitely wasn't her egg... She muttered a no problem to the thank you but still gazed at the eggs in her basket thoughtfully. Something was definitely up.

"Hey... um... anybody else feeling odd? or sensing anything?" She finally asked. It could just be her imagination or nearly dying of hypothermia leaving after shivers type of thing. If anyone else was feeling odd though, she would KNOW something was out of place. She called it out just loud enough that just about anyone would be able to hear her...

((the only one who has talked to her so far is Divvy XD so i doubt cleo knows))

AlexandriaBrandt is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:06 AM

((Mercutio has been asleep, he doesn't know that :P)


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:08 AM

((okay just checkin))

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:11 AM

Ziva stopped in her tracks, a more serious expression taking over her features. Taemin followed suit, eyes darting around.

I got distracted. Crap. It's been a while since I've had anyone to talk to besides Tae. Ziva thought. She could feel a chill in the air as well, but initially thought it was because of the ice dragon they'd just fought. Was another one on its way? She only barely felt the chill. Tae narrowed his gaze when he looked back at the girls.

"I don't feel wind." He said.

Ziva half-smiled. "Think there's something coming our way again?"

Pandora Night
Pandora Night is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:17 AM

Divvy's smile grew slightly, showing just enough of her teeth to reveal pointed fangs. "Pleasure to meet you Mari," she said, "I'm Divvy, and this is Pastel~" She waved her hand over the rabbit guardian in her lap. "What are you, exactly?" she asked, "Sorry if it seems rude to ask, but I'm rather curious..." She hovered closer to Mari.


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:27 AM

"Maybe... but I just keep feeling chilled.... I thought it was because of being half frozen but I had the same chill before the last attack.... but i was also soaked to the bone so it may be nothing or it may be a warning i get before eggs attack..." She suggested quietly. She frowned slightly, uncertain. She didn't see or feel anything out of the ordinary... but it seemed a bit too coincidental. She would know momentarily. Either there would be an attack or there wouldn't...


"I am a Chimere, not to be confused with a chimera. My spirit beast is what you'd call a Cabbet or Cat Rabbit..." She revealed uncertainly. Some mortal creatures did not like or trust the Chimere, due to their existing in both the physical and spiritual plains at the same time. A creature who was neither dead or alive was difficult to understand... and even more difficult to trust. She gave an awkward smile as she waited for the Divvy's reaction and glanced towards the others. They seemed unsure... Now as a non hunter she had no ability to sense an egg but there were always a few hunters each year who could so she was instantly put on guard by the fact they were.

AlexandriaBrandt is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:30 AM

Mercutio moved to sit next to Eli. "You ok?" He asked quietly and tilted his head slightly.


Staria is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:38 AM

Eli blinked in surprise as she was approached and for a moment was surprised. He'd actually spoken aloud... maybe he really was trying to get along with everyone. He had finally acknowledged Cloe at least, even if he seemed to ignore most of the other team mates still. She ran a hand through her hair before she answered though, her cat like ears folding into her head. She was starting to feel a little silly now as nothing seemed to be happening and yet now he was worrying about her.

"I'm fine... I just felt a few chills again" She answered almost bashfully.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:41 AM

"It might be a little too early to put major stock in it yet, given what you've said, but we should definitely stay on our toes." Ziva said.

Tae nodded in agreement, watching as the elusive Mercutio approached. He wondered why the being only talked to Eli. Though Tae and Ziva had only had a full conversation with Eli, Mercutio had barely talked to anyone else. Taemin figured he had his reasons, and certainly wouldn't ask, but the boy was curious.

AlexandriaBrandt is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 04:44 AM

He smiled slightly at her and laid a hand on her shoulder. "If... If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you." He said, still a bit on the quiet side, but even then, his voice was strong but silky. Delilah was dumbstruck, sitting in his shirt and she saw a glint in his eyes, causing her to grin slightly.

'What are you grinning for?' He asked his guardian through a mind link.

'Nothing, just that you have a crush, it's cute.' She replied and outside of the link he looked down at her and he started to blush slightly.

'I, I, shut up Delilah.' He grumbled and she laughed out loud at him as he pulled her out of his shirt and stalked off towards the water.


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