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Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-13-2014, 07:51 AM

I wish I could netflix...

Mnemosyne is offline
Old 01-13-2014, 03:30 PM

Yes. Im suppper excited.

My mom wants to breed pomskis, but everything were reading says they cant breed between themselves because they come out too big hurt the mommy. So we'd have to just keep breeding the husky mum with the pom dad.

My netflix was being a jerk last night. Let me get through most of an episode of dexter and then it froze and wouldnt go further

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-13-2014, 07:18 PM

Why can't you Netflix? Can you Hulu?
I think hybrid and purebred dogs and cats are pretty, but I'd rather have a mutt an a barncat any day

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-13-2014, 08:21 PM

I can't netflix or Hulu.
Neither is available in Australia.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-13-2014, 09:01 PM

Awww, lame! I guess I didn't realize it wasn't universal. That's odd.
You don't have anything like that?

Mnemosyne is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 12:05 AM

Im a mutt lover myself. All my dogs have been mixed breeds so far, but I have seriously loved this dog since I first met him. His personality is adorable and hes gorgeous. Plus he has glasses!

I didnt know nNetflix didnt work in australia. :/

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 01:45 AM

...glasses? o.O

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 03:19 AM

Well, it can. But we need to run it through an american thing that makes it think we''re from there. Also, our internet can't handle it. One person streaming Netflix makes everything else slower than dial up.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 03:31 AM

Awww, you should move! Also, y'all have some wicked snakes and spiders.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 04:40 AM

Hmmm. Nah. I like it here. Aside from the temperamental weather, slow internet, lack of ANYTHING technologically supported here and the fact that a lot of the animals here can kill you.

Mnemosyne is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 05:24 AM


He's a big boy now, but he's still my lovely boy. -swoons-

Anarchy@ D: There are lots of crazy animals there.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 05:37 AM

Aw, he is too cute!
You wanna talk temperamental weather? It was in the -20's here last week, and it's in the 40's now. 60 degree change in less than a week!

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 05:46 AM

We have the strangest animals. Like teh pLatypus.

I'm going to assume that's Fahrenheit. Because that would be far too much of a jump in celsius without killing people. It's gone from high 10s last week, to upwards of 40 today.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 05:51 AM

Yeah >.< I always forget that our units of measure are screwy compared to the rest of the world
Oi, it's 1 a.m. and I have a full day of classes tomorrow. But I want to continue staring at a computer screen for a few more hours.
What to do, what to do...

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 05:53 AM

They are. I don't understand your units of measurement. Too many strange numbers involved.

Hmm. That depends on what time you need to be up. If you need to be up at 7, sleep now. If not, stare at the computer more.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 05:58 AM

I just feel incomplete if I don't watch Law & Order before bed.
Blame the Brits! We go our wonky systems from them.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 06:02 AM

Then watch it, then go!

Bloody brits. Making confusing systems.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 06:04 AM

I'm so tired. But if I g to bed, I will just lay there and play games on my phone.
But then again, I will do that whether I watch the show or not.
Bah! One episode won't hurt, right? Okay - goodnight, Sweet Prince ~

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-14-2014, 06:06 AM

Well, seeing as it doesn't matter, It's a good idea to go and do it anywway.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 01:20 AM

*pokes Mnem* Do you happen to have any of the new CI?

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 03:27 AM

You want one?

Damia Flagg
Damia Flagg is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 03:32 AM

Originally Posted by Mnemosyne View Post
He's a big boy now, but he's still my lovely boy. -swoons-

Anarchy@ D: There are lots of crazy animals there.
He is beautiful.

Originally Posted by Roxxxy View Post
Aw, he is too cute!
You wanna talk temperamental weather? It was in the -20's here last week, and it's in the 40's now. 60 degree change in less than a week!
If it wasn't for the -20 degrees I would of thought you lived around me. We have been having temperature jumps like that for a while.
Last week went for 4 degrees on Tuesday to 68 degrees on Saturday.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 04:44 AM

It's the 'Polar Vortex' :B
I do want the new CI. Mnem said if I ever want one to let her know.

---------- Post added 01-15-2014 at 11:47 PM ----------

Btw, everytime I say your name Mnem, I think of:

Sailor Mnemosyne is the one in pink.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 04:50 AM

I've got a few spares, if you want one. I bought them to give away to SZP and Dys, but Wonder beat me to it.

Sex Bomb
Roxxxy is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 06:03 PM

I do want one! :P
I feel bad just taking it though. What do you want for it?


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