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Old 08-07-2011, 05:51 PM

Bleh, that sounds like a crappy shift. V_V

Well there's me, my fiance, his brother who never picks up after himself and is always instigating things between my fiance and his sister, his sister who goes between the two extremes of being nice and being a downright b****, and his dad who is hardly ever around. So that makes five. And the dog.

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Old 08-07-2011, 05:55 PM

That's a lot of people and I understand the drama of living with other people.
This past month it's been me, my aunt, my uncle, my uncle's mom and sister, my cousin and my daughter. :drool:
It's been hard not be frustrated because we've added two extra people. They won't be here after the 10th, though, so that'll be nice.

It would have been worse in the other house 'cause my cousin slept in the living room and he was a slob.

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 08-07-2011, 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
Liz - Oh, well that's good. Is it hard to keep everyone together now that you boyfriend's mom passed away?

Zig - Yeah, I'm working 2-10 tonight but I'm kind of glad that my daughter is spending the night with her dad so I don't have to pick her up really late. It'll be later tomorrow because I'm working 3-11. How many people are you living with now?
Honestly, it is. But the sad part is that those who didn't really hang around here before she passed, still don't and actually seem to be going further away. Only one sibling will stop by the house on a regular basis.

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:04 PM

I can understand that, Liz. My grandma is the glue that held our family together. When she passed away my cousin Toni moved to Arizona, my mom and brother went to Alaska and everyone just lost touch. It was rough. Now, I live with my aunt and uncle but we never really talk to my cousin Toni or my brothers and mom. It's sad.

Should I attempt to do the Yan thing?! I can't decide if I'll have enough time to take enough pictures.


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Old 08-07-2011, 06:06 PM

Defnitely, I've only been here a week and there's already been plenty of it.

Ugh, even more people that I'm stuck with. I can only imagine. I bet you're counting down the days!

Shawn's brother is a slob. I've decided I'll clean house, but I'm not going to pick up his crap for him. He's nineteen years old and still can't pick up after himself? No one here takes responsibility for picking up though. I'm pretty much the maid here.


Zig wasn't going to do the Yan thing, then decided she would try and then gave up on the idea again, LOL!

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:09 PM

I'm waffling on the idea a lot. I feel like if I took a bunch of picture of him with stuff I do with my daughter I could be successful.
But I don't know. It'd take a lot of time to do and I've only got Wednesday off and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't approve of me snapping picture of Yan around the store I work in. xD

And yeah, it's difficult and I am counting down the days.


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Old 08-07-2011, 06:13 PM

Well I had some good opportunities the past few days and I feel like I missed them so now I don't want to bother trying. I went to the mall and missed out on that one and went to New York City yesterday which could have been interesting but that also didn't happen so yeah...

That's not too far off now...

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:17 PM

I printed the Yan but I haven't decided if I'll do it yet.

It's a tough choice because I could just easily run out of time before I got enough pictures. xD

Anyway, yeah, it's not. But it's been a long ass month. :lol:


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Old 08-07-2011, 06:19 PM

It would be a pain for me to print it so I just didn't bother. I'd be afraid of running out of time too.

Yeah but just think, it's only a few more days now.

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:20 PM

Mhm, then I'll have my bed back! Yayyyy!! ;D

It wasn't a pain for me to print but I also never know where my camera is and never remember to take pictures. :lol:

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
I can understand that, Liz. My grandma is the glue that held our family together. When she passed away my cousin Toni moved to Arizona, my mom and brother went to Alaska and everyone just lost touch. It was rough. Now, I live with my aunt and uncle but we never really talk to my cousin Toni or my brothers and mom. It's sad.

Should I attempt to do the Yan thing?! I can't decide if I'll have enough time to take enough pictures.
Yeah, it was like that with my mom too. When she passed away, my aunts and uncles stopped calling and visiting. I moved out. Then we had a kind of bad incident occur at the house I grew up in with my dad and younger sister. :( And that really split the family up.


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Old 08-07-2011, 06:22 PM

Where are you sleeping now?

I always know where my camera is but don't take pictures with it that often. It's easier to use my phone but you can't really get as good of a picture that way. I always end up getting my finger in the picture with it for some reason.

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:25 PM

Liz - What happened, if you don't mind my asking? My family wasn't very close to begin with. We all cared a ton about my grandma though so we spent time with each other for her. It's hard when someone passes away and the family moves on.

Zig - On an air mattress in my daughter's room. :drool:
Taking pictures with my phone is a pain because the camera is awful and doesn't zoom at all.
I'm probably not going to do the adopt-a-yan thing because I don't imagine I'll have much time.


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Old 08-07-2011, 06:28 PM

Bleh. I don't mind sleeping on them once and awhile but wouldn't want it to be a permanent fixture.

Aw, I'm hoping there will be something like that at another event. If not maybe I'll make one myself because I want to participate in one, I just don't have the time for this one.

I decided to call my mom but I'm already getting annoyed. I wanted to talk to her but she's just asking all these questions that I don't feel like answering right now.

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:30 PM

I hate when people ask a bunch of questions. D: It gets on my nerves very quickly.

And yeah, like I said it's been a long ass month.

I think I'll try it. I'll just have to be picture crazy during the time I'm not working and during my lunch break.


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Old 08-07-2011, 06:32 PM

Especially when they're ones they should know already. V_V

LOL! I guess you changed your mind then. ^^;

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
Liz - What happened, if you don't mind my asking? My family wasn't very close to begin with. We all cared a ton about my grandma though so we spent time with each other for her. It's hard when someone passes away and the family moves on.

Zig - On an air mattress in my daughter's room. :drool:
Taking pictures with my phone is a pain because the camera is awful and doesn't zoom at all.
I'm probably not going to do the adopt-a-yan thing because I don't imagine I'll have much time.
I'll PM it to you, hun. It's not really something I like to talk about in the open.

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:35 PM

Seriously, Zig! Gah!! So annoying.

And yeah, I think after my daughter's grandma/dad pick her up, I'll flip a coin. xD Because it'll be a lot of work but it might be worth it.

Okay, Liz.


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Old 08-07-2011, 06:37 PM

Yeah, and my mom likes to talk forever so I'll probably be stuck on the phone forever when I should be making lunch. It'll end up being dinner time by the time I get to it.

I can never flip a coin and live with the decision it makes, LOL!

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:40 PM

My mom can talk forever too. And she talks in circles. It drives me crazy. I hardly ever call her. :lol:

Hahaha, I think I'll be able to.

Or what I do is flip it and don't look at it and ask myself "what do I want it to be?"
Then it doesn't really matter what it is. :lol:


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Old 08-07-2011, 06:42 PM

Ugh, that's why I don't call my mom very often but I feel bad because she lives by herself mostly and I know she gets lonely. I don't visit my fiance's grandmother next door very often either because you get stuck there forever too and it's even harder to get away from people in real life.

Sometimes I'll ask my fiance to decide for me and then usually end up going with the opposite of what he says, LOL!

Well I managed to escape my mom so I should go make something for lunch now. Talk to you later!

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:45 PM

Alright, bye Zig! have a good day!

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:53 PM

PM sent.

I hate getting on the phone with someone who will go on and on. ;_; It hurts my ears.

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:59 PM

It drives me crazy, Liz. XD

Okay, so I don't have a coin so instead I'll roll a 2 sided dice.
1 - I do the yan thing
2 - I don't.

The 2-sided dice lands on 1


Alright, there we go! *runs off to make a journal*


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Old 08-07-2011, 07:42 PM

LOL! I'm back on for a bit while I write up an article about something.


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