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The Aura Knight
The Aura Knight is offline
Old 10-12-2012, 01:27 AM

I replaced every place where quotation marks should have been (for conversation and such) with asterisks > * Sorry if this is confusing. Wanted to get credit for my work.


Falling down from the heavens, Aowin watched as the flashing ground lit up with the lightning, each time it was closer to her. The air burned her flesh as she plummeted to earth, somewhere she never thought she could be, and yet though she had wished for forever that she could go there, she knew this was not the ideal way to get there. Being forced by humanity's own sins, her body trembled against the thousands and thousands of pounds of wind slamming into her body. The darkness caused her body to ache, she needed light. Her soul thirsted for it. She tried relentlessly to fly, but she couldn't, her wings were gone. Water pelted her like bullets. Rain. An element that was foreign to her. She came to the ground with a thud, and the world around her, the world she had longed to see since the beginning of her existence, started to fade. She knew that she couldn't stay in the darkness, for it was poisonous to her, and she was unsafe. But her body was limp, and her eyes were seeing only black, a color she hated with a passion. The surroundings were unseen and unheard to her; she could not tell what her senses didn't send her. And she could not detect if danger was near. Terrified, she blacked out, the sounds of her own breath, heartbeat, and blood through her veins screaming within her head. Then it all went away, and she experienced peace, but not for long.

Michael ran through the woods, his only way to calm himself. Why did he have to be such an idiot? His hot temper would get him into deep trouble one of these days. Lucky those guys didn't kill him. Come. He stopped, what was that? He waited...nothing. His senses were playing tricks on him. He began to run again, this was his favorite place to run. He inhaled the thick, musty, woody scent. It exhilarated him. Come. He spun around. Irritated, he turned around and began to run, but he didn't feel as if he was running by choice anymore, he felt pulled in the direction he was going, probably just his subconscious saying to run off his steam before he did something else stupid. That's what he kept telling himself as a chant kept burning in his mind. Come, come, come.

Aowin was in a lot of pain, but the light was helping. She hated the air here, it burned her skin; but she would get used to it, at least, that's what they said. She sure hoped so, she may be a guardian angel, but she still felt pain! She also was aware that she was about to meet Michael, the man who would save her, if willing. But she knew he would, he was her Guarded, and a good person. She knew. He was going to feel her presence in his realm, and would feel a pull towards her. He was destined to find her. But she wouldn't just sit back and wait for him; she would aid him in finding her by looking for him. She didn't exactly know where to begin, being that she didn't know this world, but she would find him. *Funny, I've prayed for this earth since its beginning, yet I don't know how to maneuver about it!* She knew it was crazy to move around without one wise of this earth, so she decided to help Michael by calling him. They were connected till the day he died. She sat down and concentrated on this task. *Michael. Come. Michael, come. Come, come, come. Michael. I'm here...*

*GAHHH!!!* Michael growled, he couldn't get these confounded voices out of his head! He ran faster hoping to clear it away, but he couldn't. Suddenly he watched as the world spun upward. Suddenly dirt filled his eyes, nose, and mouth. He exhaled when a force slammed into his chest. He had tripped, probably over an errant log. He coughed up the soil, and sat up. He wiped his face and opened his eyes. But what he saw startled him. There, in the clearing, next to a creek, was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was sitting with her legs crossed, and looked like she was meditating, or praying, or both. He slowly stood, and wiped himself off. He walked up to the girl, *Hello?* Hello. Whoa! He felt that. Thoroughly freaked out and now knowing he needed to see a psychiatrist. *Hello?* She looked up. *I said hello.* Taken aback, Michael coughed. *What?* She stood up; her long blonde, almost white, hair fell to her sides. Deep, clear, blue eyes stared at him. *Michael.* Shocked and thoroughly creeped out, Michael just stared idiotically. *I am your guardian angel and I need your help.*

Aowin was so glad to have found Michael, but he seemed quiet. He stared at her, and his eye twitched! It twitched. *I must be off my rocker!!!* Startled a bit, Aowin just gaped at him. *What do you mean?* He looked at her, the eye twitching thing was starting to freak her out, maybe he needed medical attention, or medication. How would she know? Her guard tablet didn't tell her these things about her Guarded. *I'm sorry, do you need help?* He composed himself, and she felt a little better. Finally he understood. *Good, now that your head is clear, I can explain things. What do you understand thus far of the Guardian Angels?* He looked like he calmed himself, *Come on, we need to get you some help.* he began to mutter about how lucky it was meeting a hot girl in the woods, only to be unlucky enough for her to be crazy. Upset, she snapped, *Look here Michael, you think I'm crazy? You have got another thing coming! I'm not crazy; I really am your guardian angel, and I need your help!!!* He looked at her and . . .twitched . . . she twitched herself. *And she's convinced she's an angel.* She stomped her foot, *I am telling you the truth!* He smiled, *Prove it.* Her blood was boiling. She spoke through gritted teeth, *You don't want me to do that.* He smirked. That did it, he was about to be seriously freaked out. The Guard tablets warned against this, but he made her mad, something she never imagined him doing. To prove her power to him, she looked at him harshly. He turned away and laughed, *So what, you're gonna burn a whole through me? Laser vision?* She kept staring at Michael who now had a very shocked expression as he saw an illusion, the outline of wings where filling the air behind her. A very airy glow enveloped her. Her eyes filled with a blazing light, and she continued to stare at him. He stepped back warily. The earth around them began to vibrate strongly, shaking Michael to the core. Her voice came strong, deep, *Michael, I am not a mental person nor am I touched in the head. I am truly your Guardian Angel and you are going to believe that! We are both in grave danger while I am here, I need your help!* Her face began to calm again and she resumed that peaceful, quiet and very gentle look about her. *Michael, I do not want to scare you, I want to befriend you. Please? If you do not help me, I do not know what I will do.* Her eyes began to fill with tears. His heart softened, *Listen, I will try to help you, but I don’t know what you want or need, or what to do once I find out. So maybe I should start with taking you into town and getting you some appropriate clothing.* She looked down at her outfit, trying to understand what was wrong with it. She looked up. *What?* He sighed deeply, *You’re barely wearing anything, and what you do have on is ripped up to shreds. You need new clothes.* Her face reddened considerably and he smiled inwardly. *Okay, I don’t know my way around. I will change my attire, but we must hurry.* He shook his head muttering, *Attire, who says attire these days?*

---------- Post added 10-11-2012 at 09:28 PM ----------

This is a short story I have considered writing more you guys think I should continue?

The Aura Knight
The Aura Knight is offline
Old 10-18-2012, 07:29 PM

New Story!

Soldiering Hearts

Lillian Cattrell
Jacob Morrow: 17:26 Friday, September 19

"I love you." he whispered softly. She lifted her wet eyes to his, "I love you too, but-" he quieted her with a soft, quick kiss, then pulled back. "I'm going to come back by mid spring, we are going to get married." She smiled, then took a lock of his hair between her fingers, a lock that would be shaven short once he was deployed half-way across the world. " I just, I'm so scared." "I know." They hugged.

Jacob Morrow: 18:30 Friday, September 19

The steady hum of the air spinning throughout the jets on the plane clashed with Jacob's feelings of sadness. He knew that Lillian would be fine and that nothing would keep them from getting married in eight months. "Aggh!" He growled, leaning froward to put his head in his hands. Such a long time. He loved his Lillian, her soft red hair that smelled of green apples, her ivy green eyes that were innocent and soulful, her skin that was creamy and smooth, and her lips that were full and kissable. He shook his head, he needed to focus on doing his best on the mission he would be assigned to. He would see the love he had courted for two years in May, he would.

Jacob Morrow: 08:13 A.M. Monday, February 4

The cool morning wind tickled his ears as Jacob hobbled through the grass with his crutches. The soft smell of orchids and sweet lilies only heightened his pain. He had arrived yesterday afternoon, but couldn't come here yet, today he had worked up the courage. The trees rustled and the sun smiled it's slanted rays on the world. He came to a spot where grass was poking throughout a long, rectangular patch of dirt. He looked solemnly at the soil, then gently lowered the bouquet to the earth. He slowly sat down, the ground pressing into his legs. He tried to keep his knee from touching, the very knee that had sent him home early with a gunshot would through it. He brought his hands to the dirt, :Lillian." he just sat there, pain shooting through his entire being, worse than a bullet going throughout him. Lillian had died in a hit-and-run bike and car accident in December, but he couldn't come for her funeral. Both her parents were dead and she didn't have any other relatives. He had no ties to her anymore, no connection to her. He looked at the lilies he had placed on her grave; he was glad she had made a written request to be buried and not cremated. He could meet with her whenever he needed. A tear slid down his right cheek, what was life anyway? Some little light that burns and then gets snuffed out? An unimportant soul? Why?!? Didn't life, happiness, and love have a point, a sacredness that holds weight in this universe? They were supposed to get married! She was going to have his kids. They were going to grow old together. Life held no meaning for him anymore.

Jacob Morrow: 3:00 A.M. Tuesday, February 5

Jacob sat up in his bed with a growl. He couldn't sleep. It was his first night back and he was so tired. He felt like he was more tired of life than being awake however. His precious Lillian was gone, he had known that he would see her when she left, but he was wrong. Funny how you can know something that is in actuality wrong. He wondered if he knew anything anymore. Life could be so cruel. He couldn't even escape from his waking nightmare to sleep. "Argghh!" He slammed his fist against the empty bed space beside him. Lillian could have slept there. She could be sleeping there right now. If that stupid idiot hadn't been driving like a lunatic, what's worse is they never caught the guy. He killed a woman and got away with it. He was boiling inside his skin, he needed fresh air. He scoots his legs over the edge of his bed and grabbed his crutches that were leaning against his nightstand. With a grunt of pain he slowly brought himself to a standing position. He was not only injured emotionally and even mentally but he had to be injured physically as well. He couldn't be out there on the field taking his emotions out with a gun. He supposed that could be the best reason he shouldn't be out but that didn't keep him from wishing he was.

He hobbled out to the balcony of his apartment and leaned against the railing that kept him from plunging down to the empty, cold street below. He almost wished it would break and he could fly down to the end of this inner turmoil he was suffering through. How could anyone make it through this sort of thing? He knew people did, but how do you function normally ever again? It was one thing to know that he could face her death someday as an old couple, but for Lillian to be taken from him when she was so young, he couldn't bear it. He wasn't prepared. She had had so much life left in her. She loved to bike; she was out doing what she loved best, staying vibrant, alive, trying to get by without him, taking care of herself. And then it was all over, she was gone, one swift moment and she's dead. His head fell into his hands and he stayed there, hunched over the railing, and wept.

Jacob Morrow: 10:27 A.M. Tuesday, February 5

“BANG BANG BANG!!!” The harsh sound of bone on wood stirred Jacob from his sleep….the rapping on his door would not cease. He didn’t feel like seeing anyone. “Go away!” He muttered into his pillow as he pulled it over his face and rolled over. “BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!!!” He groaned, “GO AWAY!” he yelled loud enough for the intruder to hear. “Jacob? Jacob get your ass up out of that bed and come answer the door!” His mother’s voice, he sat up groggily and grasped at his crutches a few times before making his mark. He yawned as he stood and irritably meandered towards the front door. When he opened it he saw standing before him his five feet tall, 62 year old mother. She had blonde hair that was lightly salted with some gray, and she had a fiery personality. He had never gotten away with much as a child, maybe that’s why the military had suited him so well. “Hello mother.” He said with a slightly disgruntled tone. She shoved past him and hustled into his kitchen, placing the bags she had clutched in one of her fists onto his counter, after brushing aside a pizza box or two, of course. “Kept your dear mother waiting out in the cold for forever Jacob, come now didn’t I raise you better than that?” He tried to utter out some sort of an apology but she kept forging ahead as she took out some items from the plastic bags. “And why on earth are you still asleep? It’s nearing noon and you’re in bed! I can’t believe the military let you slack off into bad habits!” Instead of responding he smirked at his spirited mother. Something hot tickled his nose and he suddenly gained an interest in what she’d brought. He hobbled over to where she was fixing food. “What did you bring me?” “Haha always interested in food. That’s more like you Jacob.” She stopped what she was doing and looked up at her tall son with tender eyes, then placed a hand on his cheek and smiled, “Oh I’ve missed you.” She hugged him, her face pretty much buried in his chest. He hugged her back warmly, he’d missed her too. She pulled back and brushed away a stubborn tear that had escaped her heart. “Well I’ve got you some breakfast here.” He could see now that they weren’t new grocery bags. She’d brought some homemade food for him. Ahh, nothing like mom’s cooking. He quickly set to helping her, to show her hadn’t lost all of his upbringing. Working next to her quietly, while she chattered on about this and that, he felt a small piece of happiness.
They soon sat down at his little dining room table and ate. He ate quite a bit actually, with her encouragement; he had some breakfast burritos, pancakes, sausage, biscuits and her delicious omelets. He felt too stuffed, but she looked pleased. “There, now you ate, that’s good. You were looking a bit thin.” He laughed heartily, wow that felt good, “Haha Mom, I haven’t gained 15 pounds over one meal. She raised an eyebrow as if to dispute that. “My cooking can do wonders, and with how much you ate of it I’m sure you could’ve…but 15 pounds? Is that really how much you’ve lost?” Her voice took on a concerned tone.

Last edited by The Aura Knight; 11-25-2012 at 12:53 AM..

The Aura Knight
The Aura Knight is offline
Old 11-06-2012, 06:28 PM

if you can't tell i wrote one story just to test it, the first one, Guardians...the second one is one that I am continually editing and adding too. Tell me if you like either

Maha-Aamir is offline
Old 11-15-2012, 09:49 AM

I would really like to know what happens more in your 2nd one, I specially like the Journal entry style :)

Darcylynn is offline
Old 11-15-2012, 03:35 PM

i think that both are very nice. ive got the first one copied to my notebook so that i can read it offline.

The Aura Knight
The Aura Knight is offline
Old 11-21-2012, 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by Darcylynn View Post
i think that both are very nice. ive got the first one copied to my notebook so that i can read it offline.
Aww you're too kind! :3

Thanks guys I wanna write more of both but I'm just so busy, it's nice to get positive feedback. I am on thanksgiving break so I really wanna get more in ;)

Darcylynn is offline
Old 11-22-2012, 12:30 AM


The Aura Knight
The Aura Knight is offline
Old 11-25-2012, 12:54 AM

happy thanksgiving ^_^ i wrote more guys...starting at 10:27 tuesday the 5th :D lemme know what u think

The Aura Knight
The Aura Knight is offline
Old 07-12-2013, 06:12 AM

I'm so frustrated! I wrote so much more and then my computer died! The motherboard just, died. I have the hard drive now and will put it into a new computer when I get it, but for now I cannot post it and I am borrowing my friend's laptop. I just got back to Menewsha so I will continue to add to this once I get my new pc.


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