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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-07-2016, 10:49 AM

[The Last of the Immortals:

Since the beginning of their existence mortals have been of the opinion that the world operated on two principles, survival of the fittest and free will. They didn’t necessarily call the idea’s as such but they believed in them just the same. They have always, and still to this day are contented with this ideal…..little knowledge or acknowledgment goes to the truth beneath there very nose. The truth of the reality that mortal eyes are quite in refusal to see. After all, to acknowledge the truth is to give up the idea of free will. Free will is an ideal that has never existed.

A group of beings roams the earth, separate from the mortals though existing just the same. They call themselves the Immortals. The immortals control the world as we know it. Working together to twist the world into the way it was meant to be. The way creation wants it to be. The immortals, acknowledged by mortals as ideas, take on the roles and powers given to them to work together to follow the instructions. Many immortals exist. Those such as time, chaos, order, life, death, and nature, to name a few. All working together under the Seers guidance. For you see the seer is the only one of them that can read the book of instructions, written and created by Creation.

One day the book wrote instructions that the immortals didn’t wish to see. An instruction to take out one of there own. Held together by fate the immortals had no choice by to follow the instructions in the book. Hope, the immortal of strength and courage, was a good immortal. Just about as good as you could get. She was as wise as she was strong, but one day the book told them it was time for hope to die. The seer second guessed herself in thinking she had read the instructions wrong, but the others could not read them so she tried to demand to see creation. See if the instructions where really real.

However, Creation never came. Never came to see the Seer in her biggest time of need. The seer wept upon the ground, for the Immortal of Hope was her friend. Born from the tear that fell a messenger came and told her to be strong. Told her that Hope was in fact a traitor to the group, a being who needed to be taken out in order to save the rest. And so the plan was set. The group set things into motion as they always had, they carried out the plans that they where given……but not without consequence.

To do something so against there fiber of being destroyed their hearts and there souls. They sought for a way out. You see creation put a plan into play the moment s/he created the immortals. There is a way for them to end there own existence. But they must seek out there own death. Only through there own willing death can they later be reborn into new forms. They where so wrought with sadness that each one, one after the other sought there own death until only life remained.

Without the immortals to guide the world Destruction grew more powerful then creation and through the world into a state of darkness. Life tried desperately to stop the world from falling into anarchy but life alone does not have that power…..and it would take time for the new immortals to be born. Finally at last the time came for the new immortals to be born, but could they reverse the state the earth had fallen into? Could they overcome the shadows from there past that so desperately destroyed there predecessors.? Or is it simply to late to fight back….?]

Just copying this over here yup.

Last edited by Cora; 04-07-2016 at 12:28 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-07-2016, 12:29 PM

Life Immoral:

The only things guaranteed in this world are life and Death.

Name: When I was a mortal my name was Abigail von Delgardio, but these days’ people call me Life, my friends simply call me Abby.

Age: Hmm…I imagine if I thought about it I could tell you, but off hand I don’t remember nor does it matter. Needless to say I’ve been around for a very long time. Although I may be old, I’d don’t look old. I was only 29 when I was added to the elite known as the Immortals.

Personality: I guess those who meet me would say that I am wise, and old. Death used to call me grandma. I am forlorn, and miss my old team, and also tired from fighting a losing battle. My last hope is with this new team and I cling to that hope desperately. That being said, I am kind and have a reverence and hope for the souls that walk the earth. Each soul is a precious piece in a very large puzzle, each one has a specific place.

Bio: In life I was Abigail von Delgardio, first princess of a very wealthy country. I was married off to the king of another wealthy kingdom which was beneficial to both our kingdoms. My faux-death, for immortals must die to the world which knows them, was of illness. I left behind no children to morn me. Since that time I have been acting as the Immortal of Life. When the original instructions called for us to take down hope I was as skeptical as the rest of them. Hope was good and pure, if she was a traitor then what had corrupted her? To this day I still do not know that answer.

I watched as our actions ate away at my comrades from the inside, one after another. In the end only I remained. Why was I left alone? Why didn’t our devious act eat away at me as well? That’s a difficult question to answer. I was sad, and the thought that my hands had done something so incredibly horrible, was beyond comprehension. But hope wouldn’t have wanted us to wallow over it. I knew Hope, Hope was my friend.

She wanted hope for humanity. I needed to live on with the hope that I could save them. Except, without Time, Order, Chaos, Death and the Seer I was only Life. Life needs the balances of the other forces of nature, Life alone cannot solve the problem. People’s souls have begun to rot. I cannot read the instructions that are written in the book of creation. I think it’s time to go against orders. It’s time for me to bring back some order to nature, I just hope I’m not too late.

My Job/My Power: My Job is that of Life. I take the souls that Death has gathered, purify them from the tarnishes that life has given them and create new vessels for them. To do this I am granted the powers of purity. I can take a tarnished soul and make it pure. However this is very difficult while the soul is still attached to the earth. Its memories from its time on earth tarnish as quickly as I purify. I cannot remove a soul that is the job of death. I can only attach souls to things that are living. If it is dead, I cannot bring it back to life. I also have the power to create new life. I cannot resurrect old life, but I can create new life. New vessels for the souls.

I also heal those that are not slated to die. Miraculous healing, the gods? Nope that’s just me putting what was meant to be back the way it was supposed to be.

The Order Immortal:

A Place for Everything and Everything in its place.

Name: Collin Ferona

: 19

Personality: Normally quiet and shy, Collin is the type who fades into the background because that is the way he wants to be. He likes to be the one to stand in the corner and know everyone’s place in the room. The quiet strategist from the back of the room. He comes across as kind but he also has a darker more twisted side to his personality. Those close to him respect him for his brilliant mind and calculated strategies, but they also know he is scary and a bit like a drill sergeant when people don’t listen to what he has to say. They often call him an anal retentive kitchen mop, but it’s all in fun gest.

Bio: To this point I was just your Typical High School student about to graduate as the valedictorian of my school. I’m sure my twin isn’t too thrilled about all this, but I’m secretly glad that he’s coming with me. Don’t tell him that though. I will miss the family we left behind. Mom and Dad, and particularly our younger sister Elonia.

My Job/Power: I am in charge of order. Sometimes my twin chaos is needed in order to successfully pull off a job, but its my job in the end to clean up the mess that chaos has created. I’m the strategist. I have the power to see what the effects of one thing will have on another. The chain of events that weave the thing we call life. A Pen falls and a woman dies. Its my job to know these things.

The Seer

We cannot see what we do not look for

Eliza Renolds
Age: 10
Personality: Due to her condition, Eliza is old for her age. She often acts like someone well older then herself. However she still has moments of childishness and selfish nature. She is a pure, untarnished soul that only one who is to be the seer can be. She is playful and carefree, but surprisingly insightful.
Bio: Although she is merely a child, Eliza’s story is not a very happy one. Born with an incurable disease the doctors were convinced she’d never make it to her first birthday, but she did make it through not one but 10 consecutive birthdays. However, her life was wracked with pain and heartache. By her 3rd birthday her disease robbed her of her sight. She was, and is, entirely blind. She can see the world only through other people’s eyes. By her 7th birthday she could no longer walk. She was a miracle baby that lasted 10 years longer than expected, but the time is up. At her faux-death Life is able to give her back the ability to walk, but she is still a rather frail being who must rely on her team to support her as she carries out the instructions in the Book of Creation.
My Job/My Power: My job is to read the Book of Life. Creation sends me directions in a language that only I can read. I am also the one who robs people of free will. If my directions call I can cause one person to turn against another, or make decisions they otherwise wouldn’t. While I do this my body however is weak, and unguarded. My consciousness is taking over another another being and no longer in my own. It is also a curse, the longer I am in someone elses consciousness, the closer I come to losing my own. If I were to become a person for longer than a week or so I would cease to exist.

Cora is also buying art, Please PM me!

Last edited by Cora; 04-07-2016 at 02:41 PM..

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 05-12-2016, 11:54 PM


My name is Zaharah, you pronounce it like the Sahara Desert, but with a zah instead of sah.

Why does age matter? I mean in the end you aren't remembered by how long you spent on Earth but how you spent your time on earth."
Personality wise, Zahara is a normal shy girl, sort of... being shy isn't always true. Friends see the outgoing side of her. Although she is timid and tends to avoid conflict, if pushed far enough she can stand up for herself. Spending most days in front of the computer gaming or in bed reading on summers, getting out is one of her least priorities. She knows many facts and likes to blurt them out to friends.
Though she does not understand her powers or her job here she knows she has to help souls to Life... She also assists those that require to die and not renew.


(but opposite colors, aka black with whit accessories)

My name? Pfft, Call me Ethan... Ethan Ferona.

I'm nineteen,
like my twin.

Ethan is out spoken, out going, and easily excitable... In many ways honestly. He's pretty brash too. His emotions are bipolar one would say, and he will definitely let you know.

Although the title is new his job isn't that surprising for him... I mean chaos is pretty explainable one would think.


My name is Maxxie, but I prefer Maxx.

I'm twenty-two! Technically speaking.

I'm a rather odd person. I don't really identify as a specific gender. I'm honestly described as more of a mad hatter type person.

My job is to take care of time, I help with seeing in the past and future.

(Sorry, some things happened here and I couldn't get on. I'm terribly sorry.)


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-13-2016, 12:01 AM

((No need to apologize, life happens. I'll get us a starting post soon, though probably won't be until tomorrow or the day after))


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