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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-24-2016, 02:13 AM

"Me? Strong? I barely made it here..." Alena whispered, closing her eyes, fighting to stay awake, afraid of what sleep might bring. She envied Erika's powers, they seemed so much more useful than hers, which were only good for heating forges and other, more destructive things. "Plus, I would have never escaped without you." That was the truth, while she had thought about it from time to time she never seriously considered doing it, too afraid of what would happen if she tried.

"Even if we have to keep running, even if we have to sleep in the dirt, it is nice to know that we're free... Even if it is only for a short time." If they were ever caught it was certain death. How would they ever be safe? Would strangers find out where they came from and send them back? How long would they be hunted?

A gasp escaped her and she jumped, her eyes darting around in the dark as she heard a noise just outside. Had it been footsteps? It didn't continue, she heard no voices, but how could she sleep when they had not gone so very far from the workhouse? Each noise would have her jumping, fearing capture once more.

Typically Untypical
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Old 05-24-2016, 02:46 AM

“Didn’t you realize you had to pull me along for half of it?” She asked with a smile, but it was getting hard to focus on her powers to keep the bandages cool. “Alena, if they do come get us I need you to kill me before they take me back. I don’t fear death, but I want to die free, not trapped in a cage.” She said softly. If she thought like that it was so easy to fear nothing, because what was left for her to be afraid of? She could see how on edge Erika was. “They are probably going to hunt all night for us but then it will slow down near dawn, then they will get organized, but that will take them a few hours. That’s when we will keep going. So it’s best if you try to rest.”

Honestly Alena was just trying to make up something that sounded good. She had no idea what would actually happen, but she knew that they wouldn’t get very far unless they rested and actually allowed their bodies to recover. “I will stay up for a while to keep watch, then you can do the same while I rest.”

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-24-2016, 10:07 AM

Alena yawned, her eyes struggling to stay open. "I will try, Erika..." She mumbled, though she wasn't sure she could actually kill her, but she would try, if it came to it. Would she do the same to herself? She never wanted to go back to that place, didn't want to be forced to work the forges anymore, going back would be a death sentence anyways.

How long would they hunt for two slave girls? Surely not forever, they could be replaced, given up for dead. Who would think they could survive out here? Alena wasn't even sure they could. The damp earth around her was comforting, perhaps they wouldn't be able to find them, the rain hiding their trail. "Just a little rest, then you can wake me..." The words were practically slurred, she could no longer open her eyes. It was seconds before she was asleep, breathing softly, curled up under the tree roots, her legs pulled to her chest for warmth.

Typically Untypical
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Old 05-24-2016, 12:31 PM

Erika could tell Alena was cold and so gently pulled her close, holding Alena in her arms gently to help her sleep. She also listened to the rain, it was like a sweet soft lullaby to her, so beautiful and melodic. She wanted to hum, see if she knew any songs from her childhood, but making to much noise could get the caught if any guards came running by. Thankfully none did, at least none that Erika had heard. Did they think that two workhouse girls would be stupid enough to run to the town and ask for help? Or did they just simply assume that they would not survive in the forest and were letting them die here? She hoped it was the second, maybe then they could really escape.

Erika had tried to stay awake as long as she could but when she began to doze off herself she gently woke up Alena. The rain had stopped but it left puddles of water everywhere, including a little bit in their burrow. "Alena, I'm going to sleep now for a bit okay?" She asked as she tried to wake Alena up.

Precarious Fool
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Old 05-24-2016, 12:53 PM

There was nothing but darkness as she slept, a blessing of sorts, considering their ordeal over the past few hours. A voice penetrated the darkness, it sounded familiar. It took her a moment, her eyes fluttering open, she didn't remember where she was at first. The events came back to her and she shuttered, had she really killed a guard to gain her freedom? She could feel the warmth of something against her, her bandaged hands found Erika in the darkness. Yes, she was not alone, that was right. The words the girl spoke suddenly registered, "Yes, sleep. I will keep watch..." She muttered, trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. Had she even been asleep more than five minutes? It didn't feel like it.

Her hands were no longer numb, they ached and burned but she said nothing. Between the bandages and the pain she couldn't even move her fingers, couldn't curl her hands into fists, instead she rested them lightly against her legs, sitting up the best she could. She needed to stay awake, to keep watch if they wanted to survive. It would be morning soon enough and they would have to move, to get further away. They couldn't go to a town, surely all the nearby towns would be alerted to their escape. No, they would have to stick to the forests.

The cold mud at her back, that coated her feet, was a reminder that it wouldn't be easy. They would need better clothes, shoes perhaps, and eventually, food. She kept her silent watch, haring nothing but the noises of the animals in the forest, the hoot of an owl, small creatures scurrying about. No guards, not dogs, yet she did not truly believe they would be free so easily. Soon enough it seemed to grow bit lighter, perhaps it was morning and the sun was coming up. With a yawn she tried to stretch out in the small area, she had nearly forgotten about the marks on her back and legs until the skin was pulled tight with her efforts, a gasp escaping her in pain. How could she run, as beaten up as she was?

She listened for another moment, not hearing the sounds of any guards she carefully climbed from their small dirt cave, struggling to stand up tall. The ground was muddy but she trudged through it, her stomach growling, begging for food. Perhaps she could find some berries...

Typically Untypical
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Old 05-24-2016, 08:39 PM

((Sorry it's short))

Erika’s dreams were much more colorful, replaying swirls of her past that couldn’t be made out completely. It was like her mind was trying to piece together everything from her past now that she was allowing herself to remember it. She sighed as she rested against the wall, happy to be here, happy to be alive. She sighed in her sleep, but she felt it when Alena left. She sighed and opened her eyes, looking around slowly. Where was she? Where was Alena? Slowly she began getting up, looking around for Alena. Slowly Erika scrambled out of the hole. “Alena.” She called out softly. “Alena where are you?"

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-24-2016, 09:10 PM

Alena was used to not eating much, they fed them just enough to live, but she knew they'd need strength to continue. She had happened upon a deer eating from a bush with dark, purple berries. If the deer had been eating them surely they were safe... Her fear of being caught had her scaring away the deer so she could grab a few and leave. As she was returning, the pockets on the front of her thread-bare shift heavy with berries, she heard Erika calling out for her. "I'm here." She said, quietly as she moved closer, coming up behind her. "I found us something to snack on while we walk..." It would be good to get moving, she didn't know when the guards would come back and she didn't want to be here when they did.

She had taken off the bandages, in the light the palms of her hands were bright red, made brighter by the blackness of her fingers, with blistered covering nearly half of the surface. A similar wound on her neck was covered by her long, pale hair. She looked at her hands, disgusted by how they looked, wondering if they'd ever look nice again. Would Erika even eat the berries she had handled? She wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to...

Typically Untypical
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Old 05-25-2016, 04:23 PM

Seeing Alena made Erika’s eyes fill with tears as she walked over and gently hugged the girl. “You don’t know how terrified I was that something had happened.” She did not have confidence that she would be able to do this on her own. She slowly pulled away, nodding at the berries and taking half. “I wish I knew more about anything in this world.” Maybe if they got to a town she could steal some medicine for Erika’s hands, and both of their necks. It would be a good idea for them to try and stave off infection, sadly neither of them really knew how to do that. “Do you still have the strips of cloth I used to bandage your hands? We should probably clean them and reapply them. It will be really bad if either of us get sick.” She said, popping a berry into her mouth.

Erika’s neck was hurting rather bad but she did her best to ignore it. After all that was just a sign of their escape, eventually the pain would fade. She was thankful to have the berries but tilted her head in confusion as she looked at Alena. Something was bugging her.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-25-2016, 04:34 PM

The contact made Alena feel weird, she wasn't used to contact, not hugs, not affection, not anything other than a shove here or there, or perhaps the whip against her skin. When asked about the strips of cloth she nodded and pulled them from her pocket, holding them out to Erika. She had looked for a stream to clean them in but had no luck... she knew somewhere near by was a river, since the towns mills were run by the waterwheel, and occasionally one of the other girls from the workhouse. But the river was probably out in the open and she was too afraid to go anywhere they might be seen or caught.

"We need to keep moving..." She said with a forced smile, her body protesting the thought. It would be hard to continue but they needed to get as far away as quickly as they could if they wanted to survive. She ate a few of the berries, they were sweet and juicy and helped a bit to quench her thirst.

Typically Untypical
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Old 05-25-2016, 04:48 PM

"Here." Erika took them with her free hand and draped them over her shoulders. She would deal with it in a moment after she had finished off her berries. All of the puddles left by the rain would be enough for her. She just needed those and she could clean the bandages, but food was her first priority. She ate those as she walked, not having the same physical soreness as Alena. She was a bit sore but she didn't normally have jobs that tired her out physically, so her body could take a bit more pain before she felt quiet as bad. When she was done eating though she gathered the clothe in her hands again and pulled water out of a puddle, pulling it up to the clothe and doing as she had done before to clean them of the puss from the blisters. She then cooled them down and began to gently wrap them on Alena's neck and hands again. It was harder now that they were walking though.

After she was done she did what she needed to for herself. "Oh, we should probably drink too." She pulled up more water, cleaning it before floating the bubble in front of Alena, "Just put your lips on it and go like this." She made a slurping sound.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-25-2016, 04:55 PM

Alena was thankful for Erika's company, she wasn't sure she would be able to do this on her own. Not with her wounds, anyways. It felt good to have to cool bandages placed back on the blisters, they didn't sting so much anymore, her whole body just seemed to ache, but she ignored it, knowing they needed to keep moving. She was just afraid they'd never be able to stop...

Looking around, Alena wondered if they were even going the right way. Not that they had a destination in mind, just as long as they were moving further from the workhouse, that's all that mattered right now. Perhaps they'd be able to find a barn to sleep in tonight, out of the cold and dirt. She had been lost in thoughts and was startled by the orb of water floating in front of her, which she had nearly walked into. A cool drink sounded perfect and she followed Erika' instructions, putting her lips against the cool water and slurping it carefully. "Thank you." She said with a smile, glad that at least one of them seemed to have useful powers, otherwise she'd be drinking from dirty puddles, or dying of thirst.

Not wanting to stop, afraid that if they did she wouldn't be able to keep moving, she continued on, eating a berry every so often, wanting to make them last. "Where did you come from? Before you ended up there..." t would be easier to continue if she was distracted from the aches and pains.

Typically Untypical
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Old 05-25-2016, 06:22 PM

Erika made a bubble for herself and drank from it, happy that they were on their way to freedom, even just this much made her so happy. Honestly if she were to be killed right now she would be fine. She was sore but she was just so happy. “I think if we find a stream or something to rest by tonight I can heat it up and help get rid of some of the pain in our muscles. She said to Alena as they walked, and then Alena asked about her. “Oh, well… not that much.”

“Well before my powers developed I was the daughter of an aristocrat but my powers started to show up when I was 5. Before I was six my parents abandoned me and I was sold to the work houses. I’m really surprised I survived this long.” She said with a weak smile. “Just having you around gave me the confidence to push through my fear and run away from all of that.” Alena watched her. “What about you? Where do you come from?"

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-25-2016, 06:54 PM

"I don't really remember a time before having my powers... I don't remember much from from when I was young, I know my parents loved me, despite it. I was taken from them when I was just eight years old." It had been horrible, she remembered her mother crying, the threats to her family if she did not go with them. She had received word, from an aunt or some relation that her parents had died of some sickness or another two years ago. The workhouse had been kind enough to even let her have a day of rest, to mourn her parents. After that she had no more hope, no chance of being taken away from that life. Yet here she was, free at last.

The sticks poked at her feet, the blackened bottoms not hardened against the rough forest floor. Her berries were finished and she wondered where their next meal might come from. How much did the guards care about the two of them? Enough to follow them to the next town? The town after that? How long before they could be safe from capture.

Typically Untypical
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Old 05-28-2016, 11:10 PM

“Sounds like your family was really great. I’m sorry that you were taken from them. Are they still alive? If they are we can try to get you back to them. You might be safe there.” Honestly she had no idea if she would or not, but she was willing to help her. Alena had helped her escape, she owed everything to Alena. Erika had no family to look for. They had abandoned her, so she had forsaken them. Now she was a wanderer, she had nothing else to do. “We have to come up with a plan. I think I can steal us some food but I don’t think I could steal us clothes. We are going to have to come up with a plan, we are obvious in these.” She said softly.

Walking through the forest hurt but Erika really was to happy about being alive and being free. She just was to happy to care about the pain on her feet, it was nothing compared to the pain that she felt when she was beat, the emptiness of being alone. She could do anything if she compared it to the pain of the past.

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
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Old 05-31-2016, 12:19 PM

"No, they're not alive so I can never go back..." Alena mumbled, remembering the pain she felt, the ache at being alone in the world, trapped in the workhouse under their control. She didn't ask to have these powers, she would have rather stayed with her parents, being ordinary. Why did they imprison them? Couldn't they find those with powers and pay them for their work, their service? It would be more fair. Alena wanted to laugh, as if the guards, those in charge, cared about being fair.

The idea of stealing clothes, or anything, didn't sit well with her, but in the back of her mind she reminded herself she had killed a man to escape, so what was the harm in taking a bit of food? "We might find some clothes... my mother always put them on the line, and one time someone had taken father's pants. Perhaps..." She froze at that, hearing what sounded like a male shouting. Were they being followed? Her heart began to race and she tried to listen, to know what was coming so they could do something. Laughter soon followed, and the shouts of someone else, probably male as well. "What is that?" She whispered to Erika, pulling her behind trees as they went along. There were more shouts, this time she was sure they were younger boys, and more splashing. Perhaps there was a river nearby?

Circling the area, Alena kept behind the trees, not wanting to be seen, not sure if the boys would turn them in. At one point she peered through a line of long, overgrown bushes, surprised to find a small stream on the other side. A rope hung from a tree, a boy ran and swung from it, landing in the water. Her cheeks turned crimson as she noticed his state of undress. Quickly she pulled back, her back to the bush, hoping she hadn't been caught spying. Her hand touched something cloth and she tugged it out from under her. She held up a linen tunic and grinned. It was only then she noticed the other articles of clothing strewn about them. "Will these work?"

Typically Untypical
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Old 06-02-2016, 12:06 AM

It made her really sad to know that Alena didn’t have a family to return to. This would make it harder because it meant that there wasn’t really a place to go back to. Erika wasn’t looking for a home for herself but it would be nice to find Alena a place to feel safe and feel like she didn’t have to run anymore. “Well hopefully they will be looking at us from above and gracing us with their help.” She smiled at the thought even if it probably wasn’t possible. She also froze when she heard the voices, getting prepared to fight. She stuck closed to Alena, it didn’t sound like someone was chasing after them. There weren’t foot steps following them it was just the yelling and the splashing.

When she noticed the clothes Erika nodded and looked at all of the different clothes. She picked out this things that would cover them but also allow the boys to go home. “We are going to have to run after we get from their earshot. They will get concerned when they see their clothes missing.” She whispered as she changed out of the clothes she had had before.

Precarious Fool
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Old 06-02-2016, 12:23 AM

Alena nodded in agreement, they would have to run once more, but at least they would be dressed better for survival. She pulled off the dirty shift and tossed it to the side, glad to be rid of the offending garment. She tugged on a large tunic, the garment swallowing her completely. Tugging on a pair of breeches she struggled to listen for the sounds of the boys on the other side of the bushes. She still heard splashing, so hopefully they would not realize their clothes were missing for a little while longer, so they had time to get away.

Frowning, she struggled to tuck the tunic into the breeches, pulling the laces as tight as her damaged hands allowed. As she stood rolling the sleeves of the linen tunic up, the voices of the boys sounded like they were growing closer. "I think they're coming." She whispered, grabbing Erika's hand and pulling her away. Hopefully the boys wouldn't get into trouble for going home with missing clothes. She hated stealing, but they needed something warmer if they wanted to survive. Perhaps one day they could come back and make up for it...

For now she kept running, ignoring the pain in her feet as she did so.

Typically Untypical
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Old 06-03-2016, 10:09 PM

Erika grabbed Alena’s hand and began to run with her. She didn’t want to get caught, she didn’t want to go back to that place. Her feet were just as damaged as Alena’s and it hurt to run, but she wouldn’t go back to that place, she would not be caught. The ran together and her breath became labored but she pushed on. She refused, she refused. She looked over at Alena. They could do this together, if they just stuck together they could do this. She could do this. About 30 minutes into running she squeezed Alena’s hand. “I have to stop.” She said trying to catch her breath. “I need to stop to breath.” She winced. “We need to find another stream so that we can wash our feet a bit.” She weakly said.

Her hands shook from being so tired, she was exhausted but they had to keep going. She looked to Alena, how was she doing, was she managing. Alena looked just as tired as Erika felt.

Precarious Fool
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Old 06-03-2016, 10:18 PM

Just when Alena felt like she couldn't go on, Erika pulled them to a stop. It took her a moment to catch her breath, and she struggled to stay on her feet. Her lungs burned with each deep breath she took. There were no sounds of pursuit behind them, which she was quite glad for, considering they were unable to run anymore. Hopefully the boys would figure it was a prank and not think to look for them.

"Perhaps we managed to follow the stream..." Alena mumbled, making a wide circle around the area they had stopped in, listening for any sound of water. It was a few minutes before she heard it. "Over here." She mouthed, waving her hands to get Erika's attention. She didn't wait for Erika, instead she hurried to the stream, crouching beside it she cupped her hands and drank the icy water. It felt good, wetting the bandages, which cooled her skin and helped the blisters.

Erika's suggestions to wash their feet was a good one and she dipped her feet into the water, ignoring the chills as she did so. It felt good against the cuts and scrapes. They would need some shoes if they were going to continue.

Typically Untypical
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Old 06-07-2016, 06:46 PM

Erika stumbled along with Alena, listening for the water as well. She felt it just before Alena heard it and began to pull her towards it. She was so happy to see the rushing water and walked into the water laying down in it, despite her new clothes getting soaked. She sighed in happiness, pulling the water up and drinking some of it. They needed to find something better to eat. She would find them real food, she would find them meet and she would kill it. She couldn’t kill the guard, she would do this for Alena. Alena was so much stronger then her. Turning her head she looked at Alena. “I wish we could find a lake, or an Ocean” She got excited by that thought. “With my powers we could cross the ocean and we could be safe.” She said with enthusiasm as she sat up.

Erika reached out and cooled down the water by Alena’s feet further. “If we keep following the water we should make it to the ocean right?” She asked. “I think that’s what the books said but what do I know?” She wanted them to be safe.

Precarious Fool
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Old 06-07-2016, 07:24 PM

Alena sighed in relief at the cool water by her feet, made even better with Erika's efforts. "I don't know, I've never seen the ocean..." She muttered, feeling a bit useless at this point. How would she help them find a safe place if she knew so little about the world?

She unwrapped the bandages around her hands, setting them on the ground beside her, and dipped the blistered palms into the cool water. It was instant relief. Hopefully they would be able to keep them clean and free of infection. The skin was still red, the blisters large and angry. When they popped it would be worse,t he raw skin underneath sensitive to pain and disease. Perhaps they would be somewhere a bit more safe by then.

Her hair blew into her face with each breeze, she maneuvered and dipped the long, pale tresses into the water, soaking it. Once it was wet enough, at least at the end, she combed it carefully with her fingers, which was difficult with the blisters. Braiding it, like she had planned, proved even harder, her hands struggling to hold the hair and perform the needed work. "Can you help?" She asked Erika in desperation, hating to ask more of the girl, but wanting to control her hair so she needn't worry about it.

Typically Untypical
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Old 06-07-2016, 11:19 PM

“Me neither, so it’s something we can try right?” She asked with a smile. “And as long as we stay near water I can be useful.” She said as she looked at Alena. “I wish I were more useful, all I can do is help your wounds, I can’t heal them, just help the pain. She looked at Alena with a smile. She tried to clean Alena’s feet a little bit by purifying the water. She didn’t even think about the ones on her own feet.

Cleaning the bandages was a lot easier though and she did that quickly. and then looked up as Alena asked her for help. She looked like she was trying to do something with her hair and Erika blushed. “I can try.” But she had never done anything with her own hair before, not really. She walked over to Alena, leaning down and taking her hair. “I’ve seen this done in other girl’s hair before but I’m not exactly sure how to do it. I’m going to try though.” She slowly began trying to braid her hair. “This isn’t going well.” She laughed a little and then pulled it tighter. “Well…. I…. I think that’s the best I can do for now. Sorry hun."

Precarious Fool
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Old 06-08-2016, 01:18 AM

Alena didn't care so much if it was perfect, it would have to do, at least hopefully it would stay out of her face. "Thanks." She murmured, tossing the messy, strange braid over her shoulder. Her stomach growled, it had to be about time for a meal, she figured, not that she knew what they'd eat. How she wished they could find somewhere safe to go, with food and a roof over their head, but she was afraid they were not nearly far enough from the workhouse. How far would they have to run until they were safe? She liked the idea of escaping across and ocean, or even just a large lake, where people wouldn't know who they could be.

She rolled up the sleeves of the large, linen shirt. The fabric was softer than anything she had worn since coming to the workhouse. Hopefully no one would suffer because of their actions, they were only clothes after all.

"We should keep going, and find something to eat..." It sounded easy but she knew it wouldn't be. Already she wanted to stay put, to stop the running. Her feet hurt, her whole body ached from the cramped sleeping space. Still, she hated to complain, it was better than where they had come from. Sighing she got to her feet, taking the now clean bandages from Erika and re-wrapping her hands.

Typically Untypical
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Old 06-13-2016, 11:46 PM

“Hopefully I will get better over time. When your hands are healed you will have to teach me.” She said. Hearing Alena’s stomach growl Erika frowned. “Stay here, keep your feet and hands in the cold water. I will try to find us something to eat. And I will be quick about it.” Erika thought and nodded. She nodded again to herself and then walked off. She had to at least find some berries or something. They would follow the path of the water. and they would make it somewhere safe. She looks back at Alena one more time before going into the forest. It took her a while before she finally found some more berries. She would have to find them some meat later.

“Im sorry i was gone so long. I found us more berries, here, eat as many as you need. She was hungry too but she felt like Alena had gone through so much more then her. Alena was the one who really had it bad, she could handle it. “Tonight I will find us something to eat that will really fill us up but at least we have this for now.” She was trying really hard to put a positive spin on things. “Let me look at your feet while you eat.” She knelt down and looked at Alena’s feet, they were pretty rough, just like hers were.

Precarious Fool
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Old 06-14-2016, 01:15 AM

Alena waited in silence for for Erika to come back, enjoying a few moments rest beside the river. She had watched the stream, small, silvery fish swimming by. They wouldn't be good for food, not that she was fast enough to catch them, but she knew they'd have to do something other than berries eventually. Her feet were feeling better, as were her hands, at least for now. If they could keep their wounds clean they might just make it.

When Erika returned she smiled, glad to not be alone. She was afraid someone would come up, and she'd be forced to run, and if she had to run, how would she ever find Erika again? They needed each other, they couldn't do this alone, she couldn't do this alone. Despite Erika's words she only took half of the berries, knowing they both needed their strength to continue. Popping a berry in her mouth she sighed, it tasted good, sweet. "Thank you." She mumbled, eating more of the berries, wanting to keep moving before it got dark. They needed a safer place to sleep tonight, and she hoped to find one.

She lifted her battered feet from the water, the pale sole still stained from the years of soot and grim, a permanent mark of her captivity. "We need to keep moving, I'll be alright." It felt strange having someone care about her, she didn't want to be a burden. She stood, shaking the water off her feet the best she could before she stepped away, wondering which way they had come from.


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