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DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 04-11-2009, 11:36 PM

So the best thing about Easter....HAS to be the CANDY!

So I wanta know:

What is your favorite candy?

How do you eat it (I.e. chocolate bunnies, ears first, tail first, etc.)

Is it worth the calories?

What is the craziest thing you have done with candy?

The usual, be nice.
Let's keep it in the PG13 land folks.

SO, as it's my thread, I am going first.

I am in a tie, I love the PEEPS, but the Cadbury eggs are also the bomb! With the peeps, if it's the bunnies, I like to eat em ears first, but sometimes I pull off those tiny eyes, buttons etc. and go from there. They are also fun to dismember and then put pieces back on in funny shapes. The Cadbury eggs, well I usually will wear away a hole in the top of the chocolate so I can suck out the sweet sugary inside without spilling a drop or making myself sticky.
They are definately worth the calories!
The craziest thing I have done with Peeps, is to have the kids I work with dip them in vanilla pudding and paint with them on fingerpaint paper. The pudding gets the color to come off the peeps, so you can paint pink with pink peeps, yellow with yellow ones, etc. I also have stuck them in the microwave, it's hilarious to watch them expand to GIGANTIC peep size!

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Old 04-11-2009, 11:40 PM

i love candy
so mnay candy
eggs not so mutch D:

Captain Howdy
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Old 04-11-2009, 11:50 PM

:lol: I'm in the same tie you are. For me it's a toss up between Peeps and Cadbury Eggs. The caramel Cadbury eggs are muy tasty. :drool: I know someone who loves them too and every year he buys a massive amount of them and then saves 'em in his freezer. Thinking on it, don't know why I haven't done that myself. :P

And hey, it's only once a year, so I don't think we should have to worry about calories.

I guess the nuttiest thing I do with the Peeps, my sister and I do this, we get metal skewers and impale the poor little Peep on them. We stick 'em in our mouth and slobber them all up. (Stay with me.) Then we roast them over the stove until they're all melted, hideous, deformed... and delicious! I call 'em Silent Hill Peeps, cause of the nightmarish thing the fire twists them into. You may wonder why we slobber on them. That's to make sure the sugar caramelizes properly instead of burning. ;D

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 04-11-2009, 11:51 PM

OMG I love love love Easter candy, but I've been trying really hard not to eat it because it's not good for my diet.

All time favorites though: Peeps, Cadbury Eggs (the regular ones and the orange cream ones -- yum!) and jellybeans (the black ones especially). XD

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 04-11-2009, 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer View Post
What is your favorite candy?

How do you eat it (I.e. chocolate bunnies, ears first, tail first, etc.)

Is it worth the calories?

What is the craziest thing you have done with candy?
I assume you mean Easter candy, so that's how I'll answer. XD

Any sort of chocolate Easter candy, I love. XD Bunnies, chicks, cream filled chocolate eggs, egg dots, Whopper eggs (though its relation to chocolate is slim).... :drool:

Peeps I like just because they're cute. XD I don't eat them, though. And I've never played with them. >_>

Jellybeans... I've only recently started to like jellybeans at all, and they currently must be Jelly Belly brand. I'll try any gourmet/high quality jellybean brand, though. The cheap jellybeans taste awful to me still. XD; It's a shame, as I'd always loved the look of jellybeans too. (I'm a highly visual person.)

For Easter bunnies, I usually go for the ears first, as they're the easiest to break off and nibble on. Then it'll be the tail or feet, depending on how it's shaped... then the head in general and down through the thickest part of the bunny. :3

For jellybeans, I eat them "blind" and try to guess what flavor they are. This is best when you're sharing with someone else because they can see the bean you chose and then you voice your guess aloud (it's harder without being able to see the list of flavors!) and the other person tells you if you're right (or close). :3 Fun! That's probably how I got to like jellybeans, actually. It's not as nice without playing the guessing game as well. :x

Other Easter candies I eat... like you would. XD;

A treat you like is always worth the calories, as long as you keep in mind moderation... XD Though sometimes a binge in calories is still worth it. (I can 'afford' to say that as I have a decent metabolism, though. If I didn't, I'd say different.)

Craziest thing.... Not too crazy. >_>; I like eating it more than playing with it. 8D

Elmira Swift
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Old 04-12-2009, 12:03 AM

Favorite hands down are the Reeses peanut butter eggs. Cannot stand peeps - I'm weird about anything marshmallow. Love chocolate bunnies and feel zero remorse when eating them. Usually eat the ears and feet first, then the head, body, etc.

I can haz?
Rikali is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer View Post
So I wanta know:

What is your favorite candy?

How do you eat it (I.e. chocolate bunnies, ears first, tail first, etc.)

Is it worth the calories?

What is the craziest thing you have done with candy?
My favorite is definitely a Chocolate Bunny, followed closely by jellybeans.
I usually eat off the ears first and then just work my way down. >.< Nothing too fancy I guess.
It is absolutely worth the calories! So delicious... :drool:
I don't think I've really done anything crazy with candy, besides throwing it at people.

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by Sizzla View Post
OMG I love love love Easter candy, but I've been trying really hard not to eat it because it's not good for my diet.

All time favorites though: Peeps, Cadbury Eggs (the regular ones and the orange cream ones -- yum!) and jellybeans (the black ones especially). XD
Would you like to have all the black jellybeans I ever encounter for the rest of my life? I'll gladly give em to you, sadly I can't stand the black ones!

Or maybe we can trade for the red ones? I'll take your reds, you can have my blacks?

Whatdoyathink? Do we have a deal?

Li Mei
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Old 04-12-2009, 12:14 AM

While I'm not a huge candy fan, I think dark chocolate peanut butter filled candies have to be the best.

My Mom used to give us these totally awesome ones that looked like little ladybugs - but they were full of peanut butter instead of gross bugs >.<

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 04-12-2009, 12:33 AM

Awww! Those sound super-cute and also super-delicious, Li Mei!

\ (•◡•) /
Abis is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 12:51 AM

I love the marshmallow Peeps, and all of the jelly beans/chocolate bunnies that tend to come with Easter.

I planned everything this year, though, so I got to pick everything out anyway.

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Old 04-12-2009, 12:54 AM

I love PEEPS,cadbury eggs, and jelly beans!

with the peeps I put them i the freezer, and eat them after they are frozen ^_^ and they always go down the hatch head first muhahahaaa

...the Cadbury eggs I like to break em open and lick out the filling first..then i eat the shell.

and lastly Jelly Beans!!! most times i sort them by color eating my least fav color first...orrr i will eat any until all the piles have the same amount of beans in them...ooorr i throw em all in my mouth and chew ^_^

The calories I really don't think about.i spend soo much time running w/ my neices and nephews that im not really worried about any extre..actually i need all the extra i can get hehe

Michy Lea
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Old 04-12-2009, 02:26 AM

I don't know why, but I really like the Reese's peanut butter eggs, better than regular Reese's cups for some reason. I like just about anything that's chocolate filled with peanut butter or caramel.

I also really like jelly beans. I don't really have a favorite flavor. I think with regular jelly beans, it's a toss-up between white, red, and pink. We just had some Easter sour kind, and I liked the green ones of that type.

With Easter bunnies... I eat any little additional things like eyes or a bow or whatever before I eat the bunny. Then, I eat from the ears down to the tail. I get a little joy with each body part I eat.

I think I may be the only person so far who can't stand Peeps. I'm not sure why either. I like regular marshmallows, but none that have added color or anything.

Readera is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 02:56 AM

Ohhh, candy. I love peeps but I can't eat to many. I get sick. I have heard of a pie made with melted peeps though. I want to try it. I love Cadberry Cream eggs, the originals. I'm not that fond of jelly beans though. I really like chocolate bunnies. They made me happy.

I haven't really done something wierd with them. But I have watched a person give them out on the street and two people eat lots and lots of peeps in a short amount of time. Of course this was all via the internet and youtube.

Last edited by Readera; 04-12-2009 at 03:03 AM..

cuppycake_geek is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 03:05 AM

Cadberry eggs are the bomb an half the time I eat them whole or i suck the filling out then eat the rest of it. YES I only eat them once a year so there worth it. an the craziest thing I've done with candy is I fight 8 mini-cadberry eggs in my was on a dare

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 03:08 AM

I love Reese's peanut butter cups. I'll take the chocolate off first, then I suck the peanut butter until all the creamy goodness is gone! I like the Holiday ones the best.

I do the same thing with chocolate, except I don't peel the chocolate off!

On Easter my sisters and I trade for different candies if one wants more chocolate or something.

Exrael is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 05:20 AM

What is your favorite candy?
Umm, currently - it is Trident Splash Strawberry Kiwi! ^n^ *gets slapped for being a health-food nut*

How do you eat it (I.e. chocolate bunnies, ears first, tail first, etc.)
I pop it in my mouth and chew it. :I
Now that I think about it... Trident Splash does lose its flavor quite quickly. :\ Maybe Stride is better in that aspect. ;]

Is it worth the calories?
Heck yeah - party in the mouth every time, for less than 5 calories! x3

What is the craziest thing you have done with candy?
Umm--- Lemme think! I guess food battles at church retreats - getting a piece of gum from a bowl of powdered sugar. {:

Ketchup is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 05:31 AM

I like Peeps best when a little stale. :insane:
The Cadbury eggs are even better, though. Especially the orange creme-filled.

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 04-12-2009, 05:35 PM

I has an Easter basket of goodies! I had to give away my jellybeans as they were not up to my snooty standards. But hopefully my brothers will enjoy them.

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Old 04-12-2009, 05:39 PM

ooooooooooooooo wow.

This is hard. I love the bunnies, I can't go through an Easter without one. I think I had Dove chocolate. :3

Otherwise I don't eat a lot of Easter candy, most of it tastes really cheap to me. T_T

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 04-12-2009, 06:08 PM

XD Don't buy the cheap stuff, then. 8D

(I know what you mean, though. Standards seem to be lower than for Halloween or Valentine's.)

AppleTea is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 06:17 PM


lol, i never eat too many cuz i get sick of them after a while so its worth it =u=

haven't done anything crazy though, more borderline really-bored-so-I-think-i'll-do-something-wierd.
my sister and me were eating them and just got high from the sugar overload and we made a really complex storyline/puppet show to amuse ourselves with the peeps :'D
another year, my sister got a box of rabbit shaped peeps, when she went to the bathroom, I quickly bit off all the ears and ran away and on the other side of the house I could hear her talking about "snowman" peeps c:

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 08:04 PM

SNOWMAN peeps! What a fantastic idea!

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 04-12-2009, 09:47 PM

I've actually seen "real" snowman peeps before. XD And pumpkin peeps.

Cola Leaf
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Old 04-12-2009, 09:49 PM

Oh my god, pumpkin peeps XD I love those.
For easter, I love the peanut butter and marshmallow filled chocolate eggs. I hate chocolate bunnies because I broke my tooth on one when I was little. :< Those things are tough.


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