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Shugo Hinamori Amu
Beka Cooper
Shugo Hinamori Amu is offline
Old 07-22-2010, 11:19 PM

I didn't see a pets thread anywhere (gasp!), so here one is!
Post funny stories, pictures, or just descriptions of your beloved animal here! <3

lucy minty
lucy minty is offline
Old 07-22-2010, 11:24 PM

pets... i have those!!
i have 3 cats, a long haired white and black one named pongo shes my girl kitty, and then a brown one named chubby, and a gray one named gimpy. I didnt name chubby or pongo those 2 were given to us by people.

I also have a dog. Hes a pit bull and i named him pnub after a character on my favorite movie.

I also have 2 hermit crabs that ive had for over a year and just recently named brad and janet lol.

Goddess of Passion and Rage, The...
Sforzando is offline
Old 07-22-2010, 11:51 PM

I have three dogs and two cats. The dogs are Kovu, Pudge, and Jaime. Kovu is a male Siberian husky, Pudge is a female border collie mix, and Jaime is a female corgie mix. The cats are Harvey and Tony. Both are male. Harvey is white with brown slotches on his back. Tony is a yellow tabby.

Kovu was named after the lion from the Lion King 2. Tony was named after Tony Stark, more commonly known as Iron Man.

I don't really have much stories about my pets. I guess one thing would be that our neighbors hated Kovu because his howl is so weird. Apparently, when he howled, they thought that it was the kids in my house yelling or something. Anyway, because they hated him, we got rid of him three times, and each time, he came back about a year later. Just randomly showed up at our house again. And he is the sweetest thing. When you feed him from the hand, he makes sure not to bite you or anything.

`death by bunniez
i eat your faceC:
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`death by bunniez is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 01:28 AM

Omg, i do have those. Yes, pets i own two.
i have two cats, just got them this year. Misty my older cat we have had her for maybe sixs months. My kitten Lunar, who we all thought was a little girl turned out to be a little boy. The people who gave him to us were really dimwitted. They are so funny together. <3



Last edited by `death by bunniez; 07-23-2010 at 01:31 AM..

xXLunchtimePockyXx is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 01:47 AM

I just have one dog, a female german shepherd/border collie mix named Koda, I got her about.. Had her since she was about 6 months, now shes almost 6.

Strangely, we have the same birthday.
XD i named her after that bear cub from Brother Bear, I used to like that movie as a little kid. ( I might've been around.. 7? yeah. I think I was 7.)

I've been looking around, trying to see if I can get a second dog, hopefully a small lapdog, because they dont have as much hair, take up as much space, and they seem more cuddly. Something like a shih tzu or maybe a jackapoo.

@ death by bunniez, your cats look too sweet. They are so adorable. I would get a cat, but my mother has allergies, and plus she doesn't want there to be hair everywhere (there already is with our dog.) and litter odor.. We both like cats, and so does my dad, but we just don't have the time for "upkeep" and what-not. Unfortunate, really.

Safiah is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 03:21 AM

I have a long haired silver persian named sissy. She's sassy and a real talker. I've never met a cat with more personality than her. My boyfriend adopted her from a shelter. She had to have been abused :( poor thing, but now she's a spoiled little brat who knows she's too adorable for her own good :)
Here they are together:

Mystic is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 03:27 AM

I have too many pets. Five bearded dragons (Ryou, Edward, Sierra, Adonis, Diamond Dewdrop), five cats (Mocha, Bagheera, Fidget, Jasmine, Sadira), a dog (Ferra), a rabbit (Mia), a quaker parrot (Otis) , 2 pigeons (Tiana and Mikey) , a zebra finch (Z), California King snake (Bettie Page), Ball python (Skip) and a ferret (Kitty).

All of them came from abusive homes or were just unwanted pets. Tiana and Mikey were actually supposed to be used for dog baiting and they're just lucky that I got to them before the person who was going to use them did.

Sierra and Adonis were pretty sick when I got them because their owners before me did not have proper lighting on them and Adonis was so weak he could hardly lift his head. Thankfully, they both grew up to be big healthy dragons. Ryou, Edward, and Diamond were bought as pets then the owners decided they did not want them because they were "too costly". Sierra also had pretty bad injuries from crickets eating part of her face too. She's my "special" dragon since she's missing half her tongue and has a hard time catching bugs sometime so I have to hand them to her.

Skip was adopted from the pet store I used to work at. He is blind in one eye. Bettie was just at the store too long so I took him. Otis was also from the store.

Ferra came from the humane society. Her mom was given up once she became pregnant and the owner did not want to deal with it. Ferra was born at the shelter.

Mocha and Bagheera (Biggy) were found a few days after they were born by someone in the middle of their yard. I raised them from when they could not even see yet. Fidget was a stray kitten someone picked up and I adopted from a shelter. Jasmine was raised from a kitten. She was found under someone's front porch.

Mia was bought for a lady's daughter for Easter. After Easter they got tired of her so she came to me. Kitty was also another pet bought for a kid that the owner did not want.

It's just sad what people do to animals sometimes and it's sad how many unwanted pets are out there.

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RainHitosha is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 03:35 AM

what i really want is an octopus xD i want an adorable lil baby octopi and i would wuv it forever!! lol they're my favorite.

Phantom Harpy
Phantom Harpy is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 05:16 AM

While there are several pets in the house I only claim one as my onw. The rest I avoid because they annoy me like nails on a chalkboard... Anyway, Mitzy is an eleven year old tortise shell calico with white. She got her name because all four of her paws look like she dipped them in white paint. She's an obsessive groomer and has some odd tastes for human food. Sure she loves milk and whipped cream but she hates Tuna. She loves taking the turky out of my turkey sandwiches and enjoys licking Nacho Cheese from Nacho Cheese Doritos off my hand. I recently discovered that my quirky kitty loves Butterscotch suckers. Some people share with their dogs, I share with my cat.

She's gotten several nicknames through her elven years. Since she bolts anytime someone gets close to her she got the nickname Skitzy Mitzy. I started calling her Skitto about a year ago. Despite being a schizo she's a very loving cat and loves to curl up on my head when I'm asleep sometmes. Right now she's snoozing on top of my legs which is one of her favorite places to be.

Lokie is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 09:11 AM

Three cats Thomas, Rem, Gunarr(pronounced Goo-nar). One dog Winston. One sun conure (small parrot) Bird. One eclectus (med. parrot) Pazuzu. One green wing macaw (BIG parrot) Bebe.
Used to have two more cats Gizmo and Hobo, another dog Svea, two beta fish Loki and Fenrier, several rats Snippy, Tan rat, Cookie, Sephy, . . .a few more that I can't remember their names.

So I heard you like mudkip?
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Soul is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 02:40 PM

I have a Blue and Gold macaw parrot named Mac. He's a pain sometimes with how loud he is, but he's super sweet to most people. (I'm not one of those people.)
I've also got a miniature longhaired dachshund/doxen that's a year and a half old. He's my baby, total sweet heart <3

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 03:15 PM

We have 3 dogs (Taboo (boston terrier-9), Blizzard (white boxer-2), and Belle (bull mastiff- 5) ). Taboo was a playmate for our previous boston, Meeko, and is now the leader of the other two, since Meeko passed a few years back. Blizzard is an adorable giant lap dog. We got her, when her owners posted her picture on Kijiji, saying that they were being forced to move, and their new home didn't allow large dogs. Belle was once owned by a friend of the families, but once she had a baby, she became a nervous wreck and wasn't able to care for Belle the ways she needed to, so my sister adopted her (but she lives at my moms house).

Then me and my brother have Chinchilla's. His is a light grey little escape mouse named Ozzy, and mine is a dark grey, timid little love named Shay. They're around 5-6 years old now.

Then my mom has an 100 gallon aquarium full of colourful fish ^.^

Mystic is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 05:14 PM

Syraannabelle: I am so jealous over the fish tank. I always wanted to set up a 100gallon African Cichlid tank or saltwater tank. I used to have a 180 gallon brackish tank but the power went out at my mom's and I lost a lot of the fish so I broke it down and got rid of the tank. I miss it so much though.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 06:24 PM

aw *hugs Mystic* thats so sad. Yeah the tank was a christmas present from my dad one year. It once held 2 half grown Paroon Sharks. In Asia they use small dogs to catch these sharks. My mom bought them thinking they were iridesent sharks which get to like 5 inches long. When we had to get rid of them one was a foot an 4 inches, the other was just under a foot long.

Mystic is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 06:37 PM

I know, I lost a ton of money of that tank too but I was more upset with losing my babies. They were spoiled rotten. I am tempted to set up a smaller tank though with a few platies/neons/guppies or some other fish that doesn't get over a few inches.

Iridescent sharks get over two feet. O.o; I believe they are in the same family as Paroon sharks if I remember correctly. It's a myth that they stay small pet shops market them as "smaller sharks" which is sad because then people try to put them in 10 gallon aquariums and wonder why they die. Red tail and rainbow sharks stay smaller though, only 4-6inches at max. They're so cute too. I have a thing with bottom feeders and I have no idea why. I always wanted a giant pleco too. A zebra pleco to be more exact. I always wanted to breed them because they're so darn cute! Sadly, people hear "pleco" and they think common brown/black plecos.

I had a tank design with live driftwood and everything already picked out for the plecos. I need to really open my own fish store so I can just have whatever I want and breed what I want. I'm so dorky like that. XD

Last edited by Mystic; 07-23-2010 at 06:39 PM.. Reason: typos. >.<;

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 06:56 PM

yeah, mom was mis-informed then about iridecent sharks. She used to have just a little 20 gallon tank, but when the paroons just kept growing they began looking nothing like iridencents, so mom did research and dad bought her a bigger tank. Marco and Polo where her babies. She kept them for three years before Polo got really sick (we transferred him to a different tank, but he never got better, and some of the smaller fish got sick from him too. And Marco (about 9 months later), got to the point were he was getting violent with the other fish (they all lived in the same tank to this point), and he was having issues turning in the aquarium. Mom really wanted to give him to the universities aquatic department, since they take all kinds of fish there for study and people can see them. But they didn't have anywhere to put him at the time...

yeah, Mom was pretty heart broken for a while...

yeah, I'm not sure what type of pleco we have. He's brown but spotted, and he's big. A good 5-6 inches long, considering when we bought him he was less than an inch. But Spots just too adorable^.^

I've never seen a Zebra Pleco. But by their name it must be pretty.

Mystic is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 07:00 PM

It's sad what pet stores tell people or do not tell them. =( That's why I am working on opening store with in the next few year (*crosses fingers*) It's good that your mom cared enough to actually take care of them though. You would not believe what kind of crazy stories I hear about people trying to "get rid" of larger fish. It's really heartbreaking to me. =(

I had a bushy nose pleco for a while when I had fresh water. He was the cutest little thing ever. I gave him to my friend who had a 30 gallon and needed a smaller species of pleco and she killed him. =( He had all these little whiskers and everything and was looking quite nice when I had him.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 07:09 PM

I know it's like really? Theres selling pets, and then theres making money. *eyeroll* I've actually found that bigger chain stores give a lot more care then little family run businesses. At least around here....

Thats awesome! I wish you luck. My mom and sister are opening a Dog wellness center. So people can exercise wih their dog in a warm, welcoming and safe environment for training and socialization.

Mystic is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 07:25 PM

That's awesome! I would love a place around here besides PetSmart, who I do not trust with my dog, where my pup can play with other dogs and be more social. I think that a lot of people over look that when they get a dog and it's very important for them to be able to be with other dogs.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 07:27 PM

our biggest problem is our extreme weather. It's eaither too hot, too cold, or too wet to walk our dog and actually have fun. And a lot of people around here have big dogs that need lots of exercise....

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RainHitosha is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 08:24 PM

i just have 2 cats, but someday i wanna get a seahorse or 2 ^^ and an octopus


seahorses are so cute!! <3

Safiah is offline
Old 07-23-2010, 09:40 PM

When I was in high school my dad had a ton of fish and fish tanks. I think I counted 15 tanks at one time, ranging from 10-150 gallon tanks. It was crazy. He had all sorts of cichlids and plecos. It started out with only a few and then they kind of kept multiplying. He had tigers, jack Dempseys, firebellies(i think thats what they were), and all sorts of blue and yellow african cichlids. He eventually had to sell some to a local fish store, and has lowered is tank a fish count by a lot. Some of them got huge too. He has some at least foot long plecos and a HUGE tiger cichlid I named killer.

Yakumo tatsu.
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Old 07-24-2010, 11:29 AM

I have many birds as pets. My housing does not allow dogs or cats sadly, so they are my companions. Among my birds are a pair of parakeets and a pair of diamond doves. My favorite pet is my green cheek conure named Link, because of his pretty green color and I love the Zelda series. I'm also taking care of an orphaned American Robin named Rascal and a Blue Jay named simply Jay. Had them for 2 and a half years so far.

Little Closet Monster
Little Closet Monster is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 02:11 PM

we have 2 iuns (Dogs), and 5 cats ; so yeah i have pets

Rose Mouse
Rose Mouse is offline
Old 07-24-2010, 03:32 PM

Well, right now my family and I only have two cats (a short hair tabby, Whiskers; and a medium-length tabby, Zig Zig), two budgies (a yellow and green female, Peep; and an albino female, Snow), and three rats (a half gray, half white female, Lyla; a half brown, half white female, Lucie; and an all dark brown female, Loretta).
But throughout my life my family has had many pets. Five cats (Bogart, Bear, Whiskers, Willow, and Zig Zig), one dog (Pal), more fish than I could count, two zebra finches (Romeo and Juliet), four budgies (Skylar, Sunshine, Peep, and Snow) four rats (Kinkers, Lyla, Lucie, and Loretta), and one russian dwarf hamster (forgot it's name).
I think there could have been for, but I really can't remember.

Last edited by Rose Mouse; 07-24-2010 at 03:36 PM..


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