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Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:27 AM


Times have become hard, resources are scarce and the world is on the brink of war once again. Countries have been threatening war against one another for food, materials, drugs and weapons. The struggle has continued through 50 years... and seeing the chance for profit an organization has risen up from the shadows. A mercenary academy who have named themselves FCotS. Strange? Not in this day and age. They are skilled in weapons of all kinds as well as martial arts and one other very special talent. A talent that very few have. The talent to breathe new life into nothing but pure air.

Ancient studies tell of stories of men and women fighting alongside and against creatures and deities. Though we find them to be myths and legends, a group looked further into the stories and found the source. The human spirit. In desperate situations the spirit is forced to fight back, and when controlled a select few are able to summon what we now call Caene. Spirit Partners that live within every one of us, but only few can summon.

The Academy learned of this art and started raising the 'Special' children. They raise a child at the age of fifteen and continue to train them until they are twenty-one. However, not all of the children they bring in make it out of the academy. If the child does not fit qualifications (Which they test in exams) they terminate the child (They can't have any leaks of their academy). The parents don't question about their missing child, because as soon as a child is accepted into the academy the parents are eliminated. Though the students do not know it, they are all orphans trained to forget their past and strive towards a future as a 'Breath' or 'Guardian'. The student is trained to be a weapon and nothing more. No love, no regrets, no emotion. Once the Student has graduated they would become a 'Breath' , a mercenary, or one of the many 'Guardians' who watched over the students.

However, a group of students has started to sneak into a deserted room and are planning to escape the academy. The punishment is death... but the reward is freedom and knowledge of their new found gift. Are you willing to take the risk?

Last edited by Kriddles; 08-04-2009 at 07:19 PM..

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:28 AM


-Standard Roleplaying rules apply. (No Godmoding, Follow ToS, Keep it PG-13, No Txt Tlk, etc. etc.)

-No Cybering (Failure to follow this rule and you immediately be listed underneath blacklist even if you have all three chances)

-Gore is fine, but keep it elegant. You may only kill off your OWN characters.

- Every character (Students AND Guardians) MUST have a Caene, a spirit within. A Caene can be a Mythical Creature, Weapon, an Element, or a Spiritual Animal (A normal animal with magical properties). No Caene can be the same. Let me repeat that, NO CAENE CAN BE THE SAME. And a Character CANNOT have more than ONE Caene.

- Every Student MUST have a Guardian, but a Guardian can only guard ONE Student.

- (In reference to the previous rule) Pairing off does not mean go and do your own thing. Remember it's a GROUP roleplay, and a GROUP of kids are trying to escape.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:33 AM

Definitions and Roles of Characters*:

Caene: A spirit within and a piece of the Human Spirit, can be a mythical creature, element, spiritual weapon (weapon with magical properties or appearance), a spiritual beast (a normal animal with magical properties or appearance.), or a spiritual being (A humanoid with magical properties or appearance).
The Caene (When summoned) lives off the Host Spirit, draining the Host's life as it remains visible to the Naked Eye. Many Hosts are able to let their Caene roam and fight for longer periods of time, but everyone must be cautious. If they are out for too long of a time the Host could die. The Caene also cannot be too far away from the host. The limit depends on the Host's control of their own spirit.

Student: A teenager who is learning how to control their Caene and become a Breath or Guardian.

Guardian: A guardian is much like a mentor. Able to control their emotions they are free to express themselves any way they seem fit. They have been known to be cruel and abusive or even sometimes fall in love with their student. They mentor only one child at a time,but they have no say in whether or not the child is worthy of becoming a Breath or Guardian. The 'Exams' only can determine that. If the student fails they are terminated and the Guardian is to mentor a new student without second glance. If the student were to disobey, the Guardian AND the Student would be punished by the Headmaster. So when the Students start acting strange the Guardians get very protective and start watching everything they do.

Breath: An assassin or a one man army. Sent as a last resort this Mercenary can be highly dangerous. If a child were to escape the Academy, not only would their Guardians be sent out to eleminate them, but so would a Breath.

Profile Skeleton:
Please send your Profile Skeleton(s) through PM.

My Name Is: [At least First and Last]
I Am A: [Student or Guardian or Breath]
History: [Bio]
I'm Like: [Personality BEHIND The Facade]
I Look Like: [Picture in Link form, and/or detailed Describtion.]
My Weapon of Choice: [Picture in Link form, and/or detailed Describtion]
Additional Information:[Optional]
Caene's Name:
My Caene Looks Like: [Picture(Link Form) of what your Caene looks like]
My Caene Is Like: [Optional: Caene's Personality]
My Guardian/Student Is:[Name of the Student/Guardian you are paired with, Put N/A If this character is a Breath]

Last edited by Kriddles; 08-04-2009 at 06:30 AM..

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:45 AM



Username: Kriddles
My Name Is: Louis Bradick
Age: 25
I Am A: Guardian
History: I first came to this academy when I was fifteen like most others, but I advanced much faster than any other student. By the age of nineteen I was ready to become a Breath, but the Headmaster declined my request, saying that I wasn't emotionally ready. Taking the advice the Headmaster gave me, I studied on how to better control my emotions in the remaining years I had. When I was finally twenty-one, I went out on the battlefield as a breath. I was able to take anyone on with my Caene. We were one of the Elite Force. However, one day I nearly failed my mission because of a baby. A deeper impulse kept me from eliminating an enemy infant. The Headmaster took pity on me, but told me I could never be a true Breath. I am now a Guardian, and I am preparing myself to go into battle once again.
I'm Like: Harsh for appearance, he wants to better himself. But for some reason he can't get rid of that soft spot.
I Look Like: Reference He usually wears acid washed jeans that are rather dirty and a button up white shirt that remains oddly clean. He usually leaves the first four buttons unbuttoned. He has multiple scars across his chest from where he summoned his Caene for too long. He wears black laced boots that come up to the mid of his calf. He has a barbed wire tattooed around his left upper arm.
My Weapon of Choice: Halberd
Additional Information: N/A
Caene's Name: Grid
My Caene Looks Like: This
My Caene Is Like: He is calm and brave.
My Guardian/Student Is: Eliza Brennen

Username: Crazy_Neko_Lady
My Name Is: Warden Hollow
Age: 24
I Am A: Guardian
History: Taken to the adcademy at fifteen, much like everyone else. Warden doesn't care to think or know much of his past. His mother was kind, his father loving. That is really all he can recall. Throughout his years in schooling, he never talked to his peers. He studied hard and was not much for talking. Once his training was over he became a guardian... pretty boring.
I'm Like: Shy, but it never comes off in a conversation... ever. He can't look pretty girls in the eye. He looks tough, but in reality he's gentle. Although he's supposed to fight, he's not much one for it. However, he never disobeys orders.
I Look Like: Reference
My Weapon of Choice: Scythe
Additional Information: He loves pocky... I don't know why.
Caene's Name: Alice
My Caene Looks Like: Reference
My Caene Is Like: Alice is spoiled, and loud. Although she looks sweet, she's a little helion. She's even mean to Warden.
My Guardian/Student Is: Adia Gordan
Username: Firemare
My Name Is: Jane Wallon
Age: 25
I Am A: Guardian
History: I was a student that unlike most, was happy to come to the academy. I was a refugee from Africa, and the emotionlessness they practiced gave my shattered soul a kind of peace. Even so, the art of creating war was not to my taste, not with all I had seen and my mental blocks were difficult to overcome. It was eventually decided that I would make a good Guardian, and I am, even though I graduated just recently.
I'm Like: I don't remember, and I don't WANT to remember. All I am is a guardian now.
I Look Like: A woman of african heritage, my skin is so dark as to be nearly black. I'm short, only about five foot three, but I am lean, and wiry with tensile strength as a whipcord. I have no hair, I keep it shaved. My clothing is a black excersize bra and short shorts, both black. I have no bust or figure to speak of, so it doesn't bother me. I slip through the school like a shadow.
My Weapon of Choice: A pair of matched, and matchless katanas. They are entirely black, even the blades have been stained. I wear them in an X pattern on my back.
Additional Information:None to speak of.
Caene's Name: Shraa
My Caene Looks Like: A fierce lioness
My Caene Is Like: fierce and protective, but more then ready for an ambush instead
My Guardian/Student Is: Charlotte Winters
Username: Mysthero
My Name Is: Liam Gratz
Age: Twenty-Four
I Am A: Guardian
History: Liam's story is one familiar to many guardians, while trying to master emotions and gain complete self control, there are often mistakes and outbursts to be made. During the written exams, he mastered with honors. During his field test, he mastered the finer points of combat. But the final test that his guardian gave him was all too much to bear. After six years in trusting his guardian with full confidence and respect, he looked up to him as an older brother, or even a father. The final test was a confrontation with his guardian, a fight to the death. The Guardian tested the very limits of the emotional strain that came with the task, Liam won the battle, but failed his test, the tears on his face betrayed his victory.
I'm Like: Liam Gratz has learned to reign in many of his emotional ties and sever them. While he displays a sense of humor, it is often carried without attachment or response. Has been known to test the mental and physical limits of his students. So far, no student under him has graduated.
I Look Like: Liam
My Weapon of Choice: Liam keeps himself distanced from targets, prefering to use the range and defenses of a spear. His spear is about two meters in length, with a his former Guardian's bandana wrapped around the middle tightly.
Caene's Name: Phantom
My Caene Looks Like: Phantom
My Caene Is Like: Like the chargers from the knights of old, Liam's Caene projects itself to be a steed of fear on the battlefield. It's destructive nature has been the very demise of one or two of Liam's students.
My Student/Guardian is: Echo Chambers
+ (Waiting to be Filled)


Username: Kriddles
My Name Is: Echo Chambers
Age: 18
I Am A: Student
History: I was brought to the academy when I was fifteen, but I didn't want to go. Before I had a fine life in the upper part of the city, friends... good grades, maybe not the best, but definately good. I haven't forgot my life before this one. No matter how much they want me to... I can't forget my childhood. I will go through this process, and then I will become someone no one can forget. Lately, she has found a secret room where she can be herself. She knows that she can't be the only one that feels this way and plans to seek out other students.
I'm Like: Determined. She has a short fuse but few things anger her. She doesn't like being shut in and hates the rules of the Academy.
I Look Like: This She also wears knee high black boots that have three buckles at the top of the boot.
My Weapon of Choice: Twin Blades
Additional Information: N/A
Caene's Name: Solace
My Caene Looks Like: This
My Caene Is Like: Strong and cares for me. He doesn't show much mercy for my enemies though.
My Guardian/Student Is: Liam Gratz

Username: Firemare
My Name Is: Eliza Brennen
Age: 17
I Am A: Student
History: She was smart, top of her class, motivated and passionate. She practically leaped at the chance to join the academy, of course not knowing what it was. Since then she has found herself repressed, but quietly furious. She writes to relieve her stress, then burns all evidence of her emotion. She is keeping herself sane, but does not know how long it will be until she fails a test.
I'm Like: Kind, calm, logical, loving and caring. But I have a firey temper and an undying loyalty beneath even my deepest facade. No one I care about will be harmed, or else.
I Look Like: A sterotypical cheerleeder. Full, long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, straight white teeth, full chest and decent figure. I generally wear loose covering pastel clothing.
My Weapon of Choice: A dagger. Short, simple, never see it coming, I can get under your guard and one of my hands is still free/
Additional Information: She's fairly attractive, but not in the least interested in romance.
Caene's Name: Lree
My Caene Looks Like: No Pic, just a phoenix
My Caene Is Like: My spirit, my inner strength. Any time I think I'm beaten she gives me the courage to keep going.
My Guardian/Student Is: Louis Bradick
Username: Technicolor Superhero
My Name Is: Charlotte Winters
Age: 18
I Am A: Student
History: My mother died before the Academy found me. So I don't need to worry about my parents. But before I came to this stupid place, I lived on the streets sometimes when I didn't want to go back to the orphanage I was living in at the time. But they'd catch me, and then I'd be sent to a new foster home, but I was always sent back. Maybe because I never wanted a new family and was perfectly fine on my own? Now that I'm in the Academy, I wouldn't mind having a new family.
I'm Like: I tend to be cold towards some, I don't really talk a lot either. I'm just not that much of a people person like most. When I'm training I always push myself to do better when I fall, but I get back up and learn from my mistakes.
I Look Like: Here and here!
My Weapon of Choice: Double Bladed Staff
Additional Information: I have a crippling fear of spiders.
Caene's Name: Kei
My Caene Looks Like: Watch out, he does bite.
My Caene Is Like: Kei is calm when he wants to be, but will straighten up and become serious when needed too. He's also can be lazy.
My Guardian/Student Is: Jane Wallon
My Name Is: Adia Gordan
I Am A: Student
History: I came to the academy holding back my tears, for before they started dragging me towards the academy I had witnessed my dear mother and father be killed. Before I came to the academy I had an average life, friends, average grades. I had fun in my old life, and they expect me to forget it all...they may think I have forgotten but I haven't and never will, I now wish that I was never taken to this place.
I'm Like: I can be very quiet to people I don't know, very timid. I do my best not to get my self killed so i work hard and never fail.
I Look Like: Reference I also wearjeans with knee high boots.
My Weapon of Choice: Katana
Additional Information: The Katana I received from my dead father when I turned 13.
Caene's Name: Uzraudze
My Caene Looks Like: Reference
My Caene Is Like: Uzraudze can be a bit lazy, but he is kind hearted and can be tough.
My Guardian/Student Is: Warden Hollow
+ (Waiting to be Filled)


Username: Crazy_Neko_Lady
My Name Is: Amity Boss
Age: 22
I Am A: Breath
History: Graduated top honors, Amity is cold on the battlefeild. He has killed many people, and likes to not know anything about them. Her mother had died giving birth to her, so her father was all she had. When the academy took her away, she was bitter. Planning escape several times, however she never acted on it.
I'm Like: Amity has very fragile emotions. Her shell covers that up well. She has very cold expressions, and acts indifferent to everyone. She carries herself with grace, and looks down on those below her status.
I Look Like: Amity
My Weapon of Choice: A classy chainsaw
Additional Information: Weakness for kittens and bunnies.
Caene's Name: Salvia
My Caene Looks Like: Tiny but powerful
My Caene Is Like: Salvia is mute. She has a wide range of emotions, most are anger.
My Guardian/Student Is: (Breath... No Student or Guardian)
Username: Iori Vytenson
My Name Is: Shodo Phoenix
Age: 32
I Am A: Breath
History: Raised by the Guardians since he was 15, his memory of his past is all but gone. He has been a loyal assassin ever since he became a Breath, and specializes in long-range deathdealing and poison usage. Is the cuplrit for some of the more grisly and heartless of the deaths at the feet of FCotS.
I'm Like: A crusader. He completely believes in the FCotS, and in his ability to use his Caene. He very rarely questions orders, regardless of danger or morality. Gets little thrill from killing. It's just a job, and one that he is good at.
I Look Like: A young-looking man of thirth-two years with short oak-colored hair, cut short and gelled to slick forward. His skin is fair but well-tanned, and he is of middling hight, roughly 5'8'' to 5'9'', and lithe. He doesn't have much brute power, but has endurance, and a whippy kind of strength. Eyes are a flinty grey-blue, usually half-closed. Tends to wear browns and tans to be unobtrusive, consisting of belted cargo slacks tucked into strapped boots, a tan t-shirt tucked into his pants, and a knee-length divided leather jacket with a high collar, usually worn un-buckled. A leather shoulder-strap holds his Xcoil, and a quiver and shortsword hang from his belt. Tribal tattoos on sides of face and back of neck.
My Weapon of Choice: Xcoil (crossbow that uses railgun-ish magnetic coils to fire flanged metal rods, instead of a string; will upload picture when I get one)
Additional Information: Skilled in trapcraft and poison usage as well as firing his longranged Xcoil. Likes to tinker with various technologies to create new gadgets for his missions.
Caene's Name: Yeth'val
My Caene Looks Like: No picture. Appears as a suit of technologically advanced armor; is weightless, and stops or reduces most incoming attacks, and can be manipulated to accomodate various neccessities, within limitations.
My Caene Is Like: No personality
My Guardian/Student Is: N/A
+ (Waiting to be Filled)
+ (Waiting to be Filled)

Last edited by Kriddles; 08-10-2009 at 05:13 PM..

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:49 AM

Opening Post:

In the year of 2079, the world didn't look as glorified as everyone predicted. There were no hover-vehicles, no moving walking paths... there were Holograms of people and ads, buildings did tower over much of the rubbish, but the enviroment was far from appealing. The pollution in the sky gave it a brown tint to it instead of a rich blue like it had when the problem had first started. At that point we could only see the toxins on the horizon. Now... Now it was different. It rained very little here in this city, and for that men were thankful. Whatever acids came down from the sky was best left in the sky. The streets were empty, no morning traffic as men and women dashed about the sidewalk attempting to get to work. It was a rather dull sight, but if we were to move just north of where we sat in downtown...

The ritzy part of the city was lively, people still walked on foot but they did so in elegance. Voice overs announced the newest line of cosmetics and attire, while the Holo-Screens flashed through images of the latest fashion and perfumes. Color illuminated the dreary of the towering buildings. Lights flickered on and off in an apartment building as the night sky rolled in.

Lively, loud... the clash of music could be heard as Parties roared about in the skyscrapers. They didn't care about the wars around them... No one did here. "Live Life to the Fullest... while you still can." was their motto. They didn't pay much attention to the Academy that was just west of here. No, they didn't pay attention to anything outside their perfect little world. But the Academy is where our story starts,

The Academy was five joint skyscrapers that took on the shape of a castle back in Medieval ages. The buildings were connected by Re-Inforced frosted glass Walkways, to keep everything from weather, bullets and sight out. The buildings were filled with different classrooms, multiple dinning rooms, multiple bathrooms, and dorm rooms. Their Guardians singularly trained their student in a group like atmosphere, talking was allowed but no emotion could be made. That was the rule.
The headmasters chambers and office were located in the Fifth Building on the top floor, where he was able to look over all activity from camera's that were placed around the classrooms, dinning rooms, and halls. In the Bathrooms and Dorm Rooms there are no cameras. Decoration was prohibited and there for the only color that came into the building was that of the frosted windows.

Currently it was six o'clock, the sun has finally set and the students are eating dinner. Chatter is heard but it is monotoned, and controlled. No laughter, no raised voices... just the soft whisper of today's events and lessons.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:51 AM


Firemare is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 07:20 AM

Eliza was careful to not display any sign of emotion on the outside as she slowly ate her food, but inside she was seething. Today marked the aniversary of her arrival. Two years, two (Many expletives deleted) years! Without family, without her parents or little sister or any word at all! Hell, she couldn't even send letters. Two years without the release of a good scream, a good verbal lashing, even a good fight where she could lose control and actually do some damage! The only things that kept her going were her writings, her mind and it's fantasies and Lree. Oh all the gods had chosen right when they had blessed her with Lree, or she would be long dead. She let out a small sigh and took another bite. She would wait, bide her time, graduate even, then vanish and burn this whole (Many more expletives deleted) place to the ground. Her vengance would come, and it would come in fire. None of her outer thoughts showed as she slowly finished off her food and put away the empty tray. Without preamble she chose one of the few seats where the camera could not read over her shoulder, pulled out some paper and pencil and began to write. Slowly, deliberately, emotionlessly.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 07:46 AM

Echo pushed her food around on her tray with a fork, her chin resting in her propped up palm. Boredom settled in, making her bones ache and her body restless. Her fingers drummed on the wooden table, barely noticable to anyone in the dinning room unless you were sitting right beside her. The only times she was able to try and relieve stress was during weapon's training, and even then she was limited. She finally got fed up with just staring at the food and threw it away. She turned and looked around the room, spotting Eliza with a posed pen. Curiousity set in, and before she knew it she was taking a seat beside the girl. "... Classes seem to fly by lately..." She said in a monotone voice.

Firemare is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 07:49 AM

"A strange thought, for that would mean that we were enjoying ourselves, and is not all emotion forbidden?" Eliza wrote another few words of her latest tale, currently the main character was shoving heavily armored breaths into a deep lake, and it was particularly satisfying to write. She glanced up at the girl that had spoken to her. Echo. They knew each other in passing, but not particularly well.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:10 AM

"... Isn't writing... fiction stories against the rules too?" She said with a small smile that she quickly wiped away. "... Look, dinner is almost over." she lowered her voice, " There is a abandoned room, in the third tower on the fifth floor. The Guardians use it for storage... If you are willing..." she lowered her voice even more, "meet there at three in the morning, when the Guardians are asleep. Be careful to avoid the cameras at all costs." She raised her voice to the standard, "And that should help you with your question. Excuse me... I should be going." she said as she stood from the table.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:45 AM

((Signing off for the night.))

Crazy_Neko_Lady is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 05:19 PM

((How do I apply? I'm a noob owo....))

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:32 PM

((Please copy the Profile Skeleton, fill it out with your character information and then send it to me through Private Messaging.))

Firemare is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 05:35 PM

Eliza blinked before schooling her features back to emotionlessness. She had several prepackaged responses if she were ever questioned, but Echo hadn't really let her get a word in. An abandoned room... Then obviously Echo was one like herself, who resisted the brainwashing. That or it was a trap, either way, she would be there. If it was a trap so be it, but if not she would not pass up this chance for a friend. It would increase the odds of her making it through the next few years.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:35 PM

((Also and this is to everyone who views this board; wait to be accepted via PM BEFORE you post your posts. There are only a select number of slots open to the public for each type of character... All of them have equal set roles, and it is not fair to those who think they can ninja their way in.))

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:46 PM

Louis Bradick stood behind Eliza, his posture flawless. Back straight, feet together while his hands were folded behind his back. "Eliza. Pleasure to see you are doing your work throughout dinner. May I look over it?" his voice held dominance that every students' lacked, a sense of purpose perhaps. His eyes were emotionless as he stared down at her, almost towering over her.

Firemare is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 05:56 PM

"It is merely another of my free battle training scenarios. I am saving my work until later and balancing my workload like this. It is of no importance. As you know I like to write it so I can refer back to it at a later date. However if you wish I will return to my assigned work now." As she was talking she discreetely closed the notebook and returned it to her bag, taking out another one and flipping it open to where an essay lay half written. Holding the bag in front of her so that Louis could not possibly take it from her, she began to write.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 06:04 PM

He watched her switch out the notebooks, amusement, if only for a brief second played across his face before it turned into that stone like face. "Very well... I do recommend you write out those scenarios, however, at a better time when you do not have other work that needs your attention. Tomorrow, after the basic classes, we will try and better yourself... Some extra training should do you some good. It will help you get in the mindset for the upcoming exams."

Firemare is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 06:16 PM

"Yes Louis. I will. Thank you." Eliza resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Louis wasn't a bad guy really, just... well, he was a guardian and all it entailed. In fact there were a couple of times she could have sworn he had shown concern. However even if he had, it was not enough to help her. And she COULD use the help on the exams. The skills were never a problem, but the mindsets always pushed her. She twitched slightly and schooled herself back to neutrality. "Lree." she thought to herself, and like always it calmed her. it was her mantra "Lree, Lree, Lree," went her thoughts until her muscles relaxed and she felt a warm sensation in her heart. She almost sighed with relief as she continued to write her paper. She would make it through this day, then she would focus on the next.

Crazy_Neko_Lady is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 06:57 PM

"Hey, Louis." Warden greeted his friend. He waited for a reply while twirling his fingers.

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Old 08-04-2009, 07:12 PM

Adia silently eats her lunch looking down at her tray emotionless. Occaisonally getting lost in her thoughts and then brought back to reality everytime she relizes it.

Kriddles. It's Magic.
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Old 08-04-2009, 07:17 PM

((Neko, you are the Guardian of Shi's student.))

Louis turned from Eliza and eyed Warden before nodding his head in acknowledgement, "Warden." He said calmly, "Is there something wrong?" He paused giving him a frown due to Warden's free use of words. Even though, they were allowed to show some emotion, they had to set an example for the students. Words and tone were a powerful tool for a mind... they had to use them with as much discipline out of context as when teaching the students themselves.

Crazy_Neko_Lady is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 07:17 PM

((Lol no one is posting back to me so I'll post to you, shi-chan, cause I'm you mentor or whatever XD))

"Adia..." Warden looked at the teen. "Are you okay?"
His voice was mono-toned, then again it always was.

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Old 08-04-2009, 07:22 PM

"Yes Warden I am fine."Adia says still staring at her tray.

Crazy_Neko_Lady is offline
Old 08-04-2009, 07:28 PM

THAT GIRL! GRRR.. SHE BETTER LOOK AT US, BEFORE I LAY A CAN OF- Warden blocked out Alice's infernal yelling.
"You look sad is all." Warden said, taking out his Pocky and offering some of the hoclate treat to her. "Want one?"


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