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Queen Persephone
Queen Persephone is offline
Old 03-06-2010, 09:30 PM

Through All Of The Devilish Things We Do ♥
Persephone's RP Ideas

Death the Bride, by Thomas Cooper Gotch

Specifications: I'm going to put it right out there first thing - I'm picky. I've been RPing for over eight years now, and quality is very important to me. Consider this a call to writers who aren't just "literate", but love writing and putting detail into their posts. I'm not about to get up in arms over a spelling error here and there, and word count isn't important to me, but I prefer when people put forth a little effort. I don't believe in using generic anime art to represent characters either. Descriptions are a good thing, and should be utilized frequently!

I'll play men or women, straight or gay, though I have a preference for writing women. While I do think romantic plotlines are fun, I prefer to have action and drama at least as a subplot.

Favorite Ideas & Elements:
• Victorian Era.
• Superheroes.
• Greek Mythology.
• Vampires.
• Werewolves.
• Zombie apocalypse.
• Faeries.
• Pirates.
• Ancient Egypt.
• Royalty.
• Insane asylum.
• Forbidden romance.
• Assassins.
• Geisha.
• The Roman Empire.
• Ghosts.
• Arranged marriage.

If there are any particular concepts you like, we could combine them to set up a plotline together. Historical RPers will be expected to do at least a little research. Later, I'll list more specific plotlines in this thread.

Last edited by Queen Persephone; 03-06-2010 at 09:51 PM..

Queen Persephone
Queen Persephone is offline
Old 03-09-2010, 05:26 PM

I'd love to RP a Hades and Persephone game with someone - it's a twisted and dark myth, I know, but a personal favorite of mine. We could write a more lighthearted version!

Sinsue Hoshigo
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Old 03-10-2010, 11:06 PM

Hi... Do you mind if you RP with someone who is simy-literate?

SYDN i 3
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Old 03-11-2010, 04:05 AM

I'd love to RP a HadesxPersephone plot with you, as I adore playing Hades. Or a Forbidden Romance-Greek Mythology crossover. I've been reading the Dark Hunter series, if you've ever heard about it, and I absolutely adore the idea of Artemis with a mortal man.

Valdris Darken
Valdris Darken is offline
Old 03-11-2010, 02:22 PM

I tend to find myself Literate. I tend to write descriptive representations of the characters I play. I want the person I am RPing with to really feel that atmosphere of the story. I am hoping to find an Role Player that is on that same level.

I would have to read up on my Hades and Greek Mythology a bit more. I do find the story sad but in a way sweet. I guess it's just my like for darker things.

Take care :)


♥ The Queen of Hearts b...
Kyuuketsuki_Kisu is offline
Old 03-12-2010, 08:09 AM

I'm could try your idea, although I do not know how well I would do...Their story is facinating, however. My spelling is not the greatest, but I enjoy writing, mostly when the partner I have makes it as enjoyable for me as I try to for them. ^u^ However, you do seem to have a lot of people willing to do that specific one, so I would like to tell you my second pick: The insane asylum. I've never done one and it sounds facinating!

Monroe is offline
Old 03-12-2010, 07:13 PM

I see your one-on-one request and raise you an Arranged Marriage plot. :0

..and I play male characters, to boot. *waggles eyebrows*

Briar Rose
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Old 03-13-2010, 03:12 AM

Hello there!

It's nice to come across someone who has been writing for almost as long as I have! I see you have gotten quite a few requests already, but if you aren't overloaded, I'd like to roleplay with you.

An idea that sounded interesting (to me anyway :D):

An arranged marriage between a royal Egyptian Faerie and a "poser"...a guy/gal whos family is power hungry and wants to usurp the Faerie thrown from it's current holders. But, the prince(ss) is in love with someone else...

I know it sounds cliche, but I think it would make a great story...Add a bit of Romeo&Juliet with a pinch of King Lear...:D


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