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SilverKnightHawk is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 12:15 PM

This Rp is free for anyone to join, but I do have some back story.

It's almost midnight, and you begin to feel drowsy. With a yawn, you climb into your bed and snuggle into the covers. You slowly drift into sleep, your mind relaxing it's grip on your body. With a final sigh, you slip into your dreams. After a full night's sleep, you finally wake up. You open your eyes and sit up, stretching. You finally take in your surroundings, and something is wrong. This is definitely not your bedroom! If you take a look around, you'll notice a tall, pale man standing to one side, the rest of your environment varies, be it city, country, trees, a meadow, or even the ocean!

I'll start it off :3

Jade: She yawned, rubbing her eyes with one hand as she stretched the other above her head. She blinked several times, and her obsidian eyes widened at the sight. She was floating several feet above the ground, pale white feet just peeking out of a black shroud. "This is not my bedroom," she murmured in disbelief.

Damien: The man in the corner chuckled, standing up and moving in front of her. "No it isn't, anyway, I am here to welcome you to the world of Marzena," he said with a charming grin. "The World of Dreams," he finished with a bow.

Crunch is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 03:36 PM

((Sounds fun - count me in! : D))

Anna: She opened her eyes to find herself... floating in mid air? The moment she realized this, she fell to the ground with an "Oof!" She immediately jumped up, brushing off her pajamas, muttering to herself, "I'm okay, I'm okay..."

She looked around and saw mountains, a lake, trees - all that nature-sy stuff. "This has got to be a dream," she said out loud. She pinched her arm. It hurt.

Before she could think of the possibility that this could maybe NOT be a dream, she caught a glimpse of another girl in her pajamas and a tall man a few feet away. She ran up to them. "Hey! Um, where am I?"

White Squirrel Girl
The Spazatic little cookie
White Squirrel Girl is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 03:47 PM

"Well... this is intresting." Reed said rubbing the back of his head and looking around. He ruffled his hair and glanced around.
"I am certinly dreaming." He said looking at the bed of leaves on the forest floor he was settled in and shook his head before laying back down. He was convinced if he fell asleep here again he'd wake up.

\ (•◡•) /
SilverKnightHawk is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 11:38 PM

Damien: Damien turned to the newcomer and let his sapphire eyes take in her appearance. "So you two are part of our 'new recruits', well, I guess pajamas is an improvement from last time," he told the girls with a grin. "As this lovely lady next to me already knows, you've entered the world of Marzena. Affectionately called the World of Dreams by it's inhabitants," he looked at Anna and smiled again, "You can change your clothes if you want. Just concentrate on what you want to look like, picture it in your mind, and focus."

As if to demonstrate, he closed his eyes, took three deep breathes and opened them again. In place of his previous blue eyes, they were now a deep red, and he no longer had pupils. "See, it's easy, once you get used to it," he remarked with a smirk.

Jade: She looked at the newcomer with curiosity. She was about to start a conversation, when Damien spoke. She turned her attention back the strange man, only half paying attention to what he said. When he closed his eyes, she turned back to him, expecting him to do something silly. When he opened his eyes, Jade stared at Damien in shock, "That, is really creepy."

Last edited by SilverKnightHawk; 07-07-2010 at 01:50 AM.. Reason: Eye color change!

Crunch is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 01:40 AM

((Weren't Damien's eyes already red though? O.0))

Anna: As the man continued speaking, Anna thought, So I'm in the World of Dreams, then. She contemplated that for a bit, and then shrugged. I guess that makes sense, she decided.

Upon hearing what the other girl said, she immediately turned to the strange-looking man and nearly had a heart attack. His eyes were blood red, and he didn't have any pupils. Once she got over the shock, Anna tilted her head and then laughed. "I can do that too, I bet!"

She squeezed her eyes shut and thought, "Give me jeans and a t-shirt." She opened her eyes to find herself in her usual "uniform".

"Now THAT is awesome." Anna grinned and looked at the man, immediately lowered her eyes when she saw his, and then looked up again and concentrated on his forehead. "Can I take these clothes home with me or something?" After all, she WAS getting tired of her other boring jeans and t-shirts... not that her outfit at the moment was boring enough, anyway.

\ (•◡•) /
SilverKnightHawk is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:12 AM

((O_O I don't think they were...Oh, right, they were *goes and edits post*))

Damien: Damien chuckled at their reactions, then closed his eyes and reopened them. Now, just the iris was red, and the rest of his eye had returned. When she managed the transformation, he gave a slow clap. "Great job! Most of the new-comers can't even change the color of their clothes, let alone make new ones," he congratulated, smiling at the girl.

His smile faltered at her question, and he got a sad look on his face. "Well," he started, "That's just the thing. We don't know anyway out of here." He looked to the side and bit his lip, "Once you enter Marzena, there's no way out."

Jade: Jade shivered, all of this was way to weird for her. "So, you want me to believe that we're in another world, and there's no way to get back home?"

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:29 AM

Nick's eyes flutered open and he looked around. He was completly under water and yet he could still breath. How unusal. I'm certainly not at home anymore. When he swam upwards he noticed he was in a pond, there was a girl flying above him with another man and another girl was on the ground. Pulling himself out of the water he realised he was still in the boxers he had fallen asleep in with no acual clothes on. "Whats going on?" His hands snapped up over his mouth as he looked at the others in shock, then let his hands down again. "...what IS going on?!?!..."

Last edited by The Bebe Girl; 07-07-2010 at 02:49 AM..

*==BleedingHeart==* is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:49 AM

Forest: Forest slowly opened her eyes and scanned the area, she was small in a glass box. Suddenly the box shaddered and she stood up. She was a bit embarrassed because she was wearing pants but she wasnt wearing a shirt. Before anyone could see her she used her long brown hair to cover her top area Im so glad i didnt cut my hair she thought. "Where am i? What happened to my room?" she asked, she looked at everyone and tilted her head waiting for some one to answer her question. she figured this was just another wired dream but it felt so real.

Crunch is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:52 AM

Anna: She blinked. Was this guy serious?

"Wait... so you're saying... that I'll... never go home... again?"

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:54 AM

Nick noticed the new girl come and walked up to her, dripping wet. "D-do you h...have any idea what is g-g-going on?", he asked. His voice was slow and shaky, he wasn't used to tallking and was very freaked out. His eyes flickered down to her bare chest for a momment before hitting her eyes again. He seemed to be begging for an answer with his own, deep, brown eyes. Then, Nick heared the voice from the other girl on the ground. "What...I...I...missed something...."

*==BleedingHeart==* is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 03:14 AM

Forest shook her head and used her arm she cover herself a little more "I have no clue" she could tell he was freaked out and he wasnt the only one. She was a little scared but again she thought she was just dreaming so she figured she would wake up any minute. When she realized this wasnt a dream she got even more scared "W-what is this place?!" she asked, she was really hoping someone would tell her this wasnt real and she would wake up and second.She sat down and looked up at Nick when she saw he was only wearing boxers she quickly looked at the ground Im glad im only half naked she thought

Last edited by *==BleedingHeart==*; 07-07-2010 at 03:22 AM..

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SilverKnightHawk is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 08:40 AM

Damien: Damien looked sadly at the ground, "Trust me, I've been searching for years, I miss my family too."

When he spotted the two newcomers, he greeted them with a small wave, lacking his earlier jubilation. When he saw the shirtless girl, he blushed brightly. "Ma-Maybe y-you sho-should-" he started to stutter, before closing his eyes and imagining a loose blue shirt. "Here!" he said, holding it out to her and averting his eyes.

Jade: Jade rolled her eyes, and wandered towards the edge of the pond. She peered in, surprised when her reflection winked at her. Now that she looked closer, it wasn't exactly her reflection, there were small differences. Light green tattoos covered the other girls arms, and there were faint hints that they curved down to her back. Her eyes were luminescent, and entrancing.

The girl in the pond smiled coyly, and brought a finger to her lips in a silent 'shh' gesture. Jade reached one hand into the water slowly, and grinned when she felt a smooth hand grip hers. The smile dropped as the other hand pulled sharply, dragging her into the water without a sound.

((Me thinks we have a villain ;) ))

*==BleedingHeart==* is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 11:13 AM

Forest sighed and gently took the blue shirt "Thank you" she said putting it on. When she heard what he said about missing his famile she frowned knowing she was trapped here, she couldnt stay here her boyfriend was going to propose today."Well...that sucks" she said "So theres no way out?" she asked looking at Damien. She frowned cause she knew what the answer would be but there had to be an exit some where! there just had to be.

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SilverKnightHawk is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 12:47 PM

Damien: "If there is, I haven't found it yet," he shrugged his shoulders and smiled sheepishly, "Actually, I think my last attempt dragged you guys into this mess."

Jade: Jade collapsed onto the ground with a small 'oof'. She hopped to her feet and looked around the dark audience chamber, demanding, "Where am I!" She heard the dry rasp of scales on stone coming from behind her, and turned around quickly, "Who are you!" There was a sharp clicking noise to one side, and she turned, growing even angrier, "Show yourself!"

Silfi: "Asss you wisssh," came a long, drawn out hiss. The sound of scales against stone hit Jade's ears again, as Silfi slithered into what little light there was. From the waist up, she was beautiful young woman, who could have been Damien's copy in everything but gender. Below the waist though, she had a long, curving snake tail, with dimly shimmering scales. "Welcome to Cassstle Nerezza, you're own persssonal Cassstle of Nightmaresss."

The Bebe Girl
The Bebe Girl is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 10:44 PM

Nick looked at the others, "N-no way home? That sucks...", he was finally getting used to his newfound voice, and begining to enjoy it. "At least i can talk now...How did you make that shirt? Can you make me some clothes?" Nick brushed back his dark brown hair with one hand and began to shiver from being cold, wet, and exposed.


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