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ALLYMOOSE is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 07:41 PM

What makes you want to tear your hair out?

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 10-10-2010, 10:53 PM

Rap music. Most of it is just...the same thing over and over again. "I want some drugs. I'll bust a cap in yo' ass. I need to have sex with some woman." It's disgusting. Some of it, I don't mind. Like Eminem. He actually raps about real experiences in his life.

Soda is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 12:53 AM

Hmm I like all music but I prolly agree with pweep. I have rap songs I like though, but comparing that to other genres the stuff is few and far between.. And usually "in a foreign language" rap ha.

meatballhead is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 01:41 AM

Country, Mariachi style folk music, and reggae all make me want to tear my hair out.

xRhii is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 04:11 AM

I think I'd have to say Rap, I mean I listen to a few artits but I find I just cannot stand the majority. It's just pointless swears and sex talk, not something I exactly want to lisen especially when it's putting women and other things down.

Lady Zelos
Lady Zelos is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 04:14 AM

I don't like ska or jazz.

Amethyst Lavenlight
Amethyst Lavenlight is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 09:18 PM

Rap. Country. Modern rock. (Don't kill me! D: )

I find rap a bit too vulgar; it constantly talks about sex, drugs, and booze. But mostly sex. And treating women poorly, cheating on them, etc. However, I respect early rap (like from the 90s) where they actually play with words and create pretty clever songs or actually talk about real life things.

I also can't stand to listen to country because it just sounds way too commercial. When my mom turns on the radio, the lyrics are almost as bad as rap and all the riffs sound the same. :C BUT I'm a huge fan of bluegrass and deep south music. I find that it actually takes real talent and creativity to create something like that, but country is just too easy to copy. All the songs sound the same...

Same thing goes with modern rock. When I turn on a modern rock station, every song sounds like something from Nickelback. The guitars only play three chord riffs and are so distorted to the point that it just sounds like garbled junk. I find the lyrics too simplistic, the riffs not original, and the songs poorly made overall. :/ I wish the 70s and 80s came back, so that I could listen to bands with real talent. [/end rant]

is bored... Amuse me? ^^
RisikaFox is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 10:21 PM

Crap... I mean rap. xD Some rap is okay(Beastie Boys, Eminem, Linkin Park), but for the most part, I can't stand it. That and country.

Vexatious~Venom is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 10:25 PM

Just me that actually likes rap music? xD

I hate punk music, all forms of it. My dad is really big into it and has his own record label, probably why I don't like it xD

Bippy is offline
Old 10-11-2010, 11:20 PM

I'm not a fan of country music, a little odd because I grew up in Idaho but I can't stand the twanging of steel guitar and the lyrics about drinking and sleepin' with women who will later leave you and take the dog.

Wynna is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 03:19 AM

Country music or rap music. Country music to me just sounds all the same, I find it very sappy and some of the songs are about really sad stuff. Also rap music to me is not just rap, I don't mind it if the raps are creative and well-done but when it is just swearing, I don't care for it.

Mystic is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 03:52 AM

Top 40/"MTV type" music. Can't stand overly sexual music or violent music.

Baxter is offline
Old 10-12-2010, 04:11 AM

I'm gonna go with the new rap/pop music type thingys....yeah..old rap is good though. Artists like A tribe Called Quest and Salt N' Pepa are timeless.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-13-2010, 05:09 AM

Is Cock Rock considered a genre? :lol: If not, is "modern hard rock" a suitable answer? Because all of these "hard rock" bands that are coming around lately just make me want to bash my head into something. The music on them all sounds exactly the same, for the most part, and the lyrics are just completely empty if not misogynistic, pathetic, or otherwise disgusting.
I don't really like gangster rap either (but that's not to imply that I dislike all rap), but I'm not really exposed to it that much as I don't ever listen to rap stations or the stations that just play popular music. I do listen to some hard rock stations, though, so I get lots of Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin, Saving Able, etc. :headdesk:
Oh, and also Journey. Yeah, Journey's it's own genre, I guess. :lol:

(Apologies if you like those bands)

rawcookiedough is offline
Old 10-13-2010, 05:28 AM

Rap and country for sure. I can't stand either.
There are a few songs admittedly, but the genres for the most part can shove it.
It's not just the sound I can't stand, it's also the typical topics.
For country it's all either "I'm so in love," or "you broke my heart boo hoo."
With rap it's mostly "I'm awesome - guns/so-called-power, women, money."
The few times someone in those genres actually sing about something interesting I sometimes like it.
But I usually don't find those songs because those genres suck so much so I don't listen to them.

Baxter is offline
Old 10-13-2010, 05:32 AM

Originally Posted by Cherry Flavored Antacid View Post
Is Cock Rock considered a genre? :lol: If not, is "modern hard rock" a suitable answer? Because all of these "hard rock" bands that are coming around lately just make me want to bash my head into something. The music on them all sounds exactly the same, for the most part, and the lyrics are just completely empty if not misogynistic, pathetic, or otherwise disgusting.
I don't really like gangster rap either (but that's not to imply that I dislike all rap), but I'm not really exposed to it that much as I don't ever listen to rap stations or the stations that just play popular music. I do listen to some hard rock stations, though, so I get lots of Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin, Saving Able, etc. :headdesk:
Oh, and also Journey. Yeah, Journey's it's own genre, I guess. :lol:

(Apologies if you like those bands)
I definitely agree with you about the new rock bands. It's like they're all following the same song structure or something.

Elleonyx is offline
Old 10-16-2010, 02:41 PM

Rap, but Eminem I don't mind. I also don't like heavy metal.


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