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Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 02:26 AM

A Quickie!
Username: Woody

Faded crimson leaves do blow
Across the broken stone below
Vines creep and crumble down
Soft marble stones to the ground

The iron sign is flecked with rust
An ear is missing from the bust
Of “Dearly Departed Maive”
No one left to mourn her grave

The grounds are vast, in disrepair
And silence hangs heavy in the air
The only sounds the mournful cry
Of doves and owls just flying by

But still when the moon is overhead
Just a sickle of light illuminating their bed
You might just catch the sleepers still
Coming up to dance their fill

No music heard nor witness here
And still they dance in funeral gear
Dawn’s cold rays sets dead to sleep
Down they lay in the dreamless deep

I wish I had the energy to do such awesome graphic comics. I...yeah I can't I don't do computer art at all. It'd be stick figures and that'd take me hours.

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 03:25 AM

love to see all the entries! you guys are so awesome, these are so great! it's going to be so hard to choose!

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 03:26 PM

A Quickie!
Username: monstahh`

Tall and slender
Off in the distance
In the shadows of the creeping night
He watches
He waits
The right time
The right victim
Run, if you can
But his long legs will always catch up

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 05:00 PM

oh god is that a slenderman poem? :O that game terrifies me!

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 05:25 PM

haha, yes it is

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 05:39 PM

That's terrifying monstahh!

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 05:43 PM

Run away!

Slender-man mythos is a fascinating phenomenon.

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 11-02-2017, 06:34 PM

I didn't mean for it to be too spooky. Or did I?

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 03:37 AM

lots of great entries so far! hope we can get a few more in before the end!

Entries are updated to here!

LillieRose is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 04:45 AM

I seem to be late to the party but at least I didn't completely miss it. xD

Here's my entry. Enjoy. ~_^

Show Me The Shorty!
Username: LillieRose

Siara Atterton carefully lowered one foot on the first rung and slowly began her descent.

All the years of experience could not prepare her for this - she was excited and terrified.

A find as big as the one she was about to explore only comes along once in a lifetime.

She reached the last rung and as her spacesuit protected arms let go of the bars, she turned around and gasped.

The alien structure in front of her was magnificent. It was definitely made by sentient beings, Siara concluded, based on the shape of what appeared to be the entrance.

It was perfectly circular with what appeared to be beautifully detailed, triangular carvings around the outer edge of it.

As she approached, she flicked on the recording button wired to the visor of her helmet and reached out to touch one of the edges to retrieve a sample. She carefully placed the sample in one of the compartments on the arm of her suit and datavised a quick order to her ship computer for analysis.

After a few moment, the results data appeared on her visor's screen.

"Material: organic.
Origin: unknown.
Compound: unknown.
Results: inconclusive.
Retrieve more samples for further analysis."

Siara's pupils widened. An organic material of unknown origin? Uncommon but not unusual.

Since humankind began its space exploration, many marvelous discoveries have been made but there were still many secrets to uncover. The universe was vast.

Despite the tingle of fear down her spine, Siara decided to proceed.

She carefully stepped in front of the circular entrance and observed that the triangle shaped carvings were arranged all around it in a very purposeful manner, as the space between them was equal all around.

She reached out and touched the lower, protruding end of one of them.

Suddenly, a warm wind blew right toward her from the centre of the entrance hole.

Her poor human eyes were not quick enough to detect the movement of the arch above her head, as it crushed down on her.

And with a sickening crunch and a belch, she was no more.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 07:25 AM

Am I still in time?
Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Car'a'Carn
Entry:(I Went over... It's actually 368 words )
The gasper dangles from her pretty red lips. What a dish. One of those nights yer glad you stayed late to dip the bill. I lean back in my chair, shaking a gasper outta my deck. Empty.

“Spare a butt gorgeous?” The blinds make hard shadows across her features. Her dress sparkles, catching the light. She takes a pull, then passes it to me. Lipstick stains an’ all.

It’s sweet. The smoke pours down my throat like cheap Bourbon. It does the job.

“You gonna help? Or you gonna pull on those butts all night, drownin’ in corn?” She stands there staring at me, hands on her hips, leanin’ forwards on gams that won’t stop. A real pro skirt.

“Long as you got the scratch doll” I nibble one while I wait. It burns, but I like it that way.

“Youse dicks are all the same ain’t youse?” She tosses a wad o’ dough in my lap. It’s heavy. Ought’a be ‘nuf.

“Listen doll, I ain’t no sap... But I’ll take a pipe at yer case.”

“Name’s Shae, Flattie” Then she gave me the dust.


Can’t finger it… But there’s something fishy wit’ this girl. Wit’ the whole. I grab my Flogger, holster my heat. Time to ankle over to the Clip joint.

It ain’t a long walk. Bruno stops me at the door but I flash ‘em the butt of my colt an’ He lets me in.

I glance at the canary on stage an’ freeze. Lin? What’s she doin’ here? Our eyes meet. My best moll, an’ she ain’t smiling... Something hinky here.

There’s the bossman with the big alderman. … And Shae. I head over.

“Well this ain’t what I expected Shae...”

“Never is, is it Flattie?” Shae Smirks.

A hatchet man reaches for his roscoe but I beat him to the pull “Grab air!”

“Chase! Watch out!” The music’s stopped. I turn an’ look at Lin. Movement. I’m just in time to pipe the hatchet man burn powder. The slug burns across my conk... How, how did I get to my knees? My… My colt… ... It’s sticky. The blood. Pouring down my pan. Shae is… Above me?

“You… You played me for a chump…”

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 11-03-2017 at 07:28 AM..

Can't rain all the time
Naisou is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 04:14 PM

Only 350 words is hard. Lol. I pared it down to 350 exactly.

Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Naisou
The woods could be a dangerous place, especially at night. Full of creatures who hunted and killed without thought of mercy. The week surrounding the full moon being exceptionally perilous for those caught unaware.

Going for a run was cathartic though, shedding the burdens of reality and focusing on the simple push and pull of straining muscles. When the need for release came, it didn't matter what perils the full moon held. I was strong enough. Smart enough. Or so I had always thought.

And I needed this run, a bone deep need so strong that the panicked pleas my mother uttered fell onto deaf ears as I ran. The rhythmic thud of my feet hitting the soft earth, breaths condensing in the cold night air, heart beating against my ribs. These were what I focused on. Not the colicky cries of my baby sister or the slurs thrown from villagers as we passed.

The anger swelled up again, pushing out behind my eyes, clawing into my brain. Anger at our poverty, our fathers death, the unbridled hatred shown to us. I ran faster. Branches scratching, snagging, trying to slow my frantic pace.

Pain bloomed in my haunches, overwhelming me, dragging me back to the present. The metallic smell of blood sharp in the cold night air.

Drunken shouts of triumph flooded my ears, the heavy, uneven fall of feet rushing forward, snapping the undergrowth.

Panic flared bright, snarls tearing from my foaming lips as I fell. My skin rippled, fur bristling as I attempted to change. Unwilling to let the men have my pelt as a souvenir. The silver bullet lodged in my leg prevented me from succeeding, boiling my blood within me.

"It's tryin' change back."
"Finish it quick! Human skin ain't worth 'nuthin."

A knife flashed. My last thought was of my mother and sister. Would they survive? Father butchered and now this. My pelt to be hung on a wall.

I should have known not to go into the woods during a full moon. When the monstrous humans came out hunting for elusive silver manwolf pelts.

A Quickie!
Username: Naisou
Don't close your eyes
For if you do
The shadow man
Will come for you.

Don't go to sleep
For when you wake
The shadow man
Your soul will take.

But if your soul is stained
And darkness lives within.

Don't be afraid
For then you'll see
The shadow man
Will welcome thee.

Last edited by Naisou; 11-03-2017 at 05:09 PM..

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 06:52 PM

so happy to see more entries!


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 06:54 PM

Good luck choosing a winner.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 07:30 PM

I can't think of anything @__@;; Haven't had time this week to come up with something. I take forever to write anything because I always overthink it.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 07:35 PM

i feel you, Su. getting started writing is the hardest part for me. i've learned to just turn my brain off and let myself barf all over the paper and then clean it up afterwords. (that was a metaphor. i don't literally puke.) and omg... it took me so long to think of an idea for my comic. xD i'm happy i managed to think of anything at all.

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 11-03-2017, 07:53 PM

All the entries are so good! Good luck everyone!


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