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Old 06-06-2017, 02:32 PM

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Today was my flight back to NYC. I woke up early to say goodbye to my sister before she left for school and then showered and finished packing and then we left for the airport. My mom and I stopped at Panera for lunch which was pretty yummy. When we got to the airport there were no delays and I checked in and we said goodbye (why are goodbyes always so hard? ).

After that I went through security. I was worried they might not let me through because I was essentially taking 2 carry ons. Surprisingly they let me take both but they confiscated my peanut butter, chocolate spread, and shower gel. :/ At least I was able to have them give it to my mom so she could use them. The shower gel okay, I was trying to sneak that through, but the food items I’ve passed through before and I didn’t think the rule applied to foods that are thick spreads like that. Oh well.

Once I finally got through security, I headed to my gate expecting to wait an hour or so before boarding since everything seemed A-OK when I looked at the board but the time between checking in and going through security I somehow had my flight leaving at 5:30pm instead of 2:40pm. WTF? That delay turned into 6:40pm, 7:40pm, 8:40pm… At least I got a bunch of Mene work done while I was waiting since I had brought my laptop and there was some free wifi, lol.

Finally they boarded us around 8:00pm but the nightmare wasn’t over. Shortly after we started taxiing out they called us back. More storm delays. More construction at JFK. Uggggh. I seriously didn’t want to leave the plane because I was finally able to watch a bit of that show Genius which I have been seeing advertised but don’t have access to since I don’t have cable. But nope, no flight, and no TV, instead we got another 3ish hours of waiting. There was a bit of a scare too because around 10:30pm people started saying that if we didn’t take off by 12:45pm the pilot would have to go off duty and we would be SOL.

FINALLY we got back on the plane and got the hell out of Buffalo. I landed in NYC around 1:00am and didn’t get back to my apartment until 3:00am. I was supposed to work tomorrow but there was no way I was going to wake up at 7:00am after all of that so I called in sick and finally crawled into bed for a much deserved rest.

• • •

Forgiveness is one of those things that is really hard for me. I tend to remember things…like forever. And if it’s something that was hurtful to me, I remember it all the more. I’ve been trying to be more forgiving though. I really need to learn to let things go for sanity’s sake.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

I was so happy I called in today. With all of yesterday’s stress I would have been going crazy at work. @_@ I had a hard time sleeping because my kitty cried all night and I didn’t get to sleep in like I was hoping but oh well. I woke up around 10:00am with a headache but I started doing some major cleaning in my apartment anyway since it was a mess from my dad’s visit which took most of the morning/afternoon. After that I unpacked, ate lunch, and took a nap which was a bad idea since I woke up with an even worse headache. :/ I took a shower and went to the store to get some groceries and made hamburgers and flavored rice for dinner which was pretty yummy. After doing the dishes and checking some stuff on Mene I sat down and played a few minutes of Zelda before bed. It was really nice to get back to that game, I was seriously going through withdrawal. XD

• • •

LOL, this is a silly one. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was my new suitcase. It’s turquoise with neon yellow accents, I love it! It looks so cool compared to all those lame neutral colored ones you usually see.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

I had a really hard time getting up this morning since I slept super bad last night. I think that nap was a bad idea… Today was my first day back at work. It’s always depressing going back after vacation… It was a bit awkward since they moved my desk in my absence. I am happy to be away from the front reception desk but it feels weird having my own office, lol. I tried to split my time between working and settling into my new space then I had a meeting in the afternoon which lasted pretty much the rest of the day. @_@ I was so happy to finally leave and meet a friend for dinner. We went to this pub that I took my dad to that was super yummy. Their burgers are so huge though! I got one with an onion ring on it and had to take it off and eat it because I just couldn’t fit the burger in my mouth. XD

• • •

LOL, I don’t have a yard let alone a back yard so there isn’t much to say about this. I did do some raking for my mom while I was home… XD I do have a tiny patch of lawn in front of my apartment but it belongs to the building so I can’t really do anything with it. If I could I would put out a pink flamingo, some flowers, and a birdfeeder though!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Waking up this morning was soooo hard. I had trouble sleeping last night as well. At least it’s Friday though so that’s a plus! Work was alright but I was impatient for the end of the day, lol. Afterwards I headed to gamestop to pick up a last minute pokemon event card for Lycanroc and headed to the bar with some friends. It was interesting trying to speak French after not really having spoken it in so long. XD After that we headed to this quaint little place for dinner but holy heck it was such a long walk to get there! The food was pretty good but I’m honestly not sure it was worth the walk and the wait. ^^; After that I headead home and went to bed.

• • •

I have horrible team building skills to be honest. I have a hard time integrating myself within a group of people. :/

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Today I spent pretty much all day playing Zelda with a break sometime in the middle to do some Mene work. XD

• • •

I totally didn’t read/listen to the news today. I only do so rarely but more often than I used to since I got Alexa since she can read me the news when I ask. Sometimes I have her play it while I’m getting ready for work in the morning.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Today was a rather stressful day for me. I’ve been trying to figure a lot of things out in my life lately and it’s been weighing on me quite a bit. I wanted to get around to working on some projects and things that I’ve left by the wayside today but I ended up spending most of my free time here on Mene to release the latest CIs. It was a hell of a lot more work than I thought to be honest since it was my first time doing it. Once I finally finished that I didn’t have much time left to do work on my other stuff so I spent a few minutes playing Zelda and headed to bed.

• • •

I could use some pearls of wisdom at the moment. I’ve been really struggling in my life lately…


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-12-2017, 05:43 PM

Monday, June 5, 2017

This morning I was late for work again because of train problems. >.< It was a rather emotional day for me. My boss came to talk to me to ask me why I was so “moody” which really I was more “broody” than anything. Our conversation didn’t go the greatest but it made me feel a bit better. I also wrote in my journal a lot to try to get down some feelings that I’ve been having lately. Later in the day I found out that I might be moving desks again which isn’t cool.

• • •

I’ll actually be traveling to New Orleans with a friend next month for the 4th of July! That should be interesting since I’ve never been down south before.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Last night I slept really well and woke up feeling amazing. It’s crazy since I figured with all of the emotional upset I had that I wouldn’t be able to sleep much. On my lunch break I went to American Eagle to pick up some tank tops. I got a few with my dad while he was here and OMG they are the most comfortable thing I have ever worn, I don’t want to wear anything else! I also stopped by Swatch to look at watches since my Nike Fuel Band died but I didn’t get one. I had to stay late at work since I was out too long on my lunch break and then I ended up going back to Swatch to get the watch I had been eyeing and one of the employees there hit on me which was a bit awkward. After that I headed home, had dinner, and thought about going to bed but ended up having a bit of a fight with a friend online and ended up feeling really upset again and stayed up late because I couldn’t stop crying. I know I’ve been depressed but tonight really takes the cake. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

• • •

Eh, I don’t really have an specific goals for this summer other than continue to try to get my life together.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Today I woke up and immediately started crying again. Not a good start to the day. My headphones also broke which wasn’t good timing. On my lunch break I called my mom and I went to get a new pair of headphones and a book from the library. After work I headed home and did my laundry. Thankfully I felt a bit better than I have been lately this evening.

• • •

U is for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon! I just heard about the game. I’ll probably get the Ultra Sun one. I’m not really sure what it’s all about but it’s Pokemon so I’ll buy it, lol.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Today I ended up going on a “field trip” to visit the new building for work again to take notes for a meeting my boss was having there. I always like days like this, it makes it feel like the day goes by faster. After work I went home and made “breakfast pasta” for dinner. I can’t remember what else happened today, lol.

• • •

I wish I could have a pretty garden but nope. I already mentioned how I can’t do anything with the itty bitty patch of lawn outside my apartment. It is really nice to walk the neighborhood though and see everyone else’s gardens. Where I’m living now is so much nicer than where I was before, which was basically like Chinatown, Brooklyn, lol! Where I live now actually has houses and yards. It’s a super pretty neighborhood.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday at last! Today was a pretty good day. Work was alright. Afterwards I stopped at American Eagle to return a shirt and then went to Target to get some socks. Then I headed to the bar to meet a friend. We had some wine and paninis and talked about our week.

• • •

Speaking of maps, Google Maps is so dumb sometimes. The other day it suggested I walk three blocks up and one block over and then down a block to get where I wanted to go. Why would I walk three blocks up and one block down rather than one block over and 2 blocks up? It makes no sense…

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Today I went to the movies to see King Arthur: Legend of a Sword with a friend. I honestly didn’t think I would like it that much but I actually really enjoyed it! I was expecting it to be a serious fantasy movie similar to The Lord of the Rings but there was actually a lot of humor in it. It’s done by the same guy who directed the new Sherlock Holmes movies and I was happy to see the same play by play sort of action that made that movie so great.

After the movies we went to Shake Shake to get milkshakes and then sat on the grass for a while in the park at Union Square since it was such a nice day out. After that I headed home and cleaned the house a bit and jumped on SWTOR to attend the guild meeting. I wasn’t feeling very well emotionally though and it ended up being a difficult evening. I stayed up late cry and eventually went to bed around 2:00am.

• • •

I’m not super competitive so I don’t usually do a lot of racing. Once in a while I’ll play a racing game and in high school I was on track and field but that’s about it really.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Today I managed to sleep in a little bit after staying up so late but I couldn’t lounge around because I had to go to the pharmacy to get my prescription filled since they messed up on doing the automatic refill and I wasn’t able to pick it up yesterday. That ended up being a bit of an ordeal but at least I finally got my prescription. After that I decided to go for a walk since it was such a nice day out and called my dad and talked to him for a while. Eventually I gave up walking and went back inside to have lunch and take care of some things that I’ve been meaning to do but never seem to get around to like my checkbook, sewing, ironing, boring stuff, lol.

After that I tried a new recipe for dinner: creamy parmesan rice with London broil. I’ve been really wanting to make risotto but can’t seem to find the rice I need. This recipe didn’t turn out as well as I was hoping but it was alright. Once I finished with dinner and the dishes I decided to get on SWTOR for a while and do some quests. A friend got on about halfway through and we ended up playing together for a bit for the first time in a long time which was nice. Eventually I had to give up and go to bed though. Overall it was a pretty nice day.

• • •

I actually finally got around to changing my avatar yesterday. Here’s the new one:



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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-13-2017, 08:43 PM

Monday, June 12, 2017

Today went pretty well. It was super hot here today, 95 degrees! I actually worked pretty hard at work today for a change. On my lunch break I went to Bath & Body Works and got some marshmallow smelling lotion, mmm! I also finally got the t-shirt I ordered. It’s a basic textured navy blue t-shirt but it’s soooo soft and comfy! I can’t wait to wear it! After work I headed home and took care of a few things then traded some pokemon with a friend and played some SWTOR. It was a lot of fun!

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LOL, no concerns about wedding season here for me since there’s nothing on my calendar, lol! I have seen some people out and about doing engagement photos lately though…

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Today has been an alright day so far. It’s really hot again today, up to 95, and I’m hoping we’ll get the thunderstorms they’re calling for this evening. I thought maybe there would be some filming going on outside on my apartment on the way to work this morning but I guess it won’t start until later? Maybe I’ll get to see some on my way home. I worked all morning on a poster presentation for an upcoming event then I went to a doctor appointment during my lunch break that went much longer than I expected so I’ll have to stay later tonight. This afternoon feels like it’s been going by so slow so that’s going to be torture. One fun thing was that I got my new Molang planner and it’s adorable! I can’t wait to start using it. Once I get home I’ll make some teriyaki steak for dinner and then try to go to bed early since I’ve been super tired lately.

• • •

My summer style really depends on where I’m going/what I’m doing that day. If I’m staying home lounging I’ll wear a bralette and shorts with an elastic waist and a comfy shirt. If I’m going to work I’ll wear a dress or a skirt. If I’m going out, then it depends on the function. No straight answers here, lol!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2017, 01:32 AM

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Today was an alright day. I sent the poster presentation I’ve been working on at work in for printing. I ended up taking a really late lunch and went out to get a bento box from an Asian market nearby. It was alright but not as good as I was hoping it would be. After work I went bowling with a friend at Frames. It ended up being way more expensive than I thought it would be though. @_@ My first game was 89 I think? And my second game was 117. Not bad! After that I went to my friend’s house and we ordered some chicken cheese fajitas for dinner which were super yummy and watched some Mushishi. After that I headed home but got back rather late because the trains weren’t cooperating and then headed to bed.

• • •

V is for…victory!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Today was alright. I had the rest of my bento box for lunch and then I had a meeting in the afternoon. I was so tired I could barely stay awake but it was better than doing other work I guess. After that I headed home and did laundry and made some dinner. My cat bit me super hard on the arm while I was eating and left me with a huge bruise. @_@ After that I stayed up a bit late to finish reading Dreaming Water. It was a kind of sad book but also somehow uplifting. I like reading Gail Tsukiyama’s books when I’m feeling down because they always somehow manage to inspire me.

• • •

Zelda Breath of the Wild is definitely my favorite adventure game lately!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Today was a pretty good day. I was glad it was Friday, lol. We had donuts at work because it was my coworker Nahomie’s birthday. On my lunch break I took my book back to the library and then later in the afternoon we had a mini party for Nahomie but nobody bothered to go round up the rest of the office so I only found out because I heard a lot of noise coming from the conference room. The “party” wasn’t as nice as our birthday parties are. Just some crappy Polish donuts and coffee. Usually we have yummy tart cakes and champagne, lol. Oh well, it was a fun distraction for about 15 minutes. I ended up staying a bit late at work afterwards because I wanted to finish some things and then had trouble getting home because the trains were being stupid. I did a bit of cleaning and finally synced my phone pics. I haven't done that since February. @_@ I had some pizza for dinner then played a bit of pokemon, and headed to bed early.

• • •

I haven’t really had much fruit lately. I really should get some soon.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Today I woke up around 9:00am feeling tired since I tossed and turned pretty much all night.. I did a bit of cleaning and then played a few minutes of SWTOR to check out the Nar Shadaa event but it ended up being kind of lame. After that I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and got ready to head out roller skating with my boyfriend but it ended up down pouring so we changed plans and he ended up coming over to hang out instead. We played a bunch of Zelda and then had pizza and watched the first episode of Westworld for dinner. It was interesting but rather gory in unexpected places. We played a couple rounds of pokemon TCG so I could try out my new fire/electric deck. I won the first round super quick and then they won the next two rounds super quick, lol. It was fun to play anyway. After that I went back to playing Zelda until late and then headed to bed.

• • •

Oh gosh, there are so many things on my desk(s). I have both my work desk and my home desk. I’m too lazy to describe them though, lol!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Today was a kind of weird day. I woke up around 9 and lounged around in bed for a while then played some Zelda. I took a shower around noon and ended up passing out in the bathtub. It was pretty scary. I turned off the water and then suddenly felt really light headed. I remember holding onto the faucet and leaning back against the wall and I felt my knees buckle and I thought I managed to hold myself up but the next thing I knew I was crumpled up on the floor of the bathtub. Thankfully my boyfriend was there to help me. I ended up laying in bed and relaxing most of the day after that though I did Facetime my dad for a bit for Father's Day and there was some excitement when my cat found a cockroach under my bed. :/ Later on in the evening I felt a bit better and cooked up some stuff for this week. Wild rice and breakfast pasta and bacon and had breakfast for dinner. I played Zelda for a while and then watched the last of the second season of Mushishi. It’s about 10:30pm here now so I think I’ll get ready for bed shortly.

• • •

Hm, I’m not sure if I’m halfway to anywhere right now, lol.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-19-2017 at 01:42 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2017, 07:50 PM

Monday, June 19, 2017

Today has been a pretty good day so far. I woke up a bit before my alarm and was able to get ready a bit earlier than usual. I was a bit nervous about getting in the shower after what happened yesterday but I was okay. I left for work about 20 minutes earlier than usually but still ended up being only 4 minutes early. I seriously hate how inconsistent the subway system is. >.< At least I got to play a bit of pokemon on the way. I’ve been working on filling up my Pokemon Moon dex.

On my lunch break I went to Bath and Body works to get some hand sanitizer since my neighbors are super dirty and my hands feel gross every time I open the door to go outside in the morning. I worked on events for most of the afternoon and now we are having a random thunderstorm. I am hoping the rain will calm down before I leave work because the weather didn’t call for any rain this morning and I didn’t bring and umbrella. I don’t want to end up getting sick with the way they always turn the AC up super high in the subway cars.

Once I get home I’ll make some dinner and then try to get on SWTOR for the Concord meeting and Rishi datacrons. I’m hoping I’ll also have a few minutes to play Zelda since I had a new idea on how I can get up this one tower that defeated me the last time I tried.

• • •

I cooked so much in the kitchen yesterday! I made some wild rice, 2 servings of breakfast pasta, and last but not least, baconnn!!!


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Old 06-23-2017, 01:30 AM

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Today got off to a rocky start. There were train problems again this morning. My app said that it was simply a delay when it was actually a complete shut down of service on my line. Fun. Then when I got into work I got yelled at which wasn’t fun. My boss was really looking for a victim today. -_- The rest of the day was pretty eh. When I got home I worked on the translation project that I sort of let fall by the wayside pretty much all night. It was a lot of work but at least I made some progress which feels good.

• • •

I have a pretty fun bikini I bought last year. I always used to wear one piece swimsuits but after I went on a diet I started feeling a bit more confident about my body and finally got a bikini! I held onto my one piece for at least a year after that but finally got rid of it, lol! Now I’m kind of wishing I held onto it though because they have some interesting water classes here in the city that I could use it for. Oh well…

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Today was a pretty long day. I had a doctor’s appointment on my lunch break and had to stay late at work. Then I decided that I would finally get around to making an online portfolio so I ended up staying till 9:30pm at work to use photoshop there to save some files and start putting them up on Behance. It was so much work but I’m glad that I’ve finally gotten around to it and Behance seems like a pretty cool site. After I left, I grabbed a ham and cheese sandwich on the way home for a late dinner and ate it while I waited for the subway. It felt like it took forever to finally get home but was so glad to go to bed when I got there.

• • •

W is for water!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

I didn’t sleep well at all last night. I think it was from working too long and too late. I couldn’t stop thinking about the portfolio and other files I should have saved, etc. I felt like death when my alarm went off this morning, lol. Work today was alright. I spent a lot of the time still working on my portfolio (shhh, don't tell!). Then in the afternoon I went to the job site of the new store and took minutes for the meeting there. It’s always kind of fun to get out of the office but it’s always super awkward with my boss. After that I stayed a bit late again to continue saving files for the portfolio and then finally headed home. I was planning on working on more of it tonight but I was so tired when I got home that I called it quits and got some other stuff done like dishes and vacuuming. Now it’s finally time for bed. I can’t wait to lay down. Hopefully I’ll sleep better tonight…

• • •

I actually never wore sunglasses for years. I wear prescription glasses so it’s always a pain either finding clip ons or paying extra for transitions, etc. Finally last year after one too many headaches from squinting in the bright summer sunlight I caved and got a pair of prescription sunglasses. They were expensive but I’m sooo happy with them. I had no idea how much I was straining my eyes until I got them. It’s a pain to carry around an extra pair of glasses all the time but totally worth it.


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Old 06-26-2017, 02:23 PM

Friday, June 23, 2017

It’s finally Friday, whooo! The morning went by pretty fast because I was working pretty hard but things slowed down in the afternoon and it felt like the last few hours took forever. >.< After work I went to the bar with some friends and then we went to this Indian restaurant. There were a gazillion lights hanging down super low from the ceiling which looked cool but it kind of made me feel a bit claustrophobic. Thankfully we ended up sitting in the back outdoor area which was a bit roomier. I was a bit hesitant about the food since my neighbors are always cooking such disgusting smelling things (they’re Indian) but I got butter chicken on a recommendation and it was delicious! After that I headed home, though I ended up having to back track because I accidently left my phone at the restaurant. >.<

• • •

Hm, I’m not sure I have a current favorite drink. I’ve been really craving something different to drink than water but none of the juice around here has been on sale unfortunately.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Today was a bit of a slow morning. I lounged around for a while and then had a chicken bacon and cheese sandwich for lunch which was delicious. I watched an episode of Westworld then played some Zelda until the evening and headed over to a friend’s place for a party. We ended up playing some drinking games and I did my first ever stack cup (wow that game is stressful, lol). Eventually we ordered some pizza which was delicious and then we played Mario Party, beer pong, pyramids, and Cards Against Humanity. It was a super fun evening. I was actually really quite surprised because usually I tend to get tired a parties after a while and end up wanting to leave early but I stayed the whole night and didn’t feel bored once! I think my social skills are improving.

• • •

I’m so excited for vacation, lol. I just came back from vacation but I already want to leave again. XD

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Today I woke up with a bit of a headache, a mini hangover I guess. I laid in bed most of the morning and didn’t do much in the afternoon. I took a nap later then got up, showered, and got on SWTOR to play some of the Nar Shadaa nightlife event. I won a speeder and managed to get enough golden tickets to buy a top and a pair of pants that I wanted before going broke, lol. After that I was looking for a group to play with but couldn’t find one. I made some dinner and eventually one of my friends got on so I ended up playing in a group with them and helping another person complete their quest which took pretty much all night. I had planned on trying to get some other stuff done but oh well, it was pretty fun.

• • •

I was just…IDK, sleeping, lol. That nap was probably a bad idea though. I always have trouble sleeping at night afterwards.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Today I had a hard time waking up. I didn’t sleep well last night. I got to bed late and then the neighbors were yelling in the hallway and slammed the door until around 1:00am. Even after that I tossed and turned most of the night. >.< Besides that the day is going okay so far though I’m writing this pretty early. XD It’s almost noon so I’ll head out on my lunch break soon to go to the ATM and pick up some ramen from Jack 99 since I only have one package left. I brought some bokimbap for lunch which should be yummy. Then it’ll be time to work again. I have an event to prepare for so I’ll probably be working on that most of the day. After work I’m going to go to Target to pick up some stuff and then head home!

• • •

I’m actually leaving on my summer vacation next week. I’m going to New Orleans with a friend! I’ve never been there before so it should be interesting. I’m not sure what all we have planned to be honest but hopefully it’ll be fun!


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Old 06-27-2017, 05:00 PM

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I had a super hard time waking up this morning. My alarm rang for a full 10 minutes before I was able to turn it off which is so unlike me. I haven’t been sleeping well lately though. Maybe I’ll take a sleeping pill tonight so I can get some rest. I don’t want to get too tired out before vacation, lol!

Last night went pretty much the way I expected excepted except I got on to play a bit of SWTOR before bed! A friend sent me a loan so I was able to get the rest of the armor that I wanted from the Nar Shadaa nightlife event and I made a super sexy outfit which was a lot of fun. Yesterday was surprisingly a super good day for me. I felt super happy even on the subway ride home which is a pretty unlikely place for someone to feel happy. XD I’m glad that it looks like I might finally be getting out of my slump!

Today so far has been pretty bleh in comparison. I’m pretty tired and I’ve had a headache pretty much all day. I also feel like I want to eat nonstop which is frustrating. I’m going to blame it on my period which started early. I guess I should be thankful though since hopefully that means I won’t have it for most of my vacation.

I have to finish packing up the trunk for a tradeshow at work today. When I get home I’ll make dinner and try to get some stuff done then hopefully relax a bit and get to bed early.

• • •

Today I…finished Monument Valley 2! I loved the first game so I grabbed the second one the second I heard about it. It was really good! I loved the music from the last level. I wonder if they’ll come out with the soundtrack like they did for the other games…


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Old 06-30-2017, 05:49 PM

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

My cat Yuna woke me up early again this morning running around crying. Such a pest! I hope I can get her to quiet down soon. Despite the rude start to my day, today was another day where I was feeling pretty good! It’s been a while since I’ve had so many good days in a row. It’s really uplifting

I went to The Cosmetic Market on my lunch break and looked around but didn’t end up getting anything. This afternoon I found out that my ex was going out on his first date since we broke up and surprisingly I felt okay with that, almost happy even! I feel like that’s a big step for me and a sign that I am really starting to recover from the pain of our breakup.

When I got home after work I found a bunch of stuff on the floor. My cat had apparently gotten bored during the day and decided to break some stuff, fun. I ran around and did my laundry and ate dinner and then I wasn’t planning on it but I decided to get on SWTOR for a bit and ended up spending the rest of the night playing and stayed up really late.

• • •

X is for Xavier, Charles Xavier! I love the X-Men and young Charles is totally m my favorite. Not to mention I have a crush on the actor who plays him.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Yuna woke me up early yet again this morning. I was very unhappy about getting woken up at 6:00am after going to bed at 1:00am. @_@ I thought I would be really tired all day but I didn’t end up crashing until a meeting I had in the afternoon. The day had been going pretty well up until then but once I got to the job site of our new building to take the minutes everything kinda of went to shit, lol.

My boss was unhappy with how big the elevator was but as per code it has to be that size. Anyway, I spent like 3 hours straight listening to her complain about it and watching guys measure and remeasure stuff and telling her the same things. Then we sat down for the actual meeting portion and I could barely stay awake let alone write minutes for stuff I barely understand, lol. And then on top of that with all her bitching and moaning I had to stay 20 minutes late which really put me in a bind because I had to pick up something from a store before they closed and that didn’t leave me much time. I ended up having to literally run to make it and it was so hot that I was sweaty and dying by the time I got there but at least I made it.

After that back on another overcrowded overheated subway car to go to Target to return something. I thought I was going to die in there it was so hot and crowded with nowhere to sit down. Finally after Target I got to head home and I took a shower since I was feeling so sticky and gross. I had plans to get a bunch of stuff done but I was so tired I ended up just lounging around a bit. Then once I realized it was starting to get late I was like crap I need to get going and started running around doing all the things at like 10:30 at night. Oops… Anyway, at least I finished most of the things I had to do and finally went to bed.

• • •

Kitties are super cute!


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Old 07-12-2017, 02:14 PM

Friday, June 30, 2017

This morning I was lucky to wake up on time for work since yesterday I had set my morning alarm back and forgot to fix it. @_@ Thankfully I made it to work on time. I had a lot of work to get done today before leaving on vacation so I was pretty focused most of the day until the very end when I was feeling in vacay mode and didn’t want to work anymore. XD Once I got home I mostly just relaxed for the rest of the night.

• • •

I’ve never done summer school before. I did do a winter semester once in college though…

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Today I didn’t feel so well when I woke up. I laid around for a bit and tried to sleep some more but wasn’t really able to. Eventually I got up and took a shower and finished my packing then played SWTOR for most of the rest of the day. For dinner I decided to pick up some Chinese food and when I went out to pick it up there was the most beautiful double rainbow! It feels like I have been seeing a lot of rainbows lately, I hope it’s a sign of good things to come!

• • •

Haha, no summer time sadness for me! I am happy to finally be getting out of the hole of depression I’ve been in for quite a while.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

It was sooo hard to get up this morning. So tired… I had a really hard time falling asleep last night and had to wake up really early for my flight. I took a taxi to the airport and met my BF’s parents at the gate for our flight to New Orleans. They’re pretty nice! The flight was long but uneventful. Once we arrived we took a cab to our Airbnb and went to a local place for some brunch which was pretty delicious. I wasn’t expecting the heat though, it’s sooo hot and humid here. @_@ Everyone was pretty tired after the trip so after that we headed back to the apartment and his parents gave me a beautiful black pearl that they had bought for me in Tahiti! I wasn’t expecting a gift! I gave them gift set of some tea that I had bought to thank them for inviting me on vacation with them. I saw that the first Police Academy movie was on Netflix so we ended up watching that, eating salad for dinner, and heading to bed.

• • •

I’m sooo glad that I finally invested in a pair of prescription sunglasses last year. I don’t know how I lived without them for so long… No more squinting and headaches from the sun, yay!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Today we went to the Audubon park and saw tons of cool trees and birds and animals! I love the different trees here. There are different kinds of palm trees which was really interesting for me since I’ve never actually seen a palm tree in person before! There are also these huge trees with branches that rest on the ground. And then these other trees with wispy things hanging down from their branches which are pretty interesting as well. There were ibis, ducks, geese, a swan, bluejay, and tons of other birds, squirrels, fish, and turtles! I wasn’t expecting to see so much wildlife in a city park! After that we headed downtown to visit the French Quarter. The architecture was pretty interesting but I was rather disappointed by the ambiance. It felt like redneck partyville, lol. We had lunch and wandered around for a while before heading back to the apartment to cool off. In the evening we went to a pre Independance Day event to see some fireworks. It was a rather small show but there should be a better one tomorrow.

• • •

Are we talking about the sports team or the nation? XD I’m not a super patriotic person but I do feel a sense of pride from being an American on particular patriotic holidays.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Today was a bit of a slow morning. We hung out at the apartment most of the morning, ate lunch, then went back to the French Quarter so I could buy some gifts for my family for Christmas then headed over to the French Market to check out the jazz bars. We had a drink at one and then wandered around until we got into a bit of a seedy area (there was a pretty creepy prostitute…) and headed back to where we were before to find another jazz place for dinner. I’m not usually a huge fan of jazz but it was interesting. We stayed there for a while and then headed over to the river bank to find a spot to watch the fireworks. We ended up having to sit on these small rocks which was pretty painful but it was totally worth it to see the amazing sunset. I’ve never seen one like it before! The fireworks were pretty cool too, they launched them off of two boats in the river in perfect sync. It was quite impressive!

• • •

Haha, I already have this one covered above! XD I do quite enjoy fireworks. I think the best show I ever saw was the one in Oswego one summer. They were really amazing with the backdrop of the lake!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Today we went to the beach! It was a pretty slow start getting the car and taking the two hour drive out to the coast but it was totally worth it to find this little secluded beach. I was a bit worried about the warning signs about stingrays but I asked another group that was there and they said they hadn’t seen any so they didn’t think that we would need to worry. Apparently stingrays can kill you though which was a bit worrisome but we didn’t end up seeing any so it was okay, lol. The water was sooo warm, like bath water! I’ve never been to a beach where the water was so warm!

• • •

Haha, I can’t say I’ve been making a lot of healthy choices lately. My BF bought a huge bag of chocolates from the airport that we’ve been slowly working through this week. XD

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Today we woke up super early for another road trip, this time to the swamp. We did a river boat tour that was really amazing! We got on the first tour before there were too many people and got to see some alligators! They were relatively small (about 6 feet) but wow they could really jump! There were also squirrels, birds, a raccoon, and even some wild pigs! The pigs came right up to the boat and the tour guide feed them some corn. After that we headed downriver and saw these enormous snails about the size of your hand! What I loved most though was the water. The boat was so smooth and it felt great to feel the wind against my skin and smell the fresh air. After the tour we headed to Baton Rouge which ended up being a bit of a wash because it was so hot and we were all pretty tired. We had lunch and then drive around to see a few sites from the car then headed back to New Orleans.

• • •

This is a super random topic. I actually had to look up with nepotism means, lol. We’re going to be getting an intern at work later next week who is the niece of some friend of the CEO so I guess you could say that’s nepotism. I think in some cases it could be okay, like a family business, etc. but in other cases, when the person just really isn’t qualified (like this intern) it feels a bit unfair and abused.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Today was a pretty slow day. We went to the zoo which was pretty empty since the weather was rainy. It was very different from other zoos I've been to. It had this feeling of abandonment that was rather interesting. We got to see quite a few animals though. After that we headed back to the apartment. The plan was to go back to a jazz bar in the French Market area but I ended up getting a migraine and had to stay home while everyone else went. I had a super hard time ordering food for dinner because delivery is so different here. The minimums are higher and there are pretty hefty delivery fees. I finally managed to get a quesadilla around 10:30pm, watched some New Girl on Netflix, and then headed to bed.

• • •

I’ve haven’t really gotten into genealogy myself. That seems like an old person hobby you start wondering about when you get older. XD I do know that I have Dutch, English, and Irish roots though and that my ancestors came over on the Mayflower from what I’ve heard.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Today was the flight back to New York City. It was relatively uneventful. I took a cab back to my apartment and just chilled for most of the evening. I got some Chinese food for dinner and watched Interstellar then headed to bed.

• • •

We actually had a picnic the other day! We stopped at a playground on the way to the beach and had cheese sandwiches and I played a bit on the swings. It wasn’t really the best picnic in terms of the food but it was pretty fun. ^_^

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Today was a pretty lazy day. I cleaned the apartment, unpacked, and played some SWTOR. That was pretty much it, lol.

• • •

I loooove cake batter ice cream!!! And also S’mores by Ben and Jerry’s though that flavor is really hard to find around here.

Monday, July 10, 2017

I went back to work today. *sigh* All things considered it was an okay day except for getting the bad news that I will be changing desks again. -_- After work I headed home and went to the Concord meeting on SWTOR. I wasn't able to do the even afterwards though and tried to get in a group to do some heroics but ended up getting stuck with some annoying guy from Texas who wasn't very helpful, lol. After that a friend got on and we did some seeker droid missions which was pretty fun and then I headed to bed.

• • •

I could have really used some aloe vera after the beach. I got a bit burned at the end which was just crazy. I put on sunscreen before getting into the water and then I was only in the sun for maybe 5 minutes after getting out without applying sunscreen and I already got red. @_@

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Today was rather eh. I was a bit tired most of the day and felt kind of bleh about having to move desks. My boss left in the middle of the day and then the CEO came to see me not 30 minutes later to ask me when I was moving. *sigh* It took me about an hour to change desks again and then I headed home. I felt really lucky to catch the train right away and then got tortured all the way home. The train would go forward 3 inches, then we would get stuck for 5 minutes, rinse and repeat. It took me an hour and a half to get home. T_T I was really tired after all that and had some pizza for dinner and played some Pokémon Sun. I'm almost done with the game now. I just need to find someone to trade me a celesteela, get an ice stone to evolve my alolan sandshrew, get the rest of the zyguard pieces, and then I'm done! I'll probably restart the game after that so I can get another cosmog and Type: Null so I can recomplete my pokedex. I'm only 10 Pokémon away from having caught them all again! After that I started getting ready for bed but then ended up having some pest issues. I found a cockroach under the bed and two big spiders. What an awful thing to deal with right before going to sleep. I hope I don't have any nightmares because of it...

• • •

I can’t say I’ve found any good deals lately but I did get an amazing donation tonight! Thank you thank you thank you to my benefactor for the amazing gifts!!!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-12-2017 at 02:19 PM..


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Old 07-13-2017, 01:35 PM

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Today felt like torture. I started working at my new desk and…I hate it. The way the drawers are set up I keep hitting them with my chair which is annoying and I just don’t like the atmosphere here. The day went by soooo slowwww. I felt like I was going to die. I don’t have any urgent work to do and I really just had no motivation at all to work. I was so tired too. The ride home was also torture but at least there weren’t as many delays like yesterday. By the time I got home my whole body ached from being so tense all day. I made dinner and watched an episode of New Girl then did some job hunting. I found a Graphic Designer job that I’m going to try to apply to tomorrow as well as a bunch of others that I should probably also apply to but I’m going to take it one at a time for now.

• • •

I have a bunch of bruises all over my legs. I have no idea where they came from though… Kind of crazy that I hurt myself but didn’t feel it, lol.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

I didn’t sleep so well last night. Not sure why… I had another bug issue this morning. I saw something whitish sitting on one of my black flats in the closet and genius me I decided to pick it up to see what it was and there was a huge cockroach sitting on it! The crazy thing was that it didn’t even move. O.O I put the whole shoe in the garbage and sprayed it with poison and only then did it start struggling around a bit. So weird! It was also weird that my cat wasn’t chasing it around. Usually she’s my cockroach detector, lol.

I ended up being 20 minutes late to work today because of train delays. Hopefully today will go a bit faster than yesterday. I have a bit more motivation to work this morning and in the afternoon I’ll be going to the building job site so that will at least be more interesting than sitting at my desk. It’s super hot today and we might get some thunderstorms later so hopefully I won’t get stuck walking outside in the storm, lol.

After work I plan on going home and working on that job application. I really want to get that out! I know it will definitely feel good to get back to doing what I should be and hopefully make progress towards finding a new job.

• • •

Ah…the ice cream I had last night was good, lol. I haven’t been eating so well since I’ve gotten back from vacation. Next week I’ll have to get back in line with that. Wouldn’t want to ruin my summer beach bod! XD


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Old 07-18-2017, 07:56 PM

Friday, July 14, 2017

Today was not a very good day. I got a message from my friend in the morning that ended up upsetting me and then in the afternoon I found out that my BF was going to hang out with his friends at the bar in the evening when I had been expecting to spend some time with him tonight. I tried to tell him that I was upset and we ended up getting into an argument over text message while I was at work. Needless to say it was a very long and difficult day to get with.

Finally I got out of work and was on the train home when I got another message from my BF and I just lost it. I wanted to cry. And then I wanted to break things. I felt trapped on the train and it was a very long subway ride. When I got home I changed my clothes and went running until I couldn’t breathe and didn’t feel like breaking things anymore. Then I went home and sat down on the floor in the bathroom to write him out a message because my cat kept biting me and that is the only place I could get away from her.

Of course my BF didn’t answer all night so I ended up calling my sister and talking to her for a while. It was kind of nice since I haven’t really spoken to her in a long time and she made me feel a little bit better.

• • •

LOL, I’m not really feeling the beach body this week. I’ve been eating too much junk.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

I had a really hard time sleeping last night due to more bug issues and woke up feeling like crap. I cleaned out the kitchen cupboard to make sure there weren’t any cockroach eggs in there, painted my nails, and then headed over to my BF’s place to talk to him. We had an okay conversation and it felt like things were going a bit better. We ordered some dinner and watched a couple episodes of The 100 then I asked him if he would come back to my place for the night and he said yes, but then immediately changed his mind because he didn’t want to take the train. I was so disappointed after that long conversation that we just had and it felt like he let me down. I would have stayed with him but his AC was broken and there was no way I would be able to sleep with the heat and the noise of the open window. I didn’t end up getting home till around midnight feeling sad and lonely and hurt. What a crappy ending to the day.

• • •

I feel so…unhappy.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Another restless night. I woke up feeling sad after what happened last night. I got on and played some SWTOR for most of the afternoon. A friend came on later and I wanted to ask them to do some stuff with me but they had other things they wanted to do which just added to how crappy I have been feeling since Friday. I got off for a while to cool down and then eventually got back on to play a bit more before bed. Overall it was a pretty shit weekend and I don’t feel very rested for the start of next week.

• • •

Eh, I’m not feeling super special right now. I think I’m just going to skip this one.

Monday, July 17, 2017

I had both insomnia and bug problems last night. I only slept for maybe 4 hours max and woke up feeling run over. My head hurt, my stomach hurt…I felt awful. I dragged myself to work and through the day then after work I headed to bowling since it was the first night of the league. I really didn’t want to go but I figured it would be harder to meet everyone after they were already starting to get to know each other so I forced myself to go. It was kind of eh. Only one of my team mates showed up at first then finally a few other people came around later but there were still a few no shows. Apparently I got put in with an already established team so it felt kind of awkward. I don’t think I’ll be making friends with anyone this time around which is a shame since that was the whole reasoning to joining back up. Oh well, at least I bowled a pretty good game. The first game I got 77 and the second game I got 106!!! Not bad! On top of that I bought this summer bowling pass so I can play 3 games every day of the summer. I can’t wait! After bowling I headed home and got on SWTOR to see if my friend was on but they weren’t. Another friend got on though and we chatted a bit on Discord which was fun.

• • •

I think I’ll skip this one too.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 07-19-2017 at 06:15 PM..


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Old 07-19-2017, 06:27 PM

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Today was alright. Work went by a bit faster than it usually does which was nice. After work I got some groceries and went home. I made a salad and ham and cheese sandwich and got on SWTOR. A friend got on with me and we played together most of the night which was pretty fun.

• • •

I didn’t have that many boy crushes to be honest. I guess like a lot of (geek) girls I crushed pretty hard on most of the Lord of the Rings actors during high school, lol. That’s mostly it.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Today I woke up sooo tired. I had a really hard time falling asleep last night and then got woken up early this morning when my cat found another cockroach. It was not a good morning… I started perking up a bit more this afternoon so at least there is that. I called the landlord about getting the cockroach infestation sorted out but the management company hung up on me so I tried calling the super. Hopefully he’ll be able to get an exterminator to come. In good news, my SWTOR subscription card came today! I can’t wait to be able to have all the subscriber perks again and get my Manaan stronghold. I have a few more hours of work and then I’ll head to bowling after work to start taking advantage of my summer pass. I can’t wait! After that I’ll probably head home and activate my subscription if I can and play for a few minutes if I have time before heading to bed.

• • •

Is today Children’s Day? Honestly I don’t know much about this holiday. I did like doing take your child to work day though. I went with my mom once and my dad once. It was pretty fun.


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Old 07-21-2017, 06:06 PM

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Last night I stayed up way too late doing stuff for my new Manaan stronghold on SWTOR! I was feeling pretty tired this morning but it was fun at least. The day itself sucked really bad. I was 20 minutes late to work because of train problems and then my boss wanted me to set up a skype call for a meeting, so I did so, but the person didn’t answer, so she promptly told me that I would have to stay at the meeting to take the minutes. I was pissed. It felt like I was being punished because someone else wasn’t doing their job. So that took pretty much all my morning. Then the boss sent me a big new project which to do which conflicts with other things I was trying to do so now I have to drop everything and do that. I finally ate a late lunch around 2:30 and then had to run off to the building job site for another meeting. I spent pretty much all day in meetings, it was annoying.

Once I got home I got on SWOTR again and was decorating my stronghold when a friend got on. We did some heroics on Alderaan and got on Discord which ended up turning into being a drink and play for the rest of the night while we waited for someone who promised that they would help organize a golden ISO run. I got sooo drunk. I really should have gone to bed at midnight but I’ve been waiting like a year to do that mission so I ended up staying up super late but we finally got to do it! So happy!!!

• • •

Hm, I’m not honestly sure what this refers to but one of the most impotent mene moments for me was being promoted to staff! That was a moment that I had never dreamed would come to me and it was a huge surprise!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Today I woke up with a hangover, lol. My head has been killing me most of the morning. >.< The work day has been pretty slow today but I’m glad that it’s going better than yesterday after all the drama I had with my boss. After work I’m going to head to the bar with my BF and his friends though I’m not sure I’ll be able to drink anything. I’m still feeling the effects of last night pretty hard, lol.

• • •

I found a beautiful sea shell during my vacation but it already had an inhabitant, lol! I looked around and found another one that wasn’t quite so pretty but I thought I would keep as a souvenir but when we left I completely forgot it! So sad…


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Old 07-25-2017, 05:24 PM

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Last night didn’t go as well as I was hoping. I went out to the bar but only had one beer and it tasted rather flat. After that we went to a French restaurant for dinner but the service was super slow and I didn’t like the food at all. Then the train had major delays which made me really grumpy and I didn’t get home until super late. Not a fun night.

Today I took things a bit slow though there was a bit of a fiasco with a giant spider in the kitchen. So creepy! Once that was taken care of, I made bacon and eggs for breakfast, watched some shows, took a nap, played a bit of Zelda, had pizza for diner, and played some SWTOR. I respecked my main character and am super happy with my new moves! I can’t wait to do some combat with her!

• • •

I only just had my first bubble tea a couple years ago! It’s pretty interesting. I can’t say I like the texture of the “bubbles” but the tea itself is pretty good!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

I had to kill another cockroach in the middle of the night last night. Not fun. I lay away for at least an hour unable to get back to sleep then finally passed out and had a nightmare about spiders. I dreamt that I was dating this guy and I moved into his small crappy apartment in a run down area of New York City. He ended up being terminally ill and died, leaving me alone in the apartment. I decided to try to clean the place up but there was dirt and cobwebs and spiders everywhere and it scared the crap out of me. At one point I lifted something up and there was a viper underneath that bit my hand. It was a poisonous snake and apparently I had no phone or any way of contacting anyone so I went out into the street to beg someone to help me. I came across some Chinese guy who was selling noodles from a booth on the street and he looked at it and told me that it was definitely poisonous and that I would die in an hour if I didn’t get treatment and then went on to tell me that there were no hospitals within an hour drive and that I would certainly die. I started bawling my eyes out and then…

In real life, I felt something tickle my face and shot bolt upright. It was my cat. With her whiskers. In my face. It had felt exactly like a spider crawling on my skin and freaked me the heck out. Needless to say there was no going back to sleep after that and I was super tired from staying up late. Not fun. I lay around for a bit then got up, had some breakfast, and played SWTOR for pretty much the rest of the day. I had planned on doing some other things but yeah, I got really sucked into it, lol.

• • •

I actually just blew some bubbles a couple weeks ago. I have these catnip bubbles for my cat and was playing with her. XD

Monday, July 24, 2017

Today was not a good day. I had to kill another cockroach last night and had a hard time sleeping. I woke up feeling super tired then the cat got sick on the carpet and then while I was in the shower my curtain rod fell down and knocked over my bamboo plant which spilled water on hundreds of dollars worth of video game consoles so I had to spend and extra 20 minutes or so cleaning all of that up and ended up being late for work when I really really neeed to arrive early today. The rest of the day went really slow. I was so tired in the afternoon I felt like I was dying. I was praying I could get a seat on the train home to rest but not a single person stood up the whole way home. I wanted to cry. Then at the grocery store I got in a line where some lady was having an issue and ugh I just wanted to scream. Just one of those days.

Finally I got home and had to finish cleaning up the rest of the mess from the morning but my cat wouldn’t stop biting me so I had to shut her in the bathroom until I was done. Finally I made a sandwich and salad for dinner and got on to go to the Concord meeting on SWTOR because my friend had planned a cool world boss hunt. That was really fun! I was rather disappointed that I didn’t know how to loot properly though because I think I missed a bunch of cool things. Oh well. After SWTOR I had to kill another cockroach and do the dishes and then finally I got to bed around midnight which was waaay later than I wanted to. V_V

• • •

ROFL! Hot dogs are pretty yummy. I had a grilled hot dog when I went back to see my family a few months ago. Usually at home I just pan fry them. Back in high school/college I would microwave them though. 30 seconds, quick and done, lol!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Today was a weird morning. Fortunately there were no more cockroaches last night and I actually managed to sleep quite soundly. Sometime around 6:00am I got woken up by some asshole blaring his radio but somehow managed to sleep through it a little bit. I guess I was just too exhausted to care where normally I can’t sleep at all with noise like that. After that I managed to get around and leave for work on time for the first time in forever. I ran and caught the Q train and even got a seat but then the B train caught up and I decided to switch over to gain a bit of time on my commute…only there was no air conditioning in that train. What a long ride… Finally I got to work and managed to get my internet working today since it wasn’t working all day yesterday. The day has gone by pretty slow so far. I have a headache, presumably from excessive tiredness, but I am hoping it will go away by this evening because I’m going to see Hans Zimmer at the Radio City Music Hall!!! I’m so psyched! He’s like my favorite composer ever and I bet it’s going to be totally amazing. I’ll have to tell you how it went tomorrow!

• • •

I honestly don’t know what this means…


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Old 07-28-2017, 03:00 PM

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

So the concert last night wasn’t exactly what I was expecting it to be but it was still pretty interesting! I was amazed by how many different instruments Zimmer could play, and this flutist who had like 10 different flutes! And this cellist who had this amazing electric cello that looked so awesome. Her name is Tina Guo, look her up! I think the bets part of the concert was seeing how much fun Zimmer seemed to be having. It really looked like he was just hanging out with his friends and having the time of his life. It was amazing to see how passionate he is and how much he loves what he can do.

Anywho, I got home pretty late from the concert so I was super tired this morning and not feeling very well. It was also a pretty emotional day for me since I had a bit of a weird argument/discussion with my boyfriend over text most of the day which left me feeling pretty upset. I really wanted to take a half day and go home sick but I had too many things to do and I had to go to a meeting in the new building. I went home from there afterward and ended up playing SWTOR with my friend for most of the night. The rakghoul event is going on so I’m trying to get some reputation from that to get more decorations for my Manaan stronghold. XD

• • •

Eh, I’m not a parent yet so not much to say about this.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Today was really not a good day. I woke up feeling terrible and still very upset about the weird sort of argument that I was having with my BF yesterday. I really didn’t want to go to work but I convinced myself to go. It was kind of a bad idea though because I ended up being very teary all morning and just very unwell in general. I ended up taking a half day and leaving early in the afternoon for a doctor’s appointment. He gave me something new to try so hopefully I will start feeling a bit better soon.

• • •

I think I’ll skip this one.


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Old 07-31-2017, 04:59 PM

Friday, July 28, 2017

Today was a bit better than yesterday but I felt really emotionally/physically drained. Work was okay, I just quietly plodded along all day until the CEO called me in for a meeting to discuss my health issues. I was not in the mood to talk to her about it but at least she was trying to be supportive/nice. After work I headed home and got on discord to chat with a friend, cleaned the bathroom, and then played some Star Wars. I was supposed to do some heroics with my friend but we ended up getting roped into an ops group to take out some bosses which was really just a nightmare and I ended up staying up way later than I should have. >.<

• • •

Life kind of feels like an uphill battle at the moment.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Today was a pretty good day. I was very happy for it to be the weekend. I got on to play some SWTOR and got wrangled into another OPS mission that I eventually had to abandon. I give up on these big group things, they are way too annoying. After that I got in the shower and then tried to take a nap but couldn’t sleep. Later in the afternoon my BF came over and we tried to play some Guitar Hero but I wasn’t familiar with these different guitars and didn’t like it very much. After that we ordered some food for dinner and watched Yu Yu Hakusho. It was a pretty chill night.

• • •

I love the woods. I grew up in the country and we had a couple of acres of land up a hill behind our house. I love walking in the forest, the sights, the smell, the sounds. It’s so quiet and peaceful. I think that’s what I miss the most living in the city.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

I didn’t really sleep so well last night. I don’t know why but I just kept tossing and turning. I woke up and my stomach was bothering me quite a bit which wasn’t fun. It was probably from the spicy food I had last night. Oh well. In the afternoon I played some Singstar with my BF. I didn’t think I would like the game but it was actually pretty fun. After that I got on SWTOR and hung out with some friends on Discord for the rest of the night.

• • •

I actually don’t really make dream avatars, I just make avatars with what I’ve got in my inventory for the most part.


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Old 08-02-2017, 06:04 PM

Monday, July 31, 2017

Today was not a good day. I slept so bad last night. I woke up in the middle of the night with my leg hurting super bad for no reason and had a hard time sleeping after that. I finally got back to sleep and when I got up in the morning my head hurt, my stomach hurt, I just felt generally awful. That continued pretty much all day. I had a hard time working and wasn’t able to eat much. I had bowling league that evening and didn’t really want to go but I dragged myself there which was a mistake. I bowled like crap and I felt shut down and not able to socialize with my team. After bowling I went home and played a bit of SWTOR and got the datacrons on Taris which was a nice ending to a crappy day.

• • •

I saw the most beautiful sky when I was in New Orleans on the 4th of July. It was probably the most amazing sunset I’ve ever seen.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I slept a bit better last night but woke up feeling really sick again. It was another long day because I was feeling so crappy. I helped the CEO work on some stuff which was boring but at least it passed some of the time. My leg started hurting really bad again when I left work which made the commute home not so great but it eventually went away. I’m not sure if it’s stress or the new medication I’m on or what but it’s not fun. When I got home I ran around and did laundry, made dinner, and got on to play a bit of SWTOR with a friend before bed. We did the Battle of Illum flashpoint to try to get a giant crystal decoration but it didn’t drop which was a shame. After that I decorated my Manaan stronghold a bit more. I’m up to 62%! Then I finally headed off to bed.

• • •

It’s been a really long time since I’ve been to a thrift shop but I think they’re pretty fun. You have to be in the mood to look though since it’s hard to find things in your size/style/etc. It always amuses me to see the terribly outdate fugly things that you can only find in thrift shops.


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Old 08-04-2017, 08:11 PM

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

I was finally feeling a bit better today. Not so nauseous, headachey, or sore, which was really a blessing. The other blessing was that management finally got back to me about my cockroach infestation and they’re sending an exterminator tomorrow. I’m so happy that I’m finally getting some action on this. After work I went bowling. It took a while to get a lane and the lane kept having problems but I had some pretty good scores: 93, 104, 87, 71. I was definitely tired after four games but it was pretty fun. The best part was that my throws were pretty consistent. There weren’t any frames that I didn’t get less than 7 pins down which felt great! After that I headed home and went to bed because it was pretty late.

• • •

I actually haven’t seen any movies this summer. Valerian looked kind of interesting but it got some pretty mixed reviews so I decided to wait. I was also interested in seeing Wonder Woman but I just haven’t had the urge to go to the theater…

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Today I took a half day to be home in the morning when the exterminator came. I thought I might be able to sleep in a bit but no luck as they were doing construction on the road in front of my apartment today. Oh well, at least I got to relax a little bit. The guy came and did his thing and I got some work done here on Mene before heading to work. The commute ended up being quite an ordeal. I figured since it was the middle of the day that the subway would be pretty calm but one stop after I got on this group of three girls got on the train screaming and laughing and making a ton of noise. They sat down by me and after 2-3 stops I got fed up and moved to the other end of the train and put some headphones in. One of the girls followed me though and pretended to be talking to the girl across from me just to annoy me. Then she kept trying to talk to me saying “I like your shoes,” over and over but it was clear that she was just trying to antagonize me so I pretended I didn’t hear her. Finally she left and I got to work. I wasn’t very focused to be honest and ended up doing some work on here (I know, my bad!). After work I went to Target and then headed home and played a bit of SWTOR. One of my friends left the guild so that ended up being pretty dramatic. Hopefully it all works out.

• • •

Usually I read books pretty fast but I’ve been on my latest book forever it seems. I’ve been playing my 3DS a lot in the train and reading less. I dunno, I just don’t really feel into it. It’s probably the book I’m reading I guess but I don’t really have any other options at the moment as the library is closed and I’m broke, lol.


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Old 08-07-2017, 03:57 PM

Friday, August 4, 2017

I had a pretty good morning but in the afternoon I started feeling really anxious/stressed which made the rest of the day difficult to get through. Once I got home I ran a couple errands then watched my favorite anime Yu Yu Hakusho for the rest of the night.

• • •

I believe I made a post about this in one of my previous memory jars, lol! I had some goldfish when I was little. Then I finally convinced my mom to let me get a cat, Todd, and orange tabby. Then I got my bunny, Moca. They were so silly together. For my last year of college I got a hamster named Chibi. Then, when I moved to NYC I got a black cat named Yuna. She’s a bit evil but I still love her.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Today it was supposed to rain so I spent most of the day playing Zelda and made a lot of progress! I finally managed to get the trunk that was giving me difficulty (stupid “golf”), infiltrated Hyrule Castle and wandered around a little bit, recovered another memory, made it through the Lost Woods, found the Master Sword, braved the Lyonel near Zora’s domain to get some shock arrows, defeated the Divine Beast dungeon, and got the Zora Greaves! Whew! Around lunchtime I went out and got materials to try to copy a sandwich I get from a place near work sometimes. It was super yummy, almost an exact copy! After that, more Zelda, then dinner and Netflix then bed. I’ve been watching some of The 100 to finally finish off season 2.

• • •

I’ve had a few bad ideas lately, lol.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

I slept really badly last night. I lay awake for 2 hours unable to sleep. I finally managed to doze off again only to get woken up by my alarm. I was supposed to meet a friend at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens but she ended up canceling. I was pretty pissed that I set my alarm and got up early after a terrible night’s sleep only to have her cancel on me. Oh well, at least I was able to play more Zelda. Today wasn’t as productive in terms of advancement but I did do a few things. I got the shock resist pants and upgraded my armor and even managed to get a couple Farosh scales! I played until evening then took a shower, made dinner, and played some SWTOR in the evening with a friend. We did the Legend of Rakata flashpoint which was really cool! I love the world design there, so pretty! And I finally managed to go to bed before midnight!

• • •

Getting the stuff to make that sandwich yesterday was such a great idea. So yummy! And a lot cheaper than buying it already made.


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Old 08-08-2017, 08:53 PM

Monday, August 7, 2017

I was really surprised but I slept pretty well last night! I almost never sleep well on Sunday nights with the anticipation of starting another work week, lol. The rest of the day went pretty well. After work I went to bowling and bowled to games. I got an 89 both times. XD After that I headed home and made a sandwich for dinner and played a bit of Phantasy Star 0 and SWTOR until bedtime.

• • •

A couple of my friends were talking about doing a road trip sometime in September to California. I’m not sure that’s actually going to follow through though because they’re kind of flaky, lol. Still, it would be really fun to go to Cali. I’ve never been there before!


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Old 08-10-2017, 01:33 PM

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

I woke up feeling pretty good today but started feeling really anxious in the afternoon which made for a long day. After work I went to a birthday party for a friend of my BF. It was a group thing and I knew some of the people there but ended up getting seated with people that I didn’t know which wasn’t very fun. The food wasn’t that great either and I ended up getting home pretty late. The evening could have gone better but I guess it wasn’t too bad.

• • •

My mom has a fire pit. I used to love roasting marshmallows and making s’mores! I live in the city now though so the only way I can make s’mores are roasting it over my gas stove or nuking it in the microwave. XD

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

I didn’t feel well when I woke up this morning. I felt nauseous and anxious and yeah, just not fun. I had a doctor’s appointment this afternoon so hopefully we can find a reason behind why I’ve been feeling so crummy lately. I had to stay late at work because the doctor’s appointment went long and then finally headed home. I intended to get a few things done but I was so tired it was hard to get motivated to really do anything. Then it started getting late and I tried to rush around and do some stuff but ended up getting to bed late. >.<

• • •

I know a lot of people go to music festivals and things during the summer but that just isn’t really my thing…


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Old 08-16-2017, 07:27 PM

Thursday, August 10, 2017

I didn’t sleep very well last night and woke up feeling tired and eh. At least I felt a bit better than yesterday. I decided to try a “dating app” to meet friends since I have a hard time connecting with people here. It’s a pretty cool idea. I’m going to meet one of the girls next week, hopefully it’ll be fun! I also decided that I really want to get out this weekend so I organized a mini golf outing. I can’t wait! After work I was in a really good mood and did Mene stuff for the rest of the night.

• • •

Oh man, I don’t think I could possibly pick just one favorite CI. There are too many beautiful items on this site, lol!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Today I woke up about an hour before my alarm but somehow managed to sleep all night through until then which was amazing! I had my first lunch meeting at work which killed two hours of the day. Yay for not having to sit at my desk, lol. After work I went mini golfing with my BF and his friends! It was so much fun! Myself and another girl even beat all the boys, it was amazing! After that we went out to eat and then I headed home.

• • •

I honestly haven’t been able to wear a lot of fun summer outfits this season. I’ve mostly been lounging around at home on the weekend in comfy clothes. Maybe I’ll still manage to wear something cute at some point before the end of the season.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Today was pretty much just a slow day at home. I played a bit of Zelda, watched some anime, and went to the guild meeting on SWTOR and the boss hunt extravaganza afterwards which was pretty fun.

• • •

My phone is still relatively new. My mom had me upgrade my phone for Christmas so I could do wifi calling from my apartment since the reception is so bad there. I was super thankful for that. Definitely one of the best presents I’ve gotten.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Today I went thrift shopping in Williamsburg with the GF of one of my BF’s friends. I got a cool blazer with a cutout back, a nice “artsy” tank top, and a cream sweaterish tank top with open stripes in the back. We were pretty tired out afterwards and got some dumplings for lunch and then sat by the waterfront and talked for a couple hours. It was nice and I really hope we can become close friends. After that I was pretty tired though and headed home. I got annoyed with the neighbors because they were blasting music for like 2 hours right outside my window. I asked them to turn it down but they refused. I called the cops but they never came. A kind of crappy ending to an otherwise fun day.

• • •

I really wish I could find some inner peace lately. I’m stressed about life, work, relationships, mene, basically everything. It would be nice to stop thinking about things all the time and just go with the flow. I should probably try that mediation app I downloaded on my phone but I just haven’t gotten around to it. ^^;

Monday, August 14, 2017

I didn’t sleep well at all last night and woke up to a long message from a friend that turned into this long discussion that was rather stressful. After work I went bowling and did so/so. I got 81 my first game and 91 my second game. I realized I’ve been doing my “walk” wrong so I’ll have to try to train that bad habit out now, lol. After bowling I went out for a date with my BF to a French/Korean restaurant to celebrate our 6 month anniversary. There was a special restaurant week menu and all of the food was totally amazing.

• • •

LOL, I haven’t been to the gym in a couple years. I guess the closest thing I do to strength training these days is bowling. XD

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I didn’t sleep well again last night and had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. The discussion with my friend rather blew out of proportion and that stressed me out most of the day. I’m also stressed about a lot of other things as well which isn’t fun. After work I went to meet my first “GF” from the “friend dating app”. We got crepes and talked for about 2 hours. I’m not sure we’ll become close friends but it was an interesting experience.

• • •

Eh, I’m not really in the mood to answer this one right now, lol.


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