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til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 11:22 PM

Isle of Menera

A small number of peoples are forced to evacuate the city state of Garsalle before the forces of Haerlin surrounded it by land and sea in a siege that could last for several years. Either wise or war-weary, the people boarded a ship with all of their possessions that they could carry and supplies for survival in any distant land where they would be welcome.

After two weeks of sailing, the captain (being young and wreckless), passed too closely to a coral reef. The hull was breached with a small but irreparable hole, and the passengers and sailors were forced to abandon the ship. Using the sinking ship's ample life boats, almost all personal goods where moved to the shore of a nearby island before only the prone ship's stern was all that remained above the turquoise waves.

While lush and vegetated, there did not seem to be any native inhabitants on the island. You can hear birds singing in the temperate air, and there is a distant crashing sound of a waterfall. Is this the peaceful sanctuary that you have been seeking out for months?

You are one of these people on the beach of the large island. You do not know where Garsalle is on the horizon. Strangely enough, no one can quite recall or agree exactly what the young captain looked like.

Welcome to the Isle of Menera.

Last edited by Ethos; 11-24-2013 at 11:59 PM..

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 04:54 AM

Aldelros frowned as he waded out to the shore. His long, weather-worn coat soaking in the salt water, making it's already dark coloration closer to the midnight color to had been at one point in time. He was clearly either well traveled or highly confident by the way he moved through the water. His shoulders never drooped despite the weight of the coat pulling down on them. As soon as his leather boots found the dry sand he looked down the beach toward the sound of running water. He had little interest with keeping on the beach and risking exposure to the sun and wind. With little hesitation he started toward it.

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 10:40 PM

The soft sand squelches under Aldelros' boots. Any seaweed and kelp in his way is easily tugged out of the sand and drifts away without tangling his feet and disturbing his confident strides.

The time is not yet noon, and the beach seems safe enough a place to settle. There do not seem to be any caves by the shore.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 12:23 AM

While the others busied themselves with the life boats and supplies Kitalia took no hesitation in diving off the ship and swimming towards shore. She was a decent swimmer, and paired with her light, travel ready clothing found that the trip to shore was not a tough one. As she crawled onto the sand of the beach she immediately got to her feet and looked around her. Closing her eyes for a moment she simply listened. The sound of a crashing waterfall met her ears and she smiled for a moment.

If they would to be stuck on this deserted island for any amount of time, they would need water. Determinedly she headed in the same direction as the Tall Elf who had already headed in that direction. For what she assumed was the same reasons. Water, equaled survival.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 01:33 AM

One lifeboat in particular seemed to be moving slower than the rest, but that was only natural for a craft so overloaded that the gunwales were only a hands-breadth above the surface of the water. Boxes and bales and oddly-shaped parcels were piled high and took up every spare inch of space. There was barely enough room for the lone passenger, a scrawny homunculus of a man who must have been stronger than he looked to row the craft shoreward faster than the lazy tide could propel it. Every pull was punctuated with a grunt or an expletive, and the eventual scrape of sand against the bottom was met with a relieved grumble. Relieved, because the rowing was over. Grumble, because the work wasn't done. Eying the water suspiciously, Darvuul Kelreth finally hopped overboard and began the laborious process of hauling the boat onto dry land to keep it from floating away.

"Stupid raggumfraggum boat... stupid Haerlin... stupid oce-- gaack!" The steady rumble of complaints cut off abruptly as a particularly vigorous wave shoved Darvuul and his boat up onto the sandy beach. He struggled to his feet and glared at the ocean, as he reached for the cigar that had been tucked behind his ear. Clamping the brine-soaked thing between his teeth, he fumbled for his matches only to find they were just as wet as everything else. "Bugger."

Relaxation denied, he heaved a box to his shoulder and began carrying it above the high-tide line, trailing a stream of sour invective as he trudged along.

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 02:14 AM

Kitalia has no issue with walking to shore. Walking purposefully, she would be able to catch up to Aldelros on the dry shore fairly soon after the impromptu "landing".

Being less coordinated than the elves (and, for that matter, most humans) Darvuul would have more issues with kelp and receding waves. Nature and breeding pushing Darvuul toward the awkward sort of lurchy movement, it would be mostly Darvuul that would became wet from the spray, his goods however were (for the most part) spared from the damp.

Last edited by Ethos; 11-27-2013 at 07:23 AM..

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 11-27-2013, 07:34 AM

The crunch of sand under Kitalia's boots attracted Aldelros' attention and gaze as the elf slowed his pace and half turned to study her. To his eyes she appeared as pleased to be on this beach as he was and while that wasn't in and of itself a point worth considering in his quick summation of her character, the fact that she was heading toward the clear sound of running water was. A quick nod on his behalf served as his introduction to her as far as he was concerned with it and made an obvious glance down at her weapons. Blades... Good. One other person was outfitted for survival at least.

"I generally camp alone but we will probably have several following our trail."

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 11-28-2013, 08:32 PM

Daerin took no time to row the lifeboat to shore. Climbing out of the small boat carefully, he let out a grunt when his feet met with the water, then pulled his brother out. He trudged his way to the shore, pulling the life boat up with him, and making sure that Mae was still beside him. Fixing the crossbow that was slung around his shoulder, Dae let his eyes wander around the island, watching each of the people. There was an odd looking man, a human woman, and a tall elf. He felt his eyes narrow into a slight glare towards the humans, the girl especially. She seemed equipped as the men who attacked the village long ago were. The odd man seemed...odd. As if not human, but human all the same. Shaking his head slightly, he tried to get the thoughts out of his head; sure he didn't like humans, but he had to at least go somewhere rather than stay on the shore. He watched as the female and the elf walked in the same direction. Listening carefully, Dae realized that he could hear running water in the direction that the two were walking. Grabbing Maechon's hand, Daerin began to pull him in said direction also. They would need some sort of water after all, and preferably not from the ocean.
"Come on," he gave a short huff, "We're gonna go that way too."

Maechon followed his brother rather obediently. He himself didn't know much about being out and about in the wild, but Dae did. Then again, Mae had the feeling that even if he had said that he didn't want to go that way, Daerin would have forced him. He loved his brother, he really did, but sometimes Dae could be...too protective in a way. Dae didn't like to separated when he had the choice, Mae knew that. It wasn't as though Maechon minded though, he liked being with his brother. He wasn't really good with any other person, so being around Dae was nice.
"A stream?" he asked, "Or a waterfall maybe?"
"Yea, seems like it. At least from what I can hear," his brother adjusted the weapons on his back once more, "C'mon, lets try n' catch up to them. At least one of them isn't a filthy human."
Maechon nodded, ignoring the comment about the human. Unlike his brother, Maechon didn't care about the humans; he didn't hate them. Maybe it was because he had been practically a baby when the humans had attacked, but Mae found himself unable to hate them to the extent that Daerin did.

He felt Daerin quicken his pace slightly, and Maechon found himself taking longer strides than he was used to just to keep up.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-29-2013, 09:18 PM

She took a moment to take in the other man who had spoken to her. He look strong, and well equipped to survive on his own. When he mentioned that he usually camped alone she nodded briefly, in acknowledgement of what was said though she did not initially say anything. Eventually however, after the situation and the surroundings she could take in where fully assessed she spoke, "I too, am usually better left to my own, but I fear the situation may leave us better in numbers."

Another crunch of the sand told her someone else was smart enough to follow the sound of running water. She turned around to see whom it was that was behind them. Two Elves appeared in her line of sight....was that anger that she saw in the one man's eyes? Hatred of her no doubt. It was no secret that many elves and humans did not get along well.

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 11-29-2013, 09:24 PM

A large flock of tropical birds fly up from the dense vegetation before the group abruptly scattering to any where but the direction of the sound of falling water.

All of the ship's life boats have made it to shore.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 11-29-2013, 10:12 PM

Aldelros also turned to look at the two oncoming elves and noted the sour expression the older one held at the sight of the human woman. The elves of the Sindlarei empire had allowed humans settle within their borders for centuries and as a result had managed to learn to tolerate the races' particular idiosyncrasies. Certainly that did not keep some of his family members from looking upon their kind as an advanced pet of some nature, but Aldelros' lifestyle had allowed him to form healthier relationships with human beings than any of his siblings could claim.

He was in the middle of inspecting the pair when the array of tropical birds erupted from the trees and plant life, causing him to pause and redirect his attention. Aldelros let his eyes calculate what movement the wind and birds were responsible for while straining to listen beyond the sounds of rushing water and the beating wings of retreating wildlife. Clearly something had spooked them and he would prefer to have some understanding of exactly what that was before approaching it.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 11-29-2013, 11:18 PM

Emptying the lifeboat was a tedious process, especially without help. Granted, Darvuul wouldn't have allowed anyone to help even if they'd offered. These things were all that he'd been able to salvage from his shop before the siege closed down the city, and they represented the wealth of generations of his family. So, he stumped back and forth carrying his goods above the high tide line, maintaining his grumbling litany oblivious to the arrivals and departures of the other refugees. It seemed to take forever, but really it wasn't that much later when he finally set down the last crate and sat on top of it.

The cigar was slightly less damp than it had been the last time, but the matches were still useless. That wasn't a problem now that the boat was unloaded, though. A quick rummage through one of the chests produced a small bottle shaped like a dragon. Flipping open the hinged stopper produced a cone of intense blue flame hot enough to light even the soggy cheroot clenched between his teeth. He took a deep puff and blew out a foul-smelling cloud of smoke as he watched the strange birds taking flight.

The motion of the birds drew his attention to the scattered line of people walking purposefully down shore. Elves, most of them, which meant they knew a lot more about living in the wild than he did, and therefore he should follow them.

Darvuul frowned and looked at the large pile he'd so laboriously carried away from the water. Obviously he couldn't carry it all at once, but he wasn't leaving it behind! He frowned at the sea resentfully for causing so much trouble, and his eyes lit on the boat he'd come to shore in.

A yellowed smile split Darvuul's face, and he hurried to haul the lifeboat out of the water.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 05:54 PM

Celestia hopped out of one of the lifeboats that had carried multiple passengers. Holding only a single bag, she walked on the wet sand. It crunched under her feet. Quickly getting onto the dry sand, she sat down and went through her few belongings, trying to dry some out. She could hear water, and saw a few people going towards the sound. She would follow later, but she needed to dry her things. Most of it was just mementos. Stuff from home.

When she saw it was all okay, she looked up at the struggling human-thing. Whatever that was. He seemed to be struggling. Still, she didn't go help him. He seemed odd. Maybe cursed. Didn't want that rubbing off on her. And he seemed stubborn too.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 12-05-2013, 07:09 PM

"Ugh......this....this is why I hate travelling by water. "Venrose said. This was, Infact, Arventino Rosewood. However, to protect himself in case of potential spies, he changed his name to 'Venrose'. Personal safety and the like. He looked back at his lifeboat.....Well, Lifeboats actually. Since his Companion was carrying next to nothing, he asked if he could store some of his goods on his lifeboat. The Elf didn't seem to mind, so he managed to get all his stuff on the boats (plus alittle of what people left behind).

The Proud elf Zemekis pulled the Boat ashore, and helped his latest patron carry the goods out of the boats. Zemekis, Or Eki to his friends, was hired to protect Venrose, back in Garselle. However, since the Siege was bound to last a long while, he followed His Patron, along with the number of other survivors, onto the boat. Hearing his Comment, Eki only gave a chuckle. "At least, the forest is much quieter. "He said, but then looked up. He saw a Flock of birds fly above. He had half a mind to catch a couple, for a meal, but whatever spooked them, was probably going to be trouble.

Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 09:41 PM


Maechon instantly raised his head, much like how a dog would, at the sound of a flock of birds. His eyes went up towards the sky and watched as the many birds flew out from the forest. Mae liked birds. Not so much that he could say that they were his favourite of animals, but he did like them a lot. They seemed to have some sort of gracefulness to them that made him smile. He watched with interest as the birds flew away from the forest in an almost panicked manner. Something must have spooked them quite a bit.

Curiosity began to tug at him, and Mae found himself tugging on Dae's arm slightly. "C'mon," he said, nearly whining, "Let's go check that out! It's near the water anyways!"

"Curiosity killed the cat, Maechon," Daerin sighed, "And I want to avoid going into an unfamiliar forest, especially with you."

"Well then it's a good thing I'm not a cat," Mae huffed. "I won't get hurt, and I'm sure the others want to go check it out too."

He quickened his pace slightly, walking up beside the older elf, before tapping him on the shoulder, "You wanna know what spooked them too, right?" he asked quietly, trying to prove his point to Dae. He knew that his voice sounded quiet and weak while he spoke to the other elf, but he didn't really care. Well, that's a lie, Mae did care. He wasn't a fan of speaking with strangers, not at all, but he really wanted to go and see what had spooked the birds. He couldn't shake off the curiosity that was nagging at him. And if Maechon could prove that at least one other person wanted to, he was sure that Dae would give into the curiosity as well.

Last edited by Naruto forever; 12-10-2013 at 09:47 PM.. Reason: Ok, I'm done now. ^^;


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 11:07 PM

Albeit short for the moment, any thought she may have had to converse with the mysterious tall elf and the two newcomers, also elven, was cut short by a flock of birds scattering from the direction to which they were headed. Kitalia pursed her lips slightly in such a way that indicated she was weighing to options in her head. The two elves started past them, although there was a clear reluctance from the one who had given her a deathstare earlier on.

She looked up at Aldelros again one last time before speaking to him again, "However forboding that may be for the moment, we need water. I'm headed in"

Last edited by Cora; 12-10-2013 at 11:16 PM..

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 11:14 PM

It wasn't until now that Celestia's attention shifted to the birds. She shivered. Birds were evil. She always hated birds, never really knew why. But, a part of her was curious as to what spooked them. Would there be more birds there? The thought bugged her. She still wasn't quite sure where they were anyway.

Braving the possibility of more birds, she decided to go investigate. The water would have to wait. If it wasn't a good water source, then she wouldn't want to waste her time. If it was, then the others would tell her. She wasn't too thirsty anyways. She pulled all her belongings, now dry, into her bag and went towards the area the birds had retreated from.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 05:40 AM

Aldelros straightened up when the boy addressed him, whether that was posturing or standoffishness it was unclear beyond the obvious desire for distance he was demanding with his body language. None-the-less he replied to his question quickly with a nod " 'Want to know' and 'will know' are two different things."

Turning his head the tall elf regarded Kitalia once again before looking toward the treeline "I'll take the left and see if I can get around whatever that was. You other two can follow us in but keep up with one of us." He clearly had some faith in the human's skill though for his own part that was more due to wanting someone else to have abundant practice in survival training than actually knowing she possessed it. She at least carried herself in the right way, at least. In moments he was slipping behind the fronds and into the bushes; stepping lightly as to not make noise as he made his way around the side of where the observed disturbance originated.

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 06:54 AM

The island's forest was lush and dense. So dense in fact that any travelers who stepped beyond the first few trees and shrubs would immediately find that their footing could easily become tangled by roots, vines, briars, and dead plant matter that littered the ground in the nearly oppressive verduous cacophony of plant life. [(rough terrain penalty)]

The flock of birds had passed, and in the dense foliage the direction of the waterfall was obfuscated because sound starting to bounce off the many fronds and trees. Finding one's direction to the falls would not be easy, and with the thickness of the plants scattered around the jungle, there would be no walking in straight lines by line of sight or by starlight. All too suddenly the warm beach air turned heavy, humid, and the heat almost seemed to cling to your body.

The tide is starting to recede from the beach. From the tangled masses of kelp and bracken, it seems as though every thing is now out of the way of the high tides so long as no storms come around. Much of the bracken contains dry drift wood which could do nicely for building a fire.

Last edited by Ethos; 12-11-2013 at 06:57 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 07:21 PM

Zemekis, when he heard that others were going into the jungle, immediately took the chance too go. Used to the Denseness of wild-life in Forests, Traversing the jungle was relatively easy. Running into the group, he felt the sudden wave of heat. "Hmmm.....This can feel the life, Stronger than in Normal one's......I wonder if there is something more too this place?" Zemekis said, looking around. "God, it feels good to be back in a place like this.....I miss the sound of the Tree leaves rustling. "he said.

Venrose had gotten some of the crates out of the Life boats, and (using the Life boats as a table, started putting objects on display of the stable land. "If anyone needs supplies, I'm right here!" He said, patting his side. He already had an Idea on making money, and might as well do it now. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to get too know a few people, and see what the Sides were. It was best to secure connections now, when everyone was in this......predicament. If they decided to stay long term, it would be beneficial later.

Last edited by Andraus; 12-11-2013 at 07:38 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-12-2013, 10:35 PM

If the elf was to take the left, then she instinctively knew that for the moment it was better to attack the thing from both sides, whatever it may be. She nodded once to show she understood. She heard the newcomer approach but paid him little mind for the moment. He could follow them if he liked, but her path was already set, there was little time for niceties. In the game of survival, saving oneself came first, the rest followed.

She plunged into the forest towards the right of the commotion they had seen earlier. The moment her feet reached the forest floor she found that the path before her was not to be an easy one. The heat, if nothing else, clung to her and left beads of sweat among her brow. Vines grabbed at her feet and ankles making walking slow. Not to mention the sounds began to echo around her, making the path forward a difficult one.

She began to weed her way forward, albeit slowly, carefully placing each foot fall in the sea of plantlife. In areas where the terrain became to harsh to move forward she pulled the dagger from her hilt and began to slice at the plants to clear the way forward. Her eyes moved across what little ground she could see to try and find signs of life, even though this too was difficult she needed to try, Animals needed water too.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 12-17-2013, 09:18 AM

As welcoming as ever, Aldelros greeted Zemekis' nature-loving outburst with a withering scowl. They were approaching a potential threat after all... had the youth noticed their cautious approach to the treeline?

He shook his head and broke further into the underbrush only to be hit time and time again with wave after wave of the deep jungle humidity which rode on his person like mighty weights. He was much more accustomed to adventuring in cold, unforgiving forests not hot, steamy ones-- though this would not be his first time in such a place however the means were quite different back then. He had a guide then and a village to return to...

Through the trees and vines he could make out very little of those they had parted with, and each glimpse he got of them he could not be certain was more than a swinging cord of vegetation moved by the rare downdrafts through the canopy. As he crept further through the brush he strained to hear the water gurgle from it's small rapids. He had to keep on track and keep hidden. Survival depended on that.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 12-18-2013, 02:00 AM

Darvuul's work proceeded slowly, with trips to the edge of the woods and back to the overturned boat with small trees. He had all the tools for his task, but little experience with using them, and that inexperience revealed itself in scrapes and splinters and mashed fingers. Every setback was met with muttered curses, but progress was being made. Already there were rough holes cut in the boat, and two slender trunks had been shaped into crude axles to fit the holes. Wheels were a more difficult proposition, for he wasn't equipped to cut down large trees, and wagon wheels seemed like a lot of work. Stymied for the moment, he sat on top of the mutilated boat and chewed on the end of his cigar, trying to come up with a solution. Perhaps he could abandon the wheel idea, and use small trees as log rollers... it was more work than wheels, but definitely better than abandoning all of his goods to the elements.

til death do us part
Ethos is offline
Old 12-18-2013, 10:57 AM

Seemingly still as a grave, the woolly jungle did not (in fact) yield easily to any one. Having selected different directions from one another, the three adventurers in the jungle will find that they are quite suddenly alone. Which is particularly unfortunate for Kitalia, the first to encounter the large boar.

The animal was easily twice as long as she was and four times as wide. Kitalia can see that the boar had forced a trail of vines and mangled branches behind it. Presumably, if the boar had come from the water source, then the trail would lead you to the water. The problem, however, was the unfriendly beastie glaring down his snout at Kitalia.

Zemekis and Alderos
You need to input the following (make "roll" lowercased, though) in their next posts to determine PERCEPTION:
R0LL: [dice]20[dice]

Last edited by Ethos; 12-18-2013 at 11:00 AM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-18-2013, 04:29 PM

Kitalia came through a break in the trees to find herself face to face with none other than a large boar. She put two fingers on the bridge of her nose, thinking about how to handle the situation. Her options seemed to be sneaking around the creature, running in the other direction and attempting to outrun the creature, or attacking.

The creature had probably seen her so sneaking wasn’t an option, and the gods only knew that despite her ability to run she’d never be able to outrun the wild boar and so having thought of no other viable option she place two hands on the bladed tonfa at her hilt and took a deep breath before charging towards the creature. She let out a wild yell as she charged the creature, hoping to draw the attention of the others in the jungle, but she wasn’t sure if they would hear it through the thick brush.


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