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Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 01:58 AM

What do you do when your stuck in feudal japan? Two girls ask themselves that question when they find themselves back in the age of ninjas, samurai, Daimyo, and Emperors. How will they get by? Will anyone help them?

Role play is open! See request thread for profiles and OOC talk!

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 07:43 PM

Eithne and Aya were as close as any friends could be. They did everything together, from shopping to going on double date’s with cute guys. They shared a small little, run-down, apartment not too far from the college they both attended. It wasn’t much, but it was safe and it was, for the time being, home.

School was out today for the Cherry Blossom festival. The trees were in full bloom and tiny pink petals were flying about elegantly in burst of wind and tiny breezes. They were both dressed in their finest silky Kimono’s and wooden shoes and had their hair done up. They were gleefully enjoying every moment of the festival, from the stands selling beautiful clothes and hair pins(from which the girl’s bought two matching Jade combs and slipped them into their hair) to the games with cute little plushies for awards. They were having as much fun as two friends could have all the while not noticing the strange figure following them about from the shadows.

It was halfway through the day when they ran into the fortune teller’s stall. A group of girls was just leaving it giggling happily to themselves and looking at their palms. Eithne looked over at Aya with a smirk, “Hey, you wanna go check it out? Might be fuuUUuun.”

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 07:48 PM

"Oh you know it!" she giggled as she raised her eyebrows and winked at her friend. It had been a while since they were able to really just let loose, and she didn't want to miss a minute of it! Aya grabbed her friends hand looking carefully into the darkness of the booth, She wondered if they would get the usual love life fortunes, or if this fortune teller was any good.

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 07:55 PM

Eithne smiled brightly and moved in with her. It seemed like a thin mist filled the air here, the scent of cherry blossoms filled the room stronger than it had been outside. At a low table in the center of the little tent there was a woman who’s face they could not see. She was shrouded in a beautiful royal purple cloak, the hood pulled up and over to shadow her face. There was a starry patterned clothe on the table and several pillows around the table to sit on.

Eithne looked at Aya and giggled, "Oooh! Mysterious!"

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 08:00 PM

She laughed with her friend. She loved the mystery of the place, and wondered where the woman had gotten the cloak, it was so pretty. she leaned over and whispered to her friend. "Think we'll get a vague love fortune?" she asked conspiratorially. she eyed the pillows, picking out a soft silvery one that was almost across from the fortune teller. She eyed the pillow next to her, a lush emerald green.... 'how perfect.' she thought, some of their favorite colors......

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 08:06 PM

Aya knew here friend far too well as the red-head sat down on the pretty green pillow. She then looked at the woman across from them. “So, what kind of…”

She was cut off by the woman who looked up with a faint smile, “Aya-hime, Eithne-Shi, welcome. Tell me, what do you desire to know? About your future? About your past? For they are one and the same. Your past IS your future and your future is past. You path is unavoidable and you may find it difficult, but in the end, you will find what you are looking for.”

Eithne looked back at Aya with wide eyes. “Okay, so she’s Yoda. So…what does that even mean?”

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 08:11 PM

Her brain hurt listening and trying to figure out the meanderings of the women before them. Although she held in a giggle at the Yoda comment, it came out rather like a snort instead and she blushed embarrassed in front of the woman. She didn't want to be rude, but her jolly nature seemed to get her into trouble at times.

She leaned over to whisper to her friend. "I think we need to ask her something we want to know, what should we say? uhm either future or past?" she looked a bit puzzled, trying to figure out how to reply to the old lady. she shrugged.

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 08:20 PM

Eithne shrugged, her mind mulling over what to ask. “Ok, how about we ask her if…”

“You future in this time is irrelevant. It does not exist for you.”

Eithne glared and turned to the woman, “And what’s that supposed to…” The woman was gone, vanished into thin air, “…mean.” She looked around trying to figure out how the woman had gotten out, there only seemed to be one way in or out. “Maybe through the curtain’s back there?”

She stood up and headed toward the back curtains. Just as she reached out to touch the thin clothe a wicked wind struck up, sending the contents of the tent to fly everywhere and Eithne to be knocked off of her feet. Suddenly, something grasped her ankle and all she had time to do was look up at her friend with wide eyes before being dragged behind the curtains and disappearing.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 08:29 PM

She gasped as the woman disappeared. she had been watching the woman, and one blink, gone! no one could move that fast. did she really just disappear. She got up on her knees, watching as her friend went to look for the woman.

"Wait, maybe we shouldn't..." she started nervously. It was then that she let out a scream as a wind flew through the tent. She glanced over Eithne, gasping as she saw the predicament her friend was in. She leaped up grabbing at her seeking hands, a shoulder anything, She tugged at her friend, catching a sleeve struggling desperately against some strong force. Something whacked at her ankles, dropping her to the floor. She hit her head still holding onto her friend and just barely feeling something pulling her as well before blacking out.

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 08:47 PM

A few stray Cherry petals tickled Eithne's cheek with the help of a soft breeze. There was shade over her and the same lush smell of cherry blossoms. Eithne opened her eyes to see the Cherry trees that shaded her. She turned her head to one side, more cherry trees. Hundreds of them. She shot up from the ground with wide eyes and looked around desperately. She was in an orchard! A cherry tree orchard. A few feet away from her Aya lay unconscious on the ground.

Eithne rushed to Aya and pulled her up into her lap. “Aya? Aya, wake up!” She was frightened and she didn’t want to be alone. Maybe Aya could help her make sense of all of this. “Aya, please! Wake up! Please!” She looked out around her, “Is anybody there? We need help! Anybody!?”

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 08:55 PM

She smelled the sakura blossoms still, her head was all muddy and it was dark. she felt a jostling to herself and grumbled at the movement. "too early to get up, me sleep more....rrrrrrrrr." she weakly brushed at the hands noticing that while it was hard where her body was, her head was warm and comfortable. She cracked an eye open.

"Eithne?" she asked weakly. There was just a faint hint of blood where she had hit her head, possibly a concussion or at least a bad lump and headache.

Artemis12 is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 09:17 PM

Masaru walked hurridly through the cherry tree orchard. He was sure he'd lost all of his persuers and even if anyone of them tracked him down he'd already ditched his previous disguise and weapons. If they caught him now he'd just seem a regular farmer. As he reviewed his last mission and what had gone wrong he heard something in the orchard. Stopping in his tracks and paying it more attention he recognized it as the voices of women. They'd be the perfect cover.
"Is anyone in need of help?" He called out as he walked towards them.

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 09:43 PM

Eithne looked up at the sound of a male’s voice. She didn’t recognize the dialect he spoke in. In fact, it was a rather strange dialect. “Over here!” She called out before turning to her friend. “You’re bleeding, hun, try not to move too much. You must have hit your head.”

She lifted the bottom of her kimono and tore the lining from the plain white under-kimono she wore then gently started patting at her friend’s forehead. “Try not to move too much, you might have a concussion.” She looked around, “Did you see where that lady went Aya-chan?”

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 09:51 PM

""My head hurts" She mumbled stating the obvious. She moved it slightly toward an unknown voice, but stopped as her head seemed to spin. "Ergghhhh, Imma gonna just lie still....." she slurred ans she closed her eyes again. "Lady, there was a pretty lady, I wanted her cloak..." she said in reply to her friends question. Words to her brain were getting a little jumbled. it was like the end of a sugar high, when you seemed to collapse.

Artemis12 is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 10:02 PM

When Masaru caught sight of the women one of them called to him in a strange dialect. He almost didn't understand her. He approached them and examined the situation. "How badly is your friend hurt? If it's serious I know a doctor we can take her too." He offered kneeling next to the injured one.

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 10:15 PM

Both women were dress beyond what a normal peasant of the time would wear. Their kimono’s had beautiful intricate patterns in gold and silver, and only someone who was a tailor in her time would know that the silky fabric they were made of was not, in fact, real silk. Eithne’s foreign background was also quite obvious. Her eyes were bigger and more almond shaped than a Japanese citizen and her red hair was, well, unnatural around here.

Eithne looked up at the man with curiosity in her eyes, he was hard to understand, but she got the jist of what he was saying. “My friend,” She tried to explain, “She hit her head. I think she may have a concussion. I do think she needs a doctor. Do you have a car, or a cell phone?” Eithne’s own phone had been left at home to avoid getting bothered by any of her silly brothers.

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 10:25 PM

"Can we do the gold fish game? I like fishieeeesssss" She definitely felt delirious. She was glad her friend was here, otherwise this could be a problem. Her Mom would be upset and worried if she knew. Ugh she hated hospitals, but hopefully it would be alright.

she felt her mind swim through consciousness. Finally she gave into sleep after one more phrase. "I'm not paying for that fortune, it sucked....."

Artemis12 is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 10:34 PM

Masaru stared at the foreigner in confusion. "Just come with me." He said before lifting the injured woman. "What are two women like you doing here?" He asked finding it odd that they'd be out and about without any sort of escort.

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 10:44 PM

Eithne nodded at the man and stood to follow him. Seemed he didn’t have either then, so they’d have to walk. The red-head followed close behind the rather simply dressed man. Was he from the country or something? And how the heck did they get here? That wind couldn’t have been this strong. She muddled over those things in her mind, desperately trying to figure things out. Her face mirrored her confusion as she followed quietly.

Artemis12 is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 10:54 PM

As Masaru carried led the women out of the orchard and into the town he noticed the confusion on the foreigner's face. "What's wrong? Did you get lost when you wandered into the orchard?" He shifted the unconcious girl in his arms so she'd be more comfortable. Spotting an aquantiance pulling a cart Masaru hailed the man over to them. After a brief conversation he was able to barrow it and laid the girl in it. "That should be more comfortable for her til we get to the doctor."

Last edited by Artemis12; 12-30-2010 at 10:58 PM..

Baby Godzilla
Silverbeam is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 10:56 PM

((is unconscious... LOL))


Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 11:00 PM

Eithne got even more confused when she saw the town. It looked like something out of ancient Japan. When the man questioned her she looked up with wide eyes, “What? Um…no. It’s just…we…I don’t really know how we got into the Orchard. Or, where we are, for that matter. Oh! Gomen!” She stopped and offered a traditional bow. "I’m Eithne O’riely. That young woman is Aya Shiotara. It's nice to meet you!”

Artemis12 is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 11:10 PM

"Gomen on my part as well. I should have introduced myself sooner as well, Orili-dono. I'm Itsuki Masaru. We'll get to the doctor's in no time and then we can figure out where you and Shiotora-dono came from." Masaru said while trying his best to pronounce the foreign name. "The doctor's is that house right there." He explained pointing out a building to their left. "Do you mind if I ask if this is your first visit to Japan?"

Saiytanya is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 11:22 PM

Eithne smirked, holding in the urge to giggle at his pronunciation of her family name. But she was always good at keeping her composure. When she and Aya had taken the class to learn the Tea ceremony, she never once broke into giggle. Aya on the other hand, well, she was a giggler. They both passed though, eventually. Eithne loved Japanese culture, it was so rich, so beautiful. Her favorite part was how everything was based on honor. Most Western countries lacked the beautiful thing that was Japanese honor.

At his question, Eithne shook her head softly, “No, I’ve been living here for some time with Aya-chan. She’s my best friend. Where in Japan are we? I don’t recognize this village.”

Artemis12 is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 11:42 PM

Masaru told her the name of the town when they reached the doctor's door. Picking up Aya he carried her inside. He laid her down on the cot and explained the situation. As the doctor looked after Aya he continued talking to Eithne. "So Orili-dono, where do you and Shiotora-dono live?"


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