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persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 03:21 AM

::cries with Lilim::
I know~! Whatever am I going to do nooow~??? xD

rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 05:10 AM

yeeeaahhh... but it's not gonna happen

Sins is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 05:28 AM

:] Congrats to all the other winners too. Hahaha.

-sigh- Atleast I got some practice with mouse work in by entering..

Last edited by Sins; 01-31-2009 at 05:31 AM..

shosho is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 05:30 AM

thank you, glamzbb <333 i took my pick already *3* <333

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 05:37 AM

I love this whole thread, everything in it, everything about it, and everyone involved. D: <333

I had actual responses, but all I can do when I come in here is instinctively want to geek out like crazy. xD <3333

Lura Crane
Lura Crane is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 08:13 AM

*so late so late* DX;

Congrats to Anna, Crystaline, shosho, and all other winners and honorable mentions~! ^O^
Really wonderful entries I feel happy to have laid eyes on many times, I must say. X'D

And thank you Glammy for 7th runner up!
I love aiming for accuracy and I'm really glad I was able to get so much right for Panda.

Wish I was on earlier to attend the ceremony, but it was fun and rather interesting to read through~ XD


Event Coordinator
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Iro is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 08:51 AM

I totally didn't notice the results were out. xD"
Ach, Glammy. I'm not done with the avi pic yet. I'll work on it once I'm free from house visiting after Sunday. I WILL get it to you. @_@

A huge congratulations to all the winners!
There were really awesome entries, I'd not like to be the one choosing the winners. xD;;

Thank you very much, Glammy, for the runner up! :glomp:
Really happy you liked it that much, I wasn't really expecting much when I was drawing it, because I was drawing them mainly because I liked them.

Haha I have to agree, Lura. Reading back the posts were fun. xD

Lura Crane
Lura Crane is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 10:29 AM

I love the randomness of forums and going back to wonder how some topics even came up. XD

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Waffle is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 12:07 PM

xD I actually placed! whoopeee~
I fail at art contests so this was a relief. xD
Everyone else's was so gooddd. :drool:

But yay~ gold to pay my CI supplier. :boogie::boogie::boogie:

M i n u x e
Jiggly Jell-o
M i n u x e is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 07:04 PM

CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS!!!! All the art submitted in was great to look at *-* <3333333

Anna, Cerdiwen, and Shosho definitely submitted top notch art. I was really taken back when I first saw Anna's entry I am glad to see that she won ^^


Kent is offline
Old 01-31-2009, 11:25 PM

Hmmm. I was an honorable mention! 8D
I really enjoyed drawing Panda and Adarven~
Neithein and Mhaveil are adorable too! I want to draw them again! :3

Congrats to all the winners! <3

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 02-01-2009, 12:33 PM

@Prize update:
I've just send the 4th runner up's trade and prize picking PM, so that means not quite half way! yay!

YEEEES! :luffs: hon. mention, ftw~!!! <3333
uuuum. I'll be reopening my freebies and/or request thread sometime, sooooo~??

@M i n u x e
C: it was great to judge and receive~ I'm in love with all of it @o@

yours was sooooo good >D

No rush on getting that done! Take your time and enjoy your house visiting~!!!
But I can't wait to see it finished as well! You've stuff is so niiiiice :clings:

I'm so glad you entered and enjoyed your time in my uh...lovely thread xD

& it was a bit of a haphazard ceremony, so maybe it's better to read back on rather then be part of xD

>D & love yooooou :luffs on:

I feel you~ All my response to this thread since I started to judge have been under sever gushy love and having little content xD

your resident bonafide coffee ad...
Rylynne is offline
Old 02-01-2009, 01:09 PM

Thank you very much for the prize, Glammy! =D <3<3 And also for your well wishes for your grandmother. :3

I'm really happy btw for all the art you got! =) <3 And if I haven't said it before, thankies again for giving me the opportunity to participate in this contest! It was well worth it, I must say. ^^ <3<3

shosho is offline
Old 02-01-2009, 03:17 PM

here here, rylynne 8D <3 so happy for the amount of love glammy got~ <333 her characters are all full of win. srsly D8 <3 ONE DAY, I SHALL BE ABLE TO BORROW YOUR BRAIN, GLAMZ >] /plot plot plot

and thank you, everyone~ ;3; <3 congrats to everyone as well~ <333


Kent is offline
Old 02-01-2009, 03:29 PM

@Glammy - I shall go subscribe to your freebie/request thread now, then! <33 Unless I'm already subscribed? X3 I'll go check~

Lura Crane
Lura Crane is offline
Old 02-02-2009, 01:18 AM

It was/is still indeed a lovely thread~ 8'D
Wish I had stayed around the beginning of it though, and come out more often rather than lurk. XD;

I think the excitement and haphazardness makes award ceremonies so great, haha~ And if I ever happen to actually be on time for a ceremony, I go back and read through it anyway after all the awards are announced. X'D

Lilim is offline
Old 02-02-2009, 04:37 PM

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I cannot thank you enjoy this was the funest contest ever!!!

Vitriol is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 10:59 AM

OK! All the prizes are out (except a few early entry things)~

Again, THANK YOU to everyone who entered and took the time to chat to me~ C:
You guys are all so, so awesome!

& now I get to be partly MIA from here since I've got casual work and moving to do D:

(sorry for the lack of replies :woe: )

shosho is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 05:47 PM

yay! thank you again, glamz <333 your contest totally gave me motivation to finish most of my commissions XD; (which i did~ yay! go me! <3)

good luck with your move yah~ ;3; <333

rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 02-07-2009, 01:03 AM

thanks for the prizes glaaam <3


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