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I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 03-16-2013, 10:54 PM

Barnabas stared at the woman before him. She had a temper indeed. He chuckled to himself. good to know that the captain can stand up for herself. She had passed his test, like most of the other captains had. If they could stand up to Barnabas, they had some sense of quality leadership. His men would follow her wholeheartedly now – instead of questioning her decisions because she was a female, short or otherwise. He had needed her to prove herself to him, as she had already done to Paddy. He wondered how Lukas would test her. Once the three were in agreement, they could plan the real strategy of keeping the cargo – and to a lesser extent the ship’s crew protected.

The three men had agreed to test captains starting their second mission together. After, of course, the previous one had gone sour. The captain, it turns out, was a pirate and neither interested in neither the cargo nor the crew but in the spoils of what their lives and the cargo would earn him. Barnabas had lost a few men to piracy that day. Not their lives, no, but their loyalty. It was only the quick thinking of Andrew that had saved the rest of the men from mutinying. Sure, Barnabas had lost the cargo, but he’d not lost a life. The Academy had seen it differently. They didn’t care about whether the men had lived or died. The cargo held all the importance. They counted the mission as a failure.

From that point on, the trio had tested the captains to be clear of who they were sailing with – each in their own way. Barnabas tended to go for the overdramatic approach; Paddy charmed the person with his easygoing personality; Lukas chose to test based on intelligence. Andrew had gotten in on the fun a few times, but only if he thought the others were going about the task poorly or slowly. Barnabas was certain that Andrew would test Eve – given she was female and not the type of captain the men were used to. Andrew of course, had probably done the same with the men while they were waiting in the shuttle bay. Slowly but surely the butler was going to make gentlemen out of them.


“Lukas,” Andrew said in a calm voice “grab her arms.” The lieutenant grinned and did as instructed. “My dear,” Andrew addressed Eve this time “I’m old, but not deaf. There is no need for you to yell. I’ve no desire to usurp your position; neither do the gentlemen in my care. I am, as always, watching over you. The barbarian you call ‘Cook’ had not been trained in his trade. I merely removed him from his incorrect position.”

Andrew walked to the cauldron, took in the aroma and sighed. He could see the captain still struggling – as he expected her to, given her current position. He removed from a bag on the counter a small golden spoon. He dipped the spoon in the stew and walked to the captain. “I really do detest having to be so rough, my Lady. Please forgive me.” He grabbed her chin forced it open and dumped the broth into her mouth.

Lukas, being merely a bystander during this situation, decided it best to keep his mouth shut. Sorry it had to come to this, my dear he thought. I guess I’m the last one to test you then… Lukas was often the first to test the captain. He sometimes posed as Barnabas – especially for captains that had never met either of them before. It amused him greatly that only three had discovered the ruse without being told. Ah, yes. You seem to be a clever one, yet if both Paddy and Barnabas got to you that easily… Perhaps you feel more than you think. That could end poorly. Captains that don’t think about their voyages tend to be victims of piracy, or pirates themselves.


“Well lass,” Paddy grinned “ol’Paddy will ‘elp ye with that.” He went to wrap his left arm around her waist to pull her a bit closer, but she backed up before he could. His fingers brushed the side of her waist instead. He jumped – but recovered quickly – at the sound of the intercom. He looked around the room before following Amy’s gaze to the speaker on the wall. The room was silent, except for the hum of the engines causing the captain’s voice to echo. Paddy threw back his head and groaned. “Jes ‘cause I tested the lass…” he muttered under his breath. “Bloody idiots.”

The marine – Dr. Holmes – turned to address Paddy. “Sir!” he gasped “The major… the major called for a meeting. “

“Aw, well seem he has a date in tha torpedo bay.” Paddy joked.

“Sir?” Holmes said, obviously not understanding.

“Aye, ferget it lad an’ get back to tha sleep bay.” Paddy turned his attention towards Amy and the boy. Perhaps their conversation would shed more light on the captain.

AGhost is offline
Old 03-19-2013, 10:45 PM

Eve was grabbed, her eyes blazing at this newest impudence. It certainly did nothing to improve her temper. She fought against the Marine's grip, but he was larger than her and firmly planted. She was a good fighter- the best on this ship and many others- but there wasn't much she could do when she was pinned like this. Her mouth was forced open and the broth was shoved into her mouth.

She barely resisted the urge to spit it at him, swallowing it and leveling a glare at him that could and had made lesser men shake and piss themselves in fear. No longer yelling, or even fighting, she just glared at Andrew.

"Yes, that might- no, it is much better than whatever Cook was likely making. Yes, he is not qualified to be a cook- this is a privateer vessel, and as such we have a hard time convincing anyone but the worst cooks to join our crew. However, that doesn't give you the right to throw a man in the brig. After you leave, I will still have to have someone to cook for this ship, and you just threw one of the more qualified cooks into the brig." She let out a deep breath, pulling away from Lukas and resisting the urge to break his nose for manhandling her.

"Perhaps we could come to a compromise, Andrew. I would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to train one of my crew to be a cook that meets your high and exacting standards?" To her credit, she wasn't even terribly vicious sounding. Straight forward, clear, but she kept the sarcasm out of her voice on the last line, and that certainly was a feat.


Amy laughed a little as Paddy offered to cure her of her fear of heights. Having ducked out of his arms, she frowned deeply at the words that came out of the intercom, turning it off after the Captain's tirade. The Marines certainly didn't need to know about the Captain- and Amy's- life debt to Andrew.

No, that was a card better played close to the chest. Liam huffed and puffed, looking up to Amy.

"Mr. Mitchell said I was to come and tell you about the Captain." The boy managed to get out. Amy snorted in response, motioning her head to the squawk box.

"Well, I know rightly enough now, I'd suppose." Of course, Mr. Mitchell knew that Amy was one of the few on the ship that could hold her own with the volatile Captain, especially if it came to blows.

"I suppose I'll go up. Liam, be a good monkey and make sure none of these Reds lay a hand on my sexy beast."

Amy took off, not running, but moving with the speed that all of the crew seemed to move with. It came with the familiarity of their surroundings and just practice moving around the ship.

"Yes, Mum!" Liam answered, crossing his arms and turning to face Paddy and Dr. Holmes, watching them warily. While the boy wasn't afraid of much, he certainly didn't want to tangle with them. He sat down on Amy's recently emptied chair.

If there was one thing that frightened him more than the Redcoats, it was Amy.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 03-20-2013, 01:59 AM

"Of course, my dear Captain." Andrew said bowing. "If you would so kindly select a suitable person from your crew I would be more than pleased to train them. Though, I implore you to send someone that is at least, " he looked around the kitchen, taking in detail and doing calculations in his head. "Five feet tall, quick on their feet, willing to learn, listen and offer their opinions - but not in a crass way. Someone with manners, else I'll have to add them to my list. You know how I work dear."
The woman before him was not the child he remembered. She had grown like a weed before his ever watching eyes. Andrew never had children of his own, and at his age it was unlikely he would ever. Though, throughout his life he had gather “children” around him. He had indeed been to the far reaches of the universe. In his travels he had seen the travesties that these children were put through. He had personally funded the building of an orphanage in each of the systems he traveled. His salary as the head butler at the Williams estate came with many benefits.

His family had been in the service of the Williams for a few generations – six to be exact. Ever frugal, the family has amassed a rather large nest egg. Each generation added to the pool. Andrew, however, having no living descendants had chosen to invest his family’s riches. They had come to pay for themselves after the 25 years they had been opened. In fact, others had begun investing their money into the houses. After ten years, Andrew didn't have to put any of his personal money into them.
The orphanages, which Andrew preferred to call “Next Generation Housing”, not only housed children, it also put them through schooling. Barnabas had even donated money and time to the House on Beta Dodeca. The children there had taken a liking to the marine and his friends. Lukas was one a part-time teacher there – between missions. Padraig helped the children learn trades – he also enjoyed teaching the younger boys how to fight. Paddy thought Andrew didn't know, but Andrew knew every detail of the happenings at every house.

Each Houses’ staff was handpicked by Andrew himself. In later years, some of the children became staff in the Houses themselves. Andrew made sure the children in his care were well tended to. He was known simply as “Grandfather” – and its variations – by the children. Each of the staff was addressed to as “miss” or “mister” if they were unmarried and “aunt” or “uncle” if they were married. Andrew also let the children attend to their spiritual needs; the home didn't teach any specific religion, but allowed for the freedom of all known to man. Due to the rather large number of unfortunate children, the Houses slowly evolved from single building structures to entire campuses. The Houses were co-ed, but the sleeping quarters were separate buildings.

Andrew had improved the lives of many people across the universe. It was his greatest achievement. He had won a few intergalactic awards for his kindnesses. He, of course, didn’t lose track of the children that left his care. He knew most of them personally – he’s shared several holidays with several families over the years. While he cared for all of them equally, the trio –Barnabas, Lukas and Padraig – was the ones he cared most about. They were the closest people Andrew had in his life, as nearly all of his relatives had gone to their resting place in the stars.
He looked at the woman in front of him with soft, old eyes and smiled. “My dear, it will be done.”


The two marines looked at the boy. Well, truth be told, Paddy’s eyes were on the rear of a certain mechanic as she exited the room. Holmes cleared his throat. “Sir? Uh, s-s-sir?”

“Aye, Lad?” Paddy bent his head as the door closed, savoring the last few seconds before it clicked against the frame.
“Sir? Should we leave? Is-is the boy going to be safe in here?”

“Aye, lad. I believe the lad is perfectly at home right here.” Paddy smiled at Liam. “Ain’t cha boyo? Ye know yer way around this bark back to front I’d wager.”

Holmes tapped his foot and bit his lip. “Sir? Should I stay or go back to the meeting?”

“I’ll guess tha Barney won’t be needin’ tha meetin’ right yet lad. But if yer afraid of this lad, ye are welcome to leave.” With that, Holmes saluted and quickly left the room.


It wasn't that Holmes was afraid of the boy – far from it. He was afraid for the boy. A ship like this was no place for a boy that young, or that small. Holmes –only 23 years old himself and fresh from medical school – was uncertain if he himself should be on this voyage. He had an excellent mind, which is why his parents had pushed him into medical school at the delicate age of 13. Where he had excelled in books, knowledge and learning, he failed in all aspects socially. Just being in the same room as the mechanic had caused him to produce an unhealthy amount of sweat; fearing for the boy’s safety had kicked off his nervous twitches. He should have just stayed home. He was certain nothing good could come from this journey.

AGhost is offline
Old 03-20-2013, 07:18 PM

Resigned, the good Captain nodded.

"As you wish, Andrew." She sighed, shaking her and leaving the room. Amy joined her, falling in step beside Eve.

"You look pissed." Amy said, watching Eve's slumped shoulders shake slightly with anger.

"There's nothing I can do about it. They are being perfectly reasonable. Well, accept for the Major, but I hope that nonsense is all cleared up." The dinner bell rang six times and Amy looked over Eve with a frown.

"Go eat. That is an order. I'm taking Dog watch, so I'm going to get some sleep before I need to report."

Amy left reluctantly, weaving her way back down the halls, while Eve instead sought out her own quarters, locking the door behind her.

Crossing the room to her sleep pod, she kicked off her boots and tossed her jacket onto the desk. With the practice of twenty years, she swung herself into her pod and zipped herself into the dark cocoon.

Eve was the sixth child in a family of twelve. Born so in the middle, she was one of the first children that had been born for the Temple system.

The Temple system- used to encourage farmers to have large working families- was very simple. Every farmer that had a male child was given three hundred credits- a year's salary for one farmer, on average. Girls were worth just a little less at two hundred and fifty.

Nearly starving and deeply in debt, her parents did what they did best- made yet another mouth to feed.

As soon as she had been old enough- five, or maybe even four- she had been put to work in the orchards. At first it had been in the berry bushes, and after that high in the trees picking fruit.

She had been nine when Pete came. Though she didn't remember much about his visit, Eve desperately wished her parents had been against the idea of selling their daughter. At least at first, maybe. Perhaps they even loved her once.

But, debts must be paid, and Eve was nearly old enough to be needing a dowry. So, one night her parents sat her down and told her that she'd been sold to a work house.

Eve had been too shocked at first to really cry or fight or protest at all. It wasn't until she'd been delivered to the work house...

No. Eve shuddered at even the thought, closing down that memory. Six moths later she had escaped and half-starving and nearly dead of the flu landed on the orphanage steps.

They had fed her, clothed her, and given her medicine to nurse her back to health. Grandfather- Andrew- had even read to her during some of the worst parts of the sickness.

Though she had never spoken in all of the time that she was at the Orphanage, she did manage to learn her letters and how to read.

But, there had been a raid, and the children who had escaped from the work house were taken up again. They were, after all, property that had been bought and paid for.

Thankfully, a few months later the Cour Valant had bought her to work in the engine room.

And now she was Captain.


Amy, unused to being dismissed, especially by Eve, wasn't terribly worried about it. The line for chow went down the small hallway, and she joined it.

It was strange, that the marines were on their ship. After all, they weren't a cargo ship. They were a privateer vessel. "Piracy with papers" one of their captured men had called it. They were supposed to attack other merchant ships and take their goods, bring it back to Beta Dodeca.

Why in the world they were running men and cargo was beyond her. Of course, she wasn't complaining.

A smile played on her lips at the thought of a certain red head with a Pata accent.

No, she didn't mind it at all.

Liam looked to Paddy shyly, but answered in the lively manner of young boys his age.

"Oh, yessir! I've been aboard the Cour Valant since I was five. Captain Ghost bought me from the work house on Pata. That's where all of us were bought. Captain Ghost likes taking us from the work house. Rumor is that she worked there herself once! Can you imagine that? And now she's the Captain." A dreamy look came across the boys face and lasted for a moment before his attention came back to the present.

"She's even taught us to read. Captain says she's no use for idiots, and that it's our job to learn as much as possible so we can 'better ourselves'. She even gave me a proper name and everything. When I was first bought, my name was Seven." Liam spun in Amy's chair, watching Paddy.

"If you need to find anything though, I'm your man. I expect you can do your own reading, you being a gentleman and all." The six bells rang, and Liam lifted his head.

"Those are the dinner bells! You better get down to chow, or else you'll have to eat with us."

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 03:34 AM

Andrew smiled and bowed as the captain left the room. Having already made the meal, he walked in to check on the men that had been tasked with cleaning the mess. He was expecting the men to still be scrubbing away at the grim, but was pleased to find them lounging on one of the benches that lined the room – with glowed radiantly. This was to be a pleasant trip indeed.
Lukas followed the aged-man, sighing and shaking his head. When they stopped, he ran his finger over his cropped crew cut hair. He’d thought about growing it out, as Barnabas had, but decided against it after a incident involving fire – fire that happened to be a little too close to his face.

Lukas had to admit, when the Cour’s men were told to do a job they did it. The mess appeared to be a completely different room from what it had been only a few moments before. Lukas was quite certain he could safely eat off the floor. He chuckled, “Do they meet your expectations, Andrew?” Andrew simply nodded and walked over to one of the men.
“My dear boy, could you send to ring the dinner bell? I believe it is rather near six and the men must be growing hungry.” With that, Andrew returned to the kitchen.


Paddy grinned at the boy in front of him, completely enthralled by the boy’s youth and innocence. He himself remembered what it was like to be that young – he was still that young in the opinion of others. He was slightly disheartened to hear that about the boy past, but being from a similar upbringing he understood. There was still something that hit a nerve with the man.

“Wut do ye mean, tha Cappy own ye?” Paddy was going to ask the boy further questions, but the bells cut him off. “Well, lad wut say we go scrounge up some grub?” He motioned to the door, not wanting to let the boy out of his sight.


After the Captain had left, Barnabas sunk had decided to take a nap. He’d kicked off his other boot, taken off his sock and rolled the left pant leg up to match the right. He unbuttoned three of his shirt’s buttons – enough so his defined chest was visible, and so were the slight patches of dark hair. He rubbed his stubble covered chin and yawned. He cracked his neck and took the ribbon out of his hair. His hair fell neatly to just brush the tops of his shoulders. He gathered his clothing in a small pile next to the suspended cot. Cleanliness was next to Godliness, Sir he heard Andrew say. He chuckled and shook this head.
His head had just hit the pillow when Holmes burst into the room. “Sir,” the young man asked “Major Williams? Are we still having the meeting?”

Barnabas groaned, and said without opening his eyes “No, not now at least. You might want to get some sleep. That list Andrew gave to the captain was a list for watches. You might have the watch at some point tonight. Besides,” Barnabas pulled an expensive looking watch out of his pants pocket “it’s near six o’clock. They’ll probably be ringing a dinner bell sometime soon. If you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to. You are dismissed, Holmes.” Barnabas waved his arm awkwardly and yawned again. He at least wanted to get what he could in the ways of a nap. There was a shuffle of boots and a “sir” muttered under breath as the marine stepped away.

Barnabas thanked whatever Gods there may or may not be that he could easily fall asleep anywhere. Not only did it help with the missions, it also helped after a late night at the taverns. The soft hum of the engine could be as soothing as any lullaby. It reminded him of his mother sometimes. She was a singer – it was where his sister had gained her talent – by birth. It was how his parents had met. His mother was singing in an Opera house that his father happened to visit one night. His father was so enthralled by her that he married her – and then he made sure to keep his bird in a gilded cage.

Kanara Williams had loved her home on the tropical resort planet of Dodeca. She had played with the visiting children – even teaching some of them to read on their short stays. Of course, she herself was the planet’s only permanent resident. Most of her friends she only saw a few weeks out of the year. While technology made people close, it still robbed the woman of physical contact. She had been younger than her husband – 15 years his junior. But she had fallen in love with everything about him. He was handsome to look at, he treated her well enough, she wanted for nothing… and yet, she saw her husband rarely. She had learned quickly that she was his treasure – a treasure to be looked at and admired, but never touched or shown off around others, much like the fine dishes she ate out of. After having two of her children taken from her to be raised by others, Kanara had put her foot down. She would be the one to raise Barnabas… or she would take both herself and the babe inside of her to a watery grave.

Barnabas remembered the night he woke to the sounds of his mother crying. He remembered the fits she used to have. She had struck him once, and then hugged him for hours and hours afterward. You’re just like him! she had spat before delivering the painful slap to his cheek. He remembered pleading with his mother at a young age to run away and explore the stars. She had started wailing, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t… over and over again. Then one night it happened. His mother did find her way to the stars. She was buried the next day. The day after that, Barnabas was sent to the Marine Academy. He had never had time to grieve.

He thanked the bells that shocked him awake. He joined the line of men trudging towards the door. He neglected to return to his proper attire, still shaken by his haunting memories. Maybe food would rid his mind of such dark thoughts.
So, I've been gone a long time.
Life happened. My apologies for not updating anyone. That being said...

AGhost is offline
Old 03-22-2013, 04:28 PM

Sarah, as she had been one of the crew scrubbing the kitchens, was first in line for food. On most ships, the Captain ate first, but on the Cour, it was always first come, first served. She leaned against the wall, mess kit in hand. It was simple, and made of wood- a bowl, a spoon, and a fork.

She was also dressed simply. Tight black pants and a white shirt accentuated her small frame. She stood at five foot and three inches, just a hair taller than the Captain.

Icy blue eyes stared ahead, and she slipped into the mess hall as the bell was rung. She looked around, impressed with the job that had been done in a short time. Her bowl rested against her hip and she nodded to Lukas.

"So, the rumors are true. We are carrying giant Marines and their cargo." Her head tilted to the side. She had blonde hair, cut into a pixie cut, and that combined with her wide blue eyes gave her a mischievous look.

"How interesting." She spoke with a well educated voice, and was obviously smarter than the average crew member. Slipping by him, she went to the chow line, offering Andrew her bowl.

"Smells better than whatever slop Beard was serving us. That man was a menace. Alas, the life of a privateer. Money's good, but the food is terrible."

Liam stopped spinning in the chair, looking at Paddy.

"Oh, we eat dinner at seven- that way there's always someone watching the controls and the engines and such.

He paused, seeming to pick up on the fact that Paddy was concerned that he was 'owned' by the Captain.

"Well, it's not the Captain that owns me. I'm a ship's boy, so I'm owned by the ship. I would be for the rest of my life, but Captain is very nice. When I'm eighteen- like all the boys, and even the girls- will get our share of the profits from all the raids, and can choose what we want to do with it. Most find their own berthing and become sailors... a couple have even gone to the Academy, or home."

Liam smiled softly, leaning back in the chair.

"I think I'll stay on the Cour. I like it here, and Amy will be looking for an apprentice. I already spend most of my time here." A dreamy look came over his face, and he looked over the entire engine room.

"And when she retires- or dies, hopefully not- this'll all be mine." He spun around in the chair once again, before looking up to Paddy.

"You should get going! Don't want to miss dinner, then you'll have to eat second shift. But maybe that'll be better, with the new Cook and all."

Liam looked optimistic at the thought. Second shift dinner was usually the dregs of first shift, served over stale bread to give it a little more substance. It was more than they would get in an entire week at the work house, but definitely not suitable for a gentleman such as Paddy.

Though he didn't talk like a gentleman. He looked like one... but he sounded like the Captain when she got mad, and he knew that she wasn't a Lady.

Amy raised an eyebrow as the Major and the Marines joined her at the back of the line. She slipped out of her own place and found her way to the end of the line where the Major stood.

"Well, you haven't been fired out of the torpedo tube after all. That's good to see." Amy joked lightly, nudging him with her shoulder.

"How's your leg? The Arnica salve should have taken care of most of the pain by now." She stepped back, giving him a once over and a smile.

"Well, didn't feel like dressing for dinner, I suppose? Ah, well, most don't. Except on Sundays- they're a bit of an event for us officers. Even the Captain dresses for them. I would suggest you wear shoes though- don't want you stepping on some misplaced nail and tearing open your foot. Arnica won't do much for that, unfortunately."

As they waited, the line slowly moved forward.

"I hope you'll dine with the officers tomorrow- and maybe Paddy as well?" She smiled a bit at that thought. The man was an interesting sort, and she could see wasting several hours with him.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 03-24-2013, 12:37 AM

Lukas wet his lips and swallowed. It was rare that a woman left him dumbstruck. But this woman... She was something else. A puzzle to be solved. Lukas lived for challenging puzzles. He walked up behind the blonde woman, taking detailed note of how she was dressed - and the proportions of certain body parts. He took the bowl that Andrew offered him - not having one of his own yet. He mumbled his thanks offhandedly and followed the woman to a nearby table.

"You're not from here." Lukas said bluntly. "Not from the humble beginnings that the captain and mechanic share. No. I dare say you're from my section of society." Lukas flashed her a pearled smile, before sticking a spoonful of broth into his mouth. It was slightly below Andrew's standards, but stil eatable. The crew was certain to be amazed, the marines would probably add a few dashes of pepper - which Lukas did.

He watched the black flakes sink into the golden broth - some were attached to bits of potato, others to hunks of some type of meat. It was more of a stew really, with its thickened broth and large quantity of filling. Andrew had also managed to salvage some sort of biscuit. Together with a goblet of water, the crew would be well sated.

"His meals are normally better than this." Lukas said pointing to the bowl with his silver spoon, and circling it around in front of him. "I'm certain the next one will be far more to your palate. But, I am being extremely rude, aren't I? I am Lieutenant Lukas Albrecht, Earl of Aduro."

Aduro is in the Carbonis system on the planet Ustulo. The system's main export is fuels. Each planet produces a different type of energy. Lukas' family gained its wealth from owning the system's trade routes. Lukas had never gotten into the politics of the family company. There were uncles, cousins, and brothers to understand that. His large family had allowed him to join the military - due to not having the need of another businessperson.

Lukas, the youngest of four, had been raised in a gilded silk bed eating the finest food in the galaxy of golden platers. His platinum blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes came from his father's line; his perfect teeth, and creamy white skin from his mother. He'd been raised to use his looks to do what his brain could not. When a deal began to go sour, The Board sent Lukas in to woo the daughter of the competition. He'd broken more than his share of hearts. Of course, he didn't actually care for any of them. They were just a means to an end, something to keep the money flowing in. A business maneuver, nothing more.

Then he'd become a marine, an actual marine. The years of schooling ad been tedious. He'd been in school since he was seven - Barnabas two years his senior - but only focused on learning after his 15th year. By that time he had a rival - Padraig - to practice with. Lukas had never been good at making friends on his own. He had only briefly met Barnabas at the boy's mother's funeral. They had never talked in school before Padraig had stumbled onto the Academy's steps - at the delicate age of 16 and beaten half to death. There was something about the red head that had brought the three of them together.

Lukas looked up from his meal at the woman before him. There was something about her - apart from her demeanor - that he recognized. "Might I ask the Lady's name?" he muttered quickly, and smiling shyly. He was only shy around women when there was the need... and Lukas knew he needed to tread with caution.


Paddy smiled at boy. It was like he was looking into a mirror to the past. Paddy saw so much of his youth in the lad. The eagerness and the carefree attitude. Liam also reminded Paddy of his nephews. His brother Ian had 3 boys and 2 girls - and a lovely Pata lass named Maggie. Paddy had never been back to Pata, but he always sent word when he was in the system. He'd made a point to pay for the shuttle so he could meet the little ones. In their letters bak and forth, his siser had told of each child's birth and their occupation on the planet.

Paddy made certain each child had gotten a gift every year, no matter where he was. Sometimes they were as simple as a package of new socks, other times they were rare intergallatic treasures from the various planets. One of the rarest gifts was a necklace for Maggie - an anniversary gift. A real ruby the size of his thumb hung on a string of pearls wrapped in a silver chain. Wealth like that could feed their entire family for a lifetime. Maggie refused to sell it... and with Paddy's bit of money the family did get by well enough.

The children weren't forced to work in the fields anymore. They were there by choice. Paddy's nieces and nephews could walk away from all of that if they wanted to. They simply didn't want to. It allowed them to spend more time with their Aunt, the warden. Paddy had grown up with a deep sense of family, so he knew how important it was to the children to see their family. It was a chip on his shoulder, the guilt he felt of not being around his family. Perhaps after this mission he would settle down, back home or somewhere else, he didn't care.

Seeing Liam's bright smile had Paddy almost tearing up, but he managed to shake it off. "Oh Aye, lad. Ye make a right fine ship's monkey. An' I'd wager tha Amy has already taken ye on as a shadow on the sly. Best not be tellin' her I said tha though. Our secret, boyo." Paddy winked at the boy. "As fer when I'll be eatin'... I'd be honored to feast along with tha ship's lads and lasses. If ye'll have me, tha is." Paddy bowed to the boy, but kept his eyes on him.

Paddy didn't mind eating with children. It was a positive change from eating with the rest of the men in his mind. Children were entertaining. There was nothing entertaining about grown men eating like pigs.


"Indeed I haven't." Barnabas returned to Amy, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "The leg is fine. I've had far worse than this several times over. This is nothing, Amy." He shook his leg, the bruise had lost most of its swell, and appeared rather small. "As for not dressing, the bells woke me up." It was a valid excuse. He could have stayed the extra few minutes to make himself presentable, but that would have meant staying alone in the sleeping bay with his dark thoughts. Discord in exchange for sanity. It was a simple choice.

Andrew was less approving. "Oh, Sir." He groaned handing Barnabas a bowl and spoon. "You really must present yourself with more care in the presence of your betters." Andrew winked at Amy as he filled her bowl. "I will make sure all of the officers are present and in tip top shape for you miss Amy."

Barnabas took a seat next to Lukas, who was clearly flirting with the blonde woman at the table. He clapped the man on the back. Lukas dropped his spoonful of soup all over himself and the table. "Dammit!" Lukas exclaimed jumping back as much as the space allowed for. Barnabas laughed out loud and banged his fist on the table - nearly hitting his own bowl.

"You fall for that every time I do it. Haven't you learned not to have something in your hand when someone hits you?"

"If people didn't take joy out of injuring innocent men like myself-"

"Innocent my arse!" Barnabas turned to the blonde woman, and pointed at Lukas with his thumb. "You see this guy here? We go out to taverns all the time, and I have to pry the women off of him. I don't see why though. He's about as handsome as an ape." Barnabas took large bites of his biscuit, in between laughs.

"Yeah, well this guy," Lukas said point his spoon at Barnabas' nose, "Can't hold his liquor. Two shots of cheap rum and he's dancing around like a fool singing old ballads."

"That was one time!" Barnabas shouted, motioning with his finger. "And if I recall, you were singing with me."

"Well, I do have a lovely singing voice." Lukas smiled at the blonde. His shy act was up, that was for certain. Let's see how cocky works then.

"Well then Nightingale," Barnabas said "You can sing for the officers tomorrow at dinner."

"I'll take that challenge." Lukas said "Only if you join me, Sir."
So, I've been gone a long time.
Life happened. My apologies for not updating anyone. That being said...

AGhost is offline
Old 04-30-2013, 10:59 PM

Sarah smiled as the man searched for words. Many did- she knew the effect she had on men; she came from a long line of women who had the same effect on men. She sat down at an empty table, ripping open the fresh bread and shaking her head. The food was much, much better than it had been before. She'd get spoiled, with all the Marines on board. The speechless man followed her, and she smiled up at him, tilting her head to the side.

"You'd think, hmm?" She asked, giving him another mischievous smile before taking a small, polite bite of her food. Her own spoon was old- wood of dark variety. At first glance, it was plain, but when warranted a second look it was easy to see the delicate designs carved into it. It was well crafted, but gave no hint as to her possible birth status. A matching knife and fork had been produced and sat to either side of the bowl. When not in use they tucked neatly into a prettily embroidered napkin. The napkin that was now neatly spread over her lap.

"Well, it's nice to meet you- do you prefer Lieutenant, or Your Grace?" She asked, an amused note in her voice. He had of course introduced himself with all his titles. His kind generally did. Of course, she didn't yet return his introduction- no, she was having much to fun playing with the nobleman.

In the beginning, that was what she'd been raised to do. Sarah was the daughter of a Courtesan on Gamadon-one of the many pleasure moons and ports that dotted the system. Like most of the pleasure centers, they were clustered in the richest areas of town. She had known Ustulo well then- she'd done her apprenticeship there, following around the various Courtesans that giggled, twittered, sang, and danced around the rich men at fancy parties. The sort of parties that you didn't invite your wife to.

It had not been the life for her, but she had learned more than a few tricks in the meantime. It started with Manners, how to speak, talk, sing, and dance like all the rest, but the best was learning how to read and manipulate rick men. Manipulation and affecting people was her specialty. It was a skill that got her plenty of jobs, and she'd likely never starve thanks to her skills.

The mystery meat and potatoes from her bowl consumed, she put the biscuit into the broth, letting it soak for a moment. Her spoon was delicately tapped on the side of her bowl and then rested to the side as she dug into the sodden biscuit with a fork and knife.

"Of course, I look forward to more of his cooking. Anything is better than what we had before. The man was a disgrace." She frowned softly. It was not the delicate pout of a noblewoman- there was something dangerous in the back of her eyes that hinted at her next answer.

"Oh? My name is Sarah, but most call me Bo'sun." She turned her eyes up once more to him, a smile playing on her features.

The Bo'sun- traditionally the most feared man aboard a ship. They ran inspections, handed out punishments- including the lash- and was the eyes, ears, and arm of the Captain when he wasn't about. But this was no hulking mass with more muscle than brain.

Immediately, her hatred of the old Cook would make sense. How often had necessity and the Captain stayed the young woman's hand?

"Well, I'm sure the Cap'n will be happy to see ye well. Last thing we need is to return the Boss's son with some grievous wound." There was little time for him to respond to the strange comment, as it was then their turn to get food.

Amy was more than ecstatic to see Andrew in the galley, and produced her bowl, buzzing like a child on Christmas morning. Unlike the poor Captain, Amy didn't have to worry about the ship's reputation (beyond her ability to run, of course) and like the rest of the crew was excited about the prospect of decent food.

"Och, Andrew, ye be the biggest charmer of the three of them." Amy said, dropping the proper language she'd been trying at for the Marine's sake. Unlike the Captain, she couldn't keep up with it for longer than a half hour before it gave her a migraine the size of some of the systems.

"After all, none of 'em have yet to figure that the way to a sailor's heart is through his or her stomach." She put the biscuit straight into the bottom of her bowl and poured the stew over top.

"Potatoes? And it isn't even Sunday. What a treat. I'll see you in my bunk." Amy gave Andrew a large, silly wink as she followed Barnabus to the table where the Bo'sun and Lukas sat. She found her seat next to Sarah, starting to dig in with her fork as the men quarreled.

"How's the Captain?" Sarah asked, her voice low. If anyone knew, it'd be Amy. The Engineer was the closest the Captain had to family, and while many could claim the Captain as a friend, Amy was the closest to her.

"Getting some sleep." Amy answered, digging into her food. They both watched the men's argument with smiles and shakes of their heads. Two of the four women aboard, they were used to such behavior from men. Of course, the crew had learned better by now.


Liam smiled brightly as Paddy asked if he could join them for dinner. Immediately he liked the man- something about him reminded him of the crew, and even sometimes the Captain.

"Of course you can!" He answered brightly, spinning once more in the chair. "I bet my mates would be so excited to meet you!"

Of the two dozen regular crew members of the Valant, seven were children- three girls, four boys. Of the seventeen left, there were three women and fourteen men aboard. Because of the nature of the mission- running cargo instead of doing raids on enemy ships- they had lost four of the men, who had taken the Captain's offer to release them early from their contract.

He swung his legs, looking around the small engine room, and then back over to Paddy.

"Of course, ye'll have to wear your shirt. It's okay in here- I don't think Amy minded much, but it's important for mess. And then there'll be the officer's mess tomorrow- you should dress up for that."

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 07-20-2013, 11:22 PM

Andrew coughed and muttered to himself - something sounding like "In your dreams miss..." yet he returned the young woman's smile. "I'm well versed in the ways of wooing, miss. The stomach is only the gateway."

Andrew watched as the men and women filed in and filled up the tables. The crew was rather small, but they seemed very close - much like a family. The only thing that bothered Andrew was the way the crew and the marines had split into factions. The marines were clearly anxious about sitting with anyone not in the unit and the crew was equally wary of those not in the family. Andrew sighed. They would have to get along at some point. Especially if the cargo was going to reach its destination in one piece.


Lukas swallowed hard. Bo'sun "Uh..." he stuttered, trying to form words "Lukas is fine. As long as I can call you Sarah, that is." Sarah Her name echoed over and over again in his head. He fought the urge to smile. "You'd think." she had said. Clearly he had misjudged her. Her appearance screamed wealth... but maybe the wealth was just covering up a difficult past.

He'd deduced as much from both Amy and Eve. They used the riches they'd earned to hide their pasts. He guessed more of the ships crew were the same way. It gave him a sense of foreboding and a chill ran down his spine, causing him to shiver. He shook his head took a drink of water. Just what had they gotten into?


Paddy chuckled, pulled his shirt back on then stretched his arms above his head - mindful to not hit anything. He tucked his jacket under his arm, as the room was still to warm for Paddy's liking. "Ye know a bit 'bout this ship, eh lad? Is there anything important an old lad like me-self ought to know?" Paddy plopped onto the floor, sitting with his legs folded together. He faced the boy with admiration and an impish grin.

Liam's enthusiasm pulled at Paddy's heart. He understood what it was like to have nothing, and still be happy. He remembered his youth and how even though it had been a struggle, he taught him some life lessons. One of the most important was that he didn't know everything. He'd spent his far share of his Academy time in the detention halls. His instructors never understood him.

"right, but sir yer wrong! Pata ain't peaceful at all! It's a slave farm!" The rest of the boys in class remained silent. "And, how is it you know this, master Delaney?" Paddy gulped.

When he'd entered the school the superintendent had made him swear to never reveal his past to the boys. "It would be unseemly in their parents knew the gutter that you crawled out of. It would shame my Academy, and I won't have that." Paddy had been restrained by the marine standing behind his chair. If the marine hadn't, Paddy would have killed the superintendent.

"It ain't nothin' sir. I ain't got no idea wha I be talkin' 'bout." Paddy bowed his head. He was shamed to save the superintendent's pride, then he was whipped for talking out of turn. "Clean up your mouth, boy. Before you return to my classroom."

The scars on his back were faint now. Just barely visible to the eye. But Paddy felt them with every move. He'd learned several things on the end of that whip. Looking at the innocent boy in front of him, Paddy started to tear up. "Ye'll 'ave a good life on the ship, boyo. Stay close ta Amy, she'll treat ya right, I'm sure."


"What shall it be then?" Barnabas asked. Lukas stared at him blankly then turned away. Barnabas followed his gaze... to the blonde that had introduced herself as Sarah. Already? He waved his hand in front of Lukas's face. "Hey! Pretty boy! We were discussing an important matter. Ah... never mind."

Barnabas sighed and turned to face Amy. "What's wrong with Eve?" he asked, slightly concerned. He didn't think he'd angered her that much. It was just a bit of harmless fun. This trip was going to be a disaster if he and the captain couldn't get along. "Amy, could you tell me more about the officers meeting? I'd like to have time to get some notes together, but I'd like to know what Eve plans on discussing." He grinned, "So I can rebuttal everything she says, of course."

Barnabas knew the things he wanted to talk about. The cargo for one. He hadn't been told what it was, and he wondered if Eve had been told. There was also the matter of what his men would be doing on her ship apart from standing watches. While Andrew would have notes already - because Andrew was organized like that - Barnabas still wanted some of his own. He didn't want his men to get lazy and out of practice. Perhaps they could stop on a planet or moon on their journey to run drills.

Barnabas started taking mental notes, ideas popping into his head like fireworks - if only he had something to write them down! He scanned the table, but found that the napkins were linen and there was nothing to write with. He looked up to the kitchen window frantically, but Andrew was nowhere to be seen. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He'd have to go back to the cabin. But he had to wait for Amy's information. Where did Andrew go?!


Meanwhile in the kitchen, Andrew was whipping up a special supper for the ship's children. He'd been informed that there were a few on the ship -as to be expected - and wanted to make them feel just as important as the crew. He wondered how many of them had had chocolate before. The answer was probably none, so Andrew had decided to make chocolate fudge brownies. He only made a small pan, as he didn't want the children to get sick from eating too much. It reminded him of the days he'd stayed at his Children's Homes. He would always try to make at least one treat during his visit. He chuckled and set aside two larger pieces, one for miss Amy, the other for miss Eve. The two women would quickly hear about the treat and surely seek him out, it was best to be prepared.
So, I've been gone a long time.
Life happened. My apologies for not updating anyone. That being said...


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