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mekado is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 09:25 PM

Welcome to my thread please sit back and relax.. There is food and refreshments at the table. *sits down in a large red velvet chair in front of a large fireplace.* Now the story shall begin..

mekado is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 09:40 PM

The night was young just as the first breath of winter drew across the land. Horses moved restlessly within their stalls their eyes saw the first snow of the year. The wind blew calmly seeming to be in no hurry but on this night a baby would be born that would alter the force known simply as the Guardians.

The rain came pouring down withing the dark walls of the Roman Catholic church in Rome. Dragons flew about head with their Guardian masters aboard. The Emissary ran into the church looking for a scroll that could prove to be most devastating if it should fall into foul hands. The head priest lay slain upon the alter as did the fire Guardian Darien. The emissary covered his mouth drawing a long cold breath found the scroll and quickly stole away.

Upon the death of the Fire Guardian, a baby boy was born to a family of poor farmers who named him Mekado. Unknown to his parents or even to the sleeping infant himself, he was destined to become the new Flame Guardian.

mekado is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 10:00 PM

Mekado, now 15 with hair black as coal reaching to his shoulder blades, also not the neatest either. His skin tanned from the harsh sun but eyes like the sea after a violent storm laid in a field of white and yellow flowers sleeping the day away. It was a festival welcoming the Lord Emissary, who was always covered in shrouds of white and the Guardian of Earth, Benki. He was a tall man sturdy and muscled as if he was made like a mountain. As Mekado was about to sleep, two large dragons flew over head causing a massive gust beneath them. Mekado flew into the waterfall near by. After swimming out he ran straight for the village. He was suppose to have been there helping the other villagers build the new church.

The dragons touched down in the small village. Benki slid off his dragon and helped the Emissary from his.
"This place is where you got a large positive energy?" Benki scoffed.
The Emissary nodded his head quietly and gave orders in which the church was to be built. He arrived late, as usual, and his mother was waiting to tell him what to do. So he did was he was told. A few of the posts that where to hold up the church were damp from the spring rains they had received the night earlier were about to fall onto Benki.

mekado is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 10:15 PM

The Guardian looked up and blinked. Mekado had just taken off his shirt, his head turned to see the posts falling. His body moved without him telling it too.. like it was suppose to help the man he never met before. Tackling him to the ground the posts missed. The Emissary looked and upon the boy's lower back was the symbol of the Fire Guardian. He, the Emissary, can see it but no one else.
"You boy" As Mekdao was getting off of Benki than got shoved.
"Watch it boy!" For being of the earth element he had a short temper.
"Benki I must speak with you." The Emissary turned. "You boy stay there, I will speak with you in a moment." He walked away to a corner and Benki followed. "He is the Guardian of Flame."
"That young pup? He wouldn't last a day of training."
"He is what he is we shall be taking him. I will summon the flame dragon." When Benki turned and walked back to the boy, Mekado's mother and father were standing next to him. The Emissary walked to the parents.
"We shall be taking your son.. He is the new Flame Guardian." As the words Flame and Guardian were spoken the Fire dragon landed smoke like from a dying fire out of his nostrils when up to the sky.

Mekado's parents could not disobey the Emissary. The punishment was death.
"I don't care if I am that damn Guardian or not there is no way in hell am I going!" With his anger rose his body temperature matched it.
"Angry like fire... you must learn to control that fame within you or else it will consume you." The Emissary's words calming but not angry.

mekado is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 10:39 PM

Medako was seated onto the back of the Fire Dragon much to his surprise the dragon threw him off. He landed in a large puddle of mud.
"SEE! Even the dragon doesn't want me going!"
"He doesn't trust ya yet Green Horn. You are and will be nothing like Darien."
Benki said in a cold tone of voice. Emissary shook his head and finally after hours of struggle Mekado was able to mount and stay ON his new dragon.

The cool night air pierced right through Mekado's rags as Benki called the cloths he wore. By the time they reached the sanctuary Mekado thought he was frozen alive. They walked through the courtyard of alabaster stone. The Emissary parted ways and bid them good night.
"Get Mekdao settled in.. Training will begin in the morning."

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Solin is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 10:39 PM

Nice! Keep up the great work, Mekky! ^^

mekado is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by Solin
Nice! Keep up the great work, Mekky! ^^
Thank you very much Solin. I feel very dark and creative today for some odd reason oh well back to brain storming and writing!

mekado is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 11:01 PM

Around midnight Mekado awoke feeling like his body was in flames that could not be extinguished. Within two hours time he was screaming in pain.. A pain he on the mortal world never felt. It was as if tar was covering him. In an attempt to cool himself but in haste ripped his shirt off. The blankets lay across the room. The screams became louder as the heat rose within his body. The screams could be heard from the Emissary's room Benki as well as the other Guardians came running to find a passed out Mekado drenched in sweat.
The youngest Guardian was the Guardian of Wood. His name was Yuri. A boy of 11 from Russia stayed by Mekado's side as did the Emissary until his temperature cooled and he was able to sleep in peace. He slept ass day but was awoken by the sound of fighting. Clashing of swords and elements. He thought once he heard someone get thrown into a wall. He rubbed his eyes and felt better than ever. Looking down to see robes of red, orange and yellow on him made him feel odd but they felt cooler and moved with him. He finally made his way to where all the noise was coming from to see Benki fighting this older man.
"You grow slow with your age, Mitsuhide!"
"Age gains wisdom." Sending him flying into the air before crashing into the ground. Mistuhide stood at 5'10" or there round. Had dark midnight blue hair that reached his lower back and soft hazel eyes. His pale skin almost glowed against his hair.
"Green horn you're awake!" Benki smiled.
"A relief.." Mistuhide added in an emotionless voice.
"MEKKY-SAN!" Yuri pounced him clinging tightly. "I thought you had gone to heaven last night!" nuzzling into his chest. Mekado wrapped his arms around the child. His blond hair short his gray eyes glassy.

mekado is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 11:28 PM

"So what did happen to me last night?" Mekado asked readjusting the kid in his arms.
"You body was trying to get rid of your imperfections... your sins. Carving them out from your flesh and soul with the element you posse." Mitsuhide explained as he sat and poured himself some water. "Your earthly body was filled with the impurities every mortal has. Since you will be a Guardian you must but pure."
"I see. but my "Partner" still hates me." looking to were the keep the dragons.
Yuri lifted his head.
"You have to gain it's trust or get it to like you but that dragon hates everybody.. EVEN the Emissary."
"Okay, what the hell is the "Emissary?" Mitsuhide stood in disgust and left the room. "What did I say?"
"Green Horn it will do you good to stay away from him for afew days."

mekado is offline
Old 06-05-2007, 02:31 PM

"So who are you guys?"
"Yuri, Guardian of Wood."
"Benki, Guardian of Earth.. Yuri is my apprentice. The one who got up and left was Mitsuhide. Guardian of Wind. You two will be working together alot."
"How did I insult him?"
"You are never to address the Emissary so informally. You CAN do that after you become a Guardian." Benki sighed. Yuri smiled
"LET'S GO PLAY!!!" Yuri bounced happily out of Mekado's arms grabbing one of his hands and pulling him outside. The air was warm and the sweet smell of cherry blossoms lingered. A stream cut through the orchard of cherry blossom trees. "Mitsuhide and Benki planted these a long time ago."
"Really?" Mekado sat beneath one.
"Yeah and it's funny, you're the only one with trouble controlling your element. You have to become one with it."
"How do I do that?"
"Well, Darien the first Fire Guardian threw himself into a volcano." Mekado's eyes went wide and looked at Yuri.
"But it worked. His element saved him from burning in the molten lava."
"Well this one isn't doing that.. Besides." He laid back against the tree "I'm ready for a nap."
"This place fills you with peace." Mitsuhide slammed his door and Benki knocked on his door.
"Mitsu... he didn't know remember how you use to be."
"I will take over his training Benki... You'll be to soft on the "Green Horn."."
His voice lowered.
"He's in the orchard with Yuri." Mitsuhide nodded and opened his door and walked with Benki to the orchard where Yuri was chatting Mekado's ear off.
Mitsuhide walked over to them.
"Get up Mekado.. Your training shall begin."

mekado is offline
Old 06-05-2007, 02:55 PM

Mekado blinked. "When we are done can I sleep?"
"Yes. Now produce fire from your hand."
"What?! No one can do that!" Mitsuhide turned and looked to Yuri
"Yuri produce a tree."
"Which kind?" Yuri got up and patted off his bum
" An Oak." Mitsuhide yawned and ran his hand threw his hair.
Yuri nodded and went to a clearing start to concentrate. Placed his left hand on the ground. Mekado laughed.
"There is no way anyone can do that."
Yuri pushed his left hand down and a 10 foot oak grew from the ground. Mekado blinked and jaw dropped.
"Stopped thinking like your in the mortal world. Or do I need to get you angry?" Mitsuhide straighted his white gloves and his blue yukata. Mekado looked away."Never have I found a more worthless piece of god wasted flesh. I don't know why you were picked to be a Guardian but I do believe the Lord, our father has made a mistake." Mekado touched his neck blinked looked down.
"Where is my necklace?"
"Oh this?" Mitsuhide pulled it out. It was a simple crystal tied with string. "It was going to burn."
"Give it back." He stood up.
"When you earn it." He put it back into his sleeve. Mekado's temperature rose as did the air around him.
"I'll ask you again give it back."
"As I said when you earn it." Mekado through a punch with his right that went into fire and landed squarely on Mitsuhide's right cheek leaving a nasty burn. "Good now control it and don't use anger to bring it out." He threw Mekado the trinket, he caught it and hid it away in his cloths. Yuri's stomach growled.
"I'm hungry." The three turned to look at him Mitsuhide smiled and Benki picked him up.
"Okay, Kiddo what do you want for breakfast? That I can cook."
"But you Can't cook!" Yuri whined
"Let me.." Mekado said than blinked asking himself 'Why did I say that?!'

mekado is offline
Old 06-05-2007, 06:53 PM

Yuri blinked and smiled "YEAH!! Darien was a great cook I bet you are too!"
"This will be interesting." Benki laughed softly. Mekado smiled briefly than it disappeared. They showed him to the kitchen. Mekado looked to see what he could cook and saw leeks, bean sprouts, and a few other foods. So he did what he knew how, threw it all in a pot and made a stew out of it. The seasoning was a little odd from what he was use too but it tasted great.
"Horrible." Mitsuhide set his bowl down wiped his mouth and looked stone faced.
"Hey cut me some slack!" Mekado growled.
"Mitsu-san the food is really good." Yuri said smiling while drinking the last of the broth from the stew.
"Kid ain't that bad Mitsuhide." Benki held out his bowl for a second helping of what ever it was. Mitsuhide got up and left the dining room. Benki ,seeing the opportunity tried to seize Mitsuhide's bowl but found a happy Yuri eating away.
"Damn it kid your getting faster." Yuri simply smiled
"Don't worry Mekky-san, Mitsu-san just needs alittle time to get to like ya."
"Think so Yuri?" Mekky smiled and tickled him. Benki took the bowls and started to clean up as the "Kids" played. Benki smiled and spoke up.
"A free baby sitter."
Yuri stopped and pouted. "That's not funny Benki-san. I'm not a kid anymore!"
"Sure your not.. Well Bed time!" Benki scooped Yuri up. "Finish the dishes Mek."
"Sure no problem." Mekado got up and started to finish cleaning the dishes. A dark figure came to the door of the kitchen.
"You will never be like him.."

mekado is offline
Old 06-07-2007, 07:43 PM

His hands were soaked with dish water when Mekado's head turned to look over his shoulder at the dark figure standing in the door.
"I don't want to be like him.." The man stepped into the light, he stood at 6 nothing. A black mask covered his face up to the bridge of his nose. His hair a pale silver, bangs that came to an inch below his lower jaw, the rest was pulled back into a pony tail, the tips of his hair reach the joint of the neck and back, the sides sported two black stripes. His robes are of the yukata style, the outer layer is black the inner is white.
" So which one are you? Guardian of light?" he smiled chuckling to himself.
"No." the man walked over to him and placed his left hand on his shoulder pulling him away from the water. He gripped his shoulder sending a slight jolt of electricity, not enough to kill, just to stun. After letting go of the boy, Mekado lightly fell back to the wall and slide down to a sitting position. "Lighting. My name is Volt." Volt knelt down and lifted his chin looking into his dull eyes.
"That wasn't enough to kill, but watch your tongue.. My hand might slip." The words were unheard to an unconscious Mekado.
"Volt, I see you feel resentment." Mitsuhide said, as he walked in he continued, "I know you miss your lover." Volt let go of Mekado's chin and stood up and started making his way leisurely to the door.
"You did quite a number on it, didn't you?" Mitsuhide said, looking the boy over.
"Hn." Volt walked out, disappearing into the darkness of the halls.
"Met the worst of us alone.. you being alive is a miracle in itself." Mitsuhide sneered as he left to return to bed.

mekado is offline
Old 06-09-2007, 09:54 PM

Mekado's eyes opened and saw heavy, dark gray skies water falling onto his face. Seeing two dragon's fighting in the air, breathing fire and doing acrobatic stunts, that makes those the bird of prey seem slow and sloppy. A man fell from one of the dragons back. He fell from 100 feet in the air before hitting the ground.
"Hey!" Mekado ran over. "You alive?" rolled him over.
"DARIEN!" Volt ran over and pushed Darien's bangs out of the way, pulling him into his arms.

mekado is offline
Old 06-17-2007, 03:44 PM

"Are you alright?" a voice spoke waking Mekado from his dream or memory.
"Yeah I'm fine." he looked up to see the Emissary. The figure less shrouds only bowed and removed the thick heavy vial from the head. The Emissary was a young boy about 14 with short light brown hair, his skin as soft as cream and eyes blue as sapphire's.
"Good.. I apologize for Volt's attitude and actions. Mitsuhide's as well." Quickly cut off.
"Like I care about those two." got up shakily.. "You've got wings... they are pretty." The Emissary looked to his wings no one had seen them before.
"You truly are special.. most pure." he smiled "I'll walk you to your room."
"I don't need your charity." as he stumbled out of the kitchen door and down the hall to find his room.
"Benki-san!!!!" Yuri whined "I want to play with Mekky-kun!" Benki spit out his tea.
"Mekky-kun! Your Mekky?!" He laughed "So you fancy him then?" He smiled seeing Mekado. "Mekado!" got up and Yuri whipped around and ran hugging him. The light impact almost made him fall but only sent him back afew steps.
"Mekky-kun?" Yuri's eyes turned glassy
"I'm fine kiddo we'll play later, okay?" Mekado smiled trying to reassure him.
"You look half dead kid." Benki said bluntly.
"Told you I'm fine." in his mind however, 'yep that's how I feel about now.'
"Poor child.." A cold voice they all knew to well. Mitsuhide commented as he came in with his fan lightly fanning himself and closed it sharply.
"You leave Mekky-kun alone!" Yuri yelled nuzzling into Mekado.

mekado is offline
Old 06-17-2007, 04:42 PM

"I'd never dream of hurting the dear....thing." Mitsuhide chuckled to himself.
"Why would you.... when Volt can do it so easily." Mekado appeared as if he was going to pass out again. Benki's eyes widen.
"Mitsuhuide you.. you allowed Volt to get close to him?!"
"I found him passed out on the floor that's all."
"Let's go play Mekky-kun." Yuri grabbed his hand, tryin to pull him from the argument that would about to be.
"He has training Yuri..." Mitsuhide gave a cold piercing glance to the small boy. "He trains with Volt today."
"Volt will kill him in this state or any other!" Yuri cried.
"Stop your whining child..." Volt spoke with a voice of ice and continued as we walked in. "I won't kill him... not yet.. not until the Emissary can witness his mistake.."
"Enough Volt.. I grow tired of your tongue." Benki stepped forward.
"Old man.... you'll die." Volt smirked.
"And you, too hell were you belong demon." he smiled like this was but another day.

The fight was long and explosive, lighting and earth crumbled and clashed almost hurting the onlookers. Mitsuhide's confidence laid in Volt, is almost brother, while the other two waited for Benki to pull a victory. In the end it was a double knockout. Volt was easily removed from the fight by Mitsuhide. That left Yuri, maybe weighting in at 110 and a barely conscious Mekado to lift a man that may weigh 16 tons to his room.

mekado is offline
Old 06-17-2007, 05:02 PM

"This sucks..." Mekado said lifting an arm and poor Yuri trying to do the same.
"This will take FOREVER!!!" Yuri whined almost getting crushed under Benki's arm.
"You know what I'm really getting sick and tired of?" he said pulling with all his might and moving Benki maybe two inches.
"Hm?" Yuri trying to do the same and not moving him at all.
"Being called "thing." or "it".. I can't stand that.."
"I was called kid for a long time... never mind they both still call me that..." Yuri yawned.

Half of the day was spent just trying to get Benki to his room.
Volt's pale blue eyes opened to see a white ceiling, he turned his head to see Mitsuhide standing by the window
"Good evening.." he smiled. "For an old man he almost won.." he walked over to the bed side and knelt down to him kissing his covered cheek softly. "You still need to rest.."
Volt blinked, his eyes softly starting to close again.
" It will die.... must..."
"Rest dear friend you'll get your power back soon enough." Mitsuhide smirked getting up, walking leisurely to the window drawing it back. "A storm is coming in.. it should prove to be most shocking. I feel the wind picking up I almost feel like I could hug you."
Volt smiled. "I'm starting to feel better as well."
"Why don't you kill the precious thing like you killed the previous Emissary, with a kiss." A crack of lighting flashed and a clap of thunder was heard over head.

mekado is offline
Old 06-18-2007, 01:19 AM

Benki woke up to see a sleeping Yuri and Mekado looking out the window.
"How long have I been out?" He stretched.
"Most of the day." he turned to look at him. "You owe us big!"
Benki laughed and nodded.
"I don't trust that lighting brat or that hot air windbag they call guardians!" he tried to stand and to his surprise fell back onto his bed causing a loud noise waking Yuri.
"Eggs please!" he yelled as he sat up. "Benki-san!" he pounced him.
"Kiddo!" Benki caught him, hugging him close. Mekado smiled and for a moment ,although a moment, he felt happy that he came.
"My only concern is about sparky.." Mekado yawned. "He and Mitsuhide seem close to say the least."
Yuri nodded "They are almost brothers.. I think they became blood brothers a few years back."
"How do you become blood brothers?" Mekado sat down enjoy the breeze from the window.
"I'll explain greenhorn." Benki said sitting up looking dead into Mekado's eyes.
"To become a blood brother isn't easy and very painful. Volt was seriously hurt after a fight over a holy relic. He would have died but Mitsuhide hurt as well but mere scratches with the help of the Emissary he gave some of his blood, the life source of all, to Volt to save him becoming blood brothers binding them forever. If one dies so does the other however, your at a disadvantage greenhorn. Sparky has lived a long time to experience is on his side and the other your element will go out of control if you use it against him."
"Dang that sucks..." Yuri yawned and nuzzled into Benki.
"Yeah that's about my luck.. just about my luck."
"Well, bad luck is better than none at all." Benki smiled
"Greenhorn you won't have to go it alone.. we are here for ya."
"Thanks" He paused smirking slightly..." Old man."

mekado is offline
Old 06-18-2007, 02:30 AM

Volt got up and walked to his window opening, it looking out to the ocean. The storm had caused the sea to turn green and dark blue, also making it violent from it's normal calm.
"Very good.. the weather is perfect for.."
"A murder?" Mitsuhide commented while leaning against the wall straighting up and walking over to him. Volt turned his head peering over his shoulder.
"Well, yes.. it's perfect for that." Volt was turned around and felt his back pressed against the wall.
"Mitsuhide.... what are you doing?"
"Can I not make you forget about him?" He said kissing Volt's neck roughly.
"No..." Volt turned his head to the left, his cheeks a light pink.
"Please just forget about him...."
Yuri knocked on Volt's door.
"Busy leave." Volt managed to say over Mitsuhide kissing his throat. Yuri opened the door.
"Benki wants to know.... oh my..." Yuri covered his mouth running down the hall jumping on Mekado's bed were Benki and him sitting and talking.
"I got the best news that can destroy both of them!"
"What kiddo?" Benki smiled, Mekado raised his head.
"It's against the rules for two guardians to well want each other or be in a relationship."
"And this is important how?" Mekado yawned.
"I caught Volt and Mitsuhide in a not so good position. If I tell the Emissary they well be striped of their powers!"
Benki blinked..
"They both would have to leave and go to earth.. Here aging doesn't happen so if they set foot on earth with no powers.. they'll age to their original age.."
"Which would be?"
"Volt will be 700 and Mitsuhide would be 148"
"So.." Mekado cut off Yuri.
"They both would die."

mekado is offline
Old 06-18-2007, 03:14 AM

"Even though this news is most joyous to my ears." Mekado stretched. "But how are we gonna talk to the Emissary?"
"I don't know but you've seen him Mekky-kun! You know him right?"
"Umm no although he does have very very very nice wings!" Mekado smiled and laid back down.
Benki blinked "I can't believe you of all people.. Greenhorn is pervy."
"Tell ya when your older Yuri." Benki told the cup of hot tea off the tray and took a sip.
"But I'll be 25 in the spring!" Mekado blinked and looked at Yuri.
"Serious?!" Mekado sat up.
"Yeah pretty much." Mekado felt shocked he didn't know that... although this shock was better than the last one.
"Hey Benki can I ask you something?"
"Sure ask away.. Yuri Big people talk please leave. I'll fill you in later." Wink and smiled. Yuri got up nodding closing the door.
"So what's up Mek?"
"I think I like Volt.." Benki spit out his tea.
"How can you like him or even think about him in a way that is even likable!?"
"I have no clue..." Mekado's mind was swimming. 'How can I like him? Why am I having these.. Oh my gods those dreams....'
"Look Mek he has tired to kill you and most likely he'll try again so you are in danger."
"I know I know.." He rolled over and curled up nuzzling into his pillow.
"My gods you do like him.." Mekado pulled the covers up to his cheek.

mekado is offline
Old 06-18-2007, 04:10 AM

"Mekado... do you realize how much you sicken me?" Mekado opened his eyes seeing Volt looking at him from the foot of the bed. "You look so much like him.. Your eyes.. " Volt said walking on the bed over his legs to sit on his hips. "Your lips.." Volt touched Mek's bottom lip. "Your hair." his left hand ran threw Mek's hair trailing down his face grabbing his face pulling him up into a kiss, pulling their bodies close together. Rain started to hit the window and a burst of lighting cracked along the sky filling the room with a blinding light.

Mekado sat up sharply panting in a cold sweat. He threw the covers back getting up and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As he sipped the cool water that flowed over his tongue like the clouds drifted in the sky.
"Rough dream?"
"Yeah but it's.." Mekado turned to see Mitsuhide standing there.
"Volt has that sparking personality. He can connect with anyone make them feel that way than the next thing you know you're dead.. and the worms are feasting on your rotting corpse.."
"Now I feel alot better thank you I'll be off to bed."
"How did you get those bruises?"
"What bruises?" He looked down and saw the tip of a bruise on his hips.
"The dreams alittle to real.. for you." Mitsuhide said backing him into a corner. "You look so much like him yet there is something that sets you apart from him.. Do you know what that is?"
Mekado shook his head.
"There is a verse under that too.. I don't care."
"You don't have his back bone and loyalty he did.. I bet you'd kill me or Volt to save your own skin than to suck it up and do your duty which is to serve the Emissary and kill the impure demons that plague the human world."
"I don't care what you say..."
"You do... you care what Volt thinks of you.." Mitsuhide back away slowly and turned his head to see Volt standing in the doorway..
"It appears even though he died his feelings did not...." Volt looked to Mitsuhide.
"It would appear so brother."
"The dreams already ensnare him.." Volt's eyes lit up with an unusual interest. Through his mask you could see a menacing grin.
"Maybe the dreams should become reality.." Mitsuhide said as Volt moved even closer to the Flame guardian as the candles blew out leaving the room in complete darkness.

mekado is offline
Old 06-18-2007, 05:06 AM

Mekado laid on the kitchen floor passed out.
"Let's leave him here.. I'll pick him up later before I go to bed..."
Volt walked out of the room. Mitsuhide leaned down and brushed some of Mek's hair out of his face.
"I could get to like you yet child" Stood up and walked out of the kitchen to his room.

Mekado awoke to the sound of feet on the wood flooring. He sat up and winced at the pain but got up and sat in a chair at the kitchen table trying to come to terms with what had happened to him the night before or was it this morning.. Time had slipped from him as if had never existed. He smiled at a barely conscious Yuri picking him up into his lap petting his hair and talking with Benki of the days up coming events. It hurt just sit up but he knew he had to stay awake.. after all it was an important day for Yuri.. It was his birthday and Mekky was suppose to entertain him while everything was getting set up.

Mitsuhide stumbled in rubbing his eyes behind him came in Volt.
"Good morning night creatures." Benki said sarcastically.
"I havn't been to sleep yet.." Mitsuhide said taking Benki's tea and polished it off.
"Nor I.." Volt added but instead of grabbing for a cup of tea walked to were Mekky was and wrapped an arm around his chest leaving his left arm free. "I was abit rough with you last night wasn't I?" Volt's free arm ran down his side resting on his hip.

mekado is offline
Old 06-18-2007, 06:00 PM

Benki sat up straighter as Mek's eyes grew wide realizing that last night wasn't a dream.
"You know what will happen to you and Mek.. I have to report this.."
"I look forward to it.."
"Look forward to what, brother?" Casar had come in, finally home from a mission. His hair a light blue, his bangs coming to the top of his eyebrow and the back of it to the mid neck. His eyes green looking rather tired setting down his bag. Volt smiled and turned his attention to Casar sending multiple waves of sparks at him. Yuri leaned over and whispered into Mek's ear.
"That's Casar the Water Guardian and Volt's younger brother. Hard to believe that huh? Casar is a sweet, gentle person well you know what I mean about Volt." After a few waves of sparks and water Volt hugged his brother. Casar laughed.
"So where is Darien? It's been forever since I've been home and I have alot to catch up on." Casar's sweet smile only deepen the sorrow in Mitsuhide's as well as Volt's already blackened heart.
"He.. he died Casar..." Yuri's voice dropped from it's happy tone to one of sadness. "This is Mekado.. he took his place." Mekado bowed to him.
"Oh.. Welcome Mekado." He bowed to Mekado to excuse himself from the room. "I'm alittle tired and need some rest after that long journey." Casar left the room and went to lay down on his bed, the first time he'd been home in fifteen years. He looked to be about the age of sixteen.

Mitsuhide felt a hatred spark up again, he quietly slipped out out of the room before he hurt Mekado or killed him which both are easy enough to do.. It was Morning winds time to rule so Mitsuhide was charged with energy that would go away with time and Mekado would be weak until noon. It would be the perfect time to kill him but there was to many witnesses.

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Solin is offline
Old 06-19-2007, 06:58 PM

w00t~! this is getting gooood~ <3

mekado is offline
Old 06-19-2007, 07:11 PM

"Volt, your behavior as of late is not only unacceptable but your sinning I can no longer ignore. You shall be cleansed and sent to the battlefield where you can do the most good. As for Mekado, you shall be cleansed as well than after that your training shall resume, but before that you'll need to bond with your dragon." The Emissary's voice rang through the cold, empty halls.
"NOW THE CLEANSING BEGINS!" The Emissary yelled holding his hands out two the two knelt before him. A large circle appeared encircling Volt and Mekado, Volt had been through this before but Mekado's eyes showed fear unlike anything seen before. Volt's eyes shifted looking at Mekado, his hand moved and held Mekado's tight as if to say 'Calm yourself.. you'll be fine.' he let go and lighting shot down from the heavens shocking Volt cleansing his body. Mekado's first instinct was to move to him as he got up fire engulfed his body. The flames licked his body cleansing it but the pain was unbearable. Mekado didn't know how Volt could take this pain, he looked to Volt seeing him on his knees eyes open but dull.
"V-volt..." Mekado fell forward watching Volt before passing out.

"Lord Emissary.." Benki's voice broke the silence.
"Silence! I understand all too well of Mekado's love for him. His love is wasted on this sinner, that all he knows is war. He is better off serving Lucian himself than to serve OUR God!" The lighting and fire disappeared after a few hours leaving both naked on the floor. Each taken to his room to recover from the process.
"With all due respect you are fighting your brother.." Benki had his head bowed.
"He stopped being my brother when he turned against God."
"I wonder if that is wrath I sense in your voice, Emissary.. Is it possible for you, the most holy of all to sin.. We are but human even with our powers.. You, Emissary, are divine an angel of the highest degree."
"Enough! The words you speak are blasphemous! I can not sin because I do not know how to sin."
"Nor did Lucifer, Emissary, and look were he now is and remains to this day."


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