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Definitly better than the last one! 1 14.29%
Ooooh I like! 3 42.86%
Not bad... 2 28.57%
Not really my thing, sorry ^^;; 1 14.29%
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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 06:33 PM

[imgleft][/imgleft]Allow me to tell you a story...

There is a place, it's far away but close at the same time. This place is a mystical place, a place of magic and wonder. It is Aislinn and this is the place of your dreams and your darkest nightmares. Things are not as calm as one would think, it seems that both parts are facing their own battle.

Aislinn is broken into two different parts. There is the land of dreams, or Eyllisurdrenn, land of the light. This is where the dreams reside. Then there is its counterpart, Kennyrmitore, those who are sworn to the moon. While their names do not seem all that important, the beings that reside in the places take their jobs serioiusly.

[imgright][/imgright]There is a temple high in the White Valley Mountains in Eyllisurdrenn and within that temple is the book of light. While the name of the book may not be very creative, the power it has over the dream land is great.

The book holds all of the secrets the land has to offer. It can tell you every dream that anyone has ever had, why they had it and who was born. Yes, born; the dreams do not come to their world like humans. Their dreamers create them for one reason or another. Many times a dream is born to save the dreamer from a nightmare or harshness of life. No matter what the reason may be, their births are recorded.

The book also holds tell of where all the dreams live and their powers. It tells of the kingdom's history and dates the creation of every location, animal, holiday, everything. Without this book the light kingdom would truly collapse into complete chaos without the documentation. The thought of the book just missing was an impossible thought to the dreams. They were convinced that the nightmares had taken it. After all, who would want the dreams to fall more than them?

[IMGLEFT][/IMGLEFT]Those of Kennyrmitore are having their own issues without the dreams throwing accusations at them. Their leader, after many millenia of rein had died. The problem with that? He was immortal. With the king dead, the many smaller nations of Kennyrmitore are fighting over who should be king, obviously each nation saying their own kin are the fit rulers.

That is not the only issue. Behind the petty arguments, the high council of the nightmares has been locked away since the ruler's death debating what had happened. These beings were not foolish though, they knew of the only way their ruler could die and that was from an incantation locked away in the book of light.

With their own nation in a civil war and the light nation waging war with them the nightmares seem to be at a loss at this point. Both sides seem to blame one another for everything that is going on. Neither seem to understand what is truly happening here. They too were like the dreams though; at least with their own births recorded in the book. Their own creations were not like those of the dreams. They were almost created by accident for the most part. They were what the subconcious came up with whether they be fears or some dark fantasy that the person is not willing to admit. They are there to keep some form of reality in check for the dreamer, or just to take them back down to size.

[imgright][/imgright]The book of light holds much more power than the light kingdom thought. It not only held that kingdom's records, but the records for all of Aislinn. The reason that the nightmares were pointing blame to the dreams for their ruler's death was because the only way of killing him was in that book.

While the book was held high in the moutains in the dream realm, it was a restricted area. There was a group of people, three of them to be exact. They had great power within them but were neutral in all aspects of what went on within Aislinn; they were not to claim sides, but their sides would be chosen for them.

They were captives of sorts within this land. Unlike the dreams and nightmares, they were not created by a single person but more by collective people. They were created by everyone that had ever dreamed in order to keep their fantasy worlds safe; they were a collection of every dream and nightmare ever had.

Something had gone wrong though, the very people who had been protecting the book since the dawn of time had failed at their job. Dreams and Nightmares are now picking sides for them to try to turn the battle in their favor. On top of that, the very people that created their world are not being allowed to leave. The dreams and nightmares are keeping the dreamers in their world to help fight this battle with and for them.

These dreamers were called upon as warriors, warriors to fight for either side. Well, that would be the end of the story. The rest is for you to decide. What side will the warriors fight for and will the dreams and nightmares ever fall back into their truce? What will happen to the dreamers once the fighting is over? Will they return home or will their fantasy call them into staying? This is an unwritten story, it's time for you to decide the ending.

Last edited by ISOS Duke; 06-30-2010 at 05:15 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 06:34 PM


[IMGLEFT][/IMGLEFT]Follow all Rules
This should go without saying, but anything within Menewsha's Rules or my own must be followed. This includes rules on respect, trolling, spamming, everything. If a common rule of mine is not posted it may be because it would fall under this category
I am on daily, that does not mean I expect you to be but there are others that are as well. With this I am saying that I would like you to post every other day at minimum and while I prefer multiples posts per day I know it is not possible if others are not on to respond
Lack There Of
If you are not active, as in you do not post for 5 days though you can, I will notify you. At that point you have 3 days to post before receiving a warning
These are my little way of making sure all runs smoothly. I have a 3 strike warning policy. Once you have acquired 3 strikes you are out. I do hold the right to skip strikes given on the severity of the infraction.
In short, thrid person and past tense. That is how most roleplays are though. I also ask for proper grammar and punctuation. I am expecting a minimum of three lines though I would prefer to see at least two paragraphs. One liners are a no, you can at least get three lines if you have one. So two paragrphs prefered. Also, no posting unless I give you permission to.
You control your character and your character alone. I shouldn't even ahve to say this. Also, keep player and character knowledge seperate. Just because someone writes something in their post doesn't mean your character knows that. I do not have a limit as to how many characters that you control, I just ask that you keep them all involved and posts at the correct length. I will allow characters to be powerful, but if godmodding and power abuse occur I will revoke this privlege.
All profiles are to be sent to myself. Title the PM with the part you have, whether that be a dream, nightmare, dreamer, or neutral. Keep the code as I have it, no alterations. If something is amiss with your profile I will let you know. I do accept reserves for 24 hours and will be accepting 6 dreams, 6 nightmares, 6 dreamers, and 4 neutrals. Half of each are boys and half are girls.
[IMGRIGHT][/IMGRIGHT]Realistic Please
I get that this is a fantasy roleplay, but I would like this to make at least a little sense. If a commoner is fighting a leader, the commoner won't win. They may be able to get a luck hit but the fight won't last long. Also, that means no love at first sight, relationships take time to develope and I want to see the girth of it happening!
I want to see what you guys can come up with. You are in a dream world so don't expect me to know what everything looks like. Make up what you will no matter how weird it may be! I love seeing what you can come up with, especially originality in profiles!
It's a lovely little rating and one that will go with this roleplay. I will be lieniet with it though. If things go further than hugging and kissing, no details and in fact I would prefer you to fade to black. Gore, violence, and swearing are all fine but please do not get too carried away.
All profiles are to be sent to myself. Title the PM with the part you have, whether that be a dream, nightmare, dreamer, or neutral. Keep the code as I have it, no alterations. If something is amiss with your profile I will let you know.
It will not dominate this RP. If I find the need to, I will create an OOC thread. If it comes down to that the link will be in the News/Updates.
Running Out Of Rules...
I had wanted enough to take up both pictures but now it's taking too long... Um, if I come up with new rules I will let you know and they will be in red so they are not lost among the ones I currently have. Also, I will and do use my news/update post. I love it so if you fall behind check there before posting any form of OOC. If there is nothing there PM me with an update request and I will get one up for you ASAP.
Ha I forgot one! If you are going to absent for any period of time and you know before hand please let me know. This will ensure that you do not have to face strikes and will allow me to warn everyone. If and when you leave do not leave your character the center of attention, please pull them away or something so people are not waiting on you. Just to make sure that you all have made it this far please include your favorite emote at the top of your pm, as in before your profile.

Last edited by ISOS Duke; 06-26-2010 at 06:53 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 01:29 AM

[imgleft](character image, anime prefered)[/imgleft]
[B][size="1"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Name:[/font][/size][/B] [size="6"][font="French Script MT"](name)[/font][/size]
[B][size="1"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Age:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](age, or at least how old you appear)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]History:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](how you were created and your life sense then, can include a dreamer but does not have to)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Personality:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](personality, more than just a few words, sentences please)[/font]
[CENTER][B][size="1"][font="TEMPUS SANs ITC"]•♪•[Youtube](url to Youtube video, this is your theme song)[/YOUTUBE]•♫•[/font][/size][/B][/CENTER]
[B][size="1"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Species:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](What are you?  Very open, be creative, can include link to image)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Position:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](Your job or if you hold any sort of rank)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Abilities:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](What can your character do?)[/font]

[size="4"][CENTER][font="Wingdings 2"]e[/font][font="French Script MT"](username)[/font][font="Wingdings 2"]f[/font][/center][/size]
Accepted Dreams

Originally Posted by Aki0921
Name: Damien
Age: 23
History: A teenage girl dreamed of me when she felt lonely and wanted someone to be there for her. Lately, it seems as if I have been forgotten. When she dreamed of me, I always helped her through her dreams and was there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on. I have been fighting the nightmares as long as I can remember. I am much older than 23, even if I do not look it.
Personality: I am one who helps fight off nightmares, a protector you could say. I tend to use a scythe when I battle the nightmares. I am kind most of the times, unless I lose my temper. I am also loving at times.
Species: Damien basically looks like he is a human, although he is more of an elemental, in a way.
Position: Damien is considered a high ranking dream, even though he doesn't act like it. Some dreams have called him as their lieutenant general.
Abilities: Damien can manipulate plant life, making whips out of vines for example. Plus, he uses a scythe to fight with.


Last edited by ISOS Duke; 07-01-2010 at 10:09 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 01:38 AM

[imgleft](character image, preferably anime)[/imgleft]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Name:[/font][/size][/B] [size="6"][font="Bradley Hand ITC"](name)[/font][/size]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Age:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](age, or at least how old you appear)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]History:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](age, or at least how old you appear)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Personality:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](personality, more than just a few words, sentences please)[/font]
[CENTER][B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]•♪•[Youtube](url to Youtube video, this is your theme song)[/YOUTUBE]•♫•[/font][/size][/B][/CENTER]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Species:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](What are you?  Very open, be creative, can include link to image)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Position:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](Your job or if you hold any sort of rank)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Abilities:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](What can your character do?)[/font]

[CENTER][B][size="3"][font="Wingdings 2"]e[/font][FONT="Bradley Hand ITC"](username)[/FONT][font="Wingdings 2"]f[/font][/size][/B][/CENTER]
Accepted Nightmares

Originally Posted by sweet_serender159
Name: Niya Carroll
Age: She appears to be only 6
History: I first opened my green eyes on the 5th of August to a Loving Mother and a devoted Father. Growing up in my household was a dream come true. I had everything I could ever want, but that changed when my Mother commited suicide. I was 8 at the time and in grade 3, I had recently started playing netball and was putting my long brown hair into a ponytail when i first saw Mother's favourite yellow mug lying at my feet, cracked and dirty. We didn't realise how bad it had been for her, she was so good at hiding it. Even when she didn't take her meds. I remember I screamed and bolted for my Father who was outside looking after my new baby sister. I didn't want to see my Mother's cold stare and her face, so full of Life, a shade of Grey I only saw on my greylead. He held onto me so tight that night. I hadn't seen an older man cry beofre that night. He really did Love her. I wanted that. I thought I had that, but I was wrong.
Watching my Father deal with the new burdan of having to look after us was hard. I hated seeing him stare blankly at the television set night after night, a beer clutched in his right hand and a remote in his left. He still wore my Mother's ring after it happened. No matter how hard it was for me it was harder for him.
When I turned 18 I developed Lung Cancer. The doctors didn't know how it happened seeing as I didn't smoke or anything, just means another thing I had to deal with. For some reason after 6 years the Cancer became extremly violent and started to destroy me from the inside and it scares me to think that I could have died from it. I'm amazed that I lasted that long with it. My Father always told me he was proud of how hard I fought and that it would all be okay but I was old enough to know that it always doesn't end with a happy ending and a rainbow.
He was my Love. My one and only and he broke my Heart. You know the story boy and girl meet, boy and girl fall in Love, boy goes away for a few months and gets with some blonde skank, girl finds out and has sex with her best friend to get even. And the girl kicked a couple of soccer balls his way. It was mutual but I can't help but imagine what would have been if I had aruged a little more the night before he went away. If I had pushed some more he might have resisted going and wouldn't have gotten with her.
I always thought he would be there for me and when he Turned me one night at a party I thought we would be together but it didn't quite go that way. He left me in a ditch to die and rot. Now I sort of loat around trying to make people feel my pain

Personality: Niya has two personalities, the good, cute angelic side that will kill you where you stand and still be able to bat her eyes out of it, and the evil, dark and coldhearted side that will slice your throat and suck you dry before skipping off and giggling. She doesn't want to make friends in the war because she feels they only make you weaker. She has an extremely big temper and if you make her mad you will know about it. Be warned, She holds grudges. Once you have lost her trust or she sees you as an enemy you had better say your goodbyes now. Always one for a fight she uses her childlike appearance to her advantage.
Species: She appears to be a human girl but is Half Demon and Half Angel but with some Vampire tendencies.

Position: At the Moment she doesn't have a rank so she's sort of like a Rouge Nightmare
Abilities: She is able to manipulate what others are feeling (sort of like what Jasper does in Twilight) and she has a very strong psychic bond and is able to move any solid object with a flick of her wrist (both alive and dead) .


Last edited by ISOS Duke; 06-29-2010 at 11:43 AM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 01:41 AM

[imgleft](character image, preferably anime)[/imgleft]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Name:[/font][/size][/B] [size="6"][font="Bradley Hand ITC"](name)[/font][/size]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Age:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](age, or at least how old you appear)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]History:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](age, or at least how old you appear)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]Personality:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Segoe Print"](personality, more than just a few words, sentences please)[/font]
[CENTER][B][size="1"][font="MATISSE ITC"]•♪•[Youtube](url to Youtube video, this is your theme song)[/YOUTUBE]•♫•[/font][/size][/B][/CENTER]
[B][size="2"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Species:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](What are you?  Very open, be creative, can include link to image)[/font]
[B][size="2"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Position:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](Your job or if you hold any sort of rank)[/font]
[B][size="2"][font="TEMPUS SANS ITC"]Abilities:[/font][/size][/B] [font="Lucida Handwriting"](What can your character do?)[/font]

[size="4"][CENTER][font="Wingdings 2"]e[/font][font="French Script MT"](username)[/font][font="Wingdings 2"]f[/font][/center][/size]
Accepted Neutrals

Originally Posted by Risu
Name: Masi
Age: Unknown
History: Always beside the book for generations unknown, but for millions of dreams and nightmares. Masi watches. Masi does not know how Masi came to be. Masi simply is Masi supposes. Masi peeked ahead in the book though, even though Masi wasn’t supposed to. Now Masi knows a side must be taken, but not which side or how the end will come. Just that once a side is taken, Masi must end. Masi now much have a side, but does not want the inhabitants to know what Masi is. So Masi stays quiet.
Personality: Masi tends to be quite friendly and upbeat, but a little off kilter with thought processes. Neither male, nor female Masi has a hard time understanding such concepts outside of the frame of reference of what Masi has seen within the dreams and nightmare. Masi trusts, much too easily it would seem, but hidden underneath that trust is a watchful eye and a wealth of understanding
Species: Masi is a creature of necessity. Masi remains a neutral being, but in the eyes of the who see Masi, Masi becomes what they would expect or like to see. Normally taking on the features of that person’s race.
Position: Bookwatcher! Masi watches the book. Or masi watched the book.
Abilities: Masi is a bit of a chameleon, Masi’s appearance in a viewers mind fitting what they think it should be. This gives Masi the ability to always be different and to be very hard to track down again with a simple description. Masi also can flip through someone’s history like a book, viewing it as Masi pleases.


Last edited by ISOS Duke; 07-01-2010 at 02:28 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 01:44 AM


[imgleft](character image, preferably anime)[/imgleft]
[B][size="1"][font="JOKERMAN"]Name:[/font][/size][/B] [size="6"][font="Juice ITC"](name)[/font][/size]
[B][size="1"][font="JOKERMAN"]Age:[/font][/size][/B] [font="GungsuhChe"](Age)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="JOKERMAN"]History:[/font][/size][/B] [font="GungsuhChe"](bio, detail please)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="JOKERMAN"]Personality:[/font][/size][/B] [font="GungsuhChe"](personality, more than just a few words, sentences please)[/font]
[CENTER][B][size="1"][font="JOKERMAN"]•♪•[Youtube](url to Youtube video, this is your theme song)[/YOUTUBE]•♫•[/font][/size][/B][/CENTER]
[B][size="1"][font="JOKERMAN"]Dreams:[/font][/size][/B] [font="GungsuhChe"](Dreams or nightmares character has, can be favorite, most recent, most frequent, most terrifying, can work with profiles from dreams and nightmares)[/font]
[B][size="1"][font="JOKERMAN"]Alternate Form:[/font][/size][/B] [url=link to dream form)]--♠--[/url]
[B][size="1"][font="JOKERMAN"]Abilities:[/font][/size][/B] [font="GungsuhChe"](What can your character do in their dreams?)[/font]

[CENTER][size="4"][FONT="Wingdings 2"]a[/FONT][FONT="Juice ITC"](username)[/FONT][FONT="Wingdings 2"]b[/FONT][/size][/CENTER]
Accepted Dreamers

Name: Riley Belmont
Age: 19
History: Riley's parents would have you believe that she was a picture perfect child living a perfect life, though that was far from true. In high school she kept herself busy by joining just about every sport and club she could squeeze into her schedule; she just couldn't stand being home. She had a wonderful boyfriend, Garrett, or at least she thought he was wonderful when they first met. She was always quick to making friends too.

One day she spoke to a recruiter and her parents caught wind of it. They sent her off to military school thinking that it would be a punishment for her considering leaving the family. She loved it though. It was challenging both mentally and physically. The girl found herself easily surpassing her peers and by the time she was done she had enlisted into the main branch of the army. The government didn't want that though. They shipped her off to a special branch where she was given the rank of Major. She was the youngest officer there and it didn't take long for her to shut her fellow officers' mouths.

After another year Riley was forced to go home for a visit. She had never used any of her vacation days and they figured she could use the time off. Riley didn't want that and fought it, but in the end she was sent back home to a far from pleasant reunion from her parents and boyfriend.

Personality: Riley had always been a kind person, at least for the most part. She was the type to put others before herself and often volunteered more time than she had to offer; everything always seemed to work out though. She's a smart girl though can be completely absent minded at times. She will likely be silent at times, just calculating the area and to figure out what is going on, but after that she may become more open and talkative but that's only if she really trusts you. She doesn't trust easily either.
Dreams: Desperate pleas, how about not. Riley loved her dreams though sometimes people would view them as nightmares. She would be a high soceress of sorts for the dreams. She would use her magic and books to be able to predict things and protect everyone for them. Everytime though she would get kidnapped. The location was always different but being kidnapped was always the same. She would be knocked out and loaded up only to awaken in a castle. It was the same castle though, everything was dark and the people there were always the same.

A prince had captured her. He claimed to be one of the heirs to the thrown and he needed her help to get there. He promised her that he wouldn't use and mistreat her like the dreams had; that she would be his equal. Riley had liked the sounds of that after having been used for so long by the dreams who just seemed to take advantage of her. She never knew if he ever got to the thrown though, the dream/nightmare would end before then. All she knew was that she had risen armies, powerful ones that were great in number and diversity. At that point she was a force to be reckoned with.

Alternate Form: --♠--
Abilities: In her dreams Riley couldfly, it seems like a childish thing but it was something that she had. She was also a witch/sorceress of sorts, a reader really. What she read could and would come to life. They could be from any book, sign, paper, anything, they would just appear. She could also cast spells given that she had the proper ingredients as well as the book to allow her to do so.


Originally Posted by HappyStarr
Name: Cheyenne
Age: 18
History: Cheyenne's lived a fairly easy going life. She's always had parents that loved her and friends by her side. She was heavily involved in dance, both ballet and street, from a young age all the way through high school. But she tended be a bit of a pushover. She was nice, but she couldn't stand up for herself at all. She'd never felt much need to, but after graduating from high school and with college right around the corner, she's starting to question her strength. She's attending an arts school where she intends on studying dance so she can be a world performer. But she's not sure if she has what it takes.

Lately, Cheyenne's dreams have been turning more and more terrifying as she becomes unsure of herself. She hadn't had nightmares since she was a little girl, but now she's becoming terrified just to fall asleep. After staying up a good portion of the night, one of her most violent nightmares, filled with dark magic and huge beasts, draws her in and refuses to let go. She's trapped in Aislinn, forced to fight for the Nightmares who have lost their king. And though she doesn't believe the nightmares could be anything but trouble, she finds herself growing into more and more of a nightmare herself the longer she's trapped in this world.

Personality: Cheyenne is an easygoing and kind girl. She can be a little shy, but she's always been friendly to everyone. Dancing is her passion and she has big dreams. But she's losing confidence, and doesn't know how she'll ever be able to stand up for herself in an overly competitive world. While in Aislinn, she starts to develop an opposite personality, becoming strong willed and even a little cruel as time passes.
Dreams: Used to have a lot of dreams of being a dancer or very fairytale like dreams about being a kind princess. Some explored more Native American roots, where she'd travel with a pack of wolves or she'd be listening to tales from the Elders. They were mystical, and occasionally she had powers to help her save others.

But her nightmares that have taken over started with her friends turning against her, or reliving her school audition with the twist that she failed. Nightmares of breaking her ankle and never being able to dance again. Then they evolved into large beasts that she would be trapped in a battle with, or her previous wolf friends devouring her. When she was trapped, she was dreaming she had become trapped in the dungeon of an evil sorceress, and every day the sorceress would come down to the dungeon to torture her with her dark magic. She'd wish she could fight back, but she never could. Finally, she tried to escape, leading to the discovery that she herself had developed magic abilities, but was captured by a pack of beasts. She was attacked and dragged through poison bogs, across rickety bridges dangling over huge pits, and flung into yet another dungeon. It was there that she learned that she was trapped in this land and would have to fight on their side.

Alternate Form: --♠--
Abilities: Cheyenne can talk to beasts, fight in close combat where her nails are coated with venom, and use dark magic.


Last edited by ISOS Duke; 06-27-2010 at 11:15 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 02:42 PM

Black List

Faux Black List
~Wavikz - Not sure what she did this time but I'm sure she was thinking of posting again

White List
~HappyStarr - For notifying me of a faulty Youtube code

Last edited by ISOS Duke; 06-27-2010 at 10:43 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 02:43 PM

~HappyStarr has joined the party, only 1 female dreamer remaining
~sweet_serender159 has joined the party, 2 female nightmares remaining
~Risu and Aki0921 have joined the party, 2 male dreams remaining


Last edited by ISOS Duke; 07-01-2010 at 10:10 PM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 02:44 PM


is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 02:45 PM


HappyStarr is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 02:53 AM

"Good night!" Cheyenne called down the stairs as she set off for bed. She wasn't sure about going to sleep, though, since her dreams had become rather violent and terrifying nightmares. She didn't want to experience them again. So, she pulled out a thick book, plugged in her iPod, and set off to begin a wonderful night of some heavy reading.

Hours ticked by while she tapped her foot to the beats of the music as she read, completely entranced by her novel. An evil sorceress was sending her hellhounds after a lovely princess who had banished her from the land. Her eyes grew heavy, but she wanted to keep...reading...

Cheyenne found herself in a dungeon. It was dark, and clearly not very well taken care of. Moss was growing all over the walls, and the cracks between the bricks smelled of mildew. There were skeletons strewn about of those who had been trapped here before her. She wanted out of here. How had she ended up here? Not again...

The sound of footsteps clacked down the hallway, and soon appeared a tall woman. She looked very powerful, and Cheyenne was sure she held a striking resemblance to Maleficent. "Well, look who dropped in..." the woman-no, sorceress-sneered as she reached between the bars with her hands and caught Cheyenne's wrist before she could back away. She ran a razor sharp fingernail down her cheek, drawing a trail of blood. The scratch burned and Cheyenne flinched away, only incurring more pain. "Now, now, don't be so hasty," the sorceress said, her smile growing more and more wicked. "You'll be out of here in due time...all in due time..." She released her grasp on Cheyenne and walked away, chuckling very sinisterly.

What felt like days to Cheyenne, though it was just her dream, passed with agony. The sorceress would come down, taunt her, cast some sort of spell that would leave her covered in boils, or leeches or something else absolutely preposterous, make a 'tsk' sound and send the affliction away after she'd had fun watching her prisoner's pain, and then leave. Cheyenne was sure she was going to die here...Here? I'm in a dream, aren't I? Why haven't I woken up yet? The thought terrified her, and she curled up on the ground, trying to think of ways she could force herself to wake up.

Days continued to pass in the world of Cheyenne's dream and slowly she started to notice strange changes to herself. Her nails were longer, her skin was the color of ash, and her ears were definitely not human. She didn't recall this appearance from the beginning of her dream...but she wasn't sure. She hadn't been paying too much attention at the beginning.

The time came for the sorceress to come down for her daily bout of torture, and as she reached between the bars something in Cheyenne awakened. She reached out and grabbed the sorceress' wrist and dug her nails into her arms, tearing through the skin. The sorceress cried out in pain as her flesh turned black. Cheyenne turned and before she could give a second thought, raised her arm and blasted the wall apart. That...was kind of cool... she thought as the dream faded into the next...

...She was being dragged by a pack of hellhounds through a very eerie looking bog. The water steamed an odd color and the plants looked sick. She was fully aware of her appearance, this time. Her skin was ash, she had venom in her that seeped through her nails, and she was dressed in a dark fabric that had a similar look as some of these plants. She was wearing a veil around her face, and while she couldn't be certain of the reason, she left it be.

They passed through the bog and over a deteriorating bridge that hung over a large chasm. Cheyenne was forced into looking down, and she desperately hoped the bridge might break and send her plummeting back into the real world where she was awake and nervously awaiting the beginning of her studies toward becoming a professional dancer. But alas, it did not. They continued on their way until they came to a large fortress. They carried her around back and dropped her down a hole that looked as if it had been waiting for her.

She fell in the darkness, reaching for something to hold. Instead, she fell flat on her back into...she turned over and examined the location with a sigh...another dungeon... "Man, this is not my day," she said, feeling utterly defeated.

From the darkness, however, came a soft chuckle. A man stepped out from the other side of the cell door. "You mean night, don't you? You are, after all, in the land of Kennyrmitore..."

"Night? Kennyrmitore? Where is that?"

"It's not important, really. Let's see...what might be important to you? Waking up?"

Cheyenne's eyes widened in surprise. Neither her dreams nor nightmares had ever been aware of her sleeping state. "How-"

"Again. Not important. But I'll tell you what's going to become much more important to you, and that's helping me. You see, our King has died...and he was supposed to be incapable of dying, mind you...and now this land is in much disarray. There was only one way to kill him, and that was through a book that was supposed to be under some rather tight security. As you might imagine, this is rather upsetting. Eyllisurdrenn, the other land, is waging war on us, while we ourselves are in civil war. Some us are even beginning to wonder if this isn't just a large scam that Eyllisurdrenn thought up."

"So, what am I supposed to do?"

"Fight for us. You can't exactly refuse, either. You can either sit in this dungeon until you die, or you can fight and wake up and pretend none of this ever happened. But, I'll let you think on this for a while as you soak it all in. I have other dreamers to attend to." The man smiled wryly and disappeared once more.

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Old 06-30-2010, 04:00 AM

Niya looked up as a crow cawed next to her and smiled as the dying leaf fell from her pale hands, "Good evening Alucard, have anything pleasent to eat this evening?" She giggled as her favourite bird fy above her and dipped into the river next to her. Usually the calming sound of the water hitting the rocks would make her feel at peace but at that moment Niya wanted nothing more than a fight to come her way. Looking around she walked a little closer to a bright red rose poking out of the thorn bushes beneath a huge and dying tree. Most of the plants and fauna in the particular forest Niya was in was either dead or dying and Niya had never managed to get the time or effort to remember the name of the forest she had lived out most of her existance in Kennyrmitore.

Putting a soft hand to a velvet petal the colour slowly turned from bright red to a dark crimson, almost the colour of the blood, stopped dead in the young girl's veins. Niya was never always part of the world she now calls home, she was once Human, well as Human as she could be called. Remebering her old life with her father made the still blood in her veins boil at the thought of the man that had killed her in a cold rage that had left her bleeding in a bush behind her house.

Slowly walking away from the dead rose curled in a small bunch at the foot of the bush she looked up to Alucard, soaring high above her, Wish I could be free like that. But no, I'm stuck in this place for all eternity!

{sorry I'm thinking it doesn't make much sense >.<}

~So Precious Time~
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Old 07-02-2010, 02:52 AM

A vine unraveled, forming a long whip. Its owner grinned, forcing the whip to come near him. Damien, a dream, was rather bored today. In his spare time, he often made plants become things. His favorite was making vines into whips. He didn't know why he did, he just enjoyed doing that.

Lately it seemed like everything was in order, which didn't give Damien much to do. Thus, having a lot of spare time allowed him to practice his skills. And one of those was making his vines become stronger whips. Sometimes he would even do stuff with his scythe, but he rarely ever did. A sigh escaped Damien's pale lips, sound out his boredom.

((Bit short..and I couldn't think of how to introduce him lol))

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Risu is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 06:12 PM

Masi walked through the dreams and people, face under the hood lit with amazing it. The small cloaked form wove in between all the other people with amazing grace for one whose head kept swiveling back and forth in a desperate attempt to take it all in at once. This world had only ever been seen from cloister, through the book and a few other means. Now Masi was in the middle of it and it was more alive and tangible than anything experience up on the mountain. It was, light and sensation and oh the tastes and smells! It was enough to drive one mad. Masi could understand the concept of avarice now. With so much all around how could one resist it? Masi could barely contain the excitement and resist the urge to touch everything and eat everything and smell everything. Masi's hand rubbed the check that was still a little bit red. Masi had just wanted to feel the bit that had been referred to in dreams as, what was the term ah yes 'Dirty Pillows' was one of the terms. The owner had not been happy with Masi. That was exciting though, feeling the stinging sensation, pain.

Masi could feel that odd sensation of thrill bubbling up inside again. Taking a deep breath Masi reminded the sensation that now was not the time. That they had a mission to accomplish and needed to be cool, calm and collected just like all those heroes in the dreams. There would be plenty of time for experiences on the road, just like a hero always got. But onto the road they must go. However Masi had no real idea which way to start going as it was. Now how was it that dreams went? How did the heroes in those find the way to go? Usually they already knew, but then it dawned on Masi. Normally they got a sign or was given the mission. So Masi began to turn in place, looking eagerly for the sign.

On the third time around, Masi spotted it. A dark, dangerous and lush forest with a single path leading into it. Winding and disappearing within the gloomy expanse the entrance almost seemed to be lit bright with a spot light. Just like in every adventure dream Masi had ever watched. With a smile Masi was off, heading towards the woods.

Upon entering Masi began to look around the area. It was just as was expected. Dark, silent with only the occasional bird chirp. The moss underfoot was lush and soft to the touch, but over all there seemed to be an edge to the forest that made you want stay alert. Masi took a breath, tried to get composed and heading off down the trail, whistling slightly, excited for the adventure to come.


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