☆☆ Pixel Pixie Moderator

02-26-2023, 05:15 AM
E is for......I wont say Edge though I think its super funny that it would be easy for me to keep doing FF IV (btw I've played most of the games which is why this is funny).
I'll go E is for Eiko (FF IX)
The Great Adversary
☆☆☆ Penpal

02-26-2023, 03:25 PM
The only FF-related Edge I know is that city built on the edge of the ruins of Midgar in Final Fantasy VII. 
F is for...Fenrir? As in Cloud's motorbike.
Last edited by Antagonist; 02-26-2023 at 04:00 PM..
Shadow Panda

02-26-2023, 03:54 PM
G is for the great Gladiolus Amicitia! FF XV!
The Great Adversary
☆☆☆ Penpal

02-26-2023, 04:00 PM
Shadow Panda

02-27-2023, 01:09 AM
I is for good ol' Specs himself, Ignis Scientia, also from FFXV.
The Great Adversary
☆☆☆ Penpal

02-27-2023, 12:06 PM
J is for the big baddie from FFVII, Jenova.
Shadow Panda

02-28-2023, 12:00 AM
K is for Kimahri, from FFX! Quiet type, but fiercely loyal and very strong!
The Great Adversary
☆☆☆ Penpal

03-02-2023, 03:26 AM
L is for Loz, one of Sephiroth's remnants in Advent Children~

03-02-2023, 11:00 AM
omg yessss, still doing the final fantasy thing!
M is for Moogle or Marshe from FF:Tactics~
Shadow Panda

03-02-2023, 09:58 PM
I love Moogles  !~
I got N again, and I'll keep it with FFXV because
N is for Nyx Ulric - from the Kingsglaive film of FFXV.
☆☆ Pixel Pixie Moderator

03-04-2023, 05:03 AM
Oh woot still on the FF kick
O is for Odin, a summon spirit in many FF games.
Shadow Panda

03-04-2023, 04:44 PM
I'm getting lucky this time, since most of my letters end up with a game I'm very familiar with 'cause
P is for Prompto Argentum - FFXV again!
☆☆ Pixel Pixie Moderator

03-05-2023, 02:03 AM
Q is for Quistis from FFVIII

03-05-2023, 05:46 PM
Aaaaah, I had such a crush on Quistis... and Rinoa... and Selphie... and uh... Zell. Irvine. Squall. Seifer... FFVIII is just my weakness, let's go with that. BUT MOSTLY Fujin, tho.
For this one, I'll go with: Raijin from FFVIII.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)...

03-07-2023, 04:51 AM
S is for Sephiroth, also from Final Fantasy but VII instead of VIII
Shadow Panda

03-07-2023, 08:39 PM
T is for Tidus, from FFX! I don't recall his last name
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)...

03-09-2023, 04:19 AM
U is for Ursula
Shadow Panda

03-09-2023, 10:12 PM
V is of course, for Vivi! Still not quite sure what he is, though...
☆☆ Pixel Pixie Moderator

03-10-2023, 12:39 AM
Then I'll go W is for Wakka from FFX

03-12-2023, 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by PWEEP
V is of course, for Vivi! Still not quite sure what he is, though...
The bestest boi, is what he is!
X is for Xehanort, who is FF-adjacent as a villain of Kingdom Hearts.
Shadow Panda

03-13-2023, 09:39 PM
Haha, true that!
We've been on a FF round for a whole alphabet now, I think, at least. How about we do movie characters for the next round? No need to continue if you don't want to, but I'll start with
Y is for Yzma, from The Emperor's New Groove.

03-14-2023, 06:10 PM
Oh no, I'm totally in!!!
Z is for Zuri from Wakanda!
☆☆ Pixel Pixie Moderator

03-15-2023, 11:47 PM
Oh that's cool too -
How about A is for Albus Dumbledore
Shadow Panda

03-16-2023, 12:41 AM
Nice, glad you enjoy the idea!
Now, granted, this isn't a full movie, but she's a film star in her own way because ...
B is for Betty Boop! I've been collecting items with her likeness for at least 15 years now.
☆☆ Pixel Pixie Moderator

03-16-2023, 01:08 AM
C is for C3PO, that counts right? >.>
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