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Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-22-2007, 07:30 AM

Hotaru stopped her lesson in midsentence.

"Something wrong?" asked Riley.

"Quiet. I'm listening." Hotaru had closed her eyes, listening.

"Listening to what?"

"Not now child. Hush for a minute. Ask me questions after I figure out what's wrong." The wind blew across the field of grass, causing the blades to sway back and forth. After a few more seconds, Hotaru opened her eyes. Her mouth crinkled into a frown. "They know."

"Who knows?" asked Riley.

"Well they don't know exactly what is happening, or that you're here talking to me. But Donaiti... Commander Day? knows that the reeducation isn't effecting you. He's gonna try and pull you out of it. Which means this dream isn't going to last much longer," said Hotaru.

"What do we do?" Riley asked, panicking.

Hotaru shrugged. "Sadly, you're on your own for that one. You can say you were dreaming, but they aren't going to believe you. If you tell them about me, they'll think you're insane... or that I'm the most powerful being in the world that they have to get their hands on my power so that they can further estabish their rule on the world. But if you tell them that, you're never gonna see me again. You might be submited to more reeducation... but that just further helps us. Really, I'm at a lose. Sorry child, but it looks like you're on your own," said Hotaru. "However... I will say this, if they attempt to kill, I won't let that happen. If you're truly in need of rescuing then yes, I'll save you. But really, anything short of that, I can't help you. Not while you're in their hands."

"But- but that's it? I'm never gonna see you again, unless I'm dying?" Riley said, nearly shouting.

"Calm down Riley," Hotaru said calmly. "Look. I can't do anything while you're in their hands. If you're excused from reeducation and punishment, then you'll be able to find me within the city. Or rather I'll find you. If they try to kill or hurt you, then I will be forced to intervene. I will risk my life to save you from them. Other then that I can't do a thing. Not unless I want to become a lab test subject and then for sure you'll never see me again. But if they decide to lock you up for a few days then I can't help. I don't know this government as well you do. I don't know what they do to people after they refuse reeducation." Hotaru grabbed Riley by the shoulders and looked her squarely in the eye. "You will be okay you understand? You're a strong person. I'm sure you can handle anything they throw at you. Time is running out. You can't tell them about me. They'll think you're crazy. Just adapt and figure out how to handle the situation."

Aliena is offline
Old 07-22-2007, 07:17 PM

The images from the hologoggles faded, as did the audio feed and Riley was left once more in darkness and silence. She strained her ears when she heard the soft click of the door, then footsteps. The hologoggles were removed from her eyes and she found herself staring into the cold, grey eyes of Commander Day.

She frowned. "Has it been that long already?"

"Long enough," Day said. He keyed in a passcode on the back of the chair and the latches that held Riley's cuffs down lifted. She gingerly rubbed her wrist and looked at the commander, waiting. She was a bit disoriented, as she couldn't figure out why the reeducation had been cut short unless they did indeed know. But then why did Day look so calm? She was equally puzzled as to why such a high ranking man was the one releasing her.

"How do you feel?" the man asked.

"Good," she nodded as she lied. "Refreshed."

"What do you see as the mission of the Donai?"

"To maintain order and balance in the world," Riley recited the words that had been pounded into her brain. "Without us, the world would fall into chaos and suffering. The freethinkers mean to collapse the system and if the system collapses, all humankind will perish."

Day studied her for a few minutes, trying to read if there was any untruth on her face, but Riley's gaze was emotionless. For all the technology that had been developed over the course of human history, they were still unable to penetrate a man's thoughts beyond hooking him up to a truth machine.

"Can you tell me what you experienced here?"

Riley's heart raced. What do I say? "Fasting and conditioning to extreme temperature, which cleansed my mind. Also, I was given a reminder of who I am and the purpose for which I exist."

"Which is?"

"Which is," Riley repeated slowly, "To serve the Minister in his mission to rid the world of the freethinking rebels, thus securing peace for humankind."

"And how can you best do that?"

"By...memorizing all protocol and daily reviewing it so there's not even a moment's hesitation should I be placed in unforeseen circumstances."

Day crossed his arms. She had given all the right answers. Perhaps the error in her brain activity monitor had been just error and nothing more. He was tempted to take her to the truth room and question her in depth there, but he decided to test her instead.

"Very good," he said. He watched as she wrung her hands nervously in her lap. "Riley, what would you say if I told you you were being promoted to a Rank Two?"

"A-a Rank Two?" Riley's eyes widened and she couldn't help the surge of pride that swelled in her heart. She'd be skipping a rank in fact! Her thoughts of Tenshi and the things she had taught her faded as Day offered the enticing promotion. She just wondered how Kat would react.

"We've been watching you and we feel that you're ready. You'll be given much more responsibility. It's not something to be taken lightly. Tell me, do you love the Minister?"

Riley nodded vigorously. "With every ounce of my being!" she exclaimed.

"And you'll be loyal to him til you're no longer in this world?"

"Yes sir!"

"Very well then. You'll be escorted back to your room. Clean up. When you're finished, your new uniform will be there, as will your briefings. You'll start today."

"Yes sir!" Riley saluted, a large grin now on her face.


Hotaru glowered. "She's not as strong as I had thought, I guess."

"She's had years of propoganda engrained within her. Rebirth of the mind takes time." Lady Earth replied.

"I offer her knowledge and he offers her power. I should have known what she would choose, being a human. They always choose power. Well, she can see where power leads her."

"I don't think her interaction with you is over just yet. I think she just needs to continue to be taught and will ultimately choose what is right."

Hotaru looked away. "You have always had more faith in humankind than they deserve."

"Not all of humankind," Lady Earth disagreed. "But there are some out there who are indeed deserving of my faith. Don't desert this one. Finish what you started."

Hotaru remained silent, still angry with the silly human child jumping at the opportunity dangled in front of her despite everything she had just experienced.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-23-2007, 04:01 AM

"You're angry."

Hotaru opened her eyes. Lady Earth was paying Fate a visit, leaving Hotaru to herself in her room. "What gave you that idea?" she asked. Her voice was dripping in sarcasm.

"The red on the walls is usually a big enough sign."

"And? What are trying to say Kai."

Kai was the Air God and a fellow Slatrommi like Hotaru. He kissed Hotaru on the cheek. "What's wrong? The human girl giving you grief already?"

Hotaru sighed. "I don't know why I try sometimes, Kai. I have lost faith in humanity. I don't know why I even go back to Earth these days."

Kai smiled at her. "You're a giving person like that. No matter what you say, or what you deny, you care about humanity. Just like Lady Earth. You play a big part in their way of life you know."

Hotaru sighed. "I hate when you put it like that."

"So you're not gonna give up on the child right?" asked Kai. His smile grew wider.

Hotaru glared at him. "I supposed... but I intend to ignore her for a few days... see if she misses me. And I'm supposed to be preparing a war for the Earth to wipe out most, if not all humanity so that I can prepare for Lady Earth's rebirth."

Kai chuckled. His golden eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well good that you're not gonna give up on her. And even better about the war. I hate not being able to feel the wind blow now days. Makes me feel weak and useless," he said bitterly.

Hotaru kissed him on the lips. "Chu~ Relax. If there is anything I'll do right, I'll get back the nature for everyone."

Aliena is offline
Old 07-23-2007, 05:36 AM

(Time to bring in Monohan, I think!)

A whistle blew, signifying the end of the 5 minute break. Michael Monohan watched from where he stood, as the emotionless workers trudged back to their stations. Their faces were devoid of any kind of feeling and Monohan found himself really pitying them, though he had always said it was their own fault for becoming employed by the Minister in the first place. Life was much more comfortable for those who complied, but they lost their soul and Monohan wasn't about to let that happen to himself. The people who walked around the city calling themselves Donai were the worst of the bunch. They were as mindless as the rest of them, but instead of merely existing, they tried to make sure everyone else was as mindless as they.

He jumped down from the rafters he had been hiding in and maneuvered through a long hallway, matching his face to the expressionless ones around him. It was hard keeping the smirk down when he passed two Donai who didn't even give him a second glance. Once the revolution started, they wouldn't know what hit them. They had no idea just how big the freethinker movement was because the freethinkers were so good at blending in.

He reached a small doorway and used the key card he had swiped from one of the drones. The access monitor beeped and the door unlocked. Pushing his way inside and shutting the door behind him, he came face to face with the power supply console. He made sure no freethinkers would be caught in the middle, but it would be fun to cause a little chaos among the Donai. He selected two sectors that the Donaiti complex buildings were in and tapped in a that would prove very difficult to override. Finally, he pressed one final button and let himself out of the room. Luckily, no one was in the hallway to see him. He walked briskly down the hall, glancing at his timepiece. In three minutes, it'd be lights out for the Donai. He suspected with the power down, it might get a bit hot and stuffy too. While they were distracted with the power outtage, the freethinkers would be free to move around and put more of the pieces into place without having to look over their shoulders so much.

...And any Donai feeling a bit uncomfortable meant it would be a good day in Monohan's book.

(Boring, sorry! Just a transition post)

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-23-2007, 11:54 AM

"Does it hurt you?" Kai asked.

Hotaru looked at him puzzled. "The rebirth process," Kai clarified. "Life drains you, while Death gives you more power. What does the rebirth process do?"

Hotaru blinked. "Well usually nothing. But that's because allowing the rebirth cycle for one human soul is nothing. When I'm doing something massive like using that rebirth process on a powerful being like Lady Earth, then yeah. It's life pushing against a wall, and after I'm done I'm like unconscious for a few days. I dunno. When I last did it, it was over 8 billion years ago... and at the time it was all subconscious. It's kinda weird having to do this all over again."

"Like a blast from the past," mused Kai.

"A bad one," Hotaru replied.

The Great War... had taken some 10 billion years ago. It had wiped out nearly all the Slatrommis. It was a war against the Slatrommis and the Segaks. It ended nearly 2 billion years later with the sealing of the Segaks in another realm and the death and rebirth of Lady Earth. It was a dark time. Hotaru and most of her family were the few that survived all these years. Then there were those who died, were reincarnated and regain back their memories and magic. Kai was one of them.

"So your plans? I would like to know exactly what my girlfriend is planning to do since this is a highly dangerous job and I do NOT want to lose you."

Hotaru smiled and leaned her head against Kai's shoulders. "Hmmm don't worry. I'm not gonna die. As for my plans, War is always the easiest and fastest way to get rid of humans. So I know there are those planning a rebellion... so I figured I would give them a nice little push. You know, make the death count higher whenever they attack and stuff. I would really love to see this government destroy before I go about killing the world."

"Ah... make sense. And Riley?" asked Kai.

Hotaru frowned. "We'll see about her. Only time will tell now."

Aliena is offline
Old 07-23-2007, 08:58 PM

"Well well well, looks like you've really impressed them," Kat crossed her arms and glared at Riley, now wearing the same uniform as she. The others had left the conference room, leaving the two ex-friends alone. "What'd you do?"

"Nothing more than serve the Minister," the brunette replied with a smirk.

Kat was skeptical. Day had cut the audio feed from when he went to let Riley out of reeducation chamber, so Kat couldn't eavesdrop. All she could do was study the expression on Riley's face, trying to figure out what was being said and decided. When Riley smiled, Kat groaned. Something was very wrong! She didn't realize just how wrong until her rival entered the Rank Twos' briefing in the sector that afternoon, wearing her new uniform.

Everything went from bad to worse when Day assigned Riley the task of capturing four of the most wanted freethinkers in the city. Should Riley succeed, she would be given more and more responsibilities. Kat's position as the favorite of the Commander was faltering because of this girl and if she wasn't careful, any efforts to sabotage her would result in punishment now that they were equals.

She opened her mouth to retort when there was a loud pop and all the lights went off, as well as all machines and monitors in the room. Kat let out a cry and Riley threw her hands in front of her and stumbled through the pitch blackness to the door. She felt around and found the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge since it were electronic itself. "It won't open!" she exclaimed.

"Then use your hands and pry it," Kat snapped.

"Use yours!"

Kat grunted and pushed Riley out of the way. She felt around the door until the came to the place where the two panes met. She worked her fingers into the indention and tried to pry the doors apart, but was unsuccessful. "This is just great! Of all the people to be trapped in here with. In the dark, no less!"

"The dark's not what's bothering me," Riley said. "It's the air." It had quickly grown stale. No power meant no circulation and the conference room was deep in the heart of the Donai complex, far from any windows or exits.

"Help!" Kat called, again trying to pry the door.


Meanwhile, while the Donai ran around, many of them trapped inside in similar situations to Kat and Riley, Monohan slid into a transport, next to a young man holding a communications console. Without acknowledging Monohan's arrival, he said, "Almost in. Most of the security measures were tied in with the power system. Not too impressive, I must say."

"So you've discovered what they're hiding yet?"

"Hold on..." the man pressed a few more keys. "Bingo! I'm in!"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-23-2007, 09:14 PM

Riley was close to panicking. This was not happening, not after she was just promoted to Rank Two. If the power didn't turn back on soon, Kat and her would both suffocate in here. Suddenly a thought occured to her.
'Tenshi... Tenshi can create air. Maybe she can help us out. But I can't say her name in front of Kat... that'll only get me into more trouble. Oh! She can read my thoughts... I think... maybe if I think real hard, she'll come? Tenshi! TENSHI!! TENSHI!!'

Silence. Riley growled. Of all the times for her not to answer. What happened to "If you're dying I'll help you?" she said.


Back in her room Hotaru chuckled. "What's the matter?" asked Kai.

Hotaru grinned. "Well Monohan, this really awesome guy who is a free thinker, turned off all the power in the Donaiti building. So Riley is trying to get in touch with me, and a few of Donaiti's members have already died. I think this plan was a sucess."

"And what about Riley?"

"She's trapped with another girl in another room, losing air. I have no intention of helping her... and I can't anyways cause of the other girl," Hotaru said sinsterly.

Kai kissed her on the cheek. "You're cruel sometimes you know that?"

Hotaru smirked. "Only because Death needs to be."

Aliena is offline
Old 07-24-2007, 03:32 AM

Monohan and his friend crouched over the tiny screen as the transport took them back to the upper levels of the city where they resided. Monohan scanned the data and then pointed. "There."

The other man typed in a command and a new screen popped up. "C'mon. What are you hiding?" he muttered and then took in a sharp breath as did Monohan when they discovered a secret the Donaiti had kept from the people...

There was no Minister.

Monohan and his friend exchanged glances. The Minister was the ultimate authority in the land. For many people who grew up with no families, he was a father figure. For those who felt alone, he was a friend. For those who were frightened, he was the great protector. But in reality? He was something the Donaiti made up in order to exercise greater control over the people.

It would be hard to convince the public that the Minister didn't exist, but once they did, the revolution would begin. People would start to question again, start to realize that they had the right to question and that there was more to life than waking up each day on this steel world with the only thought on their minds being to serve something that didn't exist. Monohan hoped that the revolution would allow humankind to break free from the bonds they had placed on themselves over the last several millennia.

"Let the games begin," he said. This is huge!


Riley sank to the floor and gasped as the air grew more and more thin and stale. TENSHI! her mind begged, but she was left all alone. She couldn't figure out why her teacher had deserted her. She hated that her final breaths would be in total dark, sitting next to her greatest rival. Kat had long since stopped talking and she was laying on her side, quietly gasping for air.

And then, as quickly as the power shut off, it came back on. The two young women inhaled deeply and laughed, accidentally hugging each other in relief before they realized what they were doing and quickly separated.

Riley thought of the things Tenshi had said. She could now see just how dependent on the elements humankind truly was. They had found a way to engineer everything, but if the system broke down, it wasn't the peace that was was their very lives! There were two paths awaiting her choice. She could follow the one she was currently on in order to ensure something like this never happened again or she could desert it and pursue the path Tenshi was on, though she had no clue how that would pan out.

She did know one thing, however...she was definitely a little more than miffed at Tenshi.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-24-2007, 09:46 AM

Kai wrapped his arms around Hotaru. It had been far too long since he had time to sit with her like this. "So... Riley didn't die. That Monohan man gained a powerful secret. What next?" They were watching the events unfold on a screen in Hotaru's room.

"I'll do what exactly what Riley is starting to realize. I'll shut down the system. Give a massive power outage. People will die with lack of air, water and food. If their systems can't provide their basic needs, people will start to riot. Finally I plan to overthrow that weather system. Let them exprience the icy touch of snow or the unbearable heat of the sun," Hotaru explained. "Of course I'll give Monohan the first move. If he wants to start a war then so be it, but if not, then I'll start by throwing everything back into balance."

Kai grinned. "Awesome. In other worse, us Nature Slatrommis will actually feel alive for the first time in 4 billion years."

"Exactly," Hotaru said with a similar grin. "I suspect that you'll be down there causing a little... chaos after I destroy that weather machine."

"YES!" Kai pratically shouted. "By the stars I've always hated that machine... the one that took aways my beloved wind."

"Maybe we should just have a family gathering and overthrow the whole thing together," Hotaru suggested, happily.

"Please do, evol!" Kai kissed her on the cheek. "I promise Seika, Ita, even Chi will love it. Not to mention Arashi will also get a huge kick out of it."

Hotaru chuckled. "Fine. I'll tell everyone when we'll go destroy that evil thing."

Aliena is offline
Old 07-25-2007, 04:47 AM

Two days had passed since the incident with the power failure, though the experience had quite shaken the Donaiti organization. As a result, they cracked down even harder on anyone who seemed even the slightest bit freethinking. Riley was assigned to Sector 8 and she was taking her assignment very seriously. Day had been pleased with how well she was doing. It seemed she were passing the test he had set for her and while she had been advanced prematurely, he actually found that the end result was good for the organization.

Riley had called on Tenshi numerous times throughout the last two days, but got no response. This drove her further into her job as experienced something she hadn't felt in over three years...hurt. Rejection. Disappointment. This put her in a foul mood and she took it out on the people of Sector 8. She oversaw a surprise raid in the Sector and over 70 people were rounded up and brought in. One of them just happened to be Monohan.

He sat in the questioning room with a smirk on his face, never saying a word despite the questioning methods used on him. As he was being carted away to what the freethinkers called "oblivion," which was in reality, a deep underground prison full of tiny cells, he simply laughed in the face of the Donai and said, "What's done is done!"

Riley didn't know what he meant until the very next morning when the workers began to riot outside the Donaiti Complex building. Day gave the Rank Twos, Threes, and Fours to end the rioting with force. They possessed greater technology than the poor drones outside. Something stirred within Riley's mind as she readied her pistol blaster. This is wrong! But she followed the other Donai as they approached the exit.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-25-2007, 08:54 AM

As Riley attempted to break apart the riots, Tenshi's voiced rang in her head. 'Doesn't feel so good does it? Being ignored?' Hotaru's voice just seemed to taunt at her.

Riley bit her lip and replied back, 'Where were you?! Why didn't you answer?! I needed your help two days ago and you abandon me!' Her voice was angry and she smashed one of the rioters in the face.

'If I remember correctly, it was -you- who abandon me. You jumped like a dog begging for a treat when Day offered that promotion. After what I offered to you, you still follow the Donaiti's words. You silly child.' Beside I couldn't help you during the power outage seeing as your friend Kat was with you. Not that you deserved it at the time.

Riley didn't know what to say. She was angry and hurt but Tenshi did speak the truth. She fell silent.

'Think long and hard about what you want to do... what path you want to choose, Riley. If you want to seek out the answers of the world, then stop thinking like Donaiti has taught you. If you want to know the truth, then seek me out three days from now at the building where we first met. But... if you choose the way of Donaiti and you attempt to trick me, arrest me, I swear there will be no mercy from me. I will bury you with the rest of them.' Hotaru's voice was dead serious on the last sentece.


In his tiny cell, Monohan was dreaming. But it was a different dream then his usual ones. It was a city, a broken down city. The ruins of Donaiti were scattered. But this time there was a man with blue hair and golden eyes.

"Hmmm I don't remember you in any of my dream," Monohan said jokingly.

The man grinned. "Likewise. Anyways, the name is Kai. And I just like to say congrats on the successful riot."

Monohan chuckled. "Yeah. It's getting people to think. Something the Donaiti is trying to take away."

"Yup. Thought I share you some news with you. It might be good for you. It might not be. But that weather machine won't be working for long. You go friends in high places and we're willing to help," said Kai mischiefly.

Monohan was puzzled by that. How could anyone destroy those weather machines? They have been up there for centuries. Kai slowly faded as the dream ended.

Back in his cell, Monohan opened his eyes. What a weird dream...

Aliena is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 02:33 PM

Something had changed in Riley's mindset and she hoped she hid it well enough and that no one would notice. But one person did notice...a person who watched her carefully, waiting for any little thing that could trip her up.

"May I speak to Commander Day?" a young woman said, standing up straight, her hands clasped behind her back.

She was ushered into Day's office. He was sitting at his desk and looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Cardella. What can I do for you?"

Kat relaxed. "I was just coming in to offer my concern about Riley Claro, sir. She doesn't seem herself lately and I'm worried about her." She laughed embarrassedly. "I know it must seem silly to be so concerned over a friend."

Day stared at her. He knew what she was doing. There were very few things that slipped by him unnoticed and the rivalry between the two young women certainly wasn't one of them. At the same time, Kat's cattiness could be a valuable asset especially if something was up, so he decided to play along. "What's she doing?"

Kat shrugged and sat down. "I don't know if it's so much she's doing something wrong. It's more like a look that passes over her face whenever we receive a new task. And then, I've noticed she's not been performing as well in her tasks. And she started off so strongly too!" She sighed theatrically.

"Is that so?" Day tapped a few fingers on his monitor and pulled up a report on the girl. Indeed, her arrests had dropped dramatically in the last 3 days. "Do you think it's just that the freethinkers are more aware of what's happening?"

"No," said Kat. "The rest of us have had no difficulty. I just hope she's alright," she added again.

Day looked about to say something, but then thought better of it. "Thank you, Cardella. I'll look into the matter."

"Thank you, sir," she said, her grin widening.


Riley wandered out to the rooftop as Tenshi had instructed. After thinking through everything, she felt much remorse for the way she had jumped at her promotion. She realized she desired more knowledge about the earth and nature. She tried to imagine a world full of what Tenshi had shown her, and though it was difficult to do, what she conjured up in her mind was lovely.

She saw the familiar woman sitting down. "You came," Hotaru stated.

Riley sank to her knees and looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry," she said. It was hard to apologize to this person, but she knew it was the right thing to do. "I was wrong. Maybe this has all just been too engrained in me. It's hard living your life, believing something with all your heart only to hear that it's not true." She thought back to the rumors of there being no Minister.

"But is it better to live in denial, embracing falseness? Or go through the pain of losing what you know in order to experience real truth?" Hotaru challenged her. "Humans are weak creatures. They almost always choose the former. Can you rise above that?"

Riley nodded. "I don't know how, though."

"It's simple," Tenshi smiled and looked at the girl. "All you have to do is--"

Her words were cut short when a voice interrupted them.

"Ah, so this is what you were hiding. Who is this, Riley? A freethinking mentor of yours?"

Riley and Hotaru looked up to see Kat standing before them with six rather large men. Hotaru glared at Riley, her eyes flashing with rage.

Riley's eyes widened and she cried, "Wait! No! I had nothing to do with this! They must have followed me. I swear, Tenshi! This wasn't my doing!"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-26-2007, 10:27 PM

Hotaru glared at Riley. "Fine... I'll take a leap of faith and believe you Riley," she snarled. "Really I hate these predicaments. I can take down all if I wanted to, but really that's such a hassle." She stood up and faced the six guards and Kat.

Kat and her men pointed their guns at Hotaru. "Don't move. You and Riley are under arrest for freethinking."

Hotaru scowled. Really. Taking them all down, killing them, all that took was a wave of her hand assuming they were all useless to the general line of future. But if there were more waiting, then that did nothing but reveal herself to the world.

'Just take Riley and leave. We're already waiting at the weather machines central core system.' Kai's voice enter into Hotaru's head.

'Fine. But for the time being, tell everyone that my name is Tenshi.'

"Put your hands up where I can see them," Kat instructed.

"History is but an endless waltz, the three beats of war, peace, and revolution," Hotaru said quietly. "And we're moving towards revolution."
She dropped a ball which released a cover a smoke. Riley felt her hand being grabbed as Kat gave orders to shoot. By the time the Donai soldiers had fired, Hotaru and Riley were already gone.


Riley opened her eyes, expecting to see herself dead. But instead, she was in a room. It was bare. Nothing except for a bed and closet full of clothes were present. "Where... how?" she asked herself.

"My house and that's a secret."

Riley turned around to see Tenshi lending in the doorway. "Your... House?" she asked.

Hotaru chuckled. "Did you think I lived on the streets? Or in dreams? This is just a house I bought to fit into this present society. Home is actually far away," she had a whimscal look in her eye.

Riley didn't know what to say. She never gave it much thought as to where Tenshi might live. "Anyways, stay here," Hotaru instructed. "You'll be safe. The Donaiti won't find out here."

"Are you going somewhere? Are you leaving me behind?" Riley asked. Something... was still not right. She barely knew anything about Tenshi, how she was able to do everything... how she was able to know things that most don't know anymore.

"How much do you trust me Riley?" Hotaru asked.

"Umm... alot?" Riley said hesitantly.

"And if I told you that I am about to wager war against Donaiti, what would you say? I'll be brutally honest, everything I do, I have a reason for doing it. You can't even begin to image who... what I really am. And what little I taught you... is just the beginning of a whole another world."

Aliena is offline
Old 07-28-2007, 05:53 AM

"Then tell me who and what you are!" Riley exclaimed. "How do you do the things you do and how are you planning on winning a war against the Donaiti? Even the freethinker rebellion is destined to fail. They're just too powerful and have too many resources on their side. Believe me! I should know!"

Hotaru shook her head. "Your next lesson...have faith in what I tell you. Trust and believe without needing to put all the pieces immediately together. You'll solve the puzzle if you simple take your time. You've grown up with the idea instilled inside you that you can only trust what you can see and feel. That's why you said you didn't think the stars truly existed. Because they took from you your ability to have faith."

"They've taken a lot from me," Riley commented, looking down. "And I let them."

Hotaru smiled. She knew then that Riley hadn't been lying to save her own skin only an hour earlier. The rebirth was finally progressing again. Perhaps all it took was getting Riley away from the temptations the Donaiti offered her. Or perhaps it was the threats or the realization that at the drop of a hat, she could be sentenced to "oblivion" herself. At any rate, Hotaru wanted to give her one last nudge of faith to hold onto before she left her to go to the weather machine core.

"But some things they've taken, you can get back and you will. I've seen it happen."

"What?" Riley looked at her, a puzzled look crossing her features.

"Maybe not a thing, per se, but rather someone."

Riley thought for a second and then her eyes widened. "My Dad?" she whispered. "But he was sent to oblivion. He's dead."

"What if I told you Oblivion is a holding facility and nothing more?"

Riley stood up and wrung her hands in agitation. "So he's been alive all this time?" She turned her back to Hotaru and paced forward. When she turned around, the woman she called Tenshi had vanished. Yet she heard her voice in her head.

Have faith in the things that can't be physically proven just yet. It's one more step toward truth and taking back what the Donaiti has stolen.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-28-2007, 10:50 AM

An odd wind blew through the weather center core system. When it died down, Hotaru stood in giant room that severed as the control room. She smiled as she recognized her family. First was Kai, blue hair and golden eyes, the Air God was cheerful as ever. Next to him stood his cousin, Arashi. The Storm King shared the same golden eyes but chocolate brown hair instead. Much like his cousin, Arashi shared the same mischief fun loving personality. Across from Arashi stood Ita and Seika, the Flame Prince and Snow Princess. Ita had black hair and red eyes while Seika had white hair and blue eyes. They were like two different ends of coin and it was a wonder how they got together.

Lastly there was little Chi. Red hair, one blue eye, one green eye and a smile too cute for the little girl. Chikyuu was Lady's Earth only blood child. Fitting as Chi's title is Daughter of Nature. Of all the Nature Slatrommis, Chi probably suffered the most from cut from nature beauty. Still the girl was as adorable. "Oretsis!!" Chi hugged Hotaru. "Chi can help out right?"

Hotaru patted the girl on the head. "Of course Chi. I did a swept around the area. Because it's so high up, there aren't many humans around. What little there were, I killed," she addressed the older Slatrommis. "Anyways, I'll be changing the plan a bit. I want to take out the power plants across the world. Let the world sleep in darkness tonight. After that, Kai, I need your and Riku's help to get two prisoners from "Oblivion" free."

Kai grinned. "Great. Let me guess Riley's father and that Monohan guy right?"

Hotaru smiled back. "Yes. Riku and Mem are already working on taking out the power plants. But with Riku being the only one with real fire power, they'll need our help with this. Normally I would say do this secretly, but sublte isn't working to well with me any more. Just blow up the entire plant, just don't be seen doing magic. Last thing we need is for one of us to become Donaiti's lab expreiment."

Ita grinned. A fire ball lit in his hands. "Alright then. Let's get this party started."

Aliena is offline
Old 07-28-2007, 08:51 PM


Kat shrunk from Day's anger. She had always been his favored one, so to be on the receiving end of this was very frightening. She bit her lip, hoping she wouldn't be punished by being sentenced to reeducation herself. "The person Riley called Tenshi...she's more than a freethinker. I believe she's a terrorist too." She boldly shifted the blame to Day. "Riley being moved to a Rank Two was a dangerous move, especially after such a short time in reeducation. Who knows what she's shared with that person?"

"What are you insinuating, Katherine?" Day asked coldly. "Are you saying that I made a mistake?"

Kat froze and berated herself for opening her mouth like that. People were sent to Oblivion for much less than insulting a Rank One Donai. "Of course not," she tried to remedy her blunder. "Riley had us all fooled!"

"So fix it."

"Commander?" Kat looked confused.

"Fix this. You let her get away. You get her back. And do you know what'll happen if you fail?"

"R-reeducation?" Kat stammered, her eyes growing wide.

"Oh no. Something else. I think you know. Mistakes like the one you made are inexcusable. At least I'm giving you a second chance because you've always done well in the past. But there will be no more second chances." He turned on his heel, leaving her alone in the room.

She immediately snapped into action and walked into the long hallway, barking out orders to various people around her. She exited the Donaiti Complex just in time, for at that moment, everything went dark as the power was cut yet again. This time, however, they weren't going to come back online...

What should have killed all the prisoners in Oblivion, didn't. As the power was cut, including the air systems, instead of suffocating due to lack of oxygen, the prisoners felt what they would later describe as a very strange, yet calming breeze throughout each of their tiny cells.

They were humans, yes, but not the enemy. At least, not yet. They would all get their chance to choose sides sooner or later...

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 04:20 AM

(I'm blanking out on inspiration x.X)

Hotaru stood in front of the main builing of Donaiti, invisble to everyone. The Donai ran around her, confused. Everything was chaotic. It was cold. Hotaru looked up at the sky. Slowly something white fluttered to the ground. A smile spread across her face. Snow... Seika must be delighted. It was about the beginning of December according to the old calender. The wind blew fiercely. Hotaru's smile grew even wider. She could hear the shouts and panic that brew within the building.

At the same time, she could hear all her family.

'Hmmm. Snow Princess reporting in. Southwest City Power Plant destroyed. I think I when a little overboard. Is a giant pillar of ice too noticable?'

'Flame Prince also reporting in. I took care of Seika's pillar of ice, and the East City Power Plant has been burnt to a ground.'

'Arashi here. I think a nice place thunderbolt took out the North Power Plant. And I got Hail and Fire!'

'Stop rubbing it in Arashi!' Hotaru chuckled at Seika and Ita's response. Arashi was storm king, so his abilty over lightning gave him some control of fire and his storm abilities gave him him control of ice and snow.

'Anyways, you three stop fighting. Mem here with Chi. We took out the West City Power Plant.'

'Hey guys. Long time no heard from! This is Kaos and Tran. We took out the Southeast City Power Plant. How many more to go, Hotaru?'

Hotaru stepped out of the way so that a Doani wouldn't run into her. 'There are a total of 15 more scattered across the world I believe. Mem, check that out please.'

'Will do, Hotaru. By the way to get to your two prisioners, they're located both on the same basement level. Level 10, Cells 485 and 497.'

'Thanks Mem.' Hotaru open her eyes and looked to see a silver haired boy and Kai standing front of her. "Well then, Kai, Riku. You heard Mem, let's get started then," she said with a grin.

Aliena is offline
Old 08-01-2007, 07:48 PM

Monohan was starting to shiver and he couldn't explain why. All he knew was something was going on out there and he was stuck in this tiny cell. He couldn't hear the hum of the air systems and yet he felt the breeze and the air smelled fresh, almost sweet. Perhaps that was why the temperature seemed to be getting colder and colder and unfortunately, he had no blanket of any sort to cover up with and his scratchy white, prisoner's tunic wasn't enough to keep out the chill.

He closed his eyes for a few minutes, as it was dark and there wasn't really anything to look at anyhow. When he opened them up again, however, the same man with blue hair and golden eyes was sitting, cross-legged, across from him. Their knees almost touched, so small was the cell. Even though it was pitch-dark, Monohan could see him perfectly.

"Couldn't you be a woman?" Monohan laughed. "Man, I'd give anything to see a woman right now."

"Dressed like that?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

Monohan looked at his prisoner's tunic and shrugged. "You make the best of what you've got, right?"

"So, tell me. What's your ideal woman?"

Monohan thought it was weird to be having this conversation, but he figured he was simply having some sort of crazy dream, so he answered, "I'd have to say...a little shorter than me. Brunette. Oh yeah. I definitely prefer brunettes."

Kai reached out his hand. "Green eyes?"

The freethinker nodded and accepted Kai's grasp, not entirely sure what was going on. "Green eyes aren't bad at all. Freckles are cute too. You don't see those around much, though."

"I can't do anything about freckles, but the rest, I can." Kai pulled on Monohan's hand and the freethinker had a sudden sensation of vertigo. He couldn't explain how he ended up in the sparse little room, but there he was. A young woman...ah, a brunette...she couldn't be more than 20 years old was standing there with her back to him. She turned around in surprise.

"You!" Monohan sputtered when he saw her face and uniform. "You had me arrested!" Riley looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there at that moment. Monohan turned to Kai, who had appeared beside him.

"What?" the blue haired man asked. "You said you liked brunettes."

"Not someone like her!"

"Now wait a minute," Riley snapped, crossing her arms. "You don't have to be so rude! If you hadn't been a troublemaker, I wouldn't have had to arrest you!"

"Well if you hadn't been so oppressive, I wouldn't have had to be a troublemaker!"

As the two began to argue, Kai couldn't help but laugh. He almost hated to bring the other prisoner here too, as these two were much more entertaining by themselves. "Have fun," he said, taking a step back.

"WAIT!" Riley and Monohan shouted in unison, but it was too late. Kai vanished.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-02-2007, 06:35 AM

As Hotaru stepped through the doors of the Donaiti building, a transformation began. Slowly her brown locks of hair turned black. The bright purple eyes gleamed, turning a bright blood red. Black scaly wings stretch and spread themselves out. The room temperature dropped, the air becoming chilly.

Lady Death had arrived.

A Donai shivered. What the hell was going on? It like someone turned up the AC a few levels too high. He was gonna have a word with the control center. First the lights went out and now thi-- The Donai froze. If the power was out why was it getting colder?

He felt someone touch him on the shoulders. "Who th-" the question fell short. He collapse to the ground, still. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, return to dusk," Hotaru smiled cruelly. "Death is only the beginning."

She continue her way through the building. Those who came close to her presence fell over, dead. Hotaru hummed softly. Her song soothe the escaping souls.

Finally she arrived at the prision. Riku was already there and Kai had gone ahead to meet Monohan. Speaking of which, Kai had just appeared. "Riley and Monohan are getting to know each other," Kai said with a cheerful tone. He didn't seem to acknowledge that his girlfriend had a total different look.

Riku on the other hand, frowned. His nose crinkled as he looked at Hotaru. He was never comfortable with his sister in that particular form. It made her... crueler then usual. "I just go in and expect him to accept that we're here to rescue him?" Riku asked.

Hotaru smiled. "Yes. But if not, I'll get him."

Riku's frown deeper. "No. I'll do it." How else was he supposed to convince his older siblings and cousins that he was finally old enough to handle more responisbilties. Riku pushed open the prison door.

Aliena is offline
Old 08-13-2007, 02:58 AM

Riku didn't know what he was expecting to see, but the weak man curled in the corner was not it. His hair was white, he was paler than death and his body was skin and bones. It looked like he hadn't been well nourished in years.

Riku spoke, "Saul Claro?"

The man didn't respond and Riku stared at the man, analyzing his body and mind. Yes, this was indeed him. So this is what Oblivion did to a person...Riku wrinkled his nose in distaste and tried to speak again.

"I'm here to take you away from this place."

No response.

Riku stepped forward and pulled the man's shoulder back and stepped back with a shudder as he saw the man's lifeless eyes staring back at him. He was still living, though, if such a state could indeed be considered living. Riku, once again, looked into the man's mind.

He was shocked to see an image of a once, very tall, broad shouldered man - clearly a younger version of Saul. His eyes were merry and on his shoulders sat a little girl with long, brown pigtails.

As the image faded, he looked again at the man and grasped his hand, helping him to his feet. Still the man didn't give any sort of response, but was at least able to move, though barely.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-13-2007, 03:18 AM

Hotaru frowned as she saw the state that Saul Claro was in. Of all the things that Donaiti did that she hated, this was close to the top of the list. There was nothing she and Kai could do here.

Riku helped Saul out of the cell. The man still hadn't said a word. Hopefully his daugther would be able to convince this once proud man to live once more.

"I'll take Mr. Claro and Riku back to your house, Hotaru," said Kai, noticing how upset she was.

Hotaru nodded. "Okay. I'll go take out my angry on a few of the Donaiti powerplants. Mem said they just finished taking out another 8. There are still 7 more to destroy."

Kai nodded. "Right. I'll meet you up later."

"What about me?" asked Riku.

"You are to stay and make sure none of our house guests kill each other," said Hotaru, her blood red eyes growing colder by the minute.

Riku pouted, annoyed he couldn't help. "Fine..."

There was a gust of wind and flash of light and Kai and Riku were gone. After they had left, Hotaru smiled cruely to herself. Let the destruction begin. Tonight, Death's Song would ring loud and clear.

Aliena is offline
Old 08-13-2007, 12:27 PM

"Well, I still don't think how you're going about all this is the right way!" Riley and Monohan were still arguing. The young Donai was standing in a very defensive position, her arms crossed, and a scowl on her face.

"So you admit that it's right, though!" Monohan pointed his finger in her face and she slapped it away.

"I never said that."

"Yes you did. You said you thought we were going about it the wrong way. That's different from saying that what we're doing itself is wrong."

"No it's not," Riley shook her head.

"Yes it is!"

"It is NOT!"

"Is so."

"Monohan, don't try to tell me you know what I mean. You're not in my brain. You can't see my thoughts. I think I know what I mean a little better than you do."

"Apparently not," he smirked, turning his back on her, which caused her to become even more irritated.

They didn't notice as the air shimmered and Kai, Riku, and Saul appeared. Kai smiled, amused, as the two continued to argue. Ah yes, they were definitely fun together. He cleared his throat and Riley and Monohan stopped arguing for a second, whirling around to face them. Riley frowned when she saw the man.

Riku spoke up, "Riley, we've brought someone to you."

"Who is he?" she asked, puzzled. He was certainly in bad shape, whoeever he was. "Another try to make me feel guilty for who I am?" she shot another lethal glance at Monohan who rolled his eyes.

"You're kidding, right?" Riku's eyes widened and he glanced at Kai, who had also gotten a funny look on his face.

"Kidding about what? I'm dead serious."

She has no clue who he is. She doesn't even remember him! Riku projected to Kai.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-13-2007, 11:02 PM

"This is good," said Kai.

"Speaking of which, who are you all you people?" Riley asked. She didn't recognize anyone.

"Kai!" Monohan called out to the blue hair person. "Who is this?"

"I'll answer that in a minute. First introduction. It's pleasure to finally meet you Riley. Tenshi has told me alot about you. I'm Kai. And this is Riku," Kai introduce. "As for this man... hmmm it's not too much of a surprise that you don't recognize him. As it's been few years. I'm not so sure how to convince who he really is."

"Who is he?" Riley asked.

"Allow me." Everyone in the room turned towards the door. Standing there was a lady with long lavender hair and pale blue eyes.

"Mem, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Chi?" Riku asked.

Mem smiled. "I left her with Tenshi. I figured you would need my skills here." She waved to Riley and Monohan. "I'm Mem. And as for your question, Riley. He's your father Saul Claro."

Riley stared at the new girl with disbelieve. That was impossible. This broken down man was her father? "You don't believe me," Mem stated.

Kai helped Saul into a chair. He gave a quick notice that he was leaving, but Riley didn't hear him. Riku watched the two humans and his cousin carefully. Monohan had become silent, watching the events unfold his eyes.

"How can that be my father?" asked Riley.

"He's been Donaiti's hands for years now. Endless darkless with hearing nothing but your own thoughts, not knowing what day it is or what is happening on the outside. In a situation like that, a person's own mind because it's own destruction. That is what Oblivion does to people," Mem said quietly. Riley absorb in what she was saying slowly. "I can show you... what it's like in oblivion, what your father went through... and proof that that he is your father," Mem offered.

"How?" Riley asked. Another dream?

"Tenshi has told about dreams correct. My ability is similar to what you've seen dreams do. But instead, I can show you the memories of your father. Everything he has seen from the moment Donaiti took him to today," said Mem. The room melted into a white hallway. Endless doors slammed shut at the arrive of people.

Riley looked around. "Where is this?"

"This is the hallway of your father's memories. Each door leads to another memories, another exprience, another time in his life. If you wish to know the truth of what has happen to Saul Claro then proceed and choose any door. I'm here, so is Riku and Monohan," said Mem gesturing to the two boys. Monohan was looking around in awe. "If you wish to leave, just say so. Until then, how much you learn... is up to you."

Aliena is offline
Old 08-21-2007, 05:19 AM

Monohan reached for the nearest door's knob and Riley slapped his hand away. "Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

"Seeing what's behind door number one, of course," the man replied.

Riley glared at him. "That's so disrespectful! You can't just barge in with that attitude? Besides, you're not invited."

"Says who?"

"Says me," she declared. "This is my father and this place is sacred." She glanced at Mem. "Only one person is going to proceed and that's going to be me."

"Riley," Mem cautioned. "What you will experience will not be...pleasant. Perhaps it would be wise to have the support of another as your eyes are opened," she gestured toward Monohan, who nodded with a smug look on his face.

Riley shook her head. "No. It just seems wrong to have...him snooping around these memories." Monohan sighed and rolled his eyes. Riley raised her chin. "I'm stronger than I might look."

"Fine," Mem said, spreading her arms and taking a step back. She pulled Monohan back with her and rejoined Riku where he stood. Riku raised an eyebrow. Will she survive this?

Of course she will. Memories won't kill her.

But they can still be damaging.
He watched as the young Donai pondered which door to step through first.

Mem sighed. She's stronger than she looks, so she says. But you're right. She certainly won't leave unchanged.

"I should hope not," Monohan mumbled, which caused Riku and Mem to look at him in surprise. How had he heard their exchange? Monohan noticed the two looking at him strangely and shrugged, "What?" Mem was about to question him when Riku touched her arm and pointed.

Riley had chosen her first memory to experience.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-21-2007, 05:35 AM

(Ooo we'll leave the memory to you xD)

It was raining now. It was most likely from the heat. Hotaru watched, her crimson red eyes emotionless. A brief glint of an insane happiness fillered through her eyes and then died with the rest of the humans. She watched from the distance one her finiest works.

A huge pillar of thick smoke raised into the air. Flames dance, reaching to the sky, melting the falling snowflakes into rain. While the sky cried down upon the hungry beast, nothing would satisfy its hunger. So it continue to burn, claiming countless souls as it purtfied the world with it's heat.

"Sweet child go to sleep
Close your eyes be at ease
Sweet child of mines
Close your eyes
Don't be afraid
I'm at your side."

Hotaru felt they didn't deserve her song. They didn't deserve to rest in peace. But a unrest soul would just be more problems in future. It was just best to put to them at ease. Eternity in hell would be their fitting punishment.

She closed her eyes, listening to her song continue. Then the wind blew and she was off to her next location... her next group of victims. She would grant Lady Earth's dearest wish, even if it meant the destruction of the human race.


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