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Forget 7 58.33%
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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 04:35 AM

This is just a fun little topic. I ask this question as an ice breaker sometimes, and it always gets a lot of thought from people.


If you had to choose between forgetting all of your past memories, or never being able to make any new ones, which would you do, and why?

Have fun. :D

Sir D . L O Van Lobsters
The First.
Sir D . L O Van Lobsters is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 04:38 AM

I would choose to forget my past.

The best thing about being human is growing, learning, and experiencing things. If you just cut if off right then and there, and couldn't expand your knowledge, you'd lead a pretty sad and disappointing life.

Vix Viral
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Old 03-15-2011, 04:39 AM

I agree with forgetting the past. Sure I would forget the people along with it but they could form new memories.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 04:43 AM

I'd choose to forget my past. Not only would I be able to learn so many new things, but the ones I love could fill me in on all the things I fergot. And while I'll never remember them, at least I could look forward to doing them all over again!

\ (•◡•) /
pinkii is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 06:43 AM

Ehhhh that's a toughie Dx
I mean, I'm not content with some of my past but I don't want to forget the people!
But not being able to create new ones does suck.

If I had to choose, I'd lose my past memories. Hopefully I'll be able to warn the people in my life now about it through letters. Hopefully they could rebuild our relationship (and for the better)! I really don't want to forget my family, my friends, and my boyfriend :(

\ (•◡•) /
Youn is offline
Old 03-16-2011, 01:29 PM

I have some question on this; after forgetting my past, would I be able to remember that I had made that desicion?
Somehow, I think not being able to remember that I had chosen to forget would make me obsessed with trying to remember?

Also, just what kind of memories would disappear? Everything, and I mean everything, you've ever known (including basic skills like walking, eating and speech) or more of the "photo album" sort of memories ("Ah yes, this is where I went to high shool. And you're my sister!") ?

That said, if I had to choose, it'd be forgetting my past. As difficult as that would be, I think I would be able to move on from that. In a way, sort of like a victim of a stroke or car accident might have to re-learn what abilities and memories they had lost in the accident.
The thought of not being able to make any new memories is just too sad to me. I don't think I'd see any real point in even trying as I wouldn't be able to remember it anyway. There just would not be any point of trying to progress if you kept ending up back at square one. Constant status quo is, outside of TV shows, a pretty depressing state to be in I think.

Also, I sort of see forgetting your past as a one-time thing, something you'd be able to fix in time and move on from (i.e. this is where I started to make new memories). With not being able to make any new memories it'll be something that'd happen to you every day, every hour, every time you every did anything.

Or wait, did you mean to continue to forget your past memories as you go along? Because then I wouldn't know what to choose. D:

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Codette is offline
Old 03-16-2011, 01:55 PM

I couldn't choose. Because to forget my past, it would be like a blank slate. Your past is what makes you who you are today. But then to never have new memories... well how do you continue growing?

I'd die first.

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wasabiisweird is offline
Old 03-16-2011, 02:48 PM

Getting all my memories suppressed of the past ones.
Because if I choose that, then I can still make memories after so, I can just start anew... and make new memories. Better than not making them at all.. But.. I think that's highly impossible, to not be able to make any memories at all in life... yeah. Just sayin'. ^.^


Originally Posted by Youn View Post
I have some question on this; after forgetting my past, would I be able to remember that I had made that desicion?
Somehow, I think not being able to remember that I had chosen to forget would make me obsessed with trying to remember?

Also, just what kind of memories would disappear? Everything, and I mean everything, you've ever known (including basic skills like walking, eating and speech) or more of the "photo album" sort of memories ("Ah yes, this is where I went to high shool. And you're my sister!") ?

That said, if I had to choose, it'd be forgetting my past. As difficult as that would be, I think I would be able to move on from that. In a way, sort of like a victim of a stroke or car accident might have to re-learn what abilities and memories they had lost in the accident.
The thought of not being able to make any new memories is just too sad to me. I don't think I'd see any real point in even trying as I wouldn't be able to remember it anyway. There just would not be any point of trying to progress if you kept ending up back at square one. Constant status quo is, outside of TV shows, a pretty depressing state to be in I think.

Also, I sort of see forgetting your past as a one-time thing, something you'd be able to fix in time and move on from (i.e. this is where I started to make new memories). With not being able to make any new memories it'll be something that'd happen to you every day, every hour, every time you every did anything.

Or wait, did you mean to continue to forget your past memories as you go along? Because then I wouldn't know what to choose. D:
I was thinking the same exact thing on your last sentence... >>

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ElysiumFate is offline
Old 03-16-2011, 04:39 PM

Youn: I don't know whether or not you could remember that you made the decision to forget. That would be an interesting concept to ponder, though! That's why I love this question, it fries people's brains, lol. I've always thought that what you would forget would be like "photo album" memories, as you so put it, but that's definitely another thing to consider. And yes, the question entails never under any circumstances being able to remember your past if you chose to forget it.

SceneRaverNeko: There are actually an unfortunate group of people in this world who were either born normal, and then had a stroke, or were born without a short term memory, who actually cannot make new memories, and generally can't remember past ones, either. So it is highly possible. Just saying. :)

Mika Rose
Mika Rose is offline
Old 03-16-2011, 04:42 PM

I think I'd actually choose not to be able to make any new ones.

My reasoning for that is, all of my best memories are from my childhood, and they mean a lot more to me than anything happening in my life now that I'm older. I guess I tend to think about them a lot more than most people, but there's this certain way you look at the world and go about your life when you're younger that slowly begins to fade away as you get older, until things never seem to be quite the same as they once were. Maybe that's just me, though; I can't really put it into words, so I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense. >.>

But anyway, I think my life would feel too empty and depressing without certain memories, and I don't think any new ones I created would be quite as meaningful to me.

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wasabiisweird is offline
Old 03-17-2011, 12:09 AM

Originally Posted by ElysiumFate View Post
Youn: I don't know whether or not you could remember that you made the decision to forget. That would be an interesting concept to ponder, though! That's why I love this question, it fries people's brains, lol. I've always thought that what you would forget would be like "photo album" memories, as you so put it, but that's definitely another thing to consider. And yes, the question entails never under any circumstances being able to remember your past if you chose to forget it.

SceneRaverNeko: There are actually an unfortunate group of people in this world who were either born normal, and then had a stroke, or were born without a short term memory, who actually cannot make new memories, and generally can't remember past ones, either. So it is highly possible. Just saying. :)

Oh my! Wow, that's a bad case of amnesia...
I feel bad for the old guy... at least he knows who his wife is.
Forgetting the question to answer he just made because he forgot the question? That's crazy!
Well, yeah.

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 03-17-2011, 12:13 AM

Forget the past.

Agent HEY-LEE is offline
Old 03-17-2011, 12:15 AM

I'd definitely want to forget the past.
Sometimes I wish I'd wake up and forget everything.

Ebil is offline
Old 03-17-2011, 12:26 AM

I'm at a really good place in my life now thanks to my past leading me here.
If I forgot my past I may loose my present...
Having to pick one, I'd hope that my present is a good base for an even better future. So I'll forget my past.

Faulkner is offline
Old 03-17-2011, 12:54 AM

Forget the past...I need to grow and learn.

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 03:50 AM

Well. Might as well add my answer in here now.

I would forget the past. It would be hell for me to start over, but there are things I've experienced that I would be better off forgetting a lot of the time. In fact, that's how I live anyway.

rock is dead.long live scissors!
Explodey is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 03:59 AM

I'd keep the past. I mean, I get annoyed by aging hipsters who do nothing but reminisce past was cool. Now that I'm sick, well, I'm still trying to keep on living, but some stuff I used to be able to do just isn't available to me anymore, and I really miss some of the places I've been and people I knew that just aren't around anymore.

The human body is a faulty thing anyway with it's mortality and possibilities of illness and injury taking the best of you while you still live. A lot of people fall prey to senility as they age anyway, why volunteer to empty out that stuff when time might skank it from you anyway?


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