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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 08-27-2015, 12:09 AM

Ange quickly snatched his sweater from Vanity. He didn't quite mean to be so harsh, but he wasn't that good at being gentle with another person. It made him anxious being in such a position. He turned away from Vanity to give her some privacy as she changed.

Ange thought about asking Vanity for the time, if he guessed correctly they had a few minutes to run to the station to catch the bus to get out of town. But that was provided they didn't run into any dogs or guards on the way there.... Which would mean that they would have to, quite literally, run there. Ange chewed his lip.

" Follow me, but you gotta keep up, okay?!" Ange waited a minute or two for Vanity, then he slowly slipped out of the shadows and made a run for it towards the bus station, he continuously looked back to make sure Vanity was following. As tempting as it was to tell her he's her behind, she was a part of his plan, an important part, at that. Besides, she was rather nice to be around. No one had ever tolerated Ange for as long as she did... Ange thought for a while, 'wouldn't it be great to have Vanity as a friend forever?'

The bus station came into view and Ange ran faster than he ever had before. He pulled out the tickets from the sweater in his pocket and looked back to make sure Vanity was following.

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Old 08-27-2015, 01:11 AM

Vanity got changed into the T-shirt as quickly as she could, once she was ready- and Ange had already told her to follow him, and keep up, she ran after him. Vanity ran as fast as her legs could carry her. They barely had time to catch the buss and she didn't feel like being the cause of them missing the buss. Not that she would..he'd probably get on the bus without her if he had to. Though..maybe not. She didn't know him well enough to know what he would do if where to come to that.

She didn't want to find out though. After running for a while, and pushing herself to keep up with him so they didn't separated again, Vanity grit her teeth. 'C'mon! Don't you quit on me now!' She scolded herself, as gravity tried to slow her down. She couldn't afford to collapse or fall out, she could do that once they were on the bus. Wait a second..she'd never been on a bus before. Forcing the thought aside, she continued to push herself to keep up with Ange as they ran.

When the bus station came into view, and Ange picked up the pace, she too ran faster. This was the first time she had ever had to run this fast..well, no- it really wasn't..but she didn't want to think about the past at a time like this. All she really could afford to think about, was running and keeping up with Ange.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 09-01-2015, 01:55 AM

((Sorry for the long wait!))

"Hey!" Ange called toward the bus driver, not like the driver could hear him. There was a short line of a couple of people standing in front of the bus doors, all wielding their tickets and some holding their luggage and bags. Ange booked it towards the bus as the last few passengers boarded the bus.

He clumsily stumbled up the steps of the bus and told the bus driver to be patient, for his "younger sister", (Vanity) was following him closely. "She's sick, sir, so she may be a little slow..." It threw Ange for a loop when the bus driver asked where he and Vanity were headed.

"The same place everywhere else is headed..." Ange snorted.

"No, son, I mean, where's your final destination? Who are you going to meet?" The driver asked. He wasn't being nosy, just friendly, but Ange got defensive and got snarky with the bus driver.

"That's none of your business." Ange snapped. He turned back to look at Vanity, then quickly shoved their tickets into the bus driver's hands and took the few steps it took to reach Vanity again and he gently hooked his arm with hers, helping her the rest of the way. "How are you keeping, Vanity?" He asked her, "Just leave it to me, once we get to Sonder City, I'll show you the way from there. They'll never guess where we've gone!"

Little did Ange know, the hospital had records of where he'd been living before he'd been admitted.

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Old 09-01-2015, 08:26 AM

(hey, it's okay ^-^ i kind of forgot to try and add to my post ^^'')

Vanity was a little relieved to see Ange make it to the bus driver. She was lagging behind, but not by much..she wasn't that bad off. When she saw him talk to the bus driver, she figured he got offended by something the man said but was glad to see him give the bus driver their tickets shortly before she reached the bus. When Ange met her the short-distance that she was from the bus, she offered a small smirk. Despite her heavy breathing. "I'm fine.." She answered in a soft voice in between breaths. She was happy that he came back to help her to the bus, even if it was a pretty short distance.

Vanity blinked a few times when he mentioned that "they" would never guess where the two of them had gone. She couldn't help but stifle a chuckle. "Don't be stupid Ange, not to be offensive or anything- but I guarantee you the hospital has records of your background and stuff like where you lived before even being admitted." She said to him in a quiet voice, gritting her teeth momentarily to push passed a sharp pain in her chest. 'Just make it a little further...' She thought to herself. 'Don't give out yet..' Vanity thought to herself.

When they got to the bus and got seated, her magenta eyes wandered curiously. She'd never been on a bus like this before. The only bus she'd ever been on, is the bus that took her to the hospital- and it wasn't even a bus!

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 09-02-2015, 11:24 PM

Ange thought he was pretty slick, up until Vanity reminded him that the hospital did have his records, so after they were done sweeping the city a few times, they'd probably check their destination next. Ange shook it off, better to not think about it now and ruin the trip.

"Well..." Ange began, "Those idiots probably don't actually keep track of that sort of thing." Ange sounded indifferent, but in actuality, he was a little worried that the hospital did, in fact, know where he lived before being admitted and he did consider that they might follow him and Vanity there. That would completely ruin his plans if that happened...!!

Ange sat beside Vanity and slipped an arm over her shoulders protectively. He couldn't afford to let anything happen to Vanity.

As the bus slowly began to move, Ange's mind began to race and he thought of all the possible worst ways this trip could end, and all the possible best outcomes it could have. He'd have some choice words for his "family" once he made it back to Sonder City. With Vanity at his side, he'd make sure that they deeply regretted what they had done to him and he'd make them pay.

Vanity's amazing powers could work to his advantage. He didn't want to scare his family, no, he wanted them dead. Gone. Erased. As they already were to him, but now, it would be official. Ange stole a glance at Vanity and looked at her with a slight worry in his eyes for a moment, he knew if she knew this plan he had, she'd probably not want to travel with him anymore. But, he couldn't bring himself to tell her... It was not as though he didn't lo-.... LIKE. Not love. Ange didn't love Vanity, Ange doesn't love anyone. But, like... Yes. It wasn't like Ange didn't like Vanity. It was just that... well... He did like Vanity and he wanted her around.

He quickly withdrew his gaze from Vanity and stared at the seat in front of them. He could never tell Vanity his secret...

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Old 10-09-2015, 01:04 AM

Vanity curiously glanced at Ange when she noticed his gaze shifted quite a few times. She took a soft breath and cautiously rested her head on his shoulder. She could tell there was something bothering him..something on his mind that he wanted to share but couldn't bring himself to. Something regarding Vanity. She could tell all by the look in his gorgeous eyes. Vanity tried her best to relax and not worry about what could possibly be troubling Ange. Whatever it was, he'd tell or when she was ready- not a moment sooner.

With her eyelids becoming heavy with every passing moment that her head was resting on his shoulder, she slowly allowed her eyes slide closed and just relaxed. She wasn't sleeping, but she was listening to her surroundings. Whatever intentions Ange had for staying by her side, she felt safe around him. Ange was the first person in years that made the young "mental-case" as safe as she felt with Ange.

((sorry it's short x.x i thought i could come up with more))

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 11-08-2015, 07:08 PM

The bus ride to the small, rural suburb where Ange came from wasn't too long. When the bus came to a stop, Ange's heart started to pound heavily in his chest. He wasn't expecting them to arrive so soon. He'd guessed since it had been a while since he'd lived in his parents' house, he'd forgotten just how close they lived to the city where the "hospital" was located. Ange gave Vanity's shoulder a gentle squeeze,

"Hey, Vanity...?" He spoke softly, talking gently enough to not startle her, but loud enough to wake her. "Hey, wake up, we're here." Ange felt a smile tug in his lips, he was getting rather excited to see the way his parents' faces would darken when they saw Ange standing at their front door. They thought they could throw Ange away, leave him to rot in a hospital for the rest of his life, well, they had another thing coming.

It was still dark enough that he was sure his parents had probably retired to their beds by now. And them, being the paranoid yuppies they were, would probably not answer the door at this hour. He and Vanity would probably have to sleep in the tool shed for the night until morning when they could really "surprise" his folks.... And commence the plan to kill them.

Ange did find himself actually liking Vanity, he hadn't had anyone to consider a friend in a long time, Vanity would be the first and the only to have stuck with him for so long. Usually, Ange's temper would scare people away. Ange did his best to not scare away Vanity, at least not before the plan was complete.

He gently shook Vanity, again, letting her know they'd arrived.

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Old 11-08-2015, 10:38 PM

Sometime during the train ride, after resting on Ange's shoulder, Vanity did doze off. She mumbled something softly as Ange gently squeezed her shoulder and announced that they had arrived. Vanity slowlyed opened her magenta eyes and sat up as Ange told her once more that they had arrived. She rubbed her tired eyes and covered her mouth to yawn before slowly standing and looking back at Ange. "What're we waiting for then? Let's go." She said quietly, offering the boy a gentle smile.

Since resting, the young girl felt a little better. Felt more like herself. "I don't know this I hope you don't mind me sticking close for a bit longer." She said to him, only slightly teasing. Truthfully, she was afraid of getting lost.

(my gears are still slow-pacing x.x i hope to be posting longer replies soon Dx)

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 11-11-2015, 12:18 AM

Ange smiled. "I don't mind. Come on..." He took her hand in his and began to lead the way down a dark, rural road that lead to his home town. Despite it being dark outside, Ange could see the road ever so clearly. All of the painful memories of his past started to haunt him now that he was walking down a familiar street. He recognized the lamp posts and smiled when he saw the lonely, broken one further down the street.

"Keep close." Ange demanded Vanity. Though, he didn't mean to sound harsh, he just wanted to make sure she was close by and stayed safe. They approached his home quickly. It was the one on the corner with no surrounding neighbors... No one would hear his parents' screams. He pulled Vanity closer to his body and lead her around the back of his house.

"... Uhm... I think they're probably asleep now. But we can spend the night in there." Ange pointed to a rather nicely made shed in the backyard. The shed was large, with a bright, orange door and windows on each side. "It's just a toolshed, but there's plenty of space." No, Ange had no key, but the door was weak. His father had built the shed a few years ago and never fixed the lock on the door. All he had to do was shove it a little and it would open.

Ange slowly and gently let go of Vanity and walked ahead of her towards the shed..

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Old 11-17-2015, 04:12 AM

Vanity happily took held onto Ange's hand and followed him to where ever it was he was taking her. Her magenta eyes wandering curiously and cautiously around her new surroundings, trying not to think about the horrors that went on in this place. Every town had some kind of horror story..

'No problem.' She thought to herself when pratically ordered Vanity to keep close. She knew not to take it as harshly as he had said it. By now, she knew when his tones were relevent and when they weren't. As they got closer to wa she assumed was Ange's home, her grip around his hand tightened only enough to say she didn't like it here. The atmosphere was thick and made her feel very weary.

She was so caught up in her anxiety that they way Ange suddenly pulled her in closer to his body caught her off guard and she had to bite her tounge to keep from squealing from surprise. Only taking a moment to calm herself, she nodded to Ange lightly. "Okay.." She said quietly and glanced in the direction of the shed. No longer having him to hold onto, Vanity quickly followed after the boy.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 11-25-2015, 12:21 AM

Ange kept a watchful eye over Vanity. The neighborhood was pretty quiet at this time of night, and the neighbors were far enough away that they wouldn't hear much anyway... But still, Ange wanted no mistakes. He brought his finger to his lips to signal to Vanity to remain quiet. Then, he turned to the orange door of the toolshed.

He took a few steps back, then ran towards the door, hitting it with the side of his arm and busting open the door. Once it was opened, he immediately froze and listened to any sound that might come from his house. His heart seemed to have stopped for a few seconds and his breath stopped as well as he listened. Nothing. Good. They were still clear. Ange didn't want to kil- er... surprise his family until morning.

"In here..." Ange whispered to Vanity once he knew the coast was clear. Ange held open the door for Vanity to walk through. Hopefully it wouldn't be too cold tonight, but if it were he was sure that his father kept some blankets in the shed to cover the tools with. Ange waved his hand to get Vanity to come inside. They'd be without sleep for a while now, he was positive that Vanity had to be tired, especially after the crazy day she's had.

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Old 12-11-2015, 01:09 AM

Vanity nodded lightly to Ange and watched him curiously. She quickly covered her mouth when he suddenly burst through the shed doors ad held her hands over her lips for a moment before slowly lowering her hands. She was beginning to think maybe he was as crazy as she was.. or not far from it. Whatever the case- she didn't like the look in his eyes a second ago...

She waited until Ange whispered, and waved her over to the shed, and slowly made her way towards the building. Once she was just inside the shed, she nervously glanced around the shed. Looking at every tool and detail within the building. The building looked aged..but still in good condition. Taking a quiet breath, her magenta eyes slowly found Ange.

"This is your home..isn't it...?" Vanity spoke in a soft voice, barely loud enough for the boy himself to hear her. Her nerves were rattled, that was clear by her tone and the way her eyes moved with every little unknown sound that was made. Whether by mice, other small animals, or the outside environment.

(sorry for the wait! x.x)

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 12-29-2015, 01:48 AM

Ange didn't want to respond to Vanity's question. He didn't want to scare her away, but he certainly felt bad about keeping her in the dark. She was so powerful, and even if she did have some insanity, he found it only drew him to her more. But that power...! He'd get rid of his no good, low down family once and for all with the power that was harvested in Vanity.

Ange yanked some of the blankets that covered the tools. He kept his lips pressed in a thin line as he concentrated on getting Vanity to sleep while he would spend the night perfectly plotting. After he'd gotten a couple of the blankets under his arm, he turned to Vanity and threw the blankets at her.

"You're tired. You should sleep, Vanity." Ange gave a small smile, but it wasn't genuine. In fact, it could probably be considered creepy. "When morning comes,mI'll get us out of here, we just need to... Take care of some things first." Ange then busied himself with preparing himself a place to sleep on the floor of the shed. He strategically laid a couple of blankets on the ground, sat on top of them, then laid another blanket over his body.

Whatever questions Vanity may have, he hoped he would be able to answer honestly without scaring her away.

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Old 01-14-2016, 06:12 AM

Ava The Vampire:

Vanity found her red magenta eyes watching Ange, rather hurt that he avoided her question. She was starting to realize that Ange had been acting a little different..since the moment they stepped off of the train. It gave her a sinking feeling in her stomach. He wasn't telling her something... Vanity was sure of it now. As she watched him gather some blankets, she nervously nibbled on her lower lip.

"Ange..if you're worried about scarring me off- don't." She finally brought herself to say, catching the blankets that were tossed to her. Vanity couldn't he!p but press the blankets closer to her as she slowly walked towards a corner of the small building and laid a blanket on the floor, then sat down. Her eyes looking down at her feet. "Whatever your reason is coming here... I don't care. You won't scare me away. I promise you." She spoke in a low voice as she covered up with the second blanket and eased herself to lay down, making sure the blanket didn't move from under her.

Vanity wasn't going to leave him now, unless he came after her- he meant too much and she kind of owed him for freeing her. At least..she felt like she owed him.

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 01-16-2016 at 04:09 AM..

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 01-18-2016, 10:15 PM

Vanity's proclamation eased Ange's anxiety a little. For a while he thought, perhaps Vanity may actually help him with his plan. He would have to pick her brain a little bit in order to get what he needed, though. Ange cleared a corner in the shed and watched Vanity from the shadows.

"Hey? Vanity, so... how exactly do you control yourself? I mean, today, when I got to the shelter and everything was covered in blood, y'know...?" Ange thought about what he was saying as he said it, then thought perhaps it wasn't the time. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I was just wondering if... I mean, if... You could do it again?"

It felt awkward to ask Vanity something so personal. He was almost certain that Vanity would react badly. But, hey, she did owe him for breaking her out of that hospital. Even though it made Ange feel like an asshole, he would hold that over her head should she decide not to help him. His plan was simple.

His family abandoned him. Left him to rot in some hospital because they thought he was crazy. Ange wasn't crazy. (That he knew of) They left him to die and years before that they'd treated him as though that was what they wanted. Ange wasn't going to die, but they certainly were. The thought of them dying gave Ange butterflies.

"Nevermind." Ange mumbled. "We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to, Vanity."

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Old 01-19-2016, 02:49 AM

Vanity stared off into space for a moment when Ange brought up finding her covered in blood. Listening carefully to Ange's words she closed her eyes and took a quiet breath. He didn't fully believe her..but now she had an idea on why Ange had brought her here. Sue understood how the boy felt- being abandoned by his family and sent to rot in the mental ward.. The memories of the events the girl went through because of that hospital made her blood boil. She slowly opened her eyes and sat back up, keeping the blankets in place as she slowly brought her knees up. "I wouldn't quite call it controlling myself..and yes- I could easily do it again." She answered him in a low voice.

"Ange..." Vanity began to speak in a softened voice. "I'll help you..but you have to promise me that you'll stay back." She said in quite a serious, quiet tone. Vanity didn't want to risk hurting..or killing her escape partner. He came back for her after she massacred those in the shelter. They've gotten this far..she didn't want to lose him now. He honestly meant too much to her. Even if she wasn't in love with the boy- she did care for him.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 01-23-2016, 03:04 AM

Ange's interest was piqued. Had he seriously convinced her to help him? He found he was leaning in, his undivided attention on Vanity. He listened carefully to what she had to say,

"I promise, I'll do whatever you want. Just as long as you do this one thing for me." Ange couldn't believe his luck. Not only did he escape a psych ward, he escaped with a pretty cute, yet very powerful girl who was going to help him get rid of his poisonous family once and for all. To make them suffer and perish the way they deserved to.

Ange's lips curled into a wicked smile. He didn't know quite how to express his thanks to Vanity. He was never in the position where he needed to be thankful to someone else, all of his life he's been doing things for himself, no help from anyone else. In a sense, Ange didn't know how to express thanks for he never needed to until now.

After debating with the best approach to take to thank Vanity, Ange chose not to say anyone at all. Instead he let his wicked, crazed smile fade and he leaned back against the wall. "Goodnight, Vanity." Ange whispered.

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Old 02-08-2016, 12:17 AM

Vanity nodded lightly to Ange but said nothing. Once Ange said goodnight and laid down to sleep, Vanity curled up under the blanket, staying upright with her back against the wall behind her. She knew she would not sleep peacefully tonight, she never did. Vanity allowed herself to slowly fall into a black sleep.

Her insanity usually took control of her dreamworld and twisted it to fit her sadistic pleasures. Only made them much darker than this white haired honestly liked.


Vanity awoke early the next morning, holding her head with both ears covered and her lap wet with tears. The nightmare forgotten but clouding her mind. She couldn't wait to meet Ange's parents- no... She couldn't wait to rid the ark haired French boy who stick with her..of the bastards that sent an innocent kid to rot in a place like that. All because he wasn't afraid to be bold and seemed to take action whenever his wits were at end.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-16-2016, 02:35 AM

Ange was slowly dragged from his sleep by the light shining on his closed eyelids. The light that leaked through the small window in the shed. For a moment, Ange didn't know where he was, he'd forgotten what had happened last night and thought he was still at the horrid hospital. He jumped to his feet, eyes darting around for a couple of seconds only to calm down when he realized he was back home.

Then he remembered his "plan". It was terribly selfish of him to get Vanity involved. In a funny, and ironic kind of way, Ange felt as though he was slowly losing his mind with anticipation. He wasn't at all nervous or remorseful for what he was about to make Vanity do. It was oddly irregular and it made Ange feel a little strange that he'd seriously use Vanity in such a way. Especially since now she and him would be fugitives from the law. Could he really put Vanity in such a position...?

Yeah. Yeah, he could. Ange looked at Vanity. It was time, they didn't have long before his parents left for work. Ange reached out a hand for Vanity,

"Morning. Hope you slept well." Ange was too anxious to get this over with, but he knew, in a sick, demented sort of way that he'd enjoy watching his family in pain and suffering, they deserved it, after all. "We have a big day ahead of us!"

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Old 02-24-2016, 02:46 AM

Vanity sat still, her back pressed against the wall of the small building with her knees upright and covered by the blanket that Ange had given her last night. She was in her own little world until Ange spoke up. She blinked and looked up at him, smirking lightly. Vanity took his hand and used his help to stand on her feet, quickly letting go and stretching a little.

When she opened her eyes after stretching, they were glowing pink- like when she used her power, only her eyes seemed to hide a murderous gleam. She glanced at Ange from the corner of her eye, then faced him. "Just remember what you promised me." She said to him in a quiet voice.

She couldn't wait to get this over with.. A part of her would proudly enjoy ripping his parents apart. A very large part of her.

(short x.x)

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-10-2016, 01:51 AM

"You ready?" Ange smiled at Vanity, not at all phased by neither the glow nor the murderous look in her eyes. He had been waiting for this day for a while now, he knew he wouldn't have any regrets. "You do know that... if you do this for me, that you'll probably be on the run for the rest of your life?" Ange didn't know why he was telling her this now. But for some reason, he felt he owed it to her. After all, she'd stuck with him this long... Didn't mind his shitty attitude and seemed to be okay with even murdering his parents for him.

There was a noise that came from outside of the shed and Ange put his finger to his lips, to tell Vanity to be very, very quiet. He turned away from her to peer out of the small window of the shed. Unfortunately, he didn't see anything. It was probably just a rabbit or something. Ange sighed. It's now or never at this point, and he had nothing to lose. "Alright, you ready...? Wait, hang on!"

Ange looked around the shed, looking for a weapon or something he could use, should something go wrong. His eyes fell upon a shovel. Well, it definitely wasn't the worst weapon he could think of. He swiftly grabbed it and held it so tightly in his hands that his knuckles began to go white. "Okay... Now, are you ready?"

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Old 03-11-2016, 08:42 PM

Vanity slowly rose to her feet, keeping her fingers pointed to the blankets that fell to the ground as she stood, making herself move with the gracefulness of a ballerina. Vanity wasn't home right now... She slowly and quietly walked towards Ange, a thin wicked smirk coming to her lips. She'd be on the run for the rest of her life, just for escaping the hospital. They'd never stop looking for her. Hell, she wouldn't be surprised if his parents would recognize her from a newspaper article from several years ago- when they first got their hands on her.

She would never forget the day she saw the article... They had had a story about the massacre she caused all by herself, leaving out no details. They had no problem describing the gore that the journalist had seen that day. The details about how one little girl turned a whole town into nothing but a bloody ruin.. literally.

Vanity glanced at Ange for a moment, then looked outside of the shed, waiting for him to okay her. The first time he asked if she was ready, she nodded lightly- but didn't move until she knew for a fact that he was ready as well. She watched him look around for a weapon, and tilted her head when he picked up a shovel. When he asked if she was ready the second time, she only smirked and nodded again. "I was ready the first time you asked." She answered in a low voice. She wait for Ange to start walking out of the shed, since it was his parents they were going after.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-22-2016, 04:35 PM

Ange slowly, slowly made his way out of the shed. Keeping the shovel behind his back as he led Vanity towards his house. He knew they'd have to move quickly before either of his parents left the house. Yet, Ange still moved rather slowly, considering this. He made his way to the side door, frequently checking behind his shoulder to see if Vanity was still there. His heart began to pound in his chest and he felt a weird surge of relief and satisfaction that now he'd finally do something he'd been planning for a while.

A light came on in the window above the door and Ange's natural reaction was to reach back and grab Vanity's arm, in case they'd have to make a quick run for it. The light remained on for a few seconds, but nothing happened, so Ange let go of Vanity's arm and began to twist the door open. It was a shame his parents never locked their side door... Ange always knew that this would be their downfall someday.

The door opened almost quietly if it weren't for the gentle squeak it made. What could he say? The house was terribly old. Ange took a careful step into the house. The side door led to the kitchen, where the lights were off, but there was enough sunlight to illuminate the room. Ange turned around to check, again, if Vanity was still there. He brought his finger to his lips and whispered, "Shhh...." Then, he tiptoed carefully through the kitchen.

The stairs weren't too far away and when they got closer to the stairs, Ange could actually hear the voices of his parents, though he couldn't quite make out what they were saying. He climbed the stairs as quickly as he could, making sure to keep his feet close to the railings to avoid having the floorboards squeak beneath him. Once at the top of the stairs, he turned to Vanity and pointed to a room down the hall with an open door and light shining through. The voices of his parents were more pronounced and audible now, they were speaking French and Ange didn't understand a word they said.

He did hear this name in their conversation, though. That was enough for him to know that his parents were talking about him.

Ange rolled his eyes. He gently took Vanity's hand and began to walk towards the open door. When he made it to the doorframe, Ange noticed his parents were in their closet, talking about going someplace. He let go of Vanity's hand and walked ahead of her, bringing the shovel out from behind his back and holding it tightly in his hands. He approached the closet as quietly as he could.

"Hey maman." His mom stopped what she was doing, looking around at first, as if wondering if Ange was in the closet. She then locked eyes with him. Walking out of the closet, she whispered,


He loved to watch the surprise on his parent's faces before he lifted the shovel and brought it down hard across his mother's face. It made a sickening sound as he head snapped to the side and she stumbled back and fell into his father, who was just as shocked and surprised. He cursed Ange in French, but Ange was too wild with revenge to care.

"In here, Vanity!" He called.

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Nova_Alchemist is offline
Old 03-28-2016, 08:56 PM

Vanity followed him outside and blinked when he suddenly grabbed her arm, which told her they might be making a break for it. She followed the boy into the old house, nodding lightly to him. Vanity stayed downstairs in the kitchen, picking up a few sharp meat knives. She set the knives on the counter and took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She carefully put the knives in her back pockets and quickly, but quietly, followed after Ange up the stairs. Her footsteps were no heavier than a cat, his parents would never hear her coming.

Vanity stayed the shadows of the bedroom door, out of sight. She closed her eyes and focused on the knives in her back pockets until they had slowly slipped out of her pockets and were hovering around her. This way she already had something to focus on, and ready. She wouldn't have to worry about hurting Ange as much..

When Ange called for her, she opened her bright pink glowing eyes and slowly walked into the bedroom, staring blankly at the parents. "Ange, remember what you promised me." She spoke quietly in a monotone voice. Vanity made the knives start rotating around her.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-31-2016, 10:14 PM

Ange was much too wild with fury to really notice or care about what Vanity said. He heard it, though, and shouted a quick, "Yeah!" in response. Ange was much too engrossed with murdering his parents that he really didn't think about much else.

His mother slowly tried to stand up from where she had fallen on top of his father. When his mother laid eyes on Vanity, it appeared she had recognized the girl from someplace else. News, probably. The blood that trickled from her nose and mouth looked stark against the pale of her skin. Her black hair was also now sloppy and stringy. She didn't look so beautiful anymore, Ange decided.

"Sacré dieu!" She screamed. Ange didn't understand what it meant, but he could gather that she was swearing. His mother always shrieked like that when she swore. Ange lifted the shovel again, prepared to smack her across the face with it once more, dissatisfied that she wasn't seriously injured the first time he whacked her with the shovel. He looked at Vanity, almost pleading with her.

"What are you waiting for?!" He yelled to her.

Ange's father pushed Mother aside and used his own body as a shield to protect her. Father started to say something in French, but stopped mid-sentence when he realized that Ange wouldn't understand a word of it. He'd be damned if he spoke French around Ange when he was a baby! "Angelo...? Why are you doing this?" His accent was thick, but nothing Ange didn't grow up hearing. Ange made a noise that sounded inhuman.

"You left me there! Left me there to rot all because I didn't see things the way you thought I should! I am not the crazy one if you seriously thought the hospital would shut me up!"

Father took the chance to approach Ange, but Ange made that terrible, inhuman sound again. "Vanity!" He screamed. Ange didn't want to be bothered with his parents anymore, he was ready for them to be history.


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