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Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 07:43 AM

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 02-09-2018 at 07:47 AM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 07:48 AM

The rain is heavy tonight. Like thick curtains in a dark theater. You pull your collar up against the soaking wind and cross the street. It's nights like these you wish you were at your desk *dippin the bill ‘n gettin jammed
*Drinking till yer happy
There's the Malt Shop glowing through the the splatters. The door is ajar. You slip inside without having to open it and head for a booth in the back. It's mostly empty this time of night. Just a few patrons quietly sipping their malts. A moment later, the reason yer here walks through the door 'n it still doesn't close all the way. Hazel and Chen spot you and make their way to your booth. Sliding onto the seat, you notice Hazel doing *figure eights while Chen tries to hide some busted knuckles on his left hand. Interesting.
*Nervous, worked up
" 'Fore you get yammering, my price is $500." You say.

They look at each other. It's a lot. But you can see the desperation in their eyes and you got bills to pay.

"Fine. I’ll get you yer dough," Chen starts.

“I don’t want no hay got it?” I say incase he’s thinking of pulling one over on me.

“I ain’t handing out Bogus bills! Now here’s the rub… Me ‘n Hazel…” Chen continues but he's interrupted by the staccato shot of a gun. A dame screams. There’s the thud of a body hitting the floor.

You get up quick to see what the jam is. On the ground in front of the bar lies a body. You *lamp quick around the room but no one’s packing heat. Kneeling down, you see the slug hit this mister square in the back. Rolling over the body you discover it’s none other than Carn. Interesting. Who’d want him dead of all people?
You get up just as Police Sgt. Carl bursts through The Malt Shop’s door, *heater at the ready. "I heard a shot!" He exclaims, "Is everyone…?" He starts askin but quits yammerin when he sees Carn’s body on the ground. “Alright… Which one of yous done it?”
You get back on your feet. “I don’t got an idea Sarg… Yet.” You eye each of the Malt Shop patrons in turn. Old Jiro the bartender. Yer clients Chen and Hazel. Anita, Whistling Pete, Suzu, Bia & Jiang... "But I’m gonna find out..."

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 02-09-2018 at 08:48 AM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 07:49 AM

Game Play:
Carn has been killed!! But.. Whodunit??
Gameplay is simple! It's your job to read the story! There are important details hidden in the fine print! Your job is to guess the correct clue everyday in a set of 4 clues that appear in the next post under "Today's Choices". 2 of the 4 are correct clues! Everyday a new portion of the story will be posted. Furthermore, Everyday when the new set of clues is posted, I will make a post in a random thread contained in the Valentines Day 2018 Event Forum! that post will contain the image of a malt with a particular flavor. That flavor will correspond to one of the 4 clues for that day. It's a guaranteed win! But when I post the clue is also random!

"So... Wait a second here Carn... What if I've already guessed and then I find your clue??" That's ok. Make a new guess. You are allowed to change your guess exactly once during the day for a grand total of 2 guesses (only one is valid)! When I tally the days results I will always take the second guess you make. That's pretty easy right? Read, guess, search for clues, and solve the murder mystery!

There will be 5 days of guessing. On the 6th day... That's it. You will have all that you need to solve the case of the Murdered Carn! At that time there will be a final form for you to fill out!
"This isn't even my final form"
While It is not against the rules to converse with other players about the case, I would like your final accusation to be unique unto its giver! All you will have to do is fill out a brief sentence or paragraph describing how you think Carn (I... ) was killed!

Carn is a regular Patron of The Malt Shop. He Works at the City Hall. No one knows a lot about his past but it’s clear he’s made some shady deals.

Old Jiro The Bartender
Old Jiro, lives above the Dinner. He keeps himself to himself an' doesn’ tolerate no one making a cut up in his Shop. He knows your usual.

Hazel &Chen
New in town. It’s clear to you as your clients that their previous troubles have followed them. That’s why they hired you after all.

Bai & Jiang
Bai & Jiang work together at their custom rice paper shop. They’ve known each other since kids an’ got hitched straight outta school. They supply stationery to the City Hall. Well respected in town for stocking the best paper goods.

“Whistling” Pete
Local Mailman. Does his job and does it well. Takes his oath seriously. Always delivers your mail.

Owns the local record store, frequents The Malt Shop. You've seen her here and there.

Owns a Jewelry Shop. You don't know much about her. Potential stalker. No one has proof.

Sgt Carl
Keeper of the Peace. You’ve known Carl for a long time an' sometimes grab a drink at the local bar with him. Often gets into trouble when it comes to pretty dames in a tight spot.

Rules Are Simple:
  • Follow Mene TOS!
  • Only staff approved Charity Mules allowed!
  • Guess a maximum of 2 times! (Your second guess is the only one that will be counted if you do)
  • Be nice to your fellow menewshans and have fun!
  • I reserve the right to change these rules at anytime!

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 02-12-2018 at 09:31 PM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 07:50 AM

Clue Guesses:

That's it for the clues!!

Now it's all up to you! Go forth and... oh wait.. no... *reads my instructions* Oh so here's how it goes now... You have all of Thursday to ask me two, Count Em, TWO! questions about some detail in the story. TO WHICH! I will PM you my answer as I am available throughout the day Thursday. Just to be clear... I don't want to see any "I'm gonna solve it!" just yet... I wanna hear something like... "Is it important how quickly Jiro can run from back of the store to the bar??" Or maybe even "Did Anita carry a gun??"

So lay your questions on me! I will answer with either a "Yes", a "No", or a "Irrelevant"! All you have to do is ask your questions in the thread and ping me to your post! I will answer the questions in chronological order.

Use this form to submit your final guess of who killed Carn!
HTML Code:
[B][U][color="#b81322"][SIZE="5"]Murder at the Malt Shop![/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B]
[B][U][color="#b81322"][SIZE="3"]Who Killed Carn?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] (Your answer here)
[B][U][color="#b81322"][SIZE="3"]The BIG question... How and WHY was Carn Killed?:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] (a brief description here about how and why you think Carn was killed)

Prizes will be handed out daily for each set of Clue Guesses! You'll have to wait and see what prize you get though! To everyone that posts a forum every day, you will get your choice of a Valentines Day 2018 EI! The people that manage to get all correct clue guesses will get a bonus prize of 1000g at the end of the game! The people that get the most incorrect clue guesses need some love too though. You'll all get a consolation prize of 500g (you must post a forum everyday to be eligible for this prize)

Were you the closest to guessing the murderer?? Well congratulations! You are a super sleuth! For your prize (AKA 1st palce) You will receive a set of February CIs of your choice!
the next two people that get the closest to guessing the murderer and how it was done (AKA Second and Third Prize) will get a February CI of their choice and a February EI of their choice respectively.

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 02-16-2018 at 05:09 AM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 07:54 AM

Daily Results:

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
Clue Guesses:
Day 4:
Day 5:
  • Vanilla: Carn was stealing money from the City Hall Incorrect
    User Ping Day 21
    User Ping Day 20
    Actually.. He might have. Carn seems like a pretty shady fellow. (You get: 200g)
  • Grape: A ring was found in Carn's pocket. A fancy one too.Correct
    User Ping Day 10
    User Ping Day 19
    User Ping Day 12
    A ring! Hmm.. I wonder who that was for... (You win: 350g)
  • Macha: Hazel paid Jiro to "lose" his gun...Incorrect
    User Ping Day 18
    User Ping Day 11
    This whole business with Jiro's gun has me stumped! (You get: 100g)
  • RootBeer: On the night Anita met with Carn, Anita saw Suzu too, being pulled out of the street by a police officer.Correct
    User Ping Day 7
    User Ping Day 9
    User Ping Day 6
    Suzu is such a stalker. (You get: Stalking Moon Mask)

Yer about t’ question Suzu further when Sgt. Carl steps in an’ starts yellin at Anita.

“And you were seein Carn behind Suzu’s back weren’t yous?” The Sarg pointed a finger accusingly at Anita.

“No it wasn’t like that!” Anita protested.

“Get off it lady.... You were seen on a date with Carn AND… I saw yous two today in the ally behind the cleaners! Gonna buy something fancy for yourself with all that dough he handed you?”

“It was for a ring!” Anita shouted, “Carn bought a ring from me a-an I was jus’ delverin it to him!”

“I’m takin you down to the station!” Sarg advanced on Anita but you grab him by the arm, swingin around. “Hang on Sarg, we ain’t done here yet.” You say. A question strikes you, “What were yous doing down here by the malt shop anyway Sarg?” You ask lookin Sarg in the eye.

Sarge looked surprised, “I-I was following them, see? Carn and Anita. They coulda been heading some place to meet up with some big cheese of a crime ring see?”

You just nod. Makes enough sense you suppose. You think Sgt. Carl was seein shadows where there were none but he often did.

You bend down and examine Carn’s body. Rootin around in his pockets, you pull out a sparkling gem nestled on a golden ring. Pretty. Expensive too by the looks of it.

You turn to Anita and hold up the ring. “This the ring?”

“Yeah… That’s the one” Anita confirms it.

You turn to Suzu, “Know anything about this?”

Suzu barely glances at it, “Why should I know? Or care? Carn an me haven’t exactly been together as of late.” Suzu reples, sulking in her booth, “Why don’t you ask Carn’s twist over there?”

“Come to think of it…” Jiro butts in, “I haven’t seen Carn in the shop for nearly a week. I was starting to suspect that something had happened to him.”

“Huh…” You toss the ring on the counter and watch it skitter to a halt.

“Who was the ring for Anita?” You ask without looking. It’s late. Yer bushed and this game is gettin old.

“I don’t know. He said it was fer his honey, that’s all I know about it!” She rushes through, “That night I was at the diner with Carn… He was givin me all the specifics about the ring! That’s what I was tryin to say earlier! It wasn’t what it looked like! If Miss nosy over there had bothered to stay and watch, she woulda seen that’s all it was!”

“Miss who?” You ask, not followin where Anita was takin ya.

“Suzu! I saw her there that night. She was gettin pulled outta the street by a police officer. Probably arresting her...”

“There wasn’t no arrest that night! Suzu fell in the street, almost got run over, that’s all.” Sgt. Carl butts in, “at least that’s what the report says.”

Interesting…You look around the room at all the potential suspects. Whistlin’ Pete is passed out in his booth. Bia and Jiang, Hazel and Chen, Jiro, Anita, Suzu, Sarg… Most of em hav motive. Some of em it’s nearly laughable to think they done it. Time to get the facts sorted out, crack this nut and go home.
Daily Clues Review:
  • Day 1 - Carn was seeing someone but it’s not all it seems to be.
  • Day 1 - Carn Owed Bai and Jiang money.
  • Day 2 - Jiro’s gun is missing.
  • Day 2 - Chen and Carn got in a fight.
  • Day 3 - According to Pete, Carn was getting a lot of mail from Suzu and Bai.
  • Day 3 - Suzu and Carn were dating.
  • Day 4 - Carn and Anita were seen making a transaction down an alleyway.
  • Day 4 - Today was the first day in nearly a week that Carn showed up at the Malt Shop.
  • Day 5 - A ring was found in Carn's pocket. A fancy one too.
  • Day 5 - On the night Anita met with Carn, Anita saw Suzu too, being pulled out of the street by a police officer.

That's it for the clues!!

Now it's all up to you! Go forth and... oh wait.. no... *reads my instructions* Oh so here's how it goes now... You have all of Thursday to ask me two, Count Em, TWO! questions about some detail in the story. TO WHICH! I will PM you my answer as I am available throughout the day Thursday. Just to be clear... I don't want to see any "I'm gonna solve it!" just yet... I wanna hear something like... "Is it important how quickly Jiro can run from back of the store to the bar??" Or maybe even "Did Anita carry a gun??"

So lay your questions on me! I will answer with either a "Yes", a "No", or a "Irrelevant"! All you have to do is ask your questions in the thread and ping me to your post! I will answer the questions in chronological order.

Please allow up to 12 hours to receive your prizes!

Day 3 ResultsX

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
Clue Guesses:
Day 3:

Yer still sippin on yer malt when Whistlin’ Pete slides onto the stool next to you. You eyeball’m sideways wonderin what he’s got to say.

He just orders a fresh malt and starts nibblin. How macabre is this? A room full o’ people sippin malts with a dead body between the lot of ‘em.

Pete leans your way. Smells like he’s been sippin more than malts.

“I have some… information…” He whispers, just about knocking you out with his breath. You could get drunk just from the smell of it.

“Alright Pete… Whatya got?” You ask.

He leans in closer. You try an’ lean back but yer runnin out of stool to sit on.

“Letters. It’s all in the letters.” Pete lets out a wry laugh. You’ve always thought pete was a bit off but now yer sure of it.

“Dontcha see?? Bai and Suzu… They’ve both been sending letters to carn. Whole bags of ‘em… (hic!)... Don’t know what’s in ‘em. It’s against my oath as a mailman t’look… But I’ve ben deliverin mail to Carn from those two for nearly 2 weeks now…” Pete stops and takes a big pull on his malt.

“Ya see Private Eye? Ya see? It’s all so... “ Pete trails off ands stumbles off back to his booth. Yer left with a cloud of gin and maybe a more answers then when you sat down. Letters…

“What’s all these letters about Bai?” You turn and stare sharp at Bai.

“That leach Carn was gonna pay up one way or another. I was just givin ‘em a daily reminder of what he owed us. Nothin wrong with that is there?” She finished, leaning back in her booth with a fierce look in her eye.

Fair ‘nough. That just left Suzu. “And you?” You ask rounding on the next loose thread in murder mess.

Suzu shoots a glare at Whistlin’ Pete before turning to you, “I had business with Carn. Nothin more.”

Old Jiro coughs suddenly an’ you give him a questioning glance. With his back to Suzu he gives a jerk of his thumb followed by a wink.

I shoulda seen it sooner. “How long were you and Carn going together Suzu?” You can see her back stiffen as she turns towards to you.

“We’ve been going together for a while now. Is that what you want t’hear? Yeah I was mailing him. An’ I had every right to!” She finished the last in a yell and huffs back in to her seat.

Interesting. If Suzu and Carn were going together, what was all that earlier ‘bout Carn going with Anita? Things weren’t addin up… You eyeball Anita, fishing for an answer...

Day 4 Clue Guesses are up!

Please allow up to 12 hours to receive your prizes!

Day 2 ResultsX

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
Clue Guesses:
Day Two:

You finish off your malt. Everyone’s sittin all nervous like. Looking down you notice Carn has a fresh shiner under his left eye. Then you remember. Chen’s knuckles.

“What happened to your knuckles?” You ask Chen without turning to look at him. You can just about hear him jump.

“I-I-I don’t know what yer talkn’ about” Chen stammers. Clear sign o’ guilt in your book.

“Don’t beat around the bush with me Chen!” You shout, rounding on him.

“A-alright alright! I got into a fight!” He says throwing his hands up defensively.

“With who Chen? I need names!” Chen’s startin to sweat now. You can see the drops rolling down his temple.

“It… It was with Carn” Chen replies quietly after a long moment

“Guess that explains Carn’s shiner don’t it? Maybe you didn’t like how he was around your girl? Maybe he owed you money too? Maybe YOU killed him!” You throw an accusing finger pointing straight at Chen.

“No it’s not that! I didn’t do it! Carn said he had a deal for Hazel and me! That i-i-it’d make us rich! Well.. the deal went south and now we’re in trouble. Carn? Naw… HE slicked right out o’ it. I just hung one on his jaw to show my appreciation.” Chen looked straight at you. Not a drop of remorse.

You turn tail and walk back to the body. Chen couldn’t have done it himself. He was right in front o’ you when Carn got pinked. But he coulda hired someone…

“Look what we have here!” Sgt. Carl announced, stooping to grab something up off the floor. He returned with a .38. A quick sniff to the barrel and, “Been fired recently too!” Sarg said excitedly.

“Sarg, yer layin yer fingers all over potential evidence!” You shout exasperated. Not the first time Sarg’s mucked up fresh fingermarks. Sage flushes and quickly wraps a kerchief around the rod.

“That… That’s my .38” Jiro says, “It’s been missing nearly a week!”

“Where were you when Carn was shot Jiro?” You ask pointedly. “Cause I saw yous. Ya came running though from the back o’ the store!” You can’t imagine Old Jiro throwing lead but you have to ask.

“I was getting a fresh bottle of seltzer! I-it wasn’t me! I don’t even keep it loaded! Why would I kill one of my best patrons?”

“Alright alright! Calm down Ji!” It doesn’t add up anyways. Ji’s got no real reason to kill Carn.

More questions… Even fewer answer... You order up another malt and start sippin.

Day 3 Clue Guesses are up!

Please allow up to 12 hours to receive your prizes!

Day 1 ResultsX

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
Clue Guesses:
Day One:

“Listen up!” You shout. “Who knows anything about this here situation!” Not a peep outta anyone.

Sgt. Carl points at Bai and Jiang, “You two!” He shouts, “I overheard you the other day saying that Carn owes you a couple o’ C-notes! Maybe yous two popped Carn!”

Jiang raised his hands defensively, “Don’t go jumpin’ to conclusions there! Yeah Carn owed us money. We delivered custom stationery to his office weeks ago and we’re still waitin’ for our yard!” Jiang exclaimed.
“It don’t mean we murdered him... You can’t collect debts from dead men can you?” Bai added sarcastically.

Made sense. Bai and Jiang were well known in town for their paper goods and well respected too. Savvy business people. But you can only push someone so far...

“Hmm…” You wander over to the counter. “Gimmie a cold one Ji.” You ask, slapin some silvers down on the counter. “The usual." You shiver at the draft comin' from the stuck open door. Turning your attention back to Old Jiro you ask, "You notice anything different ‘round here?”

“Not really. Well... Carn hasn’t been coming by the shop as much lately He and...” Old Jiro was interrupted by Suzu. “He was seeing someone! Not a week ago in the dinner on 5th. I saw Carn with Anita! And they was arguing!”

“That’s not true!” Anita shouted, “We didn’t have no fight!”

“That’s enough outta the both o’ ya!” The Sgt. shouted shutin’ up the two dames.

“Settle down Sarg… That’s no way to talk ta ladies.” You say, sipping on your malt.

Things were starting to heat up. Still too many questions and not enough answers. You stir yer malt with a spoon ‘n try ‘n make sense of the facts…

Day 2 Clue Guesses are up!

Please allow up to 12 hours to receive your prizes!

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 02-15-2018 at 09:35 AM..

woohoohelloppl is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 08:56 PM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Strawberry


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 08:59 PM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Strawberry

*Hime* is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:06 PM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Rooatbeer
I love a Valentine Murder Mystery!

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:18 PM

RooatBeer?? This is what I get for spell checking my own work...

*Hime* is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:20 PM

Well, I thought it was rootbeer. But then again, I'm not sure what you are brewing in your basement

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:20 PM

Hey, at least there are no borked links... Yet

xoxoAngiexoxo is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:22 PM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Caramel

---------- Post added 02-09-2018 at 03:23 PM ----------

This isn't the 1st valentines event that carn was killed in lol

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:37 PM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Strawberry

Dystopia is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 11:33 PM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Macha

Kay is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 11:35 PM

Murder At The Malt Shop![/SIZE][/B]
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Root beer


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Old 02-09-2018, 11:53 PM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...:Macha

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 12:38 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: matcha

Milk and Cookies
Xogizmoox is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 02:12 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Root beer


Velvet is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 02:27 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Caramel

Xo~GREMLIN~oX is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 02:28 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Strawberry

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 02:55 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: strawberry

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 03:00 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Caramel

Can't rain all the time
Naisou is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 03:33 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Caramel

Kiari is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 04:06 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Rootbeer

Miscreant74 is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 04:09 AM

Murder At The Malt Shop!
It was Col. Mustard with the Candlestick...: Rootbeer


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