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Jax is offline
Old 07-27-2007, 11:30 PM

Post here your old tv shows, that you always can't wait to go home and watch. Be either it to be a cartoon, anime or a soap. Then post here what you watch now or what you've replaced them with.

Mines was:

TV Shows: Gilmore Girls, Everwood, Charmed, Angel, Buffy the VS, The OC (D;) (My weekdays back in high school were always filled with soap drama xD)

As you can see most of these are at the CW channel. <3
Now I only watched Heroes, Smallville and One tree hill. =( But Smallville was my number since it came! <33

Anime: Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho- (it's called spirit detectives here in the US), Flame of Recca, Slam Dunk (Geez, that made me want to play basketball xD), there's more I watched since I was an itty bitty kid, but I forgot. u.u

ToriKat is offline
Old 07-28-2007, 12:12 AM

  • I remember thriving on these shows:

    -Full House
    -Home Improvement
    -Family Matters
    -Step by Step
    -Everybody Loves Raymond
    -Will & Grace
    -Yes Dear

    Now, I watch reruns. The new sitcoms the networks come up with are terrible. :( Not funny at all. I still watch American Idol and The Apprentice though.

    Cartoons (tv series):
    -The Little Mermaid
    -Loony and Tiny Toons

    Now, I watch Family Guy. XD Occasionally Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

    -Speed Racer
    -Sailor Moon
    -Cardcaptor Sakura
    -Gundam Wing

    Now...I watch...non mainstream titles?

April Fool Romance
April Fool Romance is offline
Old 07-28-2007, 03:01 AM

I miss old Nickelodeon shows like Pete and Pete, Clarissa Explains It All, The Secret World of Alex Mack, Rocko's Modern Life, and Ren and Stimpy. I miss the Animaniacs and Freakazoid too :D

Jax is offline
Old 07-28-2007, 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by April Fool Romance
I miss old Nickelodeon shows like Pete and Pete, Clarissa Explains It All, The Secret World of Alex Mack, Rocko's Modern Life, and Ren and Stimpy. I miss the Animaniacs and Freakazoid too :D
That's like major memory lane right there. xD
Clarissa explains it all. Back then I remember she wasn't that famous of an actress since she was starting out- and she was just a kid too. XD
Now she's all married with kids. O.O

April Fool Romance
April Fool Romance is offline
Old 07-28-2007, 06:10 AM

XD Isn't it?
I want to get the channel that plays all th old shows x3
i really like Angry Beavers too!

And yea, it's funny watching people grow up on TV cause I sometimes forget they have real lives outside from TV x3

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Cheezes is offline
Old 07-28-2007, 08:29 PM

Mine would have to be... Sailor Moon. I can't find it anywhere, and it was my all time favorite show! Then again, it wouldn't be really classified as a "old" show I guess... DDDDD;

Morien is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 05:19 AM

Originally Posted by Cheezes
Mine would have to be... Sailor Moon. I can't find it anywhere, and it was my all time favorite show! Then again, it wouldn't be really classified as a "old" show I guess... DDDDD;
The US companies have lost the rights to the Sailor Moon titles. Not sure how that happened, but somehow it did. You can find a bunch on bittorrent these days, though I'm not sure how legal that is. Anyway, Sailor Moon is out of print/production in the US.

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Old 07-29-2007, 03:20 PM

I miss Fraggle Rock a ton. It came on some channel when I was a kid.

And I too miss those old Nickelodeon shows, though I barely watched them -lacked cable as a kid- xD

MiroshaxKerry is offline
Old 07-29-2007, 07:51 PM

I suspect thweir is quite a few but i only remember a few one of them is Jesse and anouther is Raising Dad!

@Morien: they did? woah.. i dident know that.. no wonder it aint catagorized under licensed at crunchyroll, if you ask me im glad they lost it so now i can watch the sub on crunchy. X3

if i get round to it that is XD to many better anime out in the world if yah know what i mean, but im intruged to see what the ending is like (or later eps at least.)

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Old 07-30-2007, 10:03 PM

i miss 'biker mice from mars' loads. it was, and i think it still is, my favourite cartoon. ftw. <3

Jax is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 10:31 PM

I just remembered "The real adventures of Johnny Quest" - not the old one, the new that showed during the late 90s. =(

April Fool Romance
April Fool Romance is offline
Old 07-31-2007, 05:00 AM

The real adventures of Johnny Quest reminded me of Tintin! lol

I also miss Dinosaurs.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 07-31-2007, 07:47 PM

The Brendan Leonard Show

I've missed that ever since it aired a few years ago. It was only on ABC Family for one summer. After that, I've been forced to watch the same episodes over and over again on YouTube, and hope that the crew will finally update their website, or get the season out on DVD like they promised.

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`Cassiopeia is offline
Old 07-31-2007, 09:46 PM

I miss Sailor Moon.
It used to be my favorite show

Nagahashi_Miharu is offline
Old 08-01-2007, 08:56 PM

I probably haven't even lived long enough to see shows some of you people call old XD But I've seen the anime Creamy Mami dubbed in Mandarin when I was in first grade. I believe the original Japanese version was from like, the 1980's? As for dramas, things I consider "old" won't be in English, because back then I didn't know English. I miss Armed Reaction 2 (1999), Armed Reaction 3 (2001, didn't really miss it, but it's here to show that I miss the whole Armed Reaction series) and Love is Beautiful (2001).

Nowadays, I rely on downloads for mostly everything I watch. I'm downloading Armed Reaction 1 (1997) because it's the best one, and I have an urge to watch the 1,128 episode Kindred Spirit (1995-1999).
No English shows I've watch are really considered old since I didn't know English til' 2002.

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Tyus is offline
Old 08-03-2007, 02:57 PM

I really miss the A-team and they don't show it anymore, which really sucks. I can remember back in the 90's when I wouldn't go to bed unless I'd watched an episode of it. BA and Murdock were always my favourite characters.

I also miss the very first season of Sailor Moon, Digimon, Pokemon and Dragonball Z. I remember watching Sailor Moon on saturday afternoons and always wanting to be a Sailor Scout. I much preferred the first and maybe second season of Digimon too. Everything after than just got confusing. Angemon and Gabumon all the way! And I can remember getting all excited when my parents took me to the cinema to see the first Pokemon movie! With Mew and Mewtwo! Gawd, I loved that film. And as for Dragonball Z... anything after the andriod saga sucks. Though thats just my humble opinion.

Oh! Sabrina the teenage witch! I really miss watching that show! And Saved by the bell. Screech was such a geek 8D

Truly, truly outrageous!
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Old 08-03-2007, 06:18 PM

Darkwing Duck. xD

Uh, oh, and I miss like, uh, oh, I can't remember the name of the show anymore. D:<

(Patamon Ftw. XD)

They replay some of the old digimon episodes on Jetix, but it's usually kind of randomly at some times. @_@

Sepha is offline
Old 08-05-2007, 06:06 PM

I remember watching these shows all the time

Home Improvement
Family Matters
Everybody Loves Raymond
Will & Grace
Loony and Tiny Toons
gilagens island
just shoot me


Sailor Moon
Cardcaptor Sakura
dragon ball z
cowboy bebop
and many more

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Old 08-06-2007, 12:58 AM

The old show I miss the most would have to be Are you Afraid of the Dark? My son (who was just a little thing at the time) and I would watch that show on Nickelodeon every day.
I also used to really like watching The Wonder Years when it came on, and then in later years I enjoyed Boy Meets World. I still watch Boy Meets World alot on reruns.

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Old 08-06-2007, 02:49 AM

I miss the cartoons:

Aladdin (tv show)
Darkwing Duck
Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog (by DIC)
The Brak Show (they dont show it anymore on Adult Swim)

they need to release boxsets for Bonkers and Aladdin -.-'

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Old 08-06-2007, 05:27 AM

I've got a goodly number of shows that I miss. A bunch I have on DVD, but there are some shows that still aren't on DVD. And I wonder why. And I weep.

-from when Nickelodeon was good in the 90s -
-Legends of the Hidden Temple
-Are you Afraid of the Dark?
-All That
-Rocko's Modern Life
-The Adventures of Pete and Pete
- ... there's more, but my mind is a blank

- Toons -
-Beast Wars
-Anything Transformers (even the bad ones)
-Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
-Spiderman (the 90s version)
-Real Adventures of Johnny Quest
-James Bond Jr (so bad, but <3)
-Superfriends (you know you love it)
-Anything DCAU (sure, I got everything on DVD, but...)
-Gummi Bears
-Young Robin Hood

eternal_black_kiss is offline
Old 08-07-2007, 02:24 AM

I loved Full House, 8 Simples Rules (now it's only reruns), Crocodile Hunter and I watched Sailor Moon, Card captors, Pokemon, Digimon as anime. And I remember when I lived in Florida like 5 years ago, they had this really funny anime show called Kenshi I believe and I've never even heard of it here! It was about this japanese guy who gets involved with this space creature who looks a lot like Inuyasha with those dog ears and white hair but this time, it's a she. She has a bad temper too and is easily jealous. Kenshi sets out on a mission and meets all these new women. The "Inuyasha" perosn loves Kenshi and so does a pure japanese beauty who kind of looks like Kagome. Gosh I miss that show but I've forgotten most of the stuff that happens. Kenshi has a grandma too.

Wearer of glow-in-the-dark snowm...
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Old 08-07-2007, 12:26 PM

Ok, this is really embarrassing. Though I really liked it when I was little. I absolutely can't handle the "ALL GROWN UP" series, but i used to love "Rugrats"! XD

siaasgn is offline
Old 08-08-2007, 08:28 PM

Haha - I remember a lot of these shows - and a lot of them I never watched -

I used to watch fraggel Rock when it was on HBO.

And I had the Disney channel back when it was a pay channel . .

I watched a lot of Nick -

You Can't Say that on Television

Hey Dude

Adventures of Pete & Pete

Clarissa Explains it All

Rocko's Modern Life

I used to watch Kids in the Hall every day when I got home from school - and the Smurfs were my Saturday friends. :)

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Old 08-17-2007, 04:51 AM

PeeWee's play house! :[


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