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Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 10:05 PM

Criminal Minds

(I say we colour-code people's speech so we know who says what. It'll make things easier I think.)

Hotch - Blue
Rossi - Green
Prentiss - Red
J.J. - Light Green

It had been roughly two months since Hailey's death. It had been two months since Aaron Hotchner had had to burry his ex-wife and take fully responsibility for their one and only son, Jack. He was unable to care for the boy himself all the time of course, work made that impossible, but luckily Hailey's sister was able to pick up the slack where he failed. He was grateful for that, so so grateful. It meant that he was still able to spend time with his son and that was priceless.

At the moment though he was at work, up in his office which overlooked the bullpen where the rest of his team were currently stationed. So far a case had not come up and their survices were not required but he knew that it was only a matter of time before something called their attention once again. There seemed to be no shortage of cases if the stack of papers he saw on J.J.'s desk was to be believed but for the moment they appeared to be having a slow week. In a way that was good. It would allow the rest of the team to catch up on the paperwork.

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 06:07 PM

(That is so perfect! I also agree with you and I think if the character's are going to think the font color will be the same but in italics.)

Reid- Dark Orange

Reid was sitting at his desk writing down a list of random useless facts and doing some mathematical problems. He loved doing everything and anything that required using his brain. There was one problem that he couldn't help solve, how to help Hotch over the death of his wife. Though Reid had never personally lost anyone close it was hard for him to imagine what it would be like to lose someone that close to him.

Morgan walked up behind Reid and patted his shoulder. Everyone was hit by Hailey's death. Reid looked up at Morgan and tried so smile weakly.

"How you holding up Reid?" Morgan asked.

"I'm doing ok, and your self?" Reid replied and went back too looking at his desk. He wasn't very comfortable looking at people when he felt like he was on the verge of tears.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-19-2011, 08:16 PM

Hotch was finishing filing some papers away in folio for handing in to Section Chief Strauss when J.J. entered the room. Judging by the look on her face the short break was over and they had been asigned a new case. He studied her face carefully for a moment, discretely of course, and judged from the tightness of her jaw and the stiffness of her posture that this was not going to be a pleasant case. Not that any of their cases were pleasant of course but there were times when you really had to question humanity, especially when you also considdered the work that they did.

"How bad?" he asked, his voice almost having a tired quality to it. Before Hailey's death he would not allow himself to show such an emotion, especially in front of a team member, but since that he had allowed himself to be fractionally more open with his team. It wasn't much but he was no longer afraid to show emotion. He was not as emotional as Derek Morgan or Penelope Garcia but he wasn't afraid to show a little occasionally.

"Bad," J.J. replied simply, her voice quite soft. "Can you gather everyone in the briefing room right away?"

"Considder it done," he answered, standing from behind his desk and walking towards the door. "We'll be there in less than five minutes." J.J. nodded before exiting the room and going towards the room where they would discuss the coming case. Hotch didn't follow straight away. Instead he walked towards his team who were all in the bullpen, everyone but Garcia who was, as usual, tucked away in her little computer hide-away.

"Everyone move to the briefing room," he instructed simply. "We've got a new one."

"Yes sir," replied Emily Prentiss, standing and immediately making her way towards the briefing room. Things had been a little boring lately and she could use the break. SHe hated paperwork.

"Be right there, Aaron," Rossi said, finishing the form he was filling out before tossing it into a drawer with a look of almost-disgust on his face. He hated the paperwork side of things in this job. He made his way towards the briefing room just after Prentiss, casing a last glance at Hotch as he passed. He was worried for his friend. Hailey's death had hit him hard, especially because of how it had been done. He knew that HOtch thought it was his fault but it wans't. It was all because of George Foyett. The problem was that Aaron didn't seem to want to believe that.

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 05-20-2011, 12:52 AM

"Hotch, do I need to get Garcia for this case or not? Morgan asked Hotch, as he got up and started to head towards the debriefing room.

Reid got up muttering something about wanting to finish this math problem he was working on. As he was shuffling his papers he noticed Hotch and averted his eyes and waited for Hotch to pass. Morgan wasn't sure if he should get Garcia if Hotch didn't say anything but sometimes they bring her in. Morgan decided that the way Hotch was looking that they would need all the man power they could get, so he walked over to Garcia's little computer sanctuary.

"Hey baby-girl. We need you in the debriefing room." Morgan said.

"Oh. Ok. Hang on." Garcia said as she clicked here and there on the multiple mice and typing around. "So what kind of case is it?"

"Dunno yet. We're all going to get a brief on it."

"How's Hotch doing?"

"As best he can baby-girl. As best he can."

Garcia got up and joined Morgan at the door and turned off the lights and then closed the door. They both walked to the debriefing room and joined up with Reid and the three of them walked into the room together and took their respective seats and waited for Hotch to debrief them.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-20-2011, 11:40 AM

Hotch followed Morgan, Reid and Garcia to the briefing room. As he entered last he shut the door and made his way towards his usual seat. J.J. was at the head of the table as usual standing by the display screen that showed the details of the next case. He watched her as she moved and opened a file on the screen. The pictures of five faces appeared on the board. All appeared relatively you,g between 20 and 30 aproximately with brown hair and brown eyes.

"In the last two months," J.J. began. "These five individuals have been attacked in New York city and killed. Normally we'd leave the NYPD to this sort of thing but we were requested specifically. I reviewed the details and I agreed."

"What's so bad about this particular case, J.J.?" Hotch asked.

"This," the blonde agent replied grimly. She pushed a small button and the five photos of the young males with brown hair and eyes were replaced with the pictures of five separate crime scenes. Each crime scene appeared to be a bedroom but appart from that they were identical. Hotch took in the clear images of blood covering the bed in each photograph and the position of it and a look of understanding crossed his face.

"They were all asaulted?" he asked, his tone grim and his face grimmer.

"Exactly," J.J. answered, her tone just as serious. "Like I said, normally this would be left to the NYPD but they've requested us for this, seemed to think that it might be more up our street than theirs."

"Judging by all that blood," Rossi commented. "They're not wrong."

Prentiss nodded her head in agreement, her dark eeys fixed on the screen.

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 06:45 AM

[ I am so sorry for not replying at all today. I was AFK all day with DMV stuff and then house cleaning for my big brother's welcome home/graduation party.]

Reid, Morgan and Garcia gasped audibly at the grisly crime scene photographs.

"How is that humanly possible to have that much blood?" Morgan asked trying to imagine how the human body could hold an insane amount of blood that was splattered everywhere.

"Oh my gosh! That is I think I'm going to feel sick." Garica groaned slightly as she got up and walked out of the debriefing room. She put her hands on the railing and started to slow her breathing. Garcia wasn't very good at handling the blood and guts of the business. She wished she was locked back safe in her computer room. She didn't want to see any more of these horrible atrocities.

"Well from the looks of things this killer might have anger issues." Reid said, trying to forget how much of a resemblance there was between himself and the victims. He could feel a chill up his spine thinking how the physical appearance was so close to his own, but he felt it was his duty to find this killer and put him to justice. In his mind he tried to think of ways that he's seen other killers use that would allow for this much blood splatter. He could feel the gears in his brain working, although nothing really came to mind. None of the cases he's worked on in the past had anything this violently brutal.

"So where are we going Hotch?" Morgan asked, he wanted to get this sick bastard off the streets now. He also noticed the strange resemblance between the victims and Reid. The last thing he needed was to have this sick freak trying to abduct his friend.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 10:00 AM

((It's not a big deal. I've been kept waiting for longer and unfortunately I've had to keeppeople waiting for longer so it's really not that much of a big deal))

"As soon as possible," Hotch replied to Morgan's question. He could see the determined fire in his co-worker's eyes and understanding passed accross his face. Morgan was determined to get this guy and Hotch wasn't about to stand in his way.

"Quite possibly," Rossi agreed, latching onto Reid's comment and beginning a proper discussion. "Each crime scene is identical in nature. Anyone else notice the indentations on the bed where the bodies were placed when he...." Rossi paused for a moment, coughed slightly and went on. "The indentations in the matress indecate that all the victims were in the same position when they died and then left there."

"So he has a favourite position," Prentiss commented. "It also looks like we know his type judging by the photos. The next question is did he break in or was he invited?"

"We won't know that until we get there," Hotch pointed out. "I want everyone to grab their Go-bags and meet me at the jet in fifteen minutes."

"I'll be staying here to co-ordinate everything," J.J. added. "And since I don't think Garcia wants to go on this case I'll keep her company if she wants while she works on her mainframe."

Hotch nodded his agreement to J.J. before turning to the others. "Any questions?"

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 09:01 PM

[Alright. I just didn't want to seem like a bad partner. That's all.]

"Alright lets go get this sicko." Morgan said already heading for the door ready to head to the jet.

"Thanks J.J. I don't think I could go along on this case even if I wanted to. I definitely could use the help if there's going to be any more blood and gooey guts." Garcia punctuated the end of her sentence with a shudder. "I guess I'll head back to my computer sanctuary and start surfing around for how, where and what kind of people these victims interacted with. Maybe that might shed some light on the way this guy gets his men." She pulled herself away from the railing overlooking the bull pen and walked slowly back to her computer room. She wanted to only do the work that didn't involve the dead bodies.

"I agree with both Rossi and Prentiss. It seems to me that this unsub is trying to act out a fantasy. He has the victims in a certain position and when something goes wrong he looses control of that fantasy. Then in a fit of rage that he can't completely control the fantasy he needs to "fix" the problem where he ends up killing the victim and then searches to act out the fantasy again." Reid said. He knows about fantasy serial killers. To Reid they are the most violent and brutal especially when it comes to fulling a fantasy that the killer knows that will never be fulfilled, so they just keep kidnapping and killing when the fantasy gets broken.

Both Reid and Morgan got their Go-bags and headed out to the jet. Reid also grabbed a small piece of paper from his desk and shoved it into his pocket.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-22-2011, 07:18 PM

Hotch watches as the rest of the team leaves the briefing room before turning off the screen displaying the case. That definitely wasn't the sort of thing that he wanted to just leave lying around for someone to walk in and see. It was badn enough for his team but for someone that wasn't could be quite a traumatic experience.

He went to his office and retrieved his own luggage before heading to the plain. He noticed that Morgan and Reid were already there so now he just needed to wait for Rossi and Prentiss so the plane could take off.

Finally the two agents in question walked in, Prentiss with her Go-bag sluing casually over her right shoulder and Rossi with his held firmly in one hand by his side. They stowed their bags away adn sat down oposite Hotch. Seeing that everyone that was going was present Hotch radioed the pilot and told him to take off.

"The local police will meet us at the airport when we land," Hotch told the others. as he felt the plane beginning to move off teh runway.

"We should be able to start right away when we get there," Prentiss commented.

"Half of us will go to the station with the officers and the other half will start to gather information from the crime scenes," Hotch said, already formulating a plan in his mind. "Rossi, Morgan, you two start working your way around the crime scenes. Start at the first kill and then work your way up to the most recent, see if there's any deviations that you can see or any escilations in violence, any divergence from pattern."

"I think we know what we're looking for Aaron," Rossi interupted, slightly amused. "We have done this before you know.

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 05-23-2011, 05:02 AM

"Alright. Though I doubt we'll find any evidence of escalation because all the victims were already brutally killed. But I'll try to see what I can find." Morgan said, looking at Rossi and nodding. He agreed with Rossi's point that they both knew what they were going to be looking for.

"Ok. Then looks like I'll be staying at the station and coming up with more of a profile for our unsub." Reid said. He knew he wasn't going to like this but it was his job. Reid had to study the crime scene photos and the pictures of the victims and triangulate if the killer was going to hit again or if this was his cooling off period between kills. He figured he'd do all that once they were settled into the station.

"Hotch, when we land I'm going to call Garcia and see what she's got for us." Morgan told Hotch. He knew that Garcia could find information a lot of the police missed and she could definitely help with the investigation.

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 05-24-2011, 02:56 AM

[Hate to drop this on you all of a sudden but I'm going to be offline for the next week or so because of really bad family issues and I won't be home and the friend's house I'm going to doesn't have internet and then Saturday I'll be leaving CA to PA so that's another two days without internet. I just really needed to let you know even more so because it's going to be a much longer time period this time.]

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 05-24-2011, 09:12 PM

((Hey it's not a big deal. Real life interferes a lot and I'm studying for two important exams this week so I won't be on as much as before anyway so it's no big deal. Thanks for the heads up though.))

Hotch noddced to Morgan, agreeing with his plan to contact Garcia. If anyone could find a connection between the victims besides appearance it was their technical genius. He turned his head and barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes in Rossi's direction. He did though and focused instead on the youngest member of their group.

"Reid, see if you can make up a geographical profile for us when we get there. Try and find the periminters of his comfort zone and cross reference that with any public trasnprtation in the area. We need to know if this guy takes the bus, train or uses his own car or possibly a cab. He may even walk for all we know if the distance isn't too great. I want you working on that while Prentiss and I study the crime scene photographs." Reid was the youngest member of the group and Hotch somehoe felt a need to protect him. Reid had been through a lot over the last few years,most notibly the whole thing with Tobias Hankel and then resulting exposure to Dilaudid. He knew about Reid's battle with addiction in regards to the morphine-like drug. Even though the young genius had tried to hide it Hotch had seen the signs. He hadn't said anything though. He knew that Reid would work through it and he had.

"Sure thing," Prentiss said. She'd presonally prefer to be working in the field and going to houses but she was good with working from photographs for the moment. Besides she wouldn't mind keeping an eye on Hotch. Even though their boss appeared to be back to normal she still wasn't sure. It hadn't been too long since Hailey had been killed and even though Hotch appeared to be coping well it never hurt to be extra cautious. What Foyett had put him through was not something that you just got over without it leaving a mark. She'd watch him to make sure everything was alright.

Unknown to Prentiss Rossi was thinking similar thoughts. He and Aaron Hotchner had been friends for quite a while since he joined the BAU team and he was determined to protect his friend. He would have liked to stay with Hotch but he knew that his experience was best in the field and working with scenes rather than photographs. It gave him a better feel for what had happened. He figured it was the same with Morgan. The dark skinned member of their team was always better at figuring things out when he was at the scene and pushed for pressure. It was an admirable trait in a BAU agent.

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 03:09 PM

Morgan pulled out his cell and hit the speed dial number for Garcia. "Hey baby-girl what do you have for me?

"So far nothing other than their initials are S.R and the fact that the rooms they were killed in are from an abandoned hotel that closed down because the original owner went bankrupt."

"Anything else?"

"Well two of the five victims all had Steven as a first name, the other three were Samuel, Sean and Seth. Their last names all vary but all start with the letter R. That's all I got for you right now.

"Thank's baby-girl. Keep me posted with any new info." Morgan said and hung up the phone. He needed to get this information to Hotch as soon as possible.

Meanwhile Reid was in the station setting up maps of the areas of where the men were picked up and then ended up dead in the same vicinity. He triangulated that the unsub was picking them up in various places around the abandoned hotel. Reid also went over the time of the kidnappings to the time of death and it seemed that the unsub was keeping the victims alive so that the unsub can live out his fantasy.

Last edited by HarukosHellkitten; 06-10-2011 at 03:09 PM.. Reason: color coding

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 08:56 PM

"Find anything yet, Reid?" Hotch asked, coming over to stand behind Reid as the young genius worked. He'd just finished a talk with teh local police chief of the unit about the recent killings and what his men had managed to find. So far the information and evidence they'd managed to collect was alright but it wasn't spectacular. He knew the men were doing the best they could considdering the circumstances but that didn't mean he wished there was a clearer lead. He hoped that the young team genius would be able to provide taht lead for them.

Prentiss looked up from where she'd stationed herself and her dark eyes flicked froM Reid to Hotch. She raised an eyebrow as she watched her boss stand just a little closer to Reid than was absolutely necessary. Judging from his expression and posture he didn't realise he was doing so and this made her smirk quietly to herself. She made a mental note to inform the others of this later when they were all together and Hotch and Reid were no where within sight or earshot. It wouldn't do for their boss and their young genius to hear that the rest of the team were gossiping about them now would it. She bent her head down and continued to go over the victim's details, ooking for any overlaps.

Rossi wrinkled his nose as he stepped carefully past the yellow tape and into the area where the unsub had kidnapped the first victim. He glanced around. It appeared to be a normal street, a little narrower than most but not overly so. He looked upwards and frowned, noticing that the light on the street lamp was smashed, probably by some stupid kids. That would explain why this spot was chosen. It provided cover with teh blown light so there would be plenty of room for the unsub to hide in the shadows while he waited for his victim.

"What do you think, Morgan?" he asked, turning to his dark skinned companion.

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 02:40 AM

"So far just that the unsub is keeping them alive for a little bit before killing the victims. Also it seems the unsub must live somewhere close within the 6 mile radius away from the abandoned hotel." Reid said showing a large circle coming out from the point of the hotel on the large map on the wall. "The unsub seems to pick his victims from within that 6 mile radius. So he must be watching out for his next target." Reid poked the marker to the various spots from where the victims where picked up from.

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 10:00 AM

"And have you found any overlaps in local transportation? Any sign that he takes the bus ot uses any form of public transportation to reach his victims? Granted it isn't too far a distance so he could walk but I doubt that. He seems to prefer organisation and walking could be risky for him."
Hotch studied the map with the circle drawn. It also had markers for the areas where the victims were taken from and a lareger marker for the dump site. He studied it closely, narrowing his eyes. Something about the placement was bothering him. It looked..familiar...somehow. He wasn't sure where from though. When Rossi and Morgan returned he'd get them to take a look at it, see if they put the dots together.

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 06-21-2011, 11:55 AM

"I think he's taking them by car. I also doubt that he'd walk, but it seems to me that he takes the bus to the abduction sites then takes the victims back on the bus to where his car is parked." Reid said. That was the best theory he could come up with since there weren't any new attacks, just yet.

"I think that the blown light gives the unsub the advantage of the dark. I also think that because the street is slightly narrower it also gives the unsub the most of not being seen by anyone walking past here." Morgan said taking note of the narrow path. He figured that with the light blown no one would really be able to see what was going on while the unsub and the victim entered the building. "This sick freak is using the blown light as a cover for when he brings up the victims. I mean its hard enough to see in here from the sidewalk right now, so imagine coming through here in the dead of night, you ain't gonna see anything with the busted light."

Magician Girl Mirani
Magician Girl Mirani is offline
Old 06-22-2011, 04:28 PM

"That means he's highly skilled and controled. He'd need to keep his victims very close, especially on public transport since it's so easy for them to yell asn ask for help. The question is what does he have over them? A gun is too obvious. A knife is more dubtle but there could be something else..." Hotch trailed off. They'd discuss it further when the team returned. "Good work, Reid." He added, lifting his right hand and squeezing Reid's nearest shoulder slightly before turning and walking away. He wanted to check something with Prentiss.

"Very true," Rossi agreed. "I thought the same. Let's get back to the precinct and see what Hotch, Reid and Prentiss have managed to do without us there to babysit. When we get back you should call Garcia, see if there's anything important that we need to hear. You can use speakerphone when we're in the board room."

Slave Kitten
HarukosHellkitten is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 05:15 PM

Reid nodded and felt a twinge of something deep within him as Hotch squeezed his shoulder. Immersed in his thoughts of what happened Reid was nearly oblivious when Rossi and Morgan entered the room.

"So there's no new connections or information you got for me baby-girl?" Morgan said.

"Sorry my chocolate man. I have nothing. Unless, God forbid another attack happens, there's not much else I can give you.

"Alright, but I want you to keep going over their info and their lives maybe just maybe there's a small clue we over looked or something."

"I'll see what I can do. I'll have J.J help me maybe with her eyes, we'll find something I missed." Garcia said and then hung up.

"Let's hope our computer queen will find something before there's another attack." Rossi said, also hoping with the majority of the team that there would not be another killing before they could figure out how this unsub worked.


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