bork and means
☆ Assistant Administrator
06-20-2007, 12:51 PM
Welcome to the Welcome Lounge Forum, the Gateway to Menewsha
Read through the forum rules so you don't get lost along the way...
This forum is for new members to introduce themselves, so make a thread and tell us all about yourself! Get to know a few people, find your feet and learn your way around a little before you venture out into the main forums.
You can also make a thread to re-introduce yourself, if you've been absent for 3 months or longer, or get rid of that pesky banner on your mule. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are a few things we'd like you to remember: - PLEASE DO NOT SPAM - We're tough on spamming here. Posts consisting solely of single words, single or multiple emotes or an image with no accompanying text will be deleted.
Having conversations with yourself and other needless double/multiple posting is not welcome here either. You do, however, receive gold for editing your posts, so if you have something else to say, but no one else has posted in your thread yet, simply edit your previous post.
- Do not bump! Bumping, just like spamming, is against the rules.
- No copy/pasta! It might be tasty, but please don't post replies with the same content in different threads; copy and pasting the same message is spamming. These posts will be deleted.
- Just one introductory thread - Please only create one thread to introduce yourself. You can make others to ask questions and so on, but repeat threads are likely to be locked.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You're welcome to create threads in here to chat with other users, but don't be scared to venture out into the main forums to find some other places to spend your time, once you've found your feet. Hangouts is a great spot for users to hangout and chat, for example. There are also many other places to get yourself known as well. So have fun!
If you do break any of these rules, either in here or any of the other forums, you will receive a warning, so please be careful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have a read through our main site rules:
Main Site Rules
Some people may find us a little strict here after what they're used to on other sites, but we like it that way and so do our users.
Be aware that if you are tempted to spam, you're unlikely to get away with it. Plus, when posts are deleted on this site, you lose the gold you earned when you posted them.
Thank you and enjoy your stay! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 11-18-2016 at 02:43 PM..
Reason: fixed smileys :3