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Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-24-2017, 07:52 PM

Last edited by Nephila; 10-27-2017 at 11:43 AM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-24-2017, 08:04 PM

Magnus: {Crashes though the door to Hot Gossip} Miss Aimee! Did you hear the gossip?? Cecilia is missing!
Aimee: She's missing? That's terrible! Is there anything we can do?
Magnus: I'm getting a group of Menewshans together to go and search for her! I didn't actually talk to Jerack so I don't know where she might be but searching for her is better than sitting around waiting! Can you grab some lanterns from the Mercantile?
Aimee: Ok! OH! And I'll bring Emilio! He Majored in Tourism so he must know every inch of the Island! I'll meet you outside in 20 minutes!
Magnus: Aimee I don't think that means...
{Aimee dashes off to find Emilio before Magnus can finish}

{Aimee, Emilio and Magnus meet back up and everyone sets out, a large group of you all in tow. A short ways outside of town, a light fog covers the ground, swirling around bodies and trees. The full moon casts unsettling shadows though the naked tree branches that seem to move of their own accord}
Emilio: Have you all heard of the Legend of the mountain...? No one...? Well then let me tell you about it! See, You see, long ago, three powerful spirts controlled the magic of Menewsha! The Good, Bad, and Trickster spirit! The Trickster was constantly pitting the Good and Evil spirits against each other. One night on All Hallow's Eve, The Good and Bad spirit found themselves in a pickle! as they argued inside a cave, a Magician sucked them up into a talisman and sealed them away forever! Boo!
{Everyone jumps a little, Aimee glares at Emilio}
Emilio: Heheh! BUT... There's more... On all Hallow's Eve, it's said that when you speak the magic words that the Magican spoke when he sealed away the spirits, The Evil spirit will be allowed to escape and terrorize the town for that single night before once more being locked away back inside the Talisman! So remember, never speak these words...!
Magnus: Emilio, maybe you shouldn't...
Emilio: {cutting Magnus short, Emilio shouts} M-sha mon-yet. Wa-san pul-ett!
{Aimee screams and ducks down in the grass while Magnus around wearily}
Emilio: Ahhaha! Oh my gosh you should see the looks on your faces! You guys are so gullible! I just made that last part up!
Aimee: {getting back up, she hits Emilio's arm} Emilio! That was mean!
Magnus: Alright alright! That's enough out of you Mr. Emilio... If you are done trying to scare everyone... I think I see the mansion up ahead.

{The mansion is huge and decrepit looking. Shingles are hanging off the edge of the roof, huge chunks of plaster have fallen away from the brick walls, windows all over are smashed and broken.}
Aimee: It's so creepy!
Emilio: It's so awesome!
Magnus: It's so big... Lets not dawdle and head inside so we can start searching

{The group of searches steps wairily inside the creepy mansion. Moonlight streams though windows hi up in the foyer, casting creepy shadows across the floor and walls.}
Magnus: Ok everyone, lets all try to stick together in groups while we search. We don't want someone else to go missing!
Aimee: {slowly turning she surveys the inside of the huge foyer. Suddenly, she sees a figure! She screams pointing at the spot.} AHH!! Somone's there!... OH... Oh my gosh, it's just my reflection in a mirror! *giggles* ... Ow! Emilio quit pulling my arm so hard!
Emilio: LOOK!! There IS someone here!
Magnus: Alright Mr. Emilio, quit scar...
Emilio: {inturrupting Magnus, Emilio points upwards.} No look! Up there on the balcony!
{High above the foyer floor, a ghostly black figure floats just above the railing}
Aimee: E-e-emilio th-that's enough! You're really scaring me now!
{The figure starts to float down towards everyone, seemingly made of smoke as it's ghostly shape becomes larger}
Emilio: It's not me I swear!
{The Ghostly Aparition is now a scant floor above everyone's heads. It's face featureless save for the two brightly glowing red eyes}
Magnus: If that's not you then... Run everyone! It's the Evil Spirit! Find a place to hide!
{The Evil Spirit flings out it's arms and lets out a blood curdling shriek. Aimee, Emilio, and Magnus all scatter in different directions leaving all of you out in the open with the Evil Spirit!}

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-24-2017, 08:04 PM

Aimee, Emilio, and Magnus have scattered as the Evil Spirit descends upon you! Whatever happened to stick together?! There's still time to catch up with Aimee, Emilio and Magnus if you hurry though!

The goal of the game is to pick someone to hide with everyday and do your best to keep yourself sane! This is a scary situation after all... Meanwhile, everyday, the Evil Spirit will find either Aimee, Emilio, or Magnus and scare them and their entire group of Menewshans out of their wits!

To Play, Simply choose the form associated with who you want to hide with (either Aimee, Emilio, or Magnus). Included in that form is a roll to keep your sanity up! You only have 30 sanity points at the beginning of the game and everyday you are in this Haunted Mansion, it goes down by 5 points! Your daily roll though has a chance of putting 1-5 points back!

Everyday the Evil Spirit find Aimee, Emilio, or Magnus and their hiding group for that day! The Evil Spirit will roll for insanity effect which can take an additional 1-5 sanity points off your sanity bar.

Check out the FAQ Below for questions you might have. If you don't see an answer to your question down there, give me a ping!
Please follow the rules and pay close attention for any announcements that might be made in the thread!
  • Follow The Menewsha TOS
  • Be nice to your fellow players
  • No mule accounts. One account per person (except charity mules)
  • We reserve the right to change these rules at any time

Q. What happens if I lose all my sanity?
A. Well... You go insane and start roaming the halls of the mansion forever... Well ok ,not really! you can still post and hide with your fellow menewshan's! You'll just be the crazy eccentric member of the group! (and obviously you will no longer be in the running to win the grand prize)

Q. Once I pick Aimee, Emilio, or Magnus, do I have to continue to pick them everyday?
A. Nope! You can change who you want to hide with every single day.

Q. When does day 2 start?
A. Day 2 will start at 9:00PM PT on Saturday night!

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-24-2017, 08:05 PM

Every place you chose to hide will have some kind of prize associated with the location. It could be an item, it could be gold, maybe even an EI! Everyday you can look forwards to a fun and random prize!

Grand Prize Winners:

The top 3 people to make it to the end of the Event with the most sanity win prizes!

First Place Prize:
3000g and Something Strange CI

Second Place Prize:
2000g and a 2017 Event EI of your choice

Third Place Prize:

Every day, gold and different prizes are "Found" by the NPCs for their group. the grand prizes will be given to the 3 people with the highest Sanity level at the end.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-24-2017, 08:06 PM

Day 6!

Foyer: Alcove

[COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="5"][B]Stay behind me![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

Foyer: Balcony

[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][SIZE="5"][B]Watch out Everyone![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

Foyer: Archway

[color="#FFD700"][SIZE="5"][B]Hide behind the pillars![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 11-02-2017 at 08:18 AM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-24-2017, 08:07 PM

As of Day 5 End:
Damia Flagg - 24
xoxoAngiexoxo - 24
Zigbigadorlube - 23
DivineHeart - 21
Razor - 21
Linnea - 19
ghostpastry - 19
Ava The Vampire - 19
Hadsvich - 18
Dystopia - 18
Suona - 17
Xo~GREMLIN~oX - 17
sadrain - 16
star2000shadow - 15
Shadami - 15
SuperZombiePotatoe - 15
musasgal - 15
salvete - 15
Xogizmoox - 14
shades_of_grey - 14
Eastriel - 14
Kay - 13
Miscreant74 - 13
Velvet - 12
woohoohelloppl - 12
dragoness129 - 11
Maha-Aamir - 11
Professor Lily - 10
Naisou - 10
Kiari - 10
monstahh` - 10
Lilianaire - 10
Mimmu - 9
wish - 9
Midian - 9
Nephila - 9
Emma Corrin - 9
Kamikaze Kendra - 8
Kent - 8
Divacita - 8
*Hime* - 7
hummy - 7
GummyBearKisses - 7
Mikio - 7
evilcupcakecat - 5
Vox - 3
Woodlandnymph - 2

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 11-03-2017 at 08:43 AM..

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 10-24-2017, 08:07 PM

Day 5!


- Aimee} 1
- Emilio} 2
- Magnus} 3

The 3-sided dice lands on 1

The EVIL SPIRIT has found Aimee's group!

The 5-sided dice lands on 4

The EVIL SPIRIT has reduced the sanity of Aimee's group by 4 points!


Emilio bursts through a random door and holds it open as he pulls you all inside. “Lets go lets go! Keep moving! Don’t look back!” GummyBearKisses dives through the door, landing in a shaking pile on the floor. A smoke like shadow reaches in after them. Emilio SLAMS the door on the tendril of smoke and it dissipates into nothingness. Breathing heavy, Emilio slumps to the ground in front of the door, shaking hard. “I-i-is everyone ok?” He asks. “Look at all these clothes DivineHeart replies somehow jovially. That’s a great Idea Hadsvich exclaims diving into a pile next to a washing machine. “We can hide in here!” Everyone pushes and shoves their way into a pile, making sure they are completely covered. Emilio Just sits and stares at all of you. “Umm.. You guys… We can’t stay here! What if the Evil Spirit find us again?” He asks incredulously. “Then we’ll just hide!” Zig, Grey and Naisou all say at the same time. “No way. We HAVE to find the others!” Emilio gets up and squares his shoulders. Taking a deep breath he opens the door! “No wait!! Several of you shout. But it’s too late. Emilio sticks his head bravely out into the hall. … “The coast is clear! Lets go everyone!” Emilio opens the door wide and waits for you all to follow. Hesitantly, you all get in line behind him. But not before grabbing your favorite article of clothing from the pile.
{You Find: Peeblos laundry heist EI}

Magnus leads you out of the dining room and away from the sound of the screaming. Trying hard to stay calm. The sound of a door slamming far behind makes everyone jump! “Ok lets try in here!” Magnus says, quickly opening a door next to him. Everyone shuffles inside. For once, no sense of urgency drives you. It’s a relatively calm moment in a night that’s been filled with chaos and fear. Inside the room is a lone chair that looks like it’s lost its stuffing and an old imported TV, a rarity on the island. “Ahh This is the life!” Kamikaze Kendra sighs as they plop down into the rickety old chair. “Shhh! You’ll let the Evil Spirit know where we are if you talk so loud!” Magnus warns. “Oh comone Magnus, I’m sure the Evil spirit won’t find us this time. Relax!” Midian says, taking a seat on the arm of the easy chair. Magnus isn’t convinced but tries his best to be calm. Against the wall is a shelf with some debris on it, shuffling some papers aside, Magnus finds large coins! “Look everyone! Old coins!” Magnus passes them out to everyone. Just as the last coin leaves his fingers, the TV Snaps to life, snow filling the screen. An awful screeching comes from the TV as Velvet races over to unplug it. The TV is still on as Velvet lifts up the end of the TV plug… Completely severed… “We are out of here! Lets go people!” Magnus says rushing everyone to the door. At least you all found some gold!
{You find: 400g}
Ava The Vampire: - 19
Damia Flagg: - 24
dragoness129: - 11
Dystopia: - 18
Eastriel: - 14
Kamikaze Kendra: - 8
Kay: - 13
Kent: - 8
Kiari: - 10
Midian: - 9
monstahh`: - 10
musasgal: - 15
Nephila: - 9
Razor: - 21
sadrain: - 16
salvete: - 15
Suona: - 17
Velvet: - 12
woohoohelloppl: - 12
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: - 17
xoxoAngiexoxo: - 24


Aimee and the rest of you crash through a doorway back out into the night air. “Shoot! I can’t believe this! Aimee says, stomping her foot on the ground. “It looks like we are going to have to go round the back of the mansion everyone… Keep your eyes open!” You all make your way around the back of the mansion when you come to a small hut with old rusty tools hanging all over. “Whoa check this place out!”Mimmu says, running over to the tool shed. “Hey wait…!” Aimee protests. Too late, everyone has followed Mimmu to the shed. Vox pulls on the door, a shrill cracking sound emits from rusted hinges as flakes of rust bust loose from the metal. “Vox! Not so loud!” Aimee hisses, all but dancing with nervousness. Linnea ducks inside and says “Cool!” That’s all the rest of you need to follow her inside. “Nooo you guys! This is bad! This is horror movie bad!” Aimee protests again, just barely slipping inside the shed. “Naw I’m sure it’s fine!” Linnea tries to reassure her.
Suddenly the door slams behind Aimee! A high pitched “EEK!” Escaping her lips before she clamps both hands over her mouth. The walls begin to shake violently! Rusted tools and tines of pitchforks swinging ominously towards you all. “I told you this was a bad Idea!” Aimee shrieks, tugging hard at the door. The rest of you pile up behind Aimee and try and help get the door open when the small window behind you shatters sending glass shards raining down upon you! A piercing shriek rends the air as the Evil Spirit floats up to the window! A thin all of wood is all that separates you from the ghostly spirit! “No!” Aimee shouts tugging hard on the door between each set of words, “This is… NOT… going to END… Like the MOVIE!” With a great deal of effort, one final tug by all of you rips the door right off the hinges! No one wastes a second. You all dash for the opening, heading towards a faint light that can be seen coming from a window at the back of the house.
{You lose: -4 Sanity Points}
*Hime*: - 7
evilcupcakecat: - 5
hummy: - 7
Linnea: - 19
Mimmu: - 9
Professor Lily: - 10
star2000shadow: - 15
Vox: - 3
wish: - 9
Woodlandnymph: - 2
Xogizmoox: - 14

Day 4 ResultsX

Day 4!


- Aimee} 1
- Emilio} 2
- Magnus} 3

The 3-sided dice lands on 2

The EVIL SPIRIT has found Emilio's group!

The 5-sided dice lands on 2

The EVIL SPIRIT has reduced the sanity of Emilio's group by 2 points!


Day 4 ResultsX

“Magnus! Magnus are you ok?? I heard the Evil Spirit!” Emilio calls out. He has lead you all back down a back flight of stairs. It’s musty and dusty. Moonlight streams eerily though a high window in the second story landing. Emilio stops and motions everyone to stay still. “M-Magnus? Is that you buddy?” Emilio calls out once more. There is no reply. Vox nervously chews on their fingernails waiting to hear something anything! Suddenly a long ghostly shriek drifts down the air from above… You all freeze and look up! Slowly floating down towards you is the Evil Spirit! “Oh no! It’s found us!” Emilio shouts, “Run everybody!”
You all start down the last flight of stairs when Emilio throws his arms out, stopping everyone in their tracks. Shadami, head down and moving fast, barrels right into the back of Ava, knocking them over, the both of them landing in a heap behind Emilio and the others on the stairs. “Ow!” Ava cries. “What happened?” Shadami asks seeing Emilio and the others stopped halfway down the steps. “THAT!” Emilio cries, thrusting a finger out at the ghostly shadow of the Evil Spirit in front of them. “B-but it was above us!” *Hime* stutters. “I IS still above us!” Emilio says, “There are.. How.. I don’t… There are more than one…! Some.. how!”
“They can’t both be real!” Razor says, panic rising. “How do we know which way to go?” Emilio plants his feet on the stairs and hunches down, eyes narrowing, “We don’t…” He says simply, then, “Everyone stay on my tail! … RAAHHH!!!” With his battle cry echoing off the walls, Emilio charges the Evil Spirit at the bottom of the steps and passes straight though the figure! Still yelling, Emilio rounds a corner away from the Evil Spirit, screaming menewshans in tow...
{You Lose: 2 Sanity Points }
*Hime*: - 15
Ava The Vampire: - 22
dragoness129: - 18
evilcupcakecat: - 14
ghostPastry: - 23
GummyBearKisses: - 12
Kent: - 18
Miscreant74: - 21
Razor: - 27
Shadami: - 20
Woodlandnymph: - 13
Vox: - 12


Magnus charges off down the hall, back the way you all came, then down the stairs and through the Foyer. He doesn’t stop till all of you far down a hall, away from where the Evil Spirit had just terrified the lot of you. “D-did we lose it?” Dystpia asks, gasping for air. “I… I think so!” Magnus says, more cheerily than he feels. “Come on all of you… Let head in here.” Before you stand to great double oak doors. Magnus pushes against them. With shrill squeaking hinges protesting the movement, the doors swing inwards. Magnus steps cautiously into the room, ready to turn and run at the first sight of the Evil Spirit. Music Guru begins giggling under their breath while Divacita starts mumbling to the open air next to her as if someone is there conversing with her. “H-hey! Hey come on everyone! Hold it together a little longer! We’ll all get out of here ok?”
The room you all enter appears to be the dinning room! The table is lined with cutlery and plates and serving dishes as though a meal had just been left. Dust coats everything. “H-hey! Is anyone hungry?” Magnus jests. Everyone is too far gone to laugh. Upon closer inspection it looks as though a fish meal was served, bones the only thing left on the plate that hasn’t rotted away with time. A sudden yell jerks you all away from your inspection! It came just from the other side of the door on the other side of the room! “Time to go everyone! Follow me!” Magnus says as he leads you all out of the room.
{You find: Fish Platter}
Dystopia: - 18
Eastriel: - 18
Hadsvich: - 21
Midian: - 13
musasgal: - 15
Nephila: - 12
Professor Lily: - 18
Suona: - 17
Xogizmoox: - 22
xoxoAngiexoxo: - 25
Divacita: - 13
Kamikaze Kendra: - 11


“Get it out get it out get it OUT!!!” Aimee screams, flailing this way in that. Kiari struggles to help Aimee as she runs off back towards the house. Everyone follows behind, trying to keep up with the freaked out Aimee. As you all approach the door of what looks to be a Conservatory, Mimmu runs up from the back of the group and all but tackles Aimee, sending them both crashing through the door into the conservatory. Effectively holding her down, The rest of you brave the spiders and pluck them out of Aimees hair. Crisis averted, Aimee stands up and dusts off her skirt, “T-thanks everyone…” Aimee looks around then, realizing the group has made it back to the house, or at least part of it. “What the heck is this place? Who keeps a jungle inside their house?” She asks no on in particular. “It looks like a Conservatory!” woohoohelloppl replies, “A really… overgrown and creepy Conservatory…”
Aimee looks around for a path back to the house but everything is covered in vines and bushes. “Lets go everyone. We have to keep moving. Emilio and Magnus are still in there!” Pushing through a thick covering of vines and bushes, Aimee leads you all through the jungle of the Conservatory. At a particularly dense hedge, Aimee struggles to make a hole through the bush. “Help me out here! Push!” you all step up to the bush, some of you pushing Aimee, the rest of you pulling at the hedge to make the hole wider. After a particularly good shove, Kay, Zig, Naisou and Aimee all tumble out of the hedge right into a set of double doors. “Is everyone ok?” Aimee asks getting up. “Hey look! What’s this?” Aimee says spotting a worn burlap bag half covered in vines. It clinks as she rips it free from the plants clutches. “Gold!” You all say at once. Taking a large handful for yourselves, you wonder at your good fortune when the sounds of someone yelling right behind the double doors makes you all freeze! “Lets get out of here!” Aimee puses though more bushes and hedges, leading you away from the horrible sound...
{You find: 350g}
Damia Flagg: - 26
Emma Corrin: - 14
HIM_ROCK: - 12
Kay: - 16
Kiari: - 14
Linnea: - 25
Mimmu: - 13
monstahh`: - 19
Naisou: - 13
sadrain: - 21
star2000shadow: - 20
SuperZombiePotatoe: - 17
Velvet: - 12
woohoohelloppl: - 16
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: - 21
zigbigadorlube: - 24

Day 3 ResultsX

Day 3!


- Aimee} 1
- Emilio} 2
- Magnus} 3

The 3-sided dice lands on 3

The EVIL SPIRIT has found Magnus' group!

The 5-sided dice lands on 4

The EVIL SPIRIT has reduced the sanity of Aimee's group by 4 points!


You all move as quickly and silently as you can back the way you came. When you reach the spot you passed Emilio, all you find is an open door and an empty bathroom. "Darn it. Mr. Emilio is not here. Perhaps they just went down the hall a ways." Magnus leads you across the top landing of the stair case and down the other side of the hall. "look!" Eastriel says pointing down the hall, "That door just moved!" Magnus walks up to it cautiously. "Mr. Emilio...?" He reaches out a hand and gently pushes the door inwards. Rusty hinges protest loudly making everyone flinch at the shrill sound. "Mr. Emilio?" Magnus calls again. The room is empty save for the lone figure of a rocking horse in the middle of the floor. "I think this is the creepiest playroom I have ever been in..." star2000shadow whispers.
The door slams suddenly! Everyone turns expecting to see the Evil Spirit! What they find is almost as horrible... Porcelain baby dolls line the wall of the playroom. "Noooo!" HIM_ROCK wails. And then they start to move. Everyone is frozen as the dolls encircle them, porcelain joints chafing like chalk on a chalkboard. Their tiny heads jerking slowly up to look at everyone, staring from empty eye sockets. No one notices the shadow above them until a deafening shriek fills the air! Everyone ducks covering their ears. Magnus shouts, "RUN!" as he punts the closest doll. It sails though the window, shattering it and tumbling to the ground. Spinning around, Magnus runs towards the door. Yanking it open, he pulls you all along out of the playroom and down the hall away from the Evil Spirit.
{You lose: 4 Sanity Points}
dragoness129: - 21
Dystopia: - 22
Eastriel: - 20
GummyBearKisses: - 16
HIM_ROCK: - 14
Kamikaze Kendra: - 13
Midian: - 16
monstahh`: - 19
musasgal: - 19
Naisou: - 17
Nephila: - 14
shades_of_grey: - 23
star2000shadow: - 24
Suona: - 18
Velvet: - 13


"Alright everyone... Lets see how many floors this place has!" Emilio leads off up another staircase. "I thought we were going to find the others?" ghostpastry protests. "Well yeah! That's what I meant! Magnuss or Aimee could be up here!" Everyone just shakes there head. It sounds more like Emlilo want's to explore than find the others. Up the stairs you all go, and up again, and again... "Whoa... This place is awesome! Attics are the best place to hide! .... Right?" You all find yourselves in the top most portion of the mansion. The ceiling slopes sharply down on the sides with only enough headroom in the to stand fully in the center of the room. Many old boxes and crates line the walls, covered in many years worth of dust. "Hey.. Is that an old chest?" Xo~Gremlin~oX approaches an old locked chest. Kneeling down in front, Gremlin tests the lock. "It won't budge but maybe with all this dry rot..." Gremlin pulls a bit harder and with a loud CRACK! the wood gives way! You all gather round as the lid is pulled up. "JACK POT!" Emlilo exclaims! Inside is a sizable mound of gold coins! Everyone takes a handful. A faint shriek is heard below the many floors followed by the sound of a shattering window. Everyone stops and listens but they hear no more. "Ok everyone, back on task. Lets find the others!"
{You Find: 300g}
*Hime*: - 18
ghostPastry: - 25
Kay: - 18
Kiari: - 18
Miscreant74: - 22
Razor: - 27
Shadami: - 24
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: - 25
xoxoAngiexoxo: - 25

Meanwhile, in the Garden...
"That... That was totally a close *Huff* Call!" Aimee says, hunched over, hands on knees while she tries to get her breath back. Everyone is breathing hard. But you've made it out of the Basement! After the escape in the pitch black of the Basement, you all ran into the nearby garden. It's horribly overgrown but the dense foliage makes it the perfect spot to hide! "No more Basements Aimee!" Professor Lily says. "I totally agree!" Aimee replies.
Just then a loud Shriek is heard from somewhere back towards the mansion. Everyone flinches at the sound of broken glass when a tiny figure shatters to the ground in the middle of the group. "Is that a... Doll?" Woodlandnymph asks getting close to inspect it. The tiny doll arm twitches. Everyone lurches back in surprise! "W-we should get out of here..." Kent says, feeling panic welling up inside. "Y-y-yeah! L-lets go!" Aimee says backing out of the garden area. "Aimee look out!" Hadsvich yells but it's too late! Aimee backed right into large spider web! "EEKK! There's a spider in my hair!!" Webs coat her hair and several large black spiders do their best to dodge her flailing hands as she tries to get the spiders off.
{You find: Spider Rain EI}

Day 2 ResultsX

Day 2!


- Aimee} 1
- Emilio} 2
- Magnus} 3

The 3-sided dice lands on 1

The EVIL SPIRIT has found Aimee's group!

The 5-sided dice lands on 3

The EVIL SPIRIT has reduced the sanity of Aimee's group by 3 points!

"Hurry! this way!" Aimee cries out, rushing down a narrow hall to a door. Wrenching it open, you all can see it leads down to a pitch black basement. Kay takes one look into the inky blackness and quickly backs up behind everyone else saying, "Nope! Nope nope nope nope!" Pulling out her Lantern, Aimee rushes down the steps into the blackness stopping at the bottom of the stairs. You all huddle close together behind Aimee, shoving her forwards into the blackness. "Hey! Quit pushing!" Aimee shouts. A faint Shriek above makes everyone turn to look up the stairwell. "creepy dark basement here I come!" HIM_ROCK says, cautiously but eagerly walking deeper into the basement.

A ghostly shriek sounds up the stairwell, close this time... "O-o-okay! Lets find a place to hide!" Emma Corrin says, voice shot through with panic. You all rush begin to look for someplace, anyplace to hide in the empty Basement. Shadowy silhouettes are cast against the walls from the lantern. One in particular looks darker than the rest around it. Aimee slowly approaches the shadow. The light from the lantern doesn't affect it at all. She reaches out a finger. When it's mere inches away from the shadow on the wall, Aimee lets out a blood curdling scream! Two bright red eyes appear on the shadow right in front of her! The Evil Spirit materializes from the shadow, growing and expanding. Aimee drops the lantern sending the room into total blackness. "RUN!" Aimee shouts. Muffled grunts and curses can be heard as everyone bolts for the sliver of light coming from around a doorway. You all smash into the door, all but tearing the rotted wood off their hinges as you all make your escape out into the cool night air. No one looks back to see if the Evil Spirit is giving chase.
{You lose: 3 Sanity Points}
Linnea: - 27
Maha-Aamir: - 26
Naisou: - 25
Xogizmoox: - 25
xoxoAngiexoxo: - 25
evilcupcakecat: - 23
Hadsvich: - 22
Mikio: - 22
HIM_ROCK: - 21
hummy: - 20
Kamikaze Kendra: - 20
*Hime*: - 19
Emma Corrin: - 19
Kiari: - 19
Kay: - 18


"Ohh man! Magnus lead it right to us! In here everyone!" Emilio Shouts, throwing open a door behind him. You all rush inside and slam the door behind you, leaning your backs against it, as if that would really stop the Evil Spirit. Inside the tiny space is a sink, toilet, and a clawfoot bathtub and a moth eaten fabric shower curtain hanging by it's last hook. Everyone tenses, waiting for a shriek to come from the other side of the door or a loud thud as the Evil Spirit tries to get inside. But nothing comes... After several minutes, Emilio says, "It must have gone elsewhere... Comon everyone! Lets see if we can meet back up with Magnus!" Everyone steps away from the door, Emilio accidentally kicking a pile of musty looking clothes. Emilio gasps, jumping back at the sight of bones! "Oh! Oh man... It's just a mask! Hah! Wow... There are a lot of them..." Everyone grabs one as they file out of the bathroom and into the hall.
{You Find: Skeletal Hoodie - Black}
shades_of_grey: - 30
Dystopia: - 29
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: - 29
ghostPastry: - 28
Razor: - 28
zigbigadorlube: - 27
salvete: - 26
Shadami: - 26
wish: - 24
Velvet: - 21


Magnus crashes though a doorway skidding to a halt inside what looked to be a bedroom. Slamming the door hard behind the last of you, he slides down the door, sitting on the dusty ground. "Huff... Is everyone... Huff... OK?" you all mutter in the affirmative. As well as can be considering the circumstances. musasgal and Damia Flagg plop down together on to the bed. A terrible groaning sound comes from the bed as the old rusted frame struggles to hold their weight. Suddenly the bed gives way and crashes to the ground! musasgal and Damia Flagg scream making everyone jumps at the sound! After a moment, the tension gives way to giggles and laughter. Everyone's moment of mirth is cut short when a faint scream carries in though the broken window. "Ok everyone... We aren't out of this yet. We passed Emilio back down the hall. Lets see if we can go catch up with him." "Hey! Look at this!" Midian exclaims. Under the couch was a box, crushed by the collapse of the bed. Gold coins spill out across the floor from inside the box. Everyone takes a handful and makes their way out of the room.
{You Find: 250g}
DivineHeart: - 30
Damia Flagg: - 29
star2000shadow: - 29
Ava The Vampire: - 28
sadrain: - 26
dragoness129: - 25
Eastriel: - 25
musasgal: - 25
Suona: - 24
Kent: - 23
Midian: - 23
SuperZombiePotatoe: - 23
GummyBearKisses: - 21

Day 1 ResultsX

Day 1!


- Aimee} 1
- Emilio} 2
- Magnus} 3

The 3-sided dice lands on 3

The EVIL SPIRIT has found Magnus' group!

The 5-sided dice lands on 5

The EVIL SPIRIT has reduced your sanity by 5 points!

Magnus picks the first door he sees and lets everyone into the room. It looks to be a dusty old studio! A sudden shriek down the hall hurries you all inside! "Okay everyone, Find a place to hide!" Magnus shouts, crouching down into a corner away from the door. Hadsvich dives behind a musty couch, a poof of dust raining down onto their head. Suona, Velvet, and Kay fight for a sheet covering a table of paints before deciding to huddle under it together. Nephila pulls their foot under a pile of cushions just as the door to the Studio flies open, banging against the wall! The Evil Spirit has found you! It drifts menacingly into the room, searching slowly.
Curled up in a ball behind a large canvas, SuperZombiePotatoe accidentally bumps the precariously leaning frame... The canvas shudders and tilts to an alarming angle before...! CRASH!! The canvas falls into a side table full of jars and paintbrushes. The awful racket makes the Evil Spirit spin around. A ghostly stub of shadow reaches out for it's victim. Magnus springs into action yelling, RUN!" You all make a break for the door. Leaping across the couch, Magnus grabs SuperZombiPotatoe by the ankle, dragging them along as he runs after the rest of you in the direction of the stairs.
{You lose: 5 Sanity Points}
*Hime*: - 25
dragoness129: - 25
Eastriel: - 25
GummyBearKisses: - 25
Hadsvich: - 25
HIM_ROCK: - 25
hummy: - 25
Kay: - 25
Kent: - 25
Midian: - 25
Mimmu: - 25
musasgal: - 25
Nephila: - 25
Professor Lily: - 25
Suona: - 25
SuperZombiePotatoe: - 25
Velvet: - 25

Everyone stuffed themselves into the tight spaces of the dusty cupboards. "I love Kitchens!" Exclaims Shadami. Dust drifts down onto Naisou inside their cupboard causing them to let out a loud "AHCHOO!" Lilianaire in the next cupboard over jumps at the sound, smacking the top of their head on the underside of the counter, "Ouch!" "SHH! Everyone stay quiet!" Emilio hisses at all of you. ... After what seems like an hour but in fact was only a few minutes, Emilio pops his head out from behind a cupboard door. "Alright everyone, Looks like the coast is clear. Hey look! Someone dropped some coins in here!" Grabbing the coins, you all group up tight behind Emilio, jumping at the smallest sounds. You make it up to the second story when you hear a shriek just down the hall! Immediately after, Magnus and his group go running past your group, knocking Salvete to the ground while screaming "It's coming! It's coming!"
{You Find: 200g}
Ava The Vampire: - 30
Damia Flagg: - 30
Dystopia: - 30
ghostPastry: - 30
evilcupcakecat: - 30
Lilianaire: - 30
Maha-Aamir: - 30
Naisou: - 30
salvete: - 30
Shadami: - 30
shades_of_grey: - 30
star2000shadow: - 30
Xogizmoox: - 30
xoxoAngiexoxo: - 30

All of you are packed like sardines in the tiny coat closet. After much squirming and adjusting, DivineHeart is flattened against the wall by the press of bodies. A coat hanger pokes Razor in the ribs. Linnea jostles about, Accidentally elbowing monstahh` in the stomach before finally pushing Aimee backwards. Losing her balance, Aimee sits down hard on an old box. "Ok, everyone out! This was a terrible place to hide!" Aimee shouts. Everyone falls out of the closet, Zigbigadorlube squishing sadrain as they tumble to the ground. Aimee is last to come out. "Look what I found!" She says excitedly, dragging a large box out behind her. "Check these out! It's a box full of old Halloween masks!" Everyone takes one, feeling a little better about the whole situation when suddenly a shriek sounds from close by! Running feet can be heard over head along with a muffled Magnus shouting, "It's coming!" You all grab your masks and run!
{You find: pumpkin mask EI}
DivineHeart: - 30
Linnea: - 30
Miscreant74: - 30
monstahh`: - 30
Razor: - 30
sadrain: - 30
Xo~GREMLIN~oX: - 30
zigbigadorlube: - 30

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 11-03-2017 at 08:41 AM..


Kent is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:33 PM

How intriguing. o:


Get under the sheets!

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:34 PM


It's a bit cramped in here...

ooh, a mini "DnD" campaign. 8) i like it.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:34 PM


It's a bit cramped in here...

Ahh, looks fun!! Good luck everyone!

Professor Lily
Building Funds for my Charity
Professor Lily is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:37 PM


Get under the sheets!

There will ALWAYS be confusion.....
evilcupcakecat is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:38 PM



There's lots of places to hide in a kitchen!

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:53 PM


There's lots of places to hide in a kitchen!

Emilio my adorable love !!! <3

\ (•◡•) /
Mimmu is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:54 PM


Get under the sheets!

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:56 PM


Get under the sheets!

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:59 PM


Get under the sheets!

xoxoAngiexoxo is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:16 PM


There's lots of places to hide in a kitchen!

the one and only

Send a message via Yahoo to Shadami
Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:28 PM

Yay, more people for the kitchen :D

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
Eastriel is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:42 PM


Get under the sheets!

Menewsha FOREVER!
Razor is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:05 PM


It's a bit cramped in here...


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:08 PM


It's a bit cramped in here...

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:21 PM


It's a bit cramped in here...

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:30 PM


There's lots of places to hide in a kitchen!

were we supposed to include a dice roll?

The 5-sided dice lands on 1


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:44 PM


Get under the sheets!


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 11:06 PM


There's lots of places to hide in a kitchen!


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