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Zandalari is offline
Old 06-24-2015, 12:26 PM


I watched it with my family and I honestly did not like it, the beginning was slow and was totally predictable the dinosaurs escape a big battle at the end and the girl makes out with the hunk dude and the whole world is saved except the part that was coolest in the movie was the scenery it was truly a master piece it was beyond beautiful other than that the movie was pretty trash nothing but an hour of dinosaurs stuck in cages and showing how they recreate these genetic dinosaurs from the labs and using mass amounts of money on a theme park that is already in debt.

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 06-24-2015, 02:24 PM

You should probably put *SPOILERS!* in the title.

I actually liked it. I liked that they decided to have there be a raptor trainer, and the fact that they made a genetically superior dinosaur. Knew that was going to bite them in the ass. Literally, lol.
Although, it seems that the film ignores the second and third movie, because really, who's going to fund something like that, AGAIN? But because it's been twenty years, I guess people thought it would be safe or something because of technology.
The fact that it was the same T-Rex from the first movie is brilliant. Shows its superiority.

The romance was meh, but it's not a romantic movie, it's an action/thriller. Showing the boys surviving was great, but I felt it was going to happen because older brother was a dick. xD
But he learned to survive and bond with his brother, so it was good.

All in all, I thought it was a good movie.
Also, dude DESERVED that punch to the face. xDD

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-24-2015, 04:56 PM

I loved the movie! I think it fits very well with the 1st movie. It's actually interesting to do research in the timeline of the two movies because this park was built around 10 years after the first park fell (I think that was correct).

I loved that there are so many little things from the 1st movie (as well as the others) that are constantly being referenced. This movie is LACED with Dr. Ian Malcolm's words of wisdom and what he warned against in the original park that it's crazy!

The first movie had about 15 minutes of actual dinosaur footage. When you think of that in comparision to this movie, way more dinos.

The thing with these movies is you can tell who is going to live almost right away. Maybe I did a great job in psyching myself out for this one, but I was kept on my seat and freaking out the whole time (not exactly saying a lot, I'm scared easily).

I'm excited for it to come out on DVD and curious to see what they have planned for the sequel (nervous about them even wanting another).

River Song
Spoilers, Sweetie! ;)
River Song is offline
Old 06-25-2015, 02:05 AM

I liked it. I just saw it today, but I have a love for all the Jurassic Park movies. When my boyfriend and I saw Mr. DNA we lost it. I feel like it's more of a nostalgic feel I got from it. It could have been better, but I can't complain about it too much.

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 07-01-2015, 03:42 PM

Duke, It's twenty years later. The first film was in ninety three, and this film took place twenty two years later.

I guess after twenty years and enough funding, people were like, "Hells yeah, dinos!!" xD

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-07-2015, 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by Pistachio_Moustache View Post
Duke, It's twenty years later. The first film was in ninety three, and this film took place twenty two years later.

I guess after twenty years and enough funding, people were like, "Hells yeah, dinos!!" xD
Yes, the movies are taking place 22 years apart. My thoughts were more directed to just how long the time had been from the first park to this one. According to Jurassic Timeline as well as Stan Winston's Jurassic Party (it was a purchasable webcast) puts Jurassic Park and the opening of Jurassic World at 12 years apart, the Jurassic World movie is set10 years after the park had initially open.

Thief of Your Intellectual Prope...

Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 07-07-2015, 01:50 PM

Ah, that makes sense. But it seemed like a grand opening rather than having been open for ten years. But then again, I missed the first five to ten minutes of the film.

Once they decided to GENETICALLY ENGINEER A GENETICALLY SUPERIOR DINOSAUR, what made them think that wasn't going to bite them in the ass?? xD

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-07-2015, 03:43 PM

Lmao, given the history of all the other movies, clearly they haven't learned 'making a dino is a bad idea'. There must have been a part of them that was like 'we finally have the dinos under control, let's make something bigger'. Oh, Dr. Ian Malcolm, if only they had your words of wisdom XD

I had poked so many holes with that though. I mean, in what zoo would you let workers into the enclosure of a known predator without first visually locating it? I mean, Claire left the paddock to CALL to have them see where it was. Why couldn't she have called while still looking inside? Movie could've been a LOT shorter that way, not that I want it shorter XP

At the very least, the security guy shouldn't have let them go in. I mean, shouldn't there be some kind of protocol for that?

The Tentacle Lady
KrysusKitten is offline
Old 07-08-2015, 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by ISOS Duke View Post
At the very least, the security guy shouldn't have let them go in. I mean, shouldn't there be some kind of protocol for that?
Granted, human error still exists so there's that O:

I really enjoyed Jurassic World, honestly, it was awesome to watch although I'm biased since I was a big Jurassic Park lover as a kid... Got myself a collectible Jurassic World popcorn tin when I went to the cinema which was also nice :')

KittyCat18 is offline
Old 09-03-2015, 05:55 AM

All in all I give us a 10 out of 10. There are definitely things about this movie that I cringed at, but for the most part I honestly overlooked it. The dinosaurs were amazing, the music was amazing and overall I feel the wave of nostalgia throughout the whole movie. My little complains have to do with the woman character, she was way too controlling and all overall I just didn't like her character. I also have to say that I thought the relationships of the two brothers were really unrealistic and the older brother was kind of an asshole. If you want the honest truth, very little people in the movie me feel anything. The character development seemed absolutely nonexistent, but then again this is a show of dinosaurs. to be quite blunt, I didn't really care as much of the characters is I did the dinosaurs and they did one hell of a job with the dinosaurs. I kind of wish the woman was eaten, because what woman wears high heels while chasing dinosaurs?!

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salvete is offline
Old 01-14-2016, 08:15 PM

I like Jurassic World for the most part, but I would agree with some critics on the odd portrayal of the main female protagonist. You would think that Aunt Claire, the operations manager of the park, would have better social skills (considering that she has to manage so many employees), for example. I thought it was silly to show her as being slightly socially inept. And the part where Owen is like "you don't know how old your nephews are?" Do you think they would portray a busy workaholic male protagonist and ask that kind of question?


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