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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 05:31 PM

Hmm, hope this thread isn't completely forgotten. I've been to three circus practices so far, and I love it! Though they're all doing acrobatic stuff, and although they've got complete beginners there too, I really don't want to risk doing much, since I sprained my back a couple of weeks ago and it looks like it's still not completely healed, and I fractured my ankle in February, so I really don't want to twist it by jumping around much. Last night two of the girls actually hurt themselves - one was jumping on a trampoline and landed weirdly on her knee and was in really severe pain (though she refused to admit it), and the other one twisted her ankle just walking on one of the thick mattresses and thinks it might be sprained.. so I'm definitely not doing any acro stuff just yet. D: Dying to try it though, so I will do as soon as I can, though that might not be till next summer.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 06:15 PM

Oh wow! That sounds like a lot of fun! XD Ya, I don't blame ya for not trying it out yet. Best to make sure your body's willing to take that level of stress first.

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 06:49 PM

It is! And the people are just amazingly lovely. Though I'm missing out a lot on the mixing in and socialising by not being able to participate in the acro.. I'm just standing somewhere on my own, watching and juggling. *loser*
But yeah.. I've recently started doing sit-ups and push-ups again to strengthen my back - couldn't do them when it was at its worst - so hopefully it'll be good soon.. dunno about the ankle though, I've heard it can take about a year for it to get really strong again.. but I'm going to try to remember to take calcium and stuff in the mornings, hopefully that'll help. I'm terrible at remembering stuff like that though, I'm just hoping I can get into a routine somehow.. difficult though, since my mornings are so random. And my days in general. I am not a big fan of order. 8D

How have you been?

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 06:51 PM

haha aww...I wish my days were more random. There's not much room for that here, though. T_T I hope you heal quickly!

And I've been alright. Mostly bored, somewhat more entertained by being an obnoxious kid...'cause having my eyes dilated and getting a shot on the same day NEED to have some up-point. ...Which was running around pretending I was blind and getting a cookie...

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 06:55 PM

Can't you just make your life more random? Seek out random people to hang out with, you'll be amazed at how quickly your own life will change. : D And thanks!
Haha, sounds like fun.. why did you have to get your eyes dilated? I have abnormally dilated pupils, people keep asking what I've been snorting. e_____e

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 07:18 PM

Just an eye checkup, and hadn't been there in 4 years.

Eh...I could make my life more random. I certainly try. I guess that's part of the reason I insisted so heavily on going to school out of state. Everyone here has known me for forever and I have a hard time breaking out of everyone else's determined image for me. Like...I want to, but people never treat me the way I'd like when I do something "crazy" like wear a dress...which I've been doing more of, actually, since it's been too hot and stuffy for jeans. So...I dunno. There just isn't much to do here, and what there is to do is well beyond my price range. I have no money....T_T

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 07:45 PM

Ahh I know that problem. I moved to another country for uni a couple of years ago and it was definitely the best thing I've ever done. My life has become so much better in such a short amount of time, it's incredible! And so much more random. : D
The thing to do is just to be really random, so that people never know what to expect! I think I am that a bit anyway, so people around me have stopped being surprised when I do something completely different from what I "usually" do. I mean.. I change my gender definition periodically, so I guess if they're used to that, they can get used to anything, haha.

Oh, come on. Everyone has that excuse, that there's nothing to do that isn't really expensive. This is a universal problem, and it's never true. Sure, in some places it's easier to find things maybe, and some places are cheaper than others, but still. You can always just meet up with people and go out for a walk, go to a park (and juggle!), go swimming.. I dunno, whatever catches your interests. I have no money either, but I'm never bored!

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 07:51 PM

haha I know. There's a lot that I COULD do that doesn't cost as much. But we have no pool membership because our landlord never gives us the paperwork, and all my friends would rather party it up. And if it's not that, then they pretty much HAVE to do something involving money. This area's kind of rich...and I'm not. =/ I don't go without ANY entertainment...I'm just in a bit of a slump right now. And I'm really bored with myself as a person. XD I know I'll get over it, though. It's just a slump...I fully intend on doing whatever the heck I want, no questions asked, when I leave. I just don't want anybody to have ANY expectations of me. Not even expect me to be weird. It's annoying when people expect things of me, because I've been raised to meet people's expectations (military father grrr...). Which, again, is why I've insisted on getting away...

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 08:50 PM

Ah I see. Of course you need other people who are ready to do inexpensive stuff with you.. When are you leaving? And are you going far? A new start is always the best thing when you feel like you're stuck in some way. :)

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AcidDrop is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 08:58 PM

circus acts.. BLEH.. i hate the circus.. i've been afew times! most hillarious thing i've ever seen was a lady went above ground on star hung by THIN wire.. it SNAPPED and she broke her ankle.. was hillarious to me xD

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 09:02 PM

I can't say I see the hilarity.. I've broken my ankle and it's anything but fun. :/

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 09:06 PM

>.< Me, either. I'm not entirely sure how that could be funny...

And I leave in September. My school will be...3 states away, so it's far enough that my dad won't drive to see me every weekend if I don't visit or call him. He still wants me to call him EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, which I'm probably not gonna do...but I'll still call him every now and then, because he's the one paying and such. ...As long as he doesn't call me every day, though...T_T

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 09:58 PM

Haha, once a week isn't bad. Though I pretty much never talk to my parents while I'm in London.. occasionally I'll say hi to my mum on facebook and ask if there's any news, and I'll contact them when I need money (>.>) or if there are any issues I need help with or whatever. But calling her? Not even once a month...
Exciting for you though! I hope everything goes well! And with any luck, you'll find some jugglers there to make friends with, they are always the best people. ;)

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Haguruma is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 10:46 PM

I don't have any training or anything, but I'm very flexible. :] I can do a lot of stuff that makes my friends really squeamish. xD; It's fun to bend your arm at odd angles and watch people turn green.

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 10:51 PM

0.o...Ya know...I always wished I was that kind of flexible. I didn't just want to be able to do the splits (though I STILL have yet to accomplish that..ugh...), I also wanted to be able to practically fold myself backwards in half, lift my leg behind me strangely, bend my fingers backwards and so on and so forth. ....I've just...never actually been able to...and it doesn't help that I'm not double-jointed ANYWHERE.

I do, however, have hyper-extended knees, so I don't usually lock my knees. XD It used to drive my Tae Kwon Do instructors crazy, 'cause they could tell I wasn't locking my leg for a kick when I should have been, but when I do, my entire leg bends the slightest bit in the wrong direction, throwing off my hip. It's quite the trick doing everything without locking your knee...hahaha


Originally Posted by ljosberinn View Post

Haha, once a week isn't bad. Though I pretty much never talk to my parents while I'm in London.. occasionally I'll say hi to my mum on facebook and ask if there's any news, and I'll contact them when I need money (>.>) or if there are any issues I need help with or whatever. But calling her? Not even once a month...
Exciting for you though! I hope everything goes well! And with any luck, you'll find some jugglers there to make friends with, they are always the best people. ;)

Thanks! And no, once a week isn't bad. But I know he'll keep track of any time I forget to call him. And I know there are going to be weeks where I'm not able to call, for whatever reason (possible job, schoolwork, out somewhere...) and he'll get all upset. And I don't see the need to call every week just to say 'hi I'm alive and my school work's going great.' Maybe every other week. If he's that curious about my schoolwork, I promised I'd post projects up on Facebook for him so he could see exactly what I was working on.

I'm sure I'll find lots of interesting people down there, though! I'm still waiting to see what kind of roommates I'm gonna have, and that's driving me insane all by itself. Hopefully, there will be jugglers there that can help me learn some more, too. =D

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Haguruma is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by HappyStarr View Post
0.o...Ya know...I always wished I was that kind of flexible. I didn't just want to be able to do the splits (though I STILL have yet to accomplish that..ugh...), I also wanted to be able to practically fold myself backwards in half, lift my leg behind me strangely, bend my fingers backwards and so on and so forth. ....I've just...never actually been able to...and it doesn't help that I'm not double-jointed ANYWHERE.

I do, however, have hyper-extended knees, so I don't usually lock my knees. XD It used to drive my Tae Kwon Do instructors crazy, 'cause they could tell I wasn't locking my leg for a kick when I should have been, but when I do, my entire leg bends the slightest bit in the wrong direction, throwing off my hip. It's quite the trick doing everything without locking your knee...hahaha
I've always been double-jointed in pretty much all of my joints, and I've always been able to bend things where they shouldn't bend. xD It's a born talent I got from my Mom. She was always flexible as well. All I know, is that it makes sleeping over at friends house an interesting affair, as I usually end up with my knee against my chin and my other leg bent backwards. xDD;;;

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 08:39 PM

Ahh I wish I was more flexible sometimes too.

Starr, hopefully your dad will be fine with it, and if you're updating on facebook it should be fine, really. You'll be busy enjoying yourself anyway. :) How many roommates will you have? Is it university or..?

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 08:42 PM

It's a private art school. ..Savannah College of Art and Design, if you've heard of it. I don't know how many roommates I'll have yet. Anywhere from 1-4, apparently. I at least know what house I'll be staying in, though. Actual room assignments aren't until August. T_T

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 11:56 PM

Ooh, cool. I haven't heard of it, but then I don't know much about the States in general, so it's no wonder. Art school though, there's bound to be interesting people there! : D I love being on an art course.. both because I'm not a big fan of academia and because the people there are so much more interesting, as well as our campus. I go to the main campus, which is all academic stuff, and it's so boring.. the people and the place itself. I would die inside if I had to go there every day..

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 12:04 AM

Ya...that's kind of how I think of majoring in something "normal." I'd go and lose the rest of my insanity forcing myself through those classes. It's not that they're not interesting to me..I just don't like pursuing them as my future. I actually have a huge amount of curiosity for just about anything....but then that just makes it harder for me to focus on academic-style courses. So...I'm in art. 'Cause I love it, and it's fun, and I can still learn anything else to compliment it. XD

I'm definitely looking forward to interesting people, too. Sooo can't wait! >D

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 12:40 AM

Yeah, I'm the same.. I can easily get interested in just about anything, but that also means I keep getting interested in new things, and academic things rarely hold my interest for long enough so that I want to pursue them seriously. I'd love to take classes on random things, not for a degree, just to learn, and not have to actually sit an exam or anything like that. Just sit there and listen and learn, for fun. P:
Art is much more flexible, you're allowed to change your mind and go in different directions with it. So much more freedom!

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 03:09 AM

I've made a juggling thread for the Feast of Fools event! Thought I'd link to it here: Click. Come and chat with us! :)


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