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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-01-2015, 12:50 PM

The vending machine was out of order, of course. After frowning at the machine for some seconds, as if her quite impressive glare could make it magically fix it self (but seriously, what century was this? 21st? Why hadn't the university invested in better machines already that would fix themselves?), Mae sighed and headed towards dining area. Perhaps it would be time to grab something to eat as well. This morning she hadn't really had time for more than a granola bar and her stomach was starting to remind her that. It was really pesky thing, to need to eat, but this wasn't the time she came to such conclusion. No, that she bitterly knew ever since...

For better or for worse, the woman was not allowed to take a trip down that memory lane. Normally, weaving through the crowd without as much as brushing by someone's shoulder was no problem for the elf, but today was the unfortunate exception when someone coming this way came to sudden halt which she couldn't predict and it led to a very uncomfortable collision. Now, if it had been full-body crash, it wouldn't be as bad as this, even if coffee or food had been involved. No, this was the king of all awkward crashes into each other. Lacrimae let out a pained yelp as a heavy, large hand landed on her breast about the same time as by the sun, it was hot coffee did.

Her immediate reaction was to push the hand away and, thankfully, the other did pull back rather quickly, but just then it registered to the woman that the hand had been most certainly dark skinned. With a sense of dread in her stomach, her gaze traveled upward to meet pair of even brighter blue orbs. Blush rose in her cheeks, but not from embarrassment. No, she was far too angry for that! Part of Lacrimae knew very well that this couldn't be something he had intended to do and that the fault was equally shared between them, but the other part simply wanted to slap the man silly or at least shake him for all the trouble he had caused her and acting as weird as he did.

As if intending to prove that he was indeed very strange, Saith began laughing then. Having grabbed a tissue out of her bag by now and trying to wipe some of the hot beverage off, she glared at him. A lesser man would freeze under such ferocious stare, but she tried to smooth it away when she caught on what he was aiming at. "Yes, of course the whole university should see my best white blouse being ruined," young woman grumbled but then continued louder as she offered him a tissue as well: "Well, I think it's a sign it's enough of filming for today!" To be honest, not only her blouse but bra was also very possibly ruined and the way the fabric clung to her right was far from comfortable.

She was about to turn and leave, still trying to soothe the anger boiling inside her at the clumsy, stupid (more expletives about him being disrespectful, grabby handed arse followed) man when he stopped her. Talk with him?!? What was there to talk about!? If he meant to apologize, he could have put that somewhere in middle of his obnoxious laughing! Or maybe he had figured the new information he learned yesterday would be a good way to get something out of her? With narrowed eyes, she looked at Saith for a moment, then finally nodded. Whatever was on his mind, the sooner she found out, the better. "After I change, I will be in council room. It's rather quiet." With that, she left, realizing she never got something to drink or eat only when she had reached her room. Sigh.

Quickly, she changed into blouse with soft flower pattern and dark jeans (she was not risking skirt around him, sun only knew where his hands would end up next time!), shrugging fitting jacket on. The white blouse and bra went in dirty laundry basket with rather untypical toss. She lingered at the mirror for a moment, considering putting on a small pendant, but stopped when she caught fluffing her hair a bit. No, she was definitely not trying to make herself look pretty for that dark arse! Jutting her chin out, Mae told herself that she wouldn't fall for whatever trick he was trying to pull and headed to the council room. If he arrived or not, didn't matter. She still had work to do, and on rumbling stomach. No time for meal now, she was already falling behind schedule for today.

After the interesting and rather enlightening (about him and layout of the campus) conversation with Saith, Silvana decided to have a walk around on her own. The plant biochemistry course she apparently knew on A+ and had the grade to show for it, so it was more than likely she'd drop the class. So, she'd have to find something to spend time on Tuesdays. There were many possibilities listed in the brochures and websites, but experiencing everything first hand was much more important. Besides, the better she knew this place, every corner, crook and cranny, the better...

Somehow, she found herself wondering towards the sports area, although her interest in all those human sports was very shallow, close to nonexistent. But hadn't she read something about... Horses, in one of the brochure? And if there were not any, she could always find that inner greenhouse or the library. There was still a lot of time to go for today. Fiddling with her cellphone, she considered texting Saith a thank you, but didn't want to seem needy or bothersome.

Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 07-01-2015, 02:14 PM

In all honesty, Saith hadn't expected her to accept his invitation to talk. Since yesterday, every encounter they shared seemed to be a mistake. If she wasn't saving him from death, the he was dumping coffee on her. If she wasn't touching his arm (to heal him), then he was grabbing her boobs. It all sounded like something straight out of a comedy and yet every inch of it was real. They were just destined to collide and cause each other many misfortunes and moments of sheer embarrassment.

As she pulled away and immediately went to change, Saith found himself staring after her. Not in a creepy sort of way but more so in a way that he actually felt sorry for her. With her "high and mighty" reputation, she wasn't allowed to have fun or slip ups. If this were any other woman he bumped into, they would have been slapping each other silly or making out on the floor.

Mae was... well, different.

Blinking, he pulled his attention to the empty coffee in hand. With a lazy shrug, he tossed in the trash before taking off the residual coffee that splashed on him.

A man, easily shorter than he, went to rattle off some witty quip about he and the Student Council President, but before he could utter a word, Saith's piercing blue eyes were making death threats at the man.

Saith didn't have to drop a line or explain himself either. Those in the room seemed to know that, should they cross him, their school year would be a living hell. Marwo might have had the bad reputation, but Saith's wasn't any cleaner. He knew how to push the right buttons and how to cause all sorts of trouble.

With the attention of those around him now back on their meals, the drow bit his lip. What did he even want to talk to her about? Besides saying sorry a million times. Oh and maybe thanking her for playing cool.

And yet, those weren't the words he wanted to say. Somewhere, deep down, he knew why he wanted to chat with her, but honestly, he wasn't sure he could bring himself to ask the question. Was asking her to dinner, after all the shit he'd done to her, really a wise move?

"What do you want?"

A voice broke his thoughts. Blinking, he looked up with a confused expression.

"You're in line for sandwiches. What do you want."

Looking around, Saith confirmed that he was indeed in line for sandwiches, but he didn't mean to be. Rather than stepping out of line and pissing people off (they already seemed peeved that he was talking forever), he glanced up at the board.

"Wrap. One chicken salad."

"That all?"

"Yea... no. One," his eyes scanned over the menu again. He had to get something for Mae who missed her meal because of him. But what did she eat? Was she a vegetarian? Did she like tuna? Chicken? Beef?

"One chicken salad wrap, one veggie wrap, one pasta salad, and a small side salad." Eyes jerking to the left, he spied chips. Giving the plain and salt and vinegar chips a tug, he dropped them on the counter. "These too."

As they made his order and he paid his bill, he wondered if he should have bought drinks. Nah, he said internally with a shrug. She probably had something in her office and he could have water.

Food in a bag, he grabbed napkins, forks, knives, and two spoons. As he started to head toward the randevú point, he whipped out his phone.
FYI, can't make lunch. Sorry.


I... uh... had another incident with her....

OMG, whore, r u cheating on me!


But srsly, tell me everything

Uh... yeah, I'll tell you in person

Be right there!


Oh that's right, lunch date.


U owe me... u owe me



Bro... why u leavin me hanging? Is u banging? >.>

No, I'm people dodging, sheesh. <3

100 points if you flatten a small child

Wow. Just... wow.

You know you love me!
Sliding his phone back into his pocket, Saith drew in a quick breath before knocking lightly on the closed door. "I'm not wielding coffee and no killer leeches this time, promise." He said figuring she might be curious as to who was there (though honestly, who else would seek her out after such an incident).

When she eventually invited him in, a blush crossed his cheeks when he pulled the food from the bag. "Uh, so..." he flicked his gaze off her, "I happened to notice that you didn't get lunch so... yeah." His eyes fell back to her and then down to the food. "Wasn't sure what kind of food you like so I tried to get a bit of everything? Pasta, salad, chicken, and veggie," he said while pointing to the objects.

Nerves at their all-time high, he just stood their, awkwardly, looking at her. What could he possible say or do that wasn't going to undermine his sweet gesture?

"You look nic-nice." He was hesitant with his compliment and the light red color on his cheeks made it blatantly obvious as to why he was stuttering. "And..." he sighed in an attempt to quell the butterflies in his stomach, "I'm sorry about that. I'm usually not that accident-prone." Racking a hand through his white locks, he tried to offer her a sheepish smile.

"Anyway," his eyes rolled away with the word. "I was wondering if you're doing anything Friday night. I," he pulled his gaze off her to glance at the food, "I visit this place out in Tokyoport. Wasn't sure if I could make up yesterday's incident with some home-cooked Asian cuisine." He laughed lightly. "Or is that in bad taste after dumping my coffee on you."

Getting his usual spark back, he cracked a devious grin where his pearly white broke through. "You own me $1.99 for that, by the way." Lips curling up into a devilish closed-mouth smirk, he just gazed at her. Whatever happened henceforth would be telltale to what would come of them in the future.

Wanna roleplay? WTF or Mene

Last edited by Xavirne; 07-01-2015 at 02:16 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-03-2015, 11:50 AM

She had sort of expected him to just barge in the council room like he owned the place. From what she knew of Saith, that's what he'd do usually. So, knocking came as surprise and as she welcomed him in, Mae's eyebrows were slightly raised, gaze expectant. What she was preparing herself for, woman wasn't entirely sure herself. Some kind of disaster, probably. So, she leaned back in her chair, giving off that (in)famous bossy feeling she was well known for. It wasn't intentional, it was something that came to her naturally and often unnoticed by her.

Yet, looking at the flushed male that was nearly stuttering before her, elf maiden's gaze softened just the slightest, before changing into surprise as he revealed content of the bag. "That was very thoughtful of you," Mae said with sincerity, smile gracing her lips as she looked up to him. Even if he was trying to suck up to her for some reason or had ulterior motives, she was hungry. And he was, too, probably. He had been heading deeper into cafeteria area, not out of it, after all, bearing only a hot coffee cup. After, tiniest hesitation, she continued. "I am not a picky eater and there is entirely too much for me to eat alone so... Join me? My guess is that you have not eaten lunch yet as well."

The woman gestured at one of the chairs that he could pull up to her desk, on which she promptly moved some of the paper and file-reader piles from one side to another, so clearing more space. When Saith proceeded to compliment, she shot him a look, not quite approving (or truly disapproving) one, curiosity mixed in. "Thank you," she accepted automatically, being the polite person she was. Taking a delicate bite of the veggie wrap (not a vegetarian, but she guessed he'd probably like the meat one more), Mae considered his words. But before she managed to answer anything, he moved on to invite her for a meal out.

Had she had any less composure, she'd nearly choke on her bite then. The invite did completely blindside her, although it wasn't anything that uncommon. But Saith asking her... Asking her nearly on a date!?!? Fine, there was NOTHING common about that. He was known for playing around, but he had always kept his distance from her and by Sun, he looked flustered and anxious right now, nothing like the smooth charmer bad-boy girls swooned over. Well, at least not until that last sentence and she honestly didn't know if she liked the flustered or devious him better.

Wait, what?? She didn't like him in any way at any time! Still, she couldn't help but smirk slightly in return: "I will keep that in mind." Then she took another bite to stretch time and find polite way to reject his invitation. She just couldn't. Shouldn't. Didn't want to? Well, maybe she did. Just a bit. To see what was he up to. It couldn't be anything good, could it? "But as for your invite... I cannot. I am sorry. I have all of this," she lightly patted one of the file piles, "and more to deal with. The rest of the council is busy with their... personal preparations for the ball, you see." Why was she telling him the last part? Gah. Honestly, part of her just wanted to vent about their lazy backsides to someone. And, despite her good control over her expression and voice, there was a disappointed note in her rejection, betraying that perhaps she might have liked to go with him after all.

"Besides, you already thanked me," she added in brighter tone. It had been the most awkward thank you she had been victim to, but it still had happened. Tiny part of her wondered if he'd be persistent and ask about next Friday or some day after that, if she'd keep using the excuses... But he probably wouldn't. Not used to rejection, he'd move to next target. Keep your walls up and don't be fooled," she told herself.

Horses or lunch, that was the choice Silvana faced right now. She was slightly hungry, but the need to know if there were indeed some of the magnificent animals was stronger, so, with map on her data-pad, she tried to find some information of riding classes or something of the sort in the web. Sadly, all she found was goofy uni threads of jock jokes and fangirl squeels. Sighing, slightly frustrated, she put the pad away in her bag, the determination in her step not fading. A soft hum in her throat, she headed for the buildings on the side of sport area that perhaps could serve as stalls.

Marwo, of course, had been witness to all the ridiculousness that was Mae's and Saith's collision. Oh boy, if he was trying to get under sunshine's skirt, he was probably going about it in all the wrong ways. That stare could've incinerated the guy! But it was also highly amusing to watch them both and the save with video was pretty good. She noted to use it as embarrassment tool sometime, bringing it up and hyping the students about it, so the two had to come up with something to show. Now that'd be just malicious, but that's what they got for lying. Sipping her coffee, the despicable thing, she sat in her booth, eating something meaty and weirdly raw again, trying to decide what to do for the rest of the day.

Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 07-06-2015, 03:08 PM

To state that Saith was overjoyed was a severely underestimated comment. The drow was practically glowing at the invitation to eat with her, so much so that he was already popped down in a chair and divvying up the food. Mae, much to his pleasure, ended up taking the veggie wrap which left him with his preferred chicken salad wrap. Granted, he wouldn't have objected if the wraps were reversed.

Honestly, the white-haired man thought that nothing could jar his mood. That was until she rejected his offer to dinner. Although she had a valid excuse, the blue eyed beau still felt the sting of being told no. Not to mention, she could have pushed off the pile of paperwork for a few hours. Instead, she went the clean and quick route. Ripped the band-aid right off him to prevent a long, slow burn.

Saith, not wanting to him disappointed, simply closed his eyes before smiling humbly (was that even possible?!). "Not a problem," he spoke as his orbs open again to spy the pile of papers. "Though," his brow cocked and that usual haughty voice came back, "I would hate to think that you're using piles of paper as an excuse. So, perhaps I should offer to help free up your schedule." He made it sound as if she would absolutely request his help. "After all, I do have high grades when it comes documentation and writing. I've honestly thought about getting a minor in technical writing, save for the fact that it's plainly boring."

Gazing up at her as he found a second to munch on his wrap, he offered her one of those devilishly charming side grins again. "But alas, wouldn't want to mar your reputation for being a busy bee. Still, would be a shame for you to admit defeat to me so perhaps I should rescind my offer to help. Wouldn't want to chop down that pile faster than you. Would be too embarrassing for an elf to lose to a drow in a game of speed writing and reading."

The drow's game was strong. Perhaps too strong? But that was part of who Saith was. He was all about getting his way. If she wanted to reject his date, then he would figure out a new way to spend time with her. And calling her out on being slow and needing help? Well, it seemed like the perfect plan.

Nearly done with his wrap, he smirked. "But I guess I'll leave that up to you. I know better than to speak for someone else." His eyes rolled to the side. "Trust me, it's how I ended up running into you in the first place. It's amazing how one little twist of a story can result in someone wanting to murder you."

Saith's mind trailed off and, for a second, he went back to that moment when she healed him. His eyes dilated and he almost looked like a curious cat in the way he zoned in on Mae's face. Seeing her like this, in plain(er) clothes and being so laid-back, it really made the drow wonder what he was doing. She was hardly his type, nor would he ever want her in such a way. And yet, there he was, fighting for time with her. Staring at her. Dreaming of her. Why, if he didn't know better, he would think he was in love! But, alas, Saith didn't love. He just used... or so he told him.

Blinking, he whisked away the owlish look he had and returned to being that usual bad boy with the purposely bad posture. "But joking aside," he said while leaning forward and rolling up the paper the wrap was in, "if you need help, I've got nothing better to do. I'm busy from 3 to 5 today for a friend's competition, but after that, I'm all yours."

I'm all yours?
Saith was screaming internally. Hopefully she wouldn't notice that little line at the end. And yet, deep down, he really wish she would. It might be nice to hear her say that she would enjoy his company....

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-07-2015, 07:55 PM

He actually looked genuinely disappointed, at least for a split second. Perhaps that surprised her even more than the invite to date thank you dinner. He took it rather gracefully, though, which she appreciated, at least until he went on to step on her toes. Chewing her latest bite, Mae watched the drow with slightly narrowed eyes, long lashes shadowing her blue eyes that had sparks of both amusement and annoyance. He was a daring and strange man and she honestly couldn't piece together what had gotten into him. Obviously, it couldn't be what everyone in the university thought it was. Maybe he just enjoyed irritating her, because his teasingly smug attitude certainly did get under her skin, although the elven girl hid it rather well.

"Do you not know it is not about the speed," she told him, "but the quality?" Her cheeks slightly tinted pink then, as the young woman realized that he could perhaps take her words and twist them in completely different and rather dirty direction. She had heard he was rather infamous for his innuendos and hints, even if he remained somewhat of a... If not a gentleman, then at least not a foul mouthed arse. In any case, it was time to get the conversation back on track and fast. "It is not that I merely have to re-write the documents, I have to make every decision regarding the ball, from music to food and lightning." There was slightest pause before Mae continued.

"Considering how many students of different interests and tastes will be there, taking them all in consideration is proving to be... Slightly challenging task." There was honesty to this statement, the council was supposed to deal with these issues together, but instead she had to take them on by herself. But she would manage and she would stun everyone silent and take the credit she deserved. To seventh sun with the rest of council!

"Talking about yesterday, what did you do to be chased like that?" She took another bite, obviously eating a lot slower than he was, although she would never admit it was because of the company. Saith seemed to have... zoned out, yet focused on her face she felt nearly uncomfortable. At this point, she realized she couldn't recall his last name, but calling him by his first one felt far too intimate. She didn't even call all the council members by their names! But, obviously, they were bunch of douche bags anyways, as her roommate would put it.

As the conversation continued, she found herself doing the most crazy, impulsive thing she had done in a good while. "Well, if you truly wish to help and promise not to talk of these matters with anyone else, I could use another point of view and input about arranging the ball," Mae told him, barely able to resist urge to lean slightly closer as well, as if the two were discussing some kind of secret. Especially as blush rose in her eartips at his last sentence. Maybe there was something to him that made women swoon after all... Instead of leaning closer though, she chose to focus on her food.

"Contest from 3 to 5? That would be the horse polo, yes? I will most likely still be here after," she spoke, sounded more absent minded than she would have liked. Glancing at the clock, she saw that there was still some hour and half left till the contest. Would he stay or would... What was wrong with her?! Getting flustered by this man, it wasn't like no one hadn't paid her attention before... Yet, somehow this managed to feel different. Finally finishing her wrap, she tidied up the desk in quick, efficient moves and then settled back in her seat. "You can take some of these and look through," she gestured to some of the folders and data storages, "if you wish, that is."

If he agreed, the rest of the time would probably pass the two of them discussing various mandatory ball and other university related matters and perhaps she even cracked a joke or two, or laughed about his, tucking a strand of golden hair behind her ear. And very likely, the time seemed to pass a bit too fast for her, even if Mae would never admit it.

In the meantime, however, Sylvana had managed to find the stalls and was befriending the horses with sweetness that didn't seem to be much like her at all!

Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 08-17-2015, 08:36 PM

His antics worked. She admitted she could use the help for, as she previously mentioned, it was no easy task to throw together a ball for so many diverse creatures and cultures. Hell, it would be unwise to step on toes or offend one by playing the wrong song or using the wrong color dishes!

Not losing composure, he smirked. "I knew it," there was a twist to his tone--it was surprisingly sweet, "you just couldn't resist me."

Me? Way to put his foot in his mouth! Too bad he didn't have time to kick himself for he had to think quick before she read into his comment wrong.

"After all, we all know drows are good at finding out everyone's little secrets." He scrunched his nose and chuckled lightly. He then cleared his throat and held his chin up, a sign of mockery when it came to drow and elves. "We are the devious elves that thrive on knowing everyone's business. Clearly making we the superior race for we know everything!"

"And yeah," he nodded. "My buddy Kev is competing. He loses whenever I'm not there. Claims I'm his 'good luck charm.'" He softened up and a sincere smile graced his features. Even his eyes showed no malice--they were completely at peace. "He and I have been through a lot. He's more of a brother to me than a friend. Can't imagine not having him in my life."

Saith, realizing that he was romanticizing his words too much, snorted. "Yes, we do cuddle on occasion. Can't be helped. We've a serious bromance going on." He held up a hand and turned his cheek. "No women allowed. It's Saith-Kev time only. If you want a threesome, you'll have to submit an application online at"

Seriously, if anyone tried to steal Kev away from him, he would punch them in the face. Man or woman, Kev was his. All his!

Tabling her comment about the incident yesterday for he wasn't ready to admit that secret yet, he focused on the paperwork. Sliding the stack of folders onto his lap, he flipped open the one on top. "Avoid blue banners," he licked his thumb before peeling away a piece of paper from a stack of unmarked printer paper. That same hand dove into his pocket and clicked out a pen. In seconds, he was scribbling the note on the un-lined paper. "It's a sign of engagement for this culture. Unless someone's getting married, no blue banners or signs."

His eyes dipped back down into the folder. He scribbled a few little notes here and there--all with perfect penmanship (something not usually seen in men, let alone male drows!)--before taking a break about 20 minutes in.

"So it's not all about speed," his eyes flickered over the paper he held in his hand. "You're more of a quality over quickness kind of woman." He smirked. "Explains why so many are kicked to the curb." Saith didn't want to pry too much, but he couldn't help himself. It was that whole 'getting to know the 'enemy' thing that drows were so good at.

"Since you obviously have to go to the ball, any suitors less abrasive than the rest?" His pen rested against his chin. "I recall a rumor about that Prince Fletchry guy liking you. Seems like a decent human, if you're into humans." The devilish grin on his face said it all. "Besides, he's a prince." He laid a hand on his forehead and sighed softly. "However could a woman resist a man of..." he sighed again while flitting his lashes like a woman in love, "royalty."

Before Mae could offer a laugh, Saith was reeling over himself and gagging--purposely! When he was done being overly dramatic, he leaned back in his chair and brought those blue eyes back on her.

"You could probably bring a professor." He shrugged casually. "Not like you have to bring your boyfriend." Again, his guard dropped and that tender tone came back. He didn't look at her, instead he glazed in a dream-like manner at the rug.

"Kev and I will end up going together if we can't find dates. I've already declined some offers," he smirked lightly. "I need to make sure he has someone before I do. He's," Saith glanced up at Mae, "a real derp. One of those foot-in-mouth kind of guys. A ruggedly handsome athlete that all swoon over but a complete imbecile when it comes to flirting." Saith started grinning before breaking into a laugh. Cuing Mae in on the inside joke, he shared a story. "This one time, I heard him tell a woman she had 'nice legs.' The woman said, 'wanna touch?' He did and immediately rescinded his answer and said, 'woman, do you even shave?'" Saith was still laughing to the point where he was practically crying. "Seriously, who tells someone that? It's like asking to get slapped! Sure enough, she smacked him and I had to buy him ice cream and watch 27 Dresses to make him feel better."

With an eye roll, he completely forgot the whole purpose of his conversation and went back to look over the paperwork.

Last edited by Xavirne; 08-17-2015 at 08:40 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-17-2015, 09:31 PM

"It would be foolish and show of bad leadership to refuse such readily offered help and continue to work on this task alone," she scoffed, shifting eyes to the man only momentarily. Any other guy would probably give up about now and move on to easier prey. Perhaps she wanted him to do that or perhaps she was testing Saith, hoping he wouldn't. But heck, she didn't even have a proof he was even slightly interested in her. Aside from that forehead kiss and asking her out for dinner. It didn't have to mean anything, though!! And, really, she was overthinking this.

Mae's tongue itched to ask him few spicy little secrets about some students and even professors she was sure only she knew to test if he really knew everything, but there was no way she'd fall as low as to start gossip! "It would be a waste to not put those superior skills then," the woman said instead, right before the conversation turned towards Saith's friend. She caught a sincere expression on drow's face and for a moment, was truly and genuinely moved by how much he cared for his best friend. It was such a rare thing and seemed to be especially precious coming from this man that could be so rough and prickly. Her eyes had widened in slight wonder at this, before the 'window' that had opened for a second was flung shut at his threesome comment and she returned to her work. "Rest assured, I wouldn't dream of it," was her reply, again a total joke-killer. What had she been thinking by accepting his help!?! Must have had a small lapse in judgement, surely.

For a while then, they worked in silence or conversing about task at hand only and Lacrimae was pleasantly surprised by his insight. His knowledge really would come handy and elf thought that perhaps this hadn't been such a bad decision after all, but was cautious to keep to this idea in case he proved her wrong three seconds later again. And, of course, he proceeded to do just that, bringing up her unfortunate wording from earlier and even prying into her private life! But two could play the over-dramatic game.

"If you know everything," she shifted, putting her elbows on the table so that she could prop her chin on her hands, "then you should know how I feel about Prince Fletchry." Mae lowered her eyelashes, looking at the drow with soft smile for a moment, very believably looking like a girl at least on verge of love, if not all the way in the pink pit. But then her smile and gaze gained a hard edge. "Which, by the way, is that I find him to be absolutely unpleasant, pompous tool who thinks his title alone is enough to earn rights to put his hands wherever he pleases. Titles and riches mean nothing to me if you have nothing to do with earning them. I am interested in quality after all."

By the kind Sun, what was she doing! Not only she had given him an awkward phrase to tease her about, she continued to use it, playing cards and words with double meanings. From one side, it was proving to be fun and even liberating to show someone a peak in those thoughts she thought she'd never say out loud, the ones where she wasn't absolutely polite even if distant, and called everyone the words they deserved to be called, whether it was bad or good. But if she were to do that, she should let Saith hear excerpt from the chapter she had on him and it wouldn't be anything too pleasant.

With this thought, she shifted back to her documents and into the professional mode. "I will be too busy making sure no disaster strikes at any time during the ball, I will not have time for dancing or partner and that is what I will tell the principal." That she would actually like to take a break sometime during the event and dance, for Sun knew she loved ballroom dances and even regular slow dance (not that she had had one of those, the movies that she would never admit she watched sometimes made them seem like they should be shared only with special someone to have a true touch of magic).

"I am not sure your friend would appreciate having his misfortunes told behind his back," or rather, she didn't want to hear failed hook up stories which could very well turn to successful hook up stories that involved him and some sleazy easy chick. Not that she particularly cared that it'd be him hooking up, it simply wasn't what interested her at all, "but perhaps he simply has not met the right girl to tolerate his 'derp' as you so eloquently put it." Yes, she was closet romantic, so what? But she still hadn't seen 27 dresses, it sounded like total chick flick and her tongue itched to ask about it.

But to be honest, by now she wasn't sure if Saith was interested only in women. Not that it really mattered and there was nothing shameful about it, but their 'bromance' really sounded like something from the next level. Anyway, there was work waiting to be done. "Perhaps we should section the area into smaller ones, give them different theme and feel as to everyone can find something to enjoy? It would be more of a work, but the outcome could be beautiful, especially if we put in some uniting elements like overhead lights and some decorations." Had she really... just said 'we'? Like they were going to do all of this together? Maybe if she acted casual he wouldn't notice or pay it much mind.

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Old 08-17-2015, 10:15 PM

Some of her comments made him smile whereas others made him wish he had stated things otherwise. Did he really need to shoo her away from a threesome? Yes, of course, Kev was off limits. But he didn't need to make that be crystal clear. Hell, just thinking back on how he said it and how often in the span of 30-minutes he brought up one man, he probably sounded gay. A part of him was, Kev was quite the catch, but both men were too infatuated with women to actually commit to something between them. Besides, an actual romance would mar their flawless bromance!

"Hey," his brows concave as he shot her a scornful look, "did I not do well by you in making his royalty seem like a facade. I think everyone knows exactly who he is just like we all know you deserve someone who will treat you with the utmost respect."

Taking a leap of faith, he made the plunge.

"If I may be so bold, I feel like your ideal candidate would be someone who's touch is tender and words are like whispered lullabies. A man who's not afraid to be let you lead the dance, nor one who's too feminine not to take to arms when trouble comes your way." He clicked his pen before slipping it behind his long, slender ears. "And he would have to be witty and wise. A woman with your grades and cultured tongue just wouldn't stand for a man who's not as well-versed as you. Tradition," his eyes scanned her body, "seemed to be a top priority too. I would wagger someone would have to court you before you even dreamed about going on a proper date. Perhaps poetry beneath the moonlight? Or would it be more romantic if he spoke sweet nothings about your flawless completion beneath a silvery glow? You seem like the hopeless romantic type, the one would wants to be swept off her feet or have a man hold her close as a slow song came on the radio. Sensual actions would need to be smooth like silk--done without a hitch and in a way that would make you want to gush to all your friends about how perfect he is."

"I wouldn't expect you to put out on the first night--or even the third. You're the kind of woman who follows her heart, heeds her gut, and does what her mind tells her. Soft and fragile, yet guarded by a wall so thick and tall that it'll be impossible to climb over without your guided help. A woman where quality of the bliss outweighs the duration of euphoria."

Twirling the pen out from behind his ear, the drow smirked. "You can correct me if I'm wrong for I would love to update my chart on you. And should I be wrong," a slight red hue came to his cheeks, "and if you're into bad boys, I'll be sure to exit the room immediately. Wouldn't want to compromise your goddess-like morals."

Then a smirk curled at his lips. "Unless you're itching to find out what that's like." Blinking his eyes, he feasted his taunting, toying gaze on her. It likely seemed like hours that those seductive blue orbs stared devilishly into hers, but it was merely seconds. And within those several seconds, he cracked a smile before pulling away his gaze and resuming he less-threatening posture by slipping back into his chair so that his lips were no longer just inches from hers. Why yes, in the mist of his speech, he had managed to slip across the table (without ruffling papers or putting anything out of place) to put himself that much closer to her. Honestly, Saith hadn't even realized what he had done or how close her was to actually crossing a very fine line that was 100% dependent on her point of view. Making mental note of that, he pulled the conversation away from her feelings.

"But I think that's a great idea. Would be fun and different."

Saith was dying to know more but he could sense the woman's discomfort and didn't want to undo all that he had just done. Oh how he thirst to know if just a fraction of her had an interest in him. She had rejected his dinner but she welcomed him help with open arms. And she kept using quality over speed. Not to mention, she had yet to really tell him 'enough was enough.' Was she flirting? Or was this all just innocent banter that had nothing to do with love? Inwardly, he sighed. It sucked not knowing.

"If we create different cultures, we can give everyone a full experience. They always say that people go to college to become well-rounded and learn about the world, what better way to immerse yourself in a culture than to dance and dine in it!"

Saith's grin was intoxicating, especially with how it contrasted his dark features with those pearly, white teeth. They were perfectly polished and smooth--not a tooth out of place or size. As his grin widened, he continued on with his idea. "I bet I can get Kev to help me. Oh and the new girl, Silvana. She would have some great insight as she's well-learned in folklore, history, and the vast species." Biting his lip, he shot Mae a quick glance. "Er, that's if you're okay with some outside help. If not, I can do some research. I already have a general idea as to what I'd do, but more intel wouldn't hurt." He smirked. "Though I will request that we don't have a drow-themed room. There aren't many of us at this school and as much as we love to be the center of everyone's world, having a theme? Eh," he cringed, "just isn't our style. Perhaps we can have some drow dishes but I wouldn't do music or decor. It'll be too dreary and macabre for the average attendee."

Wanna roleplay? WTF or Mene

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Old 08-18-2015, 04:25 PM

Having lost his lunch date, Kev reluctantly wandered toward a different food venue. He didn't really want to bump into Saith and whoever his date was. Well, he did but Kev knew better than to meddle. Besides, when was the last time Saith actually had a general interest in someone? The only time that came to mind was this girl online.

She was a mod on a site they frequented. Kev was a relatively new user, really only joining because Saith had mentioned that there was a chick on there that was ideal for him. She was just the right amount of sassy and sweet--something Kev found himself drawn to. Saith, on the other hand, had his eyes set on the mod. It was completely against his character for the drow was all about himself, breaking rules, and do whatever he pleased. And yet, he was drawn to her. She was an enigma. Someone outside his realm and someone who he had never even considered liking.

Frankly, Kev loved it. He loved the idea of Saith finding an online partner that called him out of his bullshit but was also cute enough to keep him from storming off. They teased each other constantly and yet they never showed their faces. It was for an obvious reason--she was a mod. Having someone know her face could compromise her position and that just wouldn't do. Saith, who was surprisingly bashful about showing his, didn't push or pry. Was he nervous? Likely. Not everyone fond the black-skinned drows to be attractive.

"Tuna melt, please." He grabbed two apples and put them on a tray. Retreating to a refrigerator, he pulled out a pint of milk. It would do, for now.

As the tuna melt was prepared, he swiped his card and found his seat. Minutes later, his sandwich was delivered and he he jumped on the forum to pout about eating alone.
Life Issues
--> Bff ditched me for a woman </3
Was supposed to get lunch with my bro. He ditched me for a woman. I thought it was bros before hoes. Clearly #Scythe; has no respect for bros.
With that, he got off his phone and dove into his meal. He wolfed it down, wasting no time on getting back to the stables. He had much to prep for! He needed to brush Ruine down, change into his proper gear, and get her reigns put on so they matched his color scheme.

Eyes on the clock, he downed his milk and shoved the two apples into his bag. They weren't for him--they were for his mare, Ruine.

In just over ten minutes, he was walking back to the barn. Mind still racking over Saith's lunch date, he wondered just who the lucky woman was. He pulled up Facebook and Twitter to see if there was any news. Just one blurb about the school's campus life video, but that was about it. Just said that Saith was likely playing a role in it--big whoop.

Slowing his pace, he popped some earbuds in and listened to his favorite classical pieces. He had a whole playlist made of up violins, pianos, and whatever else sounded cool.

He needed to chill out and just enjoy the day. Today was supposed to be fun. Saith blowing him off wouldn't mar that--he would make certain of that!

Grin now in tow, he sauntered his way to the barn. About 20 minutes later at a very leisurely pace, he was there. Only, his horse wasn't. Brow hitching and earbuds now in his pocket, he drew his fingers to his mouth before letting out a quick whistle.

"Horse is out back," someone commented.

"Ah, thanks." A low growled rolled of his lip after he moved past the guy. He always hated how people just moved his horse whenever they wanted. He never touched theirs so why were they touching his.

With a hiss, he stammered into the dimly lit barn and made his way to the other side. "Oi, Ruine, I have some apples for you," he called down the echoing center aisle. "You also need to get hosed down and ready for this shindig."

Setting the apples down, Kev made mental note of the unoccupied changing room. Might be wise to nab it now and change before the rest showed up.

In and out he went. He no longer wore his gym shorts and form-fitting top. Instead, he was in very form-fitting white slacks with a crisp, clean black polo top. He had his black leather dress shoes on and a black belt tucked neatly through the belt holes on the pants. Lacing on his leather gloves, he reached back down to grab the apples before proceeding out to the back.

Making his way into the field behind the barn, he rolled his eyes up to spy...

"Excuse me, but unless you have a pass to be back here, I'm going to have to advice you to leave." Kevlar hastened his steps and as he drew nearer, he realized exactly who he was addressing.

"Eh," he bit his tongue. He didn't want to shoo her away but it was school policy. "I'm really sorry, but you have to stay on that side of the fence." His eyes shifted toward the white fence that she needed to move behind. "I'll let you pet her but if I'm caught with you in here, I'll get disqualified from my competition."

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-19-2015, 05:59 PM

She was set on actually getting some work done, because as much as Saith could actually be of help, the time they spent chattering made the total accomplished work about as much as she'd have gotten done alone. But, of course, that wasn't what he planned. At first, she was set on ignoring him, but somewhere around on him discussing her speech and quite openly ogling her in a way, the drow managed to press buttons he perhaps shouldn't have. Turning her chair so she was facing him and leaning slightly back in the seat, eyes narrow as she stared back at him steadily, the woman let him speak.

He was coming closer, with a rather wicked expression and look in his eyes, but Mae didn't push him away or move away, as if accepting his challenge and even egging him on. Perhaps if he had used different words, different tone, she wouldn't feel like he was throwing everything about her in her face and down on the ground. But he had said as he had and his words sounded like mockery. She was not a fair maiden and dominatrix in one that needed to show off with her newest boy toy. It stung more because that part about walls too high to climb, but not made of stone herself, it was true.

"So, what are you majoring in, Saith? Psychology? Or is it just hobby of yours, to profile strangers? I am afraid you got some rather vital details off, but it'd be such a spoiler to tell you what. So, how about I have a go at this instead? I would say..." Lacrimae looked at him, hint of smirk in corners of her mouth. Truth be told, she was actually pretty good at reading people, but Saith was kind of enigma for her so far, confusing the woman. So, a lot of this was going to be a shot in the dark, basing on her 'gut feeling' he just had had to bring in his own evaluation.

"You want a woman that is a challenge. No woman has posed a prolonged challenge to you, so you wouldn't even like her at first, no, you would merely want to prove that she isn't the best, most perfect creature like she haughtily acts, perhaps even assert your power and charm over her, but I imagine soon enough you'd be falling for her imperfect perfection, desperate to have her see what's behind your act, just like you'd be attracted to what you see beneath her mask. You would like to argue with her about things, mundane things and important ones, find where your opinions are different and where they're the same, maybe literature or music."

She paused and licked her lips slightly, her mouth suddenly dry as if she was taking an important exam and not 100% sure of the answer which hadn't happened for years. "Yes, I imagine, she'd need to be strong and smart, but not invincible, the kind that does not need knight in shining armor, but does not banish one if he takes the time to convince her that he is worth keeping around. You would like the thought that you would be the one and only who would see her tears and be her pillar of strength when she's on verge of breaking."

"But maybe you'd have already ruined your impression by when you realize that you like her and have to watch how she moves on, the one and only that got away," the words flew from her mouth even before she could fully weight them out, but she didn't stop, already seeing the finishing line of this speech that somehow seemed to cut herself deeper than she would have ever guessed it could, "or I am wrong and you would quickly grow bored of the chase or even in victory, of your prize, and return to the easy prey. Either way, that you change floozies faster than your shirts, tell me that either you don't believe such women exist, have not met one or reject the idea that your ideal woman could be such a stubborn, perhaps prissy, strong lady, she's totally not your type and all that." Silence settled between them for a moment as she stared at Saith intently.

Letting out soft breath she hadn't realized she was holding, she moved onto the next point. "Now, as fun as this was," her tone was rather dry, "could we finally focus on task at hand?" At least he had stopped toying with the pen, elf woman had be seriously tempted to just swat it out of his hand few times.

"I do not think the themes need to be race related, it would encourage splitting among the party-goers. Some could be, say, Earth's Eastern culture, or trip to nature like, something techno-inspired and maybe typical romantic pavilion, maybe something Gothic as well. The pavilions could form a circle of sorts, underlining that all sorts of content is needed to complete experience, that everyone is needed and without one our university community could be weakened." She paused slightly, contemplating his suggestion to bring in Silvana and whoever Kev was. "Since it is obvious student council is not interested in planning, I could form special committee for this and I could invite them, if they're interested. Are you going to be in it for the long term?" As soon as she said that, part of her decided that the question was for more than just organizing this ball, but rest of the woman refused to admit it. To ignore tension growing between them, she looked at the clock to check how much more time Saith had before his friend's competition. It turned out they had already used up most of his free hour and half...

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Old 08-19-2015, 06:25 PM

He had gone to far and he was slowly realizing this in the way she turned the talks on him. Silently, he pulled back his head. Although his eyes remained on her, his sinking, slipping ears were completely against his own control. Saith wanted to interrupt but he couldn't. She was the first--well, actually the second--to speak her mind with regard to him. The only other woman that called him out was some mod online. She had become probably his closest friends and was a friend without a face. He knew she was female (assuming she wasn't lying) but aside from that, he knew little about her. Other than he was drawn to her, much like how he was drawn to Mae.

The teasing flicker that once wavered in his eyes had died down. Now a dull, blue gaze soaked up her words. Everything was like a dagger. Was this how his words were to her? Saith mulled over his tone and choice of words. He had to try so hard not to say "I" or "me" when addressing her. He tried so hard not to let his adoration for her spill into his words. Saith didn't want to admit it because it just didn't make sense. And perhaps the worst part was that this was all happening too fast. He shouldn't have stayed. He shouldn't have teased. Hell, he shouldn't have gotten her lunch.

Space. Space, that's what he, they needed.

This wasn't love, he had to keep telling himself. Just a stupid infatuation with a difficult woman. Like she said, he was just going to hit and quit it. Too bad that thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. He wasn't getting any younger either. If he even wanted to start his own family, he would need to start thinking about... well, settling down.

Disgusted with himself, he tried to fall back to her words. But he couldn't. They were just too much. It was all just too much. What was he thinking? Honestly, it was stupid. All of this was stupid. Did he crave attention? Was he just trying to pick a fight? Was all of this just his way of putting space between them by completely destroying everything that could have been between them.

And to think, all he wanted was to go on one little "thank you" date.

When Mae's tongue stopped, Saith shot a quick glance at the clock. Her words about the theme of the ball fell on deaf ears. A cold, low ring bore into him. He felt so naked, stripped down and beaten. And by words. No, not by words. By her--the woman who flawlessly described his dream woman.

The worst part?

Mae was everything she spoke of and then some. But Saith couldn't confess this. He couldn't let her know she was right. That she was the woman he sought.

Too bad the silence spoke more words than he ever could. Lying was futile. She knew she hit the nail on the head.

Scooping up his bags, he kept his eyes on the floor. He couldn't look at her. The chill of being exposed was too much. The frigid reality of it all just drained him. Right now, he needed distance. And a lot of it. Also, a good distraction.

Bag on shoulder, he moved to the door. Hand on it, he began to turn the knob but paused for a moment.

"You're right. I do want someone like that. The only issue is that no one wants a man like me. It's easier to flee from woman to woman. I don't have to worry about getting hurt because, let's face it, rejection is never easy. And knowing that no one will ever love you..." he pulled the door open, "is undoubtedly a punishment worse than death."

Quickly, he escaped into the hallway. Much to his surprise, no one was there. It made it easy. He didn't have to hide the look on his face.

Cheeks burning and eyes losing focus, he flitting his lashes several times to force the tears back. His nasal cavities felt plugged and his hearing was only just starting to come back. Teeth grit and heart heavy, he weaved his way out of this hell.

Kevlar was the only thing he could think of right now. He needed a distraction and who better than his best bud. Okay, and maybe ranting to his favorite online person.

Last edited by Xavirne; 08-19-2015 at 06:36 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-19-2015, 07:13 PM

Whatever she had expected from Saith, the reaction he gave her wasn't that. There was no laughing it off or flirtatious remarks, anything that she had seen from the drow so far. No, instead, he looked as if she had slapped him, hard, and distinguished all amusement and perhaps even self-esteem. As much as his words had stung, even truly hurt her, making her recoil inwardly, she hadn't meant to hurt him. At least not to the point he looked like this...

He stood up suddenly, gathering his bags, and spoke, hurriedly. His words left her mouth hanging open slightly and sharp jab in her heart. Was what he said not what why his words had hurt so badly? Saith had painted her as someone who was increasingly hard to get along with in the long run, someone who needed to be really worked for, and who would see her worth it, who would want to do all that when it was so easy to get together with someone for one night or month? Her throat seemed to close up at the thought and realization just how personal and familiar the hurt she had inflicted on him was.

Standing up, she called out to him: "Saith, wait! I..." He was already gone, though, and the woman slumped, rather unlady like, back in her chair. She was too proud to run after him and what on earth would she tell him anyway? That someone would love him, that her romantic side didn't allow different thought? But Sun knew how many died unhappy and unloved, so why the two of them would be any different. Staring dully at the pile of documents, she couldn't focus on them.

In that moment, her phone blipped and elf quickly fetched it out of her bag. It was notification or private chat message on Zillatron. Screw work, for just once in her life. She needed distraction and by the sound of it, Scythe needed it as well. Cleaning her table quickly, she opened the forum on her laptop and began mission 'cheering up Scythe'. The man had went from her best frenemy to best friend online. They had bonded via dislikes for stupid cliches in books and movies, even role played together, intent on writing better book than professional writers did, and at least once a week they got together to play in their favorite MMO. They knew nothing of each other than their voice, mostly because she insisted on it being so, but she felt closer to him than basically anyone she knew at University.

Silvana was deeply occupied with petting the beautiful horse and talking gently to her in language that most definitely was not Basic, but the animal seemed to either be soothed by her voice or understand it perfectly well, neighing softly few times as if in response. At first, she seemed to ignore the voice and its owner who was approaching, but finally turned around, her hand still on Ruine's neck. The horse was excited to see her rider, but nearly unwilling to part from strange visitor.

The woman's eyes widened slightly, then narrowed. "So you are her rider," she said in dry tone, with hint of disappointment, as if she had expected someone else. Her gaze was straightforward, even piercing, as if the strange girl was trying to read into his thoughts, his very essence. Apparently, where she came from, staring like this wasn't considered rude or she just didn't give a flying apple for what was polite and what was not.

"The man in stables did not tell me that and she was getting lonely, so...," the woman shrugged slightly, petting horse's head one more time. "I will get going then, wouldn't want to get her disqualified, she's been looking forward to this." With one finger, she commanded the broom to get up from leaning against fence and moved towards doors. "Good luck," she threw over her shoulder, her gaze still quite piercing.

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Old 08-19-2015, 07:35 PM

"Hey now," Kevlar called out to her, "I didn't say you had to run away." Apple in hand, he handed it off to the broom welding-woman. "I just said you can't stand on this side of the fence." A small smirk tugged at his pale lips. "At least not without written approval."

Taking the other apple from his pocket, he pulled out a knife and began to peel away at it. Marching over to the sturdy fence, he hopped up on it in his oh-so-carefree manner. Every now and again, he would hand a sliver of the apple to the horse while putting the other in his mouth--or at least trying to! Ruine was an absolute pig when it came to apples (and peppermint!). Her sloppy lips smacked at his as she tried to take the wedges out from between his teeth.

"Oi," his elbow playfully batted against her snout, "you're gonna lose your lovely lady figure if you keep eating my food." With a cat-like glare, he smirked before blowing air into the horse's face. "That's right, how do you--"


Landing with a hard thud, the brunette moaned. Horse, cheeky as ever, whinnied and neighed, all out of sheer delight for getting back at her rider. Only, when Kev didn't move, the horse began to show concern, slowly pawing at the ground closest to his feet.

"If we lose, I'm blaming you," he finally chuckled while rolling up. The sound of bones snapping back into place followed. With a quick jerk of the jaw, his head realigned and the handsome man ducked under the fence to give his horse a pat-down.

"You, my love, are oh-so-devious." With another cat-like gaze, he snorted. "Have you been listening to ol' Saithie-poo's advice." She neighed. "You have?!" Stepping back, his hands fell on his hips. "Preposterous! How dareth ye betrayeth me like this!" Arms now crossed over his chest, he snorted while turning around. "Nope, I don't want to hear it."

If the horse could have rolled her eyes, she would have. Instead, Ruine found it the perfect time to start smacking on Kev's hair.

"You really are a terrible creature," he mused before smirking.

The shenanigans were probably only 5-minutes long, but it was just long enough to Silvana to realize that maybe he wasn't like the other jocks. He was actually more sensible and, dare it be said, humble.

Flicking his gaze her way, he rubbed the horse-slobber off his hand and advanced toward her. "The name's Kevlar, Kev for short. And if she didn't tell you already, this is Ruine."

No. That's not at all how it went down. That's how he wanted it to play out. It was far from that.

After the little kerfuffle with Ruine, he managed to trip over his untied shoelace and fall Silvana's way. If she were quick to react, he would merely fall to the grass beside her feet. Now, if she was slow (highly unlikely), she would find herself completely flattened by the heavier-than-he-appears brunette.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-19-2015, 09:14 PM

"Thanks," Silvana said with slight surprise as he handed her the fruit and glanced at the horse. "So, fence is the saving grace, hm?" she mused out loud with quirked eyebrow, twirling the apple between her slender fingers. Moving towards said barrier, she climbed over it with grace cat could be envious of, the rather tight pantsuit clinging to all the right curves to attract a man's gaze in case Kevlar wasn't absolutely engrossed into feeding his horse. Propping her elbow on the wood, she rested her chin on her palms and observed both with slight line between her arched bows. Now and then she took a bite from the apple which was surprisingly good. Ruine had already received a sugar snack from her, so, she felt like this one was hers. Although she'd later have to repay him. Silvana didn't do deal well with owing anything to people, not even apple.

In her mind, she was comparing him to the man she had seen this morning that seemed like a total a*s. At least with Ruine, he was kind and funny, it was obvious the rider and horse had a deep bond. Maybe she had misjudged him? All of it had happened so fast after all. When the man fell, rather heavily, she winced, but expected him to get up immediately. When he didn't, she tensed slightly. "Hey, you okay?"

Moments later he was back on his feet, though, around same time as the exchange student realized she still didn't know his name and she figured she should close the gate his fall had opened, in case the horse decided to go for a playful run outside. Moving towards the gate, she noticed him approaching only with corner of her eye and by time he was quite literally flying towards her, with no broom involved, she didn't have time to move aside.

With oomph, brunette crashed Silvana into the gates, nearly breaking them, his outstretched hands landing in various levels of horrible positions - one grabbing on the wood right by her butt, the other half cupping her breast. And his mouth had smacked right into her eye where it wouldn't be surprising if she got a bruise. What was worse, he didn't seem to plan moving any time soon so Silvana pushed him away with surprising strength which, especially if his untied shoelaces were involved, could send him spiraling backwards onto the ground.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" Her cheeks were ablaze with intense blush, although it looked rather lovely against her darker complexion. Silvana's eyes were nearly literally throwing sparks as she glared at the man. "I hope to Gaia you are not that clumsy on horseback!" Straightening her outfit she huffed: "Tie your shoes and stop gawking like an idiot you are." With that, she left the scene, broom brushing a bit of grass into Kevlar's face (on its own accord) and then following its owner.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 08-19-2015, 09:37 PM

"Wow," the sound of applause followed. "You are smoother than a bar of butter." The drow that now appeared beside Kev swept the grass away and shook his head. "You might want to change your pants." His lip hitched to reveal a semi-growl. "The green is not flattering."

Kev, still mortified by the whole thing, just stood there with his jaw hanging. "I... I..."

"I saw the whole thing. You did everything fine. It was just a little mishap when," his gaze shot to Ruine, "you need to play on his side. You're little stunt docked him points. You like the pretty redhead? Be nice. You're going to have to do all the work in this relationship. Kev," his glance shifted to the brunette, "well he needs all the help he can get."

He tried not to laugh, but he knew Saith was right. With a nod, he moved inside to change while Saith fixed the gate and Ruine just watched the drow. Ruine was always drawn to the man, almost like she was to Silvana. It also helped that she knew he brought a peppermint. He always gave her one if she did good so the horse galloped around like a love-struck pony.

"Yeah, you're not getting this," he said while texting. "Not unless you win."

It was around that time that Kev had returned. The competition was starting and Kev wasn't up yet so the two boys took some time to go over their less than awesome day.

"So how was lunch... traitor."

"Amazing. Couldn't have been better."

"What?! Laid already?" Kev growled while pouting. "How come I'm never this lucky."

"No you moron. We just had lunch. Nothing else. Well, I volunteered to help her but... yeah."

"But yeah, what?"

"That blew up in my face. She called me out and I walked out. Let's just say I don't think this one's going to work."

"But you seemed to excited. You never blow me off."

"She's... definitely different." Saith found himself smiling and Kevlar was completely aware of it too.

"Sounds like a hell of a woman. Listen, if you messed up, run back to her. Tell her you're sorry and fix things. I'll be fine. I don't need you watching me. You've been to every match and practice. I think you can sit one out."

"Not gonna happen. I saw what just happened between you two. I'm not going to leave you sitting here to ponder your life away. After this thing, you, me, some beer."

"Pizza too?"

"Pizza too."

"Invite your girlfriend over?"

Saith rubbed his neck. "Yeah, I don't think she's interested."

"Invite the hot redhead over?"

"She has my number but I didn't stick around to get hers."

"Damn, you must really like this woman if you're not taking numbers."

"Heh, yeah. Frankly, I just want to reverse time and make it so I never ran into her."

"Saith's been bitten and now he's smitten." Kev let out a romantic sigh. "Well I have faith in you. Just give it time and things will come around. If anyone can make a girl come crawling back to him, it's you."

Pounding fists, the two watched the competition for a bit.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-21-2015, 01:21 PM

It wouldn't be Marwolaeth if she wasn't aware of all the recent events around the campus. It wasn't that she really cared, it was merely means to amuse herself. But the look on prissy president's face and local bad boy's expression of concealed terror when they clashed and his hand conventionally found its way to her chest was gold and something she had witnessed in person on accident, eating nearby. Although Saith managed to distract most of the crowd away from the scene, didn't mean she fell for the whole promotional video thing. Oh no, she observed the rest of the interaction and that the drow bought way too much food and disappeared what she guessed was to try to appease the golden haired woman. Oh boy, was he in for a wild ride if the dumba** was aiming to claim her as the next trophy.

But if he was really, genuinely interested in her... Well, things might finally get fun. Or Lacrimae would trample him into the ground in few days and he'd return to lady loving ways. Eh, time will show, she guessed. Right now, it was good thing to distract her from the annoying pink bug following her everywhere though. He even waited for her nearby classes! The woman pointedly ignored him, casually striking up conversation or terrorizing other people with random remarks or smirks. That they were whispering about local weirdo following another local weirdo behind her back didn't bother her. They say, there's no such thing as bad publicity and all that.

By the time she reached seats around the sports field, he was starting to get on her nerves, though. Not that she let it show, though. Plopping down in a good seat, with some snacks, she propped her feet up and watched as the crowd gathering. One of her sort-of-friends (more in crime than anything else), dropped in the seat next to her right. "Didn't think you were into sports," the other woman with bright neon hair and magenta eyes commented. "I'm not, I'm just appreciating these guys for only things they've got to appreciate: hot bodies and good riding skills." The double meaning was obvious and the woman sniggered: "Oh, me too, me too. Have you taken any of the studs for test ride?"

"Nah and don't plan to. They're not real studs yet, ways to go till they're properly trained for that and I don't intend to be the trainer," Marwo shrugged. "Well, I happen to not mind a little inexperience... Oh, there's my current boyfriend! Gonna go greet him," the other smirked and left the seat to pursuit one of the most swooned over members of the horse polo team. Flicking blood red hair strand out of her face, she rolled her eyes and continued to snack, watching the game and the drama that evolved after that.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 08-21-2015, 02:46 PM

It was true, Cain had followed Marwo around all day. He was rather surprised that she had yet to snap and actually did give the woman some space, namely while she was in class. There were a few times where he would vanish for 20 minutes at a time but he always returned.

Following her to the polo competition, he rested his chin on his palms. "I didn't know the school offered a program like this," he said plainly to no one in particular.

When the woman with wild hair much like his came over, he ignored her. He knew what they were doing--trying to shoo him away by talking about more skilled, sexy men. Cain had to admit that they were nice looking but he wasn't one to overlooked. Beneath his baggy shirt was a well-sculpted body. Often times he was a nude model for the art students who were hopelessly in love with the unique human.

"So what is the point of this game?" He stole a piece of food from her but put it back upon receiving her cold glare. He saw no point in pushing her buttons to the max, not yet and especially not in front of a competing team.

Whether or not she explained, Cain found himself fascinated by the game. Actually ended up rooting for the brunette that wore a full suit of armor (only because his other outfit was completely marred with grass stains but no one knew that).

"I will admit, the flashy one in armor is quite impressive." Head tilting, he snapped a pic of the guy. It was an odd gesture but Cain was an odd individual. "I will need to befriend him one day. He's almost as interesting as you." The cheeky pinkie flashed Marwo a quick smile before sliding closer to her. Not to be romantic but because the "stuffed animal" had inadvertently moved.

Eyes wide, he tried to direct Marwo's attention elsewhere so she wouldn't notice the creature was actually alive and stealing her food.

"Eh, uh, erm," he fumbled. There was no point distracting her, she wouldn't fall for it. Yanking the creature, he shoved it down his hoodie as sweat pooled on his brow.

"Let's not tell anyone about this," he said while turning away with a blush on his face. "I know foreign pets aren't allowed but I can't have them take Fengir away from me."

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-21-2015, 03:40 PM

He even sat through the stud conversation without comments. Pink bug had been exceptionally quiet through all of the day, actually, and that was making it much easier to tune him out. Not completely, but at least she didn't want to squish him into pile of ugly goo all the time. The talk wasn't aimed at him, though, as he might have guessed, it just swam up naturally, as most of the students wondered just who Marwo was getting it on with. There had to be someone, of either gender, right??

"Have you ever seen any sports, ever? It's usually to get the ball through some kind of goal," she eyerolled. "Complete waste of time, considering at least 1/12 present here possess some kind of telekinetic ability. That chick, right there," Marwo pointed at someone on the far right, three rows lower, "is either tripping one of the horses or adjusting the ball right now." This was another reason why she came to this event that was totally not her kind of thing otherwise. The emotions and drama flaring between teams and their fans, it was just delicious, and best way to 'scan' the people she took interest in, one way or another.

When the guy moved closer to her, Marwolaeth looked at him with slightly annoyed expression, just to catch the thieving critter. Her mouth opened, but not so much to form the 'o' of surprise, but a rather devious grin, her eyes glinting nearly unnaturally for a second. It was like someone had just given her a delicious treat. "Either everyone is dumb and blind or you have went to some impressive lengths to hide this secret of yours. I wouldn't discard the first option entirely, though."

If she wanted to, she could blackmail him to leave her the bloody hell alone. The opportunity was indeed too sweet to pass up. Which would he pick, his plush-like companion or whatever sick reason he was for taking up the role of her shadow? But she wasn't using that card just yet.

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 08-21-2015, 06:20 PM

"Not really," he admitted immediately after he inquired about the game. Luckily, she explained--in more detail than expected too. Sadly, the incident with Fengir prevented him from questioning the cheating further. Instead, he was looking at her with those puppy dog eyes of his, pleading that she not send Fengir back to where he found him.

A sigh of relief followed when Marwo seemed to play nice. It was very much out of her character, so Cain made a mental note not to get on her bad side--or he would owe her a favor.

"Undoubtedly dumb, mate. But I went through great lengths to make him look stuffed." Drawing the creature out of his hoodie, he sprawled the tiger-fox out. "I built him a harness that looks like straps on a backpack. I also made him a little eye cap that hides his real eyes with these buttons." He slid the cap down and showed how it looked. It was oddly good to the point where you wouldn't think the creature was real.

"Besides," a smirk yanked at his lips, "it fooled you, sheila. And I wouldn't call you dumb or blind."

Fengir, realizing that this woman was no immediate threat rubbed his little muzzle against her hand before it purred. It's beady eyes sized her up and he continued his purring.

"Guess he likes you," Cain said while sliding his hands under his chest. "Not sure why, though." His attention drifted to the game and the cheating, but only momentarily. "You're a mongrel--and a spunk--but it appears that you behave as such on purpose."

The pink haired guy pulled his attention back to the event. "I'm surprised you haven't tried harder to get rid of me." Yellow orbs flickering to her, he smirked. "Or maybe you're just buying your time? What's the best way to make someone permanently leave you alone? Humiliate them. You can try, mate, but you won't succeed. Nothing phases me." His expression went dry. "I'm too detached from reality to care."

sheila, woman
mongrel, despicable person
spunk, attractive person

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-21-2015, 07:02 PM

"I've seen it what, once or twice? I'd have caught it eventually. But there must be someone you've interacted at least on weekly basis while you've been studying here. Honestly, I don't know what's more ridiculous - that you have 'stuffed'-alive pet or that no one has realized anything." The puppy dog expression Pinkie was wearing did nothing for her, really. She wasn't really into cute things or submissive people, they were absolutely boring. That he had managed to fool her was pissing Marwo off. How hadn't she sensed the blood circulating through the toy, the one that had made her to disregard the guy in the first place?

"When I'm bored, I'll find a way. No one that detached from people would care to stalk someone. And mongrel's bloody weak compliment, you're gonna have to try harder," she threw at him in careless manner, long nails scratching under pest's chin while her eyes were on the game. To someone watching, they could seem nearly friendly, close even.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to her and the woman sat up a little straighter to look around, eyes narrowing further and glowing for moment as she scoured the audience, both near and far. Then she focused back on Cain. "Is this - this whole deal with you following me - some kind of prank and someone's filming it?" The way she was boring into him, it was like she could see through him. And in a sense she could. Every beat his heart did, the way the blood pumped through his body, was all visible to her, telling if he was nervous and perhaps lying.

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Old 08-21-2015, 07:25 PM

Cain smirked. So not noticing Fengir was real was getting under her skin. Naturally, she had an excuse and it only made him get annoyed. Why was it so hard to own up to your own mistake? It was one of those things he would never understand.

"Compliment?" His brow hiked up his forehead. "Sorry, sheila, but mongrel is." He paused. A large wrinkle formed above his brows. "How do you say," he stopped again to place a hand on his chin. The language barrier between their cultures was finally starting to make things difficult. At a loss for words, he just sighed. "Afraid I don't know how to express it, mate." Biting his lip, he shifted awkwardly. "I... I haven't had a chance to take the Cultural Communications class."

It was a class required by all first year student. How had he not taken it, well it was beyond all. The fact that he was struggling now made it obvious that he regretted it. Not feeling threatened by the woman, he saw no harm in sharing why that was the case.

"Had a rare opportunity to..." he paused again. The look in his eyes said the word was on the tip of his tongue. "Intern?" He mulled over the word. "Yes, intern with one of my major. When I applied here, I submitted a paper and it was well-received. I might be a second year by years on campus, but I'm still taking freshman classes." A look of guilt moved across his eyes. "I'm very behind and playing catch up but the internship was very educational so despite being behind in classes, I'm ahead in experience."

The fact that he couldn't adequately explain himself was really starting to drive the boy with piercings mad. He wanted nothing more than to let her know that it wasn't a compliment. But it wasn't an insult either. It was... well, just a term used to describe someone of her type, namely because he didn't know what else to call them. Despicable, dishonorable, rude--none of those adjectives were ones he would think to use, nor had he heard them all!

With a sigh, he looked back to the game at hand. It was easier to watch this then to try to communicate with a woman who didn't speak his Aussie language.

As her body shifted oddly, Cain's orbs fell on her. "Uh, no?" There was no change his tone nor the way he body reacted. He was still... emotionally detached from the situation. "I just find you... I'm curious, that's all. Sheila, you're different and," he sized himself up, "I'm not normal either." Eyes moving back to polo, he calmly stated, "You're beautiful." His eyes seemed to smile. "In both looks and mind."

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-24-2015, 09:44 PM

She quirked an eyebrow when he went to explain that he hadn't meant it as compliment and when Cain got stuck in his attempt to explain the word, the woman nearly, but only nearly, revealed that she had understood his meaning. No, to do so would totally ruin her fun. And with that exasperated expression he looked kind of cute, like a confused child. Again, she didn't like cute things, it was just an observation.

Marwo sighed both internally and externally, with slight roll of eyes, when he went to explain why he hadn't taken the Cultural Communications class. Although it was slightly useful, to learn he was in 2nd year but missing some basic classes, without any need to dig around for information. It was good to be prepared, would she need to deal with him. Seeing that he was still unable to get his thought across (at least in his opinion), she turned her head to look at the pink haired man directly and leaned closer, her breath on his cheek.

"I understood what you meant," she told him with what could be described as mischievous tone in Marwolaeth style (it had a good dash of both menacing and seductive thrown in), before pulling back and turning her attention to the game, voice returning to bored. "Just thought you're trying to suck up to my bad girl side with supposedly unheard words."

It was then that the conversation towards her speculations someone was filming them, but nothing in his behavior, even most unconscious one, suggested that. At his explanation, woman groaned. "Just wonderful, I'm Sha-kra'tha* of weirdos now." Grabbing Fengir, she brought him up to her eye level. "Stop chewing my things or you really will become inanimate!" At that, the beast probably did something cute that had her showing him back in Cain's arms with grumble of "just get it away from me."

She also had another order for the man which was to stop calling her Sheila or whatever since that wasn't her name. She didn't seem impressed by the actual compliments in the slightest.

*Sha-kra'tha - among humanoid bird race of Hukl'ha which has strict caste system based on dominant trait, Sha-kra'tha are each caste leader that are present upon nest hatch so new Hukl'ha immediately imprint on the leader of their future caste.

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Old 08-25-2015, 05:23 PM

"Oh," the pink haired Australian expressed. He then snickered. "I suppose I should have seen that coming." A light blush came to his cheeks. He had been stalking her all this time and had yet to realize her joking from her seriousness. How embarrassing!

"Nonsense, sheila," his eyes slipped to meet hers. "If I wanted to do that, I would merely state that you're looks are peerless, where even roses would quiver to your style." Cain's voice held his usual monotone sound. If he was flirting, he wasn't trying too hard. "But I wouldn't want to inflate your ego so I wouldn't suggest such a thing."

Eyes back on the team sport, he smirked. Fengir was doing his usual cute thing and she didn't seem to appreciate it. Was she not into cute? Cain made mental note of that. She had to like punk and, well, he was the perfect combination of pink (cute) is punk.

Stuffing the critter down his shirt, he yawned before glancing down at his watch. "As much as I enjoy stalking you, I'm afraid I've business elsewhere. I might be able to skip classes but I cannot stand up a student." Raising from his seat, he picked up his bags and started to move away. "Being a tutor does have its downsides," he stated plainly. "But fear not, I'll be back by your side in no time, mate." Flashing her a quick smile, he wandered away until he was out of sight.

Ah, finally. She would be absolutely alone.

Saith honestly didn't think his Tuesday could improve but he was quick to learn that luck wouldn't allow him to end on such a poor note. After Kevlar seized victory for the team via a fancy maneuver that the other team couldn't counter, the crowd broke into an uproar. It was the first time a human had ever scored a game-ending point in the magical game of polo (it was merely magical because others cheated their way to victory). Kev, however, landed the hit fair and square, which made the sting of losing all the worse. He was the only human on any of the 16 competing school teams, which alone hinted at his tactical abilities on both horse and playing field.

The drow was lazy in moving, waiting until the crowd died down before hunting his winning friend out--or so he originally planned. Much to his luck, something else was going to cause him to pry from his seat faster than a cat running toward a bowl of tuna.

In the mere seconds of humbly receiving MVP (most valuable player), one of the competitors from the other school came storming up to Kev. He was a husky kid with ginger hair, freckles, and a black cloak. The letters sewn on his uniform were KPU--Keflei Park University. The guy, according to the pamphlet, was a fifth year. His team always won and this would have been his last victory, thus securing his team (aka: him) as the reigning champions of the Polo Cup. Too bad Kev had other plans.

A look of malice flickered in the KPU student's eyes. With the grimace on his face, Saith's body began to react.

Fist drawn, Kevlar was completely oblivious as to what was soon to follow--a punch square to the back of the neck, surely rendering him out of any sports for the remainder of the year, if not his life.

However, Kev would walk to win another day. Being fast for he was both drow and elf, the black skin man bounded onto the railing the kept the audience back and lunged into the air. Hands reaching up, he grabbed the arm of the lamp post and swung himself down between he and the soon-to-be attacker. One foot firmly planted, the other snaked around the opponent's forward leg.

Fist in palm, Saith broke the man's movements. With a good thrust here and a quick jerk there, the attacker was sent reeling over Saith's back,landing with a hard thug on the torn up field.

It all happened so fast, but the crowd was quick to react. Their voices dipped and all eyes were now on the pair.

Eyes narrowing, Saith cast his daunting gaze on the wizard. "Move, and I'll make sure you don't use that wand again." Foot firmly planted on the wizard's pelvis, his head snapped toward a whistle that was 100-percent directed at him.

"Saith Kimitore," the voice spoke above the buzz of the crowd. Before the drow could even soak in the owner of the voice, a hand ripped at his collar and pulled him in. No wonder was this wizard a prisoner of Saith's careful footing!

Nose to nose, the two men glared into the other's matching pair of blue orbs. This man was shorter than Saith, but easily twice as strong. It helped that he was the coach for all equestrian sports. He was also young, probably 33 or so.

Flicking Saith away, the coach, Mr. Theverge, formed a frown. But soon, he reversed into an ever-widening grin. "Damn, drow, you ought to try out for the track team. I hear they need some pole vaulters. With those s--" He cut himself upon hearing Saith scoff.

The coach of the other team came running up. He was winded, a clear sign that he was a rider and not a runner. "This boy needs disciplinary action," he chided while wriggling a nubby finger at the drow.

"I beg your pardon," Mr. Theverge said while cocking a brow. "Your wizard, Hansen Clee, is the one that drew fist to Kevlar Bael."

When the opposing coach didn't utter a word, Mr. Theverge placed his eyes on the drow again. "Why don't you help Kev out of his armor. I'll take care of the rest."

Running a hand through his white hair, Saith nodded before silently looping an arm around his buddy. "Need help getting the chest plate off?"

"You know it,"
Kev laughed.

When they finally got home, the two decided it best to end their day with pizza, beer, and an action-packed movie. Saith wasn't quick to share who he was with, leaving Kev guessing at straws. Thankfully, from the sound of it, the guy was none the wiser as to who it was--even with all the media coverage on them. It helped that Mae was far from Saith's stereotypical type.

The evening was going well until the both hopped on Zillatron. Though it was fleeting. Saith was sick of talking about relationships, men, and doing stupid things. Almost as soon as he logged in, he was off and getting ready for bed. It was highly unorthodox so Kevlar showed much concern. He also felt terrible for pushing his friend to that breaking point. Promising not to pry further, the two said their good nights.

Having sat on what transpired, Saith gazed up at the clock off to this right. It was nearly 10PM on Thursday night. He had two solid days away from her and it was starting to take its toll on him. The drow felt paranoid, like she would show up at any second and ridicule him. Riddled by guilt, he decided to do the only thing he knew to do--run and hide.

As soon as class was dismissed, he was slinging pack over shoulder and running, yes running, away from it all. He would lock himself away in his room and continue to arrive early to classes to avoid crossing paths with her. He also shifted his eating schedule so he wouldn't have to worry about possibly catching her in the diner or cafe.

Then, that's when it hit him. If he had realized it sooner, he could have pulled back. But it was too late now. His hand was on the handle and the door was slowly opening.

Head poking in from the opening door, he spied the woman with her eyes in a daze as she stared at the ceaseless piles of paper that sprung up around her. Shifting his eyes toward where he last sat, he was that his notes remained as they were. She hadn't trashed them--that was a good sign.

Small smile crawling onto his face, he pulled the door open more so he now rested his his hip against it.

"So," he tried not to startle her, "it's getting late. It's initiation night for the Hellhawk Gang and," he pulled his eyes toward the table where he nearly kissed her. If he had just kissed her maybe none of this would have spiraled out of control.

No, that was a stupid man's thinking. He was smarter than that. He knew Mae wouldn't fall for soft lips and a tense kiss. She needed courting, friendship, and affection before she would let her lips swoon for his.

Flicking his eyes to her, the smile fell off his face. "I'm walking you home." Shifting upright, he dropped his hands to his side. He was really taking this thing seriously just by the way he moved and how he spoke. "And no," the playful smirk came into play, "you can't suggest otherwise." The drow's arms were now crossed over his chest. "I'm walking you home whether you like it or not." From the firm resolve in his eyes, it was clear that he knew something about tonight that perhaps she was unaware of. He was a drow and drows were highly sought out for the thug groups. And the Hellhawks? Well, they weren't necessarily a campus gang--their reach was wider, encompassing the whole city. Who better to prey on during the initiation period than unsuspecting students heading home late at night.

Wanna roleplay? WTF or Mene

Last edited by Xavirne; 08-25-2015 at 05:40 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-30-2015, 07:35 PM

"Buh-bye, don't rush back!" she told him in what counted as cheerful tone for this woman. What a weird kid! Although '18' was written on her ID, it was not her actual age and even if it had been, she'd still deem him a kid. Stuffed animal, pink hair, oversized shirts and big eyed stares. By the endless blood river, what did he see in her that he wouldn't leave her alone? Babysitter? or was he the kind of kiddo that was attracted by older 'badass' woman and their voluptuous forms? Sure, he was well spoken, aside from the weird lingo and apparently a good student, but still.

Sooner or later, he'd get distracted or bored, or she'd kick his behind into a ditch. For now, it was somewhat amusing to mostly ignore him and watch his attempts of... Whatever he thought he was doing. Now he was out of her sight and mind, though, attention on the game and the little drama scene that evolved after. Laughing to herself, she watched Saith defend his best friend and show that snot-nosed brat what you get when you're sore loser. That wasn't saying that she wasn't one herself, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable to see someone else's ass kicked.

Mae suppressed a yawn, evening the last piles on her desk. Silvana had left just half an hour earlier after elf had insisted she could handle this and reminded that it wasn't her that had classes at 11 tomorrow. Her fingers brushed over the papers that Saith had scribbled on few days back before she adjusted them so the stack laid neatly. His suggestion to involve Silvana had been a sound one, just like the others. For that reason, Lacrimae had decided she would clear up the stupid misunderstanding/tension between them and find out if he was in or out of the group she was forming for organizing the ball.

One could wonder why she hadn't done so already and in answer, the woman would insist she was far too busy to track him down and it wasn't exactly her top priority. It wasn't that she wanted to avoid doing this for as long as possible. Not at all. Lacrimae Heliandum didn't dread simple conversations. With suppressed groan, Mae sat down in her chair and rubbed her temples. Headaches were becoming regular guests these days. And tomorrow she had the investigation practicum, a class she felt particularly competitive about. To underworld with her OCD tendencies, she was going back to the dorms now and no one could stop her.

Maybe she'd even catch Scythe or Silver Flower online. The former was exceptional night owl. Of course, he'd pester her about the 'mysterious a**hole' case her probably, but she could reciprocate in asking if he had went to talk to that perfect lady of his. At that moment, the door opened slightly and her gaze flew in that direction, widening just slightly at the familiar face peaking in. Think of the devil and he will come... "Saith," she spoke, tint of surprise to her voice, "why are you here at this hour?"

Without as much as hello, the man proceeded to tell that the infamous gang of the area was up to definitely no good tonight and he was to escort her home. She let him finish without interrupting. "And like the responsible adult and student you are, you tell that to me, not the security, and volunteer as my body guard," Lacrimae commented then, but her tone wasn't wry enough to make it sound like she was angry or upset with him. "I need to inform the security and check if Silvana reached her dorm safely," the woman explained as she took out her phone, standing up. Both conversations lasted few minutes maybe, in quiet voice although it didn't seem that she attempted to hide them from Saith. Few times when talking with the exchange student, she laughed few times softly, smile lighting her eyes up.

Turning to face him, she tilted her head to the side slightly, as if trying to decide what to do with him now, slight crease between her brows. "It's only half an hour walk, but I suppose I cannot talk you out of this needless knightly gesture," with sigh she pushed strand of hair behind her ear and picked up her bag, "so let's go." Turning off the light and locking the room behind them, Mae walked down the dimly lit corridor. They were nearly at the exit when a large man with more muscles than it made sense came out from different corridor and beamed a grin, before frowning: "Miss Lacrimae! Working late again? You really should take better care of yourself."

"I'm heading to dorm now, Heather," Mae spoke reassuringly. "What is he doing here? Is he bothering you, Miss? Just tell me if he is," the security guard with unfitting name gestured to Saith and the elf had to suppress a grin. "He is not bothering me, just making sure I am safe." Without thoughtful 'hmmm' the man eyed them both. They bid each other good night and the woman headed out in the darkness. Although the seasons here were not starkly different from one another, this time was still of the longest and darkest nights.

Mae hadn't asked how Saith knew that Hellhawk Gang had initiation tonight, he surely had his channels and ears in places she never could. It didn't mean he himself was directly involved with them, although from the rumors going around, even that wouldn't be too surprising. But she was trying really hard not to judge him more than she already had. It was true that he was weird and unpredictable, but...

Before the silence could settle too heavily between the two of them and she had missed her opportunity to say what she needed to say, Mae pushed strap of bag higher up her shoulder ("stop delaying!" her mind seemed to yell). "I must admit, I did not expect you to seek me out after you so stormed away rather childishly that day, but I did not act very maturely either and for that, I owe you an apology," her pace grew a little slower with her words although she didn't appear to be particularly hesitant.

"I did not wish to hurt your feelings or poke where I am not supposed to, I merely attempted to continue the light chatter, but in my typical manner, dived right into the deep end," she chuckled softly, although it lacked true amusement. It was not entire truth, she had meant to give back what he gave to her, but this was peace negotiation of sort, not bring up how you insulted me conversation. "Your counsel would be valuable in organizing the ball, so if you are still interested in taking part, please tell me."

The woman glanced sideways at Saith. They were walking through tree shaded alley, sparks of stars glittering now and then through the leaves, few lamps lighting the path. He looked... Handsome, like part of the darkness and the light had mixed itself and then manifested itself in his form. But that was such a foolish thought! But perhaps this was what Scythe had been talking about? That special something between two people, that could send your heart racing, that... "Spark!" Mae suddenly said, grabbing his arm and dragging sideways, into the opposite treeline. Seconds later, some sort of cracker or sparkler lit up fully, shooting for the dark sky and shedding burning sparks in many colors everywhere. Few more followed its suit, lighting the area. She had barely believed her eyes when she had noticed first one over his shoulder, but it was far too literal for her to take the image only as her imagination. Had she not pulled him away, it was likely his backside would have been scorched by the stupidly placed fireworks. Who had left them here!? Sometimes she felt like she was attending highschool for naughty kids, not respectable university!

What was worse, the way they ended up was with both of them rather close together, her clutching his elbow. Looking up in his face, she felt hers heat up from frustration (and perhaps something else) and let the man go. "We should hurry before guards arrive and I have to explain what, why and how. This day has already been too long," Lacrimae said, starting to walk again, now in hurried pace, heading for her dorms.
~ Dreaming; Yellow Welcome Balloon, Ruby Red Suntinas, Cloud Hibiscus and a lot more. ~
~ My Shop ~ My Runway ~

~ p o p p e t ♥, Queen_Andais, star2000shadow, Eastriel are absolutely amazing ~

Last edited by sadrain; 08-30-2015 at 11:52 PM..

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 08-31-2015, 03:52 PM

"Clearly responsible," he said while gliding his hand over his heart. "Alerted the media too," he bluffed. "Although, maybe I should have." Saith ran a hand through his hair before sheepishly laughing. "And this is what makes you school president and me just... well, a drow."

There was something off-putting about how he said that last statement. He was hiding something, that much was blatantly obvious. But what he was hiding, well, it was probably better she not inquire. With Saith's shady history, it was safe to assume he knew more about this than he should because he was, as she believed, closer to these kind of situations than most.

Thankfully, the woman was distracted, having made calls to her friend and the campus safety. With any luck, she wouldn't pry further for he didn't need to put them both in a compromising position.

Out the door they went and Saith was trying not to grin at how she had actually said yes to his demands. She said no to dinner but yes to his escort? Was there more going on here? Or did she truly note the authority in his voice when he mentioned she couldn't get out of this offer.

When greeted (more like interrogated) by Heather, Saith was quite pleased when Mae dismissed the man. Perhaps she was actually doing this out of her own self-interest and not his prideful demand? Or maybe... no, there was no way she was doing this because she liked him. Saith thought hard. Was this her way of saying sorry for belittling him on Tuesday? With an inward nod, he decided it was the only logical explanation.

Now outside, the eerie darkness started to consume them. Saith's ears were listening to anything out of place and, if something did sound off, he would make sure he flickered his eyes toward whatever alarmed him. He was taking this escort role very seriously. Or at least he was until she brought up Tuesday's incident.

She spoke and he listened. When her words came to an end, he wanted to speak but she seemed distracted. He caught her glance at him before she shooed her gaze elsewhere. Brow piqued with curiosity, the drow began to wonder if maybe his initial instinct was right--that maybe she was with him to test the waters and see just what was between the two of them. What were the odds that maybe, just maybe there was a small spark between them. His lips began to part and a small grin started to tug on his mouth. Although that all came to a jarring end when she randomly mentioned spark and then proceeding in yanking him off the path. Was she mad? Was this her idea of seducing him? No, and no. The eruption of fireworks and crackers behind him made him dismiss the fact that she was crazy. It also erased all the images of her kissing him. Still, that didn't stop him from dreaming.

As the night went alive with noise, sparks, and colors, Saith found himself looking at Mae's eyes to watch it all unfold. The colors that danced on her face, the way the light made her features all the softer--why everything about her seemed to angelic. Her hand on his elbow, he felt her warmth pour into him and he did his best not to disturb the tender moment. Now if this were any other woman, he would have kissed her. But Mae? She was different. A kiss would undo it all. Right now, his patience was necessary as was his unyielding, unwavering support. Still, his eyes said it all. If he could have, he would have been pinning her to a tree while making their lips kiss.

When the moment ended and she requested they hurry along, he smirked. His hand took hers--just for a second--before he spun her back into him. There was no way he was letting her off the hook this easily. This was the perfect lead into asking her on a date, again. If he started just right, she might actually say yes this time!

"Do you honestly think they would pin this on yo-" his ears flicked forward and a scowl marred his face. So much for asking her out. Something just had to be lurking in the woods and heading their way.

"Get back," he hissed while rudely shoving her into a bush. Stomping out the remains of the fire, the drow moved up into a tree. The sound of muffled voices followed, as did the silver gleam of what looked like a gun.

"I swore I heard someone over here."

"Dude, obviously, they tripped the trap. Just need to look for whoever did this and bust 'm up."

"Yeah, we'll get into the Hellhawks in no time!"

A snap spooked the kids and the one with the gun pointed it in every direction. "Wh-who goes there," he said with shaky breath.

"Wow," a voice from above said with a haughty tone, "they must be desperate if they're roping in rookies like you." Thud following, the boys pulled out their phones to shine light on the voice that spoke to them. In seconds, they were gazing at Saith, who had his hands crossed over his chest.

"It's the traitor," the boy with the gun mouthed to another. "If we call in James, we'll be hailed as heroes."

"And if you call in James, you'll lose your scholarships and be sent straight to the iron pen." Saith's hand moved in and gripped the pistol he waved. "Listen, punk, you think this is the best way to get your name out there? It's not, trust me." He flung the boy back, seizing the gun. Taking out the bullets, he snapped it over some rocks, instantly breaking the less-than-perfect weapon. "If you do this, this clan is going to forever be a cloud that hangs over you. Look for something else, something more respectable."

"James said you couldn't be trusted."

"James, ha, it's that funny coming from a guy who murders people for a living?"
Saith hitched a brow before scoffing.

At that comment, the boys began to whisper among themselves. "Kill? James has never killed anyone."

"Is that the lie he's feeding you? Just what club do you think you're joining?"

"The Hellhawks. Known for making boys into men."

"More like making men into criminals," Saith shook his head. "Did you do any research?" When they shook their heads no, Saith rolled his eyes. "Why don't you three do yourself a favor and get back to your dorms. You want to make a name for yourself? Join the Student Council. It's the fastest way to fame. You get to learn from the one of the most respected people on campus, Lacrimae Heliandum."

The boys glanced at each other, itching to learn more.

Pinching his nose, he growled. "You want a criminal record, go ahead, stay with the Hellhawks. You'll learn how to cheat, steal, lie, and kill. If that sounds peachy, stay. But if you want to be a CEO, a manager, a somebody, join the student counsel. I hear they need help planning the dance. Help. Ladies love men who do good, not bad."

"But all the women on campus talk about you."

"Yeah and not in a good way, kid. It's hurting me in more ways than you could possibly know." Saith frowned.

"But you could date anyone."

"Not true," Saith sighed. "The woman I'm currently interested in can't have a man with my backstory in her life. I would just bring her down and ruin everything she's worked hard to do. So trust me, a bad rep isn't a good rep. Hell, I've had to work my ass off to stay here. If I slip up one more time, I'm out. And not just out of school, I'm out of this territory. You want to be on the run your whole life?" They said nothing. "Well, do you?"

"No," they said in unison.

"Then do something else. Blood on your hands is no way to l-" his ears flicked backwards. A flickering light came into the path. "You four," it was a campus safety officer, "freeze."

"Officer Campbell,"
Saith said with a friendly tone, "what are you doing out so late?"

"I heard that the notorious Hellhawks were on campus. I'm combing the woods. And," he looked at the group, "you four look like you could fit the bill." Saith's snickering caused the officer to growl before inquiring what was so funny.

"Do these kittens look like killers to you?" Saith flicked his blue eyes on them. "Yeah, I don't think so. We're out here because they're writing a paper on drows. Or at least they want to."

Instantly catching Saith's drift, the boy with glasses piped up. "Yeah, Miss Jarrs said if we could get enough information on drows, she would let us do a group project on them. Since most are very social, we've had rotten luck."

"That was until we met Saith," the one with the oxford jumped in. "He said he would show us how they hunt. Only," the boy scratched his head, "I don't think we realized it would be this dark."

Saith gave the officer a sheepish grin. "I thought we were lighting logs on fire but it looked like they were fire crackers and rockets. I recon they were leftovers from last weekend's big win with the lacrosse team." His hand moved through his hair. "I'll uh, take care of any damages done first thing in the morning."

The officer didn't seem completely convinced but with no proof, he didn't have much to charge them with. "Very well, but if this is true, please follow protocol and do research in the labs."

"Uh," Saith rolled his lip in confusion, "that makes it really hard to write about a drow. We're outdoorsy creatures."

"Valid point. How about you show them during the day. Or at the crack of dawn?"

"Crack of dawn?" The gasp in Saith's voice made the boys laugh. "Do you know anything about drow?"

"They're night creatures. He would never wake up before 6 to help us," the boy with glasses laughed. "But we can see if we can get a security guard to escort us at night, if that would help."

"That would work," he said while pulling out a card. "And since I'm not well-versed on drow, I would love to help. If your teacher signs off on this, I'll gladly be your watchman at night for the experiment. Now, I must ask you all," he stopped.

"Might be wise if you walked them back, officer." Saith made direct eye contact with the man, nodding lightly as he spoke. The two knew each other and from their silent stares, it was obvious that they both knew what was really going on.

"Good idea. If I see you out here when I get back--" he began.

"You won't, don't worry."

Moments later, the boys and the officer were leaving the woods. Saith sighed but it was a fleeting gesture.

"I wasn't sure we could trust you," a voice spoke from behind the drow. "Good to know you're finally on our side." The moonlight caught the man's face, revealing he was another campus safety officer. "Couldn't help but notice you ditched something over there."

"Yeah," Saith rubbed his arm. "James is giving new recruits weapons. This is becoming a real problem."

"Then you sure as hell better work twice as hard. If we have another student die--"

"We won't. I'm on the case. And the ball is the perfect cover up, don't worry. No one will suspect it's us. You just keep the school interested in that ball and I'll keep sniffing out leads. As soon as I know who the informant is, we'll bust them."

"And if you turn on us," he gun was now rested at Saith's neck.

"I know the consequences. You don't need to threaten me." Saith lowered and picked up the mangled remains of the gun. "See if you can get anything useful off this."

"You just had to smash it," he shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm trying to be 'the responsible adult and student' I should be. Now what about the kids?"

"We'll keep an eye on them. So long as they stay out of trouble, I don't see a reason to book them."

With that, the two nodded before shaking hands. "Always a pleasure, Saith." Saith waited a moment before seeking Mae out. Offering her a hand, he pulled her back onto the path.

"Sorry you had to see all that," he grit his teeth. "I'm..." He bit his lip. "It's probably best you don't know." He gave her a worrisome glance, "I... I uh, it's why I wanted to walk you home. I had to make sure you were safe. I knew you worked late and I didn't want you to get caught in the middle of something nasty." His voice was genuine and sincere, much like the look of concern in his eyes.

Escorting her out of the woods, the drow kept silent until they finally reached her door. She probably wanted a quick goodbye, but Saith didn't want to pass this chance up.

"Hey," he cast his gaze off her, "about Tuesday. You shouldn't have to apologize. I was wrong to do what I did. I don't know you and I had no right to make assumptions, let alone joke about such personal things."

It was now or never, he told himself.

Stepping up, he placed a quick kiss on her cheek. "You're okay, Mae." He stepped back down and shot her a wink. "I don't have class tomorrow so I'll see you whenever I get my sleepy ass over to your office."

With that, he flashed her another grin before ducking back into the shadows. Not making it fair, he stopped to gaze back at her. He wondered what she would do with that kiss he left on her cheek.

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