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Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 09:31 AM

This is a word game thread!

How terrible! The Christmas Thieves are out to steal Christmas and they're coming to your house. D:

How it Works:
  • Someone will use one or two terms to describe something the Christmas Thieves are taking from your house.
  • The next person will explain what that item is (hopefully something actually in your house!) and how they thwart the Christmas Thieves.
  • The Christmas Thieves left a clue to what they're after next, so tell the next person what the clue was!

  • Marty reads the clue from the Christmas Thieves and warns, "The Christmas Thieves are after something blue."
  • Tina gets the warning and says, "Oh no! They must be after the Smurf doll on my bed! I lock my bedroom door tonight!"
  • Tina finds a note from the Christmas Thieves and warns, "The Christmas Thieves are on the lookout for something spicy!"
  • Myrtle gets the warning and says, "Yikes! Well, they're welcome to the bag of chili peppers if they want them! My aunt gave them to me and I don't like spicy food!"
  • Myrtle warns, "The Christmas Thieves are after something with an animal print."

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 09:31 AM

Oh no! The Christmas Thieves are after something yellow!


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 09:58 AM

SZP gets the message and shouts," No one's getting my bananas! I'm eating them all now!"
SZP warns,"The Christmas Thieves are after something wooden!"

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 11:40 AM

Eeep! Something wooden? D: They wouldn't steal my computer desk, would they? .... Probably not. It's really heavy and full of crap on it. Serve them right if they tried!

Oh no - you guys. D: The Christmas Thieves are after something with ears. D:


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BellyButton is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 04:37 PM

They can't be thinking of taking my dear sweet kitten? The joke'll be on them, because he's anything but sweet - in fact he's sharpening his claws right now!

Now the Christmas Thieves are coming to take something leafy and green!

Cows Go Moo
Crouching Roleplayer Hidden Lurk...
Cows Go Moo is offline
Old 12-23-2014, 07:23 PM

"THEY STOLE MY CABBAGES!" Luckily I'm a rich cabbage merchant so I can send my cabbage mercenaries after those sick thieves! But alas, now the thieves are after something red and sticky

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 03:21 AM

NOT MY LI HING MANGO?!! But I did buy a new jar today and that one is kinda turning a different color....

The Christmas thieves are trying to steal something that is wet!


Kent is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 03:54 AM

Why would they want my wet towels? o 3o; Well, too bad, I put them to dry in the drying machine~

The Christmas Thieves are after something with a floral pattern now. D:

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 04:00 AM

My... my shirt? D: But I really like this one! I'll kick them in the knees if they try to take it! Especially since I'm wearing it. D< (I have another on under, but it's the principle of the thing. :B )

Unfortunately, I heard that the Christmas Thieves are after something you put on your face. :x

is Long

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Old 12-24-2014, 04:07 AM

They're after my glasses!? I won't be able to see if they take them, I'll just never take them off.

The Christmas Thieves are after something under your bed


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BellyButton is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 04:15 AM

They can totally have it. Whatever it is, it's not good.

The Christmas Thieves are going to feel slighted by this freebie and come for something you use for your hobby next!

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 04:16 AM

*blinks* But it's paper? Just paper. It would be less trouble to buy that at the store.

The thieves are after something yummy!

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 04:43 AM

Nooohhh! I stashed those dark chocolate chips fair and square! D< They have to get into the drawer right next to me, though, so I'll just elbow them in the face if they try it!

The Christmas Thieves are after something in your closet though. D:

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 05:01 AM

They can try... *looks at the death trap I call my room* I think my room would eat them first...

The Christmas Thieves are after something cold!

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 05:46 AM

If they wanted a glass of water, they could have just said so. :B They might want to grab a different glass, though. I'm using this one. :B

I heard that the Christmas Thieves are looking for something leather.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 06:35 AM

Well it's not like I use that belt anymore. o.o Been meaning to throw it away.

What's the noisy in the living room? I think the Christmas Thieves are after something square and shiny!

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 08:23 AM

... one of the tiles on the floor? o_o Good luck to them trying to get one of those up....

Head's up! The Christmas Thieves are after something fuzzy.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 08:40 AM

ASDLKjSD DO NOT TOUCH THE STITCH TSUM TSUM! *hugs the stitch tsum tsum*

Oh! It looks they're after something round and sparkly!

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 09:21 AM

Round and sparkly, eh....? ....I think there are some ornaments in the display case like that! Thankfully the display case is locked and the Christmas Thieves are easily detoured.

Oog. You guys - the Christmas Thieves are after something that opens. o_o

Mnemosyne is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 09:32 AM

They're after my hope chest?! That thing is full of textbooks I'd love to see them TRY!

Oh gosh though! They scribbled on the sides! I guess they're after something warm next!

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 09:39 AM

Something... warm? ...But... they can't have my bed. D: They will get bitten. D<

I just got an email from the Christmas Thieves. They say that they're looking around for something slinky. ...whatever that means.

Mnemosyne is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 09:42 AM

Well they better stay away from my pretty purple dress! I'll beat them with a hanger if they come near it!

Those pesky elves sent me a text saying they desire something sticky -shudders-

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 10:14 AM

Sticky? They must want the jar of locally harvest honey! No way! 'Tis the season to get sick and local honey is the best to treat it. D:< I will totally step on their toes.

Just checked their website, though. The Christmas Thieves are looking for something family-friendly. o.o?

Mnemosyne is offline
Old 12-24-2014, 06:01 PM

My board games! No way! I'll swat them away like the flies they are!

Oh shoot, they got into my buttercream and wrote on the cake. Looks like the thieves are looking for something sparkling now! ]:

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 12-25-2014, 12:55 AM

*stares at the glitter covered desk* We had a slight accident last night... I mean they're welcome to take it. Was gonna have to get a new one anyways.

The thieves are after something blue!


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