View Poll Results: What's your favorite Silent Hill platform?
PS1 3 15.00%
PS2 16 80.00%
PSP 0 0%
WII 0 0%
XBox 360 1 5.00%
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Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 10-15-2009, 11:21 PM

Oh. Was the first Silent Hill available for the Dreamcast too? I thought it was only for the PSX. I know the exact part you're talking about. ;D

@Kole_Locke ~ If you're still interested, I read that just last month the first Silent Hill was made available for download from the Playstation Store for $5.99.

Stardragon is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by Parasite View Post
@Nariza-I'm the exact same way about Silent Hill. It's a truly fabulous game and I will talk a person's head off about it if they listen.
You relate with Maria? I can't say I relate with any Silent Hill characters, although I swear my brother is James' long lost son.

@Kasumi-So you've played a lot of the games. Silent Hill 3 has left me scarred for life. XD

@Sassandra-Silent Hill reminds me a lot of a soap opera, too. I was the one that started the games and then got my brother hooked!
(I'm Kasumi's Mule account)Yes I have. Currently I'm working on Silent Hill 4.Have any of you guys tried the Fatal Frame Series? I think SH2 XBOX Version is compatible with the XBOX 360. I know Silent Hill The Room can be played on the XBOX 360.

shandi b
shandi b is offline
Old 10-23-2009, 08:12 PM

Have you ever played Silent Hill?
yes and beaten it

If you have, which one was your favorite?
silent hill origins is my fave but i also like silent hill three

What moment scared you out of your seat?
in silent hill two in the prison when you walk into a bathroom. you walk in and its OK but as soon as you get to the door to leave you hear a scream and a loud banging noise. i didn't play the game for two months after i heard that.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-23-2009 at 11:11 PM..

Ems91 is offline
Old 10-30-2009, 04:29 PM

Yep, I have! ^^
It's hard to say but I really like silent hill 2. It's not too creepy, good voice actors and great graphics and music.

The moment I think was the creapiest where in Silent hill 3, in the end in a strange bulding with no name I think, there was a room with creepy sound and blood that... crawled all over the room. :S

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 10-30-2009, 10:03 PM

So, another mod pointed this story out to me. It's been posted on lots of game sites and I can't say for sure how true it is. But if it is true... well, that's something else. :lol:

Silent Hill is arguably the creepiest, freakiest video game franchise out there, just in terms of sheer atmospheric tension and enough mystical fear to make your skin crawl. So yeah, bad dreams may be inevitable.

But when you're not 100% healthy, an experience like that can have a debilitating effect. According to GameGrep, a 35-year-old man caused a blackout at the Sophia Hospital in the Netherlands because he believed he was actually in Silent Hill. Nobody got hurt and thankfully, "Jan H." didn't take the next step and start taking weapons to patients he believed might be demonic mannequins, but elevators did get stuck and employees were forced to manually respirate patients in the intensive care unit. It took 45 minutes to restore power but like we said, there were no reported injuries. In court last week, the man said he suffered a psychological break of some kind that told him if he shut the hospital's power down, he could get a toothbrush that would let him solve a Silent Hill puzzle. As a result, Jan H. was found not guilty; the ruling said he "had no idea of the true consequences of his deed" and will now have the benefit of psychiatric treatment. Perhaps it was the hospital environment that triggered the psychosis; those of you who are familiar with the franchise will know what I mean...

Mrs.Asphixia is offline
Old 01-01-2010, 05:36 AM

I've played all of them except for the first, and own 0,2,4, and homecoming. Personally, my favorite would probably be the 5th due to the graphics and combat system. Whenever I get attacked by the Ferals in the earlier games it makes me jump, I actually fell out of my chair once. I also got to cosplay as a bubble head nurse :3

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 01-02-2010, 12:07 AM

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories was pushed up again. To the 19th. :cry:

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Old 01-03-2010, 07:57 PM

Well, I've officially played though every game except for 3 which I lost interest in. And the new Shattered Memories one was both short and not scary at all. To be honest I like Home Coming the best but my favorite game will always be James Sunderlands. Can't help it.

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Old 01-05-2010, 09:06 AM

I am really awful with horror-genre things, but I LOVE Silent Hill. It's the only survival/horror game series that I enjoy (even though it scares me). I'm too much of a wuss to play them by myself, but watching someone else play them is fine. xD

The plots and monsters really interest me a lot. I absolutely love the psychological mind-screwing they put you through.♥ And how almost everything is symbolic.

I think one of the scariest moments (or one that startled me the most) that I can really remember is in the beginning of Silent Hill 2, that Lying Figure shot out from under the vehicle right in front of you and scuttled around. UGH! Cheap shot, man, cheap shot! In Silent Hill 1, the tentacle monster in the cabinet-thing scared me, too, when it grabbed you and insta-killed you if you didn't use that ring to connects the chains. I'm having trouble remembering specifics other than those, though, because my skull is totally stuffy with headache.

The Great
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:47 PM

I've only played Silent Hill: Shattered memories for the Wii but I loved it! :D It was sooo neat and scary!

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 01-21-2010, 07:00 PM

I can't wait to get a copy of Silent Hill, Shattered Memories, which if I'm not mistaking is a remake of the original Silent Hill from the Play Station One. It looks like it will be quite challenging for sure!!

mortamis is offline
Old 03-05-2010, 01:41 PM

i have played silent hill. my favrite game would be silent hill two. the only part that scare me is in silent hil: shattered memories when the car goes in the water and you have to find a way out of the car before you drown.

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Old 03-12-2010, 04:57 AM

Have you ever played Silent Hill?
If you have, which one was your favourite?
What moment scared you out of your seat?
Silent Hill is my favorite video game series EVER ! I have played all the games except for 4, 5, and Shattered Memories. I love it so much because it's not like other horror games. It's like...classy I guess. I like how it doesn't need all the gore to be scary, though gore is amazing! I love the stories. I always like reading the things you find because the stuff is so creepy and fucked up. I really like the monsters too, they are so well thought out and deliciously grotesque.

My favorite game would probably be either 2 or 3. I really liked 2 because there was just so much going on and I loved the monsters. The mannequins were so awesome and so were the nurses. I liked the way they looked in that game. I also like how it didn't really follow the same story for the first one.

I really liked the 3rd game because , like the first, there was so much going on. I really love how it connected with the first game and I loved the main character being a girl! The monsters were great too.

I can't really remember the moment that scared me the most. usually the fear I get from the game comes after I finish playing it for the night. It's like..just this creepy feeling. It's not really that I'm scared, it is just that I got so into the game that it feels like everything is just warped and not really what it seems. I feel like everything seems quiet. I like it. I like how it really gets into your head. I cant' wait to play Shattered Memories because I know that it is supposed to change a LOT based on what you do. I don't have a Wii so I have to wait until it comes out on the PS2 finally.

BUT I cant remember one thing that was pretty scary. It was in 3 whenever you go into that room with the mannequins and you hear a scream when you walk out. I didn't expect it LOL. I also remembered getting freaked out on one part on one of the games where a bathroom stall is covered in blood and stuff. It was pretty cool but it got me off guard.

Kid Disaster
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by Parasite View Post
Have you ever played Silent Hill?
If you have, which one was your favourite?
What moment scared you out of your seat?
I am in *love* with the Silent Hill series. I've played 2, 3, 4, and Origins to date, but I've loved all of them.

2 definitely takes the "favorite" slot, though. The storyline is absolutely tragic, and once you figure out that the monsters are conjured up by Jame's subconscious, things get scary on a whole other level.

I've actually had two moments that really scared the crap out of me while playing.

The first one was while playing Silent Hill 2 while I was at my dad's house. I was playing in my brother's room, and told him he wasn't allowed to leave while the game was still on, because Pyramid Head scares the living shit out of me on so many different levels. Well, at one point, he decided to go to the kitchen to get some milk, and said he'd be right back; thinking that not much could happen in the five minutes he was gone, and since I hadn't seen Pyramid Head lately and didn't think he was likely to pop up soon, I just kept playing. Well, of course, a couple minutes later, I go out on a rooftop, and Pyramid Head shows up and throws my ass off the building. I screamed and threw the controller, and my brother came back to his room to find me in tears. XD

The second was while playing Origins on my brother's PSP. It was New Year's Day 2008, and my brother, his friend Ace, their friend (I don't recall her name, since I only met her that one time), and I had all driven to Oklahoma City to watch a hockey game the night before. We were driving back home early in the morning, so it was dark, and I was huddled over the PSP with the headphones on. Of course it was dead silent in the car when a Remnant I didn't notice attacked me. I screamed so loud, I almost made Ace wreck his car. >_> I got the PSP taken away for the rest of the trip. Haha.

Alfred F. Jones
D1S50lv3dG1Rl is offline
Old 03-13-2010, 09:36 AM

The first Silent Hill I played was the 4th one...scared me to play because it was so bizarre...watching Brad from 4 person player was pretty funny though XD

I can't judge which is my fave simply because I've only played 1 game but I do love the music!

Snort Like A Pig
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Old 03-15-2010, 01:30 AM

Lol, I have to say Silent Hill 4 & 5 were my FAVORITE! Silent Hill 5 did a good job freaking me out! Ha ha. It would make noises in the background that made me so paranoid.

Kid Disaster
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Old 03-15-2010, 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by Inwe View Post
I've only played Silent Hill: Shattered memories for the Wii but I loved it! :D It was sooo neat and scary!
I just bought Shattered Memories for PSP yesterday, and it is TRIPPING ME OUT.
I'm gonna have to stop playing in the living room, since my mom hates me swearing, and during the Nightmare sequences, it seems like the only thing I can say is, "Shit, shit, SHIT!"

Frawesome is offline
Old 03-27-2010, 08:04 PM

Dude, Silent Hill is the shizzle D:

I've played every Silent Hill game but Origins, in this order: 3, 2, 4, 1, Shattered Memories, 5
I've beaten every one of them listed except 5 and 4. I'm working on the 5th (alongside Fatal Frame 4 and 1), and I rented the 4th but obviously didn't have enough time to complete it without being late on rental fees.

I'd have to say that the 3, 2, and 5 Shattered Memories are my favorites right now. My favorite playable character would have to be Heather Mason , (male character would be James Sunderland), and non-playable would be Alessa and older Cheryl and young Dahlia of Shattered memories. c:

EDIT: I FINALLY beaten SH5 last night. I never had time to play up 'till this weekend. I'm so proud! XD
I got the UFO ending, cause I'm cool like that >=]

Last edited by Frawesome; 03-29-2010 at 04:46 PM..

zewbies is offline
Old 07-21-2010, 04:07 AM

Any Meneshan Silent Hill fans out there? I just recently started playing the Slient Hill games and so far I really like them. I bought Silent Hill Origins and got addicted to it rather quickly. Next I want to play the first Silent Hill but I'm debating on buy it and playing it on my PS1 or the remake Silent Hill Shattered Memories for the PS2. Any suggestions?

Aetera is offline
Old 07-26-2010, 01:18 AM

I've only played Silent Hill 2, but I love the concept and the whole Silent Hill universe. I especially love Pyramid Head. ^_^

I'm thinking of going as one of the nurses for Halloween. I think that would be fun.

zewbies is offline
Old 07-27-2010, 05:14 AM

Originally Posted by Aetera View Post
I've only played Silent Hill 2, but I love the concept and the whole Silent Hill universe. I especially love Pyramid Head. ^_^

I'm thinking of going as one of the nurses for Halloween. I think that would be fun.
:] That would be a epic Halloween coustume.

Madness is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 03:52 PM

I found an awesome tutorial on Deviantart for the bubblehead nurses costumes <3 I'd like to dress as them too for halloween, or get a bunch of my girlfriends too. Lol I could force my boyfriend to be pyramid head.

Anyways I've played a few, but I'm one of those people who can't play scary games alone, my friends and I do like trade-of play where one of us plays and we trade off playing when we die or beat a big boss etc. I just love the storylines for Silent Hill, so interesting!

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 05:44 PM

I still have yet to really get into playing Silent Hill, I think I have the second one and that is it. I liked the Resident Evil series a bit better, but this one is good and I will play the second installment of the series and try to get to the end of it. I like how each game kind of connects in with each other. The movie was loosely based on the game and came pretty close but just wasn't close enough for my liking but it was still rather adequate. Shattered Memories, I may break down and buy it so I can play from the beginning and get the full story and not have to figure out the holes and stuff I may miss by skiping the first game of the series without even giveing it a go.

Toxic Doll
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Old 08-30-2010, 05:08 PM

D: Because it's rare that I've seen any around ; -; It saddens me a bit. I suppose that not alot of people are as obsessed as I am though = w=; Ohh how I love that game... If only Silent Hill were a REAL town, because I would so be there in an instant! O:<

Last edited by ToriKat; 11-03-2010 at 10:44 AM..

Everyone's Favorite Imaginary Fr...
Nolori is offline
Old 08-30-2010, 07:38 PM

I'm one of the people who's only played #2. Admittedly I read a lot of the mythology online because I find it fascinating. But oh man if Silent Hill was real, I'd just hope that I never have any reason to be called there. D=

Admittedly, part of me wants to hug Pyramid Head. The other part of me wants to save the manequins from him.


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