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Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:30 PM

Ruthie soon found herself in a dark labyrinth of crumbling corridors and gloomy looking cells, the oil lamps having long ago lost their fuel. To her horror, she passed by some rotting corpse on her search for a suitable cell to sleep in. Most of the cells nearest the one she was previously in smelled horrible or had their door locked, prompting her to search further.

She soon came upon a stone stairway, both leading up to faint stray of moonlight and down to a greater abyss. She had to choose which way to go.

---------- Post added 05-21-2012 at 09:33 AM ----------

The golem took the boy's contract and told him to find a suitable room to sleep the night away and to return as soon as he woke up. It reminded the boy that to escape meant death, and pointed him to the now opening door leading to a dank, dark and labyrinthine corridor.

Last edited by Artsydaze; 05-21-2012 at 03:58 PM..

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:05 PM

Ruthie was frightened and confused. "Wot kinda place is this?" she muttered, hugging herself. She had just about screamed seeing the bodies on the floor and jumped to avoid them. She had tried the few doors she happened upon, but to her dismay had found them locked. She tripped on the floor as she stumbled further on. Just ahead of her she saw something that made her eyes go wide. It was probably the largest staircase she had ever seen. She took a second to rest on a step before thinkgng about her options.

Looking down she saw nothing but darkness. She could only count 7 steps before she could see no more. Migh' be a cliff. I'd drop to me death. She shivered at the thought of dying in such an awful place such as this. I wonder if I'd become on o' them weirdos? She shuddered again. She wasn't going down, that was for certain. Her only choice now was to go up the staircase.

She stood then hopped up one step, then another. She counted three, and could then see a light ahead. "Light!" she squeaked in excitement and for the first time since waking up, she smiled.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 04:10 PM

((See? You just need to take your exploration slowly, I fill you up on what you need to know!))

After ascending what felt like unending stairs at the time, Ruthie finally arrived to what seemed like the Ground Floor

Ruthie's new surrounding was a bit less gloomy in appearance, though from the gloom emerged a sense of despair and anguish that seemed to permeate the stone walls. Small and narrow windows periodically pierced the walls of what seemed to be the entrance of the building. A menacing looking gate took most of the wall opposite the staircase, made of solid steel and sturdy oak. Not only was she told not to leave but the massive door seemed to be firmly locked by various bolts and locks.

On the same wall ass the staircase, an old elevator led up to the higher level, the gate opening up with a ding, waiting for her to dare enter it's confining space.

On her left, however, seemed to be an austere looking door was shut tightly, probably belonging to the long gone warden of the place. It was simple and was marked with "Warden's Quarter" in faded black paint.

On her right led a long corridor that seemed to end with double doors that noisily opened when her gaze landed upon them. The area beyond seemed to be some dilapidated Mess Hall.

That corridor also seemed to hold a multitude of small rooms of minimal security that were each marked as "Visitors". They could do as a room, but were small and poorly locked and offered little protection from the others occupants.

Ruthie had to decide to either explore the floor in search of a room or enter the open elevator shaft.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 04:18 PM

She once again looked up at the revolting creature. Leave? Why would she leave, it was clear they had the power over her and she was smart enough to know that escape would be all but impossible. She was afraid, only an idiot wouldn't be afraid of the creature and its demands, but she would survive. Survival was in her instinct. She nodded once to show that she did in fact understand what was laid before her and left the room as instructed.

She looked about her in the prison like setting. It was hard to determine which rooms could be empty. She wasn't even sure of where to start. In one day her life had taken a turn from bad to.....was this worse? She wasn't sure what this was if truth be told. The smell certainly gave her the will to vomit. But even that was something that was slowly fading. Perhaps if she set her mind to it she would survive. After all it couldn't be worse then death right?

She wondered down the hall wondering, watching about her taking it all in. I

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 04:32 PM

(( It's like a Choose your own adventure book. Of course, I always skipped ahead to find out what happened. :XD ))

Ruthie breathed heavy after stepping, at last, on the top of the stairs. I don't like stairs anymore. she thought looking behind her. She took a deep breath and looked around. Across from her was a massive gate. She would have to have two of her standing on her shoulders to see over the top. "I ain't leavin' anyway." She said with a hint of sarcasm. It is nice to finally be out of the dark though.

Ruthie jumped and shrieked at the DING! sound next to her. "Only a silly lift."she said, "Just a s-s-stupid silly lift." She held her chin up, even though is was quivering. She looked around again and noticed rooms on her left and right. One in particular, to her left, caught her attention; a fancy looking door with a little sign on it. She tried the knob, but the door wouldn't budge. She looked at the sign "WAHR-den's Qua-TER." she sounded out. She didn't know what a warden was, but the Head Mum had had a fancy door like this one; the penalty for going in there was a beating. She moved away from the door and headed towards the hallway with the double doors.

After looking in a few rooms, she went back to the stairs. "The rooms ain't too good an' I don't wanna weirdo coming after me." Ruthie inched her way towards the lift. She closed her eyes and forced herself to open the gate. "Lift goin' up?" she said, trying to amuse herself.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 04:35 PM

((See how I give a bit of varying details to each of you? I think reading the other's story would be wise, just a though ;)... ))

This floor seemed to be the Golems' lair and a grave to boot, rotting corpses littering the dark and damp always and corridors twisting into a mockery of a labyrinth. Most of the cells were firmly locked, the others rusted with disuse or smelling of death and madness.

Some of the corridors were caved in by what seemed to be military grade bombs, and were therefore impracticable. This did make the corridor harder to get lost in, however, and soon Raine found herself before a grand staricase of stone, going both up and down. The stairs leading to the upper level brought the sound of distant winds and soft and sparse moonlight, the stairway going down the scent of damp earth and utter darkness. Whether she would choose the embrace of wind and moonlight or the touch of damp earth and darkness was Raine's choice. Descending the stairs in the dark would prove difficult however, but with caution and care, may it bring greater security in the end?

Only time would tell.

---------- Post added 05-21-2012 at 12:46 PM ----------

((I liked those books, but I'd like to think that my story is a little better, as it change with your ideas and actions, and I can be swayed into being kind or mean x3!))

The elevator was nearly bare and made of wrought iron and maple wood. On the right side of the gate lay three glass buttons laid neatly into a small row and each labelled with a number from one to three. The one numbered '1' glowed faintly from a little light embedded behind it, signifying that the floor Ruthie was in was that one.

The elevator looked like it may one day give out if left in disrepair, but still seemed serviced enough for that to not be an issue until a few years from now.

Ruthie could choose to look into the second or the third floor.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 08:20 PM

Ruthie brushed her fingers over the elevator buttons. They were smooth like new cobblestone to the touch, but marred with faint scratches, indicating years of use. Ruthie gulped. This place was getting more and more terrifying the more she pressed on. Maybe it'd be best to just stop right here. Sit down and not go anywhere. It wouldn't be leaving, so they wouldn't kill me would they? Ruthie sat in the elevator and pondered this thought. Maybe if I go really high, to the tippy-top I can see where I am and scream for help. Maybe someone will hear me? "No," she said "that's rubbish. Weirdos would just kill an' eat me. Still wanna know where me is." She stood and put her finger on the button that said three, and waited.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 08:20 PM

((I was gonna play off of her post but I wasn't sure if you wanted us to. Good to know now though. But I plan to take a different path xP))

She cringed her nose as the smell of rot. The floor was littered with corpses, she should have expected as much. A skull brush against her foot and she shuttered but did not scream. She did however give the skull a firm kick to get it off her foot and continued down the decaying halls. Every now and then she tried a door only to find them locked, all locked. How was she supposed to find an unoccupied room if all the rooms where locked?

When she discovered the staircase she contemplated it. First looking up to the moonlight stairs and then down to the darkness. Darkness.....It was certainly the unknown path, but darkness never bothered her. In fact it was often a comfort to her. The smell It was....soothing. She took a moment to take it all in and then made her choice, yes, she was going to take the path of darkness.

She gripped onto the rail of the staircase but held herself steady slowly she descended the stairs.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 08:53 PM

As Rutie pressed the elevator switch, it groaned and slowly made it's way up up it's shaft, hesitating a few moments at the second floor before continuing on, screeching to a halt on the third floor. The door opened and the gate slided back into it's sheath, letting pass the now far more present moonlight and bringing to view the area beyond.

It was far more windy up there, high widows secured in intricate wrought steel that would surely look lovely if she was not so scared right not. It was a far cry less run down up here, and the wind sweeping the entire area did not let dust or dirt in for long. The lack of glasses in the window made this floor a haunting place at this time of night, however, as the wind howled down the opening and trough the corridors and rooms.

Before her stood a solid stone wall, a windswept plaque upon it reading "Prisoners of War" upon it. That would certainly explain the better state and condition of this area. The wall reached far on both the left and the right, making place to what seemed to be two wings.

---------- Post added 05-21-2012 at 05:01 PM ----------

((It's a RP, of course you are all free to interact with each others, and that may even help you in some cases... well, unless there is bad blood then it's bad xD!))

As she carefully descended the stairs, Raine nearly slipped on the damp steps but as she had a firm grim on the rail she did not fall. It took quite some time to reach the end of the pitch black stairway but she managed to do it without falling to her death.

As she finally reached the first basement floor, she saw that there was no way for her to see at all, and that matches would certainly be a necessity if she was to make her home down there. By touch she would have to proceed down this spiralling corridor she was now in, to search for a room or to find yet another staircase, leading even further down.

Last edited by Artsydaze; 05-21-2012 at 09:02 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 09:22 PM

This was dark enough, she thought to herself, the earthen smell filled her nostrils and she took it in. In the future she would need to find a torch to light the way down the corridors even more but for now she would find her way by touch. Her eyes where taken from her but she felt no fear, foolish perhaps, but true.

Her hands felt the cold walls beneath her fingers as she searched for a room for which to sleep.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 09:40 PM

Trough touch, she found numerous vault-like doors, seeming to be made to whitstand even the most fearsome of prisoners. It looked like this floor was for more dangerous inmates and each room contained a cot and were of middle size, all of these rooms felt identical and seemed to be quite secure and durable.

Raine could not learn anything further from her surroundings until she found some means to bring light to these dark walls.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 09:48 PM

Now that she knew that rooms existed all around her she decided she was far too awake to sleep just at the very moment. After all she knew where to find a room now, and the whole of the prison was at her disposal. If the prison was to now be home she might as well explore and learn her way around. Her first thought was to find Light, as much as she loved the damp and the dark even she could not survive without a source of light.

She thought for a moment and thought to herself, a torch. That seemed to be like the logical thing to find in a dark dank basement. As she crept along the halls she ignored the doors and felt along the walls, hopeful and yet not hopeful.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 09:57 PM

Nathanial looked at the creature, but soon wished he hadn’t as he quickly looked away after giving a nod to show that he understood. To escape means death, but that would only be if they caught me right he thought to himself. Anyway they have to be kidding about sleeping, I could barely sleep at the orphanage. How in the world can I sleep in a place like this? He would concern himself with sleep after he found a room. He moved to the door that had opened and exited the room to find himself in a labyrinthine like corridor. It was dark, dank and like the room it stunk of blood, rotting flesh and machine oil. Moving forward he paid little attention to the bodies and various debris that littered the floor. He looked left then right trying to decide which way would be the best to go in search of refuge.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:02 PM

((The map is up in the OOC thread ;)!))
Unlit torches were quite rare indeed, but the matchboxes were even rarer. Raine's chance of finding some without having to get up to the ground floor were of 30%.
They were hidden in the crevices over some of the torches, their existence known only by the dead occupants of the prison.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:07 PM

She knew she wasn't being smart, but one thing no one would deny about her was her pure form of stubbornness. They all supposed that it came from her mother who everyone always told her was just as stubborn but she wouldn't know, she had never known her mother. She did however know that she needed to find a light of some sort and was hoping to not have to go back up to the ground floor. She continued to claw at the walls, there had to be some somewhere.

The 10-sided dice lands on 4

((Told ya, stubborn xP))

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:11 PM

At the right side of Nathanial laid a collapsed corridor, on the left side stood a stone staircase, leading both up to what seemed like fresh air and moonlight and down to earthy smells and darkness. The stairs leading up seemed to be a bit crumbling with use but were otherwise safe while the stair leading down were soon swallowed in darkness, their slippery nature was however visible before they disappeared.

The stairs seemed like the only feasible route for now.

---------- Post added 05-21-2012 at 06:24 PM ----------

((By the gods, but you are lucky O.o!))

As she searched the crevices in the walls, Raine's fingertips touched something that felt like a box. Eagerly retrieving it, she found that it was a matchbox. The box felt heavy enough for her to deduce that it got some matches left, the sound and later feel of it proved her guess true.

She now had to light a match and light a torch.

The matches did have some dampness to them however, so only two thirds of them would lit up.
There was The 40-sided dice lands on 32 matches in the box, she counted.

Last edited by Artsydaze; 05-21-2012 at 10:26 PM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:32 PM

He studied the stairs for a moment, contemplating his options. If he went up the stairs he might be able to find a room with a decent view of the surrounding area to get an idea of where he was, but the darkness from below was inviting. If he went down he’d have solitude and hopefully be left to his own devices. Carefully he started down the slippery staircase.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:33 PM

((Thank the gods! I didn't think I would be xP))

She felt the box beneath her fingers and her heart gave a leap. She might have a way to see in this darkness. She loved the darkness but even she knew that light made the world easier. She felt in the box to count the amount of matched she held. Hopefully she had at least a few that would light, there was a certain dampness in the box.

The 40-sided dice lands on 21

She drew one match from the box and held her breath, hoping it would take.

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:41 PM

Nathanial carefulness paid well, as he managed to descend into the dark second level of the basement without too much trouble. The new area was pitch black with dank curving walls and steel doors. If he choose to stay here, he would have to find a room by touch. If, however, he choose to continue on, he would have to be very careful of any debris and puddles that may lead to the next stairway.

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:43 PM

Ruthie whimpered as the elevator groaned and began its ascent. It stopped briefly on the next floor, and Ruthie thought she had hit the wrong button. She started to reach for the gate when the elevator lurched and began rising again. The sudden movement caused her to stumble and almost fall, but she grabbed the gate and was able to catch herself. She quickly moved her hand and jumped back when the elevator lurched to a stop the second time. This time the gate opened and she hesitantly stepped out onto the floor.

The first thing she noticed was how cold it was. She shivered and wrapped her scarf tighter around her. The moonlight she had chosen to follow was also more bright and that gave her comfort. "Least I kin' finally see where 'm goin'." she muttered. "An' there ain't much dirt 'nd dust."

She walked in the only direction she could... towards a stone wall and a dived in the hall. There was another sign on this wall and she read it carefully. "PRIS-oners o' WAHR." War? But The War is over! I remember when it ended not a few months ago! We got an extra serving of porridge that day! Ruthie scratched her head. "There ain't nobody here, is there?" she called down both hallways. Instead of waiting for a reply, Ruthie started walking LEFT, hoping that her call would not be answered.

Last edited by Wrenji-chan; 05-22-2012 at 03:05 AM..

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:46 PM

((Oh well... it goes into the two thirds I guess!))

Raine was extremely lucky tonight, as the second match she struck lit afire, letting her use a torch for it's intended purpose. The halls lit up, bringing wet walls to light, the water on them forming puddles on the floor. She could now see up to two foots from herself.

She now had 10 matches left.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:57 PM

She knew her matches where limited so she debated her usage of them. She could continue to search the place for hours but then she may end up in the dark before long. But still the lure of the unknown was drawing on the back of her mind. She decided to continue to explore for just a little bit. Not long but just a bit. After all she needed to know what she was to be up against if someday she was to be in the dark for long periods of time she needed to know her surroundings well.

Each step she took made her more confident and less afraid. She could do this, without a doubt she could do it. She would just do what she needed to do to survive. She began poking her head in rooms now with the advantage of sight.

((Are we allowed to run into one another? I know nathaniel and I should shortly))

Last edited by Cora; 05-21-2012 at 11:03 PM..

Full-Time Daydreamer
Artsydaze is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 11:01 PM

The left hallway led to a quite grand room for a prison cell, with three intricate cage-like walls giving a great view on the outside and a comfortable bed laying on the side farthest from the door, a small night table firmly nailed to it's side. The sheets and coverlet seemed to be in very good condition, as the cold air prevented vermin from harming it's fabrics. She could not see the colours of the room at this time of night, but could appreciate the feel of the duvet. Those would be necessary, as it was quite cold up there at night.

Ruthie could explore the room some more, sleep in the bed, find another room in the other wing, or go back down.

---------- Post added 05-21-2012 at 07:06 PM ----------

((Yes, as I said in the OOC thread, you are encouraged to do so.))

The corridors were less and less regular as she walked, the ground becoming uneven and covered in debris. At the end of the spiral laid a spiralling staircase, it's steps crumbling and covered in filth. At this point the ceiling was quite low, and the wind nearly non-existent.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 11:11 PM

Once at the bottom of the stairs Nathanial stood still listening. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness, but he still wasn’t able to see much of anything. At this point his eyes were useless so he closed them and continued to listen. He could hear water dripping in varies areas of the corridor. There was also another sound, it seemed that he wasn’t alone. He spoke quietly, his voice not wavering. “Is there someone there?”

Slowly he reached his hand out, feeling for the wall. If he stayed close to it maybe he would be able to find a torch. Not being able to see was going to be a pain and if he was going to be living in darkness he at least wanted to know what, if anything, was going to be living around or with him in this place.

((I can edit my post if you don't want our characters to run into each other yet Cora.))

I belong in a Museum.

Wrenji-chan is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 11:23 PM

Ruthie was amazed at the finery of this cell. "A cot!" she exclaimed and fell on it. She shivered at the softness of the sheets. "A right proper cot." she moaned and wiggled around. "I can't wait to get a sleep in." But first, she thought, I ought to explore the room, and see if I can find anything.


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