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Angelo is offline
Old 01-12-2013, 03:19 AM

"You're right about that new import of the Gold House. Personally, I think that its too choking, but Papa seems to be a fan for sure." Her nose scrunched up as the memory of the smoke tickled her nose. The dining room still smelled of the stuff, as well as most of the palace in general. Hopefully, it would be aired out before too long, the warmer weather of spring bringing on the need to open windows once again. At his questioning of her apology, she merely kept silent, smiling over his obliviousness, though she had a feeling that he wasn't really that clueless. No heir could survive for too long like that after all.

"You have it that far along already!?" she exclaimed at his mention of the controls. "I would love to see what they're like before I have to head home for the night!" So far, she had been unable to even set foot on the machine, her father afraid that the engine might have exploded or something. Even after several weeks of success with the engine, he still refused to hear her petition to be allowed to set foot on the machine, though he probably suspected that she would try and fly it right then and there despite its currently inoperable condition.

"Yeah, that would be it. Sorry," Cass said with a small blush. She had never been one to actively seek attention, but it was heaped onto her regardless by House Lords and Ladies who hoped to curry some sort of favor from the Emperor by showing how much they supported his heir. It was all rather sickening to be honest. "I know how you feel though; I was with mother for several days in a row while they decided on the dress I was to wear. Personally, I think that they exaggerate it way to much. I'd much rather have a simpler party."

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MewMint20 is offline
Old 01-12-2013, 07:25 PM

Sweat gathered on his brow as he worked, it didn’t seem like anyone was at the home beside the servants. He was grateful for this, it meant he could work unhindered. Dirt of some sort streaked his cheek as he finished varnishing the newly cut and shaped wood for the windows of the house. He was enjoying his solitude, until a hand landed on his shoulder. He turned to see one of the maids, a pretty little thing, offering him a drink. He looked it over cautiously before taking it up, smearing wood varnish on the glass she had given him, giving it back he raised the goggles he had been using to keep wood chippings out of his eyes. The aquamarine eyes beneath studying her, he spoke softly.

“When will your master be home?” she coyly muttered something about an hour or two, and he smiled finishing up the window quickly, pulling the leather face-mask down before taking her face in his hand kissing her softly. The blush that brushed her cheeks made him chuckle. He couldn’t help it but as he pulled away from her she followed for a second until he muttered. “Isn’t it disrespectful to invite a man in to your chambers merely because your boss is absent…” she looked taken a back as he left the building adjusting the leather mouth piece so it covered his mouth again. He smirked beneath it, did she really think just because he liked girls he would stoop so low.

He was adjusting the strap on the back of the mask; when he stopped looking around. He was probably going to head to the building where the house of Mithril gathered. He could check if there were any jobs for him, or even hang out with others of the ‘family’. That was how he viewed them; to him they were more of his family than the one he was born in to. He sighed running a hand through his brown hair pulling his jacket around him. It was decided, that was where he was planning on heading. He knew the Mithril hall had a bar, perhaps he would have a drink there, it beat going home. As he walked in he ran his hand across one of the tables, it wasn’t very busy there, but then I rarely was. He looked at a billboard of non-specific jobs before checking for any jobs specified for him, but there were none. Knowing he had nothing to do of urgency he pulled himself up to the bar and ordered a drink, only lowering the leather face-mask when it arrived, fully removing it this time by unclipping the mask on one side and dropping it on the bar, he massaged his jawline that always hurt after removing before drinking his booze. He contemplated heading out but he didn’t want to run in to a large crowd.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 03:19 AM

"I don't think emperors are allowed to throw simple parties," Crispin theorized, responding to Cass's last comment first, and showing a far better grasp of political realities than most would have expected from the absentminded engineer. "It's not about having fun, it's about showing your power..."

"Um... but I guess that's not really a nice thing to hear about your birthday party." He looked awkwardly at his feet and floundered for a graceful way to change the subject, finally giving up on grace and seizing the one nearest and dearest to his heart right now-- the airship.

"We've been toying with some of the design elements for a while. Actually, I designed a lot of them for a different project, which is turning out to be much more complicated than expected..." Crispin ascended the last step and disappeared into the dark maw of the vaguely boat-shaped vehicle. 'Vague' was all that could be said of the shape, shrouded as it was in the concealing cloth, but it did give off the unquestionable impression of 'ship'. There were some scratching noises inside, and then warm light blossomed from the darkness and a hand emerged from the door to help Cass up the last steep steps.

Inside was a wonderland, dominated by a ship's wheel that looked comfortingly familiar to the princess, but the helmsman's view was like nothing that had ever been seen. A half-sphere of sparkling glass panes would provide an incredible view for the pilot when the airship was operational, although now it only showed shadows and draped canvas. The walls to either side were covered in oxblood leather, but that decorative note was barely visible beneath all the functional parts of the ship. Gleaming bronze tubes emerged from the walls, ran along them for a few feet, and then plunged purposefully back through the leather. Various dials peeked out between the tubes, the purpose of each labeled by a small plaque. The wall opposite the front window was furnished with two gas lamps, each equipped with a water-filled safety globe designed to extinguish the flame if anything damaged the lamp. The water also distributed the light more evenly than a normal shade would have. Below the lamps was a closed door flanked by framed blueprints of bizarre-looking ships.

Crispin stood in front of that door, smiling awkwardly as he waited for Cass to finish gazing around the cabin. "It's wonderful, isn't it? It can be run with one pilot and one mechanic, and there's room for six passengers... the cabins aren't done yet, just the bridge and the engine room. Someone from Gold is supposed to be working on decorations for the cabins... they're really unhappy about the weight limit I gave them... um. Anyway, what do you think?"

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 01:17 PM

Tilting his head, Axel listened to the familiar tune. He knew that this song wasn't particularly...favored by the Brass House, but he never really knew why. As he tuned in carefully to the lyrics, he started to understand a bit more why it wasn't sung more often than it was, being as catchy as it is. The heir of Gold lazily watched Mischief twirl his dancing partner around the room, knocking over furniture and drawing peals of laughter from the crowd at their performance. He had to admit, Mischief was quite good at dancing--smooth and unhesitating in his moves. The troublemaker could've done without bumping into other dancers or chairs, though.

Sipping at his drink and observing the crowded room, he thought he spotted Elze Mercer of Silver. Squinting his eyes to make sure he wasn't just seeing things, he was positive that the girl he had saw was in fact Elze. Setting down his drink, he walked over to her. If he remembered correctly, the last time the two had exchanged greetings was quite a while ago, at some party for the higher houses. Axel made his way to where the girl was dancing with the crowd, and smiled. "Elze! It's been a while, my friend, how are you?"

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 01:49 PM

Mischief smirked and twisted with his partner through the moving knot of people, finding a place near a nicer looking gentleman, probably from House Silver or Copper. The 'talking to' he had received didn't phase him much at all, if anything he found it amusing. He didn't recognize the person who gave it to him, after-all, and he probably would have made a scene if he had. As the song turned so did he, dipping Della back and low so he might pull out some of the contents of the fine man's pockets. With a wink he was spinning her away toward a table toward the other end of the establishment.

"Lovely dancing... I didn't realize your friend was such a showman. She might get hired here at this rate." he laughed, eyes twinkling with an impish glee as he inspecting his winnings from the floor. A nice silver pocket watch, a small clip of paper money and some reading glasses passed through his fingers. "One more drink for the two of us... on the 'House'." he winked. Mischief peeled a piece of the money out from the clip before depositing the rest and the glasses down on the table. He wasn't a thief, after all! Well... he wasn't taking it all blindly. He had a use for it instead of letting it gather dust in some vault which is how he imagined the other houses worked... how he had seen some of their members operate. "Perhaps a wine this time?" Mischief was making back for the bar with a spring in his step, hardly unnoticeable.

He would have been more careful had he noticed Axel there. As disinterested in the entire heir business as he was, he knew that face, and that it only meant trouble for him.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 02:32 PM

Before Elza could reply, something more interesting caught the Gold heir's attention. Out of the corner of his eye, Axel spotted Mischief, filching from some fine looking gentleman's pocket with his nimble and skilled fingers while at the same time managing to dip his dancing partner down as a cover. There wasn't much distance between Axel and the troublemaker, so Axel smirked. Mischief still hadn't noticed his presence; it was a good thing they were in a more upscale bar, Axel would've stood out quite a bit if they were anywhere else.

The heir of Pewter danced away, that annoying grin of victory on his face. "Sorry Elza, I've got some business to tend to." Axel apologized to the heir of House Silver, "Perhaps we'll be able to speak some other time." He took off, following Mischief's route and nudged his way through the crowd to get to where he and his dance partner were making their way to the drinks. So, it seemed like he wanted to celebrate for his find already. Mischief seemed rather jolly, with a bounce in his step as he held some money in his hands and walked to the bartender. Axel picked up the silver pocket watch and the pair of glasses that the troublemaker had deposited on the table in his glee. He walked so that he was directly behind Mischief, and put his hand firmly on Mischief's shoulder right before the troublemaker was going to order some wine for him and his dance partner. "My friend," Axel spoke calmly. "I do have something that belongs in here?" He looked at the money in Mischief's hand, and held up the pocket watch in front of Mischief's face.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 02:53 PM

The hand on his shoulder caused the impish heir of Pewter house to stop dead in his tracks with memories of the brawl he had so recently vacated. Surely he would have noticed one of those men coming into an establishment like this one, but his memory failed him of ever having done so. When the crisp and refined voice of Alexander Gustavsson came to him, however, he felt a different sort of dread. Of all people to cause him grief on a night where he was was having so much fun it would be him. "Friend. That's a funny term for us." Mischief grabbed for the glittering pocket watch being held in front of his nose and twisted around to face Axel.

All his glee was quickly turning to disgust. "I don't believe I do, Gustavsson." he snapped and slapped the money on the bar. "Stick your nose out of my business for once." The barman wasn't about to come over to serve him... not when it appeared that he was getting what he, as the barman believed, was what he deserved. This irritated Mischief and he looked away from Axel to see what was taking so long. It was clear he had no intentions of returning the money.

For now the room was filled with plenty of things others were distracted with that their exchange had gone unnoticed by all besides Della, the barman and the men involved. With any luck Mischief would keep it that way.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 03:53 PM

The stolen pocket watch was ripped out of his hand by the now quite irritated Mischief. "Tch." Axel watched as Mischief harshly set the money down in front of the barman. The barman seemed to be confused, and wasn't sure whether he should take the money or not. Stolen or not, money was still money to a worker. "Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself." He sighed, and looked Mischief in the eye. "It's not like I want to be chasing you all around the place." Axel glanced over at the rest of the people, still immersed in their own business and not noticing the small commotion. "They're only my orders from the Head of Mithril, and those orders I must follow, whether I like it or not."

Axel then pried the pocket watch back from Mischief's tight grip and picked up the money from the bartop. He clipped the wad of money back to where it originally came from, nestled next to the glasses. The pocket watch clicked shut and Axel stuffed it in his breast pocket. "I think the owner will be pleased to see that none of his possessions are missing, yes?" He asked a rhetorical question and looked back at Mischief. "Now come on, you're going to have to do some community service for disrupting that last tavern and to pay for the window. The owner of the tavern isn't exactly happy with you. The quicker you get this over with, the faster we can both go back to doing more important things." Axel sighed. He was never going to get back to his work at this rate. Mischief didn't seem to be budging, as always. No doubt, there was likely going to be some trouble that would ensue.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 04:36 PM

"No, of course not. Flattering myself is far above my position." he glowered at Axel a moment before nodding Della off his arm and away to enjoy herself. The moment her weight disappeared Mischief felt the urge to use that arm to swing at Axel, but he knew nothing good would come of it. Well... besides the pure enjoyment of it all. 'Nobly' he resisted.

Up pointed the heir's chin, already cocked to the side to make a show of his insubordination. "You'd be lost without me giving you something to do at night, Gustavsson, and you know it." Mischief snorted derisively "You probably look forward to our run ins. It's a fair bit more interesting living your life instead of trying to follow mine--" The money was ripped out from under his hand and watch from his fist and the heir of Pewter house was cut off by his own gritting teeth. Axel was really getting under his skin tonight, showing up at the peek of his fun to call it quits. Darkly Rayner muttered a response to the heir of Gold House's disgustingly cheery question "If he notices at all."

He was just about to leave the tavern, thoroughly put-out with the way this was turning out but the moment that entered his mind Axel was on about community service and window repair. That tears it. With a snarl Mischief unbuttoned and started rolling up his sleeves indicating he was about to get his hands dirty with him. "I don't rightly think that's really my responsibility. Seems like I remember being thrown through the window rather than doing the throwing, see? Maybe you should go back and ask that fellow with the glass in his face if he'd care to pay for it, because I'm not." Rayner leveled his gaze on Axel "And before we go any further, how about we agree that I'll do the same amount and kind of community service as your brother-in-law."

Last edited by Mythos; 01-13-2013 at 04:39 PM..

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MewMint20 is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 09:54 PM

Ode listened to the exchange, curious and quiet; that was up until he rolled up his sleeve like he was about to start fighting; she couldn’t have this in an establishment associated with her family. She stood up walking to Axel, he had called her Elze before so she knew they must have met each other at some point, or her sister had. She walked over towards the pair. “If you’re going to start something violent, please leave the establishment;” She said softly, shaking her head as she did. Her eyes fixed on Mischief, “You seem unwilling to pay for previous damages, don’t add anymore to your bill.” She studied Axel and the real Elze saw who she was staring at and did her best to hide in the crowd.

Elze knew Ode didn’t actively know Axel or as Elze better knew him, Alexander Valerius Gustavsson. This could be a problem she had to act fast, she didn’t him to know he was one of the ones they had lied to but Ode had always kept to herself at gatherings, she figured out where she could stand close enough to grab Ode’s wrist without being seen herself. She was ready to act if she needed to; they couldn’t switch places either seeing as they wore different outfits.

Ode couldn't help but notice his earlier comment about it being above his position to flatter himself; she wondered what family he was from to say such things but kept that much to herself. She could see Elze nearby, she must be making sure the situation didn't reveal them as twins, and Ode as not Elze.

Angelo is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 10:40 PM

"Probably not, but it gets frustrating dealing with all of the fake smiles and pleasantries, you know?" Cass added with a sigh. It was the Lords and Ladies that were the worst though; most of the heirs hadn't quite gotten to that point of deception yet. "I don't think he does them for showing off his power though. He genuinely seems to enjoy spending the resources on Mother and I." Her tone revealed that she didn't hold Crispin's comment against him, mainly because she doubted it was said with malice.

Her smile from before appeared on her face as Crispin began to lead her around to the entrance of the ship, the excitement at seeing the beauty of it casting her annoyance with politics away. Interest in what Crispin was saying was evident on her face as he led her around the ship, of which the shape seemed familiar. That was only because it shared the same elliptical shape as ninety percent of the boats currently docked in the harbor, and that was where the similarities ended.

The sudden light from the inside accompanied by Crispin's hand caught her by surprise, eliciting a chuckle as she grabbed it and allowed him to hoist her inside while the guard nearby almost suffered from another heart attack. As it was, he immediately darted over to the door with his pistol drawn, peering inside for any sign of danger whatsoever. After several moments of looking around, however, he settled against the outside of the ship, feeling that she was the safest she had been all day now that she was in a contained area.

"Oh, Crispin... it's absolutely fantastic!" Cass said after several long moments of turning in circles and trying to memorize every little detail. Most of the controls were recognizable to her, as they were used on boats as well. For example, the water globes were identical to the ones used on the wooden boats. And the wheel was the exact same, of course. The glass windows wrapping around the front promised a breathtaking view when the ship was airborne, but was obscured by the cloth covering the entire ship. While still trying to memorize what every new thing did, she continued, "You guys are amazing! And I'm sure that it will be so much better when it's fully completed!"

Unable to resist it, she wrapped him in a hug briefly before breaking away for one last look at the interior of the ship, her guard tapping to get her attention. "Crispin, thank you so much! It will be the best birthday ever, I'm sure," she said, reluctantly stepping towards the door. Father was quite insistent that she get home by ten like he had always been, though he seemed particularly protective lately. She didn't want the guard to get fired on her behalf after all. "I have to go now, but I'll see you later, Crispin! Feel free to come by for a drink or something sometime!"

As she exited the Warehouse, she couldn't help but feel a little silly for offering what she had to Crispin. It wasn't that she disliked his company, quite the opposite actually. But she knew that the chances of him coming by were minimal at best. Pinching herself for worrying over something so pointless, she stepped into the vehicle as her guards latched onto the sides using their belts before the driver began the long drive up to the Platinum district.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 02:08 AM

"She isn't my friend. I just showed her the back door out of that tavern." Della curled her lip into a sneer. She didn't want Mischief to start talking about that girl again. His offer of a drink was more than enough to distract her, however. An offer of a drink was always enough to distract Della and put her in a better mood.

The better mood faded like mist before the sun the moment the mitty showed up, and she started immediately questioning her choice of Mischief for the evening's escort. The City Watch handled most crimes, and Della wasn't afraid of them. She knew plenty of secrets, ranging from who would be likely to accept a bribe to what the Watch Captain didn't want his wife knowing about some of his late nights out 'working'. Mitties, however, were a completely different story. A mitty coming after you meant you were either very, very rich or very, very bad. Sometimes both. Technically, of course, most Watchmen were mitties themselves... but this one was a mitty outside the Watch, and obviously posh.

With thoughts of danger whirling in her mind, Della was more than happy to accept Mischief's gesture of dismissal. She practically fled to the other side of the room, where she sat beside a very drunk young man wearing a scorched leather apron. The apron hinted he was a blacksmith, but Della judged he wasn't nearly muscular enough for that, and his delicate hands and slender fingers made jeweler a more likely occupation for him. Jewelers meant money, which meant Della had definitely settled on her newest friend.

Genna continued playing and singing for the crowd, oblivious to all of the drama in the thrill of an audience. She didn't know most of the songs they requested, but Raf the fiddler did, and she was a quick study. If she followed his lead, she could pick up the tune in the first verse, and sing along with the chorus the second time. And people didn't really seem to mind what was played, as long as they could dance to it.

Another round of drinks was brought for Genna and Raf, and she drained it almost as quickly as the grey-haired fiddler. The sweet drink-- the name of which she still hadn't caught-- lent energy to her wearying fingers as well as making her tongue seem to move faster. Too fast, in some places, as she found herself fumbling lyrics she knew well. No one seemed to notice the mistakes, though, in the wild spin of joy, and life, and energy that seemed to focus on the piano. Genna felt she could see the happiness as a sparkling glow that connected them all together. It never occurred to her, of course, that that glow might have been from the unaccustomed strength of the drinks she'd been given.


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 01-15-2013, 11:28 PM

Crispin beamed with almost paternal pride as Cass exclaimed over the airship. Maternal might have been an appropriate term, also, given that he had spent almost every waking moment-- and no few sleeping moments-- for the past nine months either working on or thinking about the craft. He had designed the entire vessel, and every part from the largest piece of tubing to the smallest screw had passed through his hands and been inspected for flaws before being put in place under his watchful eye. Given all that, it was perfectly reasonable that he viewed the airship with a parental eye. In his mind, he had even given her a name, although he was a bit shy about sharing it with anyone. Beatrice, after Dante's perfect woman. Perhaps I should tell Cassandra... I think she'd understand, and it would be strange trying to call Beatrice the wrong name if someone else chose one...

The sudden hug startled Crispin, and his thoughts scattered as he accepted it awkwardly. He was not in the habit of being hugged by girls. The ones in fine clothes were afraid of the grease on his hands, and his mother didn't let any other kind of girl near him. Well, except for the female mechanics and engineers who frequented the Warehouse, but they didn't count. At the Warehouse they were all business, and Crispin simply didn't go anywhere besides the Warehouse and home. He floundered for something to say while Cass said her farewells, finally managing a slightly bewildered smile.

"Have a good evening, Princess. I'll see about having someone write down instructions for the features you're unfamiliar with? So you can tell your father you understand the machine thoroughly." He waved goodbye, taking no thought of her invitation. It would be pleasant to visit her at the palace, but he assumed the invitation was a polite formula not really meant to be taken at face value.

Left alone on the ship's bridge, Crispin's eye was drawn to the blueprints on the back wall. They were more or less identical to the eyes of the layman, but the real differences were like night to day. Or air to water. The blueprints on the left were, indeed, prints of the Beatrice, but on the right was a dream. A dream he already called Laura in his mind, that would hopefully one day swim through the seas the way Beatrice would swim in the air. Or it would if he could ever find a way to compensate for the weight of deeper water.

A faraway expression came to his face, and he pulled out his notebook to begin anew the calculations that would eventually make his dreams reality.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 01-16-2013, 09:28 PM

"..." Axel stepped back and crossed his arms against his chest. Now, he was usually one to keep calm, but he certainly didn't like others mentioning that relative of his. Axel's younger sister had been married off to some young, rich, handsome fellow from Silver House. Of course, at the time, he had seemed like the perfect match to his younger sister. One year into the marriage, and people discovered that he was a part of the Arsenic House, and planned to poison his sister and take over the family's jewelry business. Later on, that guy had been kicked out of his lofty place in Silver House and was sent to live the rest of his life as a member of the Lead House, lucky to even have a morsel of bread to eat.

"We don't mention that type of thing around here." Axel gritted his teeth and spoke in a lower, more stern voice than the joking tone that he had been using before to provoke Mischief. He was about to take off his jacket and accept the brawl, when Elze came and interrupted the conversation. Perhaps they had been drawing more attention than they had originally thought. "I'm sorry, Elze." He bit his lip. How could he get so riled up over something that was so incredibly stupid? "We'll be dealing with this situation more maturely." He looked back at Mischief. "Unless he wants to go outside and do this the hard way."

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-18-2013, 10:07 AM

They weren’t my damages, and I won’t be pinned for them just because this one has something against me.” Rayner shrugged Ode off, never letting his eyes leave Axel’s. He was certainly interested in challenging this little prince the Gold House. Having worked in their halls for a short time he had met the boy originally as a servant and never got over that thought that he was and would always considered less than him. The mention of ‘mature behavior’ added the burn and the room could have dropped a few degrees simply by the coldness of his glare.

The tempo picked up across the room on the ivory keys of the piano and with it his adrenaline. He didn’t have to take this, and here Gustavsson was giving him the opportunity to prove it “Oh, the hard way, please.“ Rayner sneered, “Any opportunity to put my fist in your face shan’t go unrewarded.” In a heartbeat he was dangerously close to Axel, with ample enough body language to express the desire to fight the taller but younger heir. His behavior was markedly self-destructive. He had to have known that the partying, the late nights, the midnight brawling couldn’t keep up. Rayner was young still, but not too young to be ignorant of these things. Even still in his eyes there was no questioning his resolve. “Or do you require a written invitation, Lord Gustavsson?

Last edited by Mythos; 01-18-2013 at 10:10 AM..

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MewMint20 is offline
Old 01-18-2013, 02:23 PM

Ode’s temper flared slightly, sensing even the slightest chance of her blowing their cover the real Elze was out the door. Ode waited for her to be gone, before stepping in the small gap between the two men, even if this meant she was pretty much pressed up to Axel slightly she didn’t falter in herself. “It seems you didn’t understand…” she said softly before making eye contact with him. She had the man’s surname; she knew who he was now. He was Axelander Valerius Gustavsson, heir to Gold, which was all she needed to know.

She placed a hand on Mischief’s chest as she spoke so if he moved forward she could push him away. “Cool yourself,” she kept her voice firm but it was obviously not authoritive; this was something Elze seemed to be able to do, command her voice but Ode just couldn’t. “If you fight in here, there will be damages and you will both... or whoever throws a punch first... be held accountable by my family, take this outside and I will make sure any damages from there are paid for out of my own pocket.” She couldn’t have the establishment she hid at destroyed and now she thought about it, she had told them to take it outside, where Elze was, perhaps this wasn’t wise either. She knew of ‘Axel’ for different reasons, like the ones previous mentioned by this other man.

She knew him through her connections at Arsenic, not that she’d ever tell him this. She had no intention what-so-ever to open that can of worms. So instead she stood there between the two men, hand on Mischief’s chest, her back literally against Axel himself and her eyes fierce but her tone soft. If there was an incident and her father found out, she’d be in more than just a fraction of trouble.

spooky scary skeletons
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Old 01-28-2013, 01:51 AM

"Hmph." Axel stepped back as Elze's back had started to invade his personal space. He knew that she was probably worried about damage being to silver's property, and decided to take on Mischief's offer. After all, he'd gotten himself in this stupid mess when he should be working on his craft---but no, he had to be stupid and offer the rascal a fight. "There's no invitation needed, Mischief." Axel replied swiftly, walking himself to the door. He ignored the stares of the onlookers inside the bar. "You and I both know that this was eventually going to happen."

The fact that this was a incredibly stupid idea crossed Axel's mind. He would probably get a scolding from mother, but he held a certain dislike for this troublemaker. "Sorry, Elze." The gold heir mumbled before glaring again at Mischief.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 11:37 AM

The mischievous grin that curled Rayner's grin and added a glimmer to his eye was definitely indication enough of why he had won such a nickname. This would be cathartic, which was not a word familiar to him yet-- though it would be if he had been keeping up with the tutorials his elder relatives pressured upon him-- and he cherished the thought of rearranging the angle of Axel's pointed little nose. It had been a long time coming, hadn't it? Seeing that rotten brat rolling around the floor with all of his wealth and spoils while HE had to work his fingers to the bone in order to not be thrown out of the house entirely. There was hardly room left for jealously, Rayner didn't want Axel's life, not anymore. He wanted desperately to see and prove he was no better than himself and this was certainly a step in that direction!

With the other heir marching toward the door Rayner practically tore off his jacket and perused. "None? Tut, tut... how informal. I'm sure there will be such gossip." he mocked a clear and pristine high society voice. Most of the eyes of the other guests were glued to the two men by now. Some had doubtless noticed the cuts and stains left on Rayner's shirt from his previous brawl that had been thus far hidden by his coat and murmurs of what was about to occur cut through the music off and on.

And not far head of him was Axel, preaching on about how inevitable this was... "Yes... The difference is I expect we'll have to do this a few times before you get it through your head it'd be best for you to quit following me." Mischief smirked, just about swaggering out side of the establishment. There was no apology to Elze for this, he didn't see it as any of her business... besides... he knew that just like any other bar there would soon be noses pressed against the glass to watch the two men fighting. Instead he catishly curved his brow at one of the women sat near the door with her mouth somewhat agape at the thought of a fight breaking out in a drinking house in the Silver district. The scamp chuckled and looked back at the fiery glower 'Elze' was giving him and responded with wink "When we're done, I'm going to want some drambuie. Thanks love."


Wyrmskyld is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 04:27 PM

The attentive silence of the crowd around Axel and Rayner finally penetrated the corner of the room where Genna and Raf held sway. The music faltered to a stop, and soon the whole room was staring at the opposing heirs. The veteran musician leaned close and whispered in Genna's ear, "Best to pocket the take, lass, and slip out the back door. When a fight breaks out there's usually some enterprising types who'll go after the minstrel's hat. Sometimes they go for the barkeep's till, but barkeeps tend to be big and well-armed, while we tend to be on the scrawny and helpless side."

Genna nodded thoughtfully as she processed the friendly advice. It seemed like very good advice, too. As quietly as possible, she scooped coins from the bowl into her handkerchief. The scrap of linen got heavy very quickly, and a brilliant inspiration came to the heir of Brass. Judging that about half the coins from the bowl were now in the handkerchief, she tied it up into a bundle and handed it to the fiddler with a charming smile. "You deserve at least half of the money we made."

While Raf blinked in surprise at the generous gesture-- and the extremely fine quality of the linen handkerchief-- Genna transferred the rest of the coins to the scarf she'd worn around her neck. Even working in tense haste to get the money out of sight quietly and quickly, she had a pleasant thrill upon recognizing the first coin that had gone into the bowl. Appropriately enough, it seemed to be made of brass, although it was so worn it held only the vaguest hint of some ruler's profile on one side. I'll keep that, and maybe have a locket made around it. The first money I ever earned.

Mentally planning what to tell the jeweler, Genna followed the fiddler out the back door and assured him she could get home safely without an escort. Once she'd seen him fade into the darkness, though, she slipped around the building until she found a spot to watch for Rayner. He had escorted her here, and she felt guilty about Axel offering to fight him. Not that she had any control over Gold's heir, but still she felt responsible because of social status. An heir really shouldn't pick fights with another heir in public, and it wasn't as if Mischief had done anything wrong.


Della had also noted the growing silence and tension in the bar. Several of the inebriated jeweler's friends had come to the table when the music limped to a halt, and had displaced her with glares and grumbles. With her prospect of an easy mark removed, and the definite chance that the City Watch would be showing up soon, it was definitely time to be moving on to another venue. Especially since any number of people had seen her come in with Mischief, and were likely to share that fact with all sorts of inconvenient people.

Seeing the musicians heading for the back of the room, Della followed them as inconspicuously as possible. Musicians, in her mind, were like rats on a ship. They always knew the quickest exit when the whole thing started to go under. Once out the back door, she picked up her pace, choosing the most direct route to familiar parts of town. Some of the alleys she went down were narrow, but she wasn't worried. Silver district was one of the posh parts of town. Crime here didn't happen in the streets, only in the homes of the wealthy.

Last edited by Wyrmskyld; 01-28-2013 at 04:50 PM..

Angelo is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 07:24 PM

The broad-shouldered guard squinted at the tall granite wall and scratched his neck. His silver clothing wasn't made from a very comfortable material, and he found himself focusing on that before too long. He had probably just imagined the shadow. He had been on duty for the past ten hours, after all. Turning back to resume his patrol, he never knew what hit him. The bump on his head would tell the story, however, as the assailant disappeared back into the shadows and deposited the man.

Hopping onto the crates silently, he peered around for any more guards. It had taken him most of the past two hours to slip past the guards in the lower levels of the city. Normally, his blade would have already spilled some poor fool's stomach and he'd be on his way out, but the colder weather was keeping most people inside earlier. The Silver block was not where he wanted to be at the moment; it ruined the build-up and suspense.

Shaking his head at his misfortune, the man quickly darted to the opening of an alley, peering around the corner from the shadows. With the patience of a saint, he waited for the old guard to come by, happily whistling the tune to a song. The arm around his throat cut off the cry of alarm, the man unconscious from lack of oxygen. He too was stowed safely out of the way as the assailant made his way to the rooftops by a ladder that some worker had left out.

Once atop the tile roof, he began to pick his way across carefully, avoiding the lights from the manor as he sought out a victim. Typically, he wouldn't be bothered at all by the delays, but the Silver block wasn't exactly lax on security. And why would they be? The third most powerful House in the Empire would never settle for security that was less than exemplary. As such, the guards weren't nearly as dim-witted as those in the lower blocks of the city.

Eventually, however, his frustrations evaporated, his eyes locked onto a target. Oh, the foolish woman! Had she no idea that walking alone at night was dangerous? And especially on such a careless route! It was almost like she was begging to be killed.

Silently, he crept to the edge of the building before slowly lowering himself from his hands. The only sound he made was the gentle thud as he landed on the ground behind a dumpster, instantly crouching. Though he would love to hear her scream, he couldn't risk it in this block of the city.

The sound caused her to peer back over her shoulder, though she easily dismissed it with a shrug. The slight whisper of steel on steel followed as he unsheathed his blade and advanced, the poor lass having no idea he was there until his hand came down on her shoulder and his blade went through her chest. A trail of blood followed as he yanked the blade out, relishing in the crimson tide.

Before the body could drop, he threw it out onto the street. Considering it was still in the shadows, it would take a bit before it was found. But he didn't stick around to witness that, fun as it would be. No, he had to get out of the city before they set out a manhunt.

The route he took out of the city was the opposite of what he had taken in. All of the guards that had been in his way had been knocked out in some manner, another tactic that would help spread the fear of him throughout the city. Within minutes, he was back outside of the city and safely on his way back to his hideout. The paper that would be released the next day promised a scintillating read for sure.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 01-28-2013, 11:53 PM

Pushing open the door, Axel grimaced as the wind blew into his eyes. As far as he could see, there were no other people around on the streets. However, once the brawl broke out, they'd be attracting the attention of a good portion of the city. News and rumors traveled rather quickly in this city, and onlookers would be astonished to see the rule-abiding heir of gold duking it out with Mischief.

Most people know, after all, that Axel wasn't one to be reckless. And, he never really was one for street fighting. He preferred the stiff, orderly march of the military instead of wild blows and frenzied kicking. But, that's no matter. As of the moment, Axel really, really wanted to see Rayner without that cocky little grin of his plastered on his grimy little face.

He stood a few feet away from Mischief, and stripped himself of his rather restraining coat. It would be easier to move around this way. He flung it on top of a nearby barrel and removed his leather gloves. Didn't want those getting stained, they were specially imported from some far-off country. "Let's get this done with." Axel sized up his opponent. He knew that he himself was taller with a more muscular build, but Mischief was quick in his step, just like how he was quick with his wits and his insults.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 09:29 AM

"Ah-ah!" Mischief chimed teasingly with a wag of his finger "It's 'Let's be finished with this'!~"

Quickly with his other hand Rayner swung at Axel's cheek. Not with a closed fist for damage, but with an open hand as to slap him and irritate the Gold heir further. Immediately he stepped back to remove any opportunity of the fight really starting that instant. After all, Axel still had to put down those gloves of his. "Your grammar teacher must have been a lazy bastard to not enforce proper word order." Of course when he wasn't mocking Axel to his face Rayner's own grammar was bordering on appalling. Speaking properly just wasn't something he was raised to do and he took to his current 'catch up' lessons like oil takes to water.

"Hurry up now... it won't be long until it's bedtime for you. Mummy needs to tuck you in still, right?" he laughed and pushed his hair out of his face. He was filled with joy that this was just happening. It was his proof and the icing on the cake would be when he would get to turn that snooty heir over on his head. Impishly Mischief bowed low to Axel, his grin as wide as ever and his legs ready to spring away should the other boy figure he had a golden opportunity to truly strike first.

The sides of the buildings had retained their moisture from the rain that fell early in the day which muted some of the luster from the street where the men stood. Now, with the typically bright festoons and banners that decorated the road during the day stored for the morning when they would be re-erected, the street seemed comparatively dismal with the exception of the ornate street lamps which were so evenly placed down each of the district's streets. Under their feet the cobblestones sounded softer when struck with hard-souled shoes and the grit between them gave just a bit more than usual. Rayner was used to fighting on the loose cobblestones of the lower districts where your footing could easily betray you. He was taking in all of these things so he could take advantage of what he could for the next few minutes. A twinkle marked his eye and Mischief laughed again "...Because after she tucks you in, she tucks me in, if you catch my meaning!"

Last edited by Mythos; 01-29-2013 at 03:19 PM..

\ (•◡•) /
MewMint20 is offline
Old 01-29-2013, 10:15 PM

Elze and Ode met outside in the gathering crowd, tapping palms as they passed one another, there little way of swapping. Ode walking off to the waiting carriage, she’d let her sister deal with the pair when they were done fighting, until then she would be ready to leave, who knows perhaps they wouldn’t even notice the different outfits, and if they did, Elze could merely say she had to change to return to her home.

Elze felt some worry for both males involved, more Axel than the other and when he made the Jab at Axel’s mother, she was not amused. In fact the jab made her frown in disgust at such a comment. She pushed through the gathering to get the best view of the fight, she would rather they didn’t but if they did she wasn’t below watching. Most people moved out of her way with ease, she was a small girl after all.

She looked at those around her, she’d hate for someone here to try and take this opportunity to take out an heir, oh but what a shock they would get if she were their target. She actually shuddered at the thought of someone trying to kill her, she like most people did not enjoy the idea of being the next stone slab victim.

spooky scary skeletons
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Q U E E N is offline
Old 02-03-2013, 11:54 AM

As Mischief's palm came into contact with Axel's cheek, he bit his lip and tried not to get way too riled up. He in exchange gave Mischief his slap back, except twice as hard. At the rate this was going, the real fight probably wasn't going to start for a while. Axel brushed off the comments about his mother tucking him in and gave an amused snicker as his opponent bowed. Mischief seemed to love making jokes about him being a mother's boy--and well, everything else that that made them different. "Oh, charming. You should definitely start up your own comedy show around here. I'm sure you'd draw a large audience." Words dripping with sarcasm, Axel ignored his grammar teacher's voice in his head, screaming "INCORRECT GRAMMAAAAAAAR!"

By this time, the crowd had gotten a lot bigger, and the people had started to chant, "Fight, fight, fight....!" in their eagerness to see a brawl. A couple of people even seemed to be setting bets on the winner of the fight. Sadly, most of them were betting on Mischief to win. Axel readied himself for the real fight to begin, and examined his situation for a good first move.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 02-03-2013, 01:58 PM

Mischief snorted "You think so? I had no idea you had any mind for how real people made some good, honest money." He chuckled and started to move around Axel. His cheek was stinging from the slap but the burning of his skin there was the last thing on his mind about it. The fact that the other boy had struck him was hilarious on it's own... much less the fact that he struck with such force... he must have been really angry.

"Well..." the Pewter heir gestured to their chanting audience "Shall we give them that comedy right now?" Mischief rolled his eyes "Not that you'll be laughing much afterwards when you're picking your teeth off the cobbles." a few of the men behind Rayner started snickering at the thought. They were pushing in closer, edging the small girl- Elze- mixed in between their shoulders back and to the side and this way or that again so they might be able to get a better angle. To Rayner, however, she was completely gone from the equation. They had taken to her demands by bringing the fight out onto the Silver streets and the rowdy noise would healthily drown out any further complaints she might possibly have. Besides, this was a fight between men. Well, Rayner considered himself a man. He wasn't so certain about Axel. That thought made him laugh again in his own twisted self-confident way.

With a few bobs of his grinning head and wave of his hands in a relaxed, conversational manner he started playing loudly to the crowd again "Of course, as always, I defer to you to begin my Lord Gustavsson... We must be mannerly gentlemen or we are nothing, correct?"

The men around them either roared with laughter or shouted a long and loud "No!"- They came to see a fight and their energy reflected it.


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