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H3R01234 is offline
Old 01-31-2011, 02:30 AM

Hey there! I will not tell you any personal info, sorry. All you need to know is that I do drugs. Lots of drugs...What? Of course I'm an addict!...No, if I was doing REAL drugs, I wouldn't tell you. My drugs are: MUSIC!!!!, anime, writting, drums, drawing, HUGZZZ!!! and steampunk stuff. No, I will not tell you what steampunk is. Look it up. Google is your best friend, remember???

Hehe, just got on here and I already know my favorite emote: :feesh:

Oh more emotes that I already love!!!:
:sarcasm: Hehe, sarcasm. So me!
:insane: Insane. Also me!!!
:ninja: Yeah, you know it. I'm secretly a ninja...
:heart: Aww, hearts...(Happy Almost Valentine's Day to everyone, too! ^^)
:pirate:Yeah...I'm secretly a pirate, too.
:offtopic: HAHA, I'm always off topic, with my random outbursts!!! XD
:illgetu: I see this emote and think...NARGH!!!
:hug:Ahh, hugs...They're free and one size fits all! =D
:headdesk: This is me when I'm trying to write my book and none of the characters are cooperating with me or criticize my short range of vocabulary...XP
:drool:...Okay, all you girls out there, who looks at Ben Barnes and DOESN'T do this? C'mon, he's a beast!!! If you don't like how he looks, tell me. Trust me; your name'll go down in history called "Girl with the Worst Taste in Men." Totally joking; I just think he's FINE!!!
:poke: Hehe, my signature move...
:love: Love...poetry in motion...not always a good thing when it's in motion (dirty things can happen, if you know what I mean) but still good. Sometimes love sucks, but I think we all need love somewhere in our lives! =)
:squee: This is what happens when the characters in my book DO cooperate! Or this is me when someone brings me food, preferably ramen or chocolate...
:boogie: Me, dancing like a crazy flourescent white girl!
:banhammer:...I don't know what this says about me; I just like the emote.
:kiss:Aww, emotes kissing!!!! HOW CUTE YET HOW GROSS!!!!! ^^

Well, this is all I can think of saying at the moment. Bye guys! Happy Valentine's Day, Happy birthday, Happy Christmas, Merry New Year, so on and so forth...God bless! =DDD

Annette Ruleroftheuniverse
mewmewkittylover is offline
Old 01-31-2011, 04:33 AM

Hahaha, hiya there! I'm glad You're enjoying the emotes :P Welcome to Menewsha!! I am glad to meet you, and hope you make plenty of other friends that share your fastination in emotes as well :D

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 01-31-2011, 04:35 AM

Hello there. Glad to see you are enjoying the emotes XD I see that you like to write. I would suggest you to do some Roleplays. :P Have fun ^_^

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Flink is offline
Old 02-01-2011, 06:28 AM

Wow, someone posted loads of emotes but not just as a random spam. You get a cookie!

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