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Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 01-24-2023, 09:09 PM

In my mind, they communicated through texts because she was likely on the bus headed to the tea shop initially, and didn't want to broadcast the issue for everyone to hear, and she hasn't gone into detail due to being at the pub. She will divulge further information when they're alone, because she definitely trusts Alex but not anyone else around her. I don't think she has a car at the moment; we can say it's in the shop or something otherwise she'd have just gone to the ranch by herself. She likely doesn't need one. The law firm would have several 'loaner' vehicles, and drivers that Adrian sends for her if she needs to go somewhere. If she needed to teach at the school, one of the other teachers would pick her up until whatever is wrong with it gets fixed.

I also think they should get the hotel room for the evening, and let Adrian find them in the morning. They'd have a joint back account and when she doesn't come home that night, he notices the charge for the hotel (Cora will insist she pay, since Alex drove all the way to her) and goes to find her - unaware that Alex is also there. It'll also give us a little more time to settle into their characters, and have a moment of 'calm before the storm' so to speak.

If I went too far without your approval, let me know. It isn't far, really, but I just headed with the agreement of the hotel room and the girls leaving the pub to Alex's Jeep.

Last edited by PWEEP; 01-24-2023 at 10:32 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-25-2023, 03:02 PM

Sounds good to me! I’m traveling for work for the next two days so I don’t know if I’ll be able to post until the weekend just to give you a heads up.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 01-25-2023, 09:15 PM

Oh, okay, no worries! Thanks for letting me know :) Have fun, even if it is a business trip!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-30-2023, 07:38 PM

Just dropping by to say that I haven't forgotten about this! I was hoping to post this weekend but ended up really busy trying to play catch up when I got home from my work trip. I'll reply as soon as I can!

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 01-30-2023, 10:22 PM

Oh, no worries, I figured it was something like that! I was going to check in with you after work today if you hadn't done so already, just to make sure you didn't get kidnapped on your trip


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-30-2023, 10:45 PM

No kidnapping thank goodness. No plane crashes. Just bad time management haha! Did you have a nice weekend?

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 01-31-2023, 12:07 AM

I did! Pretty uneventful. Watched some movies I haven't seen in ages; stopped by to visit my grandmother and set up her new computer. How was your trip?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-31-2023, 02:37 AM

Oh nice! Any good movies? I've watched two in the last three days which is a lot for me. Usually I can't sit still that long.

The trip went ok. There were some flight delays and I got in pretty late but overall I can't complain.

I got a post up for my other RP tonight (it's been waiting for a reply since before we started this one ) so that means ours is next! I have an interview thingy on Wednesday so I'll likely have to spend most of my free time tomorrow preparing but I promise I'll get to this if I can.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 01-31-2023, 08:49 PM

Oh, tons of them, actually. 12 Angry Men (the 1957 version), O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Now & Then, Of Mice and Men, The Best Bad Thing, Gothika ... I was just on a movie kick all weekend. I don't like to sit still either but they were movies I forgot about so I was remembering some scenes yet still glued to the screen for ones I didn't recall.

And please, take your time! No rush at all, and good luck with your interview! You'll slay <3

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-06-2023, 10:52 PM

Hey~! Just wanted to check in, since it's been about a week. Makin' sure you're all right and all. <3


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-07-2023, 12:55 AM

Hey hey, thanks for checking in with me. I've been struggling. I've been taking some new meds but they're giving me pretty crushing insomnia and I've been having trouble functioning. I'll reply now. My sister is coming to visit Wednesday for a week so it might be another bit of a wait before I'll be able to reply again just to give you a heads up.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-07-2023, 01:31 AM

You don't have to reply now, silly! I just wanted to make sure you're ok! As I said before, take whatever time you need. Just wanted to let you know, I'm still here, and I'm glad you are too. :)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-07-2023, 01:33 AM

Nah, it's all good! I had it on my planner that I wanted to post today anyway. It's not my most inspired post but there you go!

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-07-2023, 02:02 AM

Pffft~ no worries, here. I'll try to reply tomorrow tonight or Wednesday afternoon, because I'll also be gone this weekend (hopefully). I'm headed up north to visit my grandparents, so I'm hoping my vacation for Thursday and Friday gets approved. You've got a long more going on than I do, so it's no problem. <3

I love Alex's upbeat attitude, the "f-the negativity, deal with me" personality starting to come out.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-16-2023, 04:04 PM

Hey hey! How was your visit up north?

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-16-2023, 08:29 PM

It was great! I sure did miss my grandma's cooking Did you get to see your sister, or did your sickness get in the way? :(


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-17-2023, 01:45 AM

Ooh, what did she make for you?

Yes, she still came. She had just gotten over Covid so she figured she had plenty of antibodies, lol. It was good to see her but I wish it had been better circumstances.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-17-2023, 02:23 AM

From scratch chicken pot pie - we made the dough, deboned a chicken. She did most of the spices but I'm not allowed to share


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-17-2023, 02:59 AM

Wow, that sounds delicious!!!

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-20-2023, 04:58 PM

I baked one from the frozen section at the grocery store last night, and it was no comparison. I've tried making it at home by myself, but it never tastes the same as hers! I think she sneaks stuff in when my back is turned.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-20-2023, 10:56 PM

Haha, I feel the same way about the dinner rolls my grandma used to make. Mine never turn out quite the same...

Also, apologies but it will likely be another short wait for a post on our thread. When it rains it pours... I've been up with my sick cat two nights in a row and am bushed. It's going to be a busy week and then this weekend I'm heading out of state to look at apartments in our new home.

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-20-2023, 11:15 PM

Yeah, I saw your cat wasn't doing so well I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks for checking in, nonetheless. I know neither of us are disappearing anytime soon, so no worries as I always say.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-21-2023, 08:42 PM

Thanks for understanding. When it rains, it pours right?

Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 02-23-2023, 01:22 AM

Well, a rainbow will be at the end, yeah?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-23-2023, 11:22 PM

Ahaha, maybe. Sorry, I'm not feeling super optimistic at the moment. I should try though, I'm having an interview with a contractor next week who might help take about 5 hours of work off my plate a week so we'll see if that can help.


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