This post will describe each page and its functions. Hopefully knowing what each page "does" will help answer your questions before you have any!
This is your starting point! It lists the items you are bidding on, items you are watching to pop up in the Marketplace, and allows you to see listings on the site as divided by several different search groups.
My Bids" = Items you are currently bidding on.
The "price" is what it would cost for someone to outbid the highest bid, not what you will necessarily have to pay at the end of the auction.
Watch List" = Items you are searching for.
For example, if you decide you want to buy the "Pure Love Boa", but none are currently for sale, you can put it on your "Watch List". If anyone puts the item up in the Marketplace, the Boa will appear here.
Sort Items" = Items in the marketplace, sorted by whatever conditions you have.
Contribution Items will list only CIs for sale in the Marketplace.
Ending Soon will list items whose listings are about to expire soonest.
Cheapest will list only the cheapest listings.
Most Expensive will show only the items selling for the most.
Newly Listed will show the items most recently put into the Marketplace.
Recently Released will show items that are newest to Menewsha - for example, the newest rare item on the site or commons from the most recent update. This is useful if you're looking for something you've missed from a recent absence or cheap commons people accidentally bought doubles of during an event.
Oldest Released will show items that are oldest to Menewsha - the items that have been around Menewsha the longest. This is useful if you're looking for older rare items missing from your collection or users getting rid of old commons they no longer use.
If you see an item you like on this page, click on the shopping cart icon (

) to go to the seller's store. From there you can click on the magnifying glass (

) to try the item on, or the buy icon (

) to buy or bid on the item.
My Shop
This is your shop! Congratulations! Shops are set up automatically once you've listed your first item or made your first bid on an item. There is no charge for setting up a shop. Currently, there is no "listing fee" or percentage taken out of your sale, but there may be one in the future.
At the moment, there is no way to customize your shop. Shop 'comments' are randomly generated. This is just an area to see what items you are listing at the moment, to cancel your auctions using the X button (

) if you need to, and a quick way to list more. You can also preview the item using the magnifying icon (

) if you're not sure you're selling the right item.
Your items are listed from least expensive to most expensive. Currently there is no other way for you to sort your listings.
Sell/Auction Items
This is where you list new items for sale or auction. The default load is your main inventory. Only items in your main inventory will be displayed unless you change drawers! Click "Change Drawers" to select a different inventory to load. Then click on the single item you would like to sell.
Once you have selected an item, you'll be taken to a screen that says "Add an Item" with your item name and thumbnail and several options for you to choose from.
Listing Ends: You may list the item to have a listing that expires anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 days later.
In some cases, it'll be more to your advantage to set a long listing period (for example, selling commons or very expensive rares) and in others a shorter listing period may get you a surer sale (for example, if you're auctioning items that are very in-demand at the moment, users will want them as soon as possible).
Type: Do you want to
Auction your item (to let users bid the price up until the listing expires), or
Sell it (where a user can simply purchase the item if they want it)?
Again, you may find some items are better Auctioned and others simply Sold outright.
If you
Sell an item, simply input the price you are willing to sell the item for. The item will then be put in the Marketplace!
If you
Auction an item, you will have to decide the
Starting Price (where to start the bidding at) and
Minimum bid increment (the minimum amount another user will have to increase their bid by each time they bid. The default is "1 gold" even if you leave the field at "0 gold").
It is up to you what you set these at, but be careful not to set the minimum bid increment too high. A minimum increase of 100 gold may make sense for an expensive rare item, but would probably scare off people looking to buy a less expensive one!
When you're certain all the information is correct, simply click "
Auction this Item" and you will be redirected to the "My Shop" page so you can see your listing and cancel it immediately if you realize you've made a mistake.
Search for Items
This is where you go to put something on your Watch List, or simply see if it's being sold! Like the Dream Avatar Beta (DAC), it uses the system's item tags to find the items you're looking for, which is convenient if you're not sure what you're looking for or don't remember it's proper name.
Type the keyword or keywords into the search box and hit enter. For example, "Boa". All items tagged "boa" will show up in the search.
Once the search results return an item you're interested in, click on it and it will bring up information on the item.
The information returned will be:
Last Sale - The date the item was last sold in the Marketplace.
Total Sales - The total amount of gold transacted for the item in the Marketplace.
Lowest Sale - The lowest amount of gold the item has sold for on the Marketplace.
Highest Sale - The highest amount of gold the item has sold for on the Marketplace.
Average Sale - The average amount of gold the item sells for on the Marketplace.
If the item is a common, it will tell you which shop it's in and how much it costs in the shop itself.
You may also add this item to your Watch List if you can't find a listing for the item now or don't have the gold for it at the moment.
If the item has listings currently on the Marketplace, it will show all listings for that item, listed cheapest to most expensive.