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bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 03-30-2009, 09:33 AM

Here's a handy guide to show you the BB tags that you can use that aren't shown in the formatting options in the post reply window, or how to make the best of some that are. :)

1. Spoiler bar ~ [hide][/hide]
This is the spiffiest of our ninja BBcode, and this is what you can do with it. Type your text inbetween the tags:
Example: [hide]Your text goes here[/hide]
And this is what you get! Click on it and see what happens!


Your text goes here
That's great if you are intending to use it to post spoilers, but if you'd like to use it for something else; for example, to store sales details in your shop, or RP profiles, or past art sales; without ending up with huge long posts in tiny font filling up your front page , well you can do that too!
Example: [hidetitle=insert title here]Your text goes here[/hidetitle]
So you end up with this:

Sales for February 2009X

Add your sales history here!
There are endless uses for this very handy feature. :D

2. Justify ~ [justify][/justify]
This allows you to align your text neatly with both margins; here's an example!
Normal text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae tellus. Quisque quis mi. Praesent quis orci. Nullam eros mi, hendrerit eget, sodales nec, lobortis hendrerit, quam. Aenean eget mauris at dui posuere tincidunt. Proin dui. Cras porttitor nisi in ligula. Curabitur non enim consequat sapien gravida bibendum. Nullam lobortis dui sed odio consectetur tristique. Etiam condimentum fringilla libero. Curabitur quam. Donec lacinia ornare elit. Duis mollis, felis et ultricies tempor, ipsum nunc condimentum libero, consequat ornare augue orci id neque. Proin consectetur, nisl tristique adipiscing sollicitudin, sem diam lacinia purus, non suscipit justo justo id dolor.
And the same text, justified
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae tellus. Quisque quis mi. Praesent quis orci. Nullam eros mi, hendrerit eget, sodales nec, lobortis hendrerit, quam. Aenean eget mauris at dui posuere tincidunt. Proin dui. Cras porttitor nisi in ligula. Curabitur non enim consequat sapien gravida bibendum. Nullam lobortis dui sed odio consectetur tristique. Etiam condimentum fringilla libero. Curabitur quam. Donec lacinia ornare elit. Duis mollis, felis et ultricies tempor, ipsum nunc condimentum libero, consequat ornare augue orci id neque. Proin consectetur, nisl tristique adipiscing sollicitudin, sem diam lacinia purus, non suscipit justo justo id dolor.
See how the righthand side of the text is all neat now? :)

3. Horizontal rule ~ [line][/line]
This one's nifty! It allows you to create a nice clean line that spans the width of the page, in any colour you like! All you have to do is type the name of the colour inbetween the tags, simple :)
Let's got for some pink! Here's the code:[line]hotpink[/line]
This is what it does![/font]

Neat, huh? No BBcode needed for this, just tap in the colour's name, it works with hex codes too.
Code: [line]#1E90FF[/line]<- that's dodgerblue incase you were wondering.
A really neat tool for giving you more choice when it comes to formatting your posts more attractively.

4. Strike-through ~ [strike][/strike]
Endlessly useful, particularly for a spot of sarcasm! Don't think you need any examples of that, though. ;)

5. Image thumbnails ~ [thumb][/thumb]
Really useful if you have an image of humongous size that you want to post, but you really don't want to just post a link, because that's pretty lame, right?
Totally monster cheesecake image shrunk down to non-page-stretchy size with handy thumb tags!
Code: [thumb][/thumb]

Thumb: Click on thumbnail for full view et voilà! Click the picture! It's huge! D:

6. Display your coding ~
HTML Code:
This little dealy is what has allowed me to show all the code to you in this thread! It works in the same way as the [code][/code] tabs that you may be more used to. As you can see you can also use [html] tags to the same effect, but using those will put your code into a box, using [ noparse] won't. I had to use the html tags for this option because the parse tags are invisible no matter what. xD

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-17-2022 at 04:27 PM..


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