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Maneki Neko Beckons

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:12 PM

For all of those who have joined the sun team, come here~
Let's decide on what chore tasks we're each going to do. :'3

Here the list of team members~
Just so everyone knows.

1.Knitted Doll
4.Hatake Ayumi
8. The Chased Centaur
9. M i n u x e
10. rampartte

Last edited by Hadsvich; 08-13-2009 at 09:40 PM..

Maneki Neko Beckons

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:13 PM

Here I'll put a list for who has taken what as well as all the tasks~

Mini game 1

Your company is going to engage in a scandal - identity theft! Copy as many of your competitors' avatars as possible.

Requirements: Same hair, hair color, and 3 items worn. Only 2 can be an accessory.
Screenshot theirs and yours and combine it into one image. I must be able to see both the username of the victim and the thief. I must also see the time/date posts to see when you took their identity and when you made yours.

At the end of the round, each team participating must post in one post all of the stolen identities.
Each stolen identity is worth $50.

Mini game 2

Your company is vying for some prime real estate! You want your competitors' land! Create mechas to take them down!

How to play

1. You must purchase the items with your team's earnings.
2. You must draw the purchased items in your created mecha. You must put in some effort in the design. The same person cannot draw every mecha.
3. You must write 200 words on how your mecha moves, what it runs on, why it was designed the way it was, create a special attack for it, etc. The same person cannot write about every mecha.
4. To attack your competitors, you must post your mecha into their team's thread with it saying it's special attack. Only one attack per mecha. They break down easily.
5. To attack again, you must repeat 1-4. Each mecha MUST look different. You cannot alter one thing and submit the same drawing.
6. You do not earn anything from attacking another team - you are making them lose their earnings.
7. You can only attack once every four hours. So, once between 3am CST through 7am CST, once 7am CST through 11am CST, etc.

What you can purchase:

Smiley Face - $20
Shovel - $30
Hammer - $50

Damage you can make on selected enemy depending on what you purchased:

Shovel + Smiley Face = $150
Hammer + Smiley Face = $250
Shovel + Hammer = $300
Shovel + Hammer + Smiley face = $350
Final Round Chore Tasks

It's almost time for your Celestial Deck Party!

In the final round, completing the tasks aren't the only way to make money! You can compete with the other teams for the bonus money too! Judging will occur on Saturday.

1. Create the party invitations. They must reflect which team you're on.
Worth $25
Most humorous - $15 bonus Katurine-DONE & Submitted

2. Oh goodness, what are you going to wear? Either take a picture of an outfit you would wear to a party under the stars or draw your celestial party wear.
Worth $25
Best outfit - $10 bonus Kent

3. Bake/make/create an appetizer for your party. Real food! Post a picture of them and quote the recipe.
Worth $40
Most yummiest looking - $20 Knitted Doll-DONE & Submitted

4. Create the cups you will be using to serve the drinks. It has to incorporate your team. (Sun, Moon, Star OR your team's mascot from the Work Jobs) Create one, decorate a cup, or draw it. All photos must have a card saying who created it along with the time/date requirement.
Worth $30
Most creative - $20 bonus Myself-DONE & Submitted

5. Truth or Dare! Write up 10 embarrassing questions to ask when truth is selected. For dare, write up 10 crazy dares.
Worth $30
Most hilarious - $20 bonus Popcorn Gun-DONE & Submitted

6. Create a pinata in the image of one of your competing teams.
Worth $15
Most creative - $10 bonus rampartte-DONE & Submitted

7. Either draw or create with avatars your team chilling or playing at the pool or hot tub.
Worth $30
Funniest scene - $30 bonus M i n u x e

8. Create a party favor for your guests. Drawn or handmade!
Worth $20
Most creative - $20 bonus Hatake-DONE & Submitted

9. You've made the front page! Create a newspaper front page detailing your party. Was it the party of the century? Was it infamous? It must contain at least two images, two quotes, and two paragraphs about the party.
Worth $40
Funniest - $30 bonus .Jazzed-DONE & Submitted

10. Well, the party's over! Write a thank you letter with no less than 200 words about how much you enjoyed your team's Celestial Deck Party. Collect four more from your teammates. They all must typed up/handwritten on stationary.
Worth $50
Most heartwarming - $20 bonus
Most hilarious - $20 bonus Cami-DONE & Submitted

Final Round Work JobsX

Final Round Work jobs

First team to finish first wins $500!

1. Your company celebrates its success with a huge party! Draw 8 images of scenes from the party. Use of avatars or making it into a comic is acceptable. Each team member can only create 2 pictures, however. So, four people are required to complete this task. Kent-DONE & Submitted

2. Find 10 real life businesses your company would acquire and merge into your business. Why do you want them? Write no less than 300 words. Knitted Doll-DONE & Submitted

3. Oops, your company went out of business. In no less than 300 words, what brought its humorous demise? Cami-DONE & Submitted

4. To congratulate each other for a job well done, create an award for each of your team members. Highlight some unusual talent they have that merited the award. Each award must be an image. Hadsvich-DONE & Submitted

Round Three OverX

Round 3 Work Jobs

Your employees are going undercover to spy on your competitors. Have ONE person from your team PM ToriKat at the start of the round. In the PM, select a team you want to spy on. ToriKat will respond with a word. Any time your team members see your competitors say the word, save the post link. (Right click the gray/yellow square next to the post date/time to retrieve the link) The posts must occur during the round time. Compile the links containing the word and PM it to ToriKat before the end of Round 3. Do not submit it AFTER the round ends. Each team can only send ONE PM. Each post will get your team $10.

The team to complete all of the work jobs first will be awarded $500.

1. Create five different internet advertisement for your business. They to be images that will catch people's attention. One has to be animated. At least one has to show off the products. Two have to be aimed at two different populations (children, older adults, anime fans, pet enthusiasts, etc). Kent-DONE & Submitted

2. Find 7 real life charities your company would like to donate to. Write a little about the purpose of each charity and why your company is helping out it in particular. Cami-DONE & Submitted

3. Ask 25 people to see what they think about any portion of your company. (Ex. Mascot, product/services, etc.) 10 people can be from within your own team. Get some creative responses so you can quote the ten best ones. Write about the findings in no less than 300 words. Hatake-DONE & Submitted

4. Uh oh! You've been hit with an Equal Opportunity report! One of your employees says they feel discriminated by some policy your company has. Write at least 500 words on what oddball policy you have and how will you fix the situation. (Ex. You banned wearing polka dots and this person always wears them. You slam them with a pink slip.)Cami-DONE & Submitted

5. Great, you've been sued because of one of your product/services. Write about what happened. Where did your product/service go wrong? You're going to need to resolve this. Choose one of the following:
---Be the defendant. Write a minimum of 500 words to defend your company, your product/service, etc.
---Reach a settlement. Document in no less than 500 words what it took to get the plaintiff to drop the case.
---Chose the shadiest move? Did you have to bribe the judge or threaten the jury? Document what you did in no less than 500 words. Cami-DONE & Submitted

6. One of your team members got some negative publicity. Create a front page of a newspaper with their naughtiness as a headline. Include a picture and at least two paragraphs mentioning what they did, quotes from the situation, and any statements from your business. Cami-DONE & Submitted
Round 3 Chore Tasks

1. Take a plastic bottle, cardboard, box, etc and recycle it by making it into something else. Be sure to decorate it. Take a picture of it. Tell me what you would use it for.
Worth $30 Kent-DONE & Submitted

2. Scour the headlines from today's news. Find 10 funny or odd headlines. Hatake-DONE & Submitted

3. Draw how you appear first thing in the morning. Chipper or barely awake?
Worth $20 Knitted Doll-DONE & Submitted

4. Pick 10 songs reflecting a playlist you would listen to while doing chores. Write 150 words on the music. Are they all the same genre? Just your favorite songs? The Chased Centaur-DONE & Submitted

5. Take a picture of your bed. Did you make it? Write 250 words on why you did or not. .Jazzed-DONE & Submitted

6. Find a recipe of your favorite snack. Write 250 words about it, whether you'd share it with your teammates, why you like it, etc. Katurine-DONE & Submitted

7. Write up 10 humorous answering machine messages.
Worth $30 Cami-DONE & Submitted

8. You're hiding from your chores. Create a fort. Use chairs, tables, blankets, anything you have around the house. Include a flag or sign that says whose team's fort. Take a picture of it.
Worth $100 Myself-DONE & Submitted

9. Pick a pet. Draw you taking care of it. (Feeding it, walking it, grooming it, etc)
Worth $20 M i n u x e-DONE & Submitted

10. Design a machine that will help you with your chores. Describe what it does.
Worth $25 Popcorn Gun-DONE & Submitted

Round 2 OverX

Create banners with your logo and/or mascot. You can use the art you received from other artists, if they give you permission. Advertise your company by having people not involved in the Celestial Deck Party to put them into their signatures. Participants must keep it in their signature throughout the event. Make sure they understand why and what they're advertising. It is possible for all three teams to have the same individual. Getting the first person to participate gets you $20. Each person after that gets you $10 each. Each team must submit one post at the end of the round listing everyone who participated.
Round 2 Chore Tasks

1. Draw what you would wear while cleaning. Male and female version. Is it a uniform? Just a T-shirt and jeans?
Worth $40 M i n u x e-DONE & Submitted

2. Take a picture of your sink/dishwasher and post it. Any dirty dishes? Write up an amusing excuse as to why they are. If they're clean, write at least 250 words on what lengths you had to go through to wash them.
Worth $30 Popcorn Gun-DONE & Submitted

3. Arrange as many pens as you can neatly, take a picture of it, and post it. Make a rainbow of them, decorate them in a pencil cup, etc. Be creative! rampartte-DONE & Submitted

4. Create 20 coupons for your parents/guardians/significant other/etc detailing some chores you're willing to do if they redeem them. They must look like coupons.
Worth $50 Myself-DONE & Submitted

5. Find a music video that would describe what life is like at your house. Is it calm? Hectic? Write at least 300 words about your selection and link to the music video. The Chased Centaur- DONE & Submitted

6. Organize your bookshelf or DVDs/VHS. Take a picture. Explain why you organized them in that way.
Worth $25 Cami-DONE & Submitted

7. Draw or use a photo of a car. Create a cartoon of your teammates' avatars having to wash it. (It can have speech bubbles, be animated, have a caption, etc) Kent-DONE & Submitted

8. Write at least 300 words on a chore you procrastinated on. What happened? Why didn't you do it in a timely manner? Any consequences? Did you learn anything from it? Knitted Doll-DONE & Submitted

9. Create a visual of a garden. It must have at least two different types of flowers, trees, and shrubs. Name them.

10. Create a motivational poster that relates to doing chores, motivation or demotivation, etc. Hatake-DONE & Submitted

Round 2 Jobs - We Won! >w< <33X

Round 2 Work Jobs 1. Create three advertisements:
---1. Poster. Design an eye catching poster advertising your business/products/services. Make sure your logo is present.
---2. Radio advertisement. Create a short skit or jingle informing and motivating people to purchase your product or service.
---3. TV advertisement. Produce a short skit to advertise your product or service. It can be a Youtube video, animated Powerpoint slides, or a skit. M i n u x e-DONE & Submitted

2. Write up a minimum of 500 words describing the type of employees your business is looking for. Cami- DONE & Submitted

3. Create a list of 10 job positions. Describe what they would be doing. Hatake-DONE & Submitted

4. Create five Help Wanted ads for different job positions. They have to be an image in the form of newspaper ads. Knitted Doll-DONE & Submitted

5. Write up a list of benefits (health care, free hot coffee, foot massages, etc) and the daily salary your employees will make. Include a sign up bonus. Knitted Doll-DONE & Submitted

6. Write up a 20 question interview that reflects your search for your ideal employee. Kent-DONE & Submitted

7. Interview 10 people with your 20 question interview. None can be involved in the Celestial Deck Party. [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] DONE & Submitted

8. Hire no less than 2 and no more than 5 people from the ones you have interviewed. Get them to write why they wanted to work for your business, a minimum of 200 words. These people can help you on Chore Tasks AND Work Jobs from the time they are hired. Make sure to pay them the sign up bonus and the daily salary promised in Job 5. If you decide not to hire them for any other day than today, then you don't have to pay them a daily salary beyond today.
Note: If these players actively contribute in three rounds, they will be awarded the prize money too. DONE & Submitted

Round One - All Over WithX

Round 1 Chore Tasks

1. Compile a list of chores your team members have in real life. Each team member must contribute at least two chores. They do not have to be different. (Ex. Two people can say that they do the dishes.) Each chore must have a short description of what exactly they have to do.


Cami- cleans apartment & bathroom
Hads- cleans room & wash clothes
Kent- cleans dishes & take out garbage
The Chased Centaur- cleans room & wash dishes
Hatake- mow lawn & set table
Knitted Doll- loads/unloads dishwasher & cleans room
Katurine- vacuum carpets & clean windows
M i n u x e- load dishwasher & wash pots & pans

2. Compile a list of all of your team members' allowances from doing their chores. (If they make no money from chores, $0 can be noted) Create a graph detailing it. Note what the average, the minimum, and the maximum allowances are.


Cami- $0
Hads- $0
Kent- $0
The Chased Centaur- $0
Katurine- $0
Hatake- $0
Knitted Doll- $0
M i n u x e- $20 every 2 weeks. $10 a week/ $40 a month

3. Poll 30 people to find out what their least and most favorite chores are. Only 10 people can be from your own team. List who you polled. Cami- DONE & Submitted

4. You have to make dinner. Find and quote a recipe. Get three of your team members to contribute an ingredient by taking a photograph of a different item and posting it.
Worth $15 Katurine- DONE & Submitted

5. Create a dining room table seating chart for your team. This has to be an image of a table viewed from above with each team member at a chair.
Worth $20 Myself- DONE & Submitted

6. Write a minimum of 500 words to accompany task 5. Explain why certain people cannot sit by each other or why some are seated next to each other. (ex. Player 1 will steal food from Player 2, causing a food fight) Make it as humorous as possible.
Worth $25 Hatake- DONE & Submitted

7. Create a centerpiece for the table. (Ice sculpture, flower arrangement, etc) It can be a drawing or a photo of something you created.
Worth $20 Kent- DONE & Submitted

8. Gather information on what everyone on your team wants to drink, eat for dinner, and have for dessert. Note if you have any vegetarians, carnivores, cannibals, etc.

9. Write up a shopping list of how many ingredients you need to buy to feed all of your teammates based on the recipe selected from task 4 and what they wanted to drink and have for dessert. (Note: Only the recipe has to include ingredients. You can just say 1 cheesecake for 10 people, etc)
Worth $15 Knitted Doll- DONE & Submitted

10. Take a picture of all of your teammates at dinner. (Ex. Compile an image of all the avatars, draw a quick picture of them, etc)
Worth $20 M i n u x e- DONE & Submitted
Round 1 Work Jobs

First team to complete all of the work jobs will be awarded $500.

1. Make up a name for your company and a stock symbol. (Ex. Yahoo! is YHOO) Myself- DONE & Submitted

2. Design a logo for your company. This logo must appear on everything visual you submit. (Ex. The mascot submission must include the logo, etc) Myself- DONE & Submitted

3. Design or describe five products and/or services your business is going to provide. Everyone

4. Write a mission statement for your business. Inform people of your purpose and aim, who you are catering your business to, what are the responsibilities your business has to your audience, and what products/services you have to offer.

5. Create a mascot for your company. Kent- DONE & Submitted

6. Hire three artists in the event forum to draw your mascot. You can get freebies. None of the artists can be from your team. Everyone [x]

7. Design your company's building. This must be an image. Kent-DONE & Submitted

8. Write up a description of your building. (How tall is it? What does it contain? What's it made out of? Etc) Katurine

9. Decide on where your business's headquarters are going to be located. Write a minimum of 500 word description on why you selected this location.

10. Procure the following: fire department permit, air and water pollution control permit, sign permit, state/federal licenses, and certificate of authority. All are images of certificates and they must look different. (Note, don't include your logo on these)

Last edited by Hadsvich; 08-15-2009 at 12:03 AM..

Web Warrior for GrailKnights
Katurine is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:17 PM

Well, I don't really do chores IRL...

The Chased Centaur
The Chased Centaur is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:18 PM

what if they have NO chores I wonder Wait I can only think of 1 Clean room and for that I am unpaid


Kent is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:18 PM

I think I'd like to do chore task #7. :D Just don't expect too much. ; 3;

Maneki Neko Beckons

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:20 PM

I guess we can always make up that we do chores. x'D

The Chased Centaur
The Chased Centaur is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:21 PM

wait wash dishes is something I have had to do again UNPAID
Edit I ain't had breakfast yet so don't expect me to reply for a little while

Last edited by The Chased Centaur; 08-11-2009 at 12:24 PM..

Web Warrior for GrailKnights
Katurine is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:22 PM

Hm, but the first three tasks are only paid $10.


Kent is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:23 PM

I don't think many people are paid for doing chores. XD
At least, I'm not paid, either. ; 3;

Hoogaly Boogaly Bear
Send a message via MSN to ChOcOlAtE_PiE Send a message via Yahoo to ChOcOlAtE_PiE
ChOcOlAtE_PiE is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:30 PM

Oh:sweat: I'm sorry if I just butted into the forum like that. I didn't know what the sun team was that's why I came to look, but don't mind me go on with whatever you were doing I'm just here to watch=3

Maneki Neko Beckons

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:35 PM

So, have you two decided on what chore tasks you'd like to do? :'3

I've put up Kent for #7, and I'm thinking of taking #5 myself, if no one minds~

@ChOcOlAtE_PiE: lol Well visitors are always welcome~


Kent is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:40 PM

@Katurine - What exactly do you mean by that? XD
That we should do the other chore tasks first? o 3o

Hoogaly Boogaly Bear
Send a message via MSN to ChOcOlAtE_PiE Send a message via Yahoo to ChOcOlAtE_PiE
ChOcOlAtE_PiE is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post

@ChOcOlAtE_PiE: lol Well visitors are always welcome~


Kent is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:49 PM

Are you here to support the sun team, then? 8D

The Chased Centaur
The Chased Centaur is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:53 PM

I will do number 9 once the recipe is decided

Web Warrior for GrailKnights
Katurine is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:56 PM

Hey, aren't we supposed to do just one task?

Edit: Ah, no. I must've misunderstood the instructions. Silly me. XD

The Chased Centaur
The Chased Centaur is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:58 PM

no It says at least 2 chores per person


Kent is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:58 PM

Yep, one task for each of us~ C:

Web Warrior for GrailKnights
Katurine is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 12:59 PM

Okay then. I'll go look for a dinner recipe.

Maneki Neko Beckons

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 01:01 PM

@The Chased Centaur: Sounds good, I put you up there~

1. Complete "Chore Tasks." Your parents will give you a list of tasks with a deadline. All of the chores do not have to be completed. Each player can only do one task. Each task completed by the specified time will earn money. You cannot do tasks for your teammates and have them submit it.
And okay~ Noted~ :'3

Last edited by Hadsvich; 08-11-2009 at 01:04 PM..

Web Warrior for GrailKnights
Katurine is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 01:10 PM

Okay, how 'bout brown sugar meatloaf with mashed potatoes, buttered corn and dinner rolls? The ingredients to prepare the meatloaf:

1/2 C packed brown sugar
1/2 C ketchup
1 1/2 lbs lean ground beef
3/4 C milk
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 small onion, chopped
1/4 tsp ground ginger
3/4 C finely crushed saltine cracker crumbs (about 10 crackers)

Maneki Neko Beckons

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 01:14 PM

Oh~ That sounds good to me~ :'3
I think I'll go take a photograph of one of those ingredients then~

The Chased Centaur
The Chased Centaur is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 01:14 PM

ok I might be over my head here but do I need to do the price for the recipes ingredients

Hoogaly Boogaly Bear
Send a message via MSN to ChOcOlAtE_PiE Send a message via Yahoo to ChOcOlAtE_PiE
ChOcOlAtE_PiE is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Are you here to support the sun team, then? 8D


Kent is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 01:25 PM

Sounds good~ The side dishes don't really matter, do they? XD
Oh! I wanna get a picture of ketchup! 8D

Oh and we need to know how many servings the meatloaf has so Chased Centaur can get enough ingredients to feed 10 people.

@Centaur - I doubt you need the prices. XD Unless it says so.

@Chocolate_Pie - Yay~


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