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Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 06-07-2012, 02:40 PM

This is an RP between Grumman_Goose and Shotacon if you are not us do not post but feel free to read along!


The year is 2026, and humans understanding of the universe is starting to become clearer, the Idagatrix VI set off for the stars in 2020 before and the results from it's journey we're astounding, man had never expected to see what was seen on that journey and the pilots were considered heros and ambassadors for the human race allowing us to make our mark in the expanse that is the universe, but not is all as it seems. Upon the return of the Idagatrix VI strange happenings have been occurring arcoss the globe, this is where the Human Defence Force makes their entrance, started in 2021 the HDF have been the worlds police for the supernatural and extraterrestrial, but this story takes place from the point of view of one member of the force in particular and an encounter that will change the face of the human race for all time to come as this is where world's collide.

It was a typical October evening, the sky was a flush pink, the birds were singing, and the leaves on the trees were a wash of red, gold and orange, Alec was making his way from HDF base for the USA towards his car down the street, everything was perfect, a little too perfect, but that didn't bother him one bit. He looked like any other normal person in Chicago he was 5' 10", had neck length dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, his build was average but a bit on the slim side, but didn't mean he throw a mean punch here and there if he needed to. He was happy with what he had and didnt wish for any more, he had house, a good paying job, and a rather nice car. What more could he want. He got into his cold car and made way into the flow of traffic. As his journey progressed the sun set and a crystal white crescent was put in it's place. After what seemed like a forever Alec made his way up the steps in the dark silence to his front door when his phone went off in his pocket nearly making him jump out of his skin.

"Yes this is officer Travellion, oh Sophia, Hi what can I do for you? A tier 3? Really, do I have to do it? Come on I just got home, because I'm closer? That's the reason that I have to do it? Ugh, fine I'll do it as long as it shuts the old bat up... I'll be there in five minuets..." Alec closed his phone and stormed into his house, he hated it when things like this happend and they were becoming more frequent. He got his gear together and went back out and drove to the harbour. When he got there the place was dark and dead, the only thing that Alec could hear was the sound of ships making there way in and out of the harbour.

"Is this ment to be some sort of joke? There's nothing here." There was then a large crahing noise from inside one of the warehouses, Alec quickly got out a pistol and made his way inside. The warehouse was damp and cold and stank to high heaven. "Oh god it's awful in here! What is tha..." Alec looked further into the room and could see a pile of dead bodies laying in the middle of the floor. " Oh god, I think I'm going to be..." before he could finish the sentence something grabbed him from behind.

Last edited by Grumman_Goose; 06-08-2012 at 11:41 AM..

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Shotacon is offline
Old 06-07-2012, 04:17 PM

A young man sits atop a large building, his legs dangling in the air over 40 stories above the ground. His head bobs in time with a song only he can hear. The strands of his torn jeans flutter in the strong winds pressing forcefully against his side. The breeze carries the faint smells of the city bellow making his nose curl. Gelvei has spent many a day sitting here, on the roof of the building he lives in. Many a night would find him laying on the edge where he now sits, staring at the sky as if searching for something. Night had fallen long ago but instead of looking to the stars his eyes scan the city. His head cocks to the side with a jerk as sound begins coming from his silver ear cuff.

The low guttural tones are unmistakably not of human origin. However, the screams and cries in the background most certainly are human. “Where are you Mimu?” her murmurs aloud and seconds later he swings his legs back over the ledge and heads for the roof access door. Taking the stairs almost a full flight at a time he makes his way to the ground floor and out into the empty lobby in short order. His white overcoat billows out behind him as the wind created from opening the front door blows past. Now bothering to signal a ride Gelvei darts down the street. His stomach turn, the cries still echoing in his ear. A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth as a thought crosses his mind.

'If I were human, I suppose I would be praying to get there in time. So odd how even those who do not have this “Belief” so many speak of how they still pray in situations like this' Suddenly, all sound ceases and a sharp pain passes through his chest. 'Well, that can't be good' His pace slows, the silence taking away from the urgency in a way. When at last he reaches the source of the screams his eyes dart about the area. When he spots the car parked not far from the only building in the area his eyes narrow. 'Bad bad bad bad. . . . . .' Moving towards the warehouse where Mimu was observing the happenings transmitted to his receiver Gel once again muses over praying that the car's occupant did not walk in on whatever was causing the screams.

Pressing his hand to his back his fingers curl around the handle of the knife concealed there as he moves into the warehouse. The smell permeating the air causes him to gag slightly but he presses on. Coming around a corner his eyes lock on to a figure standing ahead of him. Identifying it as human he drops his hand from the knife and moves forward. He spots the pile of bodies behind the figure and swallows hard. 'Ugh, nasty' Reaching towards the person in front of him he grabs hold of his arm without thinking. The arm jerks back reflexively in a powerful backhand move and Gel stumbles backwards to avoid it. Just managing to keep his feet he holds his hands up in the “I give up” position and yelps, “Sorry sorry, wasn't thinking! My bad, don't shoot!” An odd cooing comes from the crates to his right. Gel drops his hand long enough for a ball of fur about the size of a football to jump from the ground on to his arm and climb to his shoulder. The furball coos over and over until Gelvei hushes him harshly. The furball lets out one last sad coo before falling silent.

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 06-07-2012, 10:38 PM

Alec swung his arm back in reaction to the events that just occured his attack missed but it was all he could think of in the confusion and the panic. He then aimed his pistol at the attackers head and didnt move.He looked at the person infront if him and the first thought that came to him was 'scene kid' he had bright green hair obviously dyed and bright blue eyes. It wasn't until that he saw a football size ball of fur appear from a nearby pile of crates that he really started to get worried. He forgot about his aiming and concentrated about the cooing ball of fur that appeared out of nowhere.

"Who the fuck are you? What the fuck is that? Why the fuck are you here? Why do I keep saying fuck?" He looked around to see if he wasn't dreaming or if he had accidentally taken something without realising it. Still in his state of panic he was firing questions here and there but not finishing them in a panicked state.

"That's a... Your a... How...? Look listen kid you shouldn't be here, I'm on HPD duty and this isn't safe for you, you should be at home right now with your mum and dad okay, you need to get the hell ou of here, you understand? This is me being nice now if you'll excuse me I have something to take care of." Alec turned away from the boy and readied him self to face the creature that lurked withing the warehouse he tried to make him self as quiet as possible but his heavy boots weren't doing him much justice. There was a rattle of tins to his right and he immidietly looked in that direction. Nothing. In this light he could barely see the wall at the end of the room.

"I wish I brought a damn touch with me, damnit Alec you'll be lucky to live this one out..." Crash. To his left a whole shelving unit fell down sending boxes of tools and pieces of metal all over the floor. He held his position and tried to make himself as quiet as possible. He heard foot steps but couldn't distinquish them if they were from the alien or from the kid that he met earlier. Bang! Alec turned and fired into the black, a high pitched ringing echoed throuh the warehouse hurting Alec ears, he could her something above the ringing but couldn't tell what it was.

"Damn that kid, has to make my life so much harder, shit. What if it was him that I shot. Oh shit! Please don't be, him please don't be him." He made his way over to where he could hear the whimpering, he got out his phone and used it as a torch. He shined his light so that he could see and gave a sigh of relief when he saw that it was the target that he intended.

"Well that seemed a little too..." The creature screamed at Alec in reaction to the light and swung at him sending him across the floor, his head hit somthing and he looked to see what it was, it just happend to be the collected corpses that were piled on the floor. The only thing that Alec could do was scream.

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Shotacon is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 04:06 PM

Gelvei simply stands silently listening to the man before him, the strong urge to grin being beaten back as each second of rambling passes. 'You know, this is so not funny on sooooo many levels, but somehow, I am amused' He nods as the man walks away and as soon as he's out of sight he drops his hands. Looking over at Mimu and sighs. “Well Mimu, this is an interesting first meeting. He's from the right place to get things started, but how am I gonna get him to understand that?” Mimu, taking being addressed as an okay to make noise, belts out a long string of coos and gurgles in response. With a small huff Gel reaches up an gives the furball a hard whack, redoubling the happy gurgling punctuated with a joyful squeal. Looking off to where the man vanished Gelvei decides to follow and look for a point to insert himself. The sound of a loud crash hastens his steps.

The gunshot drops him to his knees, his eyes watching the ricochet carefully before springing to his feet and rushing towards the one who fired. 'Okay, not the smartest human in the world, but at least he's armed' He watches as the man approaches the beast on the floor before backing into the bodies. He's only a few steps away when the man begins screaming. Mimu leaps off Gel's shoulder and darts behind a crate in an attempt to flee from the noise. The young man's eyes dart over to the fallen creature as it rises, leaping towards the man so locked in terror he doesn't seem to notice. Stepping in close he slams the man hard to the side, away from the bodies, before pulling out his keychain and activating the laser knife he keeps on the ring. The glow from the knife is bright, illuminating the area and making the beast cry out.

Leaping up he meets it in the air. Dodging between it's outstretched claws he sinks his own sharp nails into it's chest, giving him enough leverage to swing hard at the underside of it's mandible. It's pale white skin is sprayed with a fine mist of blue liquid as he makes a clean cut through the creature's lower jaw, severing it from the head. Bringing his leg up he plants his foot against the creature's chest and kicks off hard. Landing on the top of a nearby shelf he watching it fall to the ground, a gurgling cry the last sound it makes. Scanning the warehouse from his vantage point he determines there are no more beasts inside. Jumping down he moves over to the man he'd knocked down, smiling down at him he holds out a hand to help him up. “Feeling better? All in one piece?”

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 06-09-2012, 05:05 PM

Alec got up off the dusty floor still in shock watching the creature approach him then out of othe corner of his eye he saw the kid running towards him "No what the hell are you..." The boy barged into him and sent him across the floor yet again "Oh my god that kid's gunna get killed!" then out of nowhere a bright blue light was emmited from his hand, to Alec it looked like a laser but still in shock was more concerned about the kid that just sent him crashing to the floor. But the laser light illuminated the room giving everything a blue hue and Alec could see everything that was happening. Then what followed seemed to unreal for Alec to even compute. The boy lept up to an unimaginable height, and the monster jumped as well "No, no, no your gunna get killed." Yet miraculously he managed to miss all of the attacks the the monster threw at it. Then in one swift movement he swung round and ends the battle there and then. Alec shook his head to see that it wasn't just a bad dream.

Then out of nowhere he heard "Feeling Better?" and the boy extended his hand. Alec reached out and grabbed hold. "Yeah I'm great, thanks for asking. I'm gunna have to count how many bruises I get tomorrow!" He started laughing, "But what I want to know is how the hell you did that, and that laser thing and the jump and the agility! That was incredible! Right, now about that" he said pointing to the now dead monster that was much more alive the minuet before. He walked over and kicked the torso. "Well I'm not moving it! And you certainty aren't" he said pointing to the boy. "Right now I need to make a call. You stay there. Yes, this is officer Travellion, yes the target has been terminated. Clean up will be necessary, oh and you might want to get CPD down here after cleaning as there are a number of dead bodies here anda they will need to be identified. Yes, of course I'll stay until HDF member arrive. Over and out." Alec then walked over to one of the knocked over shelves and picked up a piece of sharp metal. He the walked over to the dead monster and wiped the scrap over the bottom of the jawless head and then dropped a couple a feet away from it. "And that is how you get removed from being here. But I'm not done with you. Follow me."

Outside it had started to rain but it was only a light drizzle but it was as equally cold as it was when Alec went into the warehouse. He walked over to the car and the boy followed. He clicked the key fob and unlocked the car he opened the passenger side door and said "In you pop, sit in there get warm, I'll wait here until, it's a good time to leave." Alec leaned against the car and lit up a cigarette and just waited until another car arrived. It was the clean up crew that would dispose of the monster inside. Alec moved in front of the passenger window to block view inside. "Well you took your sweet time, it's bloody freezing out here! Yeah it's inside, don't even start it was an absolute bitch. Yeah, yeah uh huh, okay, have fun in there kiddies!" Alec waited until the crew were out of site and then slid over the bonnet of the car and rushed into the car. "Right now that that's sorted let's go." Alec fired up the car and the low rumble broke the silence of the harbour. He backed out on to the road and drove towards the exit.

Alec turned onto an on ramp that would lead to the ring road of Chicago and saw this as a good opportunity to get some information about his passenger that had saved his life. "So, first things first, I'm Alec Travellion, who the hell are you? He chuckled. Before the boy could get a word in he said "Oh yeah and what's your address?"

Last edited by Grumman_Goose; 06-09-2012 at 05:20 PM..

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Shotacon is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 01:40 AM

Gelvei watches the man “Erasing his tracks” as it were, a small smile playing at the edge of his mouth. He stays silent as he follows him out of the warehouse. 'Well, going okay so far I guess. He seems actually worried about me. I. . . . .I wonder if he'll still worry when he comes to find out what I am. . . . .' Gelvei has no shame in his heritage, but he does understand how one in this man's line of work feels about beings like Gel. Slipping inside the car he takes the hint and ducks down so that people in the the vehicles approaching won't be able to see him. Mimu tries to coo but Gel is quick to stifle the noise. ]'Well this thing smells lived in. . . .'[/i] he muses as the smells inside the car begin making themselves known. He subdues his smile as the man gets in and begins driving.

Finally letting himself smile, he breaks out into a big grin before replying, “Nice to meet you Al, a real pleasure. My name? Gelvei, Gelvei Hyanti, call me Gel. Oh, and this is Mimu, my hants.” Mimu gurgles at the sound of it's name. Squeezing the furball hard so it lets out happy coos and gurgles Gel goes on. “As for my address, up until recently I live on Wanpietu Estori, third moon of the planet Misutik, the Rikton sector of. . . . .I guess you would call it a town, so of Hentrios town, third street on the left.” Still smiling he adds, “But, seeing as I can't go back there, I kinda don't have an address, I do however enjoy the roofs of the taller buildings downtown.” He keeps his voice jovial and friendly but his hand sneaks to his back to grasp his knife, in case the man has a violent response to this shocking information.

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 04:08 PM

Alec swiftly made his way through traffic breaking nearly every law that was applied to the road, but he gave the courtesy of indicating before making a move. He was listing to his passenger sate who he was then things became weird, when Gelvei was giving his address he thought he was pulling his leg, he was just saying stuff that sounded like things from a sci-fi film. He then went on about living on rooftops of the towers down town. "Listen mate, I'm not your girlfriend okay no need to make shit up okay!" He chuckled at what he had said but their was still something that niggling at the back of his mind but he couldn't put his finger on it. The realisation then hit him. Rikton Sector. That was one of the first places that the Indigatrix found but he hadn't heard that sort of thing for years. But the cooing ball of fur that was 2 feet away from him also seem to make cogs fit together.

Without warning he jarred the car across the road and up a slip way causing a sudden blare of horns and lights behind him. The "Hants" as Gelvei had said found it's way into the foot well of Alec's seat, and gurgled and cooed as it was rolling around obviously enjoying it's self. Alec threw the car this way and that flying down roads and darting through back lanes. When he found an ally way he stopped the car and turned it off. "Your're a fucking alien! I thought you were just some scene kid with a cat that just salivates too much." Speaking of Mimu he grabbed the creature from his feet and gave it back to Gelvei. "And the gadgets you have! The.. the laser knife, sword thing, and the acrobatics, it all makes sense now!" Alec then slapped himself across the face then looked at Gelvei. "I'm not dreaming everything this evening has been real. But you're a... and you... but that.... You know what I should do. I, should turn you in. But being the nice guy I am and putting my WHOLE career on the line.... I can't belive i'm going to try this but, I am going to make you blend into the world and make sure that you aren't what you are. Obviously I can't hide everything meaning that." He said pointing to Mimu. "But what I can do is make sure that you can slip under the radar everywhere, meaning that you can travel across the globe if you want, not that it will compare to travelling the universe but you get what your given." He rested his head on the steering wheel. "Okay here's what we're going to do. I'm going to take you to the building that you live on, you with me? And you are going to go to the roof, get all your crap that you need and your going to come back down and your going to live at my place. How does that sound? I mean it's a win win situation. You get a nice warm house to stay in with no threat of running out of food, running water, electricity, and the fact that you live on a roof top is just plain weird, and I get company in the house. You see I live alone and I have no pets, great social life there, and it would be nice to have someone in the house. I have a spare room that isn't used so you could stay there, but it's empty, but I can buy furniture for it, Oh, and if anyone asks who you are I can say your my cousin, froomm, Egypt....? So how about it?" Gelvei still looked lost in the confusion that was happen and probably processing Alec's change of attitude towards him. "Okay how about this, I drive to your place of, residence" While putting residence with inverted fingers. "and on the way you can decide, hmmm? Now which tower is it?" Alec started the car up and drove to the end of the ally. "Oh Alec what are you doing... What are you getting yourself into..."

Last edited by Grumman_Goose; 06-11-2012 at 08:17 PM..

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Shotacon is offline
Old 06-20-2012, 09:33 PM

Gelvei simply stares with a bemused look on his face as the man proceeds to talk a mile a minute. When he hands back Mimu he gives it a soft squeeze before putting it back in place. 'Well, he responding both better, and worse then I imagined. “Keep me under the radar” huh? Interesting. A place to crash with something softer then roofing tar will be nice though' Gel smiles and nods, only half listening. His senses extend outside the vehicle, his pulse racing at the closeness of the other vehicles around them. Not use to such close quarters his skin tingles, making it jump with each turn. When at last the man quiets he smiles over at him, turning his senses back inside the car. “Well, I don't really have anything to pick up. Everything I own is on my person at all times, save Mimu.”

Gel lets out a sigh, tucking his legs up against his chest, his heels digging into the seat to keep them in place. His voice drops lower, eyes seeming to gaze far beyond the filthy car floor. “I must thank you. Offering me your own place to stay, it is very kind of you.” his voice drops lower, but is still loud enough for the other to hear. “After leaving home, it makes me feel truly welcome somewhere. A feeling I haven't had for a long time.” Stretching out his legs, his soft smile returns as his feet press against the carpet beneath them. Turning to look at the man he continues. “I am here to help, any way I can. I've been on earth for a while so I think I've got a good grasp on being one thus far. I will appreciate any pointers you can give me about it though.” Reaching up he tugs on an ear. “I should let you know I'm kinda young for my race, but I am an adult. I'm stronger then you, but I'm no Superman.” Grinning at his own joke he can't hold back a chuckle as he leans back in the seat.

Mimu makes it's way down his body, moving to his lap, then with a small hop, it scrabbles to the top of the dashboard. Reaching out Gelvei smashes the creature flat, making it cry out in happy gurgles as it clings in place, facing towards the front of the car. Though hard to tell, Mimu has a front, and a back, a head, and a tail, but seeing as it's body is a near perfect sphere, it takes a trained eye to tell this at a glance. Gelvei had gotten Mimu several years before leaving his world, and has been his only companion since he'd left. 'I'll be nice having someone to actually talk to again' Gel continues smashing the little boneless mass as they make their way towards a new beginning.

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 06-21-2012, 12:04 PM

Alec was relived and concerned at the same time, he had taken his offer about allowing him to stay with him at home, but having being told that all he had with him was what he carried, made him feel a little bit sorry for him. Gel was millions of miles away from home and all he had with him was what could be found in his pockets and Mimu as company, he lived on a rooftop having to endure the harsh weather that can happen here especially in winter, the thought of Gel having to survive the nights made him feel sick, how long had Gel been on earth for? A year? Two years? Alec drove back onto the road but traffic was starting to build up on the roads. He saw this as an opportunity to get some more information about Gel. "So.. How long have you been on earth for? You seem to have done pretty well to get this far on your own." Alec repeted the starting and stopping motion as the traffic seemed near gridlock. "Ahh...How is this happening, this sort of stuff happened when my dad was a kid. You would think that in this day and age we could get a good traffic system!" He chuckled for a bit. "Say what exactly is Mimu made of because I've seen you squeeze it, and smash it against my dashboard which I hope you can keep to a minimum in case you accidentally set off the air bag!"

Because of the lack of movement outside Alec reached into the centre console of the car and got out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter and promptly light one, he opened the window so he allowed for the smoke to disappear to. "If you want one take one, I can get them cheep as chips here." He took a long slow drag of the cigarette, inhaled and then exhaled concentrating the smoke out of the window. "It's funny really. We know that smoking can cause serious health problems, yet we do it anyway. Isn't it funny how the mind works? Well, I'll guess that we won't figure that mystery out for a while." Alec saw a gap in the traffic and slid his car into the gap only to be met by some angry honking behind him. "Ehh shut up, does my head in drivers here, need to get some of them road smarts they do!" He threw his now finished cigarette out of the window and started tapping the steering wheel "Oh come on! It's not rocket science, move! Jesus Christ!" Alec reached back to the console to get another cigarette but then went against it. "No.. Alec one is enough for now..." It wasn't long until until a few raindrops splatted against the windscreen of the car followed by a huge downpour or rain.

Last edited by Grumman_Goose; 06-21-2012 at 05:22 PM..

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Shotacon is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 10:51 AM

Gelvei stares out the windshield of the car, listening quietly as the human asks his questions, murmuring a 'No thanks' to the cigarettes and a 'Sorry' about smashing the dashboard. 'I wonder if he's concerned about me. I'm still not all that well versed in humans and their feelings and such. No way to really judge something you've never had to deal with before I suppose' Tucking his legs up against his chest he wraps his arms around them, setting Mimu on his knees. “I've been here on earth for over a year now, 468 days to be exact.” Rubbing his nose with the backs of his fingers he pops his neck before continuing. “It took me a while to figure out the currency system on this planet, so I've just stuck to rooftops to avoid complications.” Reaching up he grabs hold of Mimu, smashing it hard between his hands. The ball of fur squeals with glee.

“Mimu is a Qualon. Qualon have no skeletal structure to speak of, but underneath it's skin are sacks of chemicals that can be released by pressure or impact. This chemical is kinda like. . . . . .” Gel looks around, trying to think of the right word. “Um, I think the right term would be “Happy Drugs”. Unlike the stuff I've seen on your streets, the feeling only lasts a few seconds, and it's a natural part of it's body. It's kinda like scratching a dogs stomach I suppose.” Thinking hard about what Alec said about the human's persistence in activities that they know is harmful, he can't help but laugh. Looking over at the driver he smiles. “Every breath a being takes is taking a risk with one's life, so unless you can fault one for breathing I don't find smoking odd at all.”

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 03:04 PM

The traffic started to move again rain still pelting the windscreen. Alec looked ahead to find any gaps or spaces that he could slot the car into. "Even with the wipers on full pelt this rain isn't helping...As much as I love rain in times like this it is a rather large irritant." He saw a gap and threw the car forward. "So you've been here living on rooftops since July last year? Kudos to you man, kudos." The rain let up a little and the swashing sound on the roof became quieter. "If you want the radio on just go ahead and turn it on, I can't guarantee that it will be anything good but whatever." Alec looked out of the window watching the raindrops wiggle their way down the window, he almost entered a trance when a blaring of horns brought him back to reality. "Uh.. Alright, alright i'm going geez." Alec moved forward and saw an exit off the ring road, slowly creeping forward he inched closer and closer to the slip road. "Currency here is a bit strange, each country has it's own form of money you see so here you have 'New Dollars', in my country where I came from we have things called 'Unions' because it's part of a region of nations they all have the same currency and in Ociaisa they have 'Seeres' I don't understand why we all just use one currency but oh well." Alec reached into the centre console of the car and pulled out his wallet, it looked worn and old, it had definitely had been well used but still held together as if it were only a few years old. Alec opened it up and took out some notes out of different values and dropped them into Gel's lap. "Here, tomorrow you can go and buy some new clothes, I'm guessing you've been living out of those for god knows how long."

Alec found enough space to exit the ring road and managed to get up to speed only to slow back down again "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me..." There was more traffic on the smaller road but it was still moving faster then the ring road. "What's going on today? It's like the traffic centre went and shot it's self." After what felt like five minuets Alec barged his car into the flow of traffic much to the annoyance of other drivers. "There we go, almost on the verge of punching someone you know?" He chuckled a bit and tapped a beat into the steering wheel. "I can't wait to go to bed, it's been hectic today, just as much as your's too I'm guessing. Listen if your not cool with staying at my house then I'm totally fine with that, don't get the idea that I'm pressuring you into doing this... Dammit Alec now you sound like you are... so if you want me to pull over and let you out then just say the word." The rain started to pick up again and there was a quick flash lighting the sky up momentarily and illuminating the dim interior of the car. "Hope you're not scared of storms."

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Shotacon is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 10:53 PM

Gelvei nods, letting the new information about currency and such sink in. He lets out the periodic chuckle at the man's outbursts of temper. 'I think I like walking better then this “driving”. It seems so frustrating' He opens his mouth to respond to the man when the rumble from the lightning reaches the vehicle, sending deep vibration through his resonance chamber. The feeling makes him go still, savoring the low pulses it sends through his body. His eyes roll back slightly and he goes limp, a faint grin plastered across his face. When at last is passes his smile widens. “No, no sir, I do not mind storms. . . . . .” His voice is a bit distant, sounding a bit dreamy.

Tucking his legs up once again he flushes purple, thinking hos goofy he must have looked. Muttering in his native tongue at himself for a few second, he chides himself for letting the resonance affect him so. Finally with a cough, he looks over at the driver. “I am grateful for your invitation to stay with you. I'm sure it will be more pleasant the the rooftops. I do not feel pressured, in fact, I feel honored. I mean, you hunt my kind for a living. The trust you have shown for me makes me. . . . .” He fumbles, trying to describe the feeling inside, but is unable to come up with a human equivalent.

“I can not think of a way to say it. Perhaps, if you understood my people a little better you would understand what trust means among us. . . . . .” Mimu rolls his way into Gelvei's lap, letting out low gunning noises. He reaches up and pats the furball just as another rumble shakes the car. Gel closes his eyes to hide how the rumble affects him. Mimu rolls from under Gel's hand to Al's lap, gurgling to be pet.

Grumman_Goose is offline
Old 07-21-2012, 01:55 PM

Alec gave a slight grunt as the alien fur ball fell into his lap. He looked at is quizzically not sure what to really do with it. Was he meant to throw it or squeeze it? Smashed it as hard as he can? He tried to remember what Gel did with it, he picked up the ball already cooing at being picked up. It sort of reminded him of a baby with all the noises that it was making, he then held it in his palm and then smashed his fist in to it the black ball of fur compressing and giving way to Alec's force. Mimu squealed with delight as he continued to smash his fist into it. "Ha! It's kind of like a living stress ball! I love it!" He continued to squeeze and squash the alien when a thought occurred to him. "Uhh I don't have to buy cat food for this or anything right?" There was another flash of lightning followed by a loud rumble Alec guessed that the storm was right above them by now. The rain still didn't let up hammering the surface of the car sounding like rice on a drum skin.

The traffic started to move again and Alec handed back Mimu to Gel, he saw an alleyway to his left just behind a parked car. Would the car fit through? Alec thought, examining the passage way in comparison to his car. "There's only one way to find out. Gel hold onto something firm." Alec swung the car around the parked vehicle missing it by inches, the car launched into the alleyway it was a tight fit but he could manage it. "See there we go, looks like we are going to get home after all." Alec continued driving to the end of the alleyway and brought the car back to the road. There was almost no traffic on this road which Alec struck as odd but continued driving anyway. "At this rate now we should be home in about ten minuets!"


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