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Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-21-2012, 04:28 AM

"yup. Let's go "he jumped up, and started Jogging. He wanted to make up for lost time, so he wanted to speed it to the Ark. They only had 1 Week before the Ark opened, and with his luck, They'd be pressed to reach it in time.

Gemini is offline
Old 10-21-2012, 04:58 AM

Hikari smiled."you're'll be able to keep up with me,no problem." she said,keeping pace with him once again."now,along this route,about half a day's walk from here,is a small settlement.whatever you do,do not speak to anyone there. it is imperitive that you stay completely silent while we pass the settlement,ok? I'll let you know when we're close."

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-21-2012, 05:21 AM

"Why? "He asked, Curious About this world.

(writer's block)

Gemini is offline
Old 10-21-2012, 05:32 AM

"the people who live there are...hostile.they started inbreeding countless ages ago,and the mutations that resulted from that and from the radiation are not pretty.they're also this point,they're more beast than human,and they don't like outsiders.they sleep during the day,which is why we have to be silent.if even one wakes up,it's all over." Hikari said matter-of-factly,as if she was stating that water was wet.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-21-2012, 03:39 PM

"Why not Just whipe them out? With your Tactic's as a Hunter, and All my shit as a Ark Survivor, We should be more then a Match for a Few Bandit Clan's "He said, confused. His knowledge of Inbreeding suggested that people would be 'weaker' not stronger. He did know that Radiation can cause mutation's, but it mostly just destroyed vital DNA.

Gemini is offline
Old 10-22-2012, 04:05 AM

Hikari shook her head."it's not like that.there's more than just a few-there are hundreds of them.and like I said,they are more beast than human.I mean that quite literally,by the way...during the early days,when science still had a fighting chance,the founders of that clan were inplanted with animal DNA.they were the last experiments ever,before the Rain.only a few survived,and they bred together to keep the bloodline strong,and now there's tons of them,horribly disfigured mutations that eat human flesh and anything else they can get their hands-or claws-on." she explained,her expression dark.
((I hope that's ok?))

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-22-2012, 04:27 AM

(Yes, But I want Action, A Fight)

"You Forget Something, Wastral..."He looked at her, with a Face of Pure Molevolance. His Right hand had Blue Speck's floating around it. "I'm built with Tech that Can Eat away Flesh and Bone, Technology that Can Repair Thing's to their former glory, I am like the fabled Fate-weaver's, who can Manipulate the Tie's of Fate, with just flick of my Wrist. "He said.

Gemini is offline
Old 10-22-2012, 05:54 AM

((that's fine.just have him trip or something while they pass through.))
Hikari stopped."Wastral...? oh,whatever." she shook her head."anyway,I don't care if you're Death himself,I don't want any trouble with this tribe.I have my own reasons besides,ok? don't you think I could take them on if I wanted to?" she asked,some hurtful secret hidden behind her innocent face."and who is Wastral?!"

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-22-2012, 11:10 AM

He sighed, and calmed down. He was Agitated, but Decided to just press on. He started jogging, but then, by a Stroke of fate, He hit an old pipe, concealed by rock. There was a Loud *Ring* noise, plus he did Swear pretty loudly. You then hear Grievous Moan's, and howl's. "Oh Fuck-berry's! "He said, then lift his right arm. A Large, Energy-like Blade appeared around his hand.

Gemini is offline
Old 10-23-2012, 02:37 AM

((fuck-berries? lol I haven't laughed that hard in a while!))
Hikari said a word that would have made a devil blush and ran towards her companion."you fool! what have you done?! Fuck!" she spat,drawing her knife as hundreds of grotesque human-beast hybrids in various stages of undress and very large creature that looked like a cyote on steroids standing on two legs and missing one arm stepped forward."Why have you disssturrrbed ourr rrressst,outsiderrrsss?" it's voice was more growl than voice,but still clearly male."Has ourrr little Rrrrossey decided to rrrejoin ussss? or arrrre you here to ssssacrrrifice yourrrsselvesss?"

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-23-2012, 03:03 AM

Joseph ran in front of Gemini, and put his arm's in front of her, His Bright glowing blade in his Right Hand, his Pistol in his left. He looked at the Savage's. "So this is what most of humanity has been Reduced to, sense I'v been in cold sleep? "he asked the Steroid Cyote

Gemini is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 02:17 AM

The cyote,who was clearly the leader of the pack,made a sound that could have been a laugh or a warning growl."we arrrrre only a few,not even closssse to the majorrrrity of the population.we arrrrre not even human,if you get to it.sssssssso,sssurrvivorrr,why do you protect the girrrl? hasss she not told you? she can eassssily protect hersssself from usss,if she had to.she knowssss we would neverrrrr harrrrm herrr,though.but you haven't told him yet,have you,Rrrrosssy?" Hikari tensed behind Joseph,clearly ready to either fight or flee at any moment."it's not worth is not who I am anymore! my name is Hikari,not Rosy!" she said.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 04:02 AM

Joseph Decided, for her Sake, he would put on alittle 'show'. He then held out his hand "Survivor? I am not a Survivor, I am not Even a Mortal! I am a Fate-weaver! "He said, and Blue Essense Floated around him, as if the Tie's of Fate were at his command. "Grow, childern of earth.....grow....."He whispered. Grass and such started to grow from the small Area, as if listioning to his command. "The world Is at my Finger-tip's Cyote. I am in control now" he said.

Gemini is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 05:29 AM

Hikari gasped,understanding what was happening but still amazed by it."J-Joseph! why would you reveal yourself to him?!" she asked,playing along convinvingly."what isss thisss? the fate weaverrrssss don't exissst! they arrre jussst a legend! you don't fool me,sssurrvivorrr,for I have known yourrr kind!! jusssst asssk Rrrosssy..." the cyote said,but the damage was done.the rest of the pack was already running for their dens.Hikari laughed."too bad,Krush,but your pack still believes.and stop calling me Rosy!" she said.Krush snorted.they arrrre all foolsss.but,I know betterrrr.Rrrosy,orr,assss you call yourrrrself,Hikarrrri,why do you trrravel with thisss human?" Hikari shook her head."it's none of your business,Krush.just let us pass through."

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-24-2012, 04:19 PM

His energy blade reformed around his hand, and he stepped toward's Krush. He held up his hand, and a beam flew from it, attaching to his head. It didn't melt him outright.....yet, but It still hurt like hell. it was as if he was draining life from him. " I can make it as if you never existed, beast. Do not test me "He said.

Gemini is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 03:03 AM

Hikari reacted strangely.she ran forward and grabbed Joseph's arm."no,stop! Joseph,stop,please!" she cried,looking terrified.Krush growled but didn't tesssst fate.even ourrr prrrodigal pup wantssss you to ssstop.She knowssss the concequencesss." he said.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 03:42 AM

"Call me Human again, and I shall Cast This Place into Oblivion. "he said, but stopped. The Beam Dissappeared, and the blue speck's returned to his arm. He then sat down on the new grass, cross-legged. "sit, wiill you both? I'm much interested in hearing how you know Hikari, and - "He shot a Look at hikari that said 'I'm tired of the secret's, tell me now, or il hear it from him' basically. "I'd like to know what's being hidden from me"

Gemini is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 05:33 AM

Hikari sighed and sat down.surprisingly,so did Krush,who was making a hideous,gutteral sound that could only have been a laugh."ssso she hasssn't told you.what a shame,pup,that you arrre ssso ashamed of yourrr passsst.well,why don't you tell yourrrr frrrriend how you know usssss?" he said,clearly amused.Hikari looked furious,and as she spoke the tension was clear in her voice."alright,,Joseph,I told you how my parents were part of a group that wanted to create a better world.well believe it or not,Krush's parents were part of the same group,recruited by my parents.Krush was five when I was born-again,I was the first child born into the group.Krush was considered a miracle,a throwback to the first experiments,he was so close to a perfect beast.we played together as children.of course,Krush was cruel and mean to me.things went on until I was about two years old,when the cannibal pack's leader died.Krush's father was the son of the leader,and therefore inherited the position.the three of them-Krush,his mother and his father-left the group and traveled back to the pack.I'm unsure what happened after that,but three years later,after my parents died and I had nowhere to go,I wandered onto the pack's territory.Krush found me,starving and dehydrated,and took me in.Krush was pack leader then,the rumor being that he had killed his father for the position.for several years after that,I lived with the pack,learning their ways and believing I was one of them,though I only believed that because I had made myself forget life before the pack,out of pain.I learned to hunt and fight,although I was born with those skills,the pack helped me perfect them.things went that way for years,until I was about that point,it is customary for pack members to take a survival test,where they are left far outside of the territory for one week with nothing but the clothes they wore...sometimes not even that.if they survived,they were made a full adult member of the pack.well,I survived my challenge.but I also remembered my parents and everything else while I was alone.I confronted Krush when I got back,and he calmed me down,telling me I never would have survived without the pack,and that my mind would have shattered if he had told me the truth.of course he was right.but after that,I started noticing how travelers never left pack territory...the cannibalism had been hidden from me until then.I also learned that my name wasn't Rosy,as Krush called me,but Hikari,as my parents called me.I found out things about the pack that disgusted me...and I tried to leave.but by that time,I had become valuable.I was the strongest fighter,the fastest hunter...the best at everything,out of the whole pack.I was dangerous,and they wanted me on their side.but even more than that,I was a human female of childbearing age.the pack needed new blood,because of all the inbreeding,children were stillborn constantly,or else miscarriages.every available male in the pack wanted me,and often tried to get to me.but Krush also wanted me,and,being the Alpha male,he got first dibs.for over a year,Krush made advances,kept others away from me,tried to win me over.he hit me,beat me,tried to rape me,but I was strong enough to protect my..." Hikari turned red "virginity.when I was fourteen,I finally got away,and from what I hear,Krush has been looking for me ever since.which was the real reason I wanted you to be silent coming through here,not because we couldn't handle fact,as Krush knows,I am perfectly able to defeat every one of them all at,now you know.and you wonder why I'm a pervert.happy?" she finished,tears of anger and embarassment in her eyes.Krush laughed again."and now you know.Rrrrosy isss,as far as the pack isss concerrrned,my mate.and now she'sss back,and she brrrrought dinner!" he said gleefully."shut up! Joseph...I've only known him a day,and I can already tell that he's ten times the man you are,Krush! I wil never be your mate! I wil never be your anything! just because you're the only one I can't beat..." Hikari was crying now,though she was clearly trying not to.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-25-2012, 03:53 PM

"Shut up, Ignorant pup "he said, to hikari, but not in a bad way. He put a Raspberry in her mouth, knowing the Taste would send her into a Shock again. "I'm glad you finally Ditched the Smoke and Mirror's. It was tough trying to trust you. But now, i know I can "He said, then looked at Krush "Alright, Fledgling. I'll make you a Deal. I help you, with whatever, and Me and Hikari Go free. "He said. "If It involves Slaughter, I'd be ready to bloody my blade."

Gemini is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 04:11 AM

Hikari was still choking and sputtering from the strong taste while Krush started laughing hard."fool! you rrreally think I want anything frrom you? did you hearrr nothing of the girrrrl's sssstorrry? the only thing I want isss my mate herrre with me! you mussst be trrruly ssstupid to think we would everr ally with you! we rrrejected you humans long ago! Rrrosy herrre is the only human we want,and only becausssse she wasss rrrraisssed among ussss." he said mockingly.Hikari stood up."Jospeh! why would you offer anything to this bastard? after what I told you? you just said you could now trust me,and then went and betrayed my trust! I want nothing to do with Krush or his mangy mutts,so don't you speak for me as if I'll just go ahead and travel with him if he accepted! help him,honestly! what did you think they could ever want fromy ou besides me?"
((seriously,did you read that whole story? because offering something like that makes absolutely no sense.))

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 04:14 AM

(I wrote that at 11am this morning, so It's probably in bad taste)

"Oh, I wasen't planning on going along with it "he said, boredly. "I was planning on Running with you at first chance........Now then......"He got up, And drew his blade. He then pointed it at Krush. "I challenge you, Krush, for leadership of this Pack. You are a Disgrace of what this Monolithic Culture should be. If you decline, all those that are watching will see 'weakness' and fear."

Last edited by Andraus; 10-26-2012 at 12:23 PM..

Gemini is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 06:09 AM

((thank you.))
Krush only chuckled."A human cannot become pack issss againsssst ourrrr pack would neverrr accept you,even if you won.they would sssssoner kill you.I decline yourrr foolish challenge.but I will give you a twenty sssecond head sssstarrrt to rrrun asss farrr asss you can beforrre my pack comesss afterrr you." he said."I'll take it.Joseph,let's" she said forcefully,not wanting to spend any more time in that place."anyway,it's stupid to want to be their pack's not just Krush,but all of them that are disgusting.I told you,it's the inbreeding,the radiation,the mutations.they're sick."

Last edited by Gemini; 10-27-2012 at 03:32 AM..

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-26-2012, 12:24 PM


Gemini is offline
Old 10-31-2012, 03:38 AM

((Andraus: ))

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 10-31-2012, 03:54 AM

Joseph nodded to gemini, and reached out, and took her hand. He then started Running like the wind, letting the blue essense Fly by the both of them. While the ground they walked flowed green, around the corner's of her hair, Blue and red flower's sprouted. Too people unfamilier with technology, it would look like 2 new god's, running threw the world, remaking it.


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