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Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 05:40 AM

In the coming of the modern age, supernaturals have suffered greatly, but perhaps none as much as the Fae; the beautiful, mischievous, dangerous and diverse peoples of the natural world. Man's greed and reliance on iron as well as their growing dismissal of things of the supernatural world has made a devastating impact on the Fae. Many have now died or simply left this world behind, living in peace across the veil.

However, there are those that were unlucky- or stubborn enough- to remain on earth. Putting their differences aside, they have created a lavish plan to revive their kind and reestablish their place in the world- a masquerade ball that was held by their ancestors every few decades.

Royals, leaders and commoners from nearly every race have been invited: Vampires, Were creatures, Demons, Warlocks, Mer-folk, Elves, Elementals, and even Humans are among those in the roster. Here they shall mingle with the Fae and each other in an attempts to find a true love like so many times in the past.

However, be warned that like in the past, your love will be judged. They Fae do not take commitment lightly, especially with their own numbers in the balance. For every couple the night creates, there will be a set of tests that can either bring lovers closer together, or tear them apart.

The Masquerade is being held in the Unseelie castle nestled deep into the mountains. The majestic stone building stands solidly on the edge of a cliff, giving those who reside within a stunning view of the misty river valley below. A sparse copse of pine and hardy brush surround the other three sides, lined by more natural spires of stone that obscure the castle's form from unwanted eyes.

Inside the castle is lavishly decorated with vividly colored plants of all sizes and water fountains dotting every room, giving the interior a lively, natural feel. Instead of lamps or lanterns, faery fire, better known as will-o-wisps hover just above head height, lighting the halls and rooms with various colors.

The ballroom is set up much like any other, with a large area near the musicians for dancing, three plush seating areas and a corner designated for refreshments. Fresh food of all kinds cover two long tables and various drinks in cups and bowls fill another, including a rich red wine which has been spelled to have the qualities of blood.

The doors to two balconies stand on one wall, past one of the sitting areas. One leads to the outside, protruding out over the river valley below the cliff. The other leads to a large enclosed garden, a green house of sorts. Many exotic plants line paved walkways and a beautiful pond shimmers under the pale light of the will-o-wisps.

Guests are not allowed to wander the halls, and entering any room other than the greenhouse is strictly forbidden unless under the escort of one under the Fae Royalty. Any and all weapons are to be handed over for safe keeping during the festivities and shall be returned upon departure.

Last edited by KageShio; 03-20-2012 at 01:41 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 10:52 PM

1.No god modding, each character to their players
2. Follow Mene's ToS
3. Please keep everything pg-13
4.No being representing an entire race, though you can represent part of a race like forest elves, flower fae, etc
5.No improbable mixed species, speak either to KageShio or myself for clarifications
6. KageShio and I are both in charge of the Midnight Light threads, what we say goes and if there are any questions please feel free to contact us.

Midnight Light OOC
Midnight Light Judging

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 03-24-2012 at 05:43 PM..

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 11:32 PM

Guest list

Lord Heiro Kiyomizu, of the Kiyomizu no Chii Bloodline

Ambassador Sadiya Lahab, of the The Kahroba Tribe

Prince Ignatius, of the Leafall Family

Miss Rosellen Andrews

Miss Pandora Night

Miss Flora Lore

Lord Stuart O'Cairne,
of O'Cairne Clan

Ambassador Uriel, of the Seelie Court

Sir Nivedus Anifacis

Matriarch Kisala, of the Caribbean

Ambassador Cyris,
of the Emerald Isle

Prince Aden Dumitru II, of the Lisander Clan

The Young Prince Calder Dumitru, of the Listander Clan

Heiress Luciel, of the peoples of Hell

Miss Johara Shaheen

Front Wing Jacky Corvus, of The Great North Flock

Queen Abanya, of The Wyverns of the Armenian Highland

Sir Mitch

Dutchess Rachel Black, of Darkwood

Other information

Last edited by KageShio; 04-22-2012 at 08:32 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 12:16 AM


Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 01:40 AM

"Lord Heiro Kiyomizu of the Kiyomizu no Chii Bloodline, southern Japan."

The crier's voice rang through the hall, making the tall man in the doorway fight not to cringe. He honestly had hoped for a quieter entrance. Thankfully, there were not many other guests there yet, though their small number caused them all to turn an look at him rather than keep to their conversations. Keeping his head high, he glided across the marble floor with a leisurely pace that seemed to mimic the movements of a large cat- relaxed, but clearly dangerous. This caused most of the observers to turn back to each other, allowing him to pass by them unchallenged.

Making his way to the refreshment tables, he followed his nose to several covered glasses. A small smile graced his lips as he picked on up and took the lid off, swirling the rich red liquid around. It was good to see they followed his recommendation, he just hoped they got it right. It smelled fairly good, a little on the sweet side though.

Glass in hand, he swept across the room again, this time to the seating area on the side with the balcony doors. He selected a high-backed chair that kept his back to the wall and leaned into it, looking more like he was lounging than sitting, another gesture that mimicked felines greatly. He slowly sipped on the wine-turned-blood and watched the crowd grow with each new arrival, dark eyes taking in the whole scene.

((I shall introduce my others after a few more people have posted.))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 02:00 AM

The dark haired fae lifted his head the moment a familiar name was shouted out above the crowds. Politely excusing himself from the others who had so quickly surrounded him, Ignatius moved gracefully across the marble floor of the ballroom. It was a relief to find someone who had attended previous occasions such as this one without thoroughly annoying him.

A tug at his mask revealed that it was still very solidly attached. Good, anonymity afforded the prince of the autumn fae some modicum of comfort at this horrid thing. Yes the fae needed to find their true loves, but did it have to be at something so very boring? Letting out an annoyed sigh, Ignatius could only hope that no one remembered his name being announced. So far everything had gone well on that front.

Shaking those thoughts from his mind the amber eyed fae settled down near the dhampir. "Yet another tedious social gathering. I'm surprised you still accept the invitations Heiro." Though he couldn't chat very long with the older man, Ignatius used the excuse of his duty to mingle in order to do so. Else his mother would have a fit knowing that he'd made no effort to find a suitable life partner to bring back to their court.

((I'll also bring in other characters as people arrive.))


Staria is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 02:50 AM


Janu nearly jumped as she was announced as 'Princess' Janu Sagare. She had never been referred to as such a thing in her life and it startled her. The shy creature was tempted to run back out but someone was already entering behind her. She rushed in quickly, her pale white flesh nearly red already. She didn't pay attention where she was going as she simply wanted to get away from the door and any glances her way. She was naturally shy even now so it bothered her to be stared at or even just glanced at really. She nearly crossed the entire room, following the scent of open air from the balcony.

She nearly bumped into a fae man with long black hair for her rush even though he was close to a wall. She pulled back with a muttered apology, mortified. She absently looked at the companion he had been speaking to, only to see eyes that were fall too familiar. They were a pair of eyes that at a long forgotten inn had always felt like they could stare into her very soul. Even though it had been years she would never forget those eyes. Of course... she had known him as Ti, not Heiro. Her voice died in her throat as she remembered the night he left and her certainty it had been her fault suddenly felt like a fresh scar. For a moment she just stared and tried to convince herself it wasn't him, it couldn't be. Yet it was... she knew it was.

"I...I apologize...excuse me" She nearly whimpered, her words coming out in a rush. She would step past both men then and head out the balcony doors simply to get away. She walked to the balcony edge and leaned her clawed hands against it, the black length of her claws making a soft ticking sound as she did so. She lowered her head so her raven hair fell to cover her face and closed those pale blue eyes. Why... Why did he have to be HERE? It would be hard enough to deal with if he hadn't been there... having to wear a fancy dress and act like a lady she was never trained to be...

(( XD Hehe and so Janu finds she does know one person at the ball and wants to leave as soon as she came >.>))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:08 AM

Miss Rosellen Andrews

Nervously fingering her dress the young woman walked into the ballroom with her head held high. Heels clicked against the floor as she walked carefully down the steps. This was nerve wracking, coming here because her mother couldn't. All these people were so much more sophisticated then she, with a prejudice against humans that Rose couldn't fault.

Shaking those thoughts away while brushing stray strands of blond hair from her blue eyes, she walked forward with a confidence she didn't feel. It was with relief that Rosellen noticed the refreshment table. At least standing around there would give her an excuse for being alone.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:15 AM

Heiro let out a deep chuckle at the Fae prince's comment. " As am I. Then again, I would rather be at a gathering such as this than one back home." He said, accented voice holding a tinge of bitterness. He actually was happy to be away from the court, and he was sure most of them were glad to be rid of him for a while. Things had been tense and difficult at best since his father's death, something he thought would have given him freedom.

He was about to take another sip of the wine when the crier's voice rang out through the room again. He froze, glass barely touching his lips. Janu? Princess? Surely it can't be the timid woman he... no, the shy thing would never come to a place like this...

He was proven wrong seconds later when the half feline crashed into Ignatius, face flushed. For a moment, the room seemed to stop, his dark eyes catching her pale ones. Memories came flooding over him in waves, leaving him in a small daze as she stammered out an apology and ran off again, out the glass doors and onto the balcony.

Quickly, he recomposed himself and set the glass down on the table between the two chairs as he looked to Ignatius. " Poor thing, she seems quite distressed.... Are you alright, Prince?" he said smoothly, covering any sign of shock or recognition he may have had for those few moments.

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:23 AM

"Lord Stuart O'Cairne of the Scottish Isles Inner Hebrides"

The Merrow bowed lightly to the whole of the room as he entered his face tentacles swayed lightly under the mask. He rarely made time to be on land and this event was large enough that even his eldest sister had pushed for his attendance. Being in a suit felt very unnatural to him, but if it could some how make it so he was more likely to find a potential wife to bring home than he was willing to endure. Stuart's webbed hands patted the sides of the suit's jacket both to make sure any wrinkles were smoothed out as well as to check that his hat was still safely tucked inside.

He was very glad to be inside now. Having to sit in the carriages from the water up to the top of the cliffs where the castle stood was awful. He spent most of the trip with his eyes closed and sitting on the floor rather than in the seat. Walking on still unsteady legs he made his way to the refreshment table looking for anything to settle and ease his stomach.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:47 AM

Chuckling lightly at the other man's words, the young fae let his eyes roam over the ballroom. It appeared more people were arriving. It would add to the frantic confusion fostered by such a gathering.

Abruptly being pushed from those thoughts by someone bumping into him, Ignatius watched as the woman scuttled away. "I'm quite alright, please excuse me." She had looked so confused and shocked. Glancing at Heiro, he wondered if perhaps it had something to do with him.

In any case, the fae slipped form his seat with a polite bow for his companion. Turning away he moved to the balcony he'd seen the princess disappear to. She had seemed like she needed company far more then Heiro did. Stopping at the edge of the outdoors, he leaned against the doorway. "Excuse me, would you mind having some company?" The dark haired fae only wanted to make sure that the woman was alright. What he did after, Ignatius had no clue.

Slipping a piece of jelly covered toast into her mouth, she nearly choked upon it when another person joined her at the table. He was ugly, Rose couldn't deny it. Tentacles wriggled as if of their own volition and teeth jutted from his mouth. Fighting not to be impolite, the young woman turned to the fish-like being with a small smile.

"Hi, my name is Rosellen. And you are?" Extending a trembling hand, she waited to see how this strange being would react. She was fighting against her instincts and quick conclusions with everything she had. Judging someone on sight would be a horrible thing to do to anyone.


Staria is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:58 AM

Janu frowned, able to hear Heiro from the balcony. He talked about her like she was a stranger... had he forgotten her? It'd been a few years sure but he'd been the first man she'd really cared for... Then again to him she was just some weirdo that got drunk and... On second thought maybe it was a good thing if he forgot her. She sighed and put her head in her hand. She had to withdraw it quickly as she heard someone come out. Part of her hoped it would be a certain half vampire, part of her was glad it wasn't.

She stood, attempting to look elegant, and leaned back into the corner of the balcony. She glanced at his hair, reminded of another's black hair. She still remembered what it had felt like... She shook off the thought and forced herself to smile at the prince who had exited. He was being sweet and that much at least relaxed her even as she blushed in embarrassment. It was the man she'd nearly run over!

"I..I don't mind. I..I'm sorry about earlier. I was...surprised. I didn't mean to pull you from the party, I'm sorry." She apologized again. She tried to look up at him but the masks didn't help as much as she thought it would... Absently she glanced downward to her feet again. Another man to scare off perhaps? she thought ruefully.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 04:13 AM

The fae did his best to appear reassuring as he stepped out into the moonlight. Bowing his head slightly, he smiled down at the young woman. "There's no need to apologize, you looked quite startled and upset. Is there anything I can do to help?" He usually didn't like these gatherings, but perhaps it would be alright.

After all helping a young woman feel relaxed at a dance was a pleasant enough experiences. Perhaps she could be a new friend, an event that happened rarely enough. "Water perhaps? Or a dance?" Moving with the grace of his kind to lean against the railing, Ignatius shot Janu an amused glance.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 04:26 AM

Heiro watched Ignatius take his leave and follow Janu, immediately regretting his decision not to. It had only been five years since he went back to Japan, yet he was already sounding like them. The words he had spoken seemed almost foreign to him... How must that have sounded to others? Arrogant and indifferent he was sure.

Frowning at the ground, he let his thoughts mull over for a few moments. He was the leader of his bloodline now, despite displeasure voiced by the elders and himself, and he was representing them here, but... there was no reason for him to act like them here. He didn't have to pretend to be like his father outside the court, shouldn't he be taking advantage of that?

Standing, he picked up the glass goblet holding his drink and slowly walked to the doorway that lead out into the balcony. Silently, he watched Janu and the prince for a few moments, debating on approaching. Still... perhaps it was better if he didn't. Clearly she remembered him, and that meant she remembered what happened at that old inn. He had never had a chance to say goodbye, or even tell her...

She was sensitive, surely she must see his sudden disappearance as rejection. How could he tell her the truth? A chance meeting years later hardly seemed a good place, even if according to romance novels, it was ideal. Still, would she believe him if he did confess, or would she see it as pity?

He looked her over once more, then turned away, one hand reaching up to fiddle with the ruby at his throat, a nervous gesture he never could break himself of.

Last edited by KageShio; 03-20-2012 at 05:14 AM..


Staria is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 04:29 AM

((there edited))

Janu bit her lip as he spoke and lowered her head a little bit to half hide behind her hair. She wasn't sure what to say to him for a moment. Had everyone seen how she felt? Just how obvious was she? At least she couldn't have been as obvious as that night she was drunk she thought sarcastically. She sighed gently and shrugged helplessly before she turned to gaze up at the moon.

" I'm just letting something bother me that apparently i shouldn't" She finally answered quietly, unable to keep a slightly bitter note. He didn't even seem to remember her so why should she let herself be bothered he was here? She'd just bury her feelings again and in time they would pass. At least she fervently hoped they would. She shouldn't feel anything... She'd convinced herself quite well that she didn't anymore. Maybe she should try a dance, she had promised to try to have fun. She blushed slightly as she turned her gaze back to the fae.

" would love trying a dance, I've always liked it, but I'm not very good so I don't know if your feet will appreciate it. I've also never been to this so... i'm not sure what to do. I'm sorry. My names Janu Sagare by the way sir, it's nice to meet you" She added with a bashful smile. He was trying so hard to make her feel better and he was being so sweet. He was cute too even if part of her always compared men to a certain someone.

As she looked over at the fae, however, that very someone happened to come to the balcony as if he wanted to come out. She started to say his name but he turned away and she lowered her head instead. He'd turned his back on her again... She should have known better. Why could that man still make her heart beat faster just by looking in at her? She focused her eyes back on the fae and forced herself to smile as she tried to make herself look like she hadn't just chocked down a name she'd tried to forget.

"s..sorry...thought i saw someone..." she said lamely by way of explanation. She forced another smile though this one looked severely less happy then the last. Still, part of her was beginning to think he did remember and just chose to act like he didn't. Had she really angered or annoyed him that much?

Last edited by Staria; 03-20-2012 at 04:34 AM..

is Long

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 04:34 AM

Stuart hadn't even noticed that he had sat at a table with another guest. His face flushed with embarrassment, as he stared into the cup of tea he had taken for himself. Breaking his glare with his tea he looked up, "Sorry, Ah dinnea mean ta sit wit'out invitation. Ah am Stuart O'Cairne, head o' mey clan." He spoke with a thick accent, teeth gnashing and tentacle waving every which way. The young woman seemed polite if not a bit off-put, something he was used to. He reached out with his webbed hand to take hers in embrace as they conducted introductions. The tea had started to settle his stomach already and he was trying to remember the customs and manners of the land-dwellers. Most things were similar, but it didn't seem right to offer a lost soul to this one as a greeting.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 07:24 AM

Heiro took a few steps towards the small crowd that had gathered, then stopped, taking a deep breath. He was only making things worse, she had seen him and still he turned his back on her. Twisting the ruby faster in his fingers, he lowered his eyes to the floor as he thought the situation through. It was akin to taking of a bandage that had stuck to a scab, the faster you do it, the less painful it would be, right? And, it was only proper... it would just continue to damage them both if there was no closure.

On top of it all, there was no way he would be able to enjoy the evening with this weighing on his mind. He had to confront her, he had to tell her what really happened. But... should he confess what he felt? No... what he still felt? For a moment, his mind was drawn to the image of her standing there in the pale light, the flowing dress and simple but elegant mask accentuating her exotic beauty.

Blinking a few times, he lightly shook his head and chided himself. There was no way to tell if she ever even felt the same, it was improper for him to think of her in such a way. Then again, when did he care so much about what was proper? It was just his thoughts, after all, no shame in that.

Sighing lightly again in exasperation at himself, he smiled ruefully and raised his head, taking a quick glance around to make sure no one had really caught his battle with himself. He then turned back around and with another deep breath, walked out on to the balcony. When he stood before them, he gave an elegant bow, one hand still holding up his glass.

"Prince Ignatius, Princess Janu." He said, looking to each as he addressed them. "Please forgive the audacity of my intrusion, but may I ask to speak with the Lady Janu, if she so wills it?" He asked, looking to the amber-eyed fae with an expression that clearly stated the importance of the request.

"Ambassador Sadiya Lahab of the Kahroba Tribe, Thar desert, India"

Sadiya held her head high as the crier read off her title, name, tribe name as well as the name of her homeland. She was hardly used to such recognition, and it felt so good to have all of those eyes turn to her and know who she was and where she was from. Her father would be so proud if he could see her at this moment.

With a warm smile, she walked down the steps with a dainty stride that didn't suit her, gold slippers hardly making a sound on the marble. In truth, she was having trouble keeping herself on the ground, her spirits were so high they threatened to take her with them! Eyes lit with mirth, she let out a small laugh at herself, the sound mostly getting drowned by the music, which was the next thing that caught her attention. In what seemed like mere seconds, she was on the dance floor, swaying to the music in a dance that she was sure was not meant for the tune, but was elegant and fit well enough.


Staria is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 07:39 AM

Janu tensed slightly as he stepped out onto the balcony, part of her glad and part of her wanting to run again. What could he possibly have to say? She bit her lip slightly and for a moment she forgot the prince was even there, that anyone else was there. It was just her and the man she'd known as Ti in her mind's eye in that instant. She couldn't have said no to him if her life depended on it even now and she knew it. Somethings in life would never change.

Without thinking she reached down and touched her wrist, the glove hiding the scar of a single vampire bite... or more actually a dhamphyre bite. She had never really been able to deny him anything and would have offered up her whole self if given time. She flushed slightly at the realization it remained the same and glanced away. She felt she knew what he had to say, simply a verbal repeat of what she'd taken his leaving of having 'said'. Yet she still couldn't say no.

"I...I I would like to speak to you...Forgive me Prince Ignatius is it?" She said quietly, unable to use any courtly speech even if she wanted to. Right now her heart was pounding to much in her ears to really say anything that required much thought. She didn't look at either of the two men but let herself walk to the other side of the balcony to let the two sort it out. They seemed to know each other... perhaps better then she knew him. Ti sounded...different now somehow, more closed off. Was it the effect of her presence or had something happened? For a moment she wished her fae friend had found her a larger mask, something she could hide behind.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 11:22 AM

Once more Ignatius found himself worrying at least a little about the young woman. Or at least she appeared young, amended the fae prince to himself. Something was bothering her tremendously, perhaps this dance he'd proposed would be able to distract her from such thoughts.

Though before any word of acceptance could leave his lips the fae was surprised to see Heiro make an appearance. Lifting a hand to untangle hair that had already been combed perfectly, he chuckled lightly. It appeared that things would be very interesting indeed, and the ball had just begun. Such entanglements had already begun so soon! "I'll leave you both to enjoy this beautiful night." Bowing slightly to each individual, Ignatius found himself feeling slightly protective of the princess. Her vulnerability was at fault for that.

Shooting Heiro a friendly warning glance Ignatius turned upon his heel to slip into the ballroom once more. Amber eyes roved over the room in search of someone he might actually be interested in speaking with. So far no such luck. Shrugging the prince stepped across the room to pluck up a fluted glass of wine. Returning to the other side of the room he found a comfortable seat and settle down to wait and observe.

A perplexed expression crossed the blonde's face as she observed the other guest. It was hard to tell what he was feeling but he seemed a little out of sorts. Feeling her hand held briefly, she nodded her head politely while trying to decipher a very thick accent. "Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal. So Stuart ... You umm, come from the sea?" Speaking a little uncertainly, Rose felt an embarrassed blush creep up her cheeks. She knew she shouldn't have let her mother convince her to go to a fae ball! It was so easy to say or do the wrong thing.

Pandora Night
Pandora Night is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 12:53 PM

Miss Pandora Night

The young dark elf, or young compared to others of her race, walked silently down the steps. Her black heels didn't make a sound against the hard surface as they came into contact with the hard surface. Her silver eyes skimmed over the different people in the room, a soft sigh escaping past her lips.

She headed over to the refreshment table, looking at the different refreshments. She eventually picked up a glass of wine, finding an empty seat moments later where she could sit down and drink the beverage. Her thoughts began to wander off and she found herself wondering if she would find a partner here or not.
[[sorry if this seems short. >3<;; I'll bring Flora in later~]]

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 02:38 PM

Ambassador Cyris of the Emerald Isle Centaurs

Cyris entered the room as the booming voice announced his presence. With an arrogant smile he surveyed the room, noting each person present. Satisfied, he continued down the marble stairs, his strait was more of a swagger. Partially because he was unaccustomed to being on two legs rather than four. Everyone tried to convince him to enter as a Centaur, to show pride in his species, but he could only think how awkward he would look in a room full of men wearing full tuxedos. If need be, he could regain his other two legs, and just wear the suit top, but he wanted to see how things would play out first.

Cyris choose to lean against one of the walls by the balcony. He continued to look for a possible female to chat up. There was a delicious looking Dark Elf, but she also looked like she would eat the first person that talked to her. A grin spread on his lips. A Challenge.

He approached the refreshments table and the Dark Elf, and bowed. "I'm Cyris of the Emerald Isles Centaurs. May I have your name?" His smile was one of boy-ish charm.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:15 PM

Ambassador Uriel of the Seelie Court

As his name was announced the white clad man entered the ball room with an unreadable facade. There were so many guests already there. Shaking his head slightly, Uriel moved to the dance floor.

His dark eyes fell upon a dancing woman whose movements didn't quite follow the music. Even so she captured the white haired man's attention. Moving to her side Uriel bent at his waist with a rather serious expression.

"Excuse me, Lady. But would you give me this dance?" The more people he could speak with the better. Though the fae courts were as one, there was still some tension within. And then there were the fae who did not believe in the courts and resided far away.

Pandora Night
Pandora Night is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:17 PM

Pandora blinked a couple times when she heard someone approaching her, turning her head to see a male bowing and introducing himself. A small smile fell on her face, her eyes filled with a bit of curiosity. Even if he looked human, he had the strong smell of centaur on him. She set down the glass she was holding, standing up. "Pleasure to meet you Cyris," she said with a curtsy, "I'm Pandora Night."

She brushed a bit of her bangs to the side, allowing both of her eyes to be uncovered instead of just her left eye. They didn't stay back for very long, the length causing them to fall back into place. She didn't mind it, but she thought it would be best if the person you were talking to was able to see both of your eyes.


Staria is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 04:15 PM

Miss Estella Benoit

Estella knew she'd stand out because Audrial, her mystical sword, had insisted on coming. It's silver length stood out against the gold dress at her side and it spoke to her telepathically. She had started to give the crier a dirty look and Audrial told her that it wasn't very lady like. She sighed as she headed for the refreshments and responded sorry. Audrial had a temper and she wasn't interested in being thrown into the buffet table.

She grabbed some innocent looking fruit punch and hoped it was what it looked like. She headed to a table near the door without really looking at anyone. She half wanted to leave already, she'd only come to try and find information on her father. Now she was a little overwhelmed by the fancy people and their fancier clothes. She was a small town girl who had then traveled alone, nothing had prepared her for this...

"I'm not a am I suppose to know how to act like one." She muttered to herself. Audrial commented that it'd tell her and she muttered a thank you that sounded less then sincere. She knew she looked nuts but Audrial would be an ass if she ignored it. She sat down slowly and glanced at the others while looking rather uncertain. How was she suppose to do this? Go up to everyone with elf ears and ask if she looked like someone they had known?

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 08:56 PM

Cyris grinned. "Pandora? Quite some history to a name like that. I love it." His manner seemed on the edge of flamboyance. "Would you care to dance with me Miss Night?" He held out his hand, almost certain she'd accept.

Matriarch Kisala of the Carribean Syrins
Kisala rolled her eyes. She really hated the title of 'Matriarch'. It made her sound like an old maid.
She looked out at the crowd, hoping she wasn't late. Her heels made a faint click as she decended the stairs, her dress billowing around her. The music playing soothed her. She could hear the lull and pull of the sound. Kisala smiled, brushing her long blue hair off her shoulder. She knew the call too well. She's been the cause of it many times. Kisala looked about, and made her way to the refreashments table. Selecting a glass of, what appeared to be, red wine, she watched the crowds around her.

Last edited by Codette; 03-21-2012 at 01:42 AM..


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