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Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:10 PM

Hello Im Lokis, I joined In May and came back a few times but never enjoyed the site Until this past event when I discovered I had many friends here already. A Bit about myself. I'm married, I have 11 children 8 are grown and gone 3 are still at home. I like avatar communities, Phoenix's, Dragons and mythology. I Like cats, oriental flowers and Silk.

The quest-
Winter EI set/completed
Jubilee Set/completed
Wings- all of them
Oriental fan
Phoenix Mask
Phoenix commons

Last edited by Lokis; 12-06-2009 at 02:09 AM..

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:10 PM

Id like to reserve this for fulfilled items

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:11 PM

Id like this for Donations

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:12 PM

Cuts ribbon I'm Open! I now have a Quest tread and its the first one Ive ever had!

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kpop_junki is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:33 PM

Hey Phoenixx. <3
Good luck on your questy. :heart:

pink blossom
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pink blossom is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:36 PM

Yahh 11 children? I thought I had a lot hahah 6 for me only my 17 year old left in the nest. but I enjoy him so much he can stay till he is 30 lol
my hubby is a truck driver, over the road.
he is gone most of the time, so thats why I found happiness on the sights like roli and mene.
oh yah Gaia too.
I even have what I call my doll house on Habbo.
I'm a lousy speller.

I got first post woot woot.

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:45 PM

Lol yes you Did! mine at home are 20 and 12 year old twins all girls left. Oh and a herd of cats and a lizard cant forget her. sage mu husband is on gaia, and avaricia but he spend alot of time with guild wars. I don't mind hes home every night but for many years he was in management and that was 12 to 14 hours a day most weeks were all 7 days and it was salary so it was terrible Pay. Hes an electronics technician, and was running arcades all over the country until the home game systems made arcades a novel idea that is. Now Hes a retail flunky and I don't mind a bit.

Kpop Thanks so much for dropping by!

Last edited by Lokis; 08-14-2008 at 07:49 PM..

Vampire Penguins? Zombie Bunnies...
Keska is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:49 PM

Good luck on your quest. The phoenix items are lovely.

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:51 PM

Keska- I agree and I have to get them all at some point. I have the may items thats it so far though, few more weeks I might have enough to get the commons and not Be flat broke as well.

pink blossom
\ (•◡•) /
pink blossom is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:54 PM

Kpop is a stinker ! she beat me to first post hahahah
I remember being hooked on them machines. I don't drink, but hung out at the local tavern just to play asteroids hahaha

Ping me Baby!
crunky is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:58 PM

YAY! its Lokis!
*sets on fire*

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:59 PM

yeah he was one of the managers that worked on those machines, all over the country. The companies he worked for were insane, Aladins castle,Namco, fun factory, even a few private business that had arcade games. He kept them running,it was a great job for traveling the country but seriously lousy hours and pay.

Vampire Penguins? Zombie Bunnies...
Keska is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:00 PM

Phoenixx- Heh. I can never save over the amount that I need. I tend to save what I need to buy what I want. Then when I hit that mark I try to find a seller for that item and buy it. So I'm usually pretty broke afterwards because I didn't save any cushion. I keep saying I'll do that but I never do. xD

pink blossom
\ (•◡•) /
pink blossom is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:04 PM

Don't feel bad Keska I do the same thing.

well I reached my 300 so i'm headed over there to register :)

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:05 PM

Hey Crunky! LOL better try again Im not flaming yet!
Keska- I am waiting on a trade to be finished right now for a staff of healing, all he needs to do is come on and accept it, its been two days, bad timing for me I guess!

Vampire Penguins? Zombie Bunnies...
Keska is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:09 PM

pink blossom: I think a lot of people do it. Though I have friends who are pretty good about saving to include a buffer. I'm just not one of those people I guess.

Phoenixx: That is really bad timing. I hope they come on soon so you can get your gold.

Ping me Baby!
crunky is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:13 PM

Lokis -
*sets on bonfire* o.O
that should do it =P
I hate when that happens, sometimes people just don't come on everyday like I do XD
It drives me crazy when I have a trade outstanding for a day or two and I don't know when it will be completed XD

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:14 PM

Oh its not gold I want that staff! Its not on the quest list because I have a pending deal for one, its one of the few DI's I want that are still affordable for my lack of activity here. I got the link during the event from a friend and I made an offer seems like its been going on forever!

Vampire Penguins? Zombie Bunnies...
Keska is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:17 PM

Phoenixx: Sorry, I misunderstood. Well, hopefully they'll come on so you can get your staff then. I hadn't realized that people disappeared like that. I normally check on Mene everyday when I'm trying to sell items or have trades pending. Unless of course I lose my internet. But barring that I'm usually online to check up on stuff.

crunky: How common is that? Do people generally start trades and then stay off line for several days? That hasn't happened to me yet. *knock on wood*

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:26 PM

It's Ok Yes I hope so too! Im not used to it either crunky, its odd that its gone on this long and Ive been on everyday three or four times a day waiting tick tock, first it was to see if he would accept, Now to see if he finishes the trade! W00t for bonfires! I guess I need 3 pages to enter the raffle and stuff here I was reading it oddly enough I wonder if it works? I mean Id hate to think I spent gold I cant replace for just the chance to get an item! I'm stingy!

Vampire Penguins? Zombie Bunnies...
Keska is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:33 PM

Phoenixx: You also have had to have made your quest thread before a certain date to be able to enter the raffle. It changes but it's listed in one of the posts in the thread.

But I guess that's the chance you take with a raffle. But doesn't it say something about the gold? Do you really spend it and if you don't win you lose it? I have to re-read that thread again. I keep missing stuff.

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:36 PM

Im not sure yet Im still reading the details, I joined in may but just made this because well I need posts to make gold to get those items anyway and I have a few subscribed threads to post in but this cant hurt. Ill go reread and see about it I have enough posts I know that, it was 500 and had to be here a month ive been here since may.

Vampire Penguins? Zombie Bunnies...
Keska is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:42 PM

I also believe that your quest thread had to be set up before or by the date that is listed in the rules/details. It changes but there is a date in there and if your quest thread is newer than that then you can't participate. At least that's what I believe it says. I could be misinterpreting something. The date for this one is 7/31 I think. But don't quote me on that. xD So if your quest thread is made after that date then I don't think you can participate yet.

Lokis is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:50 PM

Ok yes I just read that but its ok for now, I mean Im not new but I know there are things I have to do to show I am worthy right? Not a problem there, I really enjoyed the last event and I got to see people here from my home site who are members here as well that I was nt aware they were! So I ended up having a blast and getting all those commons and the sets from the event too! It made it much easier for me to come back since I wasn't 141 gold and still naked!

Vampire Penguins? Zombie Bunnies...
Keska is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 08:56 PM

I agree. We do have to show that we are trying to work towards our goal and just don't expect a hand out. At least that's what I think is the point. I can't wait until I qualify for the raffle. It's wonderful of her to run the raffle.

I joined a while ago also and wasn't very active. When I first joined I was but then I stopped coming to the site and when I came back I just mostly lurked. The event made me come out of my lurker shell becasue I was forced to post. But I ended up meeting so many nice people.

I can understand why it was easier to come back. We all want to be able to dress our avatar in pretties. It's kind of frustrating when you can't or you earn very little gold. What's your home site?


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