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The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:19 AM

*Banner by User 37965*

Last edited by The Time Machine; 02-15-2018 at 10:50 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:22 AM

One last chance for the kids to get the homing vector right before this ship kabooms! Wait? What's this? Poodle skirts and pompadours? Oh no. Have we landed in the wrong time too be trapped in the 1950s forever?!

Stay tuned to find out.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-01-2018 at 05:06 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:24 AM

The time machine bent the light all around them. Emergency lights came on and the system alarms sounded.

. . . Optimal Time Chart found . . .

. . . Initiating parental correction Coordinates . . .

. . . Initiating Jump HOME NOW! . . .

. . . Ejecting Earth debris. . .

Xeox: What! Just like that?! We're in so much trouble.
BoqBoq: This is going to be bad. Cessy grab onto what you need!

BoqBoq said reaching for the disguise laser. Cecilia grabbed on to Yumeh as he leapt into her arms.

Cecilia: What's wrong with the ship?
Boq Boq: It's flying home Cecilia. Our home.
Xeox: Rather it's about to once it dumps us. It thinks we're Earth Debris!
BoqBoq: Must be because we're wearing Earth's shells and fish.
Xeox: This is why I don't have fun.

They began rising in the atmosphere of the ship. As it glittered with lights all around them, the shells dropped through the floor. Xeox reached for her bubble gun just in time as they all followed the shells down through patterns of light and shadow.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-01-2018 at 05:11 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:25 AM

They started seeing suggestions of a large landmass at first, then a city blinked before them. They collected their wits as the world filed in all around them. It was a darkened alleyway blocked off by a backdoor. They watched from behind dumpsters as people walked by.

Xeox: When are we? Did it take us back before ditching us?
Boq Boq: I don't know. These humans are dressed funny.
Cecilia: Boq Boq, use the disguise laser quick. People might see you guys. This shop looks like one of Grandpas movies. Let's go in. Maybe there's a phone.
Xeox: Or a News tablet!
Cecilia: hehe it's called News Paper.

Boq boq turned the ray on himself and his sister Before entering the shop. It was a malt shop like Cecilia had seen on videos about the 1950s. She was about to search for a phone when she took a second look at her friends as they whispered to each other.

Xeox: I think it must be low on energy. You're still greenish.
BoqBoq: And you still have your antennae.
Cecelia: We can hide them under a hat...and hmm makeup for you Boq Boq? This place is oddly empty.
Xeox: how so?
Cecilia: In the videos I've seen about this time it's always the most busy place. Not even any staff I don't think.

Cessy notices the menus written bloop and orders herself a malt Cessy enjoys the malt and notices the singular employee with a cell phone in the back. She points it out to the twins. ...that's not right. Unless...Theme Cafe?

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-01-2018 at 05:38 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:25 AM

Cecilia notices the menus are written in both English and Mandarin. It struck her right away as being odd for the time period. However she kept it to herself.

Boq Boq: Alright! Good thinking Cessy let's get some food to think about this!
Xeox: Eating now? How will we even pay? We only have the disguise and bubble rays!
Boq Boq: I don't know. But I do know we'll think better when our tummies are full.
Cecilia: Maybe we can do the dishes?
Yumeh: Meoww? (You mean it's not free this time?)

Finally from the back of the restaurant a single employee emerges. He had a Pompadour hair style and leather jacket on. He danced about in an odd fashion not typical to a restaurant. Not very professional Yumeh thought.

Cecilia: We'll have a burger combo, And to drink malts! Oh umm, Choco, Banana Blast and Strawberry swirl. Also one extra order of fries. And a saucer of milk please.
Waiter: Right away miss. I'll be back with your hunnka hunnka humberger love coming soon.

Cecilia ordered for her and her friends so they don't have to worry about their accents giving them away. They chat among themselves about the multiple valentines decorations around the shop.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-02-2018 at 12:47 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:25 AM

Clanging and banging was heard in the kitchen area to the theme of burning love. After some time the waiter emerges with the malts and burgers all at once. It all looked delicious. Boq Boq couldnt help himself.

Boq Boq: Oh sweet sustinace!
Xeox: Shh!

As the waiter was serving the children their meal a cell phone fell out of his jacket pocket and landed near the middle of the table.


Surprised and embarrassed the waiter began bowing and apologizing. Explaining how he was thinking about his girlfriend and how he had to work instead of be with her for New Years festival. Cecilia had just been about to reassure him when he made eye contact with Xeox and noticed Boq Boq's skin.

Waiter: Whaa your eyes are so black, and what kind oh headband is that.
Xeox: Oh this old thing? *giggled anxiously* Just something I found in a gift shop. Silly huh?.
Waiter: I see.

He turned over to Boq Boq as he was slowly moved the disguise ray he had carelessly put on the table.

Waiter: Are you sick young man? You look terribly green.
Boq Boq: Would you believe skin condition?
Waiter: I suppose. . .

He looked down at the outer worldly looking ray gun.

Waiter: Say, what kind of toy is that?
Boq Boq: A toy?
Waiter:Yes. . .
Yumeh: MEOW! (He's onto us let's get outta here!)
Xeox: Sit Earth feline!
Waiter: Earth feline?

Yumeh jumps onto the table and scampers towards the back of the restaurant. The kids follow suit and the waiter behind them.

Waiter: Hey no pets allowed! Get back here you strange kids! You need to pay!
Cecilia: Sorry! We'll be back I promise. We just need to catch the kitty!

They managed to get out the back and catch up to Yumeh in short order. Further down the street, they noticed heart faced fox decorations were everywhere.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-02-2018 at 12:48 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:25 AM

As the kids ran through the crowds there was a parade going on. They were fortunately noticed by someone on holiday visiting family from Menewsha.

Lei Mei: Was that Cecilia and Yumeh? I must be going crazy. Still I should follow...
Waiter: Someone get those kids! They're thieves! *he panted*
Lei Mei: They're crazy foreign kids. How much did they owe you?
Waiter: $27, my boss will kill me if our only customers today didn't pay.
Lei Mei: It's ok. Here. Happy new year. Go on back to the shop and I'll go after them for you.

Lei mei handed him a red envelope filled with $30.

Waiter: Thank you so much.
Lei Mei: No problem. Great style by the way. I'll go after them now. :)

She moved quickly and cautiously through the crowd. As if she were closing in on the last pair of red pumps left in a shoe sale.

Cecila: I think he's stopped following us.
Xeox: And we have acquired the feline. What should we do now?
Boq Boq: Yumeh you scardy cat we could have ate that whole meal.

A loud voice cut through the crowd as the children collectively cringed.
STOP! Stay right there kids!

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-02-2018 at 01:41 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:25 AM

Lei Mei placed a hand on both Cecilia's and Boq Boqs shoulders and came down to their level. Cecilia turned around and was delighted.

Cecilia: Lei Mei! I'm so happy to see you!
Lei Mei: What are you doing here? How did you get here?
Cecilia: Well. . . first we went to see some dinosaurs, and they got angry because boq boq was going to collect their Easter eggs, then yumeh got real scared so we took him to get kitty pampered in merket, then we went swimming and made shellibration trees and then we got flushed out of the ship and didn't know what to do or how to get home and had a hamburger.
Lei Mei: Wow! Wait, What? I thought I talked fast. Where's your Grandpa?
Cecilia: Back at home. In Menewsha.
Lei Mei: So your all by yourselves?
Cecilia: Well, I guess if you mean with out adults than yes.

Lei Mei took a close look at Cecilia's friends and realized they were more than a little foreign.

Lei Mei Cessy, who are they?
Cecila: My friends, are you mad at us?
Lei Mei No no, We'll get you back to your Grandpa. You should be with family during special days. Come on guys, let's go back to the shop and apologize. Then we can call your Grandpa.
Cecilia: okay.

She didn't want any trouble for the children. She felt sorry for them for being so far from home on this special day. The children apologized to the shop keep who was surprisingly happy to see them. Lei Mei never told them she had paid for their meal.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-03-2018 at 10:16 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:25 AM

Lei Mei decided to buy herself a malt while the kids cleaned up the shop so the waiter could be with his girlfriend. Also to make up for bad behavior. Lei Mei passed her Cell phone over to Cecilia and smiled.

Lei Mei: Cecilia, you're a smart girl. Can you please give me your Grandfather's number so we can figure out how to get you and your friends home?
Cecilia: Yes!

Cecilia's little fingers grasped the cell and moved across the digital number pad like water. She was happy to hear her Grandpa pick up the phone. He sounded sleepy, but happy. She handed the phone to Lei Mei and went back to work.

Lei Mei: Looks like you, and your friends are with me for a while kiddo. We're going to have to get a kitty carrier so Yumeh doesn't run off again.
Cecila: He's a such a silly kitty. Scared of everything.
Xeox: Yumeh is like my Boq boq. uh Brother. Lovable trouble. I must make corrections like this always with him.
Lei Mei: As long as he doesn't claw up my accessories. We're good. That goes for both of them.
Boq Boq: I make no promises.

The girls giggled and Lei Mei winked at Boq Boq. They turned the lights off in the malt shop and finish closing up. After the hard work of cleaning up Lei Mei decided to take them site seeing. . .

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-03-2018 at 10:33 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:26 AM

Replicating . . .You all have a chance at winning your choice of either a Fashionable Feesh or a Golden Magnifying glass. Posters between every ten pages will be put into drawing. The most worthful one will win via chance!

Fashionable Feesh!

The Golden Magnifying Glass!

We also have some secret randomly generated gold prizes of 1000g for posting!
Simply post on one of the predetermined post numbers and win.

The time machine has reached critical mass.

. . . Load Gatchapon prize systems . . .

. . . Randomizing prize selection . . .

. . . Gold, more gold, most gold . . .

. . . EI selection . . .

[LEFT][SIZE=5][B][COLOR=Blue]Time Machine Gachapon[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT]

[B]Username:[/B] Your name

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-03-2018 at 10:33 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 01-01-2018, 03:26 AM


Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-03-2018 at 10:27 AM..


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 08:51 PM

Time to go to the under sea prom

woohoohelloppl is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 08:53 PM

Time Machine Gachapon

Username: woohoohelloppl
The 12-sided dice lands on 9

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 08:53 PM

Time Machine Gachapon

Username: monstahh`
The 12-sided dice lands on 12

I would like a chocolate malt please. :O *grabby hands*


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 08:55 PM

Time Machine Gachapon

Username: HIM_ROCK
The 12-sided dice lands on 4


Velvet is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 08:55 PM

Time Machine Gachapon

Username: Velvet
The 12-sided dice lands on 8

I love this theme. <33

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:01 PM

It begins! :D

Time Machine Gachapon

Username: Nephila
The 12-sided dice lands on 3

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:05 PM

Happy Valentine's Day time machine

*Hime* is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:08 PM

Hey everyone!
Time Machine Gachapon

Username: *Hime*
The 12-sided dice lands on 10

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:12 PM

Already seeing people in the new commons! Lovin it!

*Hime* is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:16 PM

The commons look amazing! I wish we could preview them :3

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:22 PM

It'll take a while to tag for whoever does. I'm working on EI #4 :) Otherwise I'd help.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:23 PM

It is a tedious some task. Tag all of them

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:33 PM

Happy Valentine's Day! :D Loving all the items!

Time Machine Gachapon

Username: R u b y
The 12-sided dice lands on 7


Kent is online now
Old 02-09-2018, 10:07 PM

Time Machine Gachapon

Username: Kent
The 12-sided dice lands on 4

How does the gachapon work? o:


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