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I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-17-2012, 05:32 PM

Greetings to all Singers and Songwriters!

Think that you have the voice of an angel?
Think that you can write the best lyrics of all time?

Then step right up and post your tunes!

Last edited by Knerd; 09-18-2012 at 10:42 PM..

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-17-2012, 05:33 PM


Ye Goddesses!

Write a poem (or set of lyrics) praising the Goddesses of Song, Dance, and Feast. I'm sure that they'll appreciate your devotion!

Ye Goddesses EntriesX

User Name: Nephila
Title of Piece: Three times blessed

Once on the site when the stars are right
at some sacred place shall we gather

All Meneshans sway and sing in the night
as the the cup of feast is refilling

Let our hearts be filled with an inner song,
empowering beauty of light and confidence

Let our souls feast on abundance
of love glowing within our hearts

Let our bodies dance on the furthest of moons
while remaining at home and safe

Praise be to all that seek on their quests
for your spirits are one with these ladies

Let our worship be in our Festivities
for all acts of joy are their sacred rites

When you arrive we're all three times blessed
in treasures, pleasures and measures.

User Name: Moon Flow
Title of Piece: Through The Looking Glass

Through The Looking Glass

Always watching, never ending,
The heavens above filter through.
Watching every move we make,
Feeling every bit of damage we take.

The endless dance of life,
Moving with us as we walk.
Forever wading through the crowd,
To be seen and be heard.

The tireless songs of eternity
Feed the goodness inside.
Making sure we're all in pure bliss,
Making sure we'll never have to hide.

As we gather 'round those tables,
That the goddesses provide.
We Feast on good vibes and truths,
As the parties constantly ensue.

No matter the pattern,
Our life is complete.
So let us give and rejoice,
In the always constant love,
And give ourselves to those in need,
Just as we were once indeed.

User Name: Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
Title of Piece: Bold Gold
Songs of praise in night
Lavish feast to celebrate
Dancing souls 'til light

User Name: blueblackrose
Title of Piece: Night of Praise
On the wind words are whispered
The night song of the goddess
Listen closely my dear
For the unheard melody
Let your heart be filled with harmony

In the gentle night
Fireflies dance across the starry sky
Flowers sway to and fro
To the music carried by the wind
In honor of the goddess

Laughter can be heard
As well as happy chatter
Excited as the feast finally begins
All falls silent and glasses are raised
‘Praise be to the goddess

User Name: Ferra
Title of Piece: Glory to the Goddesses
Glory to the goddesses who grace our nightly skies
Song enchants our ears
Dance delights our eyes
No man shall know hunger
If Feast is who they choose
But be wise in your allegiance
For you must pay your dues

Glory to our goddesses, we offer them a prayer
As a token of our praise
We give the stars we can spare
But be careful not to squander
The stars you must give
For their guardian is hungry
Pay him if you want to live

Oh Starry Night!

Write a poem (or set of lyrics) praising the Night Sky. Don't the stars just inspire your soul?

Oh Starry Night EntriesX

User Name: Gemini
Title of Piece: ~Flying Under the Stars~
My greatest dream has always been
To fly under the stars
To feel the lovely night time wind
look down at houses,trees and cars

A dream so lovely,bright and real
That starry night so clear
Moonbeams caress my arms,the feel
A thing I hold so dear

Every night as I look up
Into that velvet sky
I dream that if I only jump
I would take off and fly

To wish upon that star up there
A wish so pure and true
Brings my heart to a place where
Imagination shines through

My wish,my dream,
My greatest desire
Stirs in my soul
An infinite fire

User Name: Nephila
Title of Piece: Universe of Peaceful waters

Darkness that is silk and pearl
Moon-rise pulls the tide
The Earth within is held there

User Name: Death_to_the_Reaper
Title of Piece: Stars Play
When the sun goes down, the moon comes up and lights the sky.
When the sun goes down, the moon becomes the signal for the children of the sky.
When the sun goes down, the moon watches over the little lights in the dark night sky.

When the moon comes up, the stars twinkle together as they laugh and play.
When the moon comes up, the stars amuse her with their games as they play.
when the moon comes up, the stars grow tired as they yawn from their playing.

When the sun comes up, the moon smiles at the stars as they fade away.
When the sun comes up, the moon closes her eye before floating away.
When the sun comes up, the sun smiles brightly as the night fades away.

User Name: Moon Flow
Title of Piece: Under The New Moon

Under The New Moon

The night has just begun
The day fading as we sleep.
Dreaming, thinking, wondering
Why do we feel this way?

We stand to our feet as morning comes
Dreading the day before our eyes.
Wishing for the cold crisp air
And the painted vision above.

No worries of war, fights, or stress filled life
The delights of the cosmos filling the soul.
Knowing somewhere in that endless sky
Our once completed adventure would never end.

Looking to the sky as the sun fades
Shades of bright lights form.
The fog of lost stars color the area above
The streams of life energy reflecting off our lands.

Each night a different view
Through the world so huge.
Know where to look at we just might find
A world you find so new.

User Name: Pa-pancake
Title of Piece: The star so bright

I seek a star, a star so bright
A star who will truly be
Always here to comfort me
My only guiding light

I found a star, a star so bright
It kept a smile on my face
I felt secure in his warm embrace
And when he held me tight

I have a star, a star so bright
I thought that it would stay
The star has gone so far away
I lost my source of might

I lost that star, that star so bright
To it, I could not hold on
I keep thinking what went wrong
And if things would be alright...

The star has gone, that star so bright,
I'm feeling really down
My head is spinning round & round
The sky is dark tonight...

User Name: Whisper Invictus
Title of Piece: You are My Night Sky
Like Dreams
Threaded across this Starry Sky
You will Always find
My twinkling eyes

Star crossed
Lovers of a Different Kind
The Moon and Brightest Star
Dance in Our Minds

Night Sky
Darker than your Brown Eyes
Unique with every twinkle
You will always be
The Brightest Star!

User Name: Jezriel
Title of Piece: Haiku for the Star Eater
Catching Flaming Stars
Falling like leaves of fire
Of what do they taste?

User Name: Linnea
Title of Piece: untitled
There once was a star from Nantucket
Who carried a star dust filled bucket
One night he got drunk
Then sprayed by a skunk
And now he resides in Pawtucket

User Name: Woodlandnymph
Title of Piece: The Dance
In a wide dark field, on a cold clear night,
The stars come out to play.
Dancing and swirling light,
Cascade across the Milky Way.

Venus joins the evening star
To jig above the trees
The moon watches on from a far
Quite full and very pleased.

And I sit out to watch them there
While the wind it plays and whips my hair
Upwards, as if to bring me near
To join their dance in the atmosphere.

blessing from above

Enraptured by your sight
as you dance throughout the night.
Amongs a darkened sky, you twinkle way up high,

your illuminance lights our way,
When off our paths we sometimes stray.

Lovers gaze up in wonder at the beauty you create.
And dreamers dream in color at the images you make

How I wish to be among you, lighting up the night sky
and dancing with the Goddesses as the world below us sighs.

You never cease to amaze me, no matter how old I get.
I can look up in amazement and wonder and think
Wow we are truly blessed.

Belt it Out!

Submit a video of yourself singing. Go ahead, exercise those vocal cords and show us what you're made of!
(Your song may be any theme or genre that you choose.)

Belt it Out EntriesX

User Name: Gemini
Link to Video:
Title of Music: You Are My Sunshine

User Name: Moon Flow
Title of Piece: The Pale Sands of the Sleeping Stars

NOTE: The video's audio messes up a couple times, so if you're watching be aware, i took this video like 20 times and this was the best one out of them all quality wise, have fun watching!

User Name:GwenaHikari
Link to Video:Menewsha contest Entry - YouTube
Title of Music:Dancing with Angels

User Name: R a n d e h
Link to Video:
Title of Music: The Great Celes Paradi Event!

User Name: The_Crow
Link to Video:
Title of Music: Vale Decem

Last edited by Knerd; 10-07-2012 at 05:02 PM..

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-17-2012, 05:33 PM

General Rules

- You may submit only one entry per category. You may enter all categories.

- Poems and lyrics may be submitted in any style that you like. Haiku, free verse, limericks, sonnets and all others are welcome!

- You must post your submission in this thread, using the entry form.

- The deadline for entries is at the end of the event. Any submissions after the forum closes will not be accepted.

- Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any plagiarized entries will bar you from this contest and earn you an infraction.

- Respect all entries and follow Menewsha Rules and T.O.S. at all times.

Video Rules

- All videos must begin with a shot of the singer holding a sign that shows both their username and 'Menewsha'.

- All videos must be between 30 seconds and 4 minutes long.

- All videos must be uploaded to an online public host, such as YouTube or GoodVideos.

- All videos must be of an appropriate maturity level. Music may not be used if it contains a Parental Advisory Warning or contains explicit lyrics. An exception will only be made it the profanity is bleeped out. If you are unsure of whether your video is too mature for the contest, drop me a pm.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-17-2012, 05:33 PM

Entry Forms

Entry Form for Ye Goddesses:

[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][b][color="RoyalBlue"]Ye Goddesses!
[b]User Name:[/b]
[b]Title of Piece:[/b]

Entry Form for Oh Starry Night:

[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][b][color="RoyalBlue"]Oh Starry Night!
[b]User Name:[/b]
[b]Title of Piece:[/b]

Entry Form for Belt it Out:

[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][b][color="DarkOrchid"]Belt it Out!
[b]User Name:[/b]
[b]Link to Video:[/b]
[b]Title of Music:[/b]

All entries must be posted within the thread.
Do not pm your entry form to Knerd.
A private message is only necessary if you have posted your entry, but it has not appeared on the list above.

Last edited by Knerd; 09-17-2012 at 05:37 PM..

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-17-2012, 05:34 PM


How do I upload my video?
There are many free video hosting sites online. Simply pick out your favorite and follow their instructions. Just be sure to set the video to 'public'!

Save the "Direct Link" and post that in your entry form.

What sites can I use?

YouTube is the most popular hosting site. Create your own account and then upload to your heart's content.
Google Video also allows you to upload clips for free, as long as you sign up for a Google Account.

If you don't want to sign up for anything, then TinyPic might be your best choice. Uploading is quick and painless, although you can't go back to the site and access the material later on. Save the url when you can!

I don't own a camcorder, what can I do?
If you do not own your own video camera, ask family and friends if you can borrow one. Someone may be feeling generous. Cameras can even be rented from electronics stores. Leasing a camcorder for a few hours can be very inexpensive and will get the job done.

If that isn't an option, perhaps you have access to other recording devices: Webcams can work just as well, even if the picture is rather fuzzy. Some digital cameras and cell phones have video modes that can record for 30 - 60 seconds, which is just enough time to sing your heart out.

I hate my first submission! Can I make another?
No, there is only one entry per person. If you have already submitted a video, that is the one that will be judged.

Can I enter all the categories?

Yes, you may submit one entry per category.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 07:53 PM


There will be a first, second and third prize for each category!
Additional prizes may be added if we get enough entries and participation.
Users who go above and beyond may even get a little something extra.

First: 5,000g + 1 EI set
Second: 3,000g + 2 event commons of choice
Third: 1,500g + 1 event common of choice

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Old 09-23-2012, 10:49 PM

Woot!! <3

We can post now, right?

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-23-2012, 10:55 PM


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Old 09-23-2012, 10:56 PM

Huzzah!! Then I stole the first, non threadmaker post!! <33

*huggles* How're you??

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-23-2012, 11:43 PM

Doing awesome! I'm really excited to hear some of you guys sing.

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Old 09-23-2012, 11:44 PM

lol. I might not sing. D: I dun have a good voice.

Harley Q
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Harley Q is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:10 AM

Sorry, just to make sure I'm understanding this: does the song for the video entry have to be one written by the user?

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Old 09-24-2012, 12:12 AM

I think it can be any song. So long as you're singing it?

Harley Q
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Old 09-24-2012, 12:15 AM

I figured I should ask just to make sure. I'm really tempted to enter something, even though I'm nervous about singing. ^^

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Old 09-24-2012, 12:16 AM

You can do it. <3

Harley Q
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Harley Q is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:36 AM

That's very nice of you to say. Thank you. :]

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 12:57 AM

Originally Posted by Harley Q View Post
Sorry, just to make sure I'm understanding this: does the song for the video entry have to be one written by the user?
No, you don't have to write the song yourself. As long as the lyrics are clean and it fits into the time limit, you can choose any song you want.

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Old 09-24-2012, 12:58 AM

Any time. :)

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 01:44 AM

I would torture anyone with my singing *cough* but I can't wait to come up with some poems!

\ (•◡•) /
Superstition is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 01:49 AM

Um, I may try my hand at the lyrics but I don't think I'm brave enough to post a video of me singing....

Gemini is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 01:50 AM

I...I want to enter a video...but I'm nervous...*deep breath* I'll never know unless i try,right? and...even if I try and fail,at least I tried! yes,I'm going to record a video now!

\ (•◡•) /
Superstition is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 01:55 AM

Go Gemini!!! *hides under the table*

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Old 09-24-2012, 02:01 AM

I don't know how to put up a video lol

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 09-24-2012, 02:10 AM

Most webcams come with video programs, Ascadellia, so it's just a matter of saving the video and then following website instructions on how to upload it. There are even two good hosting sites linked in the FAQ here.

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Old 09-24-2012, 02:17 AM

Webcam.. >.<; My webcam sucks. >.>; But yeah, I'll see about it. owo;


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